HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOCC Minutes 08-15-2006
Date: August 15, 2006 Convened: 6:00 p.m.
Adjourned: 10:00 p.m.
Commissioners Present: Chairman, Doug Coward, Chris Craft, Paula A. Lewis, Frannie
Hutchinson, Joseph Smith
Others Present: Doug Anderson, County Administrator, Ray Wazny, Asst. County
Administrator, Faye Outlaw, Asst. County Administrator, Dan McIntyre, County
Attorney, Don West, Public Works Director, Beth Ryder, Community Services Director,
Robert Nix, Growth Management Director, Mike Pawley, County Engineer, Hank Flores,
Planning Manager, David Kelly, Planning Manager, Diana Lewis, Airport Director,
Millie Delgado-Feliciano, Deputy Clerk
1.MINUTES ( 02:08)
It was moved Lewis, seconded by Com. Craft, to approve the minutes of the meeting held
August 1, 2006, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Hutchinson, to continue the two
previously held public hearings on the Stewardship Rural Land Regulations on August
28, 2006 at 6:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter, and; upon roll call, motion carried
A.Mr. Flip Gates with the Treasure Coast RC & D presented the Board
with a check in the amount of $100,000 towards the purchase of the
Sandscrub Conservation Easement.
B.The Board discussed the Skateboard Park Committee
It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Smith to appoint 5 members (BCC
recommendations), two appointed by the City of Ft. Pierce and two appointed by the
Youth Organization to the Skateboard Park Committee, and; upon roll call, motion
carried unanimously.
C.Allen Korsen, President of PSL Band Boosters requested the Board
authorize the Chairman to sign a letter of support to help the
fundraising efforts of the PSL Marching Band to participate in the
Orange Bowl.
It was the consensus of the Board to have this item come back to the Board on August 22,
2006 with more information and a recommendation as requested by the County
D.Board discussion on Kolter.
The Growth Management Director addressed the Board and reviewed the memorandum
issued to the Board dated August 15, 2006 titled “ Reserve DRI Compliance Report”.
In this memorandum staff recommended the following actions:
1.Direct staff to send a letter to Kolter indicating that the County expects Kolter
to completely resolve all of the compliance issues outlined in the
memorandum on or before September 22, 2006.
2.Direct staff to advertise a public hearing on October 3, 2006 at 6:00 p.m. or as
soon thereafter as the item may be heard to consider rescinding or amending
Resolution No. 04-081.
3.Direct the County Attorney to begin preparing the necessary legal documents
to initiate legal action against Kolter in the event compliance is not achieved
by September 22, 2006.
4.Direct the Growth Management Director to draft a letter to the State of
Florida, Department of Community (DCA) requesting that DCA issue a notice
of violation to Kolter and to transmit the letter request to the Florida DCA on
September 23, 2006 if Kolter fails to comply.
5.Direct the Growth Management Director to contact DCA and request the
DCA to provide the County with technical assistance concerning the potential
Mr. Nix also stated in his memorandum that in order to prevent conservation/preservation
land issues in the future, staff is enforcing the comprehensive plan policies that are now
in effect. Comprehensive plan consistency requirements apply to both new and revised
development orders. The Conservation Element provides that conservation and open
space habitat preservation areas must be under single ownership of a homeowners
association or other third party that is responsible for maintenance of the preserved areas.
This prohibits “micrositing”.
Future improvements include: 1) monitoring and modeling requirements will be proposed
in Development of Regional Impact Development Orders; 2) Staff will receive and
review biennial DRI progress reports, as required by law. In reviewing these reports,
staff will examine time series aerial photography from the Property Appraiser’s Office in
an effort to detect significant on-site change that may not comply with development
Mr. Nix stated he believed there were 490 acres of upland habitat at the time the aerial
photography was taken and whether or not there is sufficient upland habitat remaining is
an open question. There may have been some habitat destruction since then. They are
going through the process of trying resolve the issues.
Kolter has come forward and offered to place conservation easements. This totals 100
acres plus or minus. Staff has been negotiating as to whether or not the micrositing issue
is adequately resolved. This is a very complex issue and they have not at this point
questioned the amount of land they originally tallied as being set aside for the micrositing
process. Kolter has also advised staff there may be some additional land in the
commonly held areas that would qualify because it is owned by the Homeowners
Association there may already be some restrictions on this property and they may be able
to pick up additional acres.
The discussion has also turned to what if they do not find the necessary 490 acres on the
site. The revised development order that was adopted and never transmitted does not
affect this today did provide the lands that are inside the City of Port St. Lucie to the
extent that upland habitat is lost on those lands, there can be off site mitigation.
Mr. Nix stated when the Development Order was amended the changes had to be
consistent with the adopted Comprehensive Plan that was in effect in 2004.
Com. Coward questioned the fact there are areas where there may be habitat that falls
within setbacks or non-build able areas which certainly makes sense, the trouble he is
having is that some of the areas that are falling into that broader category are actually
privately owned land that are build able. A pool can be placed or an addition to the home
and to his knowledge there are no deed restrictions on those areas and they may be
venturing into a “takings” issue. He asked if staff was supporting that as well as the un-
build able setback area.
