HomeMy WebLinkAboutTCERDA Biannual Meeting Minutes 12-18-2008BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS
Date: December 18, 2008 Convened: 3:00 p.m.
Adjourned: 4:55 p.m.
Commissioners Present: Chairperson, Paula A. Lewis, Charles Grande, Doug Coward,
Chris Craft, Chris Dzadovsky
Others Present: Doug Anderson, County Administrator, Faye Outlaw, Asst. County
Administrator, Lee Ann Lowery, Asst. County Administrator, Dan McIntyre, County
Attorney, Mark Satterlee, Growth Management Director, Treasure Coast Ed and
Research Authority members, Jane Bachelor, Chair; Jose Farinos, Vice-Chair; Dr. Kathy
McGinn, Board Secreatary; Thom Jones, Treasurer; Sherwood "Buddy" Johnson; Dr. Joe
Joyce (attended via polycom); Gerri McPherson; Rick Minton and Dr. Peter Stofella
Millie Delgado-Feliciano, Deputy Clerk
The meeting was called to order by the Chairman of the Board of County
The Business Plan Scope of Services was reviewed by Jack Burns and Gary Sullivan of
the Indian River State College. Their recommendtion was to focus on Phase 1 of the
project i.e. CORE Research Campus. This project will take some time since they must
have the infrastructurein place before they can go out to market the area and also the land
must be developed. It was recommended to take the cost and proceed toward the
financial target. It was proposed that a 10 year return would be the best option.
The Board was informed that a cost analysis was extremely important for a break even
Com. Craft stated it was first necessary to identify the funding for this project.
The County Administrator advised the Board they would be doing a performance on a
sliding scale basis and this will show scales of breaking even alternatives.
The total cost to prepare this plan would be not to exceed $37,500 and funds are available
in the TCRP Budget under Professional Services.
The TCERDA Board moved and seconded taking this plan to the TCERDA Conceptual
Design meeting and return it to everyone afterwards, motion carried uanimously.
The County Administrator presented the Federal Economic Stimulus Package that will be
presented to the President Elect's team. He stated they would be looking for the majority
of the funds to go directly to the local level rather than the state. However they will need
to ask the Federal Government and the State to expedite the permitting process.
Com. Coward recommended the City of Ft. Pierce be given a seat at the table so that they
may have direct involvement in the process of the Research Park.
The County Attorney advised those present the City of Ft. Pierce had contined the item
on the Research Park annexation for an upcoming meeting per the request of the BOCC
and they will be meeting with county staff to discuss the new process.
The purpose of this document is to present to the Treasure Coast Education, Research and
Development Authority and to the St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners, a
proposal of the time and expense necessary to prepare a detailed business plan for the
initial development of the Treasure Coast Research Park (TCRP). The work to develop
this plan, and all following documents, will be under the direction of the Indian River
State College -Corporate and Community Training Institute.
Presently there is a TCRP Conceptual Master Plan; a comprehensive overview of the
1600-acre area which will become the complete TCRP. This Master Plan describes four
distinct phases to develop the entire acreage. The first phase outlines the Core Research
Campus, a 162-acre tract where acquisition of new research facilities is expected to occur
first. It is this phase, the Core Research Campus, where the IRSC/CCTI personnel will
concentrate their efforts.
The business plan will focus on the following key issues:
• The present status of the TCRP.
• The development of the Core Research Campus including land and infrastructure
• Proposed cost analyses for return on investment.
• Identifying the target market organizations.
• The processes and actions necessary to achieve identified goals
It is not intended that the Conceptual Master Plan be set aside or replaced, rather the
business plan will compliment the Master Plan by placing emphasis on the actions
needed to seek out and attract the target research facilities, for the Core Research
This proposal as put forth by the IRSC/CCTI will comprise four sections:
Section I. Scone of Services
IRSC/CCTI will prepare the business plan in two parts. The first part will be to:
• Define the objectives of Phase I of the TCRP.
