HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOCC Minutes 06-13-2006
Date: June 13, 2006 Convened: 9:00 a.m.
Adjourned: 11:25 a.m.
Commissioners Present: Doug Coward, Chairman, Chris Craft, Paula A. Lewis, Frannie
Hutchinson, Joseph Smith
Others Present: Doug Anderson, County Administrator, Ray Wazny, Asst. County
Administrator, Faye Outlaw, Asst. County Administrator, Dan McIntyre, County
Attorney, Don West, Public Works Director, Beth Ryder, Community Services Director,
Jack Southard, Public Safety Director, Roger Shinn, Central Services Director, Dennis
Wetzel, IT Director, Vanessa Bassey, Environmental Resources Director, Beth Ryder,
Community Services Director, Jim David, Mosquito Control Director, Ed Parker,
Purchasing Director, Larry Daum, Tourism Economic Development Director, Leo
Cordeiro, Solid Waste Director, Mark Godwin, Criminal Justice Coordinator, Millie
Delgado-Feliciano, Deputy Clerk
It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Lewis, to approve the minutes of the
meeting held June 6, 2006 and May 30, 2006, and; upon roll call, motion carried
A.Resolution No. 06-181- Proclaiming June 15, 2006 as “World Elder
Abuse Awareness Day” in St. Lucie County, Florida.
It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Hutchinson, to approve Resolution No.
06-181, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
B.Resolution No. 06-187- Proclaiming June 25, 2006 through July 1,
2006 as Mosquito Awareness Week” in St. Lucie County, Florida.
It was moved by Com. Hutchinson, seconded by Com. Hutchinson, to approve
Resolution No. 06-187, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
C.Resolution No. 06-185 Proclaiming June 24, 2006 as “San Juan Day”
in St. Lucie County, Florida.
It was moved by Com. Smith, seconded by Com. Hutchinson, to approve Resolution No.
06-182, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
D.Mark Godwin, Criminal Justice Coordinator introduced Broderick
Underwood the new St. Lucie County Cjis Analyst.
E.Resolution No. 06-184- Proclaiming May 20, 2006 through June 19,
2006 as “Juneteenth Season of Freedom” in St. Lucie County, Florida.
It was moved by Com. Lewis, seconded by Com. Craft, to approve Resolution No. 06-
184, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
F.Resolution No. 06-200- Proclaiming the month of May 2006 as ”Drug
Court Month” in St. Lucie County, Florida.
It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Hutchinson, to approve Resolution No.
06-200, and; upon roll call motion carried unanimously.
G.The Erosion District Manager and the Marine Resource Coordinator
gave an update on the Artificial Reef Program.
4.CONSENT AGENDA (0:30:07)
It was moved by Com. Smith, seconded by Com. Lewis, to approve the Consent
Agenda to include CA-1, item C-17C pulled to be heard under the regular agenda, as
amended, and; upon roll motion carried unanimously.
The Board approved Warrant List No. 3.
A.Resolution No. 06-201- The Board approved Resolution No. 06-201
extending stat of local emergency ban on open air burning in St. Lucie
County and authorized the Chairman to sign.
B.Resolution No. 06-196 - The Board approved Resolution No. 06-196
authorizing the Housing Finance Authority of St. Lucie County to
enter into Agreements with the Escambia County Housing Finance
Authority of not exceeding $150,000 single family mortgage revenue
bonds on behalf of St. Lucie county and authorized the Chairman to
sign the resolution.
C.B & E Houck Enterprises, Inc.- The Board approved the sublease
between B& E Houck Enterprises, Aircraft Parks Market, Inc.,
Missionary Flights and Service, Inc., and Peninsula Avionics.
D.Bear Point Mitigation Bank- Credit Purchase Agreement with Jill
Shevlin – The Board approved the proposed Bear Point Mitigation
Bank Credit Purchase Agreement with Jill Shevlin and authorized the
Chairman to sign the agreement.
