HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOCC Minutes 01-17-2006
Date: January 17, 2006 Convened: 6:00 p.m.
Tape: 1-2 Adjourned: 9:00 p.m.
Commissioners Present: Doug Coward, Chairman, Chris Craft, Frannie Hutchinson,
Paula A. Lewis, Joseph Smith
Others Present: Doug Anderson, County Administrator, Ray Wazny, Asst. County
Administrator, Faye Outlaw, Asst. County Administrator, Dan McIntyre, County
Attorney, Don West, Public Works Director, Mike Bowers, Utilities Director, Beth
Ryder, Community Services Director, Roger Shinn, Central Services Director, Vanessa
Bassey, Environmental Resources Director, Gil Backenstoss, Asst. Growth Management
Director, Hank Flores, Planning Manager, David Kelly, Planning Manager, Millie
Delgado-Feliciano, Deputy Clerk
1.MINUTES (1-024)
It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Lewis, to approve the minutes of the
meeting held January 10, 2006 and the meeting held November 7, 2005 and; upon roll
call, motion carried unanimously.
A.A presentation was made by the Master Gardeners and Junior Master
B.Resolution No. 06-037 Proclaiming January 17, 2006 as “Coach Mike
Leatherwood Day” in St. Lucie County Florida.
It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Hutchinson, to approve Resolution NO.
06-037, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
C.Cultural Affairs- North 15 Street and Avenue D Roundabout- Art in
Public Places project- Consider staff recommendation to approve the
selection of Mitchell lee Kolbe as sculptor for the North 15 St. and
Avenue D. Roundabout project and approve the budgeted expenditure
of $66,000 for the project and directed the Board Chairperson to sign
the contract for this project as prepared by the County Attorney’s
It was moved by Com. Smith, seconded by Com. Hutchinson, to approve staff
recommendation, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
D.The County Administrator read upcoming events.
Ms. Patricia Ferrick, representing a Conservation Alliance member, addressed the Board
and related information on the Party in the Park event. Ms. Ferrick representing the
North Fork Property Owners Association addressed the Board and submitted suggested
changes to various items presented, i.e. election rules and Planning and Zoning, BCC
submission of information.
It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Hutchinson, to approve the Consent
Agenda with the additions of CA-1, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
The Board approved Warrant List No. 15.
A.Resolution No. 05-028 Extending the State of Emergency for
Hurricane Frances; and Resolution No. 05-029 Extending the State of
Emergency for Hurricane Jeanne- The Board approved Resolution
No. 05-028 and Resolution No. 05-029 and authorized the Chairman to
B.Resolution No. 05 –030- Extending the State of Emergency for
Hurricane Wilma- The Board approved Resolution No. 05-030 and
authorized the Chairman to sign.
C.Revocable License Agreement- Bent Creek HOA, Inc.,- Paver Blocks
at Roundabouts- The Board approved the Revocable License
Agreement, authorized the Chairman to sign the Revocable License
Agreement and directed Bent Creek HOA, Inc., to record the
document in the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida.
D.Second Amendment to Joint Participation Agreement with Florida
Department of Transportation for Repairs to County Roads damaged
by Hurricane Jeanne- The Board approved Resolution No. 06-027 and
the amendment to the Joint Participation Agreement and authorized
the Chairman to sign the Amendment and Resolution No. 06-027.
A.Approval of Budget Resolution No. 06-016 accepting $350,000 from
the Florida Division of Historical Resources for the Old Post Office
Museum- The Board approved Budget Resolution No. 06-016 to
accept $350,000 from the Florida Division of Historical Resources and
authorized the funds to be utilized for restoration of the Old Fort
Pierce Post Office.
B.Approval of Budget Resolution No. 06-021 to accept a $21,375.00
contribution from Core Communities Inc., for the St. Lucie County
Cultural Affairs Department David Hayes Exhibit - The Board
approved Budget Resolution No. 06-021 recognizing funds in the
amount of $21,375. from Core Communities.
A.Staff requests that the Board approve Budget Resolution No. 06-022
correcting a scriveners error for Budget Resolution No. 05-475 - The
Board approved Budget Resolution No. 06-022 to place funds received
from Flagler Development Corporation in the correct fund to be used
for maintenance on lands being deeded to the County as part of the
Native Tree Mitigation Bank Agreement.
