HomeMy WebLinkAboutStrategic Minutes 03-12-2008BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS
Date: March 12, 2008 Convened: 8:15 a.m.
Adjourned: 5:30 p.m.
Commissioners Present: Chairman, Joseph Smith, Paula A. Lewis, Doug Coward, Chris
Craft, Charles Grande
Others Present: Doug Anderson, County Administrator, Faye Outlaw, Asst. County
Administrator, Lee Ann Lowery, Asst. County Administrator, Millie Delgado-Feliciano,
Deputy Clerk, All St. Lucie County Department Heads and Constitutional Officers
Opening remarks were made by the County Administrator.
The floor was then turned over to the Chairman.
The facilitator, Ms. Fay Outlaw, Asst. County Administrator opened the session and
turned the floor over to the County Administrator for his presentation.
Section I
Property Tax Reform Impact: The County Administrator addressed the Board and
advised those present the State of Florida Taxation Reform Commission is looking to
reduce taxes by another 12% per year. He advised the Board he would be presenting a 24
month budget beginning October 1, 2008 through 2010.
The Board was advised that services provided to the community are going to be directly
affected by the decreased investment in local government.
The County Administrator reviewed the Ad Valorem Tax Revenues beginning with
Fiscal Year 2000 Actual, Fiscal Year 2004 Actual, and Fiscal Year 2006 Actual. He then
presented Fiscal Year 2008 Budget and Fiscal Year 2009 Projected. The figures
indicated in 2008 Fiscal Year Budget the number of employees at 969.25. From that
figure, 85 positions have been frozen and 7 layoffs, bringing the new figure presently at
877.25. The figure for Fiscal Year 2009 is to be determined.
The proposed 2009 budget projected is $155,037.225. This is below the $184,926.023
2008 budget.
The County Administrator reviewed the Tax Reform Impact, Page 5 (attached).
It is projected the county will lose 12 million dollars in tax revenue for 2008-09; 15
million for 2009-2010; 18 million for 2010-2011; 22 million for 2011-2012; and 26
million 2012-2013.
In the Property Value Decrease Assumptions he used an estimated decrease in property
values of 12% for 2008-2009. Assumed a three percent increase in new construction with
a net decrease of 9%. Each percent change in property value for the Countywide
Millages equal to approximately $1.6 million in property taxes. The Property Appraisers
office is estimating the county's property values will decrease an additional 12% in
The Property Appraiser addressed the Board and stated there were several things different
this year than what they have experienced in the past years. He believes nee construction
revenue will decrease further. The state projections are they had to decrease their
revenue projections by 3.94% almost 4%. There is a problem when this late in the year
you need to decrease further than projected. In looking forward the state has projected
backing off 7% in the following year after this one. Foreclosures are now 700 to 800 per
month in St. Lucie County. As of today, they have removed from the Port St. Lucie
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market value, approximately $1.992 billion dollars of value. Declining equity causes
major problems in the economy.
In looking at health insurance costs and their increase, he believes government will need
to pass more of the cost on to the employee or have fewer employees because the
revenues are down.
The Property Appraiser stated he sees this bottoming out; however he does not see an
increase in new construction in the near future. He believes the county will be looking at
2 tough years ahead.
The County Administrator addressed the estimated revenues which will be down
$29,888,798. This coming year. He reviewed the 2008/2009 Estimated General Fund
Gap (attached).
The County Administrator advised the Board they do not have any capital projects
budgeted or equipment budgeted for this coming budget year. There will also not be any
increases for the Constitutional Officers.
The 2008/2009 Estimated General Fund and Fine & Forfeiture Fund Gross Budget Gap is
a total of ($31,228,067). The 2008/2009 Estimated Erosion Control Zone E Gap is
The 2008/2009 Estimated Mosquito Control District Gap is ($820,886) and the
2008/2009 Unincorporated MSTU Gap is ($773,633).
The 2008/2009 Stormwater MSTU Gap showed a projected revenue shortage of
($794,800.) and the 2008/2009 Estimated Law Enforcement MSTU Gap projected
revenue shortage that will impact the fine and forfeiture fund amount is ($746,062.).
The 2008/2009 Estimated Parks MSTU Gap projected revenue shortage is ($947,049.)
and the 2008/2009 Estimated Transit MSTU Gap projected revenue shortage is
($341,069.) this shortage will be discussed as a policy question later.
The 2008/2009 Estimated Ad Valorem Taxing Funds Gap Summary showed a total
shortage of ($36,030,304.).
In 2009/20010 the Estimated General Fund and Fine and Forfeiture Fund Gross Gap
showed the following:
2009/2010 estimated shortfall from the property tax reform and projected decrease in
property values:
General Fund ($12,315,459)
Fine & Forfeiture ($ 5,634,382)
Total ($17,949,840)
These calculations were achieved by using an estimated decrease in property values of
12% and also the state percentages in the calculation of the property tax reform impact on
the County's revenues.