Mr. Nix stated, “ no” he is simply stating they have not investigated or accounted for
every one of those acres. There are portions of lots but he does agree they must go
through exercise now to clearly account for that probably would need to be done on a lot
by lot basis and would need to get buy in by the community.
Mr. John Sapo, Senior Vice President, Kolter Communities, addressed the Board on the
outstanding issues. He alluded to the two issues brought forth by the Regional Planning
Council. The first issue regarding the traffic, he stated a condition currently exists in the
Verano Development Order that is the exact condition that they are presently speaking of
and this condition can be placed in the settlement agreement regarding the Reserve or put
it into a new revised development order on the Reserve. They have agreed with Treasure
Coast that they can agree with them on this issue.
The Free Play area issue, they have met with Treasure Coast and had found an additional
area that they felt had resolved the issue, and then discovered Mr. Busha may disallow
one area in the Sablecreek area of the Reserve. They are working with Treasure Coast to
find another area they believe they have one designated and need to speak to Mr. Busha
and make sure he agrees.
Mr. Sapo stated the upland issue has been the most difficult one. He believes there is 490
acres of upland identified on the site. There are 230 acres that they believe is adequately
protected and is there, 260 acres that are in question as to the adequacy of the protection.
About 100 is land that they can subject to a conservation easement and they have actually
drafted the easement language and drafted the legal descriptions and delivered those to
the County Attorney and the Growth Management Director.
There are 109 acres of golf course land that was identified on the 3 PGA courses on the
site plans that were approved by the County as upland but, they are not covered by an
agreement, they are covered by the site plan, but not by a conservation easement or other
form of protection, i.e. conservation agreement drafts. The PGA is an Audubon
Signature Course and they have very stringent environmental requirements. However,
they have been working with them and there has been change in the upper management
of the PGA and this has caused issues in getting the new management up to speed. They
are hoping to meet with them and perhaps members of the county staff sometime next
week to try and resolve the Golf Course issues.
Mr. Sapo stated he believed they are very close on many of the issues. They are working
on resolutions to the issues and if they are not able to between Kolter and the County
have an adequate resolution, what they had discussed was going forward to a mediation
process. Kolter’s attorney’s had spoken with the County Attorney about mediation
language to put in the proposed settlement agreement. He does not believe this has been
agreed upon yet, but this was the proposed method of moving forward. Failing a
resolution at that level would then find themselves in court or at DCA to try to have some
resolution. They hope this would not happen.
Mr. Sapo stated the deadline is a deadline they have always talked about.
Com. Coward stated they have had this discussion for 1 year and have heard a lot of talk
without any tangible results. He is very disappointed on how this issue has proceeded.
Dr. Mark Edwards, PGA Village Point speaking for Mr. Robert Summers from
Sablecreek PGA Village addressed the Board regarding Mr. Summers situation. Their
developer was responsible for preserving 490 acres of native upland habitat protected
through permanent deed restriction as required by the County’s Comprehensive Plan. He
stated Kolter was found to be non-compliant of their development order, and there was
no preservation agreement on 109 acres of golf course property. There are no deed
restrictions on 27 acres of commercial property. The preservation maps the county
created based on documentations supplied by the developer could not stand up to the light
of day. The developer is still claiming 167 acres of preserve shown on the County maps
located on homeowner property . Mr. Summer purchased his property in 1984 and built
his home in 1994. In 2004 a picture was taken of his property by plane the developer then
amended the homeowners documents without the representation of the homeowners in an
attempt to claim about 80% or 2 acres of Mr. Summers property as preserves.
Dr. Edwards presented photographs of the area for the Board’s review. Mr. Edwards
requested the County not make any further preservation maps until they have heard from
their attorney’s. By their estimate Kolter is 300 acres short of the required habitat.
Mr. Bob Simons, 7224 Mystic Way, PGA Village, addressed the Board and stated the
development order is the master plan and they ask the county hold to it and require the
developer to meet the requirements of the development order.
Mr. Tom Sims, Reserve property owner and also Reserve Industrial Park property owner
addressed the Board on the Go-team Industrial Park. He felt the park is not permitted to
conserve for upland preservation. He does not want his property rights trampled on. He
asked the Board look at this before the Dreams Park area is put up for upland
preservation or any of the industrial park land is rezoned.
Mr. Sapo stated micrositing is a very complicated issue and this is a development order
that dates back to the 80’s it discusses micrositing, it discusses preservation on individual
lots shall be established by the developers with permanent restrictions set forth by the
homeowners association. Not an easy issue and they will continue to work with County
staff to resolve the issues the county has and he would commit to the Board that they will
work as hard as they can and as long as they can and be more than reasonable and
hopefully work it out.
Com. Smith asked how the map was developed.
Dr. Edwards stated he did not make the map, what he did was he photocopied the map.
