HomeMy WebLinkAboutStrategic Minutes 03-13-2008BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA STRATEGIC PLANNING SESSION Date: March 13, 2008 Convened: 8:30 a.m. Adjourned: 11:30 a.m. Commissioners Present: Chairman, Joseph Smith, Paula A. Lewis, Doug Coward, Chris Craft, Charles Grande Others Present: Doug Anderson, County Administrator, Faye Outlaw, Asst. County Administrator, Lee Ann Lowery, Asst. County Administrator, Marie Gouin, Management and Budget Director, Millie Delgado-Feliciano, Deputy Clerk The Chairman made opening remarks. The Chairman commented on demolition of properties. In speaking with the Property Appraiser and the Tax Collector, these structures are still on the tax rolls as is. The Appraiser will have staff look at the properties and notify the owners if they demolish the structures, this would change their values. Also the government contract for Dell computers, he would like for him to look into getting their own contract and maybe they will make special concessions. He requested the IT Director take responsibility for this. Another topic discussed was the chip seal program. He recommended looking into the possibility of the property owners wanting to tax themselves for these road improvements in order to get the dirt down in front of their homes. He would like information as to how much it may cost to implement such an assessment (MSTU or MSBU). The County Administrator gave a re-cap of yesterday's discussion. The Budget Gap they began with was $39,587, 669 for 2008-2009. They came up with a one time fund balance forward including the $5 million set aside, a net amount of $17,323,172 to offset the $39 million gap. They did not budget any capital so that savings was $14,933,531 was also placed in against the gap. Operations adjustments of $1,923,687 also were placed against the gap. The financial recovery of $5.5 million towards the $21 million goal and what was discussed yesterday he took and set aside $1 million giving back $4.5 million. He believes they can prepare for the 2009/2010 budget, the estimated $33 million deficit in that year. He believes they do not need to panic, he is suggesting they set aside one million bringing their emergency reserves to $17 million dollars which is more than double from 2004. He believes they are in better shape than other entities and has balanced the budget for 2008/2009. He is keeping $600,000 in the budget for school resource officers. This issue will be discussed when the Sheriff discusses his budget. 10% decrease for outside agencies; they are scheduling a meeting with the Citizens Budget Committee. It will not be 10% across the board some will be more than others. County staff will be picking up the mowing. No increase for Constitutional Officers. At this point they have $3,686,054 to put towards the $33 million gap for 2009/2010. None of the savings will be re-occurring in 2009/2010. SHERIFF Sheriff Mascara addressed those present and presented what his department was responsible for per state statute. The mandates have increased 2.25% or $1,426,353. ~~ ~r ~~ Scenario # 1 was presented showing 2008-2009 budget with mandated increases and current step plan- no increase in funding. To do this without an increase would cause some lay-off. The lay-offs to make the short fall would consist of 75 deputies, 20 non-sworn support staff. This is a reduction of 15.5% of the workforce. Due to the inmate population at the jail all positions cut will have to come from Law Enforcement. Scenario # 2 2008-2009 Budget with Mandated Increases and no raises- no increase in funding Amount needed for 2008-2009 $67,883,387. 2007-2008 budget after miscellaneous income ($63,634,022) shortfall $4,249,365. or a 6.5% increase in the current budget. Layoffs due to shortfall would be 37 deputies, 15 non sworn support staff or an 8% reduction of the workforce. Due to the inmate population at the jail all positions cut will have to come from Law Enforcement. There are 475 certified officers, 25 in the jail and the balance in law enforcement. Scenario # 3 2008-2008 Budget with Mandated Increases and a 2% Salary Increase No funding increase 2007 -2008 Budget after miscellaneous income - ($63,634,022) shortfall $5,087,674 Layoffs due to shortfall would be 64 deputies, 15 non sworn support staff This is a reduction of 13% of the workforce- Due to the inmate population at the jail all position cuts will have to come from Law Enforcement. Scenario # 4 2008-2009 Budget with Mandated Increases and the Union's Informal Salary Proposal - No increase in funding Amount needed for 2008-2009 $75,438,117 2007 -2008 budget after Miscellaneous Income ($63,634,022) shortfall $11,804,095 Layoffs to make up the shortfall, 104 deputies, 40 non sworn support staff. This is a reduction of 23% of the workforce- due to inmate population at the jail all positions cut will have to come from Law Enforcement. Other factors include the Sheriff's office hired 10 deputies utilizing funds from the COPS Universal Hiring Grant. A provision of the grant required the total law enforcement strength be maintained for one year subsequent to the end of the grant. Failure to meet the requirements may require a repayment of the grant proceeds which equal $750,000.00. The Sheriff reviewed the consequences of personnel cuts and staffing comparisons. Com. Grande asked the Sheriff what was his specific recommendations. The Sheriff stated they were going into negotiations with the union next week and he believes they will want to stay with the contract of next year. He expressed his concern with the drastic reduction in deputies and the safety of the public. There are still unknown as to the funding from the cities for the school resource officers. They have 40 frozen positions and 6 more through attrition totaling 46 positions. The Sheriff advised the Board they will no longer permit