HomeMy WebLinkAboutBudget Minutes 10-02-2009BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA BUDGET WORKSESSION CONTINUATION Date: October 2, 2009 Convened: 11:10 a.m. Adjourned: 2:23 p.m. Commissioners Present: Chairperson, Paula A. Lewis, Charles Grande, Chris Dzadovsky, Chris Craft, Doug Coward Others Present: Faye Outlaw, County Administrator, Lee Ann Lowery, Asst. County Administrator, Dan McIntyre, County Attorney, Marie Gouin, OMB/Purchasing Director, Millie Delgado-Feliciano, Deputy Clerk The County Administrator stated today we are at the start of a new fiscal year. The County Administrator gave a re-cap of the discussion previously held. The Property Appraiser advised the Board the projected value decrease is 11.5% as of January 1, 2010 and in 2011 January 1St they are projecting a 5% decrease. They are presently into 9 months of 2010 and he does not see any change in his projection. The Management and Budget Director addressed the Revenue Projection Summary. The County Administrator addressed the point of confusion in policy from the previous discussion. She stated the policy components were for emergency reserves is 1) 5% of operating budget all funds and 2) 5% of general operating budget and this was set into place FY 05/06. She advised the Board that in speaking with the Financial Advisor, Mr. Glubber, he advised the Board not reduce the emergency reserves funding less than the 5% of the operating budget. He believes with the policy in place, and if they were to eliminate the second component and not increase what they leave on account up to the 5°~ threshold it may cause concern with the bond rating and it may cause a lower rating for the county. He recommended if they were to eliminate the second component then they should raise the first component to 5% which is presently at 13.5 million. Com. Coward questioned if they were comfortable with the 5% of the operating budget for reserves. The County Administrator stated she was not comfortable with that amount. There are potential impacts to the general fund in 2010 that she has not discussed with the Board at this time. The County Administrator re-visited the presentation on the fund balance and reviewed the following information. GENERAL/FINE AND FORFEITURE FUNDS 9/30/09 ESTIMATE Estimated Fund Balance as of 9/30/09 $111,271,102 Advanced to Other Funds (5,257,654) Balance 106,013,448 Projects/Operating Carryovers/Grants 0 -1- Emergency Reserves (17,691,624) Balance 88,321,824 Base Fund Balance Amount in Fiscal Year 2009/10 (52,945,821) Total Above Base Fund Balance toward FY 2010/2011 $35,376,003 She advised the Board the $88,321,824 is working fund balance money. This includes $3,843,702 set aside by the Board ($5,613,702-$1,770,000 one-time funding) and $2,021,577 in unallocated savings for FY 2009/10. General /Fine & Forfeiture Fund FY 2010/2011 Projection 20.85% reduction in property value for FY 2009/2010 and no change for FY 2010/2011 Above Base Fund Balance Amount $35,376,003 Base Fund Balance Amount 52,945,821 Revenues 115,451,997 Subtotal 203,773,821 Expenses 154,417,286 Total Ending Fund Balance to Carry to 2010/2011 49,356,535 Projected FY 2010/2011 Revenues 116,274,509 Subtotal 165,631,044 Projected 2010/2011 Expenditures 160,572,118 Ending Fund Balance to Carry to 2011/2012 5,058,926 Does not include subfunds, does not include emergency reserves. Includes $3,843,702 and $2,021,577 in unallocated savings Com. Lewis recommended continued discussions and questions on the fund balance towards the end of the meeting. Enterprise Funds The County Administrator addressed the Enterprise Funds that will have a projected revenue deficit/ fees may not be sufficient to cover expenses Building Code fund- This fiscal year there was a $600,000 deficit. The gap is being covered from reserves. The balance in reserves will be $1,078,316. Going into FY 2010-11 with a $600,000 gap, would leave the reserves at approximately $478,316. Based on this, expenditures must a cut and staff layoffs may not be avoided. Since 2006, building permits dropped by 55%. Operating expenses have been cut by $1.6 million and 36 positions have been eliminated. The County Administrator stated at this time they will be reviewing workloads. They will look to see if there are transfers available due to the loss in workloads, however they have not -2- completed the review. She advised the Board she would do their best to avoid a layoff situation, however there is no guarantee this would not occur. Com. Coward stated he would like input from the outside building industry regarding staffing levels for the department. The County Administrator stated she would welcome their input however, at this point she has not completed the analysis. The County Administrator stated she would like the Board to establish a policy for the building fund reserves. She believes $400,000 is not enough. Water and Sewer District This budget reflects getting an interest only loan in FY 09 to payoff $10,000,000 in existing loans that were used to provide interim financing for the expansion of the water and sewer system. The Board approved a loan to the Water & Sewer District of $400,000 a year, for a minimum of two years, from the County's half-cent