The map is the upland preserves map it was set forth in 04-081 which has not been
transmitted to the DCA it was prepared by county staff in collaboration with information
as supplied by the developer.
Com. Smith asked Mr. Sapo to verify those comments.
Mr. Sapo also advised the Board he is not familiar with the map but was advised that this
is a correct representation of what happened.
Com. Coward asked Mr. Sapo if he had any documentation with him that verifies there
are in fact deed restrictions to preclude development in these areas and hence provide
appropriate protection.
Mr. Sapo stated he did only had summaries with him but can provide the county staff to
the extent that they have not already.
Com. Coward stated he had multiple conversations with Mr. Sapo on this specific issue
and he is told the answer each time that it will be provided and he still has not seen it.
In contrast to this he has met with Dr. Edwards who actually went through reviewing all
the deed restrictions or lack there of and provided clear documentation that these do not
have permanent restrictions as Mr. Sapo is alluding to.
Mr. Sapo stated they believe they exist and he will ask their attorney to immediately get
with the County Attorney and provide that information if it has not been provided.
Com. Craft stated he is in support of staff recommendation and it has been his position
from the beginning that the developer lives up to the development order that was set forth
in the past. If they are not able to come to a conclusion with the developer, he would
support moving forward with litigation.
Com. Hutchinson stated she has sat and requested deadlines and have watched them pass
and has asked for something to be brought forward and has yet to receive anything. She
will be supporting staff recommendation feeling she does not have a choice.
Com. Smith stated he supported staff recommendation.
Com. Lewis stated she too supported staff recommendation and stated in February or
March they had addressed the issue of compliance and at that point in time they had
agreed on a deadline. She believes it’s time for a deadline.
Com. Coward asked the County Attorney based on past actions the Board has found on
this developer of non-compliance and the recommendation before them today, can the
developer bring any development project forward in the Reserve.
The County Attorney stated, “no sir” they did take the Island Club but this was with the
consent of the Dept. of Community Affairs and the Regional Planning Council and it was
special circumstances that solved another problem. Absent those circumstances, the fact
the determination stops development in the Reserve.
It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Smith to approve the recommendations
made by staff, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
Mr. John Arena, Ft. Pierce addressed the Board regarding the Port and the Spur Jetty
Mr. Jeff Mitchell, Cameron Drive resident, addressed the Board regarding a motel in the
area that is being renovated. He believes this should not be permitted due to the 50%
rule and stated the property was non- conforming before the hurricanes and will still be
non-conforming when completed. It has been determined by the permitting department
that the non-conforming structure can be remain since the project was started prior to the
hurricanes. The residents in the area would like copies of the drawings, permits and site
plan. His main concerns are parking, septic, garbage pick up, ADA requirements and the
Com. Craft asked Mr. Mitchell to call his office to schedule a time to meet and discuss
this issue.
The Asst. County Administrator advised the Board a building official made the
determination to allow to rebuild. The appropriate appeal for a building official decision
is to file the appeal with the Construction Board of Appeals. It is free. The proper forum
is not before this Board but before the Construction Board.
Com. Coward asked Com. Craft to facilitate a meeting with Mr. Mitchell, Mr. Wazny and
the building inspector and see if they can find the appropriate way to address this
Mr. Craig Mundt, North Hutchinson Island, addressed the Board regarding the property
on A-1-A and covered the attached material. He advised the Board the Oceanique
property was approved and they are disputing a bit of the claim that the 20 acres on the
west side has a 9 unit per acre density value, 18 acres of this property was zoned R1-A
which became RS-3 in the new numbering system with a density of 3 dwelling units per
acre and the land use of residential low density. One acre was zoned R4-A which
became HIRD at 9 dwelling units per acre. Even accepting at less than an acre is below
mean high water which is what staff is reporting, there are approximately 67.5 units that
were available on the west side which is a far cry from the 173 units that the staff in a
Resolution is stating is available.
Mr. Mundt alluded to the minutes of 5/11/04 meeting stating, “ The County Attorney
suggested that adding language in the Resolution that would recognize whether the
density is being transferred from and should not be severed from the site plan and that
Mosquito Control activities will be permitted on the conservation easement, wetlands and
this is also to be placed in the Resolution. He stated according to the County Attorney’s
earlier remarks, they believe he is stating that a conservation easement means that no
further development will take place.
Mr. Mundt stated on page C-2 of the approved site plan, it states that 24.23 of usable
common space and they assume this anticipates that at some time the condo association
would then have ownership of that land.
Com. Coward recommended setting up a meeting to address these issues in a more
appropriate forum and not have an unagendad item divert the Board from the agenda.
He requested Mr. Mundt contact his office to review this issue.
The County Attorney stated they are trying to work on this issue, they have issues with
the conservation easements and have met with the developer, they have acknowledged
there is a problem with grantor and have agreed to give them a new conservation
easement with the proper grantor and are trying to work with the proper language that
appeals with this issue.
