HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOCC Minutes 05-23-2006
Date: May 23, 2006 Convened: 9:05 a.m.
Tape: 1 Adjourned: 10:50 a.m.
Commissioners Present: Doug Coward, Chairman; Frannie Hutchinson, Joe Smith, Paula Lewis
Absent: Chris Craft
Others Present: Doug Anderson, County Administrator; Ray Wazny, Asst. County Administrator;
Faye Outlaw, Assistant County Administrator; Dan McIntyre, County Attorney; Don West, Public
Works Director; Mike Powley, County Engineer; Ed Parker, Purchasing Manager; Vanessa Bessy,
Environmental Lands; Paul Julin, Parks and Recreation; Hank Flores, Growth Management; Ron
Harris, Public Works; Jack Southard, Public Safety Director; Marie Gouin, Management & Budget
Director; Roger Shinn, Central Services Director; Dennis Wetzel, Information Technologies Director;
Ken Mascara, Sheriff; Lauri Heistermann, Deputy Clerk
The Board approved the minutes of the special meeting held on May 15, 2006.
It was moved be Commissioner Smith and seconded by Commissioner Lewis to approve the Minutes
of the special meeting held on May 15, 2006 and upon roll call motion carried unanimously.
A. Resolution No. 06-139 – Proclaiming the week of May 28, 2006, through June 3, 2006, as
“Hurricane Awareness Week” in St. Lucie County, Florida – The Board approved staff
recommendation to adopt the attached Resolution No. 06-139 as drafted.
It was moved by Commissioner Hutchinson and seconded by Commissioner Lewis to approve
Resolution No. 06-139 and upon roll call motion carried unanimously.
The resolution was accepted by Andrew Cadero from the St. Lucie County Project Hope team.
He introduced the team members to the Board. He invited the Board members to the award
ceremony to be held on June 3, 2006 at the Lincoln Park Community Center.
B. Resolution No. 06-174 – Proclaiming the Month of May, 2006, as “Foster Parent Appreciation
Month” in St. Lucie County, Florida – The Board approved staff recommendation to adopt the
Resolution No. 06-174 as drafted.
It was moved by Commissioner Lewis and seconded by Commissioner Smith to approve
Resolution No. 06-174 and upon roll call motion carried unanimously.
The Resolution was accepted by Rosanna Gonzalez.
C. Introduction of New Deputies Presentation by Sheriff Mascara.
Sheriff Mascara introduced the new deputies to the Board. The positions were made possible
by $135,000.00, from interest earnings from investments of Sheriff funds, for fiscal year 04/05.
The Sheriff’’s office was able to hire 10 new employees at 50% savings to the Tax Payers over
the 3 year life of the grant. This resulted in a $750,000.00 savings.
There was no public comment
It was moved by Commissioner Lewis and seconded by Commissioner Smith to approve the Consent
Agenda with the addition of item CA1 and the deletion of items C3A and C9A and upon roll call motion
carried unanimously.
Commissioner Coward pulled C3A, which deals with and Recreation Advisory Bylaws. He stated that
the Advisory Board was trying to update the Bylaw that are outdated. He stated that he would like to
see a couple of issues further addressed. He referred to page 2 of the original Bylaws under section 1.
He stated that the way the seven members would be decided is that 1 person would be appointed by
each of the Board members and then the 5 people would bring 2 more individuals on board.
Linda Barton, Parks and Recreation addressed the Board. She stated that this is the way it has been
done since 1977. She also stated that they had checked with the County Attorney to make sure that it
was still alright to do it this way.
Commissioner Coward stated that he would like to see it as at large appointments made by the Board.
He stated that he had never seen part of a Board appointed and then they bring on 2 additional people.
The second matter of concern is on page 3 under section 2 were it talks about the establishment of a
quorum. He stated that it says that the quorum would be established when 3 of the 5 are there. He
stated that it puts the other 2 members in a second class status.
Linda Barton, Parks and Recreation stated that the reason they did that is because they had to cancel
meetings because of quorum issues.