The County Administrator stated this was a serious problem and the county needed to
start addressing these issues in the 2008/2009 budget process.
The Two Year Ad Valorem Revenue shortfall was projected at:
Fiscal Year 2008/09 ($29,888,798
Fiscal Year 2009/10 ($21,085,063)
Two Year Total ($50,973,861)
In order to absorb the $29,888,798- 2009 tax revenue shortfall the millage rate would
need to be increased 19.5% (1.5719 mills) this is less than the roll back rate because it
excludes new construction.
The following are guidelines for 2008/2009 Budget Preparations
No new positions or reclassifications, unless they are part of a reorganization proposal to
reduce the total number of positions.
No new equipment
No increases in operating, except for utilities if necessary or contract increases
No other increases in operating expenses will be allowed, unless they are offset by
decreases in operating expenses in other accounts within the same division
No new capital improvement projects except those that are already funded, i.e. Midway
Road widening or those resulting from lawsuit settlement, i.e. medical wing expansion at
the jail
No increases in outside agency budgets and they are recommending a 10% decrease from
current funding
No out of state travel unless it is for business recruiting purposes
* * Exceptions to the above will be made only in cases where grants or other restricted
revenue is received to offset the cost.
The County Administrator reviewed the various options.
In option 1 -Reserves: noted funding 50% remaining financial recovery @ $2,750,000
and commented on the Reserves verses 100% (General Fund).
Com. Coward stated he felt they did not have to meet the reserve financial recovery this
year especially in the current financial state.
Com. Lewis stated she would like to see option 1 as the starting point and then work
Com. Craft stated he was comfortable knowing they had the flexibility and recommended
discussing this issue at a later time today.
Com. Coward stated they did not need to make a decision today, but wished to have some
discussion on the issue.
The County Administrator addressed option 4 and what they would have if the School
Resource Officers are not funded. The School Board is considering cutting the resource
officers in half however, they would still need $650,000 from the county and this amount
is not budgeted. The School District was advised prior the county would not be able to
fund the program this coming year. Original County contribution was 1.3 million.
The County Administrator addressed outside agencies and the proposed 10% decrease in
their funding.
The right of way mowing contract is $620,710.00 at this time. County staff is prepared to
take this over; they will need $150,000 to start up this program for equipment the first
year. He believes they will need to phase into this program. He recommended putting in
$150,000 for a contract and this would be a $320,710.00 savings for the mowing of right
of ways and median. The second year they would still like to have $150,000 for a
contract should there be an emergency. This will be discussed during budget. They will
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be coming back with a reduced schedule of mowing. The medians and right of ways will
not look as nice as they do today.
Com. Lewis stated it seemed reasonable as capital projects disappear they will have time.
She believes this is a good place to start.
Com. Grande state he would like to see target numbers.
The County Administrator stated there aze no increases for Constitutional Officers, the
Clerk of Court and Supervisor of Elections decreased their budgets last year. The Sheriff
will discuss his budget tomorrow. He has a few obstacles facing him such as the increase
in the price of food.
Com. Coward addressed New Horizons and would like to see the return on the County's
investment and would like to see if the prior increase in their budget was justified. Also
he stated, as much as he supports the Executive Round table funding, he would rather
have the children safe with Resource Officers. He feels they have a lot to discuss.
Com. Craft commented on the fact that the Health Department and others losing funding
on both sides. He felt their projects are essential and the Board will be having a difficult
decision to make.
Com. Smith stated these are difficult times and there are "no sacred cows". They are not
required to fund many of these agencies, however the problem is each on has made a
significant impact on our children. They need to look at this issue with an open mind
with no concept of whether or not they are important.
Com. Coward stated as the Boazd deliberates he would like to have longer term data to
review i.e. New Horizons and the Health Department; this would give the Board a better
The County Administrator addressed other revenue decreases.
State Revenue Sharing: `08' he believes will come in at $3,932,068
`09' he believes will come in at $3,000,000
The Cable Franchise fees that come back to the county aze about 5%. He believes they
over projected for year `08' and will continue to decrease due to the empty homes in the
Local Option Gas Tax: Gas usage is going down due to the price as well as having better
gas usage vehicles on the mazket.
It was recommended increasing the impact fees and adding ESL impact fees:
* * There was a 3 to 2 consensus to move forward with the process of increasing impact
fees. There was a sepazate vote for ESL.
Com. Lewis stated she would prefer to see the increase phased in and also include
environmental impact fees...
Com. Smith concurred with Com. Lewis.
Com. Craft stated he would like to wait and have more information on how the new
proposed ESL Impact Fees would be implemented.
Com. Cowazd stated he does not wish to have it phased in since it is a one time charge.
He believes existing tax payers should not pay and the new residents should pay for the
Com. Grande concurred with Com. Coward.
Com. Craft stated he would like to see the formula and would like to make sure the
figures are correct.
Com. Lewis stated housing had to be made affordable, not sure they should hit the new
residents all at once.
At this time the secretary called the roll
Should ESL Impact Fees be imposed?