Mr. Mundt advised the Board the property on the west side has been transferred into the
developers name and is not longer in the name of Oceanique Development Company and
there are 144 units being built on 9 acres which is 15 plus units per acre and this is not in
It was moved by Com. Smith, seconded by Com. Lewis, to approve the Consent Agenda,
with item C-12-I pulled, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
The Board approved Warrant List No. 44 and 45.
E.Prima Vista Crossing-Road Impact Fee Credits- Partial Assignment to
Prudential Life Insurance Company of America- The Board approved
an assignment of $64,218.00 of road impact fee credits from Cresent
Resources to Prudential Life Insurance Company of America.
F.After the Fact Revocable License Agreement- Indrio North Savanna-
5565 Bald Cypress Trail – Fence- The Board denied the request for an
After the Fact Revocable License Agreement.
G.Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting Vehicle- First Amendment to
Interlocal Agreement with St. Lucie County Fire District- The Board
approved the proposed First Amendment to the November 16, 2005
Interlocal Agreement with the St. Lucie County Fire District for the
Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting Vehicle and authorized the Chairman
to sign the amendment.
H.Creekside Community Development District- Consent to First
Modified Agreement for Exchange of Real Property between
Creekside Community Development District and South Florida Water
Management District subject to review and approval by the County
Attorney as to the final agreement.
I.Ordinance No. 06-043- The Board approved advertising Ordinance
No. 06-043 amending Ordinance No. 06-006 to correct a scrivener
A.Request approval for Kimley Horn Work Authorization - The Board
approved the Work Authorization for Kimley Horn to provide
construction phase services for ARFF building and the access road at
the St. Lucie County International Airport for a lump sum amount of
$154,065 and authorized the Chair to execute the same.
B.Accept 95% grant from the FAA for Airport Layout Plan Update and
approve Budget Resolution No. 06-259 for the St. Lucie County
International Airport- The Board approved accepting the 95% grant
in the amount of $48,450 and approved Budget Resolution No. 06-259
and authorized the Chairman to sign.
C.Approve Budget Resolution No. 06-258 for Supplemental Joint
Participation Agreement with the FDOT for a Parallel Runway 9L/27R
Design/Construction- The Board approve Budget Resolution No. 06-
A.Grant Application to South Florida Water Management District- The
Board approved submittal of a grant application to the SFWMD, St.
Lucie River Issues Team for funding of $60,000 to be used to develop
and construct a $132,000 education exhibit at the Oxbow Eco-Center
and acceptance of the grant if awarded.
B.Submittal of an application for Certification – The Board authorized
the submittal of an application for Certification of Retained Spring
Training Facilities to the Florida Legislature, through the Florida
Sports Foundation, requesting funding in monthly payments totaling
no more than $7,914,766 (505 of $15,829,533) over a 30 year period.
C.Authorize the submittal of a grant application- The Board approved
the submittal of a grant application to the Florida Wildflower
Foundation in an mount of $2,041 for wildflower plantings at Pepper
Park. The Board also authorized the acceptance of the grant if
approved for funding.
A.Request for Board approval to hire Edlund, Dritenbas and Binkley
Architects to prepare bid documents for improving disabled
accessibility at Tradition Field at a cost of $16,900.- Request for
approval of budget amendment- The Board approved the contract with
Edlund, Dritenbas and Binkley Architects and approved the budget
B.Downtown Parking Garage- The Board authorized staff to enter into
discussion with the City of Ft. Pierce regarding their request to transfer
the downtown parking garage to the city.
C.Accepting funding for Special Needs Shelter in the amount of
$1,800,000 and a Regional Emergency Operations Center in the
amount of $6,000,000 in St. Lucie county Under Specific
Appropriation 1589A, General Appropriations Act- The Board
accepted the award offer for the Special Needs Shelter in the amount
of $1,800,000 and the Regional Emergency Operations Center in the
amount of $6,000,000 to St. Lucie County under Specific
Appropriation 1589A and authorized the County Administrator to send
letters of acceptance.
D.Reappointment of D. Richard Claassen, Ph.D to a two year term on
the Treasure Coast Health Council- The Board ratified the re-
appointment for the 2006-2008 term.
E.Re-appointment of Kathleen McGinn- to a one year term on the TC
Research and Education Authority retroactive to January 22, 2006-
The Board ratified the re-appointment.
F.Waiver of Fees for the Ft. Pierce Community Center- The Board
approved waiving the fees for the use of the Ft. Pierce Community
Center by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement for August 29,
G.Petition of Incom Properties, Inc., for a Developer’s Agreement (DVA
06-001) intended to fund improvements along Kings Highway- The
Board approved continuing the first of two required public hearings
until September 19, 2006.
Resolution No. 06-247- approving the donation in the amount of $900.00 from the sale of
two auctioned horses that were seized by Animal Control- The Board approved
Resolution No. 06-247 .
