HomeMy WebLinkAboutInformal Minutes 03-23-2010BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS
Date: March 23, 2010 Convened: 11:30 a.m.
Adjourned: 3:20 p.m.
Commissioners Present: Chairman, Charles Grande, Doug Coward, Paula A. Lewis, Chris Craft,
Chris Dzadovsky
Others Present: Faye Outlaw, County Administrator, Lee Ann Lowery, Dan McIntyre, Millie
Delgado-Feliciano, Deputy Clerk
The Interim Risk Manager addressed this issue and stated they are presently working on a
proposed contract with Lawnwood where they would be charged 125% of the Medicare fee
schedule. So far the hospital has not accepted this rate as yet and he expects them to
The Representative for PHS addressed this issue and stated they submitted the contract 2
weeks ago with the inpatient and outpatient fee schedule and she has not received any
information but she also expects a counter.
The Vice President of PHS, Carla Vassario, gave an overview of the contract with the Sheriff's
office. She stated the prior contract was $4 million and the new contract is proposed at $3.7
The County Administrator stated this is a critical funding situation for the county.
Com. Grande stated they are looking at $2-3 million over budget in the existing budget.
Com. Coward stated he was troubled with the budget process after the fact costs. He stated
he is a proponent of the bid process and all contracts should be put out for bid. He stated he
would like this contract to be put out for bid.
Sheriff Mascara stated their medical consultant had advised them if this contract was put out
for bid, they could expect a 20% increase in costs. He stayed PHS had reduced their contract
cost and they have the lowest fee based in the area.
Com. Craft requested data so they he could fully understand what is before the Board today. He
also requested staff provide any information possible on the relationship between nearby
emergency and non-emergency transport to hospitals.
The County Administrator stated she would come back to the Board for a decision on how or
where to take the additional costs from, i.e. contingency or emergency reserves or from the 5.4
million that was to be placed on account for use in the next budget. She advised the Board the
5.4 budget had been reduced to 3.4 due to the one time funding for the SRO program and she
hopes to come back with other options.
The Sheriff's Finance Director stated the 1.6 million funding was not from Port St. Lucie, but
was allocated to cover the School Board's portion of the SRO shortfall.
The County Administrator stated she would have further discussions with the Board on funding
and will also provide an updated on the negotiations with Lawnwood.
Ms. Ruth Clemens, Land Acquisition, addressed the Board and stated her intent was to
determine the Board's direction in land acquisition of the C 23 canal. There are 1300 acres left
to acquire at a cost of 12-15 million. The District does not have the funds due to State revenues
going down and the taxpayer ad-valorem dollars reduced. It does not look like funding will be
acquired for the acquisition for the next 5 years.
She would like to know what St. Lucie County's priorities are.
Com. Dzadovsky stated he was disappointed that funding was re-allocated to a different area.
Ms. Clemens advised the Board funds were never allocated for the C-23 initially; the funds were
taken for Biscayne Bay.
The Director of Management and Budget stated in April the Board will be asked to sunset the
program or continue it. She informed the Board they could the local preference if they do not
continue the stimulus program.
The Management and Budget Director stated that due to staff time constraints, she believes
the local preference program will do as well.
The Chairman recommended not bringing anything forward and letting the stimulus program
Staff addressed the Board on this item and provided an update on the Severe Repetitive Loss
program and stated she would be requesting Board direction. She stated the purpose of the
program was to reduce and eliminate the risk of long term repetitive loss to residential
properties. The program will reduce/eliminate long term risk of flood damage by:
1. Elevation of structure
2. Acquisition- County becomes responsible for maintaining as open space in
3. Demolition and reconstruction
Grant Eligibility & Requirements
1. The owner receives notice from FEMA; instructed to contact Grants
2. 9 SRL owners notified; 1 withdrew; 1 was nonresponsive (in foreclosure) new owner
now interested (property owner addressed Board and BOCC meeting)
3. 4 eligible SRL applicants waiting
4. Once approved, owners must front the cost of mitigation and then wait for
reimbursement pending County review and FLDEM approval.
Application Issues and Difficulties Pre-Award Costs
• Property owners are not required to pay any pre-award costs
Some required items have associated costs
Staff used estimates for first submittals
Later obtained BOCC approval and used $8,020 in County contingency funds to obtain
required information.
Staff changes at FLDEM
This resulted in loss or misplacement of critical data for one application.
Staff is still working to resolve this issue.
Process Delays
All 7 applications were submitted for elevation of homes.
Four properties had to be resubmitted for different mitigation, but re-submittals
would not be considered until original applications were approved by FEMA:
Tropical Storm Fay wiped out 3 properties- Resubmitted for acquisition
• Owners out of home since August 2008
• The County will have to maintain these lots as open space in perpetuity
• FDLEM suggested 4th property be resubmitted for reconstruction
• County staff obtained professional estimates for required data for all.
FEMA approvals received in summer of'09', re-submitted October 2009-January 2010;
2 re-submittals approved; 4 pending; 1 on-hold (reconstruction mitigation).
