HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOCC Minutes 01-16-2007
Date: January 16, 2007 Convened: 6:00 p.m.
Adjourned: 12:45 a.m.
Commissioners Present: Chairman, Chris Craft, Joseph Smith, Paula A. Lewis, Doug
Coward, Charles Grande
Others Present: Doug Anderson, County Administrator, Ray Wazny, Asst. County
Administrator, Faye Outlaw, Asst. County Administrator, Dan McIntyre, County
Attorney, Don West, Public Works Director, Robert Nix, Growth Management Director,
Mike Pawley, County Engineer, Vanessa Bessey, Environmental Resources Director,
Diana Lewis, Airport Director, Millie Delgado- Feliciano, Deputy Clerk
It was moved by Com. Smith, seconded by Com. Coward, to approve the minutes of the
meeting held January 9, 2007, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
A.The Master Gardeners and Jr. Master Gardeners made a presentation.
B.A presentation was made on the success of the Monofilament Recycling
Mr. Craig Mundt, Hutchinson Island resident, addressed the Board regarding the zoning
of a property on the Island and requested the Board defer item seven .
Mr. John Arena, Ft. Pierce resident, addressed the Board regarding the plasma
The Chairman advised the Board he was recommending moving item number 6 to the
consent agenda.
The Board members concurred.
It was moved by Com. Grande, seconded by Com. Coward, to approve the Consent
Agenda as amended, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
The Board approved Warrant List No. 15.
A.Agreement with Vincent Disisto Trust to pay fee in lieu of constructing
concrete sidewalks- The Board approved the Fee in Lieu of the Construction
Agreement with Vincent Disisto Trust and authorized the Chairman to sign.
B.Extension of Declaration of State of Local Emergency- Indian River Drive-
The Board approved the Declaration and authorized the Public Safety Director
to sign the declaration.
C.Community Development Block Grant Housing Rehabilitation Program- First
Amendment to contracts for James Martin Christine Mayner, Ann Saul, Dawn
Steinhurst, and Elizabeth York- The Board approved the proposed First
Amendment .
D.Prisoner Reentry Initiative Grant- The Board approved the goals of the
Reentry Program of reducing recidivism rates for offenders, increased public
safety are valid and should be funded in the amount of $112,500.00 . The
Board also approved drafting a letter of support and sending it to the Bureau
of Justice Affairs endorsing the program.
E.Blind Creek Park- Agreement with Dickerson Florida, Inc. for Use of Parking
Lot as a Staging Area for SR A-1-A Improvement Project- The Board
approved the proposed agreement with Dickerson Florida Inc., for use of the
parking lot at Blind Creek Park during the SR A-1-A improvement project.
A.First Amendment to Work Authorization No. 1 with Inwood Consulting
Engineers for additional professional engineering services for roadway design
regarding the six lane design of the Kings Highway and Orange Avenue
Intersection - The Board approved the First Amendment to Work
Authorization No. 1 in the amount of $114,365.66 for the additional
coordination efforts, sub-consultant fees and engineering design efforts
associated with the six lane design of the Kings Highway and Orange Avenue
intersection for a total cost of $683,582.18.
B.Request approval of second amendment to Work Authorization No. 6 for an
extension of time to September 30, 2007 - The Board approved and
authorized the Chairman to sign the second amendment to Work
Authorization No. 6 for an extension of time to September 30, 2007 and to
provide additional engineering services in the amount of $2,750,000 to the
Contractor for Professional Engineering Services related to Stormwater
Management with Bowyer-Singleton Associates, Inc., for design services for
the Solida Circle Drainage Replacement project.
C.Agreement with Ardaman & Associates, Inc. for professional engineering
services- The Board approved entering into and authorized the Chairman to
sign an agreement with Ardaman & Associates for geotechnical and
construction materials testing services for the South 26 St., area
improvement project, on an as-needed basis utilizing the attached unit fee
schedule in the amount not to exceed $24,000.00.
D.Acceptance of project- The Board approved accepting the project, releasing
retainage in the amount of $28,719.00 and making Final Payment in the a
mount of $65,012.26 to Johnson Davis for construction of Prima Vista Blvd.,
Baffle Box project.
