HomeMy WebLinkAboutStrategic Minutes 06-14-2010BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISIONERS
Date: June 14, 2010 Convened: 1:30 p.m.
Adjourned: 5:00 p.m.
Commissioners Present: Chairman, Charles Grande, Dough Coward, Chris Craft, Chris
Dzadovsky, Paula A. Lewis
Others Present: Faye Outlaw, County Administrator, Lee Ann Lowery, Asst. County Administrator,
Marie Gouin, OMB Director, Millie Delgado-Feliciano, Deputy Clerk, Lucero Carrillo, Deputy Clerk
Opening remarks were made by the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners.
The County Administrator recapped the structure from the various nonprofit Organizations that
the County has been funding in the operating budget, and included two agencies that were in
consideration. She also made an amendment to the agenda in terms of the order such as seven
non-profit agencies that are in the operating budget.
Adrienne Gahan, Director of Services of The Arc of Saint Lucie County a nonprofit agency that
provides an array of services to the developmentally disabled citizens in the community,
addressed the Board regarding their request for the FY10/11 budget. They are requesting a
match for $65,554 that will be used to continue an after school and summer day care program
for developmentally disabled children, and for a wheel chair accessible vehicle.
Com. Coward asked the organization what they will be providing with that request. The
Director of Services of the Arc of Saint Lucie County stated that it will assist them with
transportation, and an after school program to elaborate the use of dollars. In other words,
their hours have been expanded from 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.; which provides citizens with pick-
up ordrop-off, when it is a holiday, school is off or spring break. Com. Coward asked how many
people are they currently helping, Ms. Gahan stated they currently assist 69 people.
Darrell Drummond, President/CEO from Council on Aging of Saint Lucie, Inc/Community Transit
requested two major grants a Federal and a State grant. He stated the Older Americans Act will
keep assisting seniors who are not at risk for nursing home placement. It keeps them in a home,
and to stay independent. The CCEO Community Care for the elderly is the State gate keeper
program and the grant is for $500,000 and $50,000 is the local match. Those services are in
order to provide case management and limited services as well as personal care in a home from
a nursing care placement. Those programs are combined and work with Medicaid where they
currently have up to 300 clients in that program. Community health for the elderly has about
250 clients, and the Older American Act has about 300 all combined. Part of the mission is to
keep seniors from being placed too early in long term health care. The dollars they provide
allows them assist with the cost in Medicaid's in the nursing homes. They have about 2500
clients a year, but 600 case managed clients.
Com. Grande stated how it relates to what they are asking for in the prior year. The same
amounts in the prior used a 10% match.
Com. Coward stated that all these are Saint Lucie Clients and DCFR is a nursing home cost.
Com. Dzadovsky stated if the seniors are deemed by the state, then they are Medicaid
Com. Coward questioned if 20,000 clients benefit from the organization.
Ms. Susan K. Buza, Executive Director from 2-1-1 Helpline, addressed the Board and requested
funding for FY 10/11 of $17,500. Last year they responded to 16,839 calls. In their budget they
have about 1 or 2 percent increase for individuals who are making under $30,000 in their
organization. They have also cut raises to anyone making over $40,000; this year is over
$30,000. They also have made cuts by looking at the benefits as it relates to pensions and
healthcare. She stated they must look at their financial conditions.
Com. Dzavosky addressed what was the contributing value from other counties? The Executive
Director stated that $140,000 was provided from Palm Beach County, $10,500 from Martin
County, and currently they do not get a contribution from Indian River County.
Com. Dzavosky stated how does that breakup in percentage of funding by counties?
The Executive Director was unable to provide that information, but stated she would provide
further information later.
Com. Dzavosky asked why Indian River County is not a participant.
The Executive Director stated that Indian River County was not participating. In other words,
they get funds from a local foundation and from United Way. They are also working with the
government to help them understand to get to know what they provide. In addition, 2-1-1
Helpline provides the same number of services in Indian River County. They get their funding
from the Florida Department of Children and Families to provide other services at Indian River
and Okeechobee County.
Com. Grande questioned how does the level of funding in Saint Lucie County for this year
compare from last year's funding?
The Executive Director stated that "it is Level funding".