sales tax revenue. This advance will bean interfund loan for the District's interest payments. The utility rates were increased during FY 2009. FY 2009-10 revenues are anticipated to be $8,801,725, while expenses are anticipated to be $12,279,999 causing a $3.5 million gap. This gap is being filled by using$3.1 in fund balance forward and $400,000 from the half cent sales tax revenue. The $400,000 interfund loan is planned for FY 2010-11. Tradition Field FY 2009 -10 revenues are anticipated to be $1,838,890, while expenses are anticipated to be $2,557,749 causing a $718,859 gap. This gap is being filled by a subsidy from the General Fund. The General Fund has been subsidizing the operations at Tradition Field since FY 2004. FY 04- $24,274 FY 09- $463,973 FY10- $718,859 Collections of the 2 cent of the Tourist Bed Tax was $973,703 in FY 04. The FY 10 projection is $740,000. The Bed Tax and operating revenues are not sufficient to cover operation and maintenance costs. For FY 2010-11, the general fund subsidy may increase. Com. Coward requested more information on the bed tax generation for the last two years. Mosquito Control FY 2009 -10 property tax revenues were reduced by approximately $900,000. FY 2009-10 revenues are anticipated to be $3,517,815 while expenses are anticipated to e $4,424,979 causing a $900,000 gap. This gap is being filled by using reserves. _~_ The reserves are currently at $2,015,540 and will be used to offset the projected $900,000 gap for FY 2010-11. The gap is expected to increase by approximately $373,274 ($1,273,274 total projected gap) based on a 11.5% drop in property values. Board direction is needed on: Cutting expenses for the District Continuing to use reserves Increasing the millage rate for FY 2010-11 Com. Coward stated he would like to get to what the base reserve should be for this fund and asked if they needed 45% in reserves. He believes 50% reserve of the operating is high. Erosion Control FY 2009/10 property tax revenues were reduced by approximately $400,000 Reserves were used to cover the revenue reduction. FY 2009-10 revenues are anticipated to be $4,755,562 while expenses are anticipated to be $5,367,415 causing a $600,000 gap. This gap is being filled by using reserves. Com. Craft asked if it would possible to shift the millage from Erosion to Mosquito Staff stated they would need to look into this request. The County Attorney stated they could not transfer monies. The reserves are currently at $4,067,423. The gap is expected to increase by approximately $172,444 ($772,444 total projected gap) based on a 11.5% drop in property values. Reserves, per concurrence of the Board, will continue to be used in FY 2010-2011. Parks MSTU/ 2010/11 Property Values Scenarios FY 2010/11 Property value decrease 11.5%, change in property taxes -$431,202 Ft. Pierce's portion of the tax proceeds is projected to run short of their prorated share of the debt service payments for FY 2010-11 by $14,063 and FY 2011-12 by $35,327. These projected gaps could be back filled from the $53,079 expected at the end of the FY 2008/09 and the $42,472 expected at the end of FY 2009-10. Previous Board discussion seemed to support giving any remaining funds, after debt service payment is made to Ft. Pierce. The County Administrator addressed previous discussions held with the prior County Administrator and the city regarding providing the City of Ft. Pierce with a portion of the MSTU if they take over parks within the city. Com. Coward stated he does not believe they will betaking over any neighborhood parks so there is no need to consider giving them surplus dollars since they will not full fill their part of the agreement. He stated he was not advocating an increase in the millage but reminded the Board the voter referendum was approved with an up .25 millage. If they do not provide surplus dollars there would not be a shortfall. The County Administrator stated this was correct. -4° The County Attorney advised the Board of a letter he received in December 08 where they indicated their intention of withdrawing from the interlocal agreement. He will be clarif~,ring this indication. Transit MSTU FY 2010/11 Property Value Decrease if 11.5% change in property taxes would be -$155,293. Reserves were used to fill a gap of approximately $300,000 in FY 2009-10. In addition there may be a $2.1 million shortfall from operations that are currently funded from grants. The County Administrator stated the question to the Board is will they support a) Reduced level of services b) Millage rate increase The Community Services Director stated they have lost 2.1 million dollars for operations due to loss of grants. They are still working with FDOT to get more dollars for the north/south connector. They may have to do away with the St. Lucie West Trolley due to loss in ridership. They project having a deficit of 155,293 for 2010/11. Staff is concerned the state may not approve the funding for connector route from US #1 in Ft. Pierce to Martin County. The state is very adamant about having a regional transit. Com. Diadovsky stated he believed the Council on Aging will come before the Board to request an increase in the millage rate. They are very concerned about this issue and the fact many people may be losing their cars due to the economy and depend on the public transportation . 