Com. Smith: Not supporting
Com. Coward: Supports
Com. Grande: Supports
Com. Craft: requested more information in memorandum form, not prepared to move
forward. In favor of concept but not to move forward to implement.
Com. Lewis: in favor of a fee but not this particular figure
Consensus of the Board 3 to 2 not to move forward with the ESL Impact Fees figures.
The County Administrator advised the Board they had resolved the law suit regarding the
jail medical wing. Estimated cost $3 million. Will not get funded this year will build up
funds within next three years. The Sheriff s office believes they can reduce the cost to
$2.5 million. Funding sources law enforcement impact fees, surplus from the chiller
plant and they would have $1,135,000 available to set aside.
The County Administrator requested Board direction if they wished to set aside
$1,135,000 now.
Com. Smith stated he would like to take a look at it.
Plan to bring back to the Board in 2 phases reduction in staff and re-organization they
cannot give a number today until they know the gap.
Sheriff -unfunded -inmate medical, sex offender registration VOP/no tolerance
The total Constitutional Officers unfunded mandates have increased in 2008 to
$68,282,939. These funds come from tax dollars right off the top.
The County Administrator recommended freezing the Constitutional Officers budgets.
The Tax Collector and Property Appraiser departments are fee based.
The County Administrator reviewed the unfunded State and Constitutional Mandates.
The total unfunded mandates have increased from 42,081,740 in the year 2000 to
95,386,815 in the year 2008. 61% of the millage goes to fund these mandates.
The County Administrator gave a summary of where we are in the budget.
The 2008/2009 gap is: $39,587,669.
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They have picked up another $12 million in cash carry forwards plus the freezing of
positions and equipment. They are comfortable that they can place the carry forward
amount of $17,323,172 against the $39 million gap. However they will not have the
luxury of doing this next year 2009/2010.
Should they cut the recovery funds in half, the hiring freeze continues, there are no new
capital projects, no School Resource Officers funding, 10% decrease outside agencies
and in house right of way mowing, along with freezing the Constitutional Officers
budgets, they would have an economic adjustment of $(758,341,000) this would bring the
gap to a $1.6 million surplus if all was approved and this surplus could be applied to the
$33 million gap for the year 2009/2010 budget.
Staff will be presenting to the Board various policy decisions.
The County Administrator reviewed the directions given on the various options.
Option: 1-fund something less than $2.7 for financial recovery
Option: 2- continue hiring freeze
Option: 3- No capital programs in budget-Com. Smith requested discussion on the
Capital Projects. He expressed his concern about Lincoln Park Community Center's
Option: 4- to come back as part of the Sheriff's presentation
Option 5- Com. Coward requested additional information and Com. Craft concurred with
the 10% but would like to determine which outside agencies would be cut by less or
more. Individual discussions to be held as part of the budget process.
Option 6- total Board consensus on mowing project.
Option: 7- to be discussed tomorrow
It was recommended the outside agencies make a presentation to the Citizen Budget
Committee and then have the Committee come back to the Board with recommendations.
Lunch Break:
POLICY QUESTION: Should the County Administrator be authorized to approve
contract change orders and amendments to work authorizations for time extensions only?
Com. Grande stated he was not in favor. He would like to see all time extensions and
dollars over bids.
Com. Lewis - in favor
Com. Coward - in favor
Com. Craft -stated he felt the County had competent staff to handle such issues in favor
Com. Smith- in favor
POLICY QUESTION 2: -Would the BOCC increase the threshold for the County
Administrator to approve contract change orders up to 10% of the contract to a maximum
of $50,000 on a cumulative basis within approved project budgets?
Com. Grande -not in favor, he felt this was part of the Board's review function
Com. Smith- in favor
Com. Lewis - in favor
Com. Coward- had some concerns, concurred with Com. Grande- not in favor
Com. Craft - in favor
POLICY QUESTION 3. - Would the BOCC support increasing the threshold for
mandatory contracts from $15,000 to $25,000?
Com. Lewis - in favor
Com. Grande- in favor
Com. Coward- in favor
Com. Craft - in favor
Com. Smith- in favor
POLICY QUESTION 1:- Should Public Meetings at the Administrative Complex be
limited to two evenings per week
Com. Grande- opposed, should be at the discretion of the County Administrator as to
when they should be held.
County Administrator requested the backing of the Board. He would like to limit this to
two nights per week.
Com. Craft- is comfortable with staff recommendation however he would like to give the
County Administrator the flexibility to add another day if he feels it is necessary.
Com. Lewis- in support of Com. Craft's recommendation
Com. Coward - in favor
Com. Smith - in favor
POLICY QUESTION: Should Media Relations provide video/public relations assistance
for non-profit/government agencies at a charge for those services to cover full cost?
Com. Grande stated he objected this being done at a full cost basis. He would prefer it be
done on a cost plus 10% basis.
