HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOCC Minutes 08-22-2006
Date: August 22, 2006 Convened: 9:00 a.m.
Adjourned: 10:16 a.m.
Commissioners Present: Chairman, Doug Coward, Chris Craft, Paula A. Lewis, Frannie
Hutchinson, Joseph Smith
Others Present: Doug Anderson, County Administrator, Ray Wazny, Asst. County
Administrator, Faye Outlaw, Asst. County Administrator, Dan McIntyre, County
Attorney, Don West, Public Works Director, Beth Ryder, Community Services Director,
Jack Southard, Public Safety Director, Roger Shinn, Central Services Director, Robert
Nix, Growth Management Director, Vanessa Bassey, Environmental Resources Director,
Leo Cordeiro, Solid Waste Director, Hank Flores, Planning Manager, David Kelly,
Planning Manager, Mike Pawley, County Engineer, Millie Delgado-Feliciano, Deputy
1.MINUTES (0:03:22)
It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Lewis, to approve the minutes of the
meeting held August 15, 2006, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
A.Resolution No. 06-254- Proclaiming September 17, 2006
as”Citizenship Day” and further Proclaiming September 17, 2006
through September 23, 2006 as “Constitution Week” in St. Lucie
County, Florida.
It was moved by Com. Lewis, seconded by Com. Craft, to approve Resolution No. 06-
254, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
B.Resolution No. 06-265- Proclaiming the month of September 2006 as
“Florida Industry Appreciation Month” and designating September 21,
2006 as ”Business and Industry Appreciation Day” in St. Lucie
County, Florida.
It was moved by Com. Hutchinson, seconded by Com. Lewis to approve Resolution No.
06-265, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
C.The County Administrator announced the Employee of the Quarter,
Ron Roberts, Assistant Solid Waste Director.
D.Resolution No. 06-262- Urging the Florida Legislature to call a
Special Session to study and enact legislation addressing the insurance
crisis in Florida.
It was moved by Com. Hutchinson, seconded by Com. Lewis, to approve Resolution No.
06-262, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
E.Resolution No. 06-257-Proclaiming September 11, 2006 as “Fire
Fighter Appreciation Day” in St. Lucie County, Florida.
It was moved by Com. Smith, seconded by Com. Hutchinson, to approve Resolution No.
06-257, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
Ms. Pamela Hammer, Reserve resident, addressed the Board regarding item # 9 on the
agenda. Ms. Hammer stated her opposition to the site plan approved in 1987 moving
forward without being reviewed and considered according to today’s process.
Ms. Marjory Harrell area resident, addressed the Board and advised those present of
National Literacy Month in September.
4.CONSENT AGENDA (0:22:40)
It was moved by Com. Coward, seconded by Com. Lewis, to approve the Consent
Agenda with items C9B and C2B deleted and including the additions CA-1 through CA-
3, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
The Board approved Warrant List No. 46.
A.Revocable License Agreement- Pivotal Utility Holdings, Inc.,- Florida
City Gas- Various streets in River Park- The Board approved the
Revocable License Agreement and authorized the Chairman to sign
the Revocable License Agreement and directed Florida Gas to record
the document in the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida.
B.This item was pulled.
C.Permission to advertise- Ordinance No. 06-045-Amend Historic
Preservation Ordinance and Historical Commission Ordinance- The
Board approved advertising Ordinance No. 06-045 for public hearings
before the Local Planning Agency on September 21, 2006 and the
Board of County Commissioners on October 17, 2006 and December
5, 2006 beginning at 6:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter.
D.Resolution No. 06-271 Amending Resolution No. 05-347 to provide
for a Maturity Period- The Board approved Resolution No. 06-271.
E.Center Field Wind Facility- Cancellation Agreement for FAA Lease-
The Board approved the cancellation agreement for the Center Field
Wind Facility and authorized the Chairman to sign the cancellation
F.Resolution No. 06-270- Adopting the National Incidents Management
System as the System for Preparing for and Responding to Disaster
Incidents in St. Lucie County, Florida- The Board approved
Resolution No. 06-270.