Guardian Ad Litem requests approval of Budget Amendment No. 06-167 and Equipment
Request No. 06-299 authorizing the use of Court Related Technology Funds to purchase
Equipment and accessories- The Board approved Budget Amendment No. 06-167 and
Equipment Request No. 06-299 to purchase 25 laptop computers, wireless connection,
and licenses from FY 2006 approved Court Related Technology funds in the amount of
$61,680. These laptops will be utilized in the field and courtrooms by staff to ensure an
expedited turnaround in documentation regarding the children represented by the
A.Submittal of grant application to Florida Department of Community
Affairs Disaster Recovery Initiative- The Board authorized the
Chairman to sign the grant application to submit a $1,332,433 funding
request to Florida Department of Community Affairs Disaster
Recovery Initiative for funds to assist with various eligible CDBG
Housing Activities such as new construction, rehabilitation, and
replacement and allow St. Lucie County to enter into an interlocal and
sub recipient agreements with the Cities of Ft. Pierce and Port St.
Lucie to receive this funding; and authorize the Chair to sign any
necessary documents if successful.
B.Approval of submission to the State of Florida Department of
Community Affairs for the Community Services Block Grant
Allocation and Resolution No. 06-260- The Board approved the
submission of the proposed application and Agreement with the
Florida Department of Community Affairs for FY 2006-07
Community Services Block Grant and approved Resolution No. 06-
260, authorized acceptance of the award and the Chairman signing all
documents necessary to execute the application and accept the grant,
A.Correction to Award Bid No. 06-089- Concourse Rooftop A/C Unit
Replacement- The Board awarded Bid No. 06-089 to the low bidder,
Wind Chill Mechanical, for the corrected amount of $160,450.00 and
granted permission for the Chairman to sign the contract as prepared
by the County Attorney.
B.First Amendment to Contract C04-06-334 with James C. Nicholas,
PhD- The Board approved the First Amendment to Contract C04-09-
334 with James C. Nicholas, which extends the contract until
December 21, 2007 to conduct a study relating to the update, revisions
and additions to the County’s development of impact fees, and granted
permission for the Chairman to sign the Amendment as prepared by
the County Attorney.
C.Approval to contract with Schenkel Shultz Architecture, Inc., for the
design of the Emergency Operations Center- The Board approved the
agreement/contract per contract No. C05-05-270 with Schenkel Shultz
Architecture, Inc., in the amount of $746,300.00 for the design of the
Special Needs Shelter/Auditorium, granted permission to advertise for
Bid and authorized the Chairman to sign the agreement/contract as
prepared by the County Attorney.
D.First Extensions to Contract C03-10-636 with Kimley Horn and
Associates, Inc., and to Contract C03-10-646 with PBSJ for Airport
General Consultant Services- The Board approved the first extension
to Contract C03-10-636 with Kimley Horn and Associates, and
Contract C03-10-646 with PBSJ extending the terms for one year until
October 13, 2007 and granted permission for the Chairman to sign the
Extensions as prepared by the County Attorney.
A.Bid Waiver and sole source declaration for the purchase of FIAM from
Fishkind & Associates for the Planning Division. The Board approved
and executed the proposal for a total cost of $38,500 to include
2.11(A), 2.1(B), 2.2 and 2.3 scopes of services outlines.
B.Research and Education Park request for Surveying and Environment
Sciences expenses in the amount of $86,226.00- The Board approved
funding for the total amount of $52,850.00 to Culpepper & Terpening
Inc., and $33,376.00 to R.L. Weight Environmental Consultants and
granted permission for the Chairman to sign the Contracts and/or
Work Authorizations as prepared by the County Attorney.
A.Final Payment & Release of Retainage: Sunrise Systems of Brevard,
Inc.,/No. C06-02-144, Rock Road EIFS Removal on B-4 Dorm and
Medical Bldg., - The Board approved final payment of $87,857.55
and release of retainage in the amount of $18,157.52 to Sunrise
Systems of Brevard for the Rock Road EIFS removal on B-4 &
Medical Bldg.
B.Change Order No. 5 to Contract No. C05-12-636, David Brooks
Enterprises, Construction of New Clerk of Courts Building- The
Board approved Change Order No, 5 to Contract No. C05-12-636 with
David Brooks Enterprises to extend the contract time forty-nine days
changing the date of substantial completion to October 6, 2007. The
Board further approved the changes in the contract and applied the
credit of $101,341.00 toward the project contingency allowance and
authorized the Chairman to sign the Change Order as prepared by the
County Attorney.
A.Engineering Division – Capron Trails Mine- The Board approved a
public hearing date of September 16, 2006 at 6:00 p.m. or soon
thereafter to consider the request of the Capron Trail Mine to add an
additional pit to be called Tract 4.
B.Engineering Division- The Board approved Change Order No. 2- and
Final in the amount of ($3,067,316.03) ; accepted the project; released
retainage in the amount of $490,164.40 and make Final Payment in
the amount of $42,204.37 to Ranger Construction Industries, Inc.. for
the S. Indian River Drive Emergency Reconstruction as a result of
damage sustained from Hurricane Frances.
C.Engineering Division - The Board approved a reduction in the
retainage by $197,915.12 for Ranger Construction Industries, for the
Indian River Drive Middle Project.