E.Acceptance of project- The Board approved accepting the project, releasing
retainage in the amount of $52,666.10 to Ranger Construction for the
construction of the Indian River Drive Middle project and make final payment
in the amount of $52,666.10.
A.Sub Lease Agreement/Law Enforcement Officer Residence- The Board
approved entering into a sub-lease agreement to contract number C01-09-588
so that a St. Lucie County Sheriff’s Deputy can reside in a mobile home
located at the Savannas Recreation Area.
B.Demolition and Disposal of concrete bleachers at Lawnwood Stadium
Baseball Field # 1.- The Board approved demolishing the concrete bleachers.
Adopt Resolution No. 07-027- The Board approved Resolution No. 07-207 revising the
2006 Disadvantaged Engterprise Program to include a 3.9% goal and as approved by the
FAA Civil Rights Office and advertise for public comments on the goal determination.
A.Permission to issue an RFQ for Engineering Services for the Central Services
Department- The Board approved advertising and issuing a RFQ for
Engineering Services for the Central Services Department.
B.Permission to issue an RFQ for Engineering Services for the St. Lucie County
International Airport- The Board approved advertising and issuing an RFQ
for Engineering Services for the St. Lucie County International Airport.
C.Fixed Asset Inventory- Property Record Removal- The Board authorized staff
to remove the attached records from the fixed asset inventory of the Board of
County Commissioners.
D.Permission to issue a RFP to lease the properties at 3104 Industrial Avenue 3,
3106 Industrial Avenue 3, and 4600 Taylor Dairy Road located in the St.
Lucie County International Airport- The Board approved advertising and issue
an RFP to lease the properties.
Bid No, 07-017 St. Lucie County Clerk of Circuit Court Annex Window Repairs-
Award Bid No. 07-017 to: David Brooks Enterprises Bid Price $539,000.00- The
Board approved awarding Bid No. 07-017 to David Brooks Enterprises and
authorized the Chairman to sign the contract as prepared by the County Attorney.
First Amendment to contract C06-10-557- with RTP Environmental Associates- The
Board approved the First Amendment to the contract C06-10-557 with RTP
Environmental Associates to increase the contract amount by $20,000 to provide
additional Air Quality Specialist Services to review documents and attend public
workshops pertaining to a Plasma Arc Facility and authorized the Chairman to sign the
agreement as prepared by the County Attorney’s office.
Ratify Committee Appointment- The Board ratified Com. Grande’s appointment of
Harold Phillips to the Environmental Advisory Committee.
Release of Retainage for Contract No. C06-08-429 in the amount of $6,964.00 with
Angus Enterprises- The Board approved the release of retainage for Contract No. C06-
08-429 in the amount of $6,964.00 with Angus Enterprise.
A.Extension of Contract with Marlowe and Company for Federal Lobbyist
Services other than beach re-nourishment- The Board approved entering into
an agreement with Marlowe and Company as drafted by the County Attorney
for the period of January 1, 2007 to December 31, 207 in the amount of
$30,000 for Federal Lobbyist Services other than beach re-nourishment.
B.Florida Local Government Investment Trust- The Board ratified the continue
appointment of Commissioner Doug Coward to the Florida Local Government
Investment Trust.
Treasure Coast Education and Research Development Authority- The Board
approved reappointing the current committee member, Dr. Jane Bachelor to the
Item # 7 Discussion:
Petition of Greenwood Development Corporation of Florida for Major Site Plan approval
of the project to be known as The Meridian of North Hutchinson Island for property
located on the northeast corner of the intersection of North A-1-A and Shorewinds Drive-
Draft Resolution No. 07-012- Consider staff recommendation to approve Draft
Resolution No. 07-012.
Com. Grande suggested the presentation relating to the project itself be delayed until the
questions have been answered.
Com. Coward stated thee issues have been raised for several years and have not been
Com. Grande stated the two legal questions needed to be addressed i.e. liability for
impact fees and the zoning.
The Greenwood Development Representative addressed the Board and stated they
received the letter from Mr. Mundt today at 5:00 p.m. He stated he did not understand
being put in this position after receiving two zoning letters from the county.
