HomeMy WebLinkAboutBudget Minutes 07-10-2008BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA BUDGET WORKSESSION Date: July 10, 2008 Convened: 9:00 a.m. Adjourned: 12:00 p.m. Commissioners Present: Chairman, Joseph Smith, Paula A Lewis, Doug Coward, Charles Grande, Chris Craft Others Present: Doug Anderson, County Administrator, Faye Outlaw, Asst. County Administrator, Lee Lowery, Asst. County Administrator, Marie Gouin, Management and Budget Director, Millie Delgado-Feliciano, Deputy Clerk Opening remarks were made by the Chairman. The County Administrator addressed those present and advised the Board there is presently a 1.1 million dollar shortfall for the 2009/2010 budget. The prepared budget is with the estimated 12% decrease in property values. Hopefully in 2009/2010 they will be able to give raises and hire staff if they end up with an excess. The County Administrator presented a power point regarding the governmental funds and non-governmental funds. Com. Coward pointed out the cash carry forward is less than 1 % as opposed to last year. Sheriff The County Administrator provided a history of the Sheriff s budget back to 2001. In 2001 his budget was $33,946,931. and today he is requesting $65,802,096. The Sheriff advised the Board the County Administrator had requested additional information with regard to line items and he was not able to produce them due to such short notice. However he has provided an audit for the Board to review. The Sheriff advised the Board that his net gain in the sale of the Helicopter was $800,000 due to the amount given to the Fire District and the Board of County Commissioners for the satisfaction of the interlocal agreement ($400,000) in the purchase of the helicopter. The County Administrator stated it was set up that each individual participant would receive back their initial investment or at least part of it. The Board agreed to fund the $400,000 to make the purchase whole. The Sheriff stated he requested on two occasions the $400,000 back with no response. The County Administrator had advised the Sheriff they would provide the $400,000 after the audit. The County Administrator stated there may have been a misunderstanding; he felt they were going to return the $400,000 depending on the audit if they had substantial funds. The Sheriff stated this was anticipated revenue for operations and this would have assisted in bringing them to the 5% reduction the county requested in the budget. The Sheriff advised the Board the advalorem based budget was $63, 634, 0007, the actual budget was $65,420,073 that was offset by the 1.5 million dollar sale of the helicopter and $286,000 in miscellaneous income, for a total of $65,420,073. i Com.Coward stated his recollection was that they had a short fall related to the SRO program. The County Administrator concurred with Com. Coward's comments and stated they had taken money from the retirement fund, the law enforcement trust fund, and the airport. These funds were included in the $65,420,073. Com. Coward stated in reviewing these figures what it comes down to is do they want to fund the SRD program next year. The Sheriff stated the crossing guards were being funded by the Children's Services Council grant this year; however this grant is not available next fiscal year. They used the income from the helicopter to fund the School Resource Officers as well as other income. The Sheriff stated he was told on Tuesday he would not be receiving the 2.1 million dollars he had requested. He would then have to lay off 25 deputies through the whole organization. He would decide where they would be taken from. He advised the Board the School Board funds one half of the SRD program. The Sheriff stated the budget this year was 65,420,073 and it covered all deputies employed including the SRD program. They would need to lay off the deputies and they will make the decision as to whether they will be SRO's or others. They get more bang for the buck with the SRO's because they only pay one half of their salaries. Coin. Coward stated the $63,634,007 is less the SRO program which is $1.7 million dollars. The Sheriff stated that was a fair statement. He stated $1.5 million additional would make them whole this year. Coin. Grande stated the actual budget would be $65,134,073 if approved by the Board. Coin. Craft stated he was not talking about cutting the program of the SRO's only looking for a way to fund it. Coin. Grande stated he agreed with the concept with the first step to be figuring out what was the budget last year. He would not be in favor of an MSTU to fund School Resource Officers. He is in favor of the budget number. Com.Coward requested a final number of the budget. The Finance Director for the Sheriff s office stated the figure for last year was $63 million plus the $316,000 interest turned over in 2007 plus the $1.5 million for the helicopter. Staff advised the Board the total budget was $65,736,644 and this figure included the helicopter. Without the helicopter sale, the budget figure was $63,950,073. Coin. Coward stated recognizing law enforcement was a priority and in giving the Sheriff $65,736,6441ast year and if they don't meet the same amount they have reduced the budget and they may need to stay at that level if they wish to have the same level of service and this would be his goal. Coin. Lewis stated they did not give the Sheriff s office this amount due to the fact they had not given them the helicopter proceeds and that determination was never made. The Sheriff requested the Board consider approving the figure presented and discuss the helicopter issue at another time. Com.Craft questioned several line item expenses. 