Commissioner Coward stated that this was not his preference. He would like to see the 7 members 5
of which are appointed individually by each Board member and 2 at large positions. Under the
quorum, opposed to 3 of the 5, which are Commissioner appointees, should be 4 of the 7.
Linda Baron, Parks and Recreation stated that she could go back to the Recreation Advisory Board
and voice the Boards concerns.
Commissioner Smith concurred with Commissioner Coward.
Commissioner Coward stated that he would rather not send it back to the Advisory Board again. He
stated that he would like to finalize what the Board is comfortable with.
Commissioner Hutchinson stated that if the Board makes 1 minor change it really affects the entire
Commissioner Coward pulled item C3A to have staff look at it further and bring back before the Board.
Proposed Ordinance No. 06-027 – Creating Section 1-9-75, Removal of Debris from Public and Private
Rights-of-Way During a Declared State of Local Emergency – The Board approved staff
recommendation to adopt proposed Ordinance No. 06-027 as drafted.
Dan McIntyre addressed the Board. He stated that this is an item that relates to the emergency
management powers of the Board. In the past, in response to hurricanes, provided debris removal, not
only on public roads, but on private rights of ways. The Board has authorized this by Resolution and by
declaration of emergency. FEMA had recommended that the Board establish an Ordinance that would
authorize this, which would make reimbursements easier for the Board to obtain.
Brian Naggs, Queens Cove, addressed the Board. He stated that this is one of two private facilities of
North Hutchinson Island that would be impacted by this Ordinance. He stated that he would encourage
the Board to pass this Ordinance.
It was moved by Commissioner Hutchinson and seconded by Commissioner Lewis to approve
Ordinance No. 06-027 and upon roll call motion carried unanimously.
Code Compliance Division - Adoption of Resolution No. 06-171 to amend fees – Consider staff
recommendation to adopt the proposed resolution to increase building permit fees to reflect current cost
using .008 multiplier until September 30, 2006. On October 1, 2006 the multiplier to be increased to .01
using the ICC valuation table.
Dennis Grim, Code Compliance Manager addressed the Board. He stated that in the past 3 years
property values and new home prices have increased. With the increase of construction it has placed
and increased demand on services of the Code Compliance division. The Division has gone from 36
to 74 employees in five years. With 21 new staff added, since hurricanes Frances and Jeanne, the
rebuilding from these hurricanes and hurricane Wilma, has seen an increase in the Divisions revenues.
These figures were based on the volume of permits and not actual costs, due to increasing staff to
meet the demands of services. At this time the Enterprise Fund is running a deficit of nearly a half
million dollars. If changes are not made this would continue until such a time that the fees are alined
with the cost or providing services for permit volume supercedes the costs. There has not been an
increase in the fee structure since 1998 when the current valuation table was implemented and the
permit fee of $75.00. In 2001 the flat fee permit was implemented and was based on the $75.00 base
fee and $25.00 for additional inspection. In 2002 the Plan Review fees were increased, however, they
are currently not covering the cost of staffing and overhead. The Florida Statues require that the local
government provide a Enterprise Fund. Such fees should be used to carry out local government
responsibility in enforcing the code. He outlined the fee tables for the last 5 years. The 491 Building
Enterprise Fund, includes permit fees, plan examining fees and contractor license fees. In this current
fiscal year the division is running in a deficit mainly due to hurricane related permits. As of May 8, 2006
the Building Enterprise Fund is running at a $427,799.00 deficit. The current expenses are 1.9 million
and the income is 1.5 million. The current permit fees are based on construction values. He stated
that they anticipate if the change is made in the current construction value they will see an increase and
it should come out by the end of the fiscal year around 300 million in construction value. The change
that they are recommending is that they will keep the $75.00 base fee, however, if the permit requires a
second inspection the fee will be increased from $25.00 to $50.00. The only exception would be
residential swimming pools were the fee would increase from $250.00 to $400.00 due to multiple
inspections. He stated that they were recommending that the Board approve the increase of $250.00
to $400.00. The other area that was changed was the re-inspection fee. This has not been changed
since 1998. He stated that they were requesting that the re-inspection fees be increased from $25.00
to $50.00. These are inspections that failed once. The plans review fees that are coming in are not
covering the costs of the staffing for plans examining. He stated that they had added 3 new plans
examiners since the hurricanes and the fees have not been changed. What is be recommended is that
the plan review fees based on $75.00/every $50,000.00 value of permit. He stated that they were
proposing a $20.00/hour fee for searches. The only change on contractor licensing is the increase for
a new application for a new contractor from $125.00 to $150.00. Also, for specialty contractors would
increase from $50.00 to $75.00. He informed the Board that they had done some comparisons with
the surrounding counties. He stated that the ICC puts out the building guide, valuation data. He stated
that they wanted to base the fee schedule on the table provided by the ICC which is updated every 6
months. He stated that what they are recommending to the Board is they use the $88.00 and
however they use the multiplier. This multiplier can be adjusted annually by the Board.