Prison Health Services Inmate Health Aggregate Cap & Psychotropic Drug Invoices-
The Board approved paying the PHS invoices in the amount of $273,389.43 per contract
A.Early Redemption of Special Assessment Improvement Bonds- Becker
Road MSBU Series 1996- Ideal Holding Road Series 2000B- The
Board approved the early full and partial redemption of the following:
1) $1,860,000 St. Lucie County, Florida Special Assessment
Improvement Bonds, Series 1996 (Becker Road MSBU) full
redemption 2) $96,000 St. Lucie County, Florida Special Assessment
Improvement Bonds, Series 2000 B partial redemption as outlined
B.Approval of Supervisor of Elections Budget Amendment for Federal
HHS Vote Program Grant and State Polling Place Accessibility Grant-
The Board approved the Supervisor of Elections budget amendment
for Fiscal Year 2006 accordingly.
C.Approval of Resolution No. 06-263 establishing a budget for a
$250,000 donation received from United Homes- The Board
approved Resolution No. 06-263 establishing a budget for a $250,000
donation received from United Homes.
D.Auditor Selection Committee- The Auditor Selection Committee
recommends approval to negotiate a contract with the top ranked firm
Berger, Toombs, Elam, Gaines & Frank. – The Board approved the
Auditor Selection’s Committee recommendation to negotiate a
contract with the top ranked firm Berger, Toombs, Elam, Gaines &
Frank and approved giving the County Administrator permission to
negotiate a contract and authorized the Chairman to sign the contract
as prepared by the County Attorney.
Budget Amendment No. 06-163 Budget Resolution No. 06-266 and Equipment Request
No. 06-305 totaling $13,000 for backup computer and additional hardware/software for
live board meetings- The Board approved Budget Amendment No. 06-163 , Budget
Resolution No. 06-266 and Equipment Request No. 06-305 totaling $13,000.
A.Weldon B. Lewis Park Improvements- The Board approved
reallocating $40,000 from Parks’ Impact Fees “B” to resolve the
aforementioned items at Weldon B. Lewis Park.
B.Purchase of a “Turf Equipment Lift”, a pressure washer, and Budget
Amendment No. BA06-165 - The Board approved Budget
Amendment No. BA06-165 to purchase a “turf equipment lift” and a
pressure washer at a cost of $6,000 and $1,695.00 respectively. These
items are to be funded from the current operations budget.
C.Request approval to serve alcohol at Pepper Park- The Board
approved Leed Insulation’s request to serve alcohol during its annual
company picnic on August 26, 2006 at Pepper Park.
D.American with Disabilities Act survey/evaluation pertaining to
Tradition Field Stadium & Budget Amendment BA No. 06-168- The
Board approved Budget Amendment No. BA 06-168 to re-allocate
$26,075.00 from the General Fund Contingency in order to upgrade
the facility to ADA standards. The amount to be paid for ADA
improvements will be repaid as Tradition Field revenue becomes
E.Request for waiver of Lawnwood fees/Elevate Inc.- The Board
approved Elevate Inc., request for waiver of fees in the amount of
$1,425.00 associated with the use of the Lawnwood facility for the 1
Annual Palm Beach Post Drum Line Competition to take place
Saturday, September 30, 2006.
Purchase of a backup Point-to-Point Wireless Bridge to allow data communication
between the Hurricane House and the EOC for the redundancy needed in the event we
sustain damage from a storm to the communication devices. This will allow us to use the
Hurricane House as an alternate site to run recovery services and communicate with the
EOC and other County facilities after an emergency event- The Board approved the
purchase agreement in the amount of $2,500 and the Equipment Request No. EQ06-300
for a backup Point to Point Wireless Bridge to support the communication between the
alternate recovery site and the EOC in the event the communications equipment gets
A.Award of Bid No. 06-094- Purchase of One 6,000 gallon off road
water wagon for the Solid Waste Department- The Board approved
awarding Bid No. 06-094 to the low bidder, Flagler Construction
Equipment, for the total amount of $367,864.00.
