HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOCC Minutes 07-11-2006
Date: July 11, 2006 Convened: 9:00 a.m.
Adjourned: 11:30 a.m.
Commissioners Present: Chairman, Doug Coward, Chris Craft, Frannie Hutchinson,
Paula A. Lewis, Joseph Smith
Others Present: Doug Anderson, County Administrator, Ray Wazny, Asst. County
Administrator, Faye Outlaw, Asst. County Administrator, Dan McIntyre, County
Attorney, Marie Gouin, M & B Director, Beth Ryder, Community Services Director, Don
West, Public Works Director, Jim David, Mosquito Control Director, Jeff Furst, Property
Appraiser, Ken Mascara, Sheriff, Millie Delgado-Feliciano, Deputy Clerk
It was moved by Com. Hutchinson, seconded by Com. Craft, to approve the minutes of
the meeting held June 27, 2006, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
A.Resolution No. 06-208- Proclaiming the month of July as “Parks and
Recreation Month” in St. Lucie County, Florida.
It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Lewis, to approve Resolution No. 06-
208, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
B.Resolution No. 06-213 Commending the Florida Airboaters for their
dedication, sacrifice and courage in assisting the general public, local,
State and Federal Agencies in the search, rescue and recovery
operations in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina 2005.
It was moved by Com. Smith, seconded by Com. Lewis, to approve Resolution No. 06-
213, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
C.Workforce Housing Moore’s Creek- This item was pulled.
Ms. Marjorie Harrell, area resident, addressed the Board regarding two new youth
empowerment centers being opened in Palm Beach for youths up to 18 years of age.
She asked the Board consider looking into having the same types of programs in our
Mr. Jeff Furst, Property Appraiser addressed the Board regarding the right of way values
questioned by the Board at a previous meeting. He stated he agreed with the idea that a
value should be placed on a right of way and the county should be compensated before
deciding to release it from public hands.
Mr. Craig Mundt, Hutchinson Island resident, addressed the Board regarding the project
called Oceanique. He commented on the density transfer and the conservation easement
on the 17 wetland acres where mosquito control uses and manages the property due to the
agreement. He requested Resolution 04-17 be finalized, recorded, the property on the
west side returned to the site plan and the density use properly recorded, the conservation
easement re-recorded.
The County Attorney advised the Board his office was doing a title search and will
follow up, obtain the conservation easement and follow up with a resolution.
It was moved by Com. Lewis, seconded by Com. Craft, to approve the Consent Agenda
with item C2-E pulled, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
The Board approved Warrant List No. 39 and 40.
A.Noise Ordinance- The Board authorized advertising Proposed
Ordinance No. 06-021 for Public Hearing as follows: Planning and
Zoning Commission/Local Planning Agency on August 17, 2006 at
6:00 p.m. or as soon there after as it may be heard and the Board of
County Commissioners September 5, 2006 and September 19, 2006 at
6:00 p.m. or as soon there after as it may be heard.
B.Petitions for Boundary/Name Changes- Westchester Community
District Nos. 1-6- The Board granted permission to advertise public
hearings for the ordinances on August 15, 2006.
C.First Amendment to Maintenance Contract with Siemens Building
Technologies- The Board approved the First Amendment and
authorized the Chairman to sign the Amendment.
D.Ordinance No. 06-039- Alarm Systems- Permission to advertise- The
Board approved advertising a public hearing on Ordinance No. 06-
E.This item was pulled.
F.Deputy Sheriff’s Blanket Bond- The Board authorized the Chairman
to execute the bond.
A.Recreation Advisory Board Revised By-Laws- The Board approved
the Recreation Advisory Board’s revised By-Laws and Resolution No.
B.Diamond Sands Donation- The Board approved accepting the $50,000
donation to the Parks and Recreation Department from the Hutchinson
Island 45, Inc., in association with the Diamond Sands project and
approved Resolution No. 06-214.
C.Request from Main Street Ft. Pierce- Friday Fest- The Board
approved Main Street Fort Pierce’s request to hold Friday Fest at
Veterans Memorial Parks for a period of one year (July 2006-June
2007) and approved Main Street’s request to waive the $2,400 in rental
fees associated with the Park.
D.Position Reclassifications/Lincoln Park Community Center- The
Board approved reclassifying two Recreation Supervisor positions at
the Lincoln Park Community Center.
