HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOCC Minutes 03-14-2006 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA REGULAR MEETING Date: March 14, 2006 Convened: 9:00 a.m. Tape: 1-3 Adjourned: 12:05 p.m. Commissioners Present: Chairman, Doug Coward, Chris Craft, Paula A. Lewis, Joseph Smith, Frannie Hutchinson Others Present: Doug Anderson, County Administrator, Ray Wazny, Asst. County Administrator, Faye Outlaw, Asst. County Administrator, Dan McIntyre, County Attorney, Pete Keogh, Parks and Recreation Director, Don West, Public Works Director, Beth Ryder, Community Services Director, Marie Gouin, M &B Director, Ed Parker, Purchasing Director, Roger Shinn, Central Services Director, Paul Hiott, Veterans Services Director, Robert Nix, Growth Management Director, Millie Delgado-Feliciano, Deputy Clerk 1.MINUTES (1-24) It was moved by Com. Lewis, seconded by Com. Craft, to approve the minutes of the meeting held March 7, 2006, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. 2.PROCLAMATIONS/PRESENTATIONS A.Resolution No. 06-091 Congratulating Mount Moriah Primitive th Baptist Church on its 95 Anniversary “ in St. Lucie County, Florida. It was moved by Com. Smith, seconded by Com. Hutchinson, to approve Resolution No. 06-091, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. B.The County Administrator read upcoming events. 3.GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENTS Mr. Jeff Mitchell 2318 Cameron Drive, North Hutchinson Island, addressed the Board regarding item C2B- advertising the abandonment of a county easement. He stated there were many issues regarding the parcel that will be coming before the Planning and th Zoning Board this Thursday and before the BCC on April 18. He believes it is in the best of the public’s interest to reschedule the advertisement of this abandonment to run th concurrently with the April 18 hearing on the rezoning of the property this way the public would need to attend one meeting. He asked the Board consider changing the thth April 4 meeting to April 18. Mr. Lee Dobbins representing Grand Beach, stated it had been their intention everything would come before the Board. th Staff stated they are working towards having everything on April 4. 4.CONSENT AGENDA (1-417) Com. Craft commented on item C3A and stated he was in support of the fireworks, however he requested the City of Port St. Lucie also receive $10,000 from the $20,000 budgeted making equal allocations to both cities. It was the consensus of the Board to allocate $10,000 to the City of Port St. Lucie. 1 Com. Coward requested C8A be discussed. He requested $55,000 be pulled from the Contingency fund contingency in order that both projects can move forward. It was moved by Com. Hutchinson, seconded by Com. Craft, to approve the Consent Agenda with item C3-A allocating $10,000 to the City of Port St Lucie, and item C8-A allocating $55,000 from the general fund contingency to enable the county to move forward with both projects, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. 1.WARRANT LIST The Board approved Warrant List No. 23. 2.COUNTY ATTORNEY A.Resolution No. 06-093 extending the State of Emergency for Hurricane Wilma- The Board approved Resolution No. 06-093. B.Request Permission to Advertise- Public Hearing- The Board approved advertising a Public Hearing to be held on April 4, 2006 at 6:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible to abandon a portion of a 60 foot platted right of way known as Flotilla Terrace. C.Resolution No. 06-094- Amending Resolution No. 05-347 $43,000,000.00 Improvement Revenue Bonds- The Board approved Resolution No. 06-094 and authorized the Chairman to sign. D.Revocable License Agreement Metcalf & Eddy Orange Avenue- (4) Monitoring Wells- The Board approved the Revocable License Agreement, authorized the Chairman to sign the Revocable License Agreement and instruct Metcalf & Eddy to record the agreement in the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. E.Confiscated Horses- Permission to advertise for sale at auction to Pre- qualified bidders- The Board approved the sale of confiscated horses at auction on April 8, 2006. F.Permission to reprint Arts View Magazine- The Board granted permission to reprint Arts View Magazine. 3.PARKS AND RECREATION A.2006 Fireworks- The Board approved the allocation of $10,000 to the th City of Ft. Pierce for its 4 of July Fireworks show and acknowledge staff’s intent to increase FY 06-07 fireworks budget request by $10,000 to be used as venture capital for a signature event. B.Purchase of Pressure Washer (EQ06-247) and Budget Amendment BA06-123- The Board approved Budget Amendment No. BA 06-123 to purchase anew presser washer at a cost of $1,059.00. C.Reallocation of Funds for the Open Space Splash Park- The Board approved to reprogram the $250,000. earmarked for the construction of the Lakewood Park Community Center toward a splash park at the new Open Space pool. D.Reallocation of funds to repair underground sewer and electrical lines at the Savannas Campgrounds- The Board approved transferring $8,400. from the completed “entrance road asphalt” project to the mentioned accounts in order to proceed with the underground sewer and electrical repairs at the Savannas campgrounds. 