HomeMy WebLinkAboutInformal Minutes 01-26-2010BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS
Date: January 26, 2010 Convened: 1:30 p.m.
Adjourned: 4:07 p.m.
Commissioners Present: Chairperson, Charles Grande, Paula Lewis, Doug Coward, Chris
Dzadovsky, Chris Craft
Others Present: Faye Outlaw, County Administrator, Lee Ann Lowery, Asst. County
Administrator, Dan McIntyre, County Attorney, ,Marie Gouin, OMB Director, Don West, Public
Works Director, Mark Satterlee, Growth Management Director,Millie Delgado-Feliciano,
Deputy Clerk
The County Attorney presented a draft of the interlocal agreement and would like to give the
Board time to comment and send the revised language to TCERDA and, then have TCERDA
forward it to the City of Fort Pierce.
He stated there would be a deferral of at least ten years from the date CO is issued for a
specific parcel, on a "parcel to parcel" basis. The city is only requiring the county to sign
annexation papers on county owned parcels that are leased to a tenant.
He asked the board to refer to page two of the agreement and strike "or the entire park" from
the language, since they will be doing it a on a parcel to parcel basis. He further suggested the
removal of paragraph two, last sentence.
Commissioner Grande felt it covered all that needed to be covered without the last sentence.
The County Attorney moved on to the next paragraph dealing with economic development
incentives. The City is also interested in getting a similar commitment from the county. The
language as drafted may be too encompassing. He felt it was important to have a statement
about the County providing economic development in the language.
Commissioner Craft interjected there may be special cases where they may want to make that
Chairman Grande stated he felt it would commit the County to what the City will want to do.
Commissioner's Craft and Coward were comfortable with the language and felt this would be a
good compromise.
Commissioner Craft questioned the board on the state's laws on annexation.
The County Attorney responded by stating this was just an interlocal service agreement and
concerns about the state laws were not the issue at this juncture. He further suggested adding
language that states; that nothing in this agreement is intended to replace requirements of
state laws.
Chairman, Grande would prefer the BOCC send the draft to the City first. Mr. DeVries,
representative of TCERDA concurred with Commissioner Grande's recommendation.
Commissioner Craft commented that the 25th street work project had a change order presented
to BOCC. He'd like to see change orders come forward as needed.
Commissioner Lewis does not believe it is a regular occurrence however, Commissioner Craft
disagrees. Chairman Grande agrees with Commissioner Craft.
Commissioner Dzadovsky would rather see them as they come.
Mike Pauly, County Engineer maintained that the 25th Street Project is not a typical project.
Commissioner Craft sited an instance regarding a change order from Dickerson for one year
before it was brought forward and this is what he was alluding to.
The County Administrator, noted they do not hold back on change orders since she took over
the position.
Tentative schedule set for July. The Board was asked to have their aids review their calendars
for availability. The Budget kick off was moved to the middle of February, and Budget reviews
for the first week. The BOCC schedule remains the same.
Commissioner Dzadovsky maintains the position that there are many non-profit agencies within
the county and the city as well, he believes whatever agreement is made that he would urge
the Board to foster cooperation by the non profits and work together collectively to manage
and maintain the facility and pay for it.
The County Administrator advised the Board that during a recent discussion with the City
Manager, the city showed interest in obtaining the park and building across the street.
Chairman Grande stated he had no problem with turning it over to city but, maintaining the
facility because the county owns it.
Dan McIntyre recommended adding recreational use for non-profits in the language and
transferring of land and building.
Commissioner Coward would like a natural area to be retained for passive recreation use.
Chris Craft stated that because it was a city project, we can ask them to preserve it.
Dan McIntyre mentioned the Black Pearl Boat Ramp was a similar situation. The boat ramp is
not owned by the county but is maintained by the county. We do not have a lease or a use
agreement. The County owns the surrounding area, however is maintaining the boat ramp
and rest room. If we are maintaining it, we need some type of a lease agreement or own the
boat ramp.
Faye would like to have opportunity to speak to Mr. Recor, City Manager of Fort Pierce to see
where he is stands on this issue and will come back to the board for direction.
Commissioner Dzadovsky expressed concern over losing the boat ramp.