HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOCC Minutes 10-24-2006
Date: October 24, 2006 Convened: 9:00 a.m.
Adjourned: 10:30 a.m.
Commissioners Present: Doug Coward, Chairman, Chris Craft, Paula A. Lewis, Joseph
Smith, Frannie Hutchinson
Others Present: Doug Anderson, County Administrator, Faye Outlaw, Asst. County
Administrator, Ray Wazny, Asst. County Administrator, Catherine McKenzie Smith,
Assistant County Attorney, Don West, Public Works Director, Robert Nix, Growth
Management Director, Vanessa Bassey, Environmental Resources Director, Jim David,
Mosquito Control Director, Paul Hiott, Veterans Services Director, Dennis Wetzel, IT
Director, Ed Fry, Clerk of Courts, Bob Davis, Tax Collector, Roger Shinn, Central
Services Director, Leo Cordeiro, Solid Waste Director, Mari Gouin, Management and
Budget Director, Mike Pawley, County Engineer, Hank Flores, Planning Manager, David
Kelly, Planning Manager, Millie Delgado-Feliciano, Deputy Clerk
1.MINUTES (0:52:03)
It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Hutchinson, to approve the minutes of
the meeting held October 17, 2006, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
A.Paul Hiott, Veterans Services Director presented the Chili Cook Off
Exchange Club Castle awards.
B.A presentation was made by the Tax Collector of Excess Fees in the
amount of $ 4,884,511 80% of which will go to the Board.
C.A presentation was made by Schenkel Shultz on the Special Needs
Mr. Joe Edge, Port St. Lucie resident, thanked Com. Smith for his assistance with a code
violation on Prima Vista Blvd., and Airoso. He advised the Board there are unsightly
properties in the area. He advised the Board of what he felt were problems with homes
not being taken care of and other issues. He requested assistance from the City of Port
St. Lucie and has never received any type of response.
Mr. Paul Schall, Indian River Estates, addressed the Board in favor of raising the impact
Ms. Jean Hearn, Indrio Road, addressed the Board regarding item # 12 and stated she
believed Harbor Pointe should not be considered as the property for the spoil site.
It was moved by Com. Hutchinson, seconded by Com. Smith, to approve the Consent
Agenda, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
The Board approved Warrant List No. 55 and 3.
A.Bear Point Mitigation Bank- The Board approved the proposed Bear
Point Mitigation Bank Credit Purchase Agreements, and authorized
the Chairman to sign the Agreement upon receipt of the signed
originals from the developers.
B.Bear Point Mitigation Bank- The Board approved the proposed First
Amendment to the Bear Point Mitigation Bank Credit Purchase
Agreement with Tailer’s Cove Development LLC and authorized the
Chairman to sign the First Amendment upon receipt of the signed
originals from the developer.
C.Bear Point Mitigation Bank- The Board approved the proposed Bear
Point Mitigation Bank Credit Reservation Agreement and authorized
the Chairman to sign upon receipt of the signed originals from the
D.Permission to Advertise- Ordinance No. 06-051- All Terrain Vehicle
Operation on Unpaved Roadways- The Board approved advertising
Ordinance No. 06-051 for public hearing on December 5, 2006 at 6:00
p.m. or as soon thereafter as it may be heard.
E. Budget Amendment No. BA06-174 requesting the transfer of $22,966 from
Contingency to Professional Services- The Board approved Budget
Amendment No. BA 06-174.
F.Cortez Townhomes LLC- The Board approved the Conservation
Easement from Cortez Townhomes LLC.
G.St. Lucie County v. State of Florida- Settlement Agreement with Treasure
Coast Builders Association and Florida Home Builders Association- The
Board approved the Settlement Agreement and authorized the Chairman to
sign the Agreement.
H.St. Lucie County v. State of Florida- Settlement Agreement with
Centerline Intervenors- The Board approved the Settlement Agreement
and authorized the Chairman to sign the Agreement.
A.Approval of Budget Amendment No. BA07-006 & Modification of
Equipment Request EQ07-178, EQ 07-179, EQ 07-180, EQ 07-181- The
Board approved Budget Amendment No. BA07-006 in the amount of
$2,163.00 and the aforementioned revised Equipment Requests.
B.Sewer repair- Request for Contingency funding and declaration of an
emergency. - The Board approved the use of contingency funding in the
amount of $11,360.00 and the declaration of an emergency to repair the sewer
system at the Savannas Recreation Area.
C.Walton Community Center/Well replacement emergency- The Board
approved staff’s request to replace the well at the Walton Community Center
in the amount of $3,000.00 and approved A-1 Water Systems inc., to perform
the work.