2 E.Reallocation of funds for the Port St. Lucie Ravenswood Splash Park- The Board approved reallocating the $102,038.00 listed above to the Port St. Lucie Ravenswood pool splash park project. F.Donation of surplus Civic Center equipment to the Ft. Pierce Sunrise Theater- The Board approved the donation of the Civic Center piano to the Sunrise Theater. G.Approval of State Inmate Work Program Contract Renewal- The Board approved the renewal of the State Inmate Work Program in the amount of $52,330.00 to pay for the labor costs that covers five inmates and one correctional work squad officer, approved the contract amendment between the State and the County as approved by the County Attorney and authorized the Chairman to sign the contract. 4.COMMUNITY SERVICES A.FY2005/2006 Community Services Block Grant Modification of Agreement with Florida Department of Community Affairs - The Board approved the proposed Modification Agreement with the Florida Department of Community Affairs for the FY 2005-2006 Community Services Block grant and authorized the Chairman to sign all documents necessary for acceptance of the modifications. B.Permission to explore forming a HOME Consortium- The Board approved the development of an application to US Department of Housing and Urban Development to form a HOME Consortium with St. Lucie County, Martin County and Indian River County for the purpose of receiving and administrating funds through the HOME Program, and authorized the Chairman to sign all necessary documents if approved for funding. C.Approval to amend Resolution No. 95-065 to allow alternates to serve on the Citizens Advisory Task Force- The Board approved amending Resolution No. 95-065. 5.UTILITIES Change Order No. 2 with West Florida Maintenance, Inc., for the repair and painting of the South Hutchinson Island Water Reclamation Facility for an extension of 30 days to the contract- The Board approved Change Order No. 2. 6.PURCHASING A.Fixed Asset Inventory Property Record Removal for Various Departments- The Board authorized staff to remove the records from the fixed asset inventory of the BCC as provided. B.Fixed Asset Inventory Property Record Removal- The Board authorized staff to remove the records from the fixed asset inventory of the BCC as provided . C.Reject All Bids- Bid No. 05-106- Purchase and Installation of Security System Administration Complex- The Board approved rejecting all bids and grated permission to revise specifications and re- bid. D.Award of RFP No. 06-016- Underwriting Services- The Board approved awarding RFP No. 06-016 Underwriting Services to the following short listed firms: 1. Bear, Stearns & Co., Inc., 2. Citigroup, 3. RBC Capital Markets, 4. Raymond James and 3 authorized the Chairman to sign the contract as prepared by the County Attorney. E.Permission to advertise an Invitation for Bid for Water & Sewer Monitoring Services for the Parks & Recreation Department- The Board approved advertising an Invitation for Bid for Water & Sewer Monitoring Services for the Parks and Recreation Department, F.Permission to Advertise a Request for Proposal for Concessionaire Services at Lawnwood Sports Complex- The Board granted permission to advertise a Request for Proposal for Concessionaire Services at Lawnwood Sports Complex. G.Permission to advertise a RFQ (request for qualifications) for Contractor Pre-Qualification for the new Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting Building Construction Project- The Board approved advertising an RFQ. H.Fixed Asset Inventory- Property Record Removal- The Board approved advertising an IFB to sell a Unit Space Finder File Cabinet and removing the record from the fixed asset inventory. 7.PUBLIC WORKS A.Code Compliance Division- Building Tech and Zoning Tech Trainee Positions- The Board approved the Trainee positions. nd B.Port of Ft. Pierce Entrance Road (North 2 St.) Work Authorization No. 4 with Taylor Engineering- The Board approved Work Authorization No. 4 with Taylor Engineering services in the amount of nd $185,636.00 for engineering services related to North 2 St. improvements and authorized the Chairman to sign. C.Indian River Estates MSBU (Potable Water) - The Board approved Work Authorization No. 11 to the Agreement for continuing Geotechnical Services with Ardaman and Associates, Inc., in the amount of $16,314 for soil exploration. D.The Board approved reduction in retainage- from 10% ($1,227,950.54) to two percent $245,590.11) for Hubbard Construction Company for the Indian River Drive South Project . 