He informed the Board that the City of Ft. Pierce is using the same schedule as well as Martin County.
Commissioner Coward stated that the revenue side and the expense side both need to be looked at.
He asked if there were any job vacancies that the Department was not going to fill.
Dennis Grim stated that the County has been going through some growth over the past 5 years. This
growth has made a demand for services. He stated that they are currently at a maximum for staffing.
The demand for services are still high even though the permit numbers are down. What they are
dealing with are larger projects.
Commissioner Coward asked how the surrounding counties compared to what St. Lucie County is
Dennis Grim informed the Board that the City of Pt. St. Lucie’s fee schedule is considerably lower than
the County.
Commissioner Coward asked if there was an industry standard for the reserve.
Dennis Grim stated that there was no industry standard or Florida Statute that regulates the amount of
money that can be held in the reserve. He informed the Board that there is currently a need for space
in the Department. He also stated that there is no more room for additional staffing. He stated that
they are looking at bringing the funds back up again, with a rate increase, so that room for additional
staffing can be provided.
Commissioner Hutchinson questioned there being a State standard on the Reserve Fund.
Doug Anderson, County Administrator, stated that the Board of County Commissioners adopted an
emergency reserve policy. It was 5% of the Operating Fund and then there was going to be an
Operating Fund reserve which was 5% of the General Fund.
Commissioner Hutchinson asked if a percentage had been set for the future.
Dennis Grim stated that he did not have the information at this time. The information would need to be
provided at a later date or talk to the TCBA to see what level the County wants to be at for a Reserve
Fund. As stated before, with the multiplier, the County can regulate the fees. It can be looked at and
brought back before the Board without changing the fee schedule.
Arlene Brown, Treasure Coast Building Association, addressed the Board. She stated that the smaller
builders are doing what it takes to survive. They are reducing expenses, increasing productivity and
laying off employees. She stated that the home builders can not raise prices and survive. Many of the
builders have begun to advertise rebates, discounts, upgrade giveaways and any other incentives in
order to attract consumers to their doors. The County Building Department comes before you today
presenting a solution to their fiscal crisis. Before you accept their simple solution of a price increase the
Treasure Coast Builders Association believes that some questions need to be asked regarding the
Building Departments productivity and inefficiencies.
Commissioner Smith stated that since 1988 the Board has not raised any fees.
Gail Cavanaugh, Executive Vice-President of the Treasure Coast Builders Association, addressed the
Board. She stated that by state statute building permit fees are only in place to support the Building
Department. She stated that the fees have not been raised since 1998 because they did not need to
be raised. The Enterprise Fund was formed because they needed to show how the Building
Department was supported by building permit fees. The Enterprise Fund also has the reserve
available now because of the fees.
Commissioner Smith stated that it had been mentioned that a new building could be built by using the
Reserve Fund fees.
Gail Cavanaugh stated that at this point the additional staff is not needed. She stated that if they felt it
was necessary they would support the increase of fees.
Commissioner Smith asked if she was recommending cutting staff rather than raising fees.
Gail Cavanaugh stated that she would hate to see anyone lose their job.
Commissioner Hutchinson asked if the TCBA audits the Enterprise Fund.
Gail Cavanaugh stated that they keep asking for reports and they try to keep track of the Enterprise
Fund. She informed the Board that they had performed an audit a few years ago.
