HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOCC Minutes 09-26-2006
Date: September 26, 2006 Convened: 9:10 a.m.
Adjourned: 9:55 a.m.
Commissioners Present: Chairman, Doug Coward, Chris Craft, Paula A. Lewis, Frannie
Hutchinson, Joseph Smith
Others Present: Doug Anderson, County Administrator, Ray Wazny, Asst. County
Administrator, Faye Outlaw, Asst. County Administrator, Dan McIntyre, County
Attorney, Don West, Public Works Director, Beth Ryde4r, Community Services Director,
Jim David, Mosquito Control Director, Dennis Wetzel, IT Director, Susan Kilmer,
Library Director, Vanessa Bassey, Environmental Resources Director, Millie Delgado-
Feliciano, Deputy Clerk
It was moved by Com. Smith, seconded by Com. Lewis, to approve the minutes of the
special meeting held September 12, 3006, and; upon roll call, motion carried
A presentation was made y Larry Pelton, Executive Director of the Economic
Development Council.
Mr. Charles Grande, Hutchinson Island addressed the Board regarding the two ladies
who had addressed the Board at the budget public hearing regarding their property taxes.
He stated, “looking closely at the problem I think the situation has arisen that does call
for your help and I would really like to bring it to your attention. Last year due to the
damage inflicted by the hurricanes, our tax appraiser took the very humane and
considerate step of removing the damages from the appraised value resulting in a
reduction to those who needed it most. Unfortunately this year in an attempt to recover
the tax roll, the Appraiser added the damage amount back in, in a way I believe has really
caused some problems and probably would not stand up. I have reviewed the process
with the tax appraiser and he is convinced that his approach is okay, so short of your
reviewing the problem there probably there is no other alternative but the courts. First,
most of those affected were homesteaded and amendment 10 makes no provision for
increases greater than 3% except for additions like adding a pool or a room, thus the
value of the repair should have been added back over time as capped by the 3% rule. The
tax appraiser got around it by classifying the repairs as additions. I don’t think that is
going to fly in the long run. Second these additions were not added in this year when
they were made, they were added back in retroactively to the year the damage occurred
and they were removed, in essence saying there never really was a loss. The importance
of this is that last year’s retroactively adjusted amount was used as a basis for a
retroactive 3% increase for last year that was then compounded with another 3%
increase to this year. It affects tax rolls as if there never really was any damage and
people now look at if the hurricanes never really happened and I don’t believe this will
hold up either, I ask that you ask the County Attorney to go over this process with the tax
appraiser in light of the dictates of amendment 10 to determine the legality of the process
that was employed. I would also ask that you solicit a legal opinion from the County
Attorney on the decision to classify the repairs as additions to get around the amendment
10 limit. Again, I really applaud the efforts of the tax appraiser in providing relief to
those who needed it most following the hurricanes, but I am convinced people are
needlessly and unfairly suffering this year due to an ill advised and I really believe illegal
remedial action. I know this is a very complex area and a very brief explanation could
lead to more questions than answers.”
The County Attorney was directed to find out more information and return to the Board
with a report .
The County Attorney advised the Board of the appeal process through the Value
Adjustment Board and the court.
It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Hutchinson, to approve the Consent
Agenda as amended to include the ratification of Com. Smith’s appointee to the Skate
Park Committee, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
The Board approved Warrant List No. 51.
A.Animal Impoundment Services- Agreement with Humane Society of
St. Lucie County- The Board approve the proposed agreement with
the Humane Society of St. Lucie County and authorized the Chairman
to sign the agreement. Com. Coward requested staff continue to
expedite the licensing of animals .
B. Funding request for mental Health/ Substance Abuse residential
service provided by New Horizons of the TC- The Board deemed
New Horizon as a sole source provider and enter into a contract with
New Horizons for the provision of at least 40 beds for mental health
substance abuse and co-occurring disorders for both male and females
at a cost of $33.00 per bed. The payment would be based upon
occupancy of beds effective October 1, 2006 thru September 30, 2007.