8.GRANTS A.Request to the St. Lucie County MPO and Florida Department of Transportation to combine grant funding - The Board approved the request to combine the grant funding for two transportation enhancement grants, for St. James Drive Sidewalk and Avenue J Pedestrian Bridge into one project to fund the construction of the Avenue J Pedestrian Bridge.- The Board allocated $55,000 for both projects to move forward. B.Submit grant application- The Board approved submitting a grant application to the South Florida Water Management District Water Savings Incentive Program for funds not to exceed $50,000 to retrofit older high volume water consumption fixtures with low flow showerheads, bath and kitchen faucets and commodes in 294 Ft. Pierce Housing Authority low-income residential homes, and acceptance of the grant if awarded. 4 9.SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENT A.Request for authorization to submit an electronic application for the State Criminal Alien Grant 2006- The Board approved the electronic submission of the 2006 State Criminal Alien Grant application and authorized the County Administrator to sign the application. B.Permission to apply- The Board granted permission to apply and accept a 2006 Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant from the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Assistance on behalf of the St. Lucie County Sheriff’s office and the Ft. Pierce Police Department and, authorized the County Administrator to sign the electronic grant application. 10.MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET A.Approval of Budget Resolution No. 06-095 recognizing revenue from the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the state for hurricane related expenses- The Board approved Resolution No. 06- 095 recognizing revenue from FEMA and the State for hurricane related expenses. B.Request to approve Budget Resolution No. 06-083 to recognize funding in the form of rental proceeds from FEMA- The Board approved Budget Resolution No. 06-083 in the amount of $ 654,500.00 to recognize rent proceeds from FEMA and establish a budget for the use of those proceeds on improvements to the St. Lucie County Airport and Fairgrounds. 11.VETERANS SERVICES Relocation of Veterans Services office - The Board approved the relocation of the Veterans Services office from South county Courthouse Annex to the Walton Road South County Administration Annex. 12.COURT ADMINISTRATION A.The Board approved the purchase of two Ford FreeStar Minivans to be used by Court Administration Technology staff and for other court purposes as specified by the Chief Judge, approved Equipment Request # EQ 06-249. B.The Board approved the purchase of fifteen Cisco 3750 Catalyst Network Switches and approved Equipment Request Q 06-250. C.The Board approved software and hardware for digital court reporting from CourtSmart, the sole source vendor for Digital Court Reporting th products for the 19 Judicial Circuit, total cost $18,100.00. 13.GROWTH MANAGEMENT Draft Resolution No. 06-007- The Board approved the request of Robert Wood for a Major Site Plan to allow the construction of an 88,675 square foot self storage mini warehouse facility to be known as Orange Avenue Storage and approved Resolution No. 06-007. REGULAR AGENDA 5.A No public hearings scheduled 5 6. CENTRAL SERVICES (1-978) For consideration before the Board was the approval of the demolition and removal of the Port St. Lucie Yacht Club. The findings were presented by Paul Dritenbas – Consider staff recommendation to approve the lowest quote, John O’Connell Demolition for the demolition and removal of the Port St. Lucie Yacht Club at a cost of $17,475.00 and authorize the Chairman to sign the contract as prepared by the County Attorney. Mr. Dritenbas addressed the Board and advised them of what the FEMA requirements would be as well as the new elevation necessary relating to flood levels. His recommendation was if they were to reconstruct to go one foot above the minimum elevation required. He stated if it takes more than $150,000 to renovate then the elevation would need to be raised twelve inches and FEMA scrutinizes this very strongly. Mr. Dritenbas stated to rebuild this structure, his estimation is $1.4 million dollars. The County Administrator stated he would like community input if they were going to rebuild the facility. Mr. David Hitchcock, Port St. Lucie Yacht Club, addressed the Board and stated the Club felt the demolition of the building was not the best option. He felt the rebuilding figure was inflated and questioned why the Club had not received the information regarding the insurance. The County Administrator advised the Board the Risk Manager had not received the information before being deployed to Iraq as a member of the Reserves. He assured the Board that as soon as he could obtain the figure he would inform the Club. Com. Coward alluded to the report from their engineer and her recommendation was to demolish not reconstruct. Ms. Judy Perkins, CSM Engineers stated she concurred with Mr. Dritenbas report and the building would need to be demolished and brought up to current codes. She