HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOCC Minutes 05-08-2007
Date: May 8, 2007 Convened: 9:00 a.m.
Adjourned: 10:10 a.m.
Commissioners Present: Chairman, Chris Craft, Joseph Smith, Paula A. Lewis, Doug
Coward, Charles Grande
Others Present: Doug Anderson, County Administrator, Ray Wazny, Asst. County
Administrator, Faye Outlaw, Asst. County Administrator, Dan McIntyre, County
Attorney, Don West, Public Works Director, Debra Brisson, Parks and Rec. Director,
Lauri Case, Utilities Director, Neil Appel, Purchasing Director, Diana Lewis, Airport
Director, Vanessa Bessey, Environmental Resources Director, Beth Ryder, Community
Services Director, Marie Gouin, M & B Director, Jim David, Mosquito Control Director,
Millie Delgado-Feliciano, Deputy Clerk
It was moved by Com. Grande, seconded by Com. Lewis, to approve the minutes of the
meeting held May 1, 2007, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
A.The Board received the results of the September 20, 2006 Audit by Berger,
Toombs & Gaines.
B.Resolution No. 07-173- Proclaiming May 10, 2007 as ”LUPUS DAY” IN St.
Lucie County, Florida.- This item was moved to the Consent Agenda.
C.Presentation of the Annual Report of the Workforce Development Board of
the Treasure Coast by Gwenda L. Thompson, President, CEO.
Ms. Gayle Karcharna, resident of Savanna Club, addressed the Board in opposition to the
scheduling of the Lennard Road Public Hearing. She indicated the project would cause a
serious impact on the community. She also requested the Board consider scheduling the
public hearing after October 1, 2007 when the winter residents are here.
Mr. Rick Rikinis, addressed the Board with regard to the Com Plan Amendment process
and the transition area issues. He stated he would like more discussion on this issue and
requested the Board consider scheduling a public workshop in the future.
Com. Coward recommended this issue be placed on the agenda at a future informal
Board member workshop to discuss the issue in more detail.
It was the consensus of the Board to direct staff to schedule this item for discussion at an
informal workshop.
Mr. Jim Marquet, Savanna Club resident, addressed his concerns on the impact the
Lennard Road extension would have on its elderly residents in Savanna Club and
concurred that the public hearing should be scheduled when all constituents are able to be
It was moved by Com. Coward, seconded by Com. Grande, to approve the Consent
Agenda with item 2A (added to the approval and items C12- A,B,C deleted), and; upon
roll call motion carried unanimously.
The Board approved Warrant List No. 31.
A.Extension of Declaration of State of Local Emergency- Indian River Drive-
The Board approved the Declaration and authorized the Public Safety Director
to sign the Declaration.
B.Capron Trails Mine- Surety Bond- The Board approved accepting the new
$473,243.34 Surety Bond from Dickerson, Florida, Inc.,
C.Resolution No. 07-172 Extending the Local Emergency- Ban on Open Air
Burning in St. Lucie County- The Board approved Resolution No. 07-172
D.Isabella Access- Agreement with Dickerson Florida, Inc., for Use as a Staging
Area for SR A-1-A Improvement Project- The Board approved the proposed
E.Facilities Use Agreement- Treasure coast Food Bank, Inc.- Subject to the
County closing on the Sam’s Club site,- The Board approved the Facilities
Use Agreement and authorized the Chairman to sign the agreement.
F.Florida communities Trust- Hackberry Hammock/FCT Project 05-069 FFS-
Option Agreement for Sale and Purchase- Corner- Tax I.D. 3229-341-0002-
000-4- The Board approved the Option Agreement for Sale and Purchase of
the corner parcel for $540,000 as shown and authorized the Chairman to
execute the Agreement and directed staff to close the transaction and record
the documents in the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida.
G.South 25 St. Roadway Widening Midway Road to Edwards Road-
Temporary Construction Easement- Engler- Tax I.D. No. 2429-441-0003 -
000-9 – The Board approved accepting the Temporary Construction
Easement, authorized the Chairman to sign Resolution No. 07-178 and
directed staff to record the Temporary Construction Easement in the Public
Records of St. Lucie County, Florida.