D. Harbor Pointe/Ft. Pierce Utilities/Payment of Fees/Approve BA No. 07-008-
The Board approved the use of $4,098.22 from General Fund Contingency to
pay for Ft. Pierce Utilities costs associated with installation of a new three
phase electrical service at Harbour Pointe, the Board also approved BA No.
E.Special Needs/Auditorium Site Plan & Design Approval- The Board
approved the Special Needs/Auditorium Site Plan and design as presented by
Schenkel Schultz and supporting documentation. The Board approved
advertising for bid.
A.Permission to Advertise- The Board authorized the Office of Management
and Budget to schedule and advertise a public hearing to amend the budget.
B.Adopt Resolution No. 06-328 to establish a budget for Fiscal Year 2007 for
the Florida Department of Law Enforcement Edward Byrne Memorial JAG
Grant for Crime Analysis in the amount of $36,718.00- The Board approved
Resolution No. 06-328.
C.Request for approval of Second Advance in the amount of $275,000.00 to the
County Tax Collector- The Board approved the request for the second
advance in the amount of $275,000 to the County Tax Collector.
A.Compensation for staff called up for active duty to run from October 1, 2006
through September 30, 2007.- The Board approved the extension to its
compensation for staff called up for active military duty until September 30,
2007 and authorized the Chairman to sign.
B.Reclass- The Board approved the two vacant positions of MTIII to MT V and
MTIII to MT IV irrigation tech.
A.Proposal from CDM for engineering services to assist St. Lucie County with
the overall landfill gas system management- The Board approved the
September 25, 2006 proposal from CDM for engineering services to assist ST.
Lucie County with the overall landfill gas system managemen4t including
managemen4t of the existing Phase I, II and 3A landfill systems, leachate
dewatering activities and gas systems compliance monitoring for a lump sum
of $445,000.
B.Change Order to contract with Sierra International Machinery LLC- The
Board approved the Change Order to the contract with Sierra International
Machinery, LLC reducing the contract amount by $60,418.00 that has a
balance due of $60,418.10. This change order results in a zero balance and
the contract can be closed.
C.Interlocal Agreement with FEMA for non-exclusive use of the St. Lucie
County Solid Waste Baling & Recycling Facility- The Board approved the
Interlocal Agreement.
Request of Culpepper & Terpening, Inc., - The Board approved the request of Culpepper
& Terpening for an exemption from the requirements of Section 11.02.09(A)(5) and that
no environmental impact report be required from this project, on the condition that the
applicant perform gopher tortoise surveys in accordance with FWC survey guidelines.
Survey results must be provided to ERD per Comprehensive Plan Policies and prior to the site plan approval.
A.Lawnwood Soccer Fields/The Collage Companies Change Order No. 1 –The
Board approved Change Order No. 1 for the Collage Companies in the
amount of $15,627 for the additional work on the Lawnwood Complex soccer
B.Recreation Design & Construction Chang Order No. 4 (Lakewood Park) -
The Board approved the Recreation & Design Construction Change Order No.
4 in the amount of $530,000.00 for the Lakewood Park Project due to cost
A.Award of Bid No. 06-115 S. Hutchinson Island Wastewater Collection and
Reclaimed Water Distribution System SR A1A Utility Relocation- The Board
approved awarding Bid No. 06-115 to the low bidder, Johnson Davis Inc., for
the amount of $272,500.00 and authorized the Chairman to sign the contract
as prepared by the County Attorney.
B.Change Order No. 1 to Contract C06-03-269 with Wilo Products Company,
Inc.- The Board approved the bid waiver, sole source declaration and
authorized the Chairman to execute the contract in the amount of $107,617.00.
C.Assignment of Contract C06-03-342- with Nations Rend USA Inc., to Sunbelt
Rentals - The Board approved the assignment of Contract C06-06-342 with
Nations Rent USA to Sunbelt Rentals and authorized the Chairman to sign the
assignment as prepared by the County Attorney.
The Board approved the indemnification agreement between the County and the listed
Precincts and authorized the Chairman to sign the Agreement.
Request for the Board to approve Permission to Advertise an Invitation for Bids for
completion of ADA improvements at Tradition Field and approval of inter-fund loan
from General Fund Contingency- The Board approved advertising an Invitation for Bid
and approved the inter-fund loan from the General Fund Contingency.
A.Revision to Amendment No. 1 to Emergency JPA ANX 51 with Florida
Department of Transportation for Repair to County Roads damaged by
Hurricane Frances- The Board approved the Revision to Amendment No. 1 to
Emergency JPA ANX-51 with the FDOT for reimbursement of cost for debris
removal from Hurricane Frances.