A.Memorandum of Understanding- The Board approved accepting the
Memorandum of Understanding between the Florida Department of
Community Affairs and the St. Lucie County BOCC and approved the
amount $104,996.80 for the state to purchase a tow vehicle and donate
a two vehicle to St. Lucie County and authorized the Chairman to sign.
B.The Board approved the Agreement with HTE regarding the credit of
the Software License and Service Agreement with HTE for the LG
Addressing program in the amount of $ 10, 102.50 and authorized the
Chairman signing the agreement.
A.Engineering Division- Award of RFP No. 06-059- The Board
approved the shortlist, granted permission to negotiate with the six
firms: F.R. Aleman & Associates, Inc.; H.W. Lochner, Inc.; Kimley
Horne and Associates,; Metric Engineering; Stanley Consultants and
Vanus, and authorized the Chairman to sign the contracts as prepared
by the County Attorney.
B.Engineering Division- Navajo Avenue South MSBU- Potable Water
Improvements- The Board approved advertising the second public
hearing to be held on August 15, 2006 at 6:00 p.m. or as soon
thereafter as it may be heard.
C.Extension of one year for Stormwater Improvement Project with
SFWMD- The Board approved the requested time extension of one
year for the Stormwater Improvement Project with the SFWMD for
Paradise Park ((1A040690-A01).
D.Request Board of County Commissioners to approve time extension
for Stormwater Improvement- The Board approved the requested time
extension of one year for the Stormwater Improvement Project with
the SFWMD for Paradise Park (OT050699-A01).
E.Engineering Division- Approved Change Order No. 1 to Contract No.
05-08-424- The Board approved Change Order No. 1 and authorized
the Chair to sign the Change Order in the amount of $6,542.71 for a
total contract price of $360,042.71 to Johnson Davis Inc., for the
adjustment of quantities on the Carlton-Adams Rd Culvert Crossing
Over Canal C-59, culvert replacement project.
F.Engineering Division- The Board approved Change Order No. 1 with
Atlantic Skanska for a time extension of an additional 60 days in
which all work shall be completed on or before September 13, 2006
for the Gordy Road Recreation Area and authorized the Chairman to
G.Engineering Division- The Board approved Amendment No. 1 to
Work Authorization No. 2 with Kimley-Horn and Associates in the
amount of $5,900 for design modifications and for a time extension
through December 31, 2006 for Indrio Road Kings Highway
Intersection Improvements and signature by the Chairman.
A.St. Lucie Cultural Affairs Council- The Board ratified the at large re-
appointment of Ms. Jenene Skrupky and Mr. Jack Connolly to the
Cultural Affairs Council for a second term.
B.Board of Adjustment- The Board ratified Com. Craft’s appointment of
Mr. Larry Storms to the Board of Adjustment.
The Board approved renewing the Microsoft Select License Agreement.
The Board approved purchasing a Smart Board, Laptop Computer and Projector to be
used by Central Services for a combined cost of $6,300.00 approved Equipment Request
# CSDEQ06-290, # CSEQ06-291 and # CSEQ06-292.
A.Award of Bid # 06-069- Pre-qualifications of Demolition Contractors-
The Board approved awarding Bid # 06-069 to all seven bidders: ;this
includes demolition and asbestos abatement: Cross Environmental
Services, Inc., Decon Environmental & Engineering Inc., D.H Griffin
Wrecking Co., Inc., L.E.B. Demolition & Consulting Contractor, PDG
Environmental, Sunrise Systems of Brevard, Inc., and authorized the
Chairman to sign the contracts as prepared by the County Attorney.
B.Award of Bid # 06-074- Rental of Uniforms and Shop Supplies- The
Board approved awarding Bid # 06-074 to ARAMARK Uniform
Services and permission for the Chairman to sign the contract as
prepared by the County Attorney.
C.Permission to Advertise a Request for Proposals – The Board
approved advertising an RFP for Vending Machines for County
Municipal buildings.
D.Award Bid # 06-068 Pest Control Services- The Board approved
awarding Bid # 06-068 to the low bidder, Hulett Environmental for the
yearly total of $11,834.64 and granted permission for the Chairman to
sign the contract as prepared by the County Attorney.