Com. Craft -support staff recommendation
Com. Coward- support staff recommendation
Com. Lewis- support staff recommendation
Com. Smith -Support staff recommendation
POLICY QUESTION: Would the BOCC support the following actions related to
advisory boards and committee:
Sunset inactive boards and committees
Consolidate boards and committees with similar membership and missions
Adopt operating procedures for all advisory boards and committees that address
and standardize such items such as agenda, minutes, attendance, and frequency
and length of meetings, etc.
Com. Coward - in support of the concept, would like to see the list of the committees
Com. Lewis- in favor of concept
Com. Craft - in favor of concept
Com. Grande -support as written, would not standardize such meetings as Planning and
Zoning due to the length of their meetings.
Com. Smith- in favor of concept
POLICY QUESTION: Would the BOCC support modification of the Comp Time Policy
to enable Exempt Employees to earn comp time on an hour for hour basis for attendance
at required evening or weekend meetings?
Com. Smith - in favor
Com. Lewis - in favor
Com. Grande- cannot support change felt current one is ok.
Com. Craft - in favor
Com. Coward - in favor
POLICY QUESTION 2: Should salary increases stop upon reaching top of the pay
grade? (Redline the salary) The County Administrator outlined this issue as: if you reach
top of the pay grade you would receive a separate check for the increase on an annual
basis but not be added to their annual salary, it would be a lump sum amount.
The County Administrator advised the Board that in the last two years they had given 2%
increase if above mid range and a 3% in below the mid range. This will not continue this
coming year. A cost of living increase will be implemented of 3%.
Com. Lewis -opposed, she is not sure how this would be put into practice she questioned
what would be done with those above their pay grade.
Com. Coward- supports further analysis
Com. Grande- in support
Com. Craft -opposed
Com. Smith -opposed, he believes there are those who have been in the organization for
some time and they would be penalized. He believes you would want to keep those who
have been with you for sometime and they would probably be willing to accept a 3%
POLICY QUESTION: 3- Would the BOCC support a County ordinance to pay certain
employees separation pay in lieu of notice when a Reduction in staff is approved?
Com. Lewis - in support but would like to review the ordinance if one is being drafted
and see the fine tuning of the issue.
Com. Smith- in favor
Com. Coward- needs more information -not sure of financial implications he is not
comfortable in making a recommendation.
Com. Grande- in favor however he would like to see what the severance package would
include. He would also like for the time period not to be standard.
Com. Craft - in favor
The County Administrator stated he would come back and give the Board more
information and bring back the severance issue separately.
It was the consensus of the majority of the Board to have a severance policy come back
to the Board.
Staff will be bringing back a severance policy for the Board to review.
POLICY QUESTION: Would the BOCC support a County ordinance where an early
retirement program would be offered to qualified employees.
Background and Service Impacts:
The County Administrator would be authorized to make cash incentive payments to
employees who are vested in the Florida Retirement System and who have six years of
service to St. Lucie County. Eligibility in FRS is defined as:
Anyone enrolled in Deferred Retirement Option Program (DROP)
Now, or who will be eligible between July 1, 2008 and September 30, 2009
Anyone who will turn 62 years of age between July 1, 2008, and September 30,
2009 or with 30 years of service during the same time period who qualifies under
FRS rules with a minimum of 6 years of service with St. Lucie County.
There will be a 30 day window to enroll
This policy will be reviewed on an annual basis
Cost Savings and/or Benefit:
Any payment made in accordance with this Ordinance will not be calculated into the
compensation due to employees under the Florida Retirement Systems Act, Chapter 121,
Florida Statutes. This Ordinance is not intended to alter in any way the years of
creditable service as defined pursuant to Florida Statutes 121.021 (2007). Cash payments
are calculated based upon current Health Insurance coverage rates at ninety five percent
which will be $9,521.28 for single coverage per year or $19,873.38 per year for family
coverage less applicable taxes. This will encourage some employees that were close to
retirement to retire sooner than planned. Pay out incentive under this plan would be for
three years, and paid in a separate check at time of retirement from the County.
Eligible employees will be given the option to enroll in this program or to participate in
the current plan as outlined in Section 3.01 Retirement of the Employee Handbook.
Employees who select the current retirement plan during this enrollment period as
outlined above will be grandfathered into the plan upon their retirement.
It was the consensus of the Board to support this item:
PANEL B/ Development/Economic Enhancement
Policy Question: Should the County institute an automated parking system throughout
the entire Downtown Parking Garage with the option to lease the spaces?
The Central Services Director stated this recommendation would assist in the cost of their
The County Administrator stated he spoke with the Public Defender's office that holds
several spaces for free. He advised them if the Board approves this policy and they
should wish to continue to have those spaces they will be charged at the going rate of
$45.83 per month per space. For jury duty, those on jury duty would be given a free space
slip. The garage would be available for evening events for free, i.e. the Sunrise Theater
however there would be a charge during the day.
The judges will have 6 spaces in the parking garage and nine after renovations are done
to the old courthouse.
The Central Services Director advised the Board he had been contacted by the City of Ft.
Pierce to see what we were doing with regard to the parking garage and our fee structure.