• Develop the control process to monitor, measure, and evaluate results.
Upon approval of Part I above, work will begin on Part II, to:
• Quantify the capital requirements for land and infrastructure development.
• Prepare a cost analysis to include capital requirements, operational
expenses, and income forecast to identify a breakeven point.
• Establish a ten year projection for return on investment.
• Identify potential target industries.
• Work with TCERDA Board and St. Lucie County Board of County
Commissioners to set parameters for a Master Developer
Section II. Time
Time required to prepare the business plan will depend primarily on accomplishment of
interviews with members of the TCERDA Board. Because the approval of the Authority
is paramount to starting the project, it is imperative we have the full and complete
understanding of the members. Additionally, interviews with the Board of County
Commissioners, St. Lucie County Administrator and the professional staff, other key
community agencies, e.g. Economic Development Council, et.al. will be required.
Section III. Cost
The cost is contingent on timely and expeditious accessibility to those individuals needed
to acquire and process the information required to complete the plan as described.
Costs will be billed at $300.00 per hour with an anticipated time line of 125 hours; total
not-to-exceed $37,500.00.
Upon acceptance of this proposal the IRSC/CCTI will request a payment of
50% of the $37,500 forty five (45) days after implementation of the agreement, and the
balance within thirty days of receipt of the final document. Estimated completion date is
not-later-than June 1, 2009)
Section IV. Personnel
Primary responsibility for the development of the plan will be assigned to:
• Mr. John Burns, Business Consultant to the CCTI @IRSC.
• Mr. Gary Sullivan, Business Solutions Consultant, CCTI @IRSC
• Administrative Support, CCTI @IRSC
December 9, 2008
Jane Bachelor, Chair
Treasure Coast Education Research/Development Authority
2199 South Rock Road
Fort Pierce, FL 34945
RE: Federal Economic Stimulus Package
Dear Jane:
St. Lucie County is in the process of developing a Federal Economic Stimulus Package.
This is in anticipation of the federal government passing a stimulus package for local
County staff is working with the County's federal lobbyist, Howard Marlowe and
Company, to prioritize the County's needs prior to formal submission to our Federal
Legislative Delegation. I felt that the Treasure Coast Education Research and
Development Authority would be interested in the projects that are under consideration
for submittal that relate to the Research and Education Park. On page 3 of the Stimulus
Package Request (copy attached), is a list of projects totaling over $14,000,000 that
affects the Research and Education Park.
Once the list is finalized and approved by the Board of County Commissioners for
submittal, we will be providing you with a final copy.
Sinceref ,
~ ~ ~~
Douglas'. Anderson
County Ad~rnln~strator
DMA/ab 08-119
c: Board of County Commissioners
Faye Outlaw, Assistant County Administrator
Dan Mcintyre, County Attorney
CHRIS DZADOVSKY, District No. ~ • DOUG COWARD. District No. 2 • PAULA A. LEWIS, District No. ~ • CHARLES GRANDE, District No. 4. CHRIS CRAFT. District No.
County Administrator -Douglas M. Anderson
2300 Virginia Avenue -Fort Pierce, FL. 34982-5652 -Phone (772) 462-1450 - TDD (7721462-1426
FAX (772) 462-1648 -email: andersond@stlucieco.org
website: www.stlucieco.org
December 8, 2008
-Howard Marlowe, President
Marlowe & Company
1667 K Street NW/Suite 480
Washington, DC 20006
Dear Howard:
Gt~vr~ TY
Outlined below are projects that have been identified by staff that we are requesting to
be considered under the proposed Federal Economic Stimulus Package. These
projects would be ready to move fon;~ard within 9-12 months, following February 2009.
It needs to be noted that to move forward in an expeditious manner will require a
streamlined federal and state permitting process.
I have broken these projects down into funding categories. With the Countys
unemployment rate exceeding 10% and continuing to increase, and the County ranking
towards the top in foreclosures in the nation, we need to put St. Lucie County as close
as possible to the top of the fist for funding.