D.Engineering Division- The Board authorized advertising for proposals
from qualified firms to provide Utility Design Services under the
limitations of the St. Lucie County Purchasing Manual and the Florida
State Statutes.
E.Engineering Division- The Board approved and authorized the
Chairman to: accept the project; release the retainage in the amount of
$36,004.27 and make final payment to the contractor Johnson –Davis
Inc., in the amount of $36,004.27 for the Carlton-Adams Road Culvert
Crossing Over Canal C-59 Culvert Replacement project.
F.Approve Change Order No. 4- The Board approved and authorized
the Chairman to sign Change Order No. 4 for a time extension till the
20 of October , 2006 and reduce the retainage amount by 5% fro
$508,409.68 to $254,204.84 for the Midway Road and Glades Cut off
Road Intersection improvement project, Contract C03-06-451,
constructed by Community Asphalt Corp.
G.Request Approval of First Amendment to Work Authorization No. 1-
The Board approved the Chairman signing the First Amendment to
Work Authorization No. 1 for a time extension to November 30, 2006
for Construction management Services with American Consulting
Engineers of Florida, LLC for Midway Road and Glades Cutoff Road
Intersection Improvements; South Jenkins Road extension and
coordination for the installation of waterline on Glades Cutoff Road
H.First Amendment to Work Authorization No. 18- The Board approved
the Chairman signing the First Amendment to Work Authorization No.
18 for a time extension to September 30, 2006 for Soil Testing
Services with Dunkelberger Engineering & Testing, Inc., for the South
Jenkins Road Extension project.
I.Engineering Division Amendment No. 1 to Emergency JPA NAX-76
This item was pulled.
J.Engineering Division- Amendment No. 1 to Emergency JPA ANX –51
with FDOT- The Board approved Amendment No. 1 to Emergency
JPA ANX-51 with FDOT for redistribution and decreasing funding
and signature by the Chairman.
A.Admission to the St. Lucie County Marine Center for August 27,
2006- September 2, 2006- The Board approved free admission to the
SLC Marine Center August 27, 2006 thru September 2, 2006 for the
Marine Center ‘s Five Year Anniversary and also authorized to serve
beer and wine at the August 30, 2005 Five Year Anniversary.
B.Approve the reclassification- The Board approved the reclassification
of the Cultural Affairs Department Senior Staff Assistant to Executive
A.Change Order No. 3 with Danella Co.- The Board approved Change
Order No. 3 with Danella Companies Inc., for the construction
services related to the Midway Road Water Main Extension project for
an increase in the contract amount of $68,342.82 and an extension of
135 days to the contract.
B.Utility Cash Drawer- The Board approved an additional Utility Cash
Drawer with a Cash Fund of $100 .
Tentative Plan for use of $43 million in bond proceeds for specified road projects.- The
Board approved the proposed plan to fund the projects listed from bond proceeds
A petition of Grace Baptist Church for a change in zoning from AR-1 to RF zoning
district for property located at 4695 S. 25 St., on the west side of S. 25 St., Draft -
Consider staff recommendation to approve Draft Resolution No. 06-224 .
Mr. Eric Grimsley and Mr. Al Jackson representing the Church were present to answer
any questions.
Mr. Grimsley advised the Board of a previous question asked regarding the property in
between the Church. He stated they concluded if they come to a sale agreement with the
owner of the property they will hopefully come before the Board and bring it in as
incorporated. If he does not sell, they plan to give him the right of way on the southwest
head north and at the bottom to the east this would relieve him of any congestion.
Mr. John Ferrick, 25 St. resident addressed the Board and read his statement (attached).
He asked if the property would one day include a school. He advised the Board he was
not in favor of the rezoning.
Mr. Grimsely stated this was not in the plan at the present time.
The County Engineer stated Mr. Ferrick shared his comments at a previous meeting.
This roadway that once belonged to the county has been turned over to the FDOT for
widening and until such time as the project is complete it will remain in their hands and
we have to follow their guidelines. The access management or the median openings have
been determined and we must stay with the access management on the approved plans.
Mr. Richard Green property owner addressed the Board and stated he did not wish to
have his right of way changed to be at the west end of his property he needs it to be at the
north end. The west end would place him coming in behind the house. Mr. Green stated
he does not support the rezoning of the property. He advised the Board he was on
vacation at the time of the first public hearing.
Mr. Grimsley advised the Board they do not have an issue with letting him out closer in.
Com. Coward asked Mr. Green if through the site planning process they are able to push
the church facility up to the northeast quadrant and provide him with a substantial buffer
if it would satisfy his concerns.
Mr. Green stated, it does and it would not bother him.
Mr. Grimsley and Mr. Jackson stated they would work with the county to achieve that
It was moved by Com. Hutchinson, seconded by Com. Lewis, to approve Resolution No.
06-224, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
Resolution No. 06-225 – Consider staff recommendation to approve Draft Resolution No.
06-225 granting S & H Business Inc., a change in zoning from the AR-1 Zoning District
to RS-2 Zoning District.