Commissioner Coward stated that they were worried about depleting the Reserve Fund, but they don’t
know what a base level is. He requested additional discussion. He stated that this issue needed to be
further refined. He requested that staff continue to work with TCBA.
Commissioner Hutchinson concurred.
Gail Cavanaugh stated that they enjoyed working with Dennis Grim.
Commissioner Hutchinson stated that she would like to see this continued to obtain further information.
She stated that the fees should be in line with the surrounding Counties. This makes it easier on the
builder and proposed buyers. She requested the fee schedule from Pt. St. Lucie.
It was the consensus of the Board to have staff bring this issue back.
Commissioner Coward requested that staff continue work with other local jurisdictions and TCBA
Request of Anthony Nardone, for final plat approval for the project known as Howard Creek Estates
Subdivision. This project is located at the northwest corner of the intersection of Howard Creek Lane
and Everglades Boulevard in the RS-4 (Residential, Single-Family – 4 du/acre) Zoning District. The
project consists of 5 single family lots – The Board approved staff recommendation to approve the final
plat of Howard Estates Subdivision and authorize its execution.
Hank Flores addressed the Board. He gave the Board a brief overview.
It was moved by Commissioner Hutchinson and seconded by Commissioner Lewis to approve the final
plat of Howard Estates Subdivision and upon roll call motion carried unanimously.
Consider approval of the revisions to the Job Growth Investment Grant (JGIG) – The Board approved
staff recommendation to approve the proposed revisions to the County’s Job Growth Investment Grant
Program as provided in the attached backup.
Larry Dom, Manager of Tourism and Economic Development addressed the Board. The last time the
Job Growth Investment Grant was revised was 2003. He Stated that staff is recommending that
additional changes be made. He reviewed some of the key changes that had been made.
Commissioner Coward asked what the average wage was.
Larry Dom stated that the average wage is $13.48. He informed the Board that the wages can change
on an monthly basis.
Commissioner Coward stated that the tax base needed to be diversified and bring in quality jobs.
It was moved by Commissioner Hutchinson and seconded by Commissioner Lewis to approve the
proposed revisions to the County’s Job Growth Investment Grant Program as provided in the attached
backup and upon roll call motion carried unanimously.
Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners approve the revised Fairgrounds Master
Plan and approve relocation of the Williams House to the Fairgrounds to be used as offices for the Fair
Association with the conditions set forth.
Debbie Brisson, Interim Parks & Recreation Director, addressed the Board. She stated that staff was
looking for Board approval on the Master Plan, which includes the location of the Forestry Division, the
proposed Historical Village and the EOC Building. The last item that needs to be discussed by the
Board is the Williams House demolition permit.
Jeannie Keaton, St. Lucie County Fair Association addressed the Board. She requested that they be
part of any workshops that would discuss any Master Plan changes. She stated that the Fair
Association Board does not want to see the Historical Village moved.
Commissioner Coward stated that the Williams House is no longer being considered an option and the
timing is no longer driving this process. He stated that he would like to see the Historical Committee
get involved with discussion.
Commissioner Hutchinson concurred.
Commissioner Coward stated that he would like to get feed back from the Historical Committee. He
stated that the Board should be in no rush to make a decision. He asked if there was a reason why the
Master Plan would need to be approved right now.
Doug Anderson, County Administrator stated that maybe the Master Plan could be approved without
the Historical Village.
Commissioner Coward recommended approving the Master Plan with the deletion of the Historical
Village until the Board has further time to review it.
It was moved by Commissioner Hutchinson to approve the Master plan with the deletion of the
Historical Village and seconded by Commissioner Smith and upon roll call motion carried unanimously.
Debbie Brisson addressed the Board. She stated that the total funding that was needed to renovate
the site was not available so William Blazak would like have the demolition permit issued.
Commissioner Coward stated that he had found material in the packet that had not been presented
prior to this meeting, regarding the Wiliams House. He referred to the last page which was hand
written. He stated that this is pertinent information that the Board should have prior to being asked to
make any type of decision. He stated that he was disappointed that the Board had not been provided
the information previously.