The Chairman stated this was something that slipped through the cracks and they would
rather have it taken care of than approve something for a zoning that is not really there.
Staff advised the Board they would have the answers for what is in question by the next
Board meeting.
It was the consensus to withdraw this item from today’s agenda and re-agenda it for next
5. A COUNTY ATTORNEY (0:38:51)
Public Hearing – Petition for Abandonment of a portion of Rock Road North of I-95 to
Angle Road Resolution No. 07-022 - Consider staff recommendation to continue the
Public Hearing to February 20, 2007 at 6:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible.
Mr. Jonathan Ferguson, Ruden, McCloskey, addressed the Board and stated he agreed
with the continuance however, he would like for the item to be continued for February 6,
2007 rather than February 20, 2007.
It was moved by Com. Lewis, seconded by Com. Coward to continue this hearing on
February 6, 2007 at 6:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible, and; upon roll call,
motion carried unanimously.
Public Hearing regarding Ordinance No. 2006-48, the Jenkins Road Planning Area
Special District regulations – Consider staff recommendation to approve Ordinance No.
The Growth Management Director reviewed the item and stated the road plan was
approved by the Board before moving forward with the Ordinance. He reviewed the
cross section of the 130 foot right of way. It is proposed to be a 4 lane highway with
bicycle and pedestrian facilities.
He stated there are two projects they are working on in this area, Eagle Bend and Victoria
Oaks. He believes they have been working with the School Board regarding a possible
land swap and stated what is not clear is where the K-8 school would be located if there
was such a land swap.
Com. Coward expressed his concern with the concept on page 3, 4.12.02 and a
subsequent applicant after turning down KB Homes then coming in and saying they are
going to be exempt from the plan.
The Growth Management Director addressed Com. Coward’s concerns and advised him
of the Board’s options and have provided the Board some flexibility to make a decision.
Com. Coward stated he believed there should not be any exemptions and he would rather
work with Eagle Bend to have them move forward with the existing plan and not give
Mr. Jonathan Ferguson, Ruden McCloskey advised the Board he had a concern with the
design element and he does not recall there being a lot of discussion on this. He stated he
had concerns with the planning efforts and the annexing into the city of Ft. Pierce and he
believes they would not be looking favorably. He believes the County needs to look at
this ordinance further before its adoption.
Mr. Marty Sanders, School Board representative, addressed the Board and stated they
were enthusiastic to work with everyone involved to extend the roadway networks.
Ms. Cynthia Angelos, attorney for the applicant, addressed the Board and reminded the
Board there are certain laws in play and they do not wish to tie up the application with
technical issues but would like for the project to be looked at on its merit. There also is a
timing issue.
The County Attorney stated they should look at the law and see what applies. They
should review it in accordance with the Comp Plan and Code that exists today.
Com. Smith questioned the lighting code to protect environmental species and if it had
been reviewed.
The Environmental Resources Director stated she had not had the opportunity to review it
in its entirety but will do so before the next meeting.
Com. Grande advised the Board he concurred with Co. Coward’s comments and
suggested deleting the last sentence on page 23, 4.12.02.
Com. Coward stated this project was not consistent and is not in compliance with the
existing code and an exemption is totally inappropriate. He felt they need to make them
totally consistent with the plan and suggested a public workshop with the developers and
land owners to receive input before the next meeting.
Com. Smith stated he was having difficulty wit the Eagle Bend project . If they are
looking a project where they are beginning to see what they like at what point are they
going to say “well done” and allow them to continue and not it all get involved into a
Ms. Angelos stated they had a problem with being accountable to a regulation that they
do not know what it is and should not be subject to the unknown. A project can only
sustain a certain amount of delays.
Com. Grande stated they are running into a project definition and this is not the question
right now. The question is, do we want to do the best overlay possible and independent
of whether or not they have grandfathered rights and if they don’t, should they be
exempted because they had a head start? He felt at this point it would not be appropriate
to build the exemptions in.
Com. Lewis stated she was aware of the fact that they have tried to have neighborhood
meetings and they did not get too far. She does not believe a workshop would move it
further than where it is today.
Com. Craft stated he did not see an issue in pulling it because he does not believe the
applicant is subject to these rules anyway and concurs with staff on the issue. He
believes they would not have the overlay in place or a draft if it was not for this applicant
and believes this application should stand on its own.