It is extremely important that this funding goes directly to focal governments and not be
directed to various state agencies for their discretion and disbursement. The list of
funding requests total $122,968,397 which includes 8250.000 for green initiatives job
The projects identified are as follows:
Land Acquisition
Acquisition of Riverside and Dennis parcels as part of the Harbor Branch
Oceanographic institute restructuring project
81, 000.000
Exotic Pianf Removal
Removal of exotic plants from spoil islands in the Indian River Lagoon
~ 100.000
Feasibility Study
Study of the feasibility of capturing and reclaiming water from the C-25 Canal
CHRIS DZADOVSKV. Distract Nc `~ • DOUG COWARD. Gistnct Nc. c • PAULA A. LEWIS. Distract Nc.:~ • CHAP,LES GRANGE. District Nc a • CHRIS CRAF?, Distract Ivc. `
Gountv Aamirnstrato~ - Douglas M, Anderson
2300 Virginia Avenue -Fort Pierce. FL 349E2-565 -Phone ('72t 40~-1450 - TDD (772) 4E.''-1422
FA;; i'~?~ 4u='-~ h4E', - email andersondl5~stiuaeco.orc
weosit=, www.shucieco.oe
Fage 2
December 8, 2008
Federal Economic Stimulus Package
Beach Renourishment
Renourish 1.3 miles r"ederal shore protection project on South Hutchinson Island
Federal Share ~5, 000, 000
Information Technology
The County needs to relocate to the County's former Emergency Operations/911
fortified bunker. Information Technology is now located on the first floor of the none
protected glass walled County Administration Building making it extremely vulnerable to
destruction from hurricanes and other threats.
Jail Medical W"inp
The 12-bed medical wing at the jail needs to be expanded to 40 beds, an increase of 28
beds, due to the ever-increasing population now averaging close to 1.600 inmates per
Minimum Security inmate Facility
The 1.670-bed jail is nearing capacity. We need to construct a 100-bed minimum-
security dormitory type facility on jail property to make additional beds available at the
jail for higher risk inmates.
Judicial Complex
A portion of the County Courthouse facility's interior was destroyed by the 2004
Hurricanes. Since then, the County has been in a rebuilding process and needs to
complete the remaining 2 levels of a 4-level building. These renovations are needed for
additional courtrooms for our overburdened judicial system.
Disaster Recovery Center
The County owns a 113.000 square foot Logistics Center whereby the Countys
Community Services Center could be relocated to. Following a disaster, this center
would operate as a Disaster Recovery Center, A portion of the building (50%1 serves
as a distribution center for hurricane and other emergency supplies. A comprehensive
Community Services Center is critical to being able to serve residents effectively both
during disasters and throughout the year.
~2, 000.000
Page 3
December 8, 2008
Federal Economic Stimulus Package
Alternative Energy Center
A County-owned alternative energy research facility is planned for the 1,604-acre
Treasure Coast Education, Research and Development Park. The facility will anchor
the exploration and development of alternative energy using the research efforts of the
University of Florida; Indian River State College; Harbor Branch Oceanographic
Institute; Smithsonian Oceanographic institute; Torrey Pines institute for Molecular
Studies; Oregon Health and Science University, Vaccine and Gene Therapy Institute
(VGTI Florida); and the USDA in a collaborative partnership. The Center will include
space for wet Tabs, including video-conferencing equipment and offices for
administration. The project .also will require scientific, computer and audio-visual
equipment.. and infrastructure improvements including extension of utilities, roads, and
fiber-optics for Internet and video. The Center will provide approximately 5.000 square -
feet of space for alternative energy biotech incubation purposes that will be able to be ~
subdivided into offices or laboratories of up to 1.000 square feet each.