2010/11 Property Values Scenarios- Unincorporated Services MSTU FY 2010/11 Property Values Decrease if 9% the change in property taxes would be -$259,855 This fund has minimal reserves. This would impact Growth Management, Animal Control, Environmental Regulations, Code compliance and Economic Development Unincorporated Services MSTU In FY 2009-10, the Board shifted the millage from the Unincorporated MSTU to the Law Enforcement MSTU to cover a $160,000 gap. This gap was covered by eliminating one-time project funding in Growth Management. For FY 2010-11, the total estimated gap is $420,000 ($260,000+ $160,000). Will the Board support reduced level of services or a millage rate increase? 2010/11 Property Value Scenarios Stormwater MSTU FY 2010-11 property value decrease if at 9% the change in property taxes would be -$280,679 Reserves are currently at $3,062,633. Reducing the reserves may affect future project and matching funds for future grants. 201011 Property Values Scenarios Law Enforcement MSTU FY 2010/11 Property Value Decrease if 9% the change in property taxes would be -$221,648. -5- Funds 27% of the Sheriff's road patrol expenses. This fund has no reserves. For FY 2009-10 a millage increase would have been required. The Board negated the increase by shifting the millage from the Unincorporated MSTU to the Law Enforcement MSTU. It is not likely the projected gap can be covered from the Unincorporated MSTU for FY 2010-11. Law Enforcement MSTU-will Board support reduced level of service or millage rate increase? Street Lighting Districts- due to property value decreases in FY 2009/10 and reduced reserves, 15 of 17 districts required millage rate increases to cover utilities payments in FY 10. Based on a 11.5% projection for property value decreases in FY2010/11, deficits are anticipated in all 17 districts Board direction is needed on exploring an assessment or consideration of millage increase for FY 2010/11. The Board discussed a possible MSBU opposed to an MSTU. The County Attorney advised the Board this would need to be done by January and we need to get the consent of the City of Ft. Pierce. The County cannot levy within the city without their permission. 2010/11 Property Values Scenarios-Street Lighting Districts FY 2010/11 Property Value Decrease if 11.5 % the change in property taxes would be -$15,281. 2010/11 Property Value Scenarios-Debt Service Funds FY 2010/11 if 11.5 % Property Value Decrease, the change in property taxes would be - $115,582. This includes Environmental Land Bonds 634,360 and Port Property Bonds 470,983. The Port Property Bond Fund should have sufficient reserves to cover the property value reduction. The Environmental Land Bonds will probably require a millage rate increase to cover the debt service payments. The current millage rate is 0.0459. The bond referendum allows for % mill. The millage rate increase would be for one year as this debt matures in 2011. Employee Pay Board practice includes October COLA increases for employees. Since 2006, the Board also approved mid-year April 1St increases for employees. Because of budget constraints, the Board put a freeze on pay increases. Employees have not received pay increases since the April 2008 mid- year increase. The Constitutional Officers employee pay increases are usually mirrored after BOCC employees. Board discussion is needed on employee pay increases for FY 2010/11. The County Administrator stated there is no cost of living increase incorporated in the budget. She would like to know conceptually where the Board intends to go for 2010/11. She would like to bring in a cost of living increase. -6- The Property Appraiser addressed this issue with the Board and stated he was concerned with the issue of continuing to do nothing for employees. He believes you can only hold that so long until you start having a detrimental effect on the department. He reminded the Board the Constitutional Officers do not have reserves in case of emergencies. The Sheriff's Department Finance Director stated they had not had a cola increase since April. Com. Coward stated he appreciates what everyone is doing however, he felt it was not an economic reality to give pay increases and he could not entertain this idea in good conscience. They are trying to find a way to reduce their costs without reducing services. Com. Craft and Com. Grande concurred with Com. Coward. Com. Dzadovsky concurred and stated he believed they would receive a back lash from the public. Com. Lewis stated she would prefer to look at the figures next year before deciding. There may be a possibility things could be picking up and then they may be able to consider the situation. Com. Craft stated he did not wish to give employees a false sense of hope either. He believes it is premature to discuss this issue now for next year. Com. Coward commented on the fact he too was an employee atone time and knows how everyone is feeling. The county has assisted in picking up more of the costs for insurance and they have not passed those costs on to staff. They do not have the revenue and the hardship of the community at this time