HomeMy WebLinkAboutBudget Minutes 07-13-2009BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS
Date: July 13, 2009 Convened: 1:40 p.m.
Adjourned: 5:04 p.m.
Commissioners Present: Chairperson, Paula A. Lewis, Chazles Grande, Doug Coward,
Chris Dzadovsky, Chris Craft
Others Present: Faye Outlaw, County Administrator, Lee Ann Lowery, Asst. County
Administrator, Christopher Steers, Asst. County Administrator, Marie Gouin,
OMB/Purchasing Director, Millie Delgado-Feliciano, Deputy Clerk
The County Administrator and staff presented a budget overview.
The County Administrator presented a power point on the budget and advised the Boazd
she had received the certified values this past Thursday. She indicated the proposed
budget was presented to the Citizens Budget Committee at their meeting of June 17`t' and
she thanked them for their input. The budget has changed slightly however she could not
make the modifications on the power point, but will walk the Boazd through the changes.
The proposed 2009/2010 budget is $587,728,222. This is beginning October 1St. Budget
is built on a millage reduction of 20.33% or $29.3 million loss in property tax revenue
There are no new positions or employee raises in this budget. They aze holding the
millage at 6.46 per the Boazd's direction. Flat or lower budgets for non-profit agencies,
Consitutional Officers, BOCC, State Mandated Agencies and a significant component of
the budget on the based fund balance.
The County Administrator reviewed the proposed uses and the projected ad valorem
There is a projection of $126.5 million to be received from property taxes plus the $24.5
million.. These total to $144,792,409 in what sloe called discretionary dollazs to be
broken down as follows:
$81.5 million Constitutional Officers
8.3 million Courts Legal System
1.9 million State Mandated
2.2 million Outside non-profit agencies
6.2 million CRA
21.8 million for BOCC Departments
1.0 million for Emergency Reserves
$20.6 million for other and the $5.6 million set aside for 2010/2011 budget.
Since fiscal yeaz of 2006 there has been a millage reduction of 1.3571.
Between the years of 2008 and 2009 there was a loss of 29 million in property tax
revenue and between this yeaz and what is projected to collect next yeaz, they aze looking
at 31.7 million less for a total of almost 60 million loss in property tax revenue.
Impact Fee revenue is projected to lose 3.2 million.
The County Administrator advised the Board there is still $908,747 to be budgeted and
she will leave this to the Boazd's discretion.
County wide there is 20.85% property value reduction and she will need to back this into
the figures. In adjusting the figures, the actual budget amount would be Five hundred and
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eightyseven million, five thousand four hundred and forty nine ($587,005,449). She
advised the Board the CRA figure had changed from 6.2 million to 4 million and
continued to provide any changes.
The County Administrator stated while the budget was balanced next year, it was her
opinion it was not sustainable. She believes they will need to undertake cost reduction
measures as well as revenue enhancements and cost containment measures to achieve a
sustainable budget. There needs to be a shared approach by the BOCC and external
operations funded by the Board.
Com. Coward questioned if staff had addressed the School Resource Officers allocation
and if it included the additional monies.
The County Administrator stated the additional funding was not included in this budget
and asked direction as to how they intended to fund the 1.7 if it is going to be a re-
ocurring expense they need to put it in the Sheriff s budget in operations and if it will be
a one time allocation they will need to look at other options and she will have this as part
of the Sheriff's presentation.
Com. Dzadovsky addressed obtaining the factual amount since there will not be three
schools in operation this year. He stated he sees it as a one time allocation and looks for
next year to be worse.
The County Administrator stated they needed to obtain the actual number from the
School Board since the figures seem to be fluctuating.
Com. Lewis stated she would like to wait for the Sheriff to present his budget and address
the number of SRO's that have or will be eliminated or how many they will retain. She
understands that the cities are making adjustments.
The County Administrator advised the Board she is still not at a comfort level with the
base fund balance numbers. She asked the Board to give her the time to continue to sit
with her staff to obtain this level.
Com. Dzadovsky stated with regard to the 1.6 million reduction of the CRA if an analysis
had been done with regard to the Ft. Pierce presentation of the expansion FPRA zone and
what affect it may have on next years budget. He would like to see this amount put aside
for the FPRA zone expansion future costs in Ft. Pierce.
The County Administrator stated the 1.6 million has not been allocated and it has been
used to absorb the additional revenue loss they had. What is left of the 1.6 million is the
908 and this has not been allocated. She will be asking OMB to do such an analysis.
Com. Coward requested staff obtain the amount being held for emergency reserves from
other comparable governments. He questioned what is the appropriate level to have in the
emergency reserves.
Com. Lewis recalled the figures being required by Bond Counsel.
The County Administrator advised the Board she was not sure what they would need
should a category 3 hurricane hit. It depends on the various issues, but she recalled
spending the 8 million in reserves when the other storms hit rather rapidly. She believes
this should be Board direction.
Com. Grande stated they needed to keep in mind that they went into this budgetwith
$24,000,000 carried forward and next year they will be going in with $5 million carried
forward which means there will be a 14 million deficit.
Com. Coward questioned what a rough number would be at this time for 2010/2011 and
questioned if they should start making reductions as of now.