E.The Board approved Change Order # 3 to Contract C05-10-699 with
Design Build Innovations for Airport which extends the project 56
days to be completed August 22, 2006 and granted permission for the
Chairman to sign the Change Order as prepared by the County
F.Award Bid # 06-081- Abandonment and Plugging of Artesian and
Flow Wells (Re-bid)- The Board approved awarding Bid # 06-081 to
Green Well Drilling of St. Lucie County for the amount specified on
the bid tabulation sheet and granted permission for the Chairman to
sign the Contract as prepared by the County Attorney.
Submittal of Grant application- The Board approved the submittal of the grant
application requesting an amount no to exceed $200,000 to further a program to provide
wind resistant remedies for low income homes.
A.Purchase for Real Property- The Board approved the Chairman
signing the contract for Sale and Purchase for Real Property for two
lots for the Avenue D Transit Transfer Facility.
B.Purchase of Real Property- The Board approved the Chair signing the
contract for Sale and Purchase for Real Property for one lot for the
Avenue D Transit Transfer Facility.
C.Resolution No. 06-215- The Board approved Resolution No. 06-215
amending the schedule of fees for the St. Lucie County Health
Department and authorized the Chairman to sign the necessary
D.Approval of Budget Resolution No. 06-216- The Board approved
Budget Resolution No. 06-216 to allow for budgeting a portion of the
funds from the Sate FY07 SHIP funding cycle for the remainder of
County FY06.
Petition of Rio Lago Acquisitions, LLC for Major Site Plan approval- The Board
approved Draft Resolution No. 06-042- for Major Site Plan approval of the project to be
known as Rio Lago Subdivision.
Change Order # 4/Dickerson Florida- The Board approved Change Order No. 4 for a
decrease of $195,990.15 to the contract amount of $4,211,635.46 for a new contract sum
of $ 4,015,642.31 with no additional time, and allow no retainage on stored materials for
the infrastructure construction of the Airport West Commerce Park.
A.Bid No. 06-080 Resurfacing Paradise Park Pool- The Board approved
accepting Bid No. 06-080 from Galaxy Pools in the amount of $
72,450 for resurfacing of the Paradise Park Pool and authorized the
Chairman to sign the contract. The Board also approved the
reallocation of $50,000 to be used for this project.
B.Lawnwood Football Stadium locker rooms roof repair- The Board
approved allocating and combining $12,990 from IFF with the
$16,400 from project worksheet SLC9016 to replace the visitors and
home locker room roofs at Lawnwood Football Stadium.
5.No Public Hearings scheduled.
The County Administrator made opening remarks and gave of overview of the budget
process for the new fiscal year.
Com. Coward noted this is the third year the Board has lowered the millage rate. This is
the largest tax rate reduction since 1980.
The Management and Budget Director reviewed the Worksheet Analysis of Roll Back
Millage Rate for Fiscal Year 2006-2007.
It was moved by Com. Hutchinson, seconded by Com. Craft, to procedurally set the two
meeting dates for the two scheduled public hearings, and; upon roll call, motion carried
Ms. Carol Primerano, Realtor, addressed the Board and stated she was impressed with the
work that went into the budget, however she was not impressed with the tax rate. She
stated Broward County was 17 mils and the way she read our budget we are at 24 mils
and this does not include city taxes. She felt we were missing many opportunities in
growth in terms of making a long term payback for St. Lucie County, Ft. Pierce and the
City of Port St. Lucie because we are too expensive.
Ms. Primerano requested the times for the budget public hearings to after 5:05 p.m. so
that the general public may attend.
The Board concurred. It was the consensus of the Board to change the times to 6:00 p.m.
Com. Coward advised those present the county has control over 1/3 of the tax bill. He
believes the other taxing authorities need to do their part so that the accumulative over all
tax reduction is more meaningful.
Ms. Julie Garafolo, Governmental Director for the Realtors Association addressed the
Board and commended the Board the time and efforts spent on the budget. She stated
they would like to see something more done and to also continue forward with the
lowering of the millage rates. They would like to see more than $145.00. Lowering the
millage rate will act as an economic stimulant for the county and would make it more
Com. Coward reiterated the millage rate has been lowered for the past 3 years and
reminded everyone the county was hit with 3 hurricanes and they have placed funds for
hurricane recovery and if they had not done this, there may have been a greater tax
reduction. The county is still recovering from three major hurricanes.