Ms. Sylvie Marceau, CEO from Healthy Start Coalition of St. Lucie County, the program provides
prenatal care for women who are not eligible for services through any other program. They
requested for FY10/11 a total of $51,840 funding. Ms. Marceau stated that they managed
contracts at no charge to the counties. They have lost half a million dollars and three sources
from the state and federal levels. She stated that this community has 14% mortality rate; they
actually made an improvement until 2005 which was due to the state funding from the
Department of Health.
Mr. John Romano, President/CEO from New Horizons of the Treasure Coast, Inc requested a
funding match for FY 10/11 of $43,200. They have given the staff two percent raises over the
last three years. The raises if earned offset health care cost.
Com. Dzavosky asked whether other counties are participating and which counties have used
the most sources?
Mr. Romano stated that other counties are participating and they served over 5068 clients.
Com. Dzavosky asked were the savings through the County? Mr. Romano was unable to
Ms. Christine Epps, Executive Director of the Roundtable of Saint Lucie County, Inc. requested
funding for FY10/11 of $43,200. She advised the Board that in order to maintain a structure, as
a result the strength of collaboration they reduced all the outcomes. They have moved to find
sources from outside organizations. Due to the structure, the grants that they have been
receiving have increased.
Ms. Louise Hubbard, Executive Director of the Treasure Coast Homeless Services Council, Inc
requested funding for FY10/11 at $22,500. The agency has a responsibility for coordinating
service delivery and managing efficiency among over 65 providers on the Treasure Coast.
Ms. Hubbard stated they have cases such us people that are foreclosing or losing their homes.
They have stepped forward to collect federal stimulus dollars. This year their total was $5.7
million that they secured from state and federal government and are attempting to secure
funding. They were the only qualifying agency in the three county areas to accept both
stimulus dollars. Right now they fund 1 and %2 staff, starting in July 1St they will be funding two
full-time staff in community services in order to support homeless prevention, which allows
them for re-housing or to prevent them from foreclosures.
They previously went to a foundation to find enough money to pay for a person. The homeless
prevention stimulus dollars in Saint Lucie County has been allocated $300,000. So far they have
spent $150,000 from September until June 13, 2010. The Saint Lucie County effort has
prevented and modified 22, they mortgaged 14. Their primary budget is funded through seven
foundations, and the federal dollars. In addition, they have not had any raises and half of her
staff is either funded by a foundation, federal or state funds.
The Executive Director stated they used funding for leverage and also provided direct services
with that dollar. Annually, approximately $1,000 to $1,100 goes to Saint Lucie County residents
who receive some form of financial or housing assistance through their efforts.
Com. Dzadovsky asked, if the information that Louise Hubbard, Executive Director gathered had
been collected and provided from the Census, since that that is a larger area from where the
money needs to go?
The Executive Director stated that the Census does not really count people as homeless. She
also mentioned that she traveled for major training to include that in Washington.
Com. Dzadovsky stated that every year they find a lot of homeless people that are Veterans.
Chairman Grande stated that those families that are homeless who did not return the census
form will not be counted.
The Executive Director stated right now the largest percentage of people are the ones that are
unemployed who have lost their jobs or unemployment benefits, and are on the street.
Com. Dzadovsky stated a letter should be drafted to the legislation just to make them aware of
everything that it is going on nationwide.
The County Administrator stated that at this point if the board does consider funding the
nonprofit agencies from the County's operating budget, the proposal before the board differs
for these agencies than it does for the remaining two.
The County Administrator stated what is proposed for the board's consideration is to remove
the funding from the nonprofit agencies out of their operating budget, and to fund them out of
fund balance dollars at level funding for FY11, and to designate level funding for those agencies
from access fees that will be returned to the board this fiscal year for FY12 funding. The board
will have at least one year advance notice to provide to the nonprofit agencies or to determine
what they want to put back in the operating budget. The operating budget is where they have
the major deficit for FY12, and there are many options. The board may consider this at this
point, to retain them in the operating budget at level funding as they are now, or to reduce that
The County Administrator stated she would like the Board to consider staff recommendation
based on the full balance.
Com. Grande stated that before they move on if Court Administration would give the pros and
cons of keeping them in the operating budget as oppose moving them into the full balance.
The County Administrator advised Chairman Grande that he is accurate in terms of the
transparency to the agencies which will retain their funding at level funding from fund balance
plus the benefit to the county. In other words, it will help them reduce the operating budget by
the million dollars that they include in the operational side for the agencies.