Com. Coward stated this project was 1000 units and he thought they were intending to
layout the plan for the roads and the land use. He stated it is not an unknown as stated by
the attorney, it is a written document (land development code regulations) for them to
review and they need to adhere to it. If there is a problem with the LDR’s then they need
to review them.
It was moved by Com. Grande, seconded by Com. Lewis, to approve the first reading
with the changes on page 3- eliminating the exemption language, page 34, the correction
to St. Lucie (delete Miami Dade), page 35 language regarding making an effort to save
the trees unless there is a waiver from the environmental department, and page 39 to add
the affordable housing (workforce housing) language and schedule the second reading for
February 6, 2007 at 6:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as it may be heard, and; upon roll call,
the vote was as follows: Nay: Smith; Aye’s: Lewis, Grande, Coward, Craft, motion
carried by a vote of 4 to 1.
Lake Drive M.S.B.U. Second Public Hearing- Potable Water Improvements FPUA-
Consider staff recommendation to adopt Resolution No. 07-026 to levy a non-ad valorem
special assessment on the Lake Drive Municipal Service Benefit Unit; approve the
attached preliminary assessment roll; and authorize staff to proceed with the construction
It was moved by Com. Lewis, seconded by Com. Smith to approve Resolution No. 07-
026, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
Consider the adoption of Resolution No. 07-016 granting a Major Adjustment to the St.
Lucie County Airport Conditional Use Site Plan to permit an 8,327 square foot building,
35 ft., in height to house an Airport Rescue and Firefighting Facility with an accessory
125 ft. high communication tower.
It was moved by Com. Grande, seconded by Com. Smith, to approve Resolution No. 07-
016, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
Application of the Airport Director for a Major Adjustment to an existing Conditional
Use Approval- Consider staff recommendation to approve Draft Resolution No. 07-015
granting the Major Adjustment to the existing Conditional Use . Staff recommends the
Resolution be approved subject to conditions.
It was moved by Com. Smith, seconded by Com. Lewis, to approve Resolution No. 07-
015, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
Draft Resolution No. 07-013 – Petition of P280 Land LLC for Preliminary Planned
Development Site Plan for a project to be known as Eagle Bend- PUD located on the
south side of Angle Road ¾ mile east of Kings Highway- Consider staff
recommendation to approve Draft Resolution No. 07-013 granting P280 Land LLC
Preliminary Planned Development Site Plan approval for the Eagle Bend –PUD.
Com. Coward stated compatibility was a major concern with this project.
Ms. Cynthia Angelos, attorney for the applicant, addressed the Board and stated she had
been speaking with the County Attorney regarding continuing to work with staff on this
project. She wanted to make sure she was not waiving her client’s legal rights.
Com. Coward stated he did not care if they wished to proceed however, if this comes
forward right now, they have no choice but to deny this item.
Com. Grande stated he felt this was a good project and a positive thing for the county if it
is done right. He felt they should get this applicants input on the overlay.
Com. Smith stated the felt this project should be approved by its merit and not given a
“no out of hand” vote.
Com. Grande stated he believed they had a project that could be a corner stone for the
new area if they get it right and asked why they would want to approve this project under
the old standards when it does not meet them.
Com. Smith stated he is surprised to hear this Board would not approve something like
this while it meets the old standards and if reviewed under the new standards it would not
be good enough.
Ms. Angelos stated they area asking for preliminary approval and would continue to work
with staff.
Com. Grande stated he felt if they give a preliminary approval, they would be getting
what they are showing today.
Com. Coward stated they would be approving the same outcome as Emerson Estates. He
cannot imagine having large lot estate next to town homes.
Com. Craft asked the applicant’s attorney if there would be a problem with continuing
this issue tonight.
Ms. Angelos stated she cannot take a legal position that may compromise her client’s
legal position and is requesting they move forward with the preliminary approval with the
conditions as outlined.
Com. Coward stated he would be willing to move forward with the preliminary approval
if they would be made to fully comply as opposed to substantially comply.
Com. Craft stated he felt if they were to approve this they would not be setting a
president due to the fact they were already in the system.