He was advised the Board the City will be providing the parking area for free for now
and then will see what they may need to do in the future. He believes they can generate
$95,000 a year if they were to have an automated system which would assist in covering
their overhead.
The upfront capital cost is $50,000 to install a particular system. The additional staff cost
would be around $40,000 per year with benefits should they go that round. He
recommends an unmanned system and fully automated.
Com. Smith stated this would be a system he would prefer the automated system and felt
this is what they should be looking at for downtown.
Com. Craft stated he wanted to be consistent with the City of Ft. Pierce and would like to
see what they would be doing.
Com. Grande stated he concurred with Com. Craft and felt doing something other than
what the city is doing may have a negative impact on the downtown area and businesses.
Com. Lewis stated the city was waiting to see what the county is doing and may need to
weigh in. The county's parking area is in a different location she does agree it may be
difficult if the county was doing something different.
Com. Craft recommended meeting with the cities to discuss possible consolidation of
these services.
The County Administrator advised the Board they would be looking into the equipment.
The Central Services Director advised the Board that in speaking with those in the area
they have stated they would like to see a first come, first served basis.
The County Administrator stated the parking garage is free during the evening and on
weekends. They are considering charging during the working hours during the day.
Com. Grande stated he believed it was inappropriate to establish a parking policy for
The County Administrator stated he would speak with the City Manager and come back
to the Board.
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Should authority be given to the County Administrator to approve increases and
decreases in facility rental and program fees to allow them to remain at competitive
market levels?
Should the County institute a fee for use of athletic fields and facilities?
The Parks and Recreation Director advised the Board the lighting fees are separate from
the field maintenance fees. They can institute one or both.
Examples of the fees that could be charged to youth and or adult leagues are as follows:
$25.00-$100.00 per game for field maintenance and lighting estimated revenue
$70.00 for 2 hour lighting of baseball/softball field (actual)
$60.00 for 2 hour lighting of football/soccer field (actual)
$20.00 for 2 hour lighting of Little League baseball field (actual)
Com. Lewis stated they may need to check with the City of Port St. Lucie because it may
increase the cost.
No further comments.
Should the County institute anon-resident fee for programs and facility rentals?
Com. Lewis asked what we would be likely to lose if this charge was initiated.
The Parks and Recreation Director stated possibly a small session of Karate class.
No comment.
Should the County charge the School Board for facilities and event support per the terms
of the mutual use agreement?
They estimate a net loss of approximately $160,000 to County for County support staff
for School Board events including:
Baseball & Softball
Flag Football
The $165,000 net cost does not include maintenance and facility costs. Combined it is
estimated at $500,000 to the county.
Com. Craft stated there are issues that need to be addressed and recommended working
with the school board to come up with something that is palatable.
The Park and Recreation Director the School Board would be asked to cover the cost of
the event not including the facility fees or lights.
Com. Smith stated some discussion may need to be held with the School Board to advise
them that we may have to start charging some fees and maybe come to a number we can
both agree with.
Com. Lewis concurred with working with the School Board to come up with something
both can agree with.
Should the County adopt a uniform rental fee schedule and policies for use of County
facilities by non-profit organizations and other governmental agencies?
Examples of policies that could be considered are:
Identifying a limited number of facilities and meeting rooms that will be available for
outside organizations
Establishing a rental fee schedule, depending on size/type of facility
Establishing an equipment rental fee schedule
Requiring that any requests for use of a facility or meeting after hours include payment
for staff, if available (not all facilities would be available after hours)
Organizations could be allowed reduced rental fees in return for executing a partnership
agreement that specifies specific benefits and services for the county.
Com. Craft was in support of this concept.
The County Administrator advised the Board they will bring back a proposal for the
Board to consider.
Should the millage for the Transit MSTU remain at 0.0833?
The Community Services Director advised the Board in order to keep services as they are
today, they would need to increase the rate to 0.0866 or 0.0899 if expanded to St. Lucie
West. The government is taking away the grant for "on demand response". If it is kept at
0.0833, they will need to cut out somewhere.
Com. Coward stated they may need to hold the line and consider expanding services
later. This is an important program but there are many others that are important also.
Com. Grande stated he agree with maintaining as they are presently.
Com. Smith stated he would like to continue the trolley but not move forward with the St.
Lucie West expansion and with the idea of looking to fund through grants or other federal
POLICY QUESTION: Would the BOCC support the following operational changes for
the Library:
Close each library (except Ft. Pierce) one additional day per week to reduce operating
costs and staff workload?
Close Morningside Branch one night per week (from 3 nights to 2 nights) to provide staff
to allow the branch expansion to proceed?
Discontinue the Bookmobile service and transfer of staff to the Hurston Branch to allow
the branch expansion to proceed?
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The Library Director advised the Board they are 8 employees short due to frozen
positions and by the end of the summer they will lose 3 more people. The Ft. Pierce
branch is struggling to keep open the hours they have due to lack of staff.