does not make it an option at this time. Com. Dzadovsky stated there may be ways to reduce department costs and may be do a one- time bonus or something which would not be an ongoing cost. He would like to meet with employees and may be they could come up with some ideas as to how to reduce costs. They are the ones most affected. The Clerk of Circuit Court stated their 2010/11 budget is set and it had to be submitted by October 15Y. and in essence they may be a year ahead when it comes to that year's budget . They do not have a reserve as well. He agrees that the benefits are next to none in the county, however there is still the dollar for dollar problem. He expressed concerns with the fact that the Federal Government is hiring and employees be may looking at other opportunities even for a dollar more. They do not wish to train people only to lose them. He looks forward to working with the Board. The Chief Deputy at the Sheriff's office addressed the issue and stated he believed they did not give the Sheriff's employees credit. Most employees are doing two and three different jobs, provide a higher level of service. They need to keep all options open and maybe think outside the box and hopefully come up with something. There may be a hidden cost they are not aware of with the stress level of the employees and `hese issues may arise and they may see good quality people drift away due to the stress level. Com. Grande stated he felt once they start seeing the change, they cannot wait until the upcoming budget year to react. They need to be ahead of the curve at that point. Com. Coward stated he would not support increases at this time. The Property Appraiser stated he was not stating they needed to provide raises today, but when they get the sense that the economy is getting better they start thinking about it. He does not wish to send the message that they would not be considering options for 2010/11. -7- Com. Lewis expressed concern with those employees at the lower salary levels and felt they need to consider this at the next budget sessions next summer. She reiterated she would prefer to look at the figures before making a decision. The County Administrator stated her reasoning for bringing this issue forward was she needed information to provide a plan in November at the Strategic Planning Sessions. The County Administrator provided a re-cap. For 2010/11 Based on the Property Appraisers projection 11.5% decrease in value there will be a $6,434,381 deficit. The stadium subsidy 718,859 there may be a potential increase. Employees raises -off the table in terms of the plan to be presented at strategic planning SRO-1.62 million supplemental (The 1.7 million is in the budget) -They need to come up with a plan on how to fund with the School Board and the cities being brought back to the table as funding partners on how to fund this 1.62 million. Com. Craft stated it was not the responsibility of the county to take the lead on how to come up with the 1.62million this is up to the School Board and the Sheriff's office. Com. Coward stated this should be a team solution. The School Board took out their portion last year and the county picked up the amount last year. This year they need to come back to the table to discuss this issue especially since the county does not have the ability to fund the supplemental amount. The Enterprise Funds facing possible layoffs Building Code Fund Special Districts facing service level cuts and/ or millage increase (will bring back data) Mosquito Control Parks MSTU Transit MSTU Unincorporated MSTU Law Enforcement MSTU Street Lighting Districts Special Service Bond- Environmental Lands- one time increase in millage Erosion District with a gap however sufficient reserves to absorb Stormwater MSTU also has sufficient reserves to absorb Cost Containment Measures- Staff is exploring new initiatives, stronger energy and safety management Revenue Enhancement Measures- The Board may need to consider increasing fees and or millage rate -3- Cost Reduction Measures Will the Board consider reducing County operations, reducing funding for funded Constitutional (Sheriff, Supervisor of Elections, Clerk of court), State mandated agencies and ornon-profits. Based on the Board's policy direction, County staff will prepare for the Board's 2009 Strategic Planning Session. Input will be included from Constitutional Officers, state-mandated agencies and nonprofit groups. Strategic Planning Sessions is scheduled for November 12, 2009 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 pm. November 13, 2009 1:00 p.m. -4:00 p.m. Com. Craft stated he would like to meet with the employees and listen to their ideas. Com. Coward commented on the emergency reserves and stated he was still looking for a recommendation from the County Administrator regarding the 5%. He believes the 5% from our operating is more than sufficient to meet the needs when going through hurricanes. He believes if they made the determination that 5% was sufficient this would free up 1.7 million to help towards the 6.4 million dollar shortfall. He stated he was proud of what staff had done and believes they will continue to work through these economic times. The meeting was adjourned. -9-