Mr. Edward McIntosh, 6 Nettles Blvd., Nettles Island, addressed the Board on his
experience this past week while attending the budget workshops. He advised the Board
his lot without a house on it is taxed at $5,816.00. He addressed the fact that Nettles
Island residents pay $ 7 million in property taxes and require little services. He
commented on the taxes paid by non-resident property owners.
Mr. George Boyd, President, Nettles Island Condominiums, addressed the Board and
stated there is a serious problem in Nettle Island as well as the rest of the county. He
stated the Board has a great opportunity to set a millage rate and reduce it. He
commented on the insurance agencies that are out of control as well as taxes being out of
control and the total of these two increases places his pension in jeopardy. He will need
to make a decision as to whether or not he will stay in St. Lucie County. He requested
any funds not allocated be used to lower the millage further.
Mr. Craig Mundt, North Hutchinson Island, addressed the Board and thanked them for
the work put into the budget hearings. He commended staff for their preparation of the
budget analysis. He stated he was particularly proud of the outcome of the Sheriff’s
budget and stated the protection of the citizenry is the primary responsibility of
Com. Coward commended staff for the months of preparation and providing a budget that
pleased the Board.
Approval of millage rates to be submitted by the Property Appraiser and set dates for
public hearings: Consider staff recommendation to approve the following:
1.Approve millage rates as outlined on “Worksheet Analysis of Roll-Back
Millage Rate for fiscal year 2006-2007 (as attached to record minutes).
2006/2007 Roll Back Rate: 6.6262
2006/2007 Proposed Millage Rate: 7.8194
2005-2006 Aggregate Millage Decrease over 2004-2005: -06819
2005-2006 Increase over Roll Back Aggregate Millage: 1.1932
Percent increase in Aggregate Millage over Roll Back: 18.01%
It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Smith, to approve the millage rates as
outlined, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
2.Set two public hearings on September 7 and 14, at 6:00 p.m. in the Roger
Poitras Administration Annex Commission Chambers.
It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Hutchinson to set the two public
hearings on September 7 and 14 at 6:00 p.m., and; upon roll call, motion carried
3.Authorize the County Administrator to be able to modify the millage rates
between General Fund and Fine and Forfeiture Fund as long as the total
countywide millage stays the same. Also, authorizing the County
Administrator to transmit the millage rates to the Property Appraiser on Form
It was moved by Com. Hutchinson, seconded by Com. Lewis, to authorize the County
Administrator to be able to modify the mllage rates between General Fund and Fine and
Forefeiture Fund as long as the total countywide millage stays the same and also
authorizing the County Administrator to transmit the millage rates to the Property
Appraiser on Form DR-420, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
4.Set aggregate millage as outlined on “Worksheet Analysis of Roll-Back
Millage Rate for fiscal year 2006-2007 under column headed “2006-2007
proposed millage”. (as attached to record minutes).
It was moved by Com. Smith, seconded by Com. Hutchinson, to set the aggregate millage
as outlined on the Worksheet analysis, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
Request for approval of the Third Amendment to the agreement with Victory Forge
Military Academy and Boot Camp for the 2007 Wings and Wheels Air Military and
Vehicle Show.
Staff requested to pull this item in order to continue discussions on the impass items and
Board Direction: Com. Coward stated he would like to assist by splitting the cost
associated with the show. He does however believe they should be responsible for the
damages caused. He felt the issues regarding the times and dates of the show need
further deliberation.
The County Administrator addressed the loss of revenue for the golf course during the
time the show takes place.
Com. Craft stated all parties need to come to an agreement regarding timing and financial
impact businesses will have during the time the airport is closed for the show.
Com. Hutchinson recommended pursuing grants and the TDC to assist in the funding and
recommended pursuing the fall months for the show.
Com. Lewis suggested pursuing the possibility of having the show in April. She
expressed her concerns with the scheduling of March due to the impact it has on the
Com. Smith stated he would like to see the show in the fall, however, he would agree to
pursuing the month of April.
Com. Coward stated he would be open to looking at alternative dates.
It was the consensus of the Board to contribute $40,000 and look into utilizing TDC
revenues for the contribution and directed staff to continue discussions with the show
director regarding alternative dates and the impass items.
There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was
Clerk of the Circuit Court