HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOCC Minutes 02-13-2007 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA REGULAR MEETING Date: February 13, 2007 Convened: 9:00 a.m. Adjourned: 9:25 a.m. Commissioners Present: Chairman, Chris Craft, Joseph Smith, Paula A Lewis, Doug Coward, Charles Grande, absent ill ________________________________________________________________________ Others Present: Doug Anderson, County Administrator, Faye Outlaw, Asst. County Administrator, Dan McIntyre, County Attorney, Debra Brisson, Parks and Recreation Director, Don West, Public Works Director, Beth Ryder, Community Services Director, Marie Gouin, M & B Director, Neil Appel, Purchasing Director, Millie Delgado- Feliciano, Deputy Clerk 1.MINUTES (00:37) It was moved by Com. Smith, seconded by Com. Coward, to approve the minutes of the meeting held January 17, 2007, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. 2.PROCLAMATION A.Resolution No. 07-031 Proclaiming February 11, 2007 through February 17, 2007 as 2-1-1- Awareness Week” in St. Lucie County, Florida. It was moved by Com. Coward, seconded by Com. Lewis, to approve Resolution No. 07- 031, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. Ms. Susan Burga, Executive Director, Palm Beach/Treasure Coast 2-1-1, was present to accept the proclamation. 3.GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENTS Mr. Elker E. Harris, representing Ft. Pierce Magnet School of the Arts addressed the Board and requested assistance in funding a trip to Atlanta Georgia, April 19-22, 2007 for students who are unable to attend due to financial challenges. Com. Craft requested Mr. Harris contact his office to schedule an appointment to discuss assisting the students. Com. Smith also advised Mr. Harris he too would like to assist in making this trip possible for those students who are not financially able to attend. Com. Coward suggested contacting Cultural Affairs for a possible mini grant. Mr. Harris thanked the Board. Mr. Dennis Murphy, representing the Florida Conservancy Group addressed the Board and requested the Board schedule a workshop to discuss sending and receiving areas sometime in March. 4.CONSENT AGENDA It was moved by Com. Coward, seconded by Com. Smith to approve the Consent Agenda as amended, placing item C5-D on the regular agenda as item # 8 and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. 1 1.WARRANT LIST The Board approved Warrant List No. 19. 2.COUNTY ATTORNEY A.Revocable License Agreement- Oceanhouses at Southpointe Association-Blue Heron Blvd.- The Board approved the Revocable License Agreement, authorized the Chairman to sign the Revocable License Agreement and directed Oceanhouses at Southpointe Association to record the document in the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. B.Permission to Advertise- Ordinance No. 07-009 Off Road Vehicles- The Board approved advertising Ordinance No.07-009 for public hearing before the BOCC on March 6, 2007 beginning at 6:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as it may be heard. C.Extension of Declaration of State of Local Emergency- Indian River Drive The Board approved the Declaration and authorized the Public Safety Director to sign the Declaration. 3.PUBLIC SAFETY A.Request to approve the repairs of two generators being housed at the Emergency Operations center in the amount of $5,000.- The Board approved the repairs of the two generators in the amount of $5,000 also approved and signed Budget Amendment BA07-033. B.Request to approve purchase- The Board approved the request to purchase 3 remote site controllers and two console positions for the 800 MHz radio system in the amount of $27,000. , also approved and signed Budget Amendment # BA 07-038, and Equipment Request # 07-307. C.Professional Services Agreement with the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council- The Provision of Incident Command System and Response to Terrorism Training- The Board approved The Professional Services Agreement with the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council. D.Heartstart FRx Defibrillator- Approve Budget Amendment BA 07-037 and Equipment Request EQ07-306 in the amount of $1290.00.- The Board approved BA 07-037 and EQ 07-306 in the amount of $1,290.00. E.MSAT –G2 Satellite Telephone 2/way Radio- Approve Budget Amendment BA 07-040 and EQ 07-308 in the amount of $ 6,690.00.- The Board approved BA 07-040 and EQ 07-308. F.State of Florida, Domestic Security Federally Funded sub Grant Agreement No. 07DS-5N-01-66-01-336- approve Budget Resolution No, 07-064 in the amount of $41,944.00- The Board approved Budget Resolution No. 07-064 in the amount of $41,944.00 to recognize funds that were not anticipated during the adopting of the 2006-2007 budget. 4.PUBLIC WORKS A.Code Compliance Division – Request by Code enforcement to notify the BOCC of the condition of the property located at 5030 Edwards Road, Ft. Pierce, Florida an Open/Unsafe building with excessive overgrowth, junk, trash and debris- The Board approved staff monitoring this property and to proceed with liens against the property. Staff will also post the property as not to be habitable. 