E. Bear Point Mitigation Bank- Credit Purchase Agreement with River
Cove Northeast, LLC- The Board approved the proposed Bear Point
Mitigation Bank Credit Purchase Agreement with River Cove
Northeast, LLC and authorized the Chairman to sign the Agreement.
F.Request Permission to advertise – Public Hearing- Petition to abandon
a portion of two 30 foot platted rights of ways known as Canal Drive
and Poinsettia Avenue- The Board approved advertising a public
hearing to be held on July 18, 2006 at 6:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter
as possible.
G.Ft. Pierce Forestry Station- Florida Power & Light- 10’Utility
Easement- The Board approved the Utility Easement in favor of FPL
authorized the Chairman to execute the Easement an directed staff to
record the Easement in the Public Records of St. Lucie County,
A.Budget Amendment No, 06-145 to purchase a 6x4 Gator for the
Savannas Recreation Area- The Board approved Budget Amendment
No. 06-145.
B.City of Port St. Lucie Request- South County Stadium- The Board
approved the City of Port St. Lucie Request to utilize the fenced “bus
parking area” of the South County Stadium on October 29, 2006. The
Board also approved the city’s request including food and alcoholic
C.Change Order to Purchase Order P2512206- The Board approved to
increase Purchase Order P2512206 issued to Robert Baum
Construction, Inc., by $27,324. for a total of $237,652.80.
D.Children Services Council Grant- Resolution No. 06-153- The Board
approved Resolution No. 06-153 appropriating grant funds from the
Children’s Services Council into various Recreation Division
E.Work Authorization to Glatting Jackson Kercher et al, Inc. and Budget
Amendment No. 06-156- The Board approved Work Authorization
and Budget Amendment No. 06-156 and use of $14,105.50 of General
Fund Contingency funding to cover the cost of Work Authorization
No. 8 for the South Causeway Park Master Plan and authorized staff to
credit the City of Ft. Pierce’s share of $7,052.75 upon reimbursement.
F.Open Space Park covered basketball courts- Work Authorization No.
10 to Edlund, Dritenbas, Bikley Architect & Associates- The Board
approved Work Authorization No. 10 to EDBAA for
architectural/engineering services of Open Space Park’s basketball
court canopy at a cost of $32,464.00 and authorized the Chairman to
sign the work authorization as drafted by the County Attorney.
G.Amendment of Work Authorization No. 11 to Corzo Castelle Carballo
Thompson Salman(C3TS) – Contract No. C03-02-247- The Board
approved the amendment to Work Authorization No. 11 for
engineering services to construct the Lawnwood Recreation area
storage facility.
H.Construction of Fairgrounds Offices, restrooms and concessions- The
Board approved the locations to construct the office spaces, restrooms
and concessions at the County Fairgrounds.
I.Replacement of Steamer at Tradition Field- Equipment Request EQ
06-284 & Budget Amendment BA 06-158- The Board approved the
Equipment Request and the Budget Amendment to purchase a
replacement steamer at a cost of $5,183.00, the Board also approved
the old unit ID# 600093 be removed from the inventory.
Staff requested the Board approve the proposal from CDM for engineering services to
assist St. Lucie County with installing four new landfill gas/liquid extraction wells, for a
lump sum of $131,880 - The Board approved the proposal.
A.Request to approve the purchase of a weather transmitter, data logger,
RF Modem, Maxon radio, mounting kit and cables for the total amount
of $4,365.00. Joint Participation Agreement between St. Lucie County
and FPL , Budget Amendment No. 06-153 and Equipment Request
No. 06-279. The Board approved Budget Amendment No. 06-153 and
Equipment Request No. 06-279.
B.Resolution No. 06-071 approving Emergency Management Services
Grant from the State of Florida Heath Department in the amount of
$100,690.00.- The Board approved the Emergency Management
Services Grant in the additional amount of $4,211.00 for a total of
$104,901.00 and authorized the Chairman to sign.
C.Request to approve the purchase of one server for the Naviline System
in the amount of $3,955.00, Equipment Request No. 06-277 and
Budget Amendment No. 06-154- The Board approved the purchase,
the Equipment Request and Budget Amendment as stated above.