B.Amendment No.1 to Emergency JPA ANX-76 with FDOT for repair to
County Roads damaged by Hurricane Jeanne- The Board approved
Amendment No. 1 to Eme4rgency JPA ANC 76 with Florida Department of
Transportation for redistribution and decreasing funding and signature by the
C.Road and Bridge Division- Approve Equipment Request EQ07-285 to
purchase a new 24” Cutting Disc from Everglades Farm Equipment Company
for $6,000- The Board approved Equipment Request EQ07-285 .
D.Engineering Division- Indian River Estates MSBU- Restrictive Covenant
Agreements - The Board accepted the Restrictive Covenant Agreements and
authorized staff to record said documents with the Clerk of Circuit Court.
E.Enginee4ring Division- Eighteen Public Hearings- The Board granted
permission to advertise 18 public hearings stating the County’s intent to the
uniform method of collecting non-ad valorem special assessments which may
be levied by the corresponding municipal service benefit units. The hearings
to be held December 12, 2006 at 9:00 a.m. or as soon thereafter.
A.Request approval of Budget Resolution No. 06-329 for he Florida Department
of Transportation Joint Participation Agreement in the amount of $96,000
with a local match if $24,000 for a total project cost of $120,000 for the
construction of the modifications to the United States Customs & Border
Protection Facility at the St. Lucie County International Airport- The Board
approved Budget Resolution No. 06-329.
B.Request approval of Budget Resolution No. 06-330 with the FDOT Joint
Participation Agreement in the amount of $300,000 with a local match of
$75,000 for a total project cost of $375,000 for the design of Runway 9/27
rehabilitation project at the St. Lucie County International Airport.- The
Board approved Budget Resolution No. 06-330.
C.Request the Board accept the FDOT Joint Participation Agreement in the
amount of $227,000 with a local match of $57,000 for a total project cost of
$284,000 for the taxiway shoulder and drainage project at the St. Lucie
County Airport and approve Resolution No. 06-327 - The Board approved
accepting the JPA and approved Resolution No. 06-327.
D.Request for approval of PBS&J Work Authorization for construction phase
services for Bid Package No. 1 Final Design Services for Lighting, Electrical
Vault, Pavement Markings, and Fencing and Bidding Phase Services for Bid
Package #2 for he Runway 9L/27R and Parallel Taxiway project in the lump
sum amount of $677,609.- The Board approved the Work Authorization with
PBS&J for construction phase of bid package 1 and 2.
Ratification of the Tourist Development Council’s decision to approve a $2,000 Special
Event Grant request for the Navy UTD Seal Museum-XX1 Muster. The Board ratified
the TDC’s decision to approve a $2,000 special event grant request and authorized the
Chairman to sign upon receipt of the originals as drafted by the County Attorney.
A.Authorize the acceptance of a grant from FIND for $258,300 to be utilized for
design, engineering, and permitting of the South Causeway Park shoreline
restoration and park improvements- The Board approved the acceptance of
the grant.
B.The Federal Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 requires the Sate and each county
within the State to have Local Mitigation Strategy. Florida Rule 9G-22
requires the submittal of an annual report of the County’s Local Mitigation
Strategy which will become part of the State’s report to meet the requirements
of DMA2K, the annual report is also required for the Community Rating
Service. This item was to request the Board approve the St. Lucie County
Local Mitigation Strategy annual report and its submittal to the Florida
Division of Emergency Management- The Board approved the St. Lucie
County Local Mitigation Strategy annual report and its submittal to the
Division of Emergency Management.
C.Approve an interlocal agreement between the St. Lucie County BOCC and the
Ft. Pierce Redevelopment Agency to share costs associated with design
engineering and permitting of improvements to South Causeway Park- The
Board approved the interlocal agreement.
Approval of piggyback contract with Florida Housing Coalition to provide St. Lucie
County with the services described in the Scope of Work for development of an
Inclusionary Zoning ordinance, Community Land Trust, Housing Trust Fund and
Regulatory Reform- The Board approved the piggyback contract and authorized the
Chairman to sign the contract as prepared by the County Attorney.
Grant contract with the UDT Navy Seal Museum for $40,000.00 in operating expenses-
The Board authorized the Chairman signing the contract with the UDR Navy Seal
Museum for $40,000 in operating expenses.
Consider staff recommendation to approve the Letter of Intent and Job Growth
Investment Grant Agreement with Remetronix Inc., and the County and authorize the
Chairman to sign the agreements
Mr. Brain Mead, Economic Development Analyst addressed the Board on this item.