B.Award of Bid No. 06-094- Purchase of two 40 ton Articulated Dump
Trucks- The Board approved awarding Bid No. 06-095 to the low
bidder, Briggs Equipment for the total amount of $855,618.00
($427,809 each).
C.Award of RFP No. 06-073 Appraisals Services- The Board approved
awarding RFP No. 06-073 to the following four firms: Fuller &
Armfield –Wagner Appraisal and Research Inc., Callaway & Price,
Inc., Deighan Consultants, and East Coast Appraisers & Consultants.
The Board also authorized the Chairman to sign the contracts as
prepared by the County Attorney.
D.First Extension to Contract C04-10-558 (Robert Guettler Sod LLC as
primary vendor ) and C04-10-482 (T & J Sod as secondary vendor)
furnish and installation of sod as needed for St. Lucie County- The
Board approved the First Extension to Contract C04-10-558 and C04-
10-482 and authorized the Chairman to sign the extensions as prepared
by the County Attorney.
E.First Extension to Contract C04-01-034 between St. Lucie County and
Oglesby Construction, Inc., for Striping and Pavement Markings as
needed for St. Lucie County- The Board approved the First Extension
to Contract C04-01-034 and authorized the Chairman to sign the
extension as prepared by the County Attorney.
F.Fourth Extension to Contract No. C01-10-145 Ardaman & Associates
Inc., C01-10-152 with R.L. Weigt Environmental Consultants, Inc.,
C01-10-161 with B.S.E. Consultants Inc., and C01-10-189 with
Kimley Horn & Associates Inc., for Environmental Services Phase 1
Assessments and Wetland Delineation- The Board approved the
fourth extension to the contract with Ardaman & Associates, R.L.
Weigt Environmental Consultants, Inc., B.S.E. Consultants Inc. and
Kimley Horn & Associates, Inc., for Environmental Services Phase 1
Assessments and Wetland Delineation and authorization for the
Chairman to sign the extension as prepared by the County Attorney.
G.The Board approved the Fourth Extension to Contract C01-10-146
with Ardaman & Associates, and Contract No. C01-10-159 with URS
Corporation to provide Environmental Services for Phase II
Contamination Assessment an authorization for the Chairman to sign
the extension as prepared by the County Attorney.
H.Change Order No. 3 for Contract C05-10-536 with Dickerson Florida
Inc., for Street Resurfacing (Annual Contract) - The Board approved
Change Order No. 3 with Dickerson Florida which increases the
contract amount by $102,670.82 for the paving/striping of additional
sites/quantities , and approved the Chairman to sign the Change Order
as prepared by the County Attorney.
I.Fixed Asset Inventory Property Record Removal- St. Lucie County
Health Department- The Board authorized staff to remove the attached
records from the fixed asset inventory of the Board of County
J.Fixed Asset Inventory Property Record Removal- St. Lucie County
Departments- The Board authorized staff to remove the attached
records from the fixed asset inventory of the Board of County
K.Award of Bid No. 06-091- Baling & Recycling Facility Class One
Landfill Phase III B Construction- The Board awarded Bid No. 06-
091 to the lowest bidder, ERC General Contracting Services, Inc., in
the amount of $4,067,897.
L.Permission to advertise for Bids for Court Administration- Courier
Service- The Board approved the request for permission to advertise
Invitation for Bids for the Court Administration-Courier Services.
M.Change Order No. 2 for Contract C04-07-655 with Recreation Design
& Construction- The Board approved Change Order No. 2 to Contract
C04-07-655 with Recreation Design & Construction which increases
the contract amount by $134,542.00 for Wetland Planting W-2 and
Overflow pipe under Emerson Avenue, extend construction time 79
days due to Engineering and Permitting delays, and Board approval for
the Chairman to sign the change order as prepared by the County
N.First Amendment to Contract C06-03-164 with Clear Channel Radio
for Radio Advertising Services Solid Waste Department- The Board
approved the first amendment to contract C06-03-164 with Clear
Channel Radio to correct the term of the original contract and
authorized the Chairman to sign the amendment as prepared by the
County Attorney.