It was moved by Commissioner Smith and seconded by Commissioner Hutchinson to approve the
demolition permit of the Williams House and upon roll motion carried unanimously.
Requested MPO Supervisor Position Reclassification and Pay Scale Adjustment – The Board approved
staff recommendation to approve reclassify the MPO Supervisor position to an MPO Director position
and adjust the pay scale from ($46,232 – $73,462) to ($57,416 – $92,273).
Faye Outlaw, Assistant County Administrator addressed the Board. She stated that the item before the
Board is a recommendation from the St. Lucie County MPO Board to reclassify the MPO Supervisor
position to a Director position.
It was moved by Commissioner Smith and seconded by Commissioner Lewis to approve the
reclassification of the MPO Supervisor to a Director position and upon roll cal motion carried
Restoration of Lake Okeechobee – The Board approved staff recommendation to select a
representative from staff to participate in the restoration of Lake Okeechobee.
Doug Anderson, County Administrator addressed the Board. He stated that they had received a letter
from the South Florida Water Management District asking the County to have a participant in this study.
Commissioner Coward stated that the appointment of the appropriate staff should be at the discretion
of the County Administrator.
It was the consensus of the Board to have the County Administrator appoint the appropriate staff
Funding 13 Correctional Officer positions and approve Budget Amendment No. 06-152- Consider Staff
recommendation to consider funding 13 additional Correctional Officers for operation of the existing Jail
and Pod I effective June 1, 2006, and $230,078.00 be set aside for funding these positions through
September 30, 2006. Additionally, staff recommends approval of Budget Amendment No. 06-152
allocating funds to the proper expenditure account.
This item was pulled.
The Board approved Warrant List No. 33
A. Resolution No. 06-180 – Extending State of Local Emergency – Ban on Open Air Burning in St.
Lucie County –The Board approved staff recommendation to approve Resolution No. 06-180
and authorize the Chairman to sign the Resolution.
B. Permission to Advertise – Resolution No. 06-036 – Public Hearing Regarding Brownfield Area –
The Board approved staff recommendation to grant permission to advertise Resolution No. 06-
036, regarding designating the parcel legally described as: 31 34 40 W 795.1 FT OF SW ¼
AND SE ¼ of NW ¼-LESS RDS AND CANALS-(56.62AC+)(OR2526-487), located at 2525
Center Road, Fort Pierce, Florida, 34946, a Brownfield Area, to be heard at a public hearing on
June 6, 2006 at 6:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as may be heard.
C. Art in Public Places – First Amendment to Agreement for Art Services with Michael J.
McLaughlin for Walton Road Annex Sculpture – The Board approved staff recommendation to
the proposed First Amendment to the June 7, 2005 Agreement for Art Services with Michael J.
McLaughlin, and authorize the Chairman to sign the First Amendment.
D. Art in Public Places – First Amendment to Agreement for Art Services with Mid Ocean Studio,
Inc. for St. Lucie County Administration Building Recycling Sculpture – The Board approved
staff recommendation to approve the proposed First Amendment to the August 9, 2005
Agreement for Art Services with Mid Ocean Studio, Inc., and authorize the Chairman to sign the
First Amendment.
A. Revised By-Laws for Recreation Advisory Board – Approve staff recommendation to approve
the Recreation Advisory Board’s By-Laws revisions as requested. Approve Resolution No. 06-
This item was pulled.
B. Establishment of Change Funds for Open Space and Paradise Park Pools – The Board
approved staff recommendation to approve to establish two $50.00 change funds for Open
Space and Paradise Park pools.
C. Waiver of Fees City of Fort Pierce – The Board approved staff recommendation to approve to
waive the rental and grounds keeping fees for the City of Fort Pierce for their annual employee
appreciation picnic at South Causeway Island on June 10, 2006.
A. Request to approve Budget Resolution No. 06-145 to amend Budget Resolution No. 06-021 due
to Scrivener Error – The Board approved staff recommendation to approve Budget Resolution
No. 06-145 to amend Budget Resolution No. 06-021 due to Scrivener Error.