The bookmobile staff can be utilized at the Hurston and Morningside, Ft. Pierce
The Board concurred with the operational changes as presented.
Should the County revise the admission policy for the Marine Center to?
Reduce free admission from once per week (Tuesdays) to once per month?
Increase adult admission (currently $3).
Limit free admission to St. Lucie County public school student field trips only (rather
than all Florida public school students as currently written)
Increase the individual St. Lucie County student admission (currently $1.00)
Increase the individual non-St. Lucie County student admission (currently $1.00)
Increase the charge for all non-St. Lucie County public school groups (currently free).
Com. Craft stated he would support of the changes.
Com. Grande stated he was in support of the changes with the exception of increasing the
St. Lucie County individual student admission which is currently $1.00.
It was the consensus of the Board to support the changes as discussed.
Should the Museum and Marine Center decrease operating hours by closing all day on
Sunday and Tuesday except for Special Events?
The Cultural Affairs Director recommended closing on Monday's also. This would
decrease operating hours by closing on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. This was due to
decrease in attendance and would reduce operating costs and would be able to get
volunteers for the necessary days.
The Board supported theses changes.
Should the County reduce the grants to the non-profit Cultural organizations?
The County has an $80,000 mini grant program for assistance to smaller non-profit
organizations and other cultural programming.
They are trying to obtain more private dollars.
Com. Craft stated he could not at this time approve reducing the funding for the Cultural
Affairs and need to find a way to stimulate the economy which he felt is done through
cultural programs.
Com. Smith would like to continue the funding at $80,000.
Com. Lewis stated she concurred however she would like to see a list of the grants.
Com. Grande stated he would like to see a plan should the Cultural Affairs move towards
forming a 501 c3.
Com.Coward stated addressed the funds ($ 8 million) being received by the State for the
Mets Stadium and asked where these funds were being utilized.
Com. Craft asked they make sure what the funds are being spent on has a good return for
the County.
The County Administrator stated the County is receiving a monthly check over a 7 year
period. He will be presenting a report to the Board on the funds received for the Met
Stadiums from the State.
POLICY QUESTION- Should the County close pools in the off season (after Labor Day
-May 15`n)~
This year they closed 3 pools and left one open and recommended closing all pools off
The Board concurred they should all close for the off season.
POLICY QUESTION: Should the County enter into discussions with the Fair
Association regarding transferring the marketing, maintenance and operations of the
Cost Savings and Benefit:
Fairground Budget FY
Personnel $687,880
Operating $411,070
Total: $1,098,950
Revenue budgeted at -$169,750
Total cost/net loss: $929,200 ex. Capital
Revenue not included above:
$27,500 per month from FEMA
Month to month lease
Budgeted for capital (used for the wastewater treatment plant this year)
The County Administrator stated he had discussed this with the Fairgrounds Association
Manager and she had discussed it with the Board and they would agree to take over the
Com. Smith stated he was not in favor of this option and felt this was a recreational asset
for the County. He believes the people of the community said they wanted a fairgrounds
and the county worked with the fair association on moving the fair. He would prefer
there be a continued partnership between the county and the fair association.
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Com. Craft asked how the fair would save $400,000 in operations and what the county
may be doing wrong and asked if the fair would employ volunteers.
The Parks and Recreation Director stated the county presently has 10 employees at a cost
of $687,880. She believes their means of operations would be a cost savings but is not
sure what their operations would exist o£
Com. Coward stated he too did not wish to change the partnership and felt something did
not make sense if the fair association could operate the fair at a lesser cost. He believes
they need to get a better idea of the revenues coming in to off set the cost. It was his
understanding they were going to fully utilize the facility and break even. He asked what
the fair associations' revenues were this past yeaz. He does not agree with what has been
placed before him today.
Com. Grande concurred with Com.Cowazd's statement and recommended placing this
issue on the agenda of an informal meeting for further discussion. If we aze losing a
million dollazs a year they need to review these issues.
The County Administrator stated they would bring the business plan to the Board for
Com. Coward stated they needed to take out the business plan and set goals and say these
need to be met.
Com. Lewis stated she would like to look at the contractual arrangements and since the
county is losing money, they may need to look at it.
Com. Craft stated he felt the $ 500,000 subsidize will increase.
Com. Coward stated they have 10 full time staff and continue to lose money every year
means they need to revisit the issue and look at it closely.
POLICY QUESTION: Should the County divest itself ofnon-regional pazks and
facilities within city limits through long term lease agreements, sale or other transfers to
Cities and/or Non profit providers?
Cost Savings/Benefit: Up to $1,515,788 benefit: Divesting the County of these facilities
will allow the Parks and Recreation Department to concentrate on preserving the
County's key recreational assets and regional pazks. This will also allow the County to
continue developing a solid foundation for the future while providing quality facilities
and services.
Com. Craft stated this was a conversation he attempted to have a year ago. It does not
make sense for the county to take care of a small pazk in the incorporated areas. He
believes they should be working with the cities on this issue.