The cost for incarcerating a mentally ill inmate in the County jail is
approximately $75.00 per day.
C. Funding request for a Forensic Case Manager for Mental 4Health
Court. The Board approved deeming New Horizons as a sole source
provider ad enter into a contract with New Horizons for staffing the
Forensic Case Manager position that works in the Mental Health
Court. This contract would b from 10/1/06 thru 9/30/07.
D.Amendment if Resolution No. 01-19 (Court System Advisory Board)
The Board approved amending Resolution No. 01-194 including
representative appointed by the Cities of Ft. Pierce and Port St. Lucie.
Once amended the Court System Advisory Board will consist of 15
members: Chairman of the BCC, Chief Judge, Sheriff, Chief
Correctional Officer, State Attorney, Public Defender, State Probation
Program Administrator, Substance Abuse Treatment Program
representative, Clerk of Court, Court Administrator, one representative
designated by the St. Lucie County Bar Association, one representative
designated by the Port St. Lucie Bar Association, one representative
designated by the Citizen’s Budget Committee, one representative
designated by the City of Ft. Pierce, and one representative designated
by the City of Port St. Lucie.
E.Ordinance No. 06+049- Dori Slosberg Driver Education Safety Act-
The Board granted permission to advertise Ordinance No. 06-049.
A.State Aid to Libraries Grant- The Board authorized the Chairman of
the Board to sign two copies of the application, at the time of approval
for the State Aid to Libraries Grant Application.
B.Long Range Plan for Library Services- One year extension 2006-
2007- The Board approved the one year extension of the Library’s
Long Range Plan as required under Chapter 257.17 to comply with the
requirements of the State Aid to Libraries grant program.
Development of an interlocal agreement between the City of Ft. Pierce, Heathcote
Botanical Gardens, and St. Lucie County-The Board approved the development of an
interlocal agreement between the City of Ft. Pierce, Heathcote Botanical Gardens, and St.
Lucie County, that among other provisions, will specify that the design and management
of those lands transferred from the City to the County through the Heathcote project shall
be executed according to written plans approved by the City of Ft. Pierce, Heathcoate
Botanical Gardens and St. Lucie County.
Support and maintenance agreement- The Board approved the purchase of a support and
maintenance agreement with Novel GroupWise and Server/Client Zenworks in the
amount of $61,910.10 and authorized the Chairman to sign the agreement.
A.Road and Bridge Division Release of retainage- The Board approved
the release of retainage to mike final Road and Bridge payment of
$128,672.96 for the Resurfacing Contract with Dickerson Florida, Inc.
B.Engineering Division- The Board approved the First Amendment to
Work Authorization No. 9 for an extension of time to December 31,
2006 for Engineering Services related to roadway and intersection
design with Kimley-Horne and Associates for Juanita Avenue and
authorized the Chairman to sign.
C.Engineering Division- The Board approved and authorized the Chair
to sign the First Amendment to Work Authorization No. 12 with
Kimley & Horne and Associates, In., for an extension of time to
November 17, 2006 for Engineering Services related to roadway and
intersection design for Edwards Road and Selvitz Road.
D.Engineering Division- The Board approved and authorized the Chair
to sign the First Amendment to Work Authorization No. 6 for an
extension of time to September 30, 2006 to the contract for
Professional Engineering Services related to Stormwater Management
with Bowyer-Singleton & Associates for design services for the Solida
Circle Drainage Replacement project.
E.Engineering Division- Work Authorization No. 1 - The Board
approved Work Authorization No. 1 to the Contract for Professional
Engineering Services related to Storm Management with Inwood
Consulting Enginee4rs for redesign of Harmony Heights Stormwater
improvements Phase 1 in the amount of $152,757.50.
F.Engineering Division- The Board approved accepting the project,
releasing the retainage in the amount of $26,595.23 and provide Final
Payment to contract # C05-11-608 in the amount of $38,433.06
deducting for failed laboratory tests in the amount of $726.00 to
Johnson Davis for the Construction of the Sunrise Blvd., at Canal 10
Culvert Replacement project.