also stated she concurred with Mr. Dritenbas numbers of $ 150 - $225 a square foot to replace the building. She stated she felt a decision needed to be made as to how large the new building was going to be and how fancy. Com. Coward stated it was clear with regard to the cost, it needed to be demolished, the important thing is, how do they move forward from here to work with the Yacht Club and the General Public to maximize this opportunity. Mr. William Willet, Port St. Lucie resident, addressed the Board and stated he felt the Port St. Lucie Yacht Club be involved in the decision and they are not. They have a contract which states they have options. Com. Coward stated they are attempting to coordinate with the Yacht Club’s thoughts and the engineer’s reports and any pertinent information they may have for this process. Ms. Margorie Harrell, addressed the Board and asked they consider any left over funds be utilized for the Lincoln Park Community Center should they go forward with a $500,000. cost estimate. Ms. Margie Hitchcock, Secretary Treasurer to the Yacht Club addressed the Board to consider keeping the memory of the building and asked a similar type building be rebuilt if necessary. She addressed the use of the facility by the community. Mr. Wayne Habermill, Yacht Club member addressed the Board regarding the elevation of the building and alluded to the Land Development Code 7.04.01 item C. The County Attorney stated he believed the factors were not present in this particular provisions would not be applicable. 6 Com. Craft stated the Board also needed to follow certain provisions made by FEMA. The County Attorney stated this was also true and there would be significant penalties if these provisions were not followed. Mr. Jim Trump, Yacht Club member addressed the Board and stated the Club concern in not having the secondary insurance figure. The County Administrator stated they would get the number. Com. Coward stated the insurance is not the issue. What he felt was important was the safety issue. Both experts testified the building should be demolished and they need to make a sound decision as to what they should after the building is demolished and have public input. He will make sure the club has the information on the insurance as soon as it becomes available. Com. Hutchinson requested a public workshop be scheduled before budget sessions to discuss the next steps of the Yacht Club and the Civic Center. It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Smith to approve staff recommendation, to demolish the building, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. 7.COUNTY ATTORNEY(1-3082) Resolution No. 06-097 Resolution extending the Maturity of Advances under Loan Agreement for MSBU Line of Credit with Bank of America. It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Lewis, to approve Resolution No. 06- 097, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. 8.PURCHASING Approval to contract with Schenkel Shultz Architecture, Inc., for the design of the Special Needs Shelter/Auditorium- Consider staff recommendation to approve the agreement/contract per contract # C05-05-270 with Schenkel Shultz Architecture in the amount of $641,987.00 for the design of the Special Needs Shelter/Auditorium, permission to advertise Invitation for Bid and authorization for the Chairman to sign the agreement/contract as prepared by the County Attorney. Staff further recommends advancing $2,745,622 to this project from unbudgeted fund balance to be reimbursed by insurance proceeds, FEMA and mitigation grant. It is further recommended that the $500,000 construction contingency be covered by these reimbursements. Mr. Johnny Norm, Schenkel Shultz, was present to address any questions the Board may have. Com. Coward questioned the participation of the Emergency Management Department in the design of this facility. Mr. Norm stated to his knowledge they were satisfied with the design. The County Administrator advised the Board that Emergency Management and the Public Safety Director were involved in the project. Com. Coward requested they look into designing a facility that would be able to expand in the future. The County Administrator advised the Board of the funding for this project. It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Smith to approve staff recommendations; and, upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. 7 9.COUNTY ATTORNEY (2-166) Amendment of Sentencing Alternatives, Inc. Contract to operate a standard pretrial release program in St. Lucie County- Consider staff recommendation to allow the contractor to operate a standard pretrial release program in addition to the G. P. S. Program. The Board directed a letter be sent to the Public Defender asking they notify their staff and make a request to the State Attorney’s office their clients be placed on the program. It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Hutchinson, to approve staff recommendation, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. 