Com.Cowazd stated he would be supportive in exploring this possibility for the small
pocket parks. However he believes the county should keep the lazger regional facilities.
The County Administrator stated most of these parks aze within the City of Ft. Pierce and
the agreement stated we had to give them a 9 month notice if we were not going to keep
maintaining these parks.
Com. Craft stated he felt they should have discussions with the Cities regazding what is
being proposed.
Com. Grande stated he concurred with having conversations with the cities on this issue.
POLICY QUESTION: Should the County divest itself of neighborhood parks (less than
10 acres) in unincorporated St. Lucie County to non-profit entities i.e. HOA's.
Cost Savings: $313,000
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Com. Craft stated he believed there would be a homeowners association willing to take it
on while the county has been taking care of it.
Com. Lewis stated there were some homeowner's association willing to assist in the
county maintaining the parks.
Com.Coward stated he felt the community should assist the county in maintaining the
parks since they wished to have the property taxes lowered which would cut back in
available staff and funds.
POLICY QUESTION: Should the County continue to fund lifeguards at city beaches?
Do we keep lifeguards on six ocean beaches and one river park?
Cost Savings and or Benefit: Staff recommends continuing to guard only Pepper Park and
Waveland Beaches with a cost savings of $300,670.00.
County beaches not guarded: Dollman Park, Normandy, Walton Rocks, John Brooks,
Blind Creek, Middle Cove, Herman's Bay
Com. Craft stated they needed to discuss this issue with the cities; they cannot afford not
to have life guards on the beaches.
The County Administrator stated if they do not cut guarded beaches with lifeguards they
will need to cut other positions. The cities are in the same position as the county.
Com. Craft expressed his concern with a couple of beaches being overcrowded where the
lifeguards could not keep up with the people on the beach.
The Public Safety Director stated it would be up to the Board what other beach they
would want guarded.
Com. Grande stated he would like to have one guarded beach in the city of Ft. Pierce
along with Pepper Park and Waveland.
The County Administrator proposed keeping open Pepper Park and Waveland and
working with the city as to one other beach they would keep open for a total of 3.
Comcast supported this proposal.
Com. Coward stated he was in favor of cutting life guards.
It was the consensus of three Commissioners to continue to guard Pepper Park and
Waveland and discuss with the city guarding one more beach.
POLICY QUESTION: Should the County reduce the Enhanced Swale Maintenance
Program ((Contracted Services)?
The Public Works Director recommended cutting down the miles of maintenance by
50%. This would mean rather than doing 12 miles of swales they would only take care of
6 miles.
Cost savings and or benefit: $800,000 per year total cost: Recommend reducing by 50%
It was the consensus of the Board to support this recommendation.
POLICY QUESTION: Should the County reduce the Chip Seal Surface Treatment
Program for unpaved roads?
Cost saving and benefit: $250,000 per year total cost. Recommend reducing by 50%
Com. Craft recommended leaving in the $250,000 because it would be a cost benefit to
the county in the future.
Com. Coward stated in light of the $51 million the county will need to cut, there will also
be other areas where the funds are needed and the county does not have that luxury
anymore, he is in support of cutting the program in half.
Com.Grande stated he believed the additional $125, 000 investment would produce more
than cutting it in half the returns may be in the same year.
Com. Coward recommended having factual numbers on what this would save.
Com. Smith stated he believes there will be many issues brought forth however, he felt
they should keep moving with what they are doing today.
Com. Lewis stated she concurred with Com. Coward's recommendation.
Com. Craft stated he felt if they kept maintaining the roads as they are it will cost less in
the future rather than having to start over again.
It was the consensus of the Board to continue the program as it exists today.
Com. Smith questioned the county funding two demolitions per year. He would like to
see if there were alternative ways to proceed in doing this sooner.
The Asst. County Administrator stated they have budgeted $50,000 per year for this
purpose and they demolish two structures per year and lien the properties.
The Public Works Director stated there is a long process before they get to the point to
demolish the structure.
The Assistant County Administrator stated they would be furthering these discussions.
Com.Coward asked how they could more of the problematic items like batteries, etc out
to the landfill by the public. He asked if they could work with the cities in having drop
off areas for such items.
The Solid Waste Director stated they are presently working with Lowe's and Home
Depot to see if they can use them as drop offs. They still have not heard a decision. They
are also working with Walgreens for small items.
Airport 1-New Runway (9L/27R) $78,946 is the local share to complete the project. FY
Com. Coward stated he would like to know the zoning for the properties and if we would
successful in selling those properties.
The Airport Director stated if we sold those properties, then we would need to reimburse
the FAA with those funds.
Airport -4 Existing Runway Rehab (9R/27L) $109,672 need FAA funding to assist with
this project. FY 09/10.
Central Services -7 Jail Medical POD Expansion $1,825,000 FY 10/11 partially
funded GAP of $2,065,585 estimated total cost $3,000,000. Presently other building
alternatives are under construction for this project in order to minimize cost. Completion
date December 2009.