D.Request to approve the purchase of one server for the firewall for the
FCIC/NCIC system in the amount of $3,682.00 - The Board approved
the purchase of the one server, Budget Amendment No. 06-155 and
Equipment Request No. 06-278.
E.Request to approve Modification No. 1 to Subgrant Agreement #
MA5906-62 with the State of Florida, State Technology Office and St.
Lucie County, Department of Public Safety- The Board approved the
request of modification number one to the Subgrant Agreement and
authorized the Chairman to sign.
F.Request to Purchase a replacement of the IBM Model Type 9406-820
(2395) computer processor utilized for the Crimes (Sheriff) software
and back up redundancy system for the CAD 911 software located at
the EOC.- The Board approved the purchase of the replacement
computer processor in the amount of $97,340.00 and approve the
Chairman signing the contract and also approved removing property
ID No. 102087 from the County’s Capital Asset Inventory list,
equipment request 06-280 budget amendment 06-157.
G.Request to approve the NC4 Public Sector LLC Software License,
Maintenance and Services Agreement for a Disaster Management
Information System - The Board approved the NC4 Public Sector
LLC Software License , Maintenance and Services Agreement for a
Disaster Management Information System.
H.Request to approve the Radiological Emergency Preparedness
Agreement for Fiscal Year 2006-007 and 2007-008- The Board
approved the Radiological Emergency Preparedness Agreement with
FPL and authorized the Chairman to sign.
Request to approve Budget Resolution No. 06-182- to amend Budget Resolution No. 06-
136 due to Scrivener Error- The Board approved Budget Resolution No. 06-182.
Purchasing Division- Award of Bid No. 06-058- Lawnwood Sports Complex Soccer
Fields - The Board approved awarding Bid No. 06-058 to the low bidder, The Collage
Companies, for $797,490.00 and authorized the Chairman to sign the contract as prepared
by the County Attorney.
Transfer of Amendment Agreement from St. Lucie County to the St. Lucie County
Sheriff’s office- The Board approved the request to transfer the Amendment Agreement
from St. Lucie County to the St. Lucie County Sheriff’s office.
Work Authorization to Hazen and Sawyer, P.C.- The Board approved the issuance of
Work Authorization No. 8 to Hazen and Sawyer P.C. in the amount of $17,700.00 for the
OSTDS modifications and the site drainage permit required by the FDOT.
A.Authorize the submittal of a grant application to the Indian River
Lagoon National Estuary Program for funding of $50,000 to be
utilized for an environmental restoration project at Blind Creek. Also
authorize the acceptance of the grant if awarded. – The Board
approved the submittal of the grant and acceptance if awarded.
B.Authorize the submittal of a grant application to the FDOT County
Incentive Grant Program for funding of $775,000 for design of the
roadway section of Kings Highway between State Road 70 and State
Road 68- The Board approved the submittal of the grant and the
acceptance if awarded.
Permission to apply for UF School of Natural Resources and Environment Seed Funding
Grant for $22,800 to fund Feasibility Study of the Open Flex Space and Eco-nomic
Green Model- The Board approved applying for UF School of Natural Resources and
Environment See funding.
A.Central Services Division- Approval to use Central Services Project
Reserves in the amount of $8,000 to replace the damaged standing
seam roof panels on the Sheriff’s Department Service Garage- The
Board approved utilizing Central Service Project Reserves in the
amount of $8,000 .
B.Parks and Recreation Division- Reallocation of Funds for the
Lawnwood Recreation Area Storage Facility- The Board approved the
transfer of $60,572.00 from the Parks IFF reserves to the Lawnwood
Recreation Storage project.
A.Approval of Lease Agreement between Silppery Dolphin, LLC and St.
Lucie County- The Board approved the Lease Agreement between
Slippery Dolphin, LLC (Landord) and St. Lucie County (Tenant) to
lease 7,054 square feet of office space at 1800 Okeechobee Road an
occupied by Guaridan ad Litem with an initial term of 3 years with one
year rental rate at $11.00 per sq. ft., along with CAM at $4.00 per sq.
ft., and authorized the Chair to sign this Lease Agreement as prepared
by the County Attorney.
