HomeMy WebLinkAboutInformal Minutes 03-03-2009BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS
Date : March 3, 2009 Convened: 10:00 a.m.
Adjourned: 1:00 p.m.
Commissioners Present: Chairperson, Paula A. Lewis, Charles Grande, Chris Craft,
Doug Coward, Chris Dzadovsky
Others Present: Faye Outlaw, County Administrator, Lee Ann Lowery, Asst. County
Administrator, Dan McIntyre, County Attorney, Don West, Public Works Director, Mike
Powley, County Engineer, Millie Delgado-Feliciano, Deputy Clerk
The meeting was opened by the Chairman of the Board.
The County Engineer addressed the FDOT policy change and alluded to his memo dated
February 27, 2009 on the issue.
The memo read as follows:
Queens Island Preserve is a 16-lot subdivision on North Hutchinson Island. It is situated
on both sides of SR A-1-A. Stormwater is collected and routed to a dry detention facility
on the west side of SR A-1-A via a pipe crossing the state roadway.
After receiving development approval by St. Lucie County, the developer applied for a
Florida Department of Transportation right of way permit to construct the required pipe
crossing. The State's process is similar to the County's in that a bond is posted for all of
the construction value, and a maintenance period (and bond) is required at completion of
the improvements. The state goes a step further in that they also require funds, to be held
in perpetuity, to cover the maintenance of the pipe.
The State has now indicated that they are changing this process. They no longer intend to
allow private parties to construct private facilities within their right of way. FDOT has
indicated that the entity approving the development (in this case, St. Lucie County) must
be the applicant on permits for private facilities in their right of way. This is a significant
change and would apply to all State roadways. The consequences of this change to St.
Lucie County are significant particularly as it relates to long-term maintenance
While the discussion between FDOT and the County ensured, the Queens Island Preserve
got caught up in the proposed change. After many conversations, we were able to
convince FDOT that Queens Island Preserve should be allowed to follow the old process.
However, the developer found he was not able to secure the required bond due to the
unique economic times we find ourselves in. The applicant has requested the County
apply for the permit, although the County would also require a bond. However, the
applicant could also locate Stormwater on both sides of SR A-1-A and avoid having to
install the pipe.
It is staff's request that the Board weigh in with their thoughts and concerns. Staff is
presently developing a consensus and crafting our recommendations for presentation to
the Board in a formal meeting at later date.
The County Engineer addressed the options he shared with the developer. He also stated
the developer has a $350,000 bond with FDOT and they recommended lowing to
$100,000 however, the bank would not reduce his bond down to $100,000.
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Com. Grande stated this was not a St. Lucie County FDOT situation. He believes the
business choices are to be made by the developer and he fails to see why the county is
involved in the discussion and felt the county cannot risk liability in perpetuity. He is
sympathetic but this is business.
Com. Lewis stated she had concerns with this issue and felt they could not accept the
responsibility with the existing financial situation and felt they needed to keep out of the
mix. This is a private community and they cannot undertake something like this for
every private community.
Com. Dzadovsky stated his concern with a possible precedent being set and is afraid
other developers would be requesting the county pull the permits.
The County Administrator gave an update on this issue and presented a PowerPoint.
The partnerships would take place between the county, the union trades and the TC
Builders Association. They aze considering utilizing space at the Logistics Center for the
initiative approx. 10,000 sq. feet. The focus is on training and apprenticeships.
The county would assist in the permitting and design cost. They would participate in
housing rehab jobs and the possibly neighborhood stabilization program.
In terms of the trade side, they would provide the materials, pay for the utilities and
provide slots for the county employees also as well as county in house projects providing
the labor.
The overall plan for the Logistic Center consist of: The Health Department is in the
process of developing a free clinic at the Logistic Center and some of the functions would
be the School Nurse program, Environmental Division and a classroom and also the
county had proposed having their employee clinic at the Logistic Center, staff has
changed the recommendation to locate the employee clinic at the old fire station building.
They aze looking for direction on the Rhode Island building for the clinic and if so this
would give additional space at the Logistic Center.
Com. Craft asked if they were merging the Milner clinic with the one at the Logistic
It was not intended to merge the functions of the Health Department clinic at Milner, this
is an expansion. This is going to be the free clinic for the uninsured.
The Central Services Director addressed the training area at the Logistic Center and
provided a map indicating the azea plus the possible azea for expansion in the future.
The County Administrator requested direction from the Board if they wish for staff to
continue discussion with the Fire District or if they wish the employee clinic to be located
at the Logistic Center.
Com. Craft stated he would rather not spend additional funds for space they already have
at the Logistic Center.
The Central Services Director stated they were estimating $300,000 for the employee
clinic at the Logistic Center. If it was moved to another location he believes it would cost
less and could get it in operation faster.