2 The Sheriff stated he had frozen 52.5 positions in his organization. Com. Coward stated it will be difficult to meet the needs of a growing azea and this is where the Governor stated there would be no impact on Law Enforcement. He asked how much was the savings from those frozen positions. The Finance Director stated 48 of those positions aze currently in the budget. Com. Coward asked how those monies were utilized this year. The Sheriff stated this fiscal year they were appreciative as to what the Boazd gave. There was a union agreement in which new pay raises and pay scales came in and some of the monies were utilized for this purpose in this fiscal yeaz. What was not used you can see noted in the savings in the personnel cost line item this year. The Sheriff stated he wished to cleaz up some comments being made after his presentation on Tuesday regazding raises. He stated there were no raises in the budget this yeaz what he was asking was, if there was any savings this year they could use it as a one time bonus or something for employees, he is not sure there will be a savings this year, but would like the ability to come back to the Boazd to discuss this issue should there be a savings. Com. Grande asked the Sheriff not to ask for a commitment this year from the Boazd for raises or bonuses. Com. Coward stated the Boazd asked that no raises be given this yeaz. This was asked by the Boazd to all Constitutional officers and all other departments. It would place the Boazd in a predicament with all those azeas they requested no raises be given if they should agree to such a request. The Sheriff stated he understood. The County Administrator summazized the following: $63,634,073 in the budget as per the County Administrator, $1,500,000 for SRO program requested by the Sheriff as well as $154,000 for school crossing guazds. This brings the additional request total to $1,654,000 to be added to the $63, 634,073 budgeted. Total Sheriff's budget then is $65,288,073. The County Administrator stated the $1.6 million would be added to the gap for FY 2009/2010. Com. Cowazd stated the $65,288,073 would be the budget amount with the SRO program and the school crossing guard program in tact. This would not be an increase or decrease in the Sheriff's budget. The Boazd would be holding the Sheriff's office budget at the same amount as last year. The Sheriff stated he could live with this amount. * * The Boazd unanimously approved this budget 5/0. The County Administrator stated yesterday at the beginning of the budget process they were going into 2009/2010 with a gap of $1,161,741. The $250,000 pazks budget compounds at a $500,000 deduction in the gap and assuming the Sheriff does not reduce his budget next year which he believes they will not and adding the $1,654,000 again, the total gap for 2009/2010 is $3,969,741. Lincoln Park Community Center The County Administrator advised the Board the City of Ft. Pierce has not pursued the 3`a appraisal of the Lincoln Park Community Center. There are $46,000 impact fees and $459,350 in the general fund. Com. Craft questioned if $46,000 in impact fees can be used for improvements. Com. Coward recommended having a budget due to architect and construction costs which may exceed the amount. They need to push out improvements until they can be done. The County Administrator stated he believes they can make a dent into thee $3 million dollar gap. They will continue to work on it. Com. Smith asked where the Board was with the question of $459,350 and where they would be placing the funds. Com.Craft questioned if they could use the $46,000 for design and expansion. The County Administrator stated he believes the $46,000 is low and believes it would be more like $100,000. Com. Coward stated it would not make sense to do a plan without funds to expand and make improvements. He believes the project should be pushed back until more impact fees are collected. Com. Lewis recommended pulling $54,000 from the fund and adding it to the impact fees. Com. Coward felt a reasonable compromise would be to place $400,000 back into the general fund. The County Administrator stated the new gap figure for 2009/2010 would be $3,569,741. Economic Development $100,000 contribution plus $50,000 for March 31S` through September 30`h `° assume responsibilities. Com.Coward stated they needed to look at the $496,732 from last year he believes they need to get the number as close to last year as possible rather than the 50% cut proposed. Mr. Pelton stated they needed 2 more staff personnel in order to accomplish the goals the county is requesting. Com. Grande stated he was looking more toward the $400,000 figure. Bringing the EDC to $300,000. Com. Lewis asked why not keep a county position as part of the staff. Mr. Pelton stated companies do not wish to deal with public sector personnel. He would like to have someone to go to in the county and have a person approve grant requests and applications. This would greatly assist him and the EDC. There is a confidentiality issue with the companies. Com. Coward stated he was not overly concerned with it being county staff under him or EDC staff they are still working for Mr. Pelton and Mr. Pelton works for the Board. Com. Smith stated he would like to make sure there is county staff involved. He stated Mr. Pelton is not a county employee and does not report to the Board. He believes there needs to be government presence in this organization. He believes there is a big difference as to who reports to whom. Mr. Pelton stated he was concerned with possible duplication of efforts. 