B.Approve Equipment Request # CSEQ06-282: Air Compressor for
Central Services Service Garage- The Board approved Equipment
Request CSEQ06-282/Air Compressor for Central Services Service
Garage and Equipment Request CSEQ06-283 /Utility Vehicle for
Central Services Admin. Building Maintenance Division.
C.Change Order No. 3 to Contract No. C0512-636 /David Brooks
Enterprises Inc.,- Construction of new Clerk of Court Building- The
Board approved Change Order No. 3 to Contract No, C0512-636 with
David Brooks Enterprises to extend the contract time 24 days changing
the date of substantial completion to August 18, 2007. The Board also
approved the changes in the scope of work and apply the credit of
$25,846.00 toward the project contingency fund amount of
$159.162.00 and authorized the Chairman to sign the Change Order as
prepared by the County Attorney.
A.Approval of Budget Resolution No. 06-192- The Board approved
Budget Resolution No. 06-192 in order to expend the funds.
B.New Fixed Route St. Lucie West- The Board approved submitting a
Service Development Grant to FDOT for $500,000 for implementation
of a new fixed route in St. Lucie West .
C.Auction Ten buses - The Board authorized the Purchasing Department
to auction 10 buses identified at the next available County auction and
remove the ten buses from the fixed assets.
D.Approval release of retainage- The Board approved the release of
retainage for Contract C06-02-130 with Alton M. Silver III Corp and
authorized the Chairman to sign the necessary documents.
A.Award of Bid No. 06-049- Car and Pick Up Truck Washing- The
Board awarded Bid No. 06-049 to David’s Auto Detailing and
authorized the Chairman to sign the contracts as prepared by the
County Attorney.
B.Award of Bid No. 06-067 Runway/Taxiway/Ramp Marking
Rehabilitation- The Board approved awarding bid 06-067 to the only
bidder Hi-Lite Markings, Inc., for the total amount of $36,665 and
authorized the Chairman to sign the contract as prepared by the
County Attorney.
Approval of Change Order No. 4 in the amount of $6,838.74 for the Weatherbee Road &
US 1 Intersection Improvements project- The Board approved and authorized the
chairman to sign Change Order No. 4 in the amount of $6,838.74 for the Weatherbee
Road & US 1 intersection improvement project. The project has been completed.
A.Ratification of the Tourist Development’s Council’s decision to
approve a $1,475 Special Event Grant request for Caribbean Fest
2006- This event was held on May 29, 2006 at Lawnwood Stadium. -
The Board approved the Special Event Grant Agreement and
application in the amount $1,475 to the Frontline for Kids Caribbean
Fest 2006 event as drafted by the County Attorney and authorized the
Chairman to sign.
B.Consider Draft Resolution No. 06-163 granting the request of Mason
Simpson for Major Site Plan Approval for a Project to be known as
Airport Park of Commerce- The Board approved Draft Resolution No.
C.The petitioner, Elliot Construction & Development Corp., through
agent Lucido & Associates requested Major Site Plan Approval for the
project to be known as Sweet Meadow Estates Subdivision located on
the west side of Rogers Road- This item was moved to the regular
Resolution No. 06-202- authorizing $5.0 million insurance requirements for vehicles to
operate on taxiways and runways at the St. Lucie County International Airport- The
Board approved Resolution No. 06-202 requiring $5.0 million insurance for any tenants
or subtenants who have vehicles that operate on the runways and taxiways at the St.
Lucie County International Airport and authorized the Chairman to execute the same.
Resolution No. 06-191- Amending the Employee Handbook- The Board approved
Resolution No. 06-191 as drafted.
Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity- Application of American Medical
Response for Class B & F - The Emergency Medical Services Advisory Committee
recommends the Board approve American Medical Response application for a Class B &
F CON with the stipulation of the purchase of Lifeline Medical Services follows through.