B. Request to approve Budget Resolution No. 06-146 to amend Budget Resolution No. 06-013 due
to Scrivener Error – The Board approved staff recommendation to approve Budget Resolution
No. 06-013 due to a Scrivener Error.
C. Request approval to purchase Air Conditioning Unit for the Computer Room at the State
Attorney’s Office – The Board approved staff recommendation to approve the purchase of an Air
Conditioning Unit for the Computer Room at the State Attorney’s Office.
D. Approval of Budget Resolution No. 06-177 recognizing revenue from the Federal Emergency
Management Agency and the State for hurricane related expenses – The Board approved staff
recommendation to approve Resolution No. 06-177 recognizing revenue from FEMA and the
State for hurricane related expenses.
A. Award of Bid No. 06-060 – Purchase of two (2) Leachate Pond COD/BOD/TS/ Reduction Units
– The Board approved staff recommendation to award Bid No. 06-060 - Purchase of two (2)
Leachate Pond COD/BOD/TS/ Reduction Units to the only bidder, Pond Doctor, Inc. for the total
amount of $59,240.00, approve Equipment Request EQ06-246, and authorize the Chairman to
sign the contract as prepared by the County Attorney.
B. Permission to Advertise a Request for Proposals (RFP) for landscape architecture services –
The Board approved staff recommendation to grant permission to advertise an RFP for
landscape architecture services.
C. Permission to Advertise a Request for Proposals (RFP) for appraisal services for the Property
Acquisition Division and Approval Third Extension to Four existing Appraisal Contracts – The
Board approved staff recommendation to grant permission to advertise an RFP for appraisal
services. Staff also requests approval of the Third Amendments to Contracts C02-06-569 with
Fuller-Wagner-Armfield Appraisal & Research, Inc., C02-06-586 with Boyle & Drake, Inc., C02-
06-572 with the Urban Group, Inc., C02-06-560 with Deighan Consultants (extends the listed
contracts through and including August 31, 2006), and permission for the Chairman to sign the
four Amendments as prepared by the County Attorney.
D. Permission to advertise an Invitation for Bids (IFB) for rental of uniforms – The Board approved
staff recommendation to grant permission to advertise an Invitation for Bids for rental of
E. Permission to advertise an Invitation for Bids (IFB) for qualified demolition contractors – The
Board approved staff recommendation to grant permission to advertise an Invitation for Bids for
qualified demolition contractors.
F. Award of Bid No. 06-037 – Sale of Surplus Computer Equipment – The Board approved staff
recommendation to award Bid No. 06-037 – Sale of Surplus Computer Equipment to the highest
bidder, Bargain Computer Products, Inc. for the amount of $1,200.00.
G. Fixed Asset Inventory-Property Record Removal – The Board approved staff recommendation
to authorize Staff to remove the attached records from the fixed asset inventory of the Board of
County Commissioners.
H. Fixed Asset Inventory-Property Record Removal – The Board approved staff recommendation
to authorize Staff to remove the attached records from the fixed asset inventory of the Board of
County Commissioners.
I. Fixed Asset Inventory-Property Record Removal – The Board approved staff recommendation
to authorize Staff to remove the attached records from the fixed asset inventory of the Board of
County Commissioners.
J. Fixed Asset Inventory-Property Record Removal for the St. Lucie County Property Appraiser –
The Board approved staff recommendation to authorize staff to remove the attached records
from the fixed asset inventory of the Board of County Commissioners.
K. Fixed Asset Inventory-Property Record Removal – The Board approved staff recommendation
to authorize Staff to remove the attached records from the fixed asset inventory of the Board of
County Commissioners.
L. Award of Bid No. 06-043 Repair of the Tipping Floor Building – The Board approved staff
recommendation to approve to accept the quote from Southern Construction in the amount of
$39,350 for the repair of the tipping floor building at the landfill and permission for the Chairman
to sign the contract as prepared by the County Attorney.
M. Award of Bid No. 06-048 – Preventative Maintenance Services For Cars and Pick Up Trucks –
The Board approved staff recommendation to approve to award Bid No. 06-048 Preventative
Maintenance Services for Cars and Pick Up Trucks to the low bidder, Snappy Auto Care Inc.,
per the attached bid tabulation, and permission for the Chairman to sign the contract as
prepared by the County Attorney.