Mr. Les Crawford, representing the property owner, addressed the Board on this issue.
Mr. Crawford stated they are requesting approval based on the compatibility with the
project directly across the street and the projects that will come west of that in the future.
Com. Craft questioned if Silver Oaks was the development that had agreed to place an
equestrian path in the area.
The Planning Manager requested the opportunity to check into that question because he is
not sure they required the equestrian path if the road was to go to the south. The question
path may have been tied to the northern alignment and he is not positive about it.
Mr. Wally Zaeida, Tilton Road resident, addressed the Board on the request and stated he
would like for the area to remain at 1 ¼ acre per unit. If the applicant would like to
develop at 1 unit per acre he does not have a problem.
Mr. Scott Armstrong, Gullotti Place resident, read a letter submitted by David Erfft, who
was not able to attend tonight’s meeting. The letter stated they would agree with making
1.25 acre parcels which would agree with their existing uses.
Mr. Armstrong stated he did not want the zoning changed and is concerned with the
traffic issue especially with the horseback riding in the area.
Mr. Arthur Ingleman, Gullotti Place resident, addressed the Board and stated he did not
agree with the re-zoning and does not even want it at 1¼ acre parcels. He is requesting it
stay as it is and felt we need more jobs in the area not more homes.
Ms. Donna Gillette, 7750 Gullotti Place, addressed the Board and advised the Board there
area stables directly across the street from the property that is in question. She stated to
place that many homes would be incompatible with the rest of the neighborhood and
cause too much traffic.
Mr. John Ferrick, 25 St. resident, addressed the Board and questioned if the MSBU was
still an on-going project.
The County Engineer advised the Board the Lennard Road project is alive and well and
acknowledge receipt of the Army Corps permit. Public Works staff is preparing to go out
for bid for the entire project and hope to have it on the street in the upcoming months and
start construction just after the New Year.
The County Attorney stated this project would be developer funded through special
The County Engineer stated the developers will be paying the full assessment.
Mr. Ben Permoy 1820 Tilton Road, addressed the Board and stated he believed this was
not a good idea. He felt it was not fitting for the area and expressed concern on what will
happen to the Savannas.
Mr. Dave Dentia, area resident, addressed the Board regarding the amount of empty
homes in Port St. Lucie at this time and this would only add to it.
Ms. Marie DiAngelis- area resident, addressed the Board and stated the change in zoning
is not compatible with the amount of homes. She does not agree with change in zoning.
Mr. Crawford representing the applicant addressed the public’s concerns. He stated they
are aware of the equestrian use of the roads. This project is on the corner and riding takes
place north and west of the proposed project. He stated when the project is laid out they
will try to lay it out in a way that it minimizes the egress and ingress from the individual
property owners.
Com. Craft asked if the applicant would be opposed to bring in a site plan concurrently
with the zoning change and they would not act on this tonight and this would give the
Board and the residents a more comfort level as to how this would fit into the community
as far as compatibility.
Mr. Crawford stated they would not be opposed at all.
Com. Craft suggested the applicant and the neighbors work together creating a trail
system where they would no longer be utilizing the road to ride the horses.
Mr. Crawford stated his client would not be opposed to putting in a trail on the back
perimeter of the property.
Com. Coward stated he had mixed feelings on this issue. There is the potential of higher
density in this area. But the character of the area is largely rural, large lots and the entire
quadrant north of Tilton and east of Silver Oak basically did not have a spot zoning like
in other areas.
Com. Lewis stated she is having difficulty at looking at what is on the ground versus
what is permitted there and looking at the map it looks as if it may be a good transitional
piece to protect some of the larger uses to the west and asked, “do we look at what is
going to be there or what is actually there and this is what is making it difficult”. If it
goes to RM 5 across the street keeping that one acre is not going to do anyone much
It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Smith, the applicant return with a site plan
and show the Board how he could make this project compatible if he can,
The County Attorney stated what they have before them tonight is a re-zoning and they
are not allowed to approve a PUD tonight. If the Board is suggesting to do so, they need
to deny this petition and the applicant can consider filing a PUD at a later date.
Com. Coward stated he believed it was not appropriate at this time and this is premature.
It is possible 5 or 10 years down the road that it may be appropriate, however at this time
he has mixed feelings. It does change the character of the community.
Com. Smith stated he had the opposite opinion and was in favor of the application. In
particular, when you look at the idea some lots being 1 ¼ and the idea of the idea of lots
being ½ acre you aren’t talking downtown Ft. Pierce, you’re talking ½ acre lot, you’re
talking about something that is not urban something that is still rural. If you take Tilton
Road to the left you see Publix, and other uses in the community. Right across the street
someone can walk in and say “you said you were giving me 5 units per acre so give them
to me”.
Com. Lewis stated she was still struggling the idea that across the street it is zoned 5 units
per acre and sees the one acre lots buffering this other zoning across the street.
Com. Hutchinson concurred with Com. Coward and felt it was before it’s time
considering the character of the neighborhood.