B.Staff requests that the Board approve Budget Resolution No. 06-026
establishing the budget for funds received from the Florida
Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Grant in the
amount of $175,000 for the Adopt a Tree program in St. Lucie County
Florida- The Board approved Budget Resolution No. 06-026.
A.Request permission to advertise for proposals from qualified
consulting and contracting professionals to provide services within
specific areas under continuing contracts with St. Lucie County- The
Board approved advertising for proposals from qualified firms to
perform Bridge Evaluation and Design, Construction Management,
Road and Intersection Design, Soil Testing, Stormwater Management,
Culvert Installation under the limitations of the St. Lucie County
Purchasing Manual and the Florida State Statutes.
B.Work Authorization No. 3 to the Contract with LBFH Inc., for
Professional Construction Inspection Services for the Gordy Road
Recreation Area- The Board approved Work Authorization No. 3 in
the amount of not to exceed $29,600.00 and authorized the Chairman
to sign.
C.Approval from the Board to accept the Taylor Creek Phase 1 Dredging
Project; and for final payment and release of retainage in the amount
of ($648,315.65) and to make final payment to Lake Michigan
Contracts, Inc., Contract No. C04-03-137- The Board accepted the
Taylor Creek Phase I Dredging Project and approved final payment
and release of retainage in the amount of $648,315.65.
D.Approve Change Order No. 2 in the amount of $61,191.07 for the
Weatherbee Road & U.S.1 Intersection Improvement project- The
Board approved Change Order No. 2.
E.Approval of Work Authorization No. 5 with Kimley-Horn and
Associates for a Concurrency Management Database- The Board
approved Work Authorization No. 5 as prepared by the County
Attorney’s office with Kimley-Horn and Associates, and approved
Budget Amendment BA06-118 authorizing the transfer of funds from
General Fund Contingency to fund this project.
Install new 200 AMP three-phase service for the parking lot lights at Tradition Field-
The Board approved using $9,700.00 from the completed parking lot renovation project
to install a dedicated 200 AMP three phase service for the parking lot lights.
A.Approval to apply to the U.S. Department of Justice Violence Against
Women Office for a grant under the Safe Havens; Supervised
Visitation and Safe Exchange Program for FY 06-08 on behalf of
Exchange Club Castle Grant- The Board approved the submission of
the grant application, authorized accepting the grant and authorized the
Chairman to sign all documents necessary to execute the application
and accept the grant.
B.Authorize the Chair to sign the Memorandum of Agreement TDO494
with the Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged
authorizing the county as the Community Transportation Coordinator-
The Board authorized the Chair to sign the Memorandum of
Agreement TDO 494 with the Commission for the Transportation
Disadvantaged authorizing the County as the Community
Transportation Coordinator.
Work Authorization with CDM, Inc. for engineering services related to the South
Hutchinson Island Wastewater Treatment Facility and the proposed State Road A-1-A
improvements in the amount not to exceed $39,130.00- The Board approved the work
authorization with CDM in an amount not to exceed $39,130,00.
A.Amendment No. 1 to Contract No. C05-23-636 David Brooks
Enterprises, Inc. – Construction of New Clerk of Court Building- The
Board approved Amendment No. 1 to Contract No. C05-23-636 with
David Brooks Enterprises for the construction of the New Clerk of
Courts Building, establishing a Direct Owner Purchase Allowance in
the amount of $800,000.00 decreasing the original contract amount
from $11,863,000.00 to $11,063,000.00 and authorized the Chairman
to sign the Amendment as prepared by the County Attorney.
B.Approval to relocated displaced Clerk of Court employees due to
Hurricanes Frances & Jeanne to a new location that is available for
rent and approve Budget Amendment No. BA06-119- The Board
approved Budget Amendment No. BA06-119 and the two year lease
agreement with Lloyd Properties at a cost of $65,040.00 to house the
employees that were relocated from the Clerk of Court due to
hurricane damages an authorized the Chairman to sign the lease as
prepared by the County Attorney.
Assignment of Agreement- Chuck’s Seafood- The Board approved the Assignment of
Agreement between the County and Chuck’s Seafood, Inc., and authorized the Chairman
to sign the Assignment of Agreement.