If not, this Certificate would be null and void. Also, with the understanding the
Certificate is for ten ambulances and four wheelchair vehicles. Any additional
ambulance would require application to the Emergency Medical Advisory Committee for
It was moved by Com. Hutchinson, seconded by Com. Lewis, to approve the Certificate
of Public Convenience and Necessity for Class B & F, and; upon roll call, motion carried
Funding 13 Correctional Officer positions and approve funding up to $226,718 for these
positions and approve Budget Amendment No. 06-152 funding repair of existing jail in
the amount of $324,560- Staff recommends the Board consider funding 13 additional
Correctional Officers for operation of the existing Jail and Pod 1 effective July 2006, and
$226,718 be set aside for funding these positions through September 30, 2006.
Additionally, staff recommends approval of Budget Amendment No. 06-152 allocating
funds to the proper expenditure account. Staff also recommends allocation of $324,560
to repair all areas of the existing jail. Staff further recommends the following items and
conditions be approved by the Board in conjunction with the above recommendations:
Hire 13 Deputies
July 1, 2006 – September 30, 2006- Fund would be drawn down as
Deputies are hired. County would hold funds and disburse
2006/2007 Sheriff’s Budget would include 13 positions
½ of Pod 2 will remain open until June 2007 to house inmates during
maintenance and repairs. B-4 will be the Pivot Pod during this
maintenance project
The county identifies $324,560 to repair all areas of the existing jail
The hiring of 13 Deputies will alleviate any additional costs for overtime
for repair purposes after B-4 repairs are complete
County staff will work with the Federal Inmate Program to identify:
A)Number of Federal Inmates County could house in Pod 2
(Portion of the remaining 160 beds)
B)Revenue to be paid to County for housing the above identified
number of inmates
C)The number of staff needed to be hired and associated cost for
County to run this program
D)Date this program would begin
The County requests mediation with the Sheriff’s Office and Public Defender’s Attorney
regarding any other issues outlined in the jail lawsuit.
The County Administrator addressed the Board on this item and summarized the request
as follows:
Staff recommends the Board of County Commission consider funding 13 additional
corrections officers for operation of the existing jail and pod 1 effective July 2006
and $226,718.00 be set aside for funding these positions through September 30, 2006.
Additionally, staff recommends approval of Budget Amendment 06-152 allocating these
funds to the proper expenditure account. Staff also recommends allocation of
$324,560.00 to repair all areas of the existing jail. Staff further recommends the items
and conditions be approved by the Board in conjunction with the above recommendation.
The County Administrator reviewed the above stated conditions. He stated the 13
positions would not be in the Sheriff’s budget this year, but would be in the Sheriff’s
budget effective October 1, 2006. He also reminded the Board that when the Board
approved the repairs of the B4 prior they also had approved $70,000 in overtime. By
hiring 13 deputies the county would not incur that additional expense.
Com. Hutchinson commented she was disappointed that the issues discussed at a
previous workshop have not been resolved by now. She reviewed her notes taken
previously and has met with the Public Defender, the State Attorney and several of the
local deputies, along with 6 Judges and she stated their input was extremely helpful. She
thinks she will be asking the Board today to also consider, asking Com. Smith as the
Board’s representative on the Public Safety Coordinating Council, to go back to the
Council and ask them to take it one step further. She felt there are other issues they did
not get done, but need to be accomplished. She also stated a time frame was not placed
on the next phase and would like to ask the Council what would trigger the next phase.
Com. Hutchinson stated some success has been accomplished with the new programs,
and they now need to move on and be prepared to open pod 2 whether it be for our
inmates or hopefully a combination, she will be voting in favor of staff recommendation.
Com. Craft questioned the increase in the Sheriff’s budget this year.
The County Administrator stated in the neighborhood of 10%.
Com. Craft stated the Sheriff and any Constitutional officer can elect how to spend their
budget. He asked why then is the county looking to fund an additional 13 deputies for
the jail when the Sheriff has had the ability within his budget to do it anyway?