Treasure Coasf Research and Education Park -Phase 1 Infrastructure
The County has a state certified 1,600-acre Research and Education Park. We have
been targeting companies focused on alternative energy research. There exists aneed /
to run infrastructure into Phase I of this project located on Pruitt Research Center Raad. /
This includes raadway improvements. a gravity main and extension of a water main.
Treasure Coast Research and Education Park -Phase 2 Infrastructure
The Phase 2 infrastructure includes building a two lane main entrance into the park,
opening up nine acres for immediate development. Eventually, the two lanes will be
expanded to four Panes with a median. These costs include the roadway improvements
(two lanes) and utilities.
$1.375, 000
Kings Highway ~ Orange Avenue Intersection Expansion
Expansion of a major intersection from two lanes to four lanes in each direction, with
turn lanes and signalization. Kings Highway is the route to the County's Research and /
Education Park. This is the beginning of the improvements to Kings Highway which will
eventually be widened to four lanes or perhaps sir. lanes.
Green Initiative Job Training
As we transform from traditional construction methods to green technology, we need to c,~
train our focal construction workforce in this new trade.
~~ 50.000
Page 4
December 8, 2008
Federal Economic Stimulus Package
Artificial Reef Program
Deploy artificial reef material off the shores of St. Lucie County for five artificial reefs,
which benefits and enhances the fisheries environment
Oxbow Environments! Learning Center
In 2000, the County constructed the 3,450 square foot Oxbow Environmental Learning
Center. Due to the success, we are now in need of a 3,600 square foot LEED certified
building, including a classroom to serve the 4,000 school students that visit this facility
on an annual basis to learn about the environment.
X2.004, ODO
Nosauito Impoundments
large portion of the County's Mosquito Control program includes environmentally
friendly mosquito impoundments. The impoundment dikes at Bear Point and Blind
Creek need strengthening through armoring with 12-24" nprap.
Doiiman Beach Restrooms
The County needs a restroom facility at this heavily used beach. We have utilities
within five feet of the proposed restrooms and the permit fees have been paid.
St. Lucie County Fairgrounds Equestrian and Event Center-
The County has a new enclosed equestrian facility at its fairgrounds. However, due to
funding limitations, we have not been able to build the second phase, which would
make the County competitive for equestrian events. The second phase includes three
64-stall barns with stalls. three 4-stall covered wash racks and two outdoor show
arenas. This project would also include construction of pedestrian and horse paths
connecting the buildings.
~ 2.000.000
Lincoln Park Community Center
The existing 5.000 square foot facility was constructed in the 1950's and is in dire need
of replacement. Its replacement, a 30.000 square foot facility, would not only meet the
community's needs, but would assist in the resurgence of this part of our cornrnunity
Boat Ramp -Blind Creek
This boat ramp would be located on the east side of A-1-A and would allow access to
the Indian River Lagoon.
Page 5
December 8, 2008
Federal Economic Stimulus Package
Boat Ramp -Stan Blum
This is a heavily used boat ramp and is our newest boat ramp on North Hutchinson
Island. It is in need of a restroom and pump out station.
82 75, ODD
Holiday Pines -Lakewood Park
In Lakewood Park, the County has over 4,000 lots, predominantly single-family, that are
served by well water and are on septic tanks. This area needs to connect to the
County's Holiday Pines water supply system. To provide this water, the County would
need to expand this plant to 2.0 mgd. Therefore, the County needs to expand the pant
and build a water distribution system.
$18.837, 425
ryidway Road Widenina - 1-95 to State Road 70
Midway Road is the main east to west evacuation route for the center part of the
County. It leads to the County staging area and Emergency Operations Center in the
event of a disaster. This phase of improvements runs from 4-95 to State Road 70.
835. D00. DDO
~idwav Road Widenina - 25th Street to Florida Turnpike Overpass
This is a part of the .same roadway as mentioned above, which would widen it from two
lanes to four lanes. The total cost of the project with right-of-way acquisition is
X26,000,000. The County has $13,000,000 budgeted at this time and therefore is
requesting the remaining $13,000,000.