IT -1 Server Replacement $229,125 FY 08-09 75 currently out of warranty
IT-2 PC Replacement $656,793 FY 08-09 730 out of warranty, maintenance
increasing and so is staff time. These would be Dell PC's on a state contract. This also
includes replacement of some laptops.
These figures are as of February not taking into account staff reductions.
Com. Craft addressed the idea of employees working 4 - 10 hour days.
The Assistant County Administrator stated at this time they have not discussed this issue
due to the fact they are not sure just how many employees will remain after the
reorganization and staff reduction. This issue will be discussed in FY 09/10 when they
will have a better idea of the number of employees remaining.
Library -1 Hurston Library (furniture and equipment) - $250,000 FY 09/10. At one time
they were looking to use impact fees. However these fees are non existent at this point.
They will be short $250,000 for furniture and equipment. They hope the number will go
down a little and be successful in obtaining a grant. She will address the Windmill point
funding from the Friends of the Library to see if they could assist in this shortfall.
The Assistant County Administrator asked the Board if there are any of these items they
want added to the existing shortfall.
Com. Grande recommended the first, second, fourth and fifth items.
Com. Coward stated he would like to get more information on the surplus properties with
regard to the Airport items. However he is in support of the IT items.
Com. Craft stated he supported one and two, four and five.
Come. Grande stated he believes they need to move ahead with the two Airport project
and sell the properties in order to place the funds back into the general fund.
Com. Lewis stated she supports the new runway and existing runway along with items 4
and 5.
Com. Coward stated he would like the PC's numbers cut down before they are purchased.
The County Administrator stated they may look into a lease purchase.
The Chairman asked the Library Director to come back to the Board and advise them as
to the outcome of her discussion with the Friends of the Library and then the Board can
decide on the Hurston Library issue.
Environmental Resources -2 Oxbow Lecture Hall- This project was approved with the
understanding it was not fully funded. There are impact fees in dispute at the moment;
fund raising has been a problem. Staff recommended the use of what is left from the
general revenue and move forward for a master plan that would put them in a better
position for fund raising.
Staff will bring back an agenda item for Board approval.
Com. Coward stated he cannot support $135,000 going towards a master plan when they
are having to delete lifeguards, closing libraries and other areas needed.
Com. Grande concurred.
Com. Craft concurred with Com. Coward and Com. Grande.
The County Administrator stated they would use the money to balance the budget
Growth Management -1 TDR Program
The Growth Management Director stated this has been a BOCC priority since 2006.
Given the complexity of creating a successful TDR program, staff recommended the use
of a consultant to assist with development of the program.
Com. Grande stated he has not found a consulting firm that could assure the County of a
successful program. Those out there have continually failed in an attempt to put such a
program together. He would be happy to take the $100,000 cost to balance the budget.
Com. Craft concurred as did Com. Smith.
Com. Coward asked since the language was present in the comp plan, if they could
legally have the flexibility to consider this in the future.
The County Attorney motioned they would.
It was the consensus of the Board to reallocate these funds to assist with the budget gap.
MediaTrac 2- Phase 11 minute Traq paperless agendas- This would get staff away from
paper for the agendas and other presentations. They could print out the document if they
wished to do so. There would be training necessary with IT.
It was the consensus of the Board to support this item.
Parks and Recreation -Lincoln Park Community Center- Land Acquisition-
The funding for acquisition of the land for Lincoln Park has $459,000 remaining. Staff
requested direction.
The County Administrator stated they have an unwilling seller of the property.
Com. Smith stated he has had communication with the property owner but would like to
attempt one more time to see if the property owner may be willing to sell.
The County Administrator stated they do not have any funds to build a new center and he
would like for the Board to keep this in mind. This money could go into the general
The Assistant County Administrator stated she had concerns about having money sitting
on account when facing a $30 million dollar gap.
Com. Craft recommended exploring this issue a bit further.
Com. Coward stated he believed at this point they did not have enough information, but
he does not know how they can justify holding back one half million dollars when they
have such a deficit. He would like for this issue to be on hold until tomorrow when they
will continue discussions further.
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Public Works Item 2 Walton Road widening US 1 to Lennard- They have increased the
scope of the project due to the request of the City of Port St. Lucie to extend it from US 1
to Lennard. They have not discussed where they would get the funding the additional
section of the road. There are two choices, one is the road bond and they believe this is
the best source to fund the construction.
Com. Coward supports this item and recommendation using the transportation fund for
this purpose.
Com. Lewis is supportive.
Com. Grande is supportive.
Courthouse Renovations:
Central Services - 4 Courthouse Renovation Phase 1
Central Services -5 Courthouse Renovation Phase 1 (a)
Central Services - 6 Courthouse Phase II-
The Assistant County Administrator stated they did not have the information needed and
would like to bring this item back to the Boazd at a regulaz meeting.
Com. Craft would like information as to whether the state will be cutting back in judges
so that they do not spend money renovating if it is not necessary.
Staff concurred.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:20 p.m.