2 B.Engineering Division – Airport Industrial Park MSBU- Sanitary Sewer Improvements - The Board approved Work Authorization No. 1 to the Agreement for Continuing Engineering Services with Camp, Dresser & McKee in the amount of $35,360.00 to provide assessment services and authorized the Chairman to execute the Work Authorization.. C. Acceptance of Budget Resolution No. 07-060- The Board accepted Budget Resolution No. 07-060 in the amount of $267,000 for the second of three installments from FIND for the Taylor Creek/C25 Dredging and Restoration project. D. Request for Board approval of JPA with SFWMD for $250,000 for Lakewood Park/Resolution No. 07-059- The Board approved the attached JPA in the amount of $250,000 for Lakewood Park Canal Control Structures-Stormwater Drainage and Water Quality Improvement project and approved the Chairman to sign and also approved Resolution No. 07-059. E. Engineering Division- Change Order No. 5 to the contract with Dickerson, Fla- The Board approved Change Order No. 5 to the contract with Dickerson, Fla. th for SR 615 S. 25 Roadway widening (Midway-Edwards Road) for additional services, to modify project quantities in the construction plans and an additional 39 days. The Chairman was authorized to sign. F. Engineering Division- First Amendment to Work Authorization No. 4 to the contract with Inwood Consulting Engineers, Inc., for Professional Engineering Services Roadway and Intersection Design for the Avenue J Pedestrian Bridge Project in the amount of $10,770.48.- The Board approved Work Authorization No. 4 and authorized the Chairman to sign. G. Engineering Division- Work Authorization No. 11 to the Consultant Agreement (C04-11-622) for Coastal Engineering Services with Taylor Engineering for Indian River Drive Revetment Repair/Replacement Feasibility Study in the amount of $46,298 and signature of Chairman- The Board approved Work Authorization No. 11 and authorized the Chairman to sign. H. Approval of the Sovereign Submerged Lands easement with FDEP for the Ft. Pierce Beach project.- The Board approved the draft of the Sovereign Submerged Lands easement with FDEP contingent upon Review and approval of the final easement by the County Attorney and execution of said easement by the Chairman. I.Engineering Division- Engineering Division- Airport Industrial Park MSBU- Sanitary Sewer Improvements- Work Authorization No. 1 to the Agreement for continuing engineering services with Inwood Consulting Engineer, in the amount of $74,419.00 to provide a revision to the original sewer system design.- The Board approved Work Authorization No. 1 to the Agreement with Inwood Consulting Engineers, in the amount of $74,410.00 and authorized the Chairman to execute the Work Authorization. J. Road and Bridge- Approval of Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $179,382.50 to complete the Lakehurst Ditch Canal Embankment Restoration project - The Board approved Change Order No. 1 In the amount . 5.MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET A.Budget Amendment No. BA 07-030- The Board approved Budget Amendment BA 07-030 transferring funds to cover General Fund purchase order for the County Extension office that were rolled over from Fiscal Year 2006. 3 B.Alcohol and Drug Abuse Mini-Grant Awards - The Board approved the awards of grant funds as stated on Exhibit A changing the procedures to state stst the grant award date this year to March 1 instead of January 1 and authorizing the County Attorney office to draw up the appropriate contracts for the Chairman’s signature. C.Approval of salary increases related to Code Compliance certifications- The Board approved the salary increases related to Code Compliance certifications. D.This item was re- number to number 8 on the regular agenda. E.Request to approve Budget Resolution No. 07-062 to amend Budget Resolution 06-377 due to a Scrivener Error- The Board approved Budget Resolution 06-377. F.Due to a scrivener error in the placement of funds and total appropriation, it is necessary to amend Resolution No. 06-337- The Board approved adopting Resolution No. 06-337 to establish a budget for fiscal year 2007 for the unanticipated revenue of $454,232 and to reverse the original resolution for fiscal year 2006. 6.PURCHASING A.Request permission to advertise an Invitation to Bid- The Board granted permission to advertise an Invitation to Bid for the replacement of the air conditioning systems at the Roger Poitras Administration Building and the chiller plant. B.Request approval of Emergency Bid Waiver to purchase cabling for the new Clerk of Court Building from Communication Integrators, Inc.- The Board approved the Emergency Bid Waiver to purchase cabling for the new Clerk of Court building from Communications Integrators, Inc. for $91,084.20. C.Second Amendment to Contract C06-03-164- with Clear Channel Radio for Radio Advertising Services – Solid Waste Department. - The Board approved the second amendment to contract C06-03-164 with Clear Channel exercising the first renewal option and authorized the Chairman to sign the amendment as prepared by the County Attorney. 7.GROWTH MANAGEMENT A.Request of D.R. Horton Inc., for final plat approval for project known as Creekside Plat No. 2 The Board approved the final plat for the project known as Creekside- Plat No. 2. B.Request of Michael and Roberts West, for final plat approval for the project known as Howard’s Twenty- The Board approved the final plat to Howard’s Twenty and authorized it’s execution. 