deputies to take cars to the grocery stores and other areas. They now can only drive the vehicles to and from work. 2 ~~ .r ~i In the past the deputies took the vehicles home because their presence in a neighborhood would deter crime in the community as well as having them readily available when there is an emergency. Chairman Smith recommended the Board send a letter along with the Sheriff to the Governor to let him know personally the issues they are facing concerning this budget. Com. Grande recommended also sending a letter to the granting agency notifying them we may not be able to meet the requirements. The Finance Director for the Sheriff s office requested a letter from the County Administrator stating they are in financial difficulty for the grant program. SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS The Supervisor of Elections addressed the Board and reviewed her budgetary information. She stated her only acceptable course of action is to hold the line on any budget increases for 2008/2009 by implementing the following changes that are within her control: Consolidating precincts to reduce the number of polling places, poll workers and voting equipment Eazly voting sites reduced from three to two with fewer workers in each location A reduction of polling place staff to one half of the number that is normally used No temporary election staff to man Election Day phone bank, compounding the waiting time at the polling locations Postpone implementing bilingual language elections to accommodate Hispanic residents which the Justice Department has encouraged us to move towards, to prevent a possible law suit. This would incur additional staffing and printing costs. The Supervisor of Election reviewed the increased costs beyond her control totaling $116,000 which will result in an increase of 4.4% in her 2008/2009 budget. She requested for future elections and the decrease cost that the County look into the process of encouraging county employees to volunteer to staff polling locations and be paid comp time for the additional hours worked on Election Day. These employees will be used in technical positions which aze becoming increasingly difficult to fill. She requested the Boazd send out letter to employees who would be willing to assist during an election. CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT The Clerk to the Board FY 2008 approved budget has not had material changes since 2004. The FY 2008 approved budget actually reflects a 2% decrease from FY 2004 approved budget. The Clerk to the Board has maintained the same personnel staffing level (25 FET) since 2004. Salaries and benefits are 80% of the total approved budget. Information Technology charge from the Boazd is 11 % of the total approved budget. Any further budget cuts will require the elimination of personnel and affect the current service level. The Clerk advised the Board he is proposing a flat budget for next year. He advised the Boazd he has reduced the arbitrage rebate services contract by going out for RFP's from $70,000 to $20,000. 3 Com. Craft stated in the future they may need to consider consolidating the IT departments and he would like to discuss this further. The Clerk advised the Board that the additional staff being required for the foreclosure filings will be provided by fees, fines etc. COURT ADMINISTRATION Most of their budget is not ad valorem, they come from technology fee and other fees defendants and violators pay into the Clerk's office. He has cut areas that were from ad valorem as presented. He had asked this year for $150,000 for wiring which would coincide with the build out of the three courtrooms needed. This amount was greatly reduced by $120,000. Also they asked for $50,000 for a courtroom at St. Lucie West, these two items resulted in a 54% reduction of the ad valorem part of their budget since they are not re-occurring items in the budgets. They have reduced their technology budget $25,000. These figures reflect 2009 and 2010 budget. The Court Administrator advised the Board the 2008/2009 would be the same or close to the 2009/2010 budget. Com. Coward questioned not having 2008/2009 budget before us. The Court Administrator stated they can for all account purposes the column noted as 2009/2010 can be taken as the same for 2008/2009. He also advised the Board there would be no additional judges for 3 years out due to lack of state funding. The legislature is requesting an additional 6% cut for next year from this year's budget numbers. Com. Craft asked since we would not be getting any additional judges, should the county not have the renovation take place and save the $2 million. The Court Administrator stated the Chief Judge had stated he would like for the renovation to continue due to the possibility the additional judges may be needed in the future. Com. Craft stated he felt they could use the money elsewhere due to the budget constraints this year. The Assistant County Administrator advised the Board they had placed the project as phase II and then moved it up to phase 1-A which includes the three additional courtrooms. They would take $700,000 from phase II to redistribute to phase 1-A leaving $1.3 million. The design for this phase has been completed but has not started Construction. Phase II would have been the main entrance (the staircase) and the build-out of the 3rd and 4`h floor of the old courthouse. The County Administrator stated if they stop phase 11 they would have roughly $1 million left to put toward the budget gap. The Assistant County Administrator stated they will need to be able to fund the data lines. The Central Services Director stated the Juvenile Court money of $800,000 has been shuffled into this amount. The Chairman commented on having discussion on the economy of scale in having 5 or 6 IT departments, and maybe having a centralized location and a committee as in the past. He hoped everyone would consider this as we move forward into difficult times. Com. Craft requested the Criminal Justice Coordinator provide an update to the Board on the various programs the County has invested in and their return. 