Application Issues and Difficulties
County Staff Time and Resources for 7 Applications
• Staff time estimated at 1,196 hours
• Including OMB, Central Services, ERD, Grants and Acquisitions
• Includes application, re-submittal, project management, land maintenance,
reimbursement review, approval and payment
• Staff costs- $50,029 (not including administrative staff)
• Estimated $3,000 per application of upfront expenses( to be reimbursed if awarded)
• 4 properties still on SRL list (including Reis-Beumer)
Impact of Repetitive Loss Program
Similar to SRL program
150 properties in SLC
BOCC letter to the County's legislative delegation to restore missing data on the re-
construction mitigation, expedite and fund the 7 applications and reflect the true cost to
County and also direction on future applications
BOCC direction regarding future applications, considering:
• No date or information on program impact as projects are still in application
• Effect upon staff of 4 potential additional SRL and 150 RL applications
• Allocation $3,000 per application for pre-awarded costs that may not be
• Potential impact of large numbers of acquisitions of residential lots to be
maintained as open space
Com. Dzadovsky asked for information regarding the property owners who came before
the Board and if they were provided any disclosure about this issue.
Staff stated the property remains eligible regardless who owns it. In research she was
informed the property was in foreclosure. The application was partially but was not
submitted because there was no owner. The new owner may have received a letter
and staff advised him what she knew of the property when he contacted her. He
purchased it and sold it and she does not know what the new owner was told. The new
owner came and spoke to staff and staff advised her of the issue and she stated she was
not told nor was she aware of the eligibility of the program or about the flooding issue.
Staff was contacted by her attorney who asked about the program, staff informed her
and the attorney asked if an application could be submitted and staff informed her she
did not know if there was another cycle available but she would check. Staff found out
the 2009 cycle had re-opened due to some remaining funds being available. The 2010
cycle opens in June. Their interest is in the county submitting an application for them.
Staff contacted DEM about the cycle and asked for a current list for the SRL and RL
programs. If staff was to submit an application for them, then staff would have to also
submit an application for 3 other who have contacted staff in the past. Staff advised
the Board when the letter is received by the property owner, they are told to call DEM
and then DEM tells them to contact staff. She tells them about the program and the
options and she then logs their name and if and when the county submits another
application, their property will betaken into consideration.
Com. Dzadovsky asked if the county could charge for staff time.
Staff stated she does not believe they can, it would limit those who can afford to pay
this fee. Staff advised the Board there are no completed projects in Florida.
Com. Coward asked what staff recommended.
Staff stated they would like to complete the 7 applications they have now before they
get involved with doing anymore.
Staff would like to pass through to DEM through the legislative delegation what it is
really costing the county. She has placed in the budget 5% for administration cost.
The project cost of 100% includes the 5% of the true project cost, the owner pays 10%
and FEMA pays 90%. The only cost to the county is the administrative cost which is huge
to date.
Com. Dzadovsky stated he had no problem with the letter and requesting the loss data
but would like to know the outcome of the projects.
Com. Grande requested information on the loss data.
Staff advised the Board one homeowner was in a mobile home worth 8,000 and it would
have cost $60,000 to elevate it. The owners cost would have been 10% of this and the
owners did not wish to spend this kind of money on an 8,000 trailer. The DEM advised
the owner that there was $138,000 for the property based on the benefit cost analysis
and recommended pursuing reconstruction mitigation. When they resubmitted they
did for reconstruction mitigation, the application was lost and the new person does not
know where the 138,000 came from and told them they only had $94,000 for
reconstruction and the owners cannot reconstruct for that amount. Staff sent them
their notes, and there is nothing in writing. Staff was informed that FEMA changed the
rules and stated they cannot use this method.
Staff was informed FEMA did not have any funds, she is trying to obtain this information
from their contact because if this is true, the applicants need to be told, however two
applications are approved moving forward and waiting for the funds.
Board Direction: It was the consensus of the Board to direct staff not to proceed with
new applications and continue with the 7 applications already submitted and directed
staff to draft the letter to the delegation and the agencies receive copies.
The County Administrator advised the Board of the agenda for the meeting scheduled
for the 30th. The agenda has been expanded and requested the Board review the
Com. Coward addressed the compromise TCERDA voted in favor of and stated they
should get the agreement on item 2 or refuse to discuss items 3, 4 and 5.
Com. Dzadovsky stated he believes they want to re-think the agreement.
The County Administrator addressed the parks and the concerns they have on the cost
of maintaining Maravella Park.
Com. Dzadovsky stated he felt they should go back to the original agreement.
The Chairman directed staff to advise the City of Ft. Pierce his preference is to have a
single item agenda and would like discuss other issues one on one.
The County Administrator stated she spoke with the City Manager and he informed her
his Commission wanted these items on the agenda.
The County Administrator addressed the Board and advised them of a Port issue the
Long Shoremen are looking to comment on at the meeting attempting to obtain a
change on the Port Master Plan.
Com. Coward stated he would like background information on the items they wish to
Com. Dzadovsky addressed the Sunrise theater.
The County Administrator stated the County Attorney had advised her the Board
approved the million dollar grant with the condition they would not come back for any
operating dollars.
Com. Dzadovsky recommended the city be provided a copy of the minutes where this is
The County Administrator stated she would stay with a one item agenda and advise
them of such.
The meeting was adjourned.