The County Administrator stated he understood what he was saying, however, the Sheriff
has repeatedly told the County that in the current budget, the way it was approved, there
were not any funds available after paying salaries that were budgeted, there were no
funds for new positions. The Board approved a few months ago hiring 10 new deputies
50% funding from the grant program and 50% funding from the County and this was how
he hired those ten deputies and the Sheriff has repeatedly told the County that to hire
these 13 correctional officers he did not have funding available.
Com. Craft stated the 10 deputies hired, the funding came from the interest earned on the
account they had, it was not funds we had taken from our funds.
The County Administrator stated this was correct.
Com. Craft stated in his mind, he agreed to return those funds because the Sheriff had
earned them for managing his budget smart and putting it into the right account to gain
interest that he does not believe was done by any other prior Sheriff and he commends
him on that action. However, he has a problem moving forward when the Board gave the
Sheriff $50 million dollars, 10% over prior year’s budget, giving him the funding upfront
and not making this a part of the mediation. If the Board elects to go into mediation this
is a leveraging tool. If we give on the front end before going into mediation, there is
less of an opportunity for them to participate. He would like to have the Public Defender,
the State Attorney, the Clerk of Courts and the Chief Judge also at the table. These are all
the people who will affect whether or not the jail is overcrowded.
Com. Smith thanked everyone for their input and asked if the Board was comfortable
making this promise and say we will see these 13 positions in the Sheriff’s budget next
year without having the opportunity to review the county’s budget and he would like to
know that number.
The County Administrator stated he is comfortable that he can balance the budget with
the 13 deputies included. The cost of the 13 deputies per year is $900,000 and he
believes it’s less than this if any of the deputies have to attend the academy the cost is
included in the numbers provided.
Com. Coward requested the County Administrator advise those present of the staffing
recommendations made by the Kalmanoff study.
Mr. Mark Godwin, Criminal Justice Coordinator addressed Com. Coward’s request and
stated Dr. Kalmanoff made many different recommendations throughout the Criminal
Justice System. As far as the numbers he recommended based on inmate population, he
did not have that specific number. There are many recommendations the County has
already moved forward with and they will help with the inmate population, however, they
must remember the crime rate may not be growing, but incarceration is and it can be due
to the two additional factors that they need to look at, the number of warrants out there
and the technology provided to detectives where they are able to solve cases and the
violation of probation they are constantly working on making some head way with the
Judges in order to set bonds on some of those cases. The population at the jail today is
1345 and there would be an additional 100 inmates if they did not have the GPS system
and also 75 additional if there would not have been simple case processing by the Clerk’s
Com. Coward stated his recollection was that Dr. Kalmanoff acknowledged additional
staff would be needed.
The County Administrator concurred with Com. Coward’s comment and stated he has
had discussions with the Sheriff’s office regarding the ratio of inmates vs. correctional
Chief Deputy, Gary Wilson advised the Board presently they have 207 sworn staff and
the ratio is 6.47 inmates to one detention deputy. The ratio after the 13 new deputies are
hired would be 6.09 inmates to one detention deputy. The national average is 3.5 inmates
to one deputy. The Sheriff does not expect to get to this point, but appreciates the efforts.
Com. Coward stated upon touring the jail with Chief Deputy his main concern was the
ratio and the safety of the staff and officers. He felt this was something that has been
needed for some time. Dr. Kalmanoff recommended other ways of making the system
more efficient but he acknowledged they need more staff and Com. Coward felt this was
a step they needed to take immediately.
Com. Coward expressed his concern with the capacity of pod 1 and felt it remains a
moving target and he hopes that through the mediation process they can better refine the
number that was given in 2004 with funding of $2.5 million of additional staff they could
handle 1338 inmates. This number has since changed and he still does not have
clarification as to why. However, they have exceeded this number even with all of the
efforts with the various programs. He stated they never intended not to use pod 2, the
intention was to use pod 1 for 1338 inmates, and have pod 2 available to have federal
inmates brought in to help in paying for the capital investment and the operation of the
jail. The federal inmate program never succeeded and he is pleased this is back on the
radar for discussion. None of the Board members intended to build a jail and not utilize
it. They wanted to have full use of the jail. He does not want to have any portion of pod
2 not utilized. He would like to have it used a portion for maintenance, portions for
federal inmate program and portion for overflow capacity they are currently experiencing
in the existing jail and pod 1.