The County Administrator stated that the major goal as to what they are going through and
what they are preparing the county financially for FY12 is to reduce the operating budget. She
also stated they need to reduce the operating budget by 56 million by either reducing the
expenditures or by increasing revenues. It will benefit the county by reducing the operating
budget by a million dollars, and yet retain the nonprofit agencies funding and services that they
provide by doing it through fund balance dollars.
Chairman Grande stated that the continuation of that effort once they get to FY12 they will not
have balance dollars. That means that the funding will go away, in other words it's a question
of when, and at that point they will have to make a decision in the operating budget by
increasing it at the right time or just not fund those agencies.
The County Administrator stated that the proposed structure is that they would pull them out
for FY11; they also have funding dollars that they are accumulating, and will designate if the
board agrees for FY11. At the end of this fiscal year they will have access fees returned to the
board, so they will take a million dollars to excess fees and designated for fund balances for the
nonprofit in FY12. At the same time they will be a year ahead of when they would have to
make that decision on not having a fund balance. It also gives the agencies and the community
a year to prepare when they get to that point where there is no longer fund balance money to
continue to fund them.
Com. Coward stated the fact that one of the other benefits in the operating budget to the
county is that they have a 15% reserve based on a number. By pulling other agencies there are
issues that reduce the reserves by $150,000.
Com. Craft questioned if the main reason why that number is high is because they have so
many different things to extend?
Chairman Grande stated that there was a clear $150,000 dollars one time reduction that will
come to reserve requirements.
Com. Craft stated that if the operating budget is reduced in the standard of 15% then their
reserve would be less, but it will be one time.
Com. Craft did support the recommendation by the County Administrator to use these fund
balances. He also suggested that they should try to the best of their ability to pair the
operating budget to the absolute necessities, and the things that they are mandated to fund
anything beyond that. In other words, to identify other revenue streams to help them.
Chairman Grande asked if anyone has any problem with making those changes.
Com. Dzadovsky stated that he had a concern that it will fail and he does not want the
community to fail since they have removed many spokes from the community.
Com. Lewis stated that over the years when the government was small this county used to fund
Abbiejean Russell which was a nursing home, and the debt services. She stated she
understands the clearing of the budget and the need to know what the actual operating costs
are. She concurred that it will help for emergency reserves as far as the percentage. She also
expressed concern with the unattended consequences of what Com. Dzadovsky said such as if
they look at the amounts of money that the matches bring into this community.
Com. Lewis stated she learned the first budget cycle with the county eliminating the efficiencies
so that it is easy to see, but there will be things that will follow by the weigh side which in a way
will end up costing them more in the long run. She stated that if they give up on New Horizons
funding that match, she wonders what it is going to do to the jail. In other words, if they start
funding Healthy Start they will go back paying retail rates services. She also stated the fact that
when they are putting all a side and they are giving everyone a year's notice it may have heavy
duty consequences. At the same time, it will not help the operating budget at all. She
understands that it makes the budget easier to understand, but these were done based on
transportation or health care, homeless services. Right now they are asking for $22,500 dollars
match for $765,000. She is concerned about taking this out of the budget at this point.
Com. Coward stated what Com. Lewis and staff are talking about is retaining the current level
so it is more about accounting rather than the substance of the program and the worthiness.
He stated that they are not trying to cut the programs but are retaining the funding level at the
beginning of the operating budget level. In two or three years if the situation is there and there
are no funds, it will then be the board's responsibility to make those difficult decisions as to
whether there is an increase, and if they will provide additional funding for further programs or
reduction. He also stated that's not a decision that has to be made today. He stated that what
they are being asked is to change the way the dollars are counted for at least two fiscal years.
County Administrator concurred with Com. Coward's comments.
Com. Dzadovsky stated they could move forward with staff recommendation but requested
creating a notation in the line of the budget so that whoever is here three years out is aware of
the decision made. In addition it is not the intention of the board to stop funding necessary
The County Administrator stated there is a record of this discussion which will be revisited on
an annual basis to know what the policy of intent of the board is.
Com. Coward stated they should construct a writing policy to ensure future boards.
Chairman Grande stated that from a financial perspective they probably saved $150,000 dollars
of potential reserved allegation if they make this booking change at this point in time. Going
forward, they would have two years assuming that their balance goes as they projected and
there is no major change in the appraised value at the end of this calendar year from what they
anticipate at this point. They would also have the two years for any alternative sources that
they might have not come up with.