The County Administrator stated they would less of a cost for build out but would still
incur the lease cost.
Com. Lewis stated she would like to consider the Fire District location. She does not like
the idea of 2 clinics at the same location and recommended discussing the issue with the
Fire District and attempting to work something out.
The Human Resources Director stated they have had discussion with staff and looking at
other areas for the location. The Rhode Island area has 3,000 square feet with very little
re-fab of the area with additional space available for the future. He believed a free
standing clinic for the employees would be ideal. There is plenty of parking. The issue
is what would be the cost to lease it. They looked at the Chamber building which is also
another ideal location. They spoke with the other entities interested in partnering with
the clinic, i.e. the City of Ft. Pierce, Ft. Pierce Utilities. The Rhode Island property
would be ideal for this purpose.
Com. Craft stated the problem he has is paying for a lease when they are providing a
service for county employees and would like to see the Fire District come on board also.
The County Administrator stated she had a meeting with the Fire Chief this week and
stated she had indicated she would like the same uption they gave to the prior County
Administrator for the Rhode Island property and he stated he was not in a position to do
The Human Resource Director stated the Fire District had indicated they were not
interested in partnering with the county on the clinic.
The County Administrator stated she had a discussion with the Fire Chief and was told in
the past they had looked at a clinic for the Fire District and was advised going in that
direction they have since decided to re-visit the issue. She reiterated the Fire Chief was
not in a position to consider supporting the same type of lease if the Board gives direction
she will call the Fire Chief and proceed on both tracks since this is a time sensitive issue.
Com. Coward stated he did not wish to put this in limbo due to the fact it is time sensitive
if the Board is not comfortable with the designation of the area, he would recommend
moving forward with the original plan and making modifications for another entrance and
It was the consensus of the Board to move ahead with the green training initiative area
(pink) leaving space for the clinic should Rhode Island not work out.
The Management and Budget Director addressed the receipt of the formal quotes for
projects and the process of reviewing the proposals.
The County Attorney addressed and reviewed the Local Preference Ordinance. He
advised the Board of the area counties who have adopted such an ordinance and those
considering adopting such an ordinance in the future. He also reviewed the State of
Local Emergency Ordinance which would be a temporary measure. This would provide
local jobs as quickly as they can. They would move forward with projects that are ready
to move forward.
The County Administrator advised the Board the budget is balanced for 2009/2010 and
the county has $5.6 million going into the 2010/2011 budget thus making the county
sound. The economic emergency is national and it may go internationally. Last year a
24 month budget was done. 2007/2008 budget was balanced as was the 2008/2009
The County Attorney commented on the meeting he attended regarding the local
preference ordinance.
Com. Dzadovsky addressed projects and reciprocity issues being brought up at the
meeting. He believes what he understood was that a regional approach was much better.
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Com. Coward addressed the reciprocity issue and stated they need to consider the
multiplier affect. If they hire someone from out of state or out of the area they would
more than likely take that money and spend it elsewhere.
Mr. Michael Jacquin, Paul Jacquin & Sons, addressed the Board regarding various
versions of the selection and bid process. He questioned if the RFQ process was being
Com. Grande stated looking at all the bullets and after the discussion, he believes they all
qualify for stimulus funding.
The Management and Budget Director stated the RFQ process remains the same however
the RFP process is when the criteria changes.
The County Administrator addressed the RFQ and bid list provided.
The County Attorney addressed the occupational license and stated if someone had one
and lived in SLC for a year and a business office in the county they could be considered a
local contractor/business.
The Board discussed large projects and the possibility local contractors would not be able
to provide the bond required.
The County Attorney stated there is a state law that for projects over $200,000 a bond is
required, however for those under the bond could be waived.
Com. Coward stated he was more inclined to a regional approach and partnerships with
neighboring local governments. There are contractors who live in St. Lucie County and
work in Martin for example.
Com. Craft would like to define the region. He believes interlocals would cause
complications and stated he would not support local preference only.
Com. Lewis stated she believed they should move with the regional approach.
Com. Grande stated this would mean presently West Palm Beach would not be in the 5%
column. He would prefer local preference ordinance not regional.
Com. Coward stated he supports the regional approach but would like to see sub-
Com. Dzadovsky stated he would like see the regional approach.
Consensus on local preference ordinance, regional version B, and reciprocity left in and
possibly expanding version B to RFP's. The Local Economic Emergency would be
regional as well, percent of local laborers minimum of 75% (company can be regional,
laborers from St. Lucie County); residency requirement 1 year for laborers; reciprocity;
procurement type would be capital.
Staff was directed to identify primary projects and bring back the information at the next
informal meeting.
The meeting was adjourned.