Com. Smith expressed confusion as to why now they should pursue this option and their
rationale when it was brought up at least once before and they were going to wait until
the other programs max themselves out.
Com. Hutchinson addressed Com. Smith’s comments and stated this has been addressed
several times early in the beginning of the several programs initiated and they did not
have figures to see how far down the inmate population can drop. But it was never
intended not to at some point hire additional deputies. There was never a threshold as to
what the number should be, (ratio inmate vs. deputy) and this is what she would like the
Council to provide so that they do not have to go through this on a yearly basis. She
would like to know what is acceptable.
Com. Coward stated he did not believe Dr. Kalmanoff is a proponent of opening pod 2,
but at the same time during their deliberations, they have talked about a capacity of 1338
and the fact they have exceeded this number on more than one occasion, causes him
concern. When it was exceeded in the past he was hopeful the programs would be able to
bring the number down and keep it down and even with the success of the programs, they
are still exceeding that number today after well over a year of implementation. He
believes at some point they need to recognize the realities that are out there and the safety
of the officers that are there and this is why he felt at this point they have to be looking
towards providing additional beds and capacity for law enforcement.
Com. Coward stated it has been a learning process for him and others, but at some point
they must prevent themselves from crossing into micromanaging the jail and he believes
he is at the stage where he wants to provide the Sheriff with the resources to run the
facility and take a step back and he believes this is where they are at this point.
Com. Lewis stated she believed they never intended not to use pod 2, and never intended
not to have to staff it, a lot of it was timing and she remembered a Commissioner asking
the numbers be placed in the next year’s budget, but when that Commissioner spoke, he
did not know we were going to have two hurricanes and the difficulty we would be facing
in repairing county facilities. She supports getting the new deputies on board and asked
what was the time frame to get the new deputies and stated she was aware there had been
some discussion on obtaining certified deputies from the state.
Chief Deputy Wilson stated they have several applicants on file with the Sheriff’s office
and the discussions are for a kick off on July 1 and they are processing at this time
should this go through. They do have people in the wings they hope to be able to get on
Com. Craft stated he was not the person to say whether or not the Sheriff should have the
additional 13 deputies, what he is suggesting is that it is the Sheriff’s responsibility to
manage his office with the funds the County gives him. If he thinks he needs more
officers he needs to find a way to do it without coming back to the Board and asking for
more money on top of what was given. He has an issue with the Sheriff not being able to
balance his budget and put the resources where he thinks are needed and coming back
and suddenly it is the county’s fault because he has not managed it properly. This is his
problem, the Board did their job and gave him $50 million to manage his budget and now
he is coming back asking for more, and he has an issue.
Com. Coward asked the County Administrator to state the intent of the $243,000 set aside
in this year’s budget.
The County Administrator stated these monies were remaining after last year’s budget
sessions that the Board decided not to allocate or designate. It was to be used for
whatever purposes if it needed to be used during this fiscal year. He is recommending
the $243,000 that was not designated, be designated today.
Com. Hutchinson asked the Board consider adding her suggestion to have the Public
Safety Committee looking at and possibly coming up with guidelines for classification,
the acceptable ratio of inmate to deputy and suggestions to move forward with the next
phase whatever that may be.
Com. Smith stated he was glad they had this discussion today and he was going to
support this because he has been supporting the 13 deputies for a while. Looking at the
big picture and should the county find themselves in this position again he feel it is
incumbent on this Board to look at other options that are available to them regarding
funding the monies. There is the ability the Board could assume running the jail facility.
Com. Lewis commented on the long standing tradition the Board discusses with each
Constitutional Officer what their requests have been and she does not wish to give the
impression that there has not been give and take on these issues. They hoped by this time
they would see numbers decrease at the jail and have implemented programs that have
assisted. There is give and take and it is not a matter of just handing out money and there
is no discussion given. The Board cannot line item or micro-manage, there is no
discretion or knowledge at the Board’s end.