Mr. Russ Knowles, CEO Remetronix was available to answer any questions the Board
may have.
It was moved by Com. Hutchinson, seconded by Com. Craft, to approve staff
recommendation, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
Letter of Intent and the incentives including an Ad Valorem Tax Exemption and the
refund of the electricity franchise fees between St. Lucie county and Allied Universal
(Project Butterfly) - Consider staff recommendation to approve the Letter of Intent
including the agreement to hold a public hearing to consider the Ad Valorem tax
exemption and the refund of the electricity franchiser fee and authorize the Chairman to
sign the agreements.
Mr. Jim Palme4r, CEO Allied Universal was present to answer any questions the Board
may have.
The Board asked staff if there were any environmental concerns with the project.
The Environmental Resources Director advised the Board they did not have any concerns
with this project.
It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by com. Lewis, to approve staff recommendation,
and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
St. Lucie County School District request for 60 acres of county land at the Research and
Education Park for construction of a K-12 school- Consider staff recommendation to
send a Letter of Intent to the St. Lucie County School Board expressing the County’s
willingness to transfer 60 acres of land at the County’s Research and Education Park to
the School District for a K-12 school.
It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Hutchinson, to approve staff
recommendation, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
This item was continued from this Boards October 17, 2006 hearing. Consider Draft
Resolution No. 06-226 granting the application of Mayo Development Group LLC for
Major Site Plan Approval for a Project to be known as Mayo Warehouse- Consider staff
recommendation to approve Draft Resolution No. 06-226 granting the application with
the condition as stated by the Planning Manager.
The Planning Manager addressed the Board regarding this project and the 45 day
condition added.
Mr. Dennis Murphy, Culpepper & Terpening Project Manager, addressed the Board on
this item and presented the language for the condition (attached).
Com. Coward stated he wanted understood that the Board is not taking away road dollars.
The developer will still be required to make their contributions for the road way through
impact fees or other and what they are talking about is the cost for ingress and egress to
the site which would be the throw away construction of the road widening that would
assume the same area.
Mr. Murphy requested the presented condition be added to the Resolution .
Com. Smith asked if staff was comfortable with the added language.
The Asst. County Attorney advised the Board she was comfortable with the language due
to the fact this was an added condition and nothing else was being changed.
It was moved by Com. Hutchinson, seconded by Com. Smith, to approve the Resolution
as amended to include the added condition, and; upon roll call, motion carried
Com. Hutchinson requested staff be directed to provide the Board the option to look at
any future applicants and the option of a developers agreement with the funding of road
improvements vs. doing the throw away.
Petition of Mark Stromak for Major Site Plan approval for the project to be known as
Treasure Coast Mayflower Moving & Storage for property located on the north side of
Metzger Road, approximately 600 feet West of 39 St. in the IL zoning District- Draft
Resolution No. 06-237.
It was moved by Com. Lewis, seconded by Com. Craft, to approve Resolution No. 06-
237, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
Petition of Nick Bishop for Major Site Plan Approval for the project to be known as
Treasure Coast Lexus for property located at 5121 S. U.S. Highway 1 in the CG Zoning
District- Draft Resolution No. 06-239 subject to the 10 limiting conditions.- Consider
staff recommendation to approve Draft Resolution No. 06-239 subject to the 10 limiting
Mr. Mark Mathis, Culpepper & Terpening, addressed the Board and advised them they
would be making minor modification to condition number 8 to preserve additional trees
on site.
It was moved by Com. Hutchinson, seconded by Com. Lewis, to approve staff
recommendation, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
Relocation of the Taylor Creek Temporary Spoil Site- Consider staff recommendation
to continue with the evaluation of the relocation of the Taylor Creek Spoil Site to
potential sites and develop the necessary specifications to bid the dismantling of the
existing spoil site. Staff also recommends sending a letter to Mr. Bell notifying him that
the county will be dismantling the existing site on his property.
The Public Works Director advised the Board they had reviewed a fairly extensive
evaluation of many sites and in the end the port property was the best choice whether it
be Harbour Pointe or the Bell property. The property was previously dredge material and
as a result of the material the actual sand that is there would be the least impacted by any
dredging operations and this was also the opinion of the regulatory agencies. The DEP,
Army Corps of Engineers and Water Management District, they spoke favorably towards
use the port property. He stated they can go back and revisit the other properties once
It was moved by Com/ Lewis, seconded by Com. Hutchinson, to send a letter to Mr.
Bell as recommended by staff and to further review an appropriate location for the spoil
site, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was
Clerk of Circuit Court