Com. Craft stated he is not prepared to give straight zoning on this property. He is not
certain the compatibility can be met and this is why he suggested giving the applicant the
opportunity to prove that it can be met before he votes on it.
Com. Lewis stated she felt she was leaning more towards the prematurity at this time and
the fact that it’s on the edge is bothering her and stated she felt the zoning was premature
at this time.
At this time the applicant requested to withdraw his application and come back later with
a plan for the Board to consider.
It was moved by Com. Lewis, seconded by Com. Smith to accept the withdrawl of the
application, and; upon roll call, the vote was as follows: Aye’s: Lewis, Smith; Nay’s:
Craft, Hutchinson, Coward, motion denied by a vote of 3 to 2.
It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Hutchinson, to deny the application for a
re-zoning for the reasons stated, and; upon roll call, the vote was as follows; Aye’s:
Lewis, Craft, Hutchinson, Coward; Nay’s: Smith, motion to deny carried by a vote of 4 to
The Board members disclosed contact with the petitioner and the receipt of e-mails.
Petitions for Boundary/Name Changes- Westchester Community District Nos. 1-6-
Consider staff recommendation to adopt Ordinance Nos. 06-033,06-034,06-035,06-
036,06-037, and 06-038.
1.Ordinance No. 06-033- It was moved by Com. Hutchinson, seconded by Com.
Smith, to approve Ordinance No. 06-033, and; upon roll call, motion carried
2.Ordinance No. 06-034- It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com.
Lewis, to approve Ordinance No. 06-034, and; upon roll call, motion carried
3.Ordinance No. 06-035- It was moved by Com. Lewis, seconded by Com.
Smith, to approve Ordinance No. 06-035, and; upon roll call, motion carried
4.Ordinance No. 06-036- It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com.
Hutchinson, to approve Ordinance No. 06-036, and; upon roll call, motion
carried unanimously.
5.Ordinance No. 06-037- It was moved by Com. Hutchinson, seconded by Com.
Craft, to approve Ordinance No. 06-037, and; upon roll call, motion carried
6.Ordinance No. 06-038- It was moved by Com. Hutchinson, seconded by Com.
Lewis, to approve Ordinance No. 06-038, and; upon roll call, motion carried
Engineering Department- Navajo Avenue South MSBU- Second Public Hearing Potable
Water Improvements FPUA- Consider staff recommendation to adopt Resolution No.
06-218 to levy a non-ad valorem special assessment on the Navajo Avenue South
Municipal Services Benefit Unit; approve the attached preliminary assessment roll; and
authorize staff to proceed with construction of the project.
Mr. Arnold Spells, Navajo Avenue resident addressed the Board in favor of the project.
It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Hutchinson to approve staff
recommendation and approve Resolution No. 06-218, and; upon roll call, motion carried
5.E PUBLIC WORKS (2:59:55)
Solid Waste Final Assessment Resolution No. 06-253- Consider staff recommendation to
adopt Resolution No. 06-253 to approve the Solid Waste Final Assessment Resolution.
It was moved by Com. Lewis, seconded by Com. Smith, to approve Resolution No. 06-
253, and; upon roll call, the vote was as follows: Aye’s: Craft, Lewis, Coward, Smith ;
Nay’s: Hutchinson( voted against assessment previously) , motion carried by a vote of 4
to 1.
Petition of Apostle Faith Church of Deliverance, Inc. for a change in zoning from the RS-
4 to RF zoning district – Consider staff recommendation to approve Draft Resolution No.
06-222 for change in zoning from the RS-4 to the RF zoning district.
Mr. Derek Moore, addressed the Board in support of the re-zoning.
It was moved by Com. Hutchinson, seconded by Com. Craft, to approve Resolution No.
06-222, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
Petition of Incom Properties for approval of a Developers Agreement (DVA 06-001)
intended to fund improvements along Kings Highway- Consider staff recommendation
to continue the first of two required public hearings until September 19, 2006.
It was moved by Com. Hutchinson, seconded by Com. Craft, to continue this hearing
until September 19, 2006 at 6:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as it may be heard, and; upon
roll call, motion carried unanimously.
6. COUNTY ATTONREY (3:08:53)
County Canvassing Board- Appointment of Alternate Members- Consider staff
recommendation to appoint a substitute member to serve on the County Canvassing
It was moved by Com. Hutchinson, seconded by Com. Lewis, to appoint Com. Smith and
Com. Craft as the alternate, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
7.AIRPORT (3:10:21)
Request approval of Resolution No. 06-242 authorizing the Vehicle Permit Program for
vehicles operating on the runways and taxiways at the St. Lucie County International
Airport- Consider staff recommendation to approve Resolution 06-242, establishing a
vehicle permit program for vehicles operating on the taxiways and runways at the St.
Lucie County International Airport.
Mr. James Prince, Airport tenant addressed the Board in opposition to the $5 million
dollar insurance requirement.
It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Smith, to approve Resolution No. 06-
242, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
There being no further business to be brought to the Board, the meeting was adjourned.
Clerk of Circuit Court