Com. Craft stated last year they gave a fixed amount of dollars in the budget process even
though the Sheriff’s proposal was broken down. The Board gave him a certain amount
and told him to spend it as he saw fit. We did not say you could only spend $16 million
at the jail, he was to told to spend it as he sees fit.
Com. Coward stated he agrees they should not be looking at the overall number but need
to understand the best they can the individual items. He believes it is the job of the
Sheriff to decide on the movement of inmates and this is what he meant when he stated
he felt they were getting close to crossing the line. He wishes to have on-going dialogue
and better understand the operation of jail and the judicial system, but does not want to
get into telling the Sheriff where he should be putting inmates at the jail.
It was moved by Com. Hutchinson seconded by Com. Lewis, to approve staff
recommendation on all points listed along with asking Com. Smith to take this back to
the Public Safety Council and ask them to review some of the programs and give some
input and what goals should be reached, and; upon roll call, the vote was as follows: Nay:
Craft, Aye’s: Smith, Lewis, Hutchinson, Coward; motion carried by a vote of 4 to 1.
Com. Coward advised the Board he would be having a meeting with the Sheriff and
discuss the current request of 26% which he feels is likely out of the Board’s range and
he would be looking to bring this request in line to what they would be giving themselves
as well as others.
Request of Subaqueous Services, Inc., to allow a 24 hour a day, two shift operation
for dredging in the C-23 Canal between 1-95 and the Turnpike- Consider staff
recommendation to consider the request of Subaquesous Services, Inc., to allow a 24
hour a day two ship operation for dredging in the C-23 canal through September 19,
It was moved by Com. Hutchinson, seconded by Com. Smith, to approve staff
recommendation, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
8.PURCHASING ( 1:36:59)
Award of RFQ 06-065- Request for Qualification to Permit, Finance, Construct, Operate
and Own a Plasma Arc Gasification Facility to Process Municipal Solid Waste for St.
Lucie County- Consider staff recommendation to award RFQ 06-065 to the highest
ranked company, Geoplasma, LLC. Inc., authorize the Chairman to sign the contract as
prepared by the County Attorney.
A presentation was made by Dr. Hilburn O. Hillstead, President of Geoplasma.
Staff requested to amend the recommendation and add staff would negotiate the contract
and bring it back to the Board for approval.
It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Smith to approve awarding the RFQ to
Geoplasma, LLC as amended, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
This agenda request is to provide continuing Board of County Commissioners support for
the creation of high wage jobs in St. Lucie County by attracting technology and research
related businesses, enhancing existing facilities and programs, and development of new
facilities and programs. The BOCC supports and asks all residents to support the
referendum for the establishment of a transfer fee on real property as a funding source to
secure the long term development of high wage jobs. The fund would be administered by
a seven member board: two elected officials each from Port St. Lucie Ft. Pierce and the
County, as well as one appointed by the Governor- Consider staff recommendation to
approve Resolution No. 06-198 whereby the Board continues to support the Research and
Education Authority Referendum to stimulate economic development and to promote
high wage employment opportunities within St. Lucie County, Florida and throughout the
Treasure Coast.
It was moved by Com. Hutchinson, seconded by Com. Craft, to approve Resolution No.
06-198, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
The Petitioner, Elliot Construction & Development Corporation through Agent, Thomas
Lucido & Associates, has requested Major Site Plan Approval for the project to be known
as Sweet Meadow Estates Subdivision located on the west side of Rogers Road.
Staff requested this item be pulled and placed under the regular addition due to and added
Mr. David Kelly, Planning Manager advised the Board, the added condition read as
follows: the applicant developer shall provide a five (5 ft) foot pedestrian easement
immediately adjacent to the right of way along Rogers Road. The developer shall
construct the sidewalk within this easement.
It was moved by Com. Lewis, seconded by Com. Craft, to approve the Major Site Plan
approval as amended with the added condition, and; upon roll call, motion carried
There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was
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