8.AGRICULLTURE Budget Amendment No. BA 07-034 moving funds from account 001423-3715-582000- 300 to account 001423-3715-564000-300 for the purchase of equipment in Grant contract C06-10-561- The Board approved Budget Amendment BA 07-034. 9.ADMINISTRATION A.Army Corps Maintenance Dredging of Port of Ft. Pierce Inlet and Turning Basin- The Board directed staff to contract the Army Corps of Engineers requesting assistance in maintenance dredging of the Port of Ft. Pierce inlet and turning basin to maintain the 28 foot allowed maximum depth.. 4 B.Skateboard Park Committee at large student appointment- The Board ratified the appointment of Blaze Walsh to the Skateboard Park Committee to fill the at large student vacancy. C.Sustainability Advisory Ad Hoc Committee- The Board ratified Com. Coward’s appointment of Dr. Bobbi Conti to the Sustainability Advisory Ad Hoc Committee. 10.AIRPORT Request for Acceptance of Conditions from the FAA for the Release of Airport Property Required by FDOT for Right of Way on Kings Highway for the Airport West Commerce Park- The Board approved authorizing the County Attorney to review and accept the conditions of the FAA release of Row property at the Airport West Commerce Park and sign the form to return to the FAA. 11.CENTRAL SERVICES David Brooks Enterprises Inc., Contract No. C05-12-636- Construction of New Clerk of Court Building Change Order No. 9- The Board approved Change Order No. 9 to C# 05- 12-636, David Brooks Enterprises, to incorporate changes to the contract for a combined cost of $115,198.00 (reducing the project contingency allowance $115,198.00) increasing the Owner Direct Purchase Order Allowance by $800,000.00 (established in Contract C05-12-636) and to extend the contract time fourteen days changing the date of substantial completion to October 30, 2007. The Board further authorized the Chair to sign the Change Order as prepared by the County Attorney. 12.ENVIRONMENTAL Budget Resolution No. 07-055 - The Board approved Budget Resolution No. 07-055 to accept $2,041 from the Florida Wildflower Foundation, Inc., to plant native plants at Pepper Park. 13.GRANTS A.Request to DEP- The Board authorized the submittal of the request to the DEP to modify the boundary of the Indian River Lagoon Blueway Project. The Board also authorized increasing the acreage that potentially could be acquired from HBOI from 220 acres to 253 acres and authorized the addition of two parcels (Dennis 1405-423-0000-0005 acres and Riverside 1405-432- 0000-0003) that are not owned by HBOI to the Florida Forever project. B.Submittal of grant application to Florida Division of Emergency Management – The Board approved the submittal of a grant application in an amount not to exceed $25,000 to be utilized to continue the development of a Community Emergency Response Team. The Board also authorized the acceptance of the grant if it is approved for funding. 14.COMMUNITY SERVICES Permission to advertise a Request for Qualifications- The Board approved advertising a Request for Qualifications for Construction Contractors for rehabilitation of homes under the State Housing Initiative Partnership SHIP and other County housing assistance programs and authorized the Chairman to sign the necessary documents. 15.METOPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION Budget Resolution No. 07-066- The Board approved Resolution No. 07-066 to recognize the reimbursements made by Martin County for 50% of the total cost of the Renaissance Planning Group contract C04-12-652 in the amount of $66,934.50 for 06/07 Fiscal Year. 5 REGULAR AGENDA 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS None scheduled. 6.COUNTY ATTORNEY (0:14:54) Resolution No. 07-056 Amending Resolution No. 86-195 (which designated a speed limit of thirty five miles per hour on the paved portions of Rock Road, Picos Road, and Campbell Road; and further designated stop signs be installed at the intersections of Picos Road ad Campbell Road making both Picos and Campbell stop streets at said intersection) by amending the speed limit on Rock Road to twenty five miles per hour from the intersection of Orange Avenue North to the end of the pavement at the St. Lucie County Jail- Consider staff recommendation to adopt Resolution No. 07-056 as drafted. It was moved by com. Lewis, seconded by Com. Smith to adopt Resolution No. 07-056, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. 7.COUNTY ATTORNEY Resolution No. 07-068- Supplemental Resolution awarding the $16 million Special Assessment Improvement Bond, Series 2007 (Indian River Estates MSBU)- Consider staff recommendation to adopt Resolution No. 07-068 and authorize the Chairman to sign. It was moved by Com. Smith, seconded by Com. Lewis, to approve Resolution No. 07- 068, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. 8.MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET Adopt Resolution 07-061 to establish the budget for Indian River Estates MSBU loan- Consider staff recommendation to adopt Budget Resolution No. 07-061 to establish budget for fiscal year 2007 for the Project Budget and Debt Service funds. It was moved by Com. Lewis, seconded by Com. Coward to approve staff recommendation, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. OTHER BUSINESS The Chairman advised everyone the TDR workshop was cancelled and would be re- scheduled. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned. ___________________________ Chairman __________________________ Clerk of Circuit Courts 6