Com. Lewis advised the Board she had met with the applicant (Quasi Judicial) she felt
this project was in substantial compliance with the new regulations. She cannot judge
this under the old rules and with the given conditions and it is a preliminary approval she
cannot make a distinction between the old and the new and was in favor of moving
Com. Coward stated we do not have the right of way for the compliance of the adjacent
land owners for the roadway, but are ready to move forward with a 1000 unit project.
Quasi-Judicial- Com. Smith, Coward, Grande, Craft advised those present they had met
with the applicant .
Ms. Susie Caron, Indrio Road resident addressed the Board and stated she considers this
project another Emerson Estates mistake to give density over 3 times the amount. Under
the old rules they are giving 3 times the density which is another mistake and felt they
should go with the new rules and have them comply with the overlay.
The applicant attorney stated they would be willing to continue to February 6 and it
would not be construed by the County as a waiver of legal rights.
The County Attorney advised the Board he did not consider the request for a continuance
as a waiver of any legal rights to the applicant.
Com. Craft stated he did not consider this a give away and he believed the developers had
been working hard on this issue and he wished every developer would work as hard with
the county.
Com. Smith requested return at the second meeting with information on page 5, 3
paragraphs from the bottom of the staff report and the provide a clear definition.
Com. Coward stated he would like to see some connectivity for the critters as well as the
people. He has concerns with tree preservation, and since he believes the property to the
west will be potentially commercial he does not see connectivity to the west and would
like to see some provision for the north/western area.
Com. Grande suggested the applicant and staff read the staff report pages 3-5 and attempt
to resolve those issues.
Com. Coward commented on a missing piece in the road network and felt it should be
It was moved by Com. Smith, seconded by Com. Grande, to continue this item on
February 6, 2007 at 6:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as it may be heard, also provide
applicant with issues and have the applicant provide input to staff before the second
meeting and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
Petition of Gulfstream Developers, LLC for a change in zoning from the AG-1 zoning
district to the PUD zoning district and Preliminary and Final Planned Development Site
Plan approval for property located on the north side of Orange Avenue (Orange Lakes-
Estates) and 1 mile west of the Florida Turnpike- Consider staff recommendation to
approve Draft Resolution 06-306.
Com. Coward advised the Board he has had contact with a neighbor and also with the
applicant and received correspondence.
Com. Smith disclosed receiving information on this issue.
Com. Craft disclosed meeting with the applicant and did Com. Lewis.
Com. Coward questioned the traffic concurrency and the affect the lake would have on
adjoining wells and septic tanks.
Staff advised the Board permitting would need to go through the Health Department.
Com. Coward stated he was more concerned with the water table.
The County Engineer stated the lake would need to meet the same approval as a mining
project and protect ground water elevations.
Ms. Noreen Dwyer, Ruden McCloskey firm representing the applicant, addressed the
Board on this item and stated expected build out is in 2008.
Ms. Connie Titus, Woodcrest Drive resident, addressed the Board in opposition to the
project and questioned the acreage figure which does not seem to be clear on various
agency documents.
Mr. Tommy (unintelligible last name) addressed the Board and expressed his concern
with the safety issue. He stated he concurred with the Planning & Zoning Board and
recommended the Board deny the project.
Ms. Kelly Charles, Woodcrest Drive, addressed the Board in opposition to the project.
She stated they have animals i.e. dogs, horses in their community and believes the zoning
should remain as it is however does not agree with a unit development with a large lake
only those residents would be able to utilize.
Mr. Don Windham, Woodcrest Drive, addressed the Board in opposition to the project
and stated he would like to keep the area rural. He is against the way they want to
develop the property and the prices of the homes and asked what if the developer cannot
find builders to build homes when it is zoned PUD what will happen to it then.
Mr. Coy Ward, contractor addressed the Board and advised them the canals in the area
are almost dry and felt the Board needed to find out how they would replenish the water.
Mr. Jonathan Hart, Woodcrest resident, addressed the Board regarding the traffic, the
price of the homes and felt they do not fit in with the current life style and prices in the
Mr. Philip Cooper, Orange Avenue resident addressed the Board and expressed conce3rn
with the maintenance of the berm vegetation. He also expressed his concern with the
water and raw salt going back into the aquafir due to the water system.