Consider Draft Resolution 06-009 granting a change in zoning from the RS-3 zoning
district to the PUD zoning district and Preliminary Planned Unit Development Site Plan
Approval for the project to be known as Whispering Oaks for 67.18 acres of property
located on the East side of South Jenkins Road- Staff recommends that the petition be
continued to the Board meeting of February 7, 2006 in order to allow staff time to
determine appropriate conditions of approval.
Com. Coward requested it be known to the applicant his vote would be contingent upon
the applicants’ contribution to the road.
It was moved by Com. Hutchinson, seconded by Com. Craft, to continue this item on
February 7, 2006 at 6:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as it may be heard, and; upon roll call,
motion carried unanimously.
Ordinance No. 06-001- Bicycle Helmets- Consider staff recommendation to approve
proposed Ordinance No. 06-001.
The Board received an e-mail from Blake Boyer stating his opposition to the ordinance.
Ms. Michele Berger, City of Port St. Lucie City Council member addressed the Board
and thanked the Board for re-visiting the ordinance and encourage the Board to adopt the
Ms. Sylvia Kramer, Executive Director Kids Connection addressed the Board in favor of
the ordinance.
Mr. Larry Lee, Administrator SLC Health Department addressed the statistics regarding
accidents and injuries sustained by not wearing a helmet. He advised the Board, St.
Lucie County was the only remaining county that has not adopted an ordinance on this
Com. Craft requested the general public be informed whether it be through the
newspapers or television.
Com. Hutchinson stated as a parent she has the right to educate her children and allow
and disallow certain things and situations. She resents the fact of government stepping in
and forcing her to do such a thing. She stated she would be voting in favor of this
ordinance as she felt it was a parents right and does not feel she should say, “it’s the law”
but would rather say, “it’s mom’s law”.
Com. Smith stated he concurred with Com. Hutchinson regarding being a responsible
parent. He felt the law is defined for those who choose to break it and he believes the
issue is there are people in this county who choose not to be responsible parents and he
believes law enforcement should be given the opportunity to educate those children
whose parents do not take the opportunity to do so.
Com. Lewis stated she has always supported this issue and believes this ordinance is not
drafted to take the place of any education. The Resource officers have always worked
with the bike riders at the schools and felt it’s easier to say “it’s the law” to children
without getting into a major discussion. She will be voting in favor of the ordinance.
Com. Coward stated he would be voting in favor of this ordinance and felt it would
provide additional “teeth” to enforce this issue.
The implementation of the ordinance was discussed.
It was moved by Com. Lewis, to approve Ordinance No. 06-001 effective April 1, 2006,
and; upon roll call, the vote was as follows: Nay: Craft, Hutchinson, Aye’s : Lewis,
Smith, Coward, motion carried by a vote of 3 to 2.
Ordinance No. 06-003- Proposed Amendments to Fire/EMS Impact Fees Ordinance-
Consider staff recommendation to adopt proposed Ordinance No. 06-003 as drafted.
This is the second public hearing.
The Builders Association requested the effective date be modified to March 1, 2006 so
they may be able to adjust contracts.
It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Hutchinson to approve Ordinance No.
06-003 with an effective date of March 1, 2006, and; upon roll call, motion carried
Consider Draft Resolution No. 06-008 granting a Conditional Use Permit and Major Site
Plan Approval to allow for the operation of a 90,384 square foot household goods
warehousing and storage mini-warehouse facility in the CG zoning district for 6.211
acres of property located on the East side of South U.S. Highway 1 approximately 300
feet north of Savanna Club Blvd.,- Consider staff recommendation to approve Draft
Resolution No. 06-008 subject to 5 limiting conditions.
Com. Coward expressed his concerns with the distance between the project and lots 8 and
9. It seems to be 31 feet distance (lot 9) from the project and 38 feet (lot 8) this is too
close in his opinion for someone to step outside in their backyard and have a commercial
establishment that distance away. He stated he could see them approving this plan
without some modification to the “E” central portion. He would like to avoid a 30-40foot
setback between structures and hopes the petitioner would work with him in doing so.
He asked the Board to consider requesting a modification of the site plan either
eliminating a portion of building “E” or reconfigure by moving it down to southeast
He would like to put the mitigation money back into the project for additional landscape
buffering and he would also like a minimum of 50 feet setback.
