HomeMy WebLinkAboutBudget Minutes 07-15-2009BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA BUDGET WORKSESSION Date: July 15, 2009 Convened: 9:00 a.m. Adjourned: 12:00 p.m. Commissioners Present: Chairperson, Paula A. Lewis, Charles Grande, Chris Dzadovsky, Chris Craft, Doug Coward Others Present: Faye Outlaw, County Administrator, Lee Ann Lowery, Asst. County Administrator, Christopher Steers, Asst. County Administrator, Marie Gouin, OMB/Purchasing Director, Millie Delgado-Feliciano, Deputy Clerk IT This budget reflects a .O1 % due to the relocation of the IT department to the old EOC complex @ $235,000. This will start some time after October ls` There will be 7,000 sq. ft. opened up however staff has not completed the plan and once it is complete will be bringing it back to the Board. The majority of the IT staff will be moved; however key training personnel will remain at their present location. Com. Craft requested all available space be placed in writing. * * It was the consensus of the Board to approve this budget. Veterans This budget reflects an increase of 3%. This amount was due to an employee taking a demotion; however there was no reduction in rate of pay. The County Administrator requested staff pull this information as she did not recall the request for an increase in the budget she only recalled a flat budget being proposed. The Veteran's Service Director stated they are looking at an increase in veterans coming through the door especially the Vietnam War Veterans now signing up for Social Security. They are now requiring service by appointment due to the increase in veterans looking for services. County Extension This budget reflects a decrease of 10.8%. This department's budget is partly funded by the State. It was the consensus of the Board to approve this budget. Solid Waste This budget reflects an 8.9% increase. However it is an actual decrease due to the fact it is an enterprise fund. * * It was the consensus of the Board to approve this budget. Mosquito Control This budget reflects a 14.3% decrease. Com. Dzadovsky expressed his concern with moving forwazd with the drastic cuts to the Mosquito Control District. The Mosquito Control Director advised the Board they aze looking at a 46-49% reduction in ad-valorem taxes. Operations cost is more than ad-valorem taxes coming in. Com. Dzadovsky stated he would not like to increase the roll up rate but would rather do it in increments going forward to make sure the Mosquito Control District is funded. He recommended having this discussion at an informal meeting. The Mosquito Control Director stated they submitted a budget lower amount than last year in terms of operations cost. They cut dosage rates, personnel through eazly retirement and have gone as low as possible without cutting programs. They have over $700,000 of reserves funding programs. If they anticipate into next year and there is a reduction again in the azea of 10- 13%, half of their operating costs will be paid for by the reserves. Their operating costs sepazate from salaries is $2.4 million. It has been relatively stable at that point for some time. Com. Craft stated we are on a down trend and they may need to bring in the Property Appraiser to get a better idea of what to expect and understand where we aze before discussing raising the millage. Com. Dzadovsky stated he disagreed and felt they may need to do something now. He reminded the Boazd we aze always a yeaz behind and we may be at a point where revenues are down flat and we may not be able to go back to the roll up rate. He is not prepared to come back to the Boazd and request funds from the General Fund. He advised the Board he would like to move forward with a reseazch of numbers. Com. Cowazd recommended giving staff ample time to get the information requested and also providing notification to those persons requesting their attendance. He does not believe the precise number would be available by the end of this week. Staff needs to get a better handle on the figure. Com. Dzadovsky stated he had concern with moving forward on Friday and not having the Mosquito District properly funded. The Boazd will continue discussion on this item at a future date. Community Services This budget reflects a decrease of 20.5%. There are two positions added and these are grant funded. They have until January 3 to commit all of their funding and hope to have all necessary staff in place for the programs. Com. Coward commented on the sustainability position and asked if there was a possibility to shaze the cost of the person due to the housing experience requirement. The Housing Coordinator stated there may be an area they could add it into. The Transit Manager updated the Boazd on the expansion of the transit system within the county. * * It was the consensus of the Boazd to approve this budget. 2 Airport with Capital This budget reflects a 29.7% decrease. The Airport Director advised the Board they are presently out to RFP for the industrial park. She has been working with various marketing and advertising associations seeking potential tenants. Com. Coward questioned if the cash carry forward of $477,061 would be used. The Airport Director stated they were anticipating utilizing these funds for landscaping and lighting for the industrial park project. Com. Coward recommended the Board consider utilizing these funds or a portion of these funds toward the School Resource Officers program to offset the shortfall. The Airport Director advised the Board their general operations were down. Com. Coward asked if there was a figure on the cost of the terminal expansion. The Airport Director stated approximately $780,(100. She advised the Board they would be submitting a grant to attempt to acquire 50% of this cost. Com. Dzadovsky questioned if the power line project was completed. She also advised the Board the power lines would be completed around the end of August. They also have $lmillion dollars set aside for the acquisition of the property and are still not sure what the courts will determine the price of the parcel would actually be at this time. * * It was the consensus of the Board to approve this budget. Public Safety This budget reflects a 2.2% decrease. Humane Society The Public Safety Director stated they are working on grants and also the co-pay program. They are working closely with the City of Ft. Pierce on this program. 911 This budget reflects an 11.6% increase and this is due to the 3 year project construction of the new operations center which has not closed out yet. The actual budget should reflect a decrease of 1.5%. 800 MHz This budget reflects a decrease of 25.4% and is mainly funded through traffic fines The Fire Department is looking at putting out for RFP around 6 of their towers for additional revenue. Emergency Management This budget reflects a 74.9% decrease, this area is also grant funded and the figures move up and down. This budget also has some of the EOC in it which they will be closing out. 3 RAD This budget reflects a 6.7% decrease and is funded by Florida Power and Light. Marine This budget reflects a 1.5% decrease and has a carry forward of $39,000. * * It was the consensus of the Board to approve the Public Safety budgets. Library This budget reflects a decrease of 5.0%. The Library Director advised the Board they are down 18 people and this includes the frozen positions and would be utilizing part time staff for the Morningside Library expansion. They do not have staff available to pursue grant funding. There are less grant funds available and believes there will be less available next year, however there are grants for literacy and other adult programs available. Com. Coward recommended asking the Friends of the Library if they would assist in the cost of a part time staff person to work with the grant writers to pursue grants for the Library. ** It was the consensus of the Board to approve This project. Environmental Resources Dept. Education and Outreach This budget reflects a 7.7% decrease; however there is an increase in operating due to an increase in salary. Environmental Lands This budget reflects a 7.2% decrease Environmental Resources This budget reflects a 0.8% decrease. Staff informed the Board they are projecting an increase to the MSTU to fund the budget. * * It was the consensus of the Board to approve the above budgets. The meeting was adjourned. 4