Mr. Jim Sullivan, Orange Avenue resident, addressed the Board and expressed his
concern with traffic and the privacy issue.
Mr. Jim Baldini, Woodcrest resident addressed the Board and stated the development
should be 1 house per acre.
Mr. Larry Wagner, Woodcrest Drive, addressed the Board and stated the wetlands are a
flood pond and not really a wetland. He stated the land may be polluted. He would like
to keep the area as it is.
Ms. Ann Corbin, Orange Avenue resident, addressed the Board and stated everyone in
the area would like to keep it rural and felt the development was not compatible.
Com. Coward stated the area is an agricultural rural area and a PUD is not the same life
style as rural. He stated the zoning district should not be changed and it should be kept at
Com. Craft stated the problem he was having was there was nothing in between and he is
trying to weigh if the cost is going to be more burdensome to the neighbors than what it is
Com. Grande stated if this was approved they would be taking action to change the
character of the area. This is a project that brings change and the question needed to be
answered is, is it time to change the area and this is one of those that it not ready to say
“today is the day to change it”.
Ms. Dwyer advised the Board the applicant was advised a PUD was the best way to go
for this property. The overall density is quite comparable. The Woodcrest development
has pets as would this development. This project is in the urban service boundary and
has met all the rules of the county and has followed all recommendations by staff and
asked the Board to approve this PUD.
Com. Coward reiterated the fact the P & Z Board recommended denial 7-0. He believes
placing a PUD in this area is not suitable. It is an agricultural rural area.
Com. Smith stated under the circumstances he was having difficulty approving this item.
Being out in a rural area and part of the whole process of the Board is to have public
comments and we have heard their concerns. He would like for the applicant to go back
one more time and see what type of development they can come up with that would be in
agreement with the surrounding area life style and residents concerns.
Ms. Dwyer requested this be continued so they can have time to review the site plan to
see if there are any changes they can make to enhance the project.
Com. Lewis stated she would be inclined to agree with the request that is before her to
day to give them the opportunity to come back with something viable opposed to
shooting them out of the water for 2 years or so.
Com. Grande stated he wished to note for the record that he was not opposed to
continuing this item as long as the applicant does not come back with the same plan with
minor tweeking.
Con. Coward stated he would be voting against any alternative suggestions because he
does not believe changing lots and retaining a PUD would do anything. He believes a
straight zoning was the best option for the applicant.
It was moved by Com. Lewis, seconded by Com. Smith to continue this item on March
20, 2007 at 6:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as it may be heard, and; upon roll call, the vote
was as follows: Nay: Coward; Aye’s: Grande, Smith, Lewis, Craft, motion to continue
carried by a vote of 4 to 1.
Petition of Charles H. Sabin of Sabin Companies, Inc,. Petition for a Change in Zoning
from the RS-4 Zoning District for the PUD Zoning District and Final Planned
Development Site Plan approval for the project known as Orchid Place- Consider staff
recommendation to approve the request as set forth in Draft Resolution No. 04-004
subject to 13 limiting conditions.
Mr. Lee Dobbins representing the petitioner was available to answer any questions.
Mr. Don Kelly, Douglas Avenue resident, addressed the Board in opposition to the PUD
and stated he had a petition in opposition to the project ( petition was not presented to the
secretary for the record).
Mr. Mike Talbot, Palm Tree Drive addressed the Board in opposition to the PUD and had
concerns with the existing traffic problems with Cortez and 25 St.
Ms. Becky Talbot, Palm Tree Drive resident addressed the traffic problem in the area.
Com. Grande stated he could not support the project due to the fact the project would
generate too many trips in an already intense area and the fact the project was not of any
benefit to the County.
It was moved by Com. Lewis, seconded by Com. Smith to approve Resolution No. 07-
004 subject to the 13 limiting conditions, and; upon roll call, the vote was as follows:
Nay: Grande; Aye’s: Lewis, Coward, Smith, Craft, motion carried by a vote of 4 to 1.
This item was withdrawn from the agenda and will be re-agended next week.
There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was
Clerk of Circuit Court