H.Resolution No. 07-180 Urging the Florida Legislature to Oppose House Bill
7033 and House Bill 985 which privatized toll roads- The Board approved
adopting Resolution No. 07-180.
A.Budget Resolution No. 07-165 recognizing revenue from insurance, the
Federal Emergency Management Agency, and the State for hurricane related
expenses- The Board approved Resolution No. 07-165 .
B.Resolution No. 07-169 to establish budget for the Transportation Revenue
Bonds- The Board approved Resolution No. 07-169.
C.Request to approve Budget Resolution No. 07-176- The Board approved
Budget Resolution No. 07-176.
A.Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity- The Board approved the
renewal of All County Ambulance, Class B & F CON as per the
recommendation of the Emergency Medical Services Advisory Committee.
B.Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity- The Board approved the
renewal of St. Lucie County Fire District for a Class A CON per the
recommendation of the Emergency Medical Services Advisory Committee.
C.Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity- The Board approved the
renewal of Port St. Lucie Volunteer Ambulance Class B CON as per the
recommendation of the Emergency Medical Services Advisory Committee.
D.Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity - The Board approved the
renewal of Community Transit Class F CON as per the recommendation of
the Emergency Medical Services Advisory Committee.
A.Request Board approval of the following short listed firms and permission to
conduct oral presentations to ran the short listed firms for fee and contract
negotiations from RFA # 07-042 Construction Management Services
Continuing Contracts.
Firm List
Inwood Consulting Inc.
Stanley Consultants, Inc.
LBFH, Inc.
TBE Group, Inc.
Keith & Schnars
The Board approved the above listed short listed firms and authorized
conducting oral presentations to rank the short listed firms for fee and contract
negotiations from RFQ 07-042, Construction Management Services
Continuing Contracts.
B.Request Board approval of the following short listed firms and permission to
conduct oral presentations to rank the short listed firms for fee and contract
negotiations from RFQ # 07-046, Roadway Intersection Design Services
Continuing Contracts.
Firm List
Kimley-Horn Wantman Group, Inc.
Inwood Consulting, Inc. Stanley, Inc.
Miller Legg Keith & Schnars
Arcadis Metric Engineering Inc. H.W. Lochner, Inc.
The Board approved the short listed firms and authorized conducting oral
presentations to rank the short listed firms for fee and contract negotiations
from RFQ 07-046.
C.Rejection of proposal received from Treasure Coast Fasteners for RFP # 07-
034, Real Property Lease for 3104-3106 Industrial Avenue 3 Ft. Pierce, Fla.,
and permission to re-issue- The Board approved rejecting the leasing
proposal received for RFP # 07-034 from Treasure Coast Fasteners because
the response did not meet the requirements of the RFP and approved re-
issuing the RFP after completing another appraisal.
D.Rejection of all Bids for ITB # 07-022, Indian River Estates Stormwater
Improvements Phase 1 Pump Station- The Board approved Rejecting all bids
for ITB # 07-022 because they exceeded the project budget.
E.Rejection of all Bids for ITB # 07-033 Structured Cabling system for the
Clerk of the Courts Facility- The Board approved rejecting all bids for ITB #
07-033 and re-bid this project because the responsive low bid exceeded the
project budget.
F.Fixed Asset Inventory Property Record Removal- St Lucie County BOCC
departments- The Board authorized staff to remove the records from the fixed
asset inventory of the BOCC.
G.Fixed Asset Inventory /Sealed Bid Inventory- The Board approved removing
the following fixed asset inventory from the County Fixed Asset Property
Records and dispose through a sealed bid process.
H.Fixed Assed Inventory Property Record Removal- St. Lucie County Health
Department- The Board authorized staff to remove the attached records from
the fixed asset inventory of the Board of County Commissioners.
I.First Amendment to Contract C06-05-290 with Dickerson Florida and C06-
05-293 with Ranger Construction Industries- The Board approved the first
amendments to the stated contracts and authorized the chairman to sign the
amendments as prepared by the County Attorney.