Mr. Charles Sabin, applicant, addressed Com. Coward’s comments and stated he
understands his concern. He advised the Board he had met with the homeowners and
they have been involved with the project. He does not have a problem adding additional
landscaping in the area. He also advised the Board there are some neighbors who are
concerned about the native habitat.
Mr. Sabin stated if the Board felt 50 feet was needed in the one area, he did not have a
problem reconfiguring that end of the project and backing up.
Mr. Jay Packer, lot 7 property owner stated he was more concerned about the drainage
than the set back.
Mr. Frescha, project engineer addressed the drainage issue and stated the swale was the
main cause of the drainage problem.
The County Engineer stated this project did not show up on his radar and does not have
any information on this issue tonight.
Com. Coward suggested bringing back the information and resolve the issues within a
two week period and would like the County’s Environmental Division give them
information on the use of the mitigation money.
It was moved by Com. Lewis, seconded by Com. Craft to continue this meeting on
February 7, 2006 at 6:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as it may be heard, and; upon roll call,
motion carried unanimously.
Consider Draft Resolution No. 06-004 granting a Conditional Use Permit to allow for the
construction of a 2,542 square foot self service car wash to be known as Cartoon Car
Wash- Consider staff recommendation to approve Draft Resolution No. 06-004.
Com. Coward expressed his concern with the operation of hours being 24 hours and the
proximity of the neighbors.
Mr. Vernon Dixon, applicant, addressed Com. Cowards concerns and stated he had been
in contact with the neighbors and they were in favor of the project.
Com. Craft suggested drafting language and should anyone in the future have concerns
regarding the hours of operation, they then can be modified.
Com. Smith stated he did not have a problem with the hours of operation.
Com. Hutchinson stated she concurred with the suggested added language.
Com. Lewis stated she does not see the need for the request, but will go along with the
language in the event there is a problem in the future.
It was moved by Com. Hutchinson, seconded by Com. Craft, to approve Resolution No.
06-004 to include the modified language, and; upon roll call, motion carried
Consider Draft Resolution No. 06-003 granting a Conditional Use Permit to allow for the
retail sale of undistilled alcohol as an accessory to the retail sale of food in the CN zoning
It was moved by Com. Hutchinson, seconded by Com. Craft, to approve Resolution No.
06-003, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
Consider Draft Resolution No. 06-007 granting approval to the application of Jeffrey
Freedman for a Change in Zoning from CG to RM-9 zoning district.
Com. Craft stated he would not be supporting the following three items unless a PUD is
submitted concurrently.
Com. Coward advised Com. Craft there is a site plan included so by the end of the vote
tonight they will know exactly what the project is.
Com. Craft commented on the failing road in the area. The land use change would place
traffic on this failing road immediately.
The County Attorney advised the Board of the vesting of this project prior to today’s
Com. Coward commented the reduction in trips due to the change request from
commercial to residential.
Com. Craft stated the zoning of commercial would keep the trips in theory only since it
would not be developed for a while. If they approve the residential they will have actual
trips on a failing intersection.
Com. Coward stated they needed to take into consideration the law and the County
Attorney advised the Board that the current policy allows for a vested site plan to be
The County Attorney stated they can change it however, this would need to be done by
ordinance and this cannot be done arbitrarily tonight. The concurrency regulations as
they exist do exempt development orders that were approved prior to 1990.
Mr. Al Brodeur, Thomas Lucido & Associates, addressed the Board’s questions and
Com. Lewis stated she did not want to bet on what the commercial interest would want to
do and she knows what she has in front of her today and projecting what might be done in
15 years presents a problem to her.
Ms. Susie Caron, 8500 Indrio Road addressed the Board and asked the time frame on the
project. She also expressed her concerns with the traffic on the failing road.
Mr. Brodeur advised the Board for the record; his clients are builders and will be building
and this is not speculative. This is not to be flipped, this is project they will be submitting
for building permits as soon as it is approved.
Ms. Caron stated she hoped building would not take place now but in the future. She
stated there isn’t any more room on this road and although the project does look good she
felt now was not the time.