N. First Extensions to Contract C04-12-563 with Dredging & Marine Consultants, Inc. and Contract
C04-07-658 with Taylor Engineering, Inc., both for Professional Engineering Services for
Dredging Projects – The Board approved staff recommendation to approve the First Extensions
to Contract C04-12-563 with Dredging & Marine Consultants, Inc. and Contract C04-07-658 with
Taylor Engineering, Inc. (both extensions extend the contracts through and including July 12,
2007), and permission for the Chairman to sign the extensions as prepared by the County
O. Third Amendment to Contract C03-09-548 with Tri-Brothers Tree & Landscaping, Inc. for
removal of trees, tree stumps and tree trimming – The Board approved staff recommendation to
approve the Third Amendment to Contract C03-09-548 with Tri-Brothers Tree & Landscaping,
which extends the contract through and including July 31, 2007, and permission for the
Chairman to sign the Amendment as prepared by the County Attorney.
P. First Amendment to Contract C05-06-376 with 3M Company for sign material and road marking
(piggyback of Osceola County Contract) – The Board approved staff recommendation to
approve the First Amendment to Contract C05-06-376 with 3M Company, which extends the
contract through and including June 6, 2007, and permission for the Chairman to sign the
Amendment as prepared by the County Attorney.
Q. Acceptance of price quotes for Pre-Cast Concrete Building and Restrooms at Fairwinds Golf
Course – The Board approved staff recommendation to accept the quote from J.E. Hill Pre-cast
for the purchase and installation of a pre-cast concrete building and restrooms for a not to
exceed amount of $66,682, and permission for the Chairman to sign the contract as prepared
by the County Attorney.
R. Award of Bid No. 06-051 – Purchase of Asphalt (Re-Bid) – The Board approved staff
award Bid #06-051 to the low bidder Ranger Construction as the
recommendation to
primary contractor, Community Asphalt as the first alternate, and Dickerson Florida as
the second alternate per the attached bid tabulation, and permission for the Chairman to
sign the contracts as prepared by the County Attorney.
S. Permission to Advertise a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the New Clerk of Court Food Service
Retail Space – The Board approved staff recommendation to grant permission to advertise an
RFP for the New Clerk of Court Food Service Retail Space.
T. Award of RFQ #06-005 – Prequalification of Qualified Building Contractors for the Construction
of the Airport Rescue & Firefighting Facility - award RFQ #06-005 – Prequalification of Qualified
Building Contractors for the Construction of the Airport Rescue & Firefighting Facilityto the
following shortlisted firms: 1) Jacquin & Sons, 2) Urban Building Systems 3) Proctor
Construction Company, 4) Summit Construction Management, 5) Ocean Gate General
Contractors. Staff also request permission to send the Invitation to Bid to the shortlisted firms.
A. Adopt Resolution No. 06-178 revising the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Plan for the
Airport, authorize the Airport Director to submit the Program to the FAA Civil Rights Office, and
advertise for public comments on the goal determination – The Board approved staff
recommendation to adopt Resolution No. 06-178 approving the revision to the DBE Program to
appoint the Airport Director as the DBE Liaison for Airport Projects; transmit the DBE Program
to the FAA Civil Rights Office for review and approve; and advertise the 14.2% goal in
newspapers to receive comments on the goal and the goal determination as required by the
FAA Civil Rights Office.
B. Approve Resolution No. 06-179 and accept Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Joint
Participation Agreement (JPA) to Acquire Aircraft Rescue Fire Fighting (ARFF) Vehicle – The
Board approved staff recommendation to approve Resolution No. 06-179 and accept the FDOT
JPA for the purchase of an ARFF Vehicle with FDOT funding $480,000.00 and the St. Lucie
County Fire District funding the local match of $120,000.00 for a total of $600,000.00 and
authorize the Chairman to execute the JPA for the St. Lucie County International Airport.