Com. Lewis stated these points are very real and the board needs to keep that in mind the
policy and move forward with the change.
The County Administrator stated that at this point they will continue with the remaining two
agencies as indicated in the consideration by the board with the nonprofits. The Agency, The
Image of Christ has not been a nonprofit group funded by the board. This agency has been
funded by a way of a grant opportunity that came to the attention of the board last year about
midway through the fiscal year. Because of the potential grant funds the agency would be able
to fund the $20,000 dollars which the board did fund one time through the Health Department.
At that time it did not appear clear to the board and the members of the staff granted a match,
and also had a three year requirement. She suggested that the board should have some
discussion whether they want to consider a second or third year requirement to retain that
grant within the county. She stated that the funding has been included in the parks and
recreation department's budget has been proposed to be eliminated. It has been discussed
with the board, but perhaps looking at the funding for Special Olympics program similar to what
they do with nonprofits, that is why they were included in the session.
Ms. Hazel Hoylman, Executive Director from "In the Image of Christ," Inc a nonprofit
organization, addressed the Board and stated they provide HIV education services and last year
they received a grant for a total of $120,000. They exceeded their deliverable and was advised
that the grant was going to be renewed starting back again on July 1. She stated that has come
here requesting a match in the amount of $40,000 dollars. The funds are for $20,000 in cash
dollars and $20,000 dollars for in kind services to retain the $120,000 dollars. The closing gap is
a prevention that deals with HIV Aids Education and Prevention. Furthermore, HIV Prevention
will educate their Pastors as well as the entire community regarding HIV. They also train
members to talk about HIV and Aids where people actually get tested.
Com. Coward asked what private entities they have reached out in order to fund this program.
For instance, there is a great benefit to Lawnwood knowing what the Aids and HIV population
is. They should be helping them to identify the problem because it has helped them reduce
some of their cost. He also stated they should be in partner with them.
The Executive Director stated that they are in partner with them by the African American Test
Initiative. They have people that are located in the hospital, and once again the prevention that
they do provide is the fact that it lowers anyone from someone getting some type of disease if
they use those measures.
Com. Coward asked if they help them run this program.
The Executive Director stated that they do not.
Ms. Diana Mitchell, Special Olympics County Coordinator stated that this is a representation of
their county and it is very important.
Mr. King stated that Saint Lucie County has other programs that are run by volunteers and have
fewer athletes than what they currently have. The value of the community is what makes them
more important.
He advised the Board that the Special Olympics are for people with developed disabilities and
maintain social relationships and it develops leadership skills. Last year $17,000 dollars was for
a present Christmas Party that they all received. For some athletes this is the only thing they
have, in fact they all live in group homes. They also provided qualified chaperones; they make
sure that they run backgrounds, and are trained. They deal with unique people that have
unique personalities for their children. It gives them the chance to travel and leave Saint Lucie
County and go do other things. Last year Saint Lucie County gave them almost $44,000 dollars
plus a budget. This time they are only asking $32,178 dollars, which is 25% less; they are asking
to pay Diana's salary for another year. It will be very hard for them to identify dollars to come
in less than four months; they eventually do not know what they would do without that.
Ms. Mitchell and Mr. King estimated what it would actually cost them to get rid of the program.
Mr. King stated that they are asking for facilities for five sport practices. They do understand
they may have to pay for some events. Some of the in-kind donations that they have identified
bring in to their program over $51,000 dollars worth of in-kind services. The next thing is they
have broken down by people the number volunteers which comes up to 2,184 hours of
volunteer time that does not include when they have area or county games or even the
volunteer goes for a state game, those are only hours that people volunteer and make a
commitment. If they don't have the program they lose all of that. In addition, that equate over
$45,000 dollars in money was brought in to the program.
Last year Ms. Mitchell and Mr. King sent 100 people to the state games for the different all year
events. The state pays for the rooms and food, $178 dollars per person which comes up with a
total of $17,800 dollars. Last year the board paid Ms. Mitchell's salary plus her benefits, and
what they have identified is that $11,500 will be give to the Board and to pay for Ms. Mitchell's
benefits; basically they need 25% to give so they can keep Ms. Mitchell and the Special
Olympics Saint Lucie County going. They have requested from the county $32,000 dollars.