Mr. Jay Maycumber, 8680 Indrio Road, addressed the failing intersection and failing
roads. He stated in the spirit of the North County Charrette this does not conform in his
Com. Coward advised the Board the applicant is donating right of way along Kings
Highway and building the missing pieces along Mira Mar and DeLeon.
Com. Smith stated he concurred with Mr. Maycumber the fact of seeing more
commercial could not occur. He asked what the finances would have been if they were to
come in commercial.
The County Attorney stated the only banking anticipated may have been impact fees and
he does not believe they project transportation budgets on anticipated impact fees. It is
his understanding the county does not use specific projects in calculating our road
Com. Coward suggested a compromise and stated if he could have a commitment from
the developer to have impact fees upfront so that they can be used immediately in
conjunction with other investment dollars in the north county to make intersection
improvements at Kings and Indrio this could help them address the concurrency issue.
Com. Craft stated the density in Lakewood Park does not support that much more
Com. Coward questioned the permitted trips under the current vested site plan.
The Builder (unintelligible last name) for the project, addressed the Board’s comments
and stated with regards to the contribution, he would like a ballpark figure on the amount
for the fees.
The Builder stated he was willing to give a commitment to the amount together with
them receiving the permit from the county to do the work for the infrastructure.
The County Administrator stated the builder is requesting the underground engineering
permit approval for the commitment to pay the impact fees in a ballpark figure of
Com. Coward stated this was consistent with what they have done with other projects and
are in fact paying the higher proposed fees that have been put in effect.
The Planning Manager stated the traffic would decrease about one half, 5500 to about
2700 trips with the change.
Com. Coward disclosed quasi judicial contact with the project Engineer and reviewed the
site plan and recommended the inclusion of the road improvements which have been
Com. Hutchinson disclosed meeting with a representative however cannot remember who
at this time since it has been some time since the meeting took place.
It was moved by Com. Hutchinson, seconded by Com. Lewis, to approve Ordinance No.
06-007 grating the application of Jeffrey Freedman for a change in future land use
designation from COM to RM, and; upon roll call, the vote was as follows: Nay: Craft,
Aye’s: Smith, Lewis, Hutchinson, Coward, motion carried by a vote of 4 to 1.
Consider Draft Resolution No. 06-005 granting approval to the application of Jeffrey
Freedman for a change in zoning from CG zoning district to RM-9 zoning district-
Consider staff recommendation to approve the Draft Resolution No. 06-005 .
It was moved by Com. Lewis, seconded by Com. Hutchinson, to approve Resolution No.
06-005, and; upon roll call, the vote was as follows: Nay: Craft, Aye’s: Smith,
Hutchinson, Lewis, Coward, motion carried by a vote of 4 to 1.
Staff advised the Board the applicant has requested to come back with a modified site
plan for the commercial area that provides the 10 ft. right of way donation along the
Turnpike Feeder Road. Staff does not believe there will be major alterations in the
parking facilities or buildings and they believe it will fall into a minor site plan category
and this is condition # 2 in the resolution. The applicant has requested that the
commission allow this modified as a minor site plan administratively rather than having it
come back to the Board.
Consider Draft Resolution No. 06-006 granting the request of Jeffrey Freedman for
Major Site Plan Approval for a project to be known as Indrio Road Crossing Phase II-
Consider staff recommendation to approve Draft Resolution No. 06-006 granting the
request of Jeffrey Freedman for Major Site Plan Approval for a project to be known as
Indrio Crossing Phase II subject to the conditions cited within the resolution.
Mr. Jones asked if the Board could reconsider conditions 5 and 6 regarding no building
permits being issued until DeLeon has been completed and turned over to the county and
a maintenance bond then posted. He advised the Board of the complications this would
cause regarding double mobilization of equipment.
Com. Smith stated he did not spend very much time on this plan but looking at it he felt it
could be better and this is why he is voting no.
It was moved by Com. Hutchinson, seconded by Com. Lewis to approve Draft
Resolution No. 06-006 with added condition number 10 regarding the prepay of impact
fees, also the administrative approval of the minor change and condition number 5
dealing with the CO issue, and; upon roll call, the vote was as follows: Nay’s: Craft,
Smith, Aye’s: Lewis, Hutchinson, Coward; motion carried by a vote of 3 to 2.
There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was
Clerk of Circuit Court