4 Com. Lewis stated she has a concern with the fact when they aze in the process of reducing county staff an added position is being considered for another agency. The Asst. County Administrator stated normally when companies come in; the CEO normally would like to meet with the Economic Development Director and the County Administrator. She sees a continuing role of a county person and the County Administrator. She believes she cannot have someone from the EDC come in look at the numbers and do the calculation when it is done at the staff level. She does not see the EDC hiring someone to do such a function. There aze functions the County must do and receive the blessing from legal and administration. She sees a continuing role the County Administrator must maintain as well as the staff person. She would permit the EDC to put the county or the County Administrator out of the Economic Development function. Com. Craft stated he believes this does not to be ironed out today. He would like to come up with a number and permit the County Administrator and staff come up with a strategy. Mr. Pelton stated he would like another staff person for the purpose of recruiting only. He would be please to sit down with staff. Staff recommendation was $252,500 allocation. Com. Smith stated he was comfortable with $252,500. Com. Craft stated there may be a need to increase the amount but he was not sure how much. Com. Cowazd stated he felt the minimal amount should between $400,000- $450,000. The Asst. County Administrator stated she needed clazification as to the staff person he was requesting. She needed to make sure the recruiting position was not an ongoing position with county funding. Mr. Pelton stated the county`s allocation is for results not for staff. The County Administrator stated they would discuss this issue again next year and the Commissioners would decide. Com. Coward stated this decision will be made next yeaz. Com. Lewis stated there is an increase of $50,000 and there is an increase of $102,000. She is comfortable with $252,500. If it was a different yeaz she might think differently. Mr. Pelton stated the county is cutting $50,000 and he realizes this was a match but he actually when the met with the budget committee there recommendation was to increase them by $100,000. and it was his request not to give them the $100,000 unless it was on a match basis. Com. Craft stated before the meeting he was considering cutting the total funding for the EDC because he had not seen results but, because of the commitment he has seen and this being an extraordinary yeaz he felt this is why they must keep the funding. He is ready to support the $400,000 total however he would like a report or a plan on how it is expended rather it be on county staff or the EDC and include discussion on the Research and Education Pazk Authority. Com. Lewis stated looking at the gap she would like to see where the money is coming from. Com. Smith stated they have cut from non profit agencies, parks and recreation and Lincoln Pazk Community Center and now the Boazd is saying they aze going to add money to Economic Development. The Board would be providing money for something that hopefully will happen in the future. This is not today and not guaranteed and they are certainly comfortable with making the cuts which have been made today. 5 Com. Craft stated he would like to talk about the outside agencies such as ARC and 211 however he believes they need to look at the issue holistically. Com. Lewis stated she would not be placed in a position of playing favorites and will not look at a list and say who is more important. They are looking at a $3 million dollar gap and this would increase it and asked how many more people would they need to lay off just to meet the gap. She will not go back and second guess the prior decisions made. Com. Smith stated he was prepared to make difficult decisions yesterday and he asked Com. Grande if he was prepared to review the list once again. Com. Grande indicated he was not interested. Com. Coward stated he felt they did not gut the parks and recreation areas, he felt they only scaled back those areas that were not producing. Com. Lewis stated she felt they radically cut into the budget yesterday. There was consensus by the Board with 3 members in favor of the funding for the Economic Development $400,000. The County Administrator advised the Board this would increase the gap to $3,717,241. For 2009/2010. It will be determined whether it all goes to the EDC or have internal staffing. The Management and Budget Director reviewed the roll back rate. 8.9416. The roll back rate decreased 18.7 due to property values. It was noted the county had $44.8 million dollars less than last year in property tax revenues. There being no further discussion, the meeting was adjourned. 6