G.Work Authorization No. 1 with Creech Engineers, Inc.. for
Professional Engineering Services- The Board approved Work
Authorization No. 1 in the amount of $12,200 and authorized the
Chairman to sign .
Budget Resolution No. 06-291 - The Board approved Resolution No. 06-291 recognizing
revenue from FEMA and the State for hurricane related expenses.
First Amendment to Work Authorization No. 2 - The Board approved and authorized the
Chairman to sign the First Amendment to Work Authorization No. 2 for an extension of
time to December 31, 2006 for Engineering Services Related to Bridge Evaluation and
Design with Kimley Horn and Associates for the Juanita Avenue over Taylor Creek
Bridge replacement.
A.FDOT Joint Participation Agreement- The Board accepted the FDOT
Joint Participation Agreement in the amount of $1,275 with a local
match of $1,275 and $48,450 Federal Aviation Administration grant
for a total project cost of $51,000 for an update to the Airport Layout
Plan for the for the St. Lucie County International Airport and
requested approval of Resolution No. 06-293.
B.Kimley Horn’s Scope of Services and Work Authorization No. 26-
The Board approved Kimley-Horn’s Scope of Services and Work No.
26 for the preparation of construction documents for the relocation of
the existing drainage ditch in the FBO development area and
authorized the Chairman to execute.
A.Award of Bid No. 06-106 Sale of Surplus Golf equipment- The Board
approved awarding a portion of Bid No.06-106 sale of a surplus tractor
to the sole bidder, Mr. Dennis Burney for $106.50.
B.Bid Waiver and Sole Source declaration - The Board approved the bid
waiver and sole source declaration for the parts and services to the
following companies; Kelly Tractor for Caterpillar, Flagler Equipment
Company, L.B. Smith, for Volvo and Samsung, Sierra International
Machinery, LLC for MacPress balers and conveyors, Continental
Biomass Industries, Inc., for grinder, Lubo USA, LLC for C & D
processing equipment, Menzi USA for Menzi Muck and Great
Southern Equipment for Gradall.
The Board approved submitting a grant application to the Florida Department of
Environmental Protection Coastal Partnership Initiative for he Historical Museum
Outdoor Educational Exhibit.
A.Request for Board approval- The Board approved signing the contract
for Sale and Purchase of Real Property for one lot for the Avenue D
Transit Transfer Facility.
B.Contract with the State of Florida- The Board approved the contract
with the State of Florida for a total project amount of $18,150,877.50
including funds from State General Revenue, other State Funds,
Federal Funds, and $1,153,000 from the General Fund of St. Lucie
county for the operation of the St. Lucie County Health Department
and authorized the Chairman to sign the necessary documentation.
The Board approved retroactively St. Lucie County acting as Fiscal Agent for the 19
Judicial Circuit for the purposes of an OJJDP and DJJ sponsored Delinquency Prevention
and Civil Citation Grant of up to $100,000 .
Torrey Pines Institute for Molecular Studies Letter of Intent Agreement- Consider staff
recommendation to approve the September 1, 2006 Letter of Intent Agreement with
Torrey Pines Institute for Molecular Studies Letter of Intent Agreement in the amount of
It was moved by Com. Hutchinson, seconded by Com Craft, to approve the staff
recommendation, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
7. ADMINISTRATION (30:38:34)
Consider staff recommendation to authorize the partnering of the County with the Trust
for Public Lands in the acquisition of HBOI properties and future negotiations with TPL
To develop an agreement through which the County or State will acquire the properties
and through which financial assistance will be rendered to TPL in its acquisition services.
Any agreement negotiated with TPL will be submitted, after negotiation, to the Board for
approval. Also approve potentially needed matching funds not to exceed 25% for grants
required to acquire the property.
Staff advised the Board this would be contingent on Harbor Branch Board approval.
It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Smith to approve staff recommendation,
and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
Items 8 A and 8B were pulled.
There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was
Clerk of Circuit Court