A.Engineering Division- Navajo South MSBU- Approval of Restrictive
Covenant- The Board accepted the Restrictive Covenant Agreement
and authorized staff to record said documents with the Clerk of the
B.This item was pulled.
A.Approve Release of Retainage of $73,399.53 to Dickerson Florida
Inc., for Contract No. C05-12-666, Rehabilitate Taxiway E at the St.
Lucie County International Airport- The Board approved the Release
of Retainage of $73,399.53 to Dickerson Florida, Inc., for
Rehabilitation of Taxiway E.
B.Approve Release of Retainage of $2,599.50 to Dickerson Florida Inc.,
for Asphalt Repair to Runway 14/32 at the St. Lucie County
International Airport- The Board approved the Release of Retainage
of $2,599.50 to Dickerson Florida, Inc., for the asphalt repair to
Runway 14/32.
C.Approve Final Change Order No. 2 for Sitewerks, Inc.,- The Board
approved final Change Order No. 2 reducing the project $32,850 for a
new project total of $211,320 to Sitewerks, Inc., and authorized the
Chair to execute the same.
A.Request to approve equipment requests EQ No. 06-301 for two Dell
laptops; EQ No. 06-302 for workstation replacement for CIP position;
EQ No. 06-303 for workstation replacement for receptionist area and
EQ No. 06-304 for replacement of wide format printer for mapping
services- The Board approved equipment requests EQ No. 06-301, EQ
No. 06-302, EQ No. 06-303 and EQ No. 06-304.
B.Request approval to fund with $25,000 an educational program for the
November 7, 2006 Referendum creating a research and educational
facilities benefit assessment and use the County’s TV channel and
website to air educational materials about the referendum- The Board
approved the funding and authorized the use of $25,000 for the
purpose of advertising and promoting the research and educational
facilities benefit referendum. The Board also made a specific finding
that this funding is for a public purpose and will benefit the citizens of
St. Lucie County.
C.Request of Don Poletta, for plat approval for the project known as
Majestic Bay, this project consists of 13 single family lots- The Board
approved the plat for the project known as Majestic Bay.
D.Petition of DYBRA PSL Development LLC for a 12 month extension
of the Major Site Plan known as Prima Vista Commons- Draft
Resolution No. 06-228- The Board approved Resolution No. 06-228
which would grant a 12 month extension to the approved Prima Vista
Commons project, subject to 3 additional limiting conditions.
DPC General Contractors- Demolition of interior and abatement of hazardous material -
Old Court House- The Board approved the following;
1.Change Order No. 2 to Contract No. C05-10-659 with DPC General
Contractors to decrease the contract sum $2,500 authorizing the Chair to sign
the Change Order as prepared by the County Attorney.
2.Release of retainage in the amount of $45,525.00 to DPC General Contractors
for the demolition of interior and abatement of hazardous materials –Old
Court House.
Award of Bid No. 06-028- Construction of the Aircraft Rescue & Firefighting Facility-
The Board approved awarding Bid No. 06-028 to Ocean Gate General Contractors, in the
amount of $2,298,498.00 and authorized the Chairman to sign an amendment to the
interlocal agreement with the Fire District as prepared by the County Attorney.
Request of EH Building Group for revisions to the standard language regarding
development permits as contained in Resolution No. 06-053 which grants Final PUD
approval to the project known as Whispering Oaks. The Board approved Resolution No.
Whispering Oaks- Conservation Easement from MTA Development Inc.,- The Board
approved the proposed Conservation Easement from MTA Development Inc., for
Whispering Oaks and authorized the Chairman to sign the easement subject to review and
approved the legal descriptions and survey by the County Surveyor and proof of current
title from the developer.
Amendment to FY 2006 Budget- Consider staff recommendation to adopt Budget
Resolution No. 06-248 amending the FY 06 budget.
It was moved by Com. Hutchinson, seconded by Com. Craft, to approve Resolution No.
06-248, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
6. COUNTY ATTORNEY (0:25:53)
Resolution No. 06-264 Authorizing Issuance of a Special Assessment Improvement Line
of Credit Note (MSBU Loan – SunTrust Bank Facility- Consider staff recommendation
to approve Resolution No. 06-264 as drafted.