C. Approve Revised Organizational Chart for Airport Department with corrections to position titles
and no changes to the Pay Grade – The Board approved staff recommendation to approve the
attached revised Airport Department Organizational Chart and job descriptions, with no changes
in Pay Grade.
D. Award Bid No. 06-055 to Siteworks, Inc. to Relocate the Ditch for the Construction of the Airport
Rescue Fire Fighting Facility at the St. Lucie County International Airport – The Board approved
staff recommendation to award Bid No. 06-055 to Sitework, Inc. for the relocation of the ditch for
the construction of the ARFF facility in the amount of $244,170.00 for the St. Lucie County
International Airport.
A. Request approval to the issuance of a Letter of Intent for Project I covering a JGIG over 5 years
of $255,000.00 and ad valorem tax abatement of 100% for the first five years then 80%-60%-
40%-20%. There will be 150 jobs created at over $26.00 per hour plus an estimated investment
of $14,500,000.00 – The Board approved staff recommendation to approve this Letter of Intent
and the drafting of the final JGIG Agreement for the company.
B. Request approval to a revision in an interim advertising agreement with Simple Success. The
agreement dated 04-11-06 needs to be extended to July 31, 2006 for advertisement placements
and increased in amount by $60,000 for advertisement placements – The Board approved staff
recommendation to approve this correction to extend the term to July 31, 2006 for
advertisement placements only and increase the dollars by $60,000.
C. Request for approval of changes in the titles and duties of job descriptions for two existing
positions – The Board approved staff recommendation to approve the request.
Staff recommends approval and authorization to submit a grant application through grants.gov to the
U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance for an amount not to exceed $200,000.00
during a 24-month period to assist in the implementation of a Mental Health Court in St. Lucie County.
A. Engineering Division – Professional Engineering Services for Roadway and Intersection Design
– Amendment No. 1 to Work Authorization No. 2 with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., for the
purpose of a time extension through November 30, 2006 for Indrio Road/Kings Highway
Intersection Improvements. No funding change is associated with this request – approve staff
recommendation to approve Amendment No. 1 to Work Authorization No. 2 Kimley-Horn and
Associates, Inc., for the purpose of a time extension through November 30, 2006 for Indrio
Road/Kings Highway Intersection Improvements, and signature by the Chairman.
This item was pulled.
B. Engineering Division - Acceptance of a Road Improvement Agreement and security for the
construction of improvements within the Selvitz Road and Ralls Road rights-of-way by Shelby
Homes for the Carriage Pointe Estates Subdivision – The Board approved staff
recommendation to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the Road Improvement
Agreement with Shelby Homes at Carriage Pointe Estates, LLC for the construction of roadway
improvements to Selvitz Road and Ralls Road and accept the security for the improvements.
C. Engineering Division - Acceptance of a Road Improvement Agreement and security for the
construction of improvements within the Jenkins Road and McNeil Road rights-of-way roughly
700 feet and 1,600 feet south of Okeechobee Road, respectively, by KB HOME Treasure Coast,
LLC for the Construction of the Neill Farms Subdivision – The Board approved staff
recommendation to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the Road Improvement
Agreement with KB HOME Treasure Coast, LLC for the construction of roadway improvements
to Jenkins Road and McNeil Road rights-of-way and accept the security for the improvements.
Accept one-time Grant from South Florida Water Management District for expansion of the FYN
Program and approve Budget Resolution No. 06-151 – The Board approved staff recommendation to
accept the one-time $10,000 grant from South Florida Water Management District for expansion of the
FYN Program and approve Budget Resolution No. 06-151.
Request board approval of the Bellsouth Master Service Agreement (BBMSA FL02-C052-00), Metro
Ethernet (FL06-7581-01) Agreement and Budget Amendment BA06-151 – The Board approved staff
recommendation to approve the request and have the Chairman sign the Bellsouth agreement BBMSA
FL02-C052-00, Metro Ethernet FL06-7581-01 and Budget Amendment BA06-151.
CA1 Equipment Request 06-276 – The Board approved staff recommendation to approve E1uipment
Request 06-276 for the purchase of a liquid storage tank and containment basin for the Open Space
There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 10:50
Clerk of Circuit Court