The County Administrator asked the Board not to start this budget with just reductions
and by pass the budget reviews. She believes they need to go through the budget reviews
and presentations with the Boazd. She asked the Boazd provide her with the ability to get
through Thursday and bring back recommendations. She at this point does not have a
comfort level with the numbers and the budget.
This budget reflects a 4.9% reduction. The County Attorney advised the Boazd they are
presently at a lower staffing level than 15 years ago.
This budget reflects a 0.2% reduction. The County Attorney advised the Boazd they
expect to have a savings of $102,000 from the GPS program but the actual figure will not
be known until Thursday however they may be able to reduce their budget by this amount
if this does come through.
**It was the consensus of the Board to approve this budget.
Clerk of the Circuit Court
This budget reflects a 0.75% decrease. This amount reflects a 4% decrease in health
insurance. The total requested amount is $1,894,407.
The Clerk advised the Board he is projecting a return of excess fees possibly in the
amount of $100,000 but is not sure, it may be less.
Com. Craft addressed prior discussion regazding the possibility of merging the two IT
The Clerk advised the Board there are two separate systems and at this point it may be
difficult, but there is room for future discussions. He advised the Boazd the recording
department is practically breaking even which is good news.
The Clerk thanked the Board for their assistance in moving the family division and other
departments to the Clerk's building. He requested the Boazd consider providing the
space previously allocated to the family division at the old courthouse.
* * It was the consensus of the Boazd to approve this budget.
Court Administration
Most of their budget is court specific and not general revenue. $183,900 comes from
General Revenue from SLC, last year it was $213,832. The balance of the funds come
from fees.
* * It was the consensus of the Boazd to approve this budget.
Guardian Ad Litem
This budget reflects a 13.64% decrease.
* * It was the consensus of the Boazd to approve this budget.
Medical Examiner
This budget reflects a 4.00% increase due to insurance costs.
* * It was the consensus of the Board to approve this budget.
Public Defender
This budget reflects an 8.29% decrease
** It was the consensus of the Board to approve this budget.
State Attorney
This budget reflects a 1.72% increase.
This increase is due to the increase in cost of the rent and utilities.
The Board recommended a change on how the rent payment is handled.
Com. Coward asked what reductions can be made.
The State Attorney stated these are fixed matters they have no control over.
Com. Coward stated he had a problem with the increase and cannot approve an increase
for one and felt they need to look further. He would like a flat budget or lower.
The State Attorney stated they have cut back as much as possible and there are certain
things they cannot control. He advised the Board they have not filled one position and
will know by September whether or not it they will be need to be filled.
Com. Coward reviewed the costs and stated the soft ware was the only reduction, all
other areas had increased.
The State Attorney stated if they make it through without filling the position the county
could reduce their budget by that amount ($68,500).
Staff has recommended a flat budget.
**It was the consensus of the Board to approve staff recommendation and maintain the
State Attorney's budget at a flat budget.
211 Help Line
This budget reflects an increase of $2,000 to help the cost of maintaining a position.
Staff recommended a flat budget of $15,750.
Com. Dzadovsky stated he was not comfortable with the increase and recommended they
pursue stimulus dollars.
* * It was the consensus of the Board to approve staff recommendation a maintain a flat
The Arc of St. Lucie County
This budget came in as a flat budget with no increase and no decrease.
* * It was the consensus of the Board to approve this budget.
Council on Aging
This budget came in as a flat budget with an increase of $217.00 which is included in the
recommendation due to it being a match for a grant.
* * It was the consensus of the Board to approve this budget.
Health Department
This budget came in as a flat budget
* * It was the consensus of the Board to approve this budget.
Healthy Start
This budget reflects a request of a $5,000 increase.
Staff is recommending a flat budget.
** It was the consensus of the Board to approve staff recommendation of $51,840.
New Horizons
This budget came in as a flat budget ($673,606)
Com. Coward requested they provide the county's investment numbers from the last
increase in their budget for inmate relief services.
Com. Craft expressed his continued concern on the rate the county is being charged by
the hospitals for inmate medical attention.
** It was the consensus of the Board to approve this budget.
Executive Round Table
This budget came in as a flat budget ($43,200).
* * It was the consensus of the Board to approve this budget.
Treasure Coast Homeless Services Council
This budget came in as a flat budget ($22,500).
* * It was the consensus of the Board to approve this budget.
Economic Development Council
This budget came in as a flat budget.($250,000).
Mr. Pelton stated they had closed in on 1300 jobs and anticipate another 700 before the
end of September.
The position the Board provided funding for last year has been filled.
Com Dzadovsky asked Mr. Pelton if an airport would make the area more marketable.
Mr. Pelton stated if we could compete with Melbourne Airport it would help in bringing
businesses to the area.
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Com.Coward stated he was in support of the appropriate Type of expansion of the airport
but does not wish going into the jet port issue. He believes it is the market that has held it
back and not necessarily the capacity issue.
Com. Dzadovsky commented on how strategically located the St. Lucie Airport is to the
neighboring major airports.
Mr. Pleton stated the county should keep in mind the venture between the Bahamas and
St. Lucie County.
** It was the consensus of the Board to approve fbis budget.
Soil and Water Conservation
This budget reflects a 12.3% decrease.
It was the consensus of the Board to approve this budget.
The meeting was adjourned.