It was moved by Com. Smith, seconded by Com. Lewis, to approve Resolution No. 06-
264, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
7. PUBLIC WORKS (0:27:26)
Engineering Division- Greenacres MSBU Final Hearing-Public Water Improvements-
FPUA The Board adopted Resolution No. 06-207 approving the Final Assessment Roll
for the Greenacres Municipal Services Benefit Unit.
8. PUBLIC WORKS (0:28:46)
Engineering Division- Sunland Gardens MSBU Final Hearing- Public Water
Improvements – The Board adopted Resolution No. 06-205 approving the Final
Assessment Roll for the Sunland Gardens Municipal Services Benefit Unit.
Consider Draft Resolution No. 06-054 approving a Major Adjustment to a Major Site
Plan known as Heather Way Apartments for a project to be known as Indrio Pines. The
request provides for the redesign and renaming of Phase II of the Heather Way
Apartments, which received approval through Resolution No. 87-280 on December 27,
1987 (File No. SPMj-05-003).
The Planning Manager addressed the Board on this project. He stated the project has
improved since it’s first plan. There will be a multi-use path as well better drainage.
Com. Craft commented on the corridor presently being under stress.
The Board asked if the petitioner would pay impact fees upfront.
Mr. Jason Litterick, representing the petitioner stated they would not have a problem with
the pre-payment of impact fees at the July ‘05’ rate.
The Board questioned why the separation of the two projects.
Mr. John Dipersio, developer stated the project is totally different from the other
development existing and he is afraid connecting both with the road may cause issues
with the homeowners association.
Com. Craft stated he would like to see a continuous connection between both
Com. Coward also stated he would like to see the connection made.
Com. Smith concurred with both Commissioner’s Craft and Coward’s request.
Com. Lewis stated she too would like to see a connection.
The Board discussed a connection at the loop road (cul d sac) near the tot lot.
Com. Hutchinson expressed her concerns with the connection near the tot lot and stated it
needed to be secured.
Mr. Litterick stated they would remove the cul d sac and connect the road and provide a
fence to secure the tot lot from traffic.
The County Attorney recommended the amend the site plan to include paying the impact
fees upfront at the July ‘05’ rate, show the revision connection of the loop road and add a
fence to secure the tot lot and also provide traffic calming devices.
The petition agreed to these added conditions.
It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Smith to approve the Site Plan as
amended by the County Attorney, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
FEMA Trailer Site development at the Fairgrounds- Consider staff recommendation to
approve completing site plans, permits and engineering for the 50 acre FEMA site a the
Fairgrounds at an estimated cost of $100,000 and authorize a Request for Proposals.
Staff also recommends the Board approve completion of construction of the 50 acre
Fairground FEMA site and also recommends that development of the Airport (Indrio) site
be discontinued until guaranteed FEMA revenue is identified to proceed with the work
required. Staff also recommends that the South Airport (St. Lucie Blvd.) be used to store
FEMA trailers on a temporary basis.
Mr. DiAngelo, site Manager for Ft. Pierce FEMA advised the Board the funding is
available, however it will take 30 days to receive it and should have it by October.
It was moved by Com. Lewis, seconded by Com. Smith to approve the above staff
recommendations, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
Funding assistance for Port St. Lucie High School Bad to travel to the Orange Bowl-
Staff recommends funding assistance in the amount of $2,500 to assist in their fund drive
to the Orange Bowl.
Com. Lewis advised the Board she would abstaining from voting and the discussion on
this item due to the fact her son is a participant of the band.
The Board recommended increasing the allocation to $5,000.00.
It was moved by Com. Hutchinson, seconded by Com. Smith to approve allocating
$5,000 to the Port St. Lucie High School Band to assist in their travel to the Orange
Bowl, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously with Com. Lewis abstaining.
Com. Coward advised administration he would be allocating an additional $5,000 from
his fund (from a previous donation, non-taxpayer funds) to assist in their travel.
There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was
Clerk of the Circuit Court