J.First Amendment to Contract C06-10-672- The Board approved the first
amendments to contract C06-10-672 with Tarheel Specialities, Inc., for
enhanced Swale Maintenance and authorized the Chairman to sign the
amendment as prepared by the County Attorney.
K.Assignment of Contract C05-06-313- from UAP Timberland LLC to UAP
Distribution Inc., - The Board approved the Assignment of Contract from
UAP Timberland LLC to UAP Distribution Inc., and authorized the Chairman
to sign the assignment as prepared by the County Attorney.
Request for approval of the First Amendment to Work Authorization No. 13 for Limited
Design, Permitting Services and Resident Project Representative Services for the Airport
West Commerce Park extending the time to complete the task from October 5, 2006 to
July 31, 2007 with no change in cost- The Board approved PBS&J’s First Amendment to
Work Authorization No. 13 to extend the time for this project at no additional cost and
authorized the Chairman or designee to execute same.
Request of Oakbridge Development LLC for final plat approval for the project to be
known as Oakbridge Subdivision- The Board approved the final plat of Oakbridge
Subdivision and authorized its final execution.
A.Road and Bridge Division- Allow PR # 40-4544 and PR#40-4545 to be
placed in the Indian River County Auction being held on may 19, 2007 by
Karlin Daniel & Associates and all funds collected be placed in the
Transportation Trust Fund - The Board approved allowing PR# 40-4544 and
PR# 40-4545 to be placed in the Indian River Auction being held on May 19,
2007 by Karlin Daniel & Associates and all funds collected be placed in the
Transportation Trust Fund.
B.Engineering Division – First Amendment to the Agreement with H.W.
Lochner, Inc., for Professional Engineering Services for the Four- Laning of
Midway Road from East of the Turnpike Bridge to South 25 Street.
Additional design will be incorporated into the current schedule. No
additional time will be necessary. The Board approved the First Amendment
to the Agreement with H.W. Lochner, Inc., in the amount of $188,052.04 for
additional work associated with Canal 103 related to the design for the Four
Laning of Midway Road from east of the Turnpike bridge to South 25 Street
and authorized the Chairman to sign.
C.Engineering Division- Indian River Drive- Repair of the remaining punch list
items on the South Indian River Drive Project- The Board authorized the
County Administrator having authority to approve compensation to
homeowners along Indian River Drive for Hubbard Construction’s South
Project punch list items.
A.Revised Equipment Request 07-152 The Board approved the revision of
Equipment Request No. 07-152 for the purchase of two Funbrellas for the
Paradise Park Pool, increasing the dollar amount from $6000 to $6283.
B.Approval to advertise for Request for Proposals – Lawnwood Skate Park
Naming Rights/Approval to see Lawnwood Skate Park element sponsorships-
The Board approved the request to advertise for Lawnwood Skate Park
Naming Rights proposals the Board authorized seeking Lawnwood Skate Park
element sponsorships and approval of the sponsorship agreement as drafted by
the County Attorney.
C.Fairwinds Concession Amendment to Agreement- Julius Management Group-
Contract # C02-08-161 – The Board approved the amendment to the
agreement between the County and Julius Management Group/Contract #
C02-08-616 as drafted by the County Attorney and authorized the Chairman
to sign.
A.CPL Systems, Inc.- Landfill Gas Processing Systems- The Board approved
the contract with CPL Systems to perform operations and maintenance
services on the Landfill Gas Processing Equipment currently installed and
operational at St Lucie County
Solid Waste for a monthly fixed fee of $7,200 per month to process O to
15,000 million British Thermal Unit month of Landfill Gas and a monthly
incentive fee of $0.17/MMBYU to process and or deliver each
MMBTU/month of LFG above and beyond the initial 15,000
MMBTU/month. All Costs incurred under this contract are shared 50/50 with
the existing contract between St. Lucie County and Tropicana.
B.The Board approved the After the Fact emergency repair to the tipping floor
by TUFCO Industrial Flooring, Inc., in the amount $89,280 and authorized the
Chairman to execute the contract.