Taylor Dairy Road Extension
This is to improve Taylor Dairy Road from a two lane dirt road to a two lane paved road,
plus bike lane and sidewalks extending from St. Lucie Boulevard to Kings Highway.
$7, 900, 000
Juanita Avenue Bridae Replacement
Replacement of an existing functionally deficient bridge to add pedestrian access and
meet current design standards.
Page 6
December 8, 2008
Federal Economic Stimulus Package
Lauae Culvert Replacements
Replacement of defunct metal culvert structures with concrete culverts and concrete
headwalls at several locations (major canal crossings}:
Sneed Road and Canal No. 64
Sneed Road and Canal No. 6 i
Lucero Drive and Verada Canal
Admiral and Cortez Boulevard
Esplanade and Cortez Boulevard
Shinn Road and Orange Avenue
Oleander Avenue and Merritt Ditch
~2, 250.000
Bridae Repalr Proiects'
Repair of bridge abutments and approach slabs due to scouring effect caused by_
extreme flooding events at several locations:
McCarty Road over Ten Mile Creek
North Bridge (Bridge #940031)
South Bridge (Bridge #940030)
Old Dixie Highway over Taylor Creek (Bridge #940029)
Keen Road over Canal No. 1 (Bridge #940037)
"Note: All projects have design drawings completed or in process X320.000
Once the list if finalized, f will present it to the Board for consideration and approval.
D ugl~s M. Anderson
County Administrator
DMAiab 08-113
c Faye Outl w~Assistant County Administrator
Lee Ann L~wery. Assistant County Administrator
Dan Mcintyre, County Attorne~~
Marie Gouin, Management and Budget Director
Bill Hoeffner Grants/Disaster Recovery Director
Don West, Public Works Director
Beth Ryder. Community Services Director
Jack Southard; Public Safety Director
Debra Brisson. Parks & Recreation Director
Laurie Case.. Utility Director
Jim David, Mosquito Control Director
~~ ~r
Com. Dzadovsky stated the City had moved to continue this item for January 20`}' and the
County is not meeting with the City until January 29~'.
Mr. Recor, City of Ft. Pierce advised the Board that the City has scheduled a meeting on
Monday to discuss interlocal agreements.
Com. Craft recommended having an outline of all issues they wish to discuss and
believes this will set the frame work.
The County Attorney concurred and stated they needed to identify the issues.
Com. Coward recommended bringing the a long term plan for the surrounding area of the
Ms. Jane Bachelor, Chairman TCERDA advised the Board that the authority has
discussed possibly having clean production in the park also and asked the Board to keep
this in mind.
Com. Craft stated he felt they needed to limit manufacturing companies coming into the
park and to make sure they fit the overall purpose. He believes manufacturing should be
moved more toward the Airport Industrial Park.
Ms. Bachelor stated they were looking for clean research production not manufacturing
as we know it.
A member of the authority stated he would support a training facility for the training of
Nuclear Technicians. He is not opposed to manufacturing since there are many levels of
it as long as it supports the overall purpose of the park
Com.Coward stated they needed to have more discussion on this issue.
The Growth Management Director addressed the Board and recommended an PNRD plan
zoning on the 160 acres for the CORE project area. He stated they did not have a survey
of all the lands and would need all the parcels to be surveyed. He believes this will
expedite the site plans. He advised the Board he would be going before the TCERDA ,
the Planning and Zoning Board in January and then would proceed to the Board of
County Commissioners. He stated they have identified the capacity for Kings Highway.
Ms. Bachelor advised the Board of the dicussions at the AURP meeting held in St.
The Attorney for the TCERDA gave an overview of the land swap as well as the leases
and sub-leases of the various parcels.
Mr. Buddy Johnson addressed those present regarding the status of the Executive
Director's position and advised them at this point they have not been able to acquire a
candadate for the position.
The meeting was adjourned.