4 Internal Support: Redline salaries, staff is not ready as yet to provide the additional analysis the Board requested. Separation pay -staff advised the Board the breakdown on the examples relative to years of tenure, they do not have the dollar impact figures at this point. Development and Economic Enhancement: Com. Grande questioned if a discussion was held with the City Manager regarding the parking garage. The County Administrator stated he and the City Manager would be getting together regarding this issue. Institution of a fee for use of fields- staff was to contact the City of Port St. Lucie. Com. Craft requested how many games each participant takes in and this would help in finding how it would affect each individual. School Board -this discussion will be brought back to the Board, the will work with the school board on the number. Uniform Rental Fee schedule for facilities/outside agencies- staff has on record they had 3 yes recommendations on this issue. Health and Safety: Life guards, direction to go with 3 and the 3`d one to go to the City of Ft. Pierce and they would identify what beach. Staff advised the Board the City of Ft. Pierce requested a meeting to discuss various issues. The Chip Seal program to be kept at the current funding level. Fair Association- the view of the Board was they are not ready to go the route discussed. The Chairman would like to see a study on how viable it would be for the fair association to become self supporting. Com. Grande requested information on the history of the Fair Association. The County Administrator stated they would schedule discussion on this item at an upcoming informal meeting. School Resource Officers- the County Administrator stated they will continue to work with the School Board and will come back to the Board. Lincoln Park Community Center the County Administrator stated they will bring back 2 phases of re-organization. It is too soon to determine how they will staff facilities at this time. He advised the Board the owner of the property did not wish to sell the property at the offered price. He would like to have another discussion with the property owner and see where he stands. Com. Craft commented on mining operations on a per ton fee which is being done in other counties. The County Administrator will bring back information on this item. The Chairman commented on the use of county staff for early voting. 5 Com. Craft commented on the Port and questioned if we charged Port fees. The County Administrator stated he has had preliminary conversation with Indian River Terminal and presently is working on this issue and discussing this with the Palm Beach Port Director. Capital List - PC & Servers- the Management and Budget Director stated a 3 year lease at $240,000 or 5 year lease at $151,000 per year on servers. The PC $689,000 per year (lease purchase) for 3 years or $433.000 for 5 years. It is cheaper to purchase them one year at a time. Com. Grande stated he was not interested in bringing in the equipment a little bit at a time, he would prefer bringing in what was needed at one time. The IT Director stated he would not recommend 5 years on the PC's, on the servers he believes he could live with that. Com. Grande stated he would like to see the information concerning financing the equipment before a decision is made. Com. Coward requested more information on the $8 million dollars from Traditions Field and how it would affect our budget. PUBLIC COMMENTS Ms. Marjorie Harrell, area resident, addressed the Board and thanked the Board for considering the items discussed today. Ms. Pamela Hammer, St. Lucie County resident, addressed the Board and made a recommendation on the printing of the books provided during the session. She felt the print was too small and difficult to read. She has a concern with going wireless for these types of meetings. She recommended the Board consider requiring beach tags for a fee to asset in the beach nourishment and also consider user boat ramp fees for service. She asked the Board to look at their needs and wants list and felt we are not in a position to consider many items on the wants list. Mr. Chris Sadowsky area resident addressed the Board regarding the court system and felt some programs were under utilized. He recommended utilizing prisoners for mowing the county right of ways. He also recommended the Board look into "Share Point" for Information Technology purposes. The County Administrator advised the Mr. Sadowsky they are using trustees as well as state prisoner and only certain inmates qualify to be out in the field. Mr. Brad Culverhouse, area resident, addressed the Board regarding Judge Cox being able to obtain two judges to assist, however there is a shortage of space available. He asked the Board to consider this issue during their budget deliberations. Ms. Ethel Rowland, Tallahassee/Public Forum, advised the Board of a panel discussion on the affects on constitutional Civil Liberties from 12:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Mr. Bill Hammer, area resident, addressed the Board regarding the economy and property taxes. He addressed the School Resource Officers program and stated other states do not utilize deputies for school security and felt this needs to be re-examined. He also addressed the school busing and it not being embraced by all the parents thus having nearly empty school buses and also addressed essential services. Mr. Lethanial Wells, area resident addressed the Board regarding the low income segment of the community not being a threat to society. The meeting was adjourned. 6