10.GROWTH MANAGEMENT (2-310) Status report and request for direction regarding Waterstone Subdivision Compliance with Subdivision Approval Extension Conditions- Consider the memorandum, and any additional information presented to the Board during the meeting, and public comments. Staff requested discussion of the item and direction from the Board on compliance and further direction. The Growth Management Director addressed the Board on this issue and gave an overview of the project since the last Board direction. Com. Smith questioned the term one story townhomes. The representative from KB Homes advised the Board the townhomes will be one story however, they are still working on the term that will be utilized. Mr. Timothy Jelus, developer, addressed the Board and stated he met with the area residents. He stated there was still some discussion as to how the landscaping was to be finished and the height of the landscaping to those persons to the south of the project and their view of the project. Com. Craft commended the landscaping the developer had completed and stated they went over and above what they expected. Mr. Jay Maycumber, area resident, addressed the Board and stated the developer had not completed the project as the Board directed. His fence was not complete and the boundary is still an issue. Com. Craft asked for clarification of the hours of operation. The Asst. County Administrator stated they would put the hours in writing to KM Homes and copy the Board. Mr. Frank Stewart, area resident, addressed the Board and expressed his pleasure in the landscaping done on his property. He requested he be given the replacement of trees in the one area as promised and rather than a fence a wall be placed and this would solve the issue of the berm rather than re-adjusting it. Ms. Nadine Stewart, addressed the Board and also expressed her concerns about the large trees that are to be replaced, the berm. She also would like a wall rather than a fence. She stated there are still issues to be worked out and is not comfortable after their meeting. Ms. Susie Caron, area resident, addressed the Board and stated they have not finished what was promised as of today, the deadline. Ms. Caron requested a sign be posted with the correct hours of operations bas approved by the Board. Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 5:30p.m., Saturdays 7:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. as well as the holidays. 8 Ms. Caron also commented on the berm height. Mr. Jelus addressed the comments made by the residents. He stated he did not have a problem with the additional planting requested. They had never agreed upon a wall and he believes they have created a visual barrier for the residents to the south as agreed. Com. Coward stated this developer bought into a plan he did not design and they have put in substantial berm and planting, knocked out structures and it is clear to they have done quite of bit however, he believes it will never satisfy the neighbors, but would like to know if it will satisfy the Board today. He believes they have done a tremendous job. Mr. Nix, Growth Management Director stated what they needed in their file was a report from a qualified member of the staff as to the architecture or our environmental staff advising and attesting that the landscaping has been installed as to the approved plans and they would need this before the plat can be approved and also that the issue of whether or not the site is adequately obscured from view, i.e the berm height, and there is still some dispute as to whether the buildings will be visible when built, they have not received anything from the architect that this will be the case. He believes this is what is in dispute. A county surveyor has reviewed the berm. Com. Coward requested clarification on what was needed at this point. The Growth Management Director stated he would like the developer to examine the landscaping and provide his office with a landscape plan that will assure them the level of security they want to the height above the berm that is necessary to obscure the houses from view, signed sealed and delivered and reviewed by staff and then able to certify compliance based on that plan. Com. Coward stated the developer needed to also replace trees as requested by the Stewarts. The Growth Management Director stated they needed the inspection reports and compliance with elevations, the as built elevations and inspection of the construction from the applicant they stated they would provide. The wall issue: The Board agreed it should be as per the approved plan site and previously Board discussion was to provide a fence. Board direction plat approval contingent on all issues being completed. The Board concurred with the above direction as given. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned. _____________________________ Chairman ______________________________ Clerk of Circuit Court 9 10