The County Administrator stated that at this point they have two different situations with the
Image of Christ and the consideration of the board was for continuation of a $20,000 dollar
match to leverage the grant for the upcoming fiscal year.
For Special Olympics the recommendation from staff was to remove that program out of the
operating budget for fiscal 2011, and as an alternative they are recommending that the board
consider funding for Special Olympics. Supporting the services use of equipment, and the usage
of space.
Chairman Grande stated that they have the following funds for next year.
Com. Lewis, asked if Fort Pierce participated last year?
Chairman Grande approved the consensus and recommended decision.
The County Administrator addressed the fund balance budget summary sustainable and better
understanding balance report. She stated the board has to face the potential upcoming staff
layoffs. The county has three distinct money dollars. They have one pot of money which is tied
in the fund balance report. She is working with the staff on the investment report and the
Capital full balance report FY10-/11. In FY10 for the current fiscal year, major funds and non
major funds total 52 budget expenditures in an amount of $172.5 million. The incoming
revenues are $115.7 million for incoming expenditures and revenues. The gap is estimated at
This year, the major budget is $56,789,523. With that in mind, FY11 starts in October 15t and
projecting expenditures will be reduced with no further action from the board to $156.6 million
revenues which take into account the projection. At that time, with the Property Appraiser
projected an 11% decrease, things have changed and numbers have not been adjusted because
this was presented in November 09. The incoming revenue was projected to be $104.5 million
that left a gap between the incoming expenditures of $51,968,983 million. They have projected
to have more fund balance for FY11.
The county has 56 individual governmental funds, 50 of those funds are restricted non-major
funds. They are considered non-major funds and net and are at least 10% of the total assets of
the county's, liabilities, revenues, or expenditures. Some of the examples include are as
follows: debt service funds, parks, cannot be use for operational expenses, Airport, and Erosion.
Restricted major funds meet 10% for transportation trust, sale tax bond revenue bond, South
Hutchison Island Special assessment bond, and the Capital transportation bond. 54 individual
governmental funds are legally restricted to certain uses that the board legally cannot use these
for any other purpose and those legally mandated uses. It also includes two major funds the
general fund and fine and forfeiture fund.
Bylaw, under Florida Statue 218.39, it requires having annual audits of the County's funds and
to have a complete set of financial statements published within one year of the end of the fiscal
year. Under Florida Statue 129.02b the County is required to adopt a balance budget that
cannot engage in deficit spending where all sources must balance. The fund balance includes
two distinct components one portion is relatively small by way of comparison for non-cash
items, which is not money in the bank. The balance that they carry is money in the bank which
is money that was unspent in one year that has to be utilized. The money has to stay with each
fund from which it has been generated. In the Mid-September it was adopted and included in
this year's estimate. March 26th included a fund balance report for end of fiscal year. The
board had $240,088,180 among all funds.
In May the OMB staff brought a budget amendment to reflect the total amount of total balance
to project the total numbers. The general source of the property of taxes and the total balance
for fiscal year ending in 2009 was $240,088,180 dollars. The fund balance is a non spendable
and 50 of those are restricted non major funds. Four are restricted for $37.1 million in fund
balance and 54 totaled $123.6 million dollars. The $2.3 million is in this year's budget which
starts October 1St. The county has had 13 sub funds; $56,789,523 was one time money in this
year's budget and this leaves a balance of $37,830,330 that the board has in the bank today.
FY11 budget is $37.5 million and it is projected that they would have .261% towards FY11. The
emergency reserve is designated and they do not have a separate budget, they are one in the
The county has the $240,088,180 dollars down to $160,422. The $86.5 million dollars are
restricted, which gives a total of 50% for legal restricted uses. In this year's budget, the
remainder is for the board to utilize which begins October 1St ($37,830,330 dollars). During this
budget year they have had certain personnel and a number of vacant positions calculated to
have the fund balance reducing expenditures.
County Administrator stated that there will be a session on June 21St held at EOC in the morning
to focus on law enforcement. The board will be having discussions on the funds projected
deficits, and the limited options on what the board can decide. At the last session there will be
several questions and further discussion on the approach of the jail.
The County Administrator stated they have not included the nonprofit agencies for reviews
There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned.