HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOCC Minutes 10-10-2006
Date: October 10, 2006 Convened: 9:00 a.m.
Adjourned: 12:32 p.m.
Commissioners Present: Doug Coward, Chairman, Chris Craft, Paula A. Lewis, Frannie
Hutchinson, Joseph Smith
Others Present: Ray Wazny, Asst. County Administrator, Faye Outlaw, Asst. County
Administrator, Dan McIntyre, County Attorney, Don West, Public Works Director, Beth
Ryder, Community Services Director, Dennis Wetzel, IT Director, Ed Fry, Clerk of
Courts, Susan Kilmer, Library Director, Millie Delgado-Feliciano, Deputy Clerk
It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Smith, to approve the minutes of the
meeting held October 3, 2006, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
A.The Board was presented the Florida American Planning Award of
Excellence for the TVC.
B.Resolution No. 06-318 Proclaiming October 10, 2006 as “Acupuncture
and Oriental Medicine Day” in St. Lucie County, Florida.
I was moved by Com. Lewis, seconded by Com. Smith, to approve Resolution No. 06-
318, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
C.The Veterans Services Director presented the Government Challenge
Trophies for the Big Brothers Big Sisters Bowl for Kids Sake.
Com. Hutchinson requested item C-2-C be pulled for separate vote and advised those
present she would be abstaining from voting or any discussion on this item due to a
conflict of interest.
C2-C Guettler Property Mine Surety Bond- Consider staff recommendation to accept
the Surety Bond.
It was moved by Com. Lewis, seconded by Com. Craft, to approve staff recommendation,
and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously with Com. Hutchinson abstaining.
It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Smith, to approve the balance of the
Consent Agenda, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
The Board approved Warrant List No. 53 and No. 1.
A.Permission to advertise- Public Hearing- The Board approved
advertising the petition to abandon a 12 foot utility easement in
Lexington Square to be held December 5, 2006 at 6:00 p.m. or as
soon thereafter as possible.
B.Permission to Advertise- Public Hearing- The Board approved
advertising the exchange of a portion of Gordy Road for property
associated with the pending DRI application of Provences public
hearing for December 5, 2006 at 6:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as
C.Previously heard.
D.Chuck’s Seafood – First Amendment to April 21, 1998 Restatement of
Lease Agreement- The Board approved the amendment and
authorized the Chairman to sign the amendment.
E.Subdivision Improvement Agreement- Avalon on the Beach- The
Board approved the Subdivision Improvement Agreement and
authorized the Chairman to sign.
A.Request for approval to serve alcohol at Indrio School House
Facility/Park- The Board approved Teamsters Local # 769 ‘s request to
serve alcohol at Indrio School House Facility during its picnic on
December 2, 2006.
B.Fairwinds Golf Course Proposed Rate Increase- The Board approved
an increase of $1 to each 18 hole Green Fee with Cart effective
December 26, 2006.
C.South County Regional Stadium Sponsorship cancellations- The
Board approved to void South County Regional Sponsorship
agreements C00-05-315, C00-10-071, C00-12-187 and C00-12-188.
Contract with INTACT- The Board approved the contract with INTACT to receive grant
funds to provide coordination and case management services and to authorize the
Chairman or designated representative to sing all necessary documents; to approve the
purchase of a computer and office furniture for staff hired into these positions and to hire
staff to fill the approved positions.
A.Domestic Security Federally Funded Sub Grant Agreement- The
Board approved accepting the State of Florida Domestic Security
Federally Funded Sub-grant Agreement No.07-DS-3W-10-66-01 in
the amount of $46,633.00.
B.Domestic Security Federally Funded Sub Grant Agreement- The
Board approved accepting the State of Florida Domestic Security
Federally Funded Sub-grant Agreement No. 07DS-5N-10-66-01 in the
amount of $41,944.00.
A.Engineering Division- Contract extension- The Board approved the
First Amendment to Work Authorization No. 25 with Dunkleberger
Testing & Engineering and authorized the Chairman to sign.
B.Engineering Division- The Board approved Work Authorization Nos.
1, 2 and 3 to the Contract for Professional Engineering Services
related to construction management with Stanley Consultants, Inc., for
overseeing the construction of the Kings Highway Canal Culvert
replacements in the amount $38,612.43 for Work Authorization No.1,
$26,520.37 for Work Authorization No. 2 and $36,641.84 for Work
Authorization No. 3.
C. Engineering Division- to accept project- The Board approved
accepting the project, release the retainage in the amount of $
40,132.66 and make final payment in the amount of $52,151.70 to
Ranger Construction for the construction of Weatherbee Road
& U.S. 1 intersection improvements.
D. Engineering Division- The Board approved Work Authorization No.
2 with Creech Engineers in the amount of $183,400 for Paradise
Park Subdivision Stormwater Improvements Phase III and authorized
the Chairman to sign.
A.Award of RFP No. 06-090- Actuary Services for other Post-
employment benefits- The Board approved to negotiate with the top
three ranked firms: 1) Buck Consultants LLC, 2) Milliman, Inc., and
3) RSM McGladrey, and authorized the Chairman to sign the contract
as prepared by the County Attorney.
B.Reject Bid for IFB No. 05-050 White City Pedestrian Bridge- The
Board approved rejecting the sole submittal received for Bid 05-050
because it exceeded the project budget.
C.Award of Bid No.06-112- Enhanced Swale Maintenance- The Board
approved awarding Bid No. 06-112 to the low bidder, Tarheel
Specialities, Inc., for the pricing listed on the attached tabulation form,
and authorized the Chairman to sign the contract as prepared by the
County Attorney.
D. Award of RFP No. 06-024- Disaster Debris Monitoring Management
and Consulting Services- The Board approved awarding RFP No. 06-
024 to Solid Resources as the primary contractor, with Beck Disaster
Recovery and Patton Harris Rust & Associates as additional
contractors, and authorized the Chairman to sign the necessary
contracts as prepared by the County Attorney.
E. Permission to advertise for Bids- The Board approved advertising
An invitation for bids for Exotic Tree Eradication.
Grant Requests- The Board approved the proposed grants for the TCSC and authorized
the Chairman to sign the agreements as prepared by the County Attorney ‘s office. The
grant dollars will be used for operational and bid expenses to draw sporting events to the
Budget Resolution No. 06-319- The Board approved accepting the donation from
SFWMD for the well monitoring network grant for Soil and Water. The grant is in the
amount of $11,250.
The Board authorized submittal of a grant application the County is preparing as a
“prospective purchaser “ of a portion of the City of Ft. Pierce Public Works Compound.
The Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council. Treasure Coast Brownfields Program,
Sustainable Reuse funds would be used for brownfield assessment of 15 acre portion of
the Compound.
Bid Waiver Sole Source Providers Hydropro and Jacobs and Acceptance of Bid from
Walsh Environmental Services- The Board approved waiving the bid process, accepting
Hydropro ($45,000) and Jacobs ($39,900) as sole source providers for the equipment
purchase and accepted Walsh Environmental Services bid in the amount of $308,000
total project cost $393,300 and approved the contract as drafted by the County Attorney
and authorized the Chairman to sign.
A.Commissioner/County Administrator Travel- The Board approved in
or out of state travel for the County Administrator and any member of
the Board during the FY06-07 fiscal year.
B.Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council Comprehensive Economic
Development Strategy Committee- The Board ratified the
Commissioners appointees retro to January 1, 2006.
The Board approved the purchase of installation and maintenance agreement with
Bellsouth for Metro-E service to the St. Lucie County Airport
The Board approved the First Amendment to Agreement C06-05-362 with Glatting
Jackson Kercher Anglin Lopez and Rinehart for the preparation of a Bicycle/Pedestrian
Greenways and Trails Master Plan and authorized the Chair to sign the Agreement as
prepared by the County Attorney’s office.
5.No Public Hearings scheduled.
Review and consideration of staff options pertaining to the implementation of a
Countywide Transferable Development Rights program- Staff was seeking direction.
Mr. Michael Brillhart, Special Projects and Strategy Director addressed the Board on this
item. He advised the Board of the 3 options for their consideration as stated in
Attachment A. The attachment reads as follows:
Transfer of Development Rights Program
Options for Developing a Planning Study and Adoption Ordinance Necessary for
implementing a Countywide TDR Program.
Option 1- Prepare an RFP for professional consulting services. The services will include:
Planning services- land use inventory, identify criteria for land
preservation/conservation requirements, designate appropriate sending areas,
establish transferable credit values and multipliers.
Legal services- prepare adoption Ordinance and related legal documents
pertaining to administration, conservation easements and deed restrictions.
Option 2- Modify the ‘draft” proposed professional services contract with the Treasure
Coast Regional Planning Council to include the development of a Countywide
TDR program as part of their professional services. The TCRPC could serve as
the project manager and use Tom Daniels (TDR planning) and Nancy Stroud
(legal) as the consultants for this effort. The TCRPC provided the professional
services pertaining to the implementation of the North County Special Area Plan
(SAP) TDR program as adopted through Ordinance No. 06-018.
Option 3- Expand the existing impact fee contract with Dr. Nicholas to incorporate a
TDR planning analysis for this project. Dr. Nicholas consulted for Collier County
on their 2003 adopted TDR program. He has experience in other TDR programs
within Florida. Under this option, the County Attorney’s office could use an
attorney under their professional services contract to prepare County-wide TDR
Ordinance and relevant legal documents.
Com. Craft suggested before going forward and expending funds for a study for the TDR
program, he believes it’s important the county have some commitment from the cities as
well as the county to no longer give away up-zoning. If this cannot be done and are not
willing to take this step, and passing an ordinance that prohibits giving away density the
point of going to the TDR program is mute.
Com. Smith asked if this would mean the county should create a task force so that
everyone can come to the table.
Com. Craft stated he felt everyone should come to the table.
Com. Coward stated the idea is positive in a perfect world, but the reality is otherwise.
Prior to the City of Port St. Lucie annexing a large area, he had a conversation with the
Mayor and wanted to do what Com. Craft suggested and this never happened. He would
hate for the county not to address this need without the cities cooperation, he would love
to have the cities work in cooperation but if they do not, he does not believe they should
put the brakes on looking at this program. He is still interested in having continued
dialogue with the cities and see if they are interested but does not wish this to be an all
ending scenario.
Com. Hutchinson stated she tended to agree with Com. Coward, but would like to open
the door and is optimistic that they may want to participate. She concurs it should not be
placed in the back burner if they do not. She would like to move forward with the
possibility of an RFP to give them different options to review.
Com. Craft stated he believes before they go forward and ask for an RFP they need to
find out from each city if they are willing to participate and if they are, what are they
looking to achieve. These suggestions would need to be included in the RFP.
Staff is tentatively recommending option 1.
Com. Coward stated he is leaning more towards option 2 which is to work with the
Regional Planning Council since they have the expertise.
Mr. Busha, Regional Planning Council Executive Director, advised the Board if the
Council works for the County as a technical assistance agency through an interlocal
agreement, if this goes out into the street as an RFP then the Regional Planning Council
is out. He stated they would still be happy to assist in any case. He suggested the
County try very hard to get the cities involved.
Mr. Martin addressed the Board and stated in some way the TDR program does exist in a
test area and there is an ordinance in existence. He believes the county should continue
to move forward and everyone can jump on board.
Com. Coward asked the question is do we stop the process and go back and talk to the
cities again or do we continue to move forward and invite the cities to join us.
Ms. Susie Caron, Indrio Road resident and Vice Chair of the TDR Committee addressed
the Board and thanked everyone for supporting this and she believes it should move
forward and felt what they have already done in north county is put infrastructure in place
and believes once the cities hear what is happening they will call and want to join the
Unidentified gentleman from the Visions of Ft. Pierce, addressed the Board in favor of
the city of Ft. Pierce joining in on the TDR program.
Mr. Dave Goreman property addressed the Board in favor of the cities being involved in
order to take advantage of the receiving area and density. He would like to have the
option of transferring his development rights.
Com. Coward stated he would every attempt to have the cities join in however in the
event that they cannot get them to aggressively join and embrace the county in this effort,
he still believes they need to proceed.
Com. Lewis stated she concurred with the fact if they cannot get the cities to agree, they
need to move forward. She suggested having the opportunity to present this to the cities
and maybe place a period of 30 days or 3 weeks something they can agree on and would
like to them look at the bare bones before proceeding with a consultant and felt this was
an important factor. She does not wish to make anyone feel that something that is
already constructed is being shoved down their throats.
Com. Coward stated there seems to be a consensus that her suggestion would be the best
approach at this point. He also asked Com. Craft to play the leadership role and setup
meetings with the individual Commissioners and have county staff meet with them and
see if over the next 30 days they can get the cities to formally join the county in this
Com. Craft stated he would like to approach each Board at one of their meetings and
speak before them in a public setting.
Com. Lewis asked if Com. Craft would be opposed to carrying a letter from the Board as
the official vehicle in the matter.
Com. Smith stated he would like to see this fast tracked and be a two week issue rather
than a 30 day and he would assist in making phone calls.
Com. Craft concurred.
Com. Coward thanked Com. Craft and Com. Smith for their willingness to assist in
moving this forward and he looked forward to discussing this again within the next two
Resolution No. 06-272- Sustainable Building Practices- Consider staff recommendation
to approve Resolution No. 06-272 and authorized the Chairman to sign the resolution.
Com. Coward stated he felt the Resolution was a little broad and requested further
information in terms of implementation.
The Environmental Resources Director addressed Com. Coward’s question. She stated
staff would like to recommend is rather than setting up more than one committee, they set
up rather large committee and from that committee set up sub-committees at this point
they have 13.
If this Resolution is approved today, they would bring back to the Board a resolution
setting up the committee in a few weeks for consideration and move forward in getting
the committee going.
It was moved by Com. Smith, seconded by Com. Craft, to approve Resolution No. 06-
272, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
Public Schools Advisory Committee- Consider staff recommendation to appoint a citizen
member and County staff member to serve on the Public Schools Advisory Committee.
Com. Smith volunteered to be the citizen advisor.
Also the staff member appointed is David Kelly, Planning Manager for St. Lucie County.
It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Hutchinson, to appoint Com. Smith and David
Kelly, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
A.Notice of Appeal- Bid Protests- SLC Bid No. 06-084 (Runway 9L-
27R and Parallel Taxiway System: Earthwork)- Consider staff
recommendation to uphold the Purchasing Director’s recommendation
to rule Sitewerks, Inc. non-responsive.
The Airport Director addressed the Board on this item.
The County Attorney advised the Board they had received the memorandum from the
Interim Purchasing Director and proceeded to review the memorandum.
The County Attorney advised the Board of this being a 95% federally funded program
and the fact there are certain regulations the county is required to comply with and it does
establish goals and it does require a good faith effort be established to meet those goals.
The County Attorney stated they have determined and also had contact with the
Department of Civil Rights, with Federal Aviation Administration that Sitewerks did not
meet those requirements. Sitewerks did not meet the DBE requirements set forth in the
contract documents required by the FDOT, Sitewerks committed to provide 0% DBE
utilization on the project and did not provide documentation demonstrating a good faith
effort to meet the 14.1% goal, therefore Sitewerks bid was deemed non-responsive.
Dickerson Florida did submit a bid that although did not meet the DBE goal, however,
they did demonstrate goof faith effort.
The County Attorney stated awarding the bid to Sitewerks is not an option based on the
FAA position on the fact at least a good faith effort by Sitewerks was not made. He
advised the Board if they felt a good effort was not made or there is any other
irregularity, the Board reject the bids and re-advertise. It is his understanding that if the
Board decides to re-advertise, the county will incur the cost on any re-bid over the
Dickerson number and there is also a concern with the timing . The County received
these funds because they were ready to move forward.
Ms. Cynthia Angelos, Attorney for Sitewerks addressed the Board.
Ms. Angelos stated she raised certain issues with staff however, the issue that was not
discussed was what was contained in their letters to the County Attorney’s office dated
September 23 and September 25. The language with regard to the RFP as it relates to
the requirement of DBA was challenged.
Part V of the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program, the language as it relates to
the DBE qualification obligation was read into the record. “ The contractor agrees to
ensure that DBE firms shall have the maximum opportunity to participate in the
performance of contracts for subcontractor services”. She also referenced another part of
the bid, Part III where in it is referred to as “An Equal Employment Opportunity
Requirement”. The reference to subcontractors as well in subparagraph II, “ whenever
the contractor subcontracts a portion of the work involving the construction trade, shall
physically include in each subcontract provisions and specifications notice which
contains the applicable goals to minority and female participation”.
Ms. Angles stated, “the language in Part V and in Part III created an ambiguity as it
relates to whether or not DBE subcontractors are a requirement period, or whether the
DBE requirement only apply only when subcontractors are used. This ambiguity
evidently was present when the county made it’s decision back in June to award a bid to
Sitewerks out at the Airport which contained the same DBE requirement language and
Sitewerks again did not list any DBE subcontractors relying on the language because they
were not using subcontractors”.
Ms. Angleos alluded to the statement made by Mr. Brame in the memo from Heather
Sperazza Lueke to the Purchasing Director wherein he stated that, in order to be
considered for this project, Sitewerks, Inc., must either use or attempt to use DBE
certified subcontractors. She stated she wished this language had been used in the RFP
and had this been done they would not be here today. This is the same language used in
the 49 Code of Federal Regulations Section 2653 on which the FAA is relying.
Ms. Angelos stated, specific, the County may only award a bid to an offer, or a bidder
who makes a good faith effort to utilize DBA subcontractors. She stated it was their
position that the language in the RFP was ambiguous, not clear and hence that is the
reason her client did not make a good faith effort for the DBE subcontractor. With regard
to Dickerson’s efforts, the first subcontractor that was listed by Dickerson, is All For You
Landscape and Maintenance Inc., this particular sub is not certified. She advised the
Board, it is stated that if a sub is currently certified as a DBE do not count the firm’s
participation toward any DBE goals and stated this particular subcontractor should not be
Ms. Angelos alluded to specific rules ands regulations regarding payment/ payroll of the
trucking company listed, O.C. Unlimited. The bid docks and federal law require they
provide pay stubs if this is the case and she is not sure if this is Mr. O’Neal’s position and
requested the ability to cross-examine anyone who is testifying after being sworn in.
Ms. Angelos stated, the courts have said it would be the government’s responsibility to
show that there is a compelling interest justifying a plan be required. The plan must
narrowly be tailored to remedy a fact of prior discrimination. She stated their plan is
resulting in Dickerson listing one sub not certified and cannot be considered and another
where clearly the sum attributed to them is not even part of their bid. Thereby,
disqualifying Sitewerks who has 70-75% part of their company as minority.
Ms. Angelos alluded to the response and to the time schedule of work to be completed
not provided by Dickerson.
Mr. Gene O’Neal, Attorney for Dickerson Florida Inc., addressed the Board. Mr.
O’Neal stated the bid was not ambiguous, you either met the goal or you showed a good
faith effort. He stated Dickerson contacted every DBE subcontractor listed in the
Mr. O’Neal stated Sitewerks felt they did not need to comply with the DBE rules because
they were not going to subcontract they were doing all the work themselves. He advised
the Board on page 30 of the DBE requirements that doing it all yourself is no excuse, it is
no effort to comply with the DBE requirements.
The Clerk/Secretary to the Board swore in those persons testifying.
Mr. Bernie Barelli, testifying on behalf of Dickerson was sworn in by the Clerk.
Mr. O’Neal asked Mr. Barelli to inform the Board of the efforts made by Dickerson,
Florida regarding the DBE requirements.
Mr. Barelli stated this project is mainly preparation of the area for future use, there are
limited opportunities for different work sites. There is earthworks and clearing, etc., he
advised the Board of the various contractors they contacted.
Ms. Angelos requested the County Attorney advise the Board for the record that it would
be improper for the Board to consider any testimony with regard to an uncertified DBE
that has been listed that may or may not be certified in the future, the law is very clear
that it would be improper for the Board to consider anything of that which is contained in
the bid response.
Ms. Angelos asked Mr. Barelli, “with regard to O.C. Trucking, could you state for the
Board specifically what work they responsible for and what is their role”.
Mr. Barelli stated, “the work they are responsible for is the hauling of material in both the
top soil item and in the barrow excavation area.”
Ms. Angelos asked where in the base bid this information was contained.
Mr. Barelli stated it was contained in a portion of 2 of the bid items in the bid and
clarified the amount to this contractor from the total cost.
Ms. Angelos questioned the reason why there are items not listed as work to be
performed by the only DBE.
Mr. Barelli stated, there was no reason.
Mr. O’Neal commented on the good faith effort made by his client.
Mr. Sanders, Sitewerks Inc., was sworn in by the Clerk/Secretary.
Ms. Angelos proceeded to ask Mr. Sanders the following question, “ You heard Mr.
Barelli indicate he had contacted you all as a prior DBA subcontractor, has Sitewerks
Inc., ever been a DBA certified contractor.
Mr. Sanders stated, “no”.
Ms. Angles made closing remarks and stated Sitewerks failed to respond to the DBE
because the question was ambiguous. They could not decipher what the language meant
in the RFP and the County also read that to mean something different in when Sitewerks
was awarded a bid with that same language.
The County Attorney addressed the DBE requirements being legal or constitutional. He
stated the cases he reviewed were primarily local government cases where local
government imposes on it’s own DBE or NBE requirements and he believes those have
been pretty fairly discredited and he believes Ms. Angelos was correct on those cases that
have been overturned in court. This particular situation involves a Federal Grant and a
Federal Program and Federal Regulations that are not mandatory they’re goals. He
pointed out issues of constitutionality they are not in a position to deal with and believes
they need to accept that these are the current regulations in place and they are a
requirement by the funding agency that will fund 95% of this project and we are not in a
position to question them and it would have to be done in the Federal Court System.
Regarding the 5 questions, he would like the consultant to answer .
Mr. Craig Sucich, Project Manager, did the design for the runway bid package Number
1, he is a registered P.E. in the State of Florida, stated, “ in regards to item number 5, this
had to do with the schedule and while they do request in the proposed document that a
schedule be provided, that was not considered a major irregularity not to have a schedule
provided in the proposal documents, once a contract is awarded before the pre-
construction meeting, as part of the contract signing with the awarded contract, a
schedule will be required at that time. While they will be on a tight timeline for funding
once the funding is in place, their contract time dictates the length of construction.”
The County Attorney asked Mr. Sucich if he had an opinion as to whether or not
Sitewerks bid was responsive.
Mr. Sucich stated, they reviewed both of the proposal documents looking for
irregularities based on the requirements, they did a tabulation bid, made sure all the line
items added up correctly that the amounts proposed were correct, determined an apparent
low bidder and went through the other documentations to see if they met the other
requirements, specifically DBE good faith efforts and based on the lack of good faith
efforts, they deemed Sitewerks non-responsive and at that time recommended the bid be
awarded to Dickerson the next lowest bidder.
The County Attorney asked Mr. Sucich if he had an opinion with regards to Dickerson
proposal and if they made a good faith effort to achieve the goal and if he felt this had
been achieved.
Mr. Sucich stated they did not meet the goal however, the contractor that they used, the
letters of intent for DBE participation represented a good faith effort. They also
submitted a letter stating the contacts they made to achieve additional DBE participation
those items together represented a good faith effort.
The County Attorney asked based on what was presented if he would change his opinion
or recommendation.
Mr. Sucich stated, no.
Com. Coward asked it be explained why Sitewerks was awarded a previous bid with the
same language in the bid.
Ms. Diana Lewis, Airport Director stated, “ in that particular situation, the Sitewerks bid
went out prior to the Board approving the 2006 DBE plan in which their goal was set,
however in anticipation that we were going to do that, our Consultants put in the DBE
language and the Federal requirements for participation and other FAA requirements in
that bid document, however, it was their understanding after speaking with the consultant
Kimley Horn they did not look at the DBE participation when they made the
recommendation and it was an error.”
Ms. Heather Lueke, Asst. Couty Attorney advised the Board she had contacted the
Department of Civil Rights representative, Mr. James Brame and she explained to him
what the bid packages looked like and he stated they would not be able to award to
Sitewerks because they had not made a good faith effort but they considered what
Dickerson did as a good faith effort.
Ms. Angleos asked what period of time does the contractor have to perform under this bid
in order to ensure the Federal grant money.
Ms. Lewis stated this grant is based on FAA discretionary funds and they must compete
every year for these funds in order to proceed with their projects. They received the 6.5
million dollar grant from the FAA and this would only cover the first bid package for the
clearing and grubbing work for the runway. The following year they would need to apply
again for additional FAA funds and would need to compete. So if they were not
performing well it would be a poor reflection on their ability to use the grant properly.
Ms. Angelos asked Ms. Lewis to confirm her comment relative to the fact that this
particular RFP was issued after the Board had adopted the resolution which incorporated
the DBE requirement of the Code of Federal Regulations.
Ms. Lewis stated on May 23 the Board the approved a DBE plan that set out the
programs that had been modified from a previous 2002 resolution that they had for the
DBE program and this particular program had to be sent to the FAA for their approval.
Ms. Angelos asked if they had specifically incorporated 49CFR Section 26.53.
Ms. Lewis stated she could specifically state this had been incorporated.
Ms. Angelos stated, it sounds as if contrary to what Mr. McIntyre thought this is the
policy of the Board of County Commissioners and hence would be reviewed and the
Board would have the burden of proof as it related to the scrutiny standards and secondly
the Board’s resolution incorporated language which she previously read about the award
of a contract only where a bidder or offer makes a good faith effort to utilize DBA subs.
If that language would have been included in the bid package the public would have had
knowledge of that requirement.
The County Attorney stated he felt the bid it was not an option to award the bid to
Sitewerks and stated he believes the Board needs to consider whether Dickerson is a
responsive bidder, whether they made a good faith effort to comply with the DBE
requirements which are Federal requirements not county requirements.
Com. Coward questioned the statement made prior regarding Sitewerks being given a
contract previously in error not meeting the DBE requirements.
Ms. Lewis clarified her previous comments. She stated, the prior contract had similar
language as to what exists now. However, that particular project was an FDOT project
and they after the fact found out that the consultant had not looked at the DBE
participation and they could have at the time went to the FDOT on whether they would
have been disqualified or not however, that never occurred. It did have the same
language as the current one.
Ms. Angelso stated, that RFP had the same language except it required 10% more DBE
participation than this RFP.
It was moved by Com. Hutchinson, seconded by Com. Smith, to approve staff
recommendation and award the bid to Dickerson,
At this time the motion make withdrew her first motion due to item 9B to be handles
separately as Com. Smith also withdrew his second
It was moved by Com. Hutchinson, seconded by Com. Smith to approve staff
recommendation to uphold the Purchasing Director’s recommendation to rule Sitewerks
Inc., non-responsive, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
9.B Award of Bid No. 06-084- Runway 9L27R- and Parallel Taxiway System-
Consider staff recommendation to award Bid No. 06-084 to the second low bidder
Dickerson, Florida for the completion of the base bid and alternates 1,2, and 4 resulting in
a total award amount of $5,323,348.00 and authorize the Chairman to sign the contract as
prepared by the County Attorney.
It was moved by Com. raft, seconded by Com. Hutchinson, to approve staff
recommendation, and; upon roll call motion carried unanimously.
Special Needs Shelter- Accept $1.8 million grant from the State of Florida, contract No.
07CP-5M-66-10-01 to help in the construction of a new Special Needs Shelter and
authorize the Chairman to sign.
It was moved by Com. Smith, seconded by Com. Craft, to approve the acceptance of the
grant and authorized the Chairman to sign, and; upon roll call, motion carried
New Emergency Operations Center- Accept the $6.0 million grant from the State of
Florida- Consider staff recommendation to accept the $6.0 million grant front he State of
Florida to help in the construction of a new Emergency Operations Center and authorize
the Chairman to sign the contract.
It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Hutchinson, to approve staff
recommendation, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
Sandscrub LLC- Conservation Easement, Phase II- Consider staff recommendation to
disapprove the Sandscrub LLC Phase II Conservation Easement.
It was moved by Com. Lewis, seconded by Com. Smith to approve staff
recommendation, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
Oceanique Development Company - A status report was given on the project. Consider
staff recommendation to issue a stop work order due to the conservation easement issue
not being corrected as required.
Mr. Craig Mundt, North Beach Homeowners Association, addressed the Board and asked
if they were talking about the county acquiring the 17 acres.
The Assistant County Attorney stated it was the portion that was supposed to be under
the Conservation Easement with just under 17 ½ acres, it is this portion they were to
donate to the County. The County would not be acquiring the developable part of the
project which is 1 ½ acres on the west side of A-1-A to the east of the conservation
easement as well as the property they have on the east side of A-1-A.
Staff was directed to proceed with the related matter discussed regarding the remaining
units and directed staff to also close the loop-hole regarding that issue.
It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Lewis, to approve staff recommendation,
and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
Petition of Aurelio an Maria Pereira for Major Site Plan approval of the project to be
known as Noble Oaks Estates for property located on the east side of 25 St.,
approximately 320 feet south of Midway Road- Draft Resolution No. 06-227 - Consider
staff recommendation to approve Draft Resolution No. 06-227 to include the 10 limiting
The Environmental Resources department gave a report on this project regarding open
space requirements and the mitigation requirements.
Com. Coward commented on the tree survey and the large oaks at the end of the retention
areas. He felt this could be modified in order to save those trees as an avoidance of
minimization. He expressed his disappointment in the plan.
Mr. Greg Boggs, Thomas Lucido, addressed the Board’s questions and stated he
concurred with staff recommendation and is convinced they have a good plan.
Com. Coward pointed on lot 11 of the project and how that retention area could be
moved further to the west. The huge oak trees could be saved by shifting the boundary to
the west.
Mr. Gregg Boggs stated they could do this on this site and he would agree to do so and
will work with the environmental staff.
Com. Coward stated he would like for this to be accomplished in the two areas he pointed
It was moved by Com. Hutchinson, seconded by Com. Smith to approve staff
recommendation to include the additional condition regarding the trees as discussed, and;
upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
Consider staff recommendation to approve the Petition of Dickerson Florida for a Major
Site plan approval for the project to be known as Dickerson Florida, Inc., Phase II subject
to the one limiting condition.
It was moved by Com. Lewis, seconded by Com. Hutchinson, to approve staff
recommendation, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was
Clerk of Circuit Court