C.Surplus Equipment- The Board approved taking surplus equipment off our
property records and place them out for a sealed bid. 1-1996 and 1-1998
D25D Dump Trucks Property Records # 50-0553 and #50-0609, 1- 1993 D25
D Water Truck Property Record # 50-0131, 1-1991 Fuel Truck Property
Record # 50-0105, 1-1997 Gator Property Record # 50-0597 and 1-1998
Gator Property Record # 50-0604. Staff also approved the transfer of the 2-
D25D (PR# 50-0553 and #50-0609 dump trucks from Road and Bridge to
Solid Waste.
Approve Interlocal Agreement for Contribution/School Board/Dan McCarty Middle
School- The Board approved the Interlocal Agreement for Contribution between the
County and the School Board for parking area improvements at the Dan McCarty Middle
School track as drafted by the School Board’s Attorney and reviewed by the County
Attorney, and authorized the Chairman to sign.
A.David Brook Enterprises Inc.,- Change Order No. 11- This item was pulled.
B.David Brooks Enterprises Inc., Amendment No. 2 - This item was pulled
C.Edlund Dritenbas Binkley Architects Second Amendment to September 1, 2003
Agreement- This item was pulled.
Resolution No. 07-110 amending Resolution No. 06-209 by subdividing Election
Precinct 22 and creating Election Precinct 66 and further by changing the polling
locations for Election Precincts 25, 43, 64 and 86- The Board adopted Resolution No.
07-110 as drafted.
Item 2-A Resolution No. 07-173 Proclaiming May 10, 2007 as “LUPUS DAY” in
St. Lucie County, Florida - The Board approved Resolution No. 07-173.
5.No public hearings scheduled
Scheduling of the Lennard Road PD&E Public Hearing- Staff is requesting the Board’s
guidance on the appropriate time of year to schedule the Lennard Road PD&E Public
The County Engineer gave an overview of the project and stated the following
background information.
“ Staff has been working on the Lennard Road Project Development and Environment
(PD&E) study for several years. All of our studies are completed. They have been
reviewed and approved by our partners in the Florida Department of Transportation and
the Federal Highway Administration. We are permitted to finally schedule the long-
awaited Public hearing wherein we will present our findings and recommendations to the
public. The Public Hearing is also the appropriate forum for citizens to express their
support or objections to our work effort and our project.
The transcript of the Public Hearing including all comments, both written and oral, is to
be forwarded to FDOT and FHWA for final review and approval. With this final
approval, our FHWA/FDOT financial assistance remains intact and we receive
permission to proceed to construction-level design and permitting. Board approval is
also required in order to proceed with the final design effort. I anticipate that this effort
will take approximately two years.
Staff is requesting the Board’s guidance on when to proceed to the Lennard Road PD&E
Public Hearing.
Ms. Kathy Thorton, President of the Homeowners Association/Savanna Club, addressed
the Board on behalf of the homeowners and stated in the past the residents have had a lot
on input, however the residents would like to continue to be part of this issue and have
the opportunity to express their concerns.
Ms. Margaret Ubank, Savanna Club resident, addressed the Board and stated the part-
time residents would like to have the opportunity to express their concerns.
Mr. Jerry LeBelavo, Savanna Club questioned if the Lennard Road project was proposed
to take pressure off of U.S. Highway 1.
Mr. LeBelavo was informed this was the purpose of the proposed project.
Com. Smith stated he support moving ahead with the project as soon as possible due to
the fact this project has been lingering for 6 years. He felt with 60% of the area residents
present all year, this would be enough to move forward with the public hearing as soon as
Com. Coward stated the roadway has been in the Comp Plan prior to any residents
moving into the development or the community. He has heard their views prior and
disagrees with their conclusion that this roadway should not be built. He would like to
see the scheduling of the public hearing move forward.
Com. Lewis stated she has been familiar with the issue prior to her taking office as a
County Commissioner and felt they had been talking about the issue for some time and it
should move forward to a public hearing.
Com. Craft stated the County has spent time, effort and dollars into the project and he too
would like to move forward with the scheduling of the public hearing.
It was the consensus of the Board to direct staff to move as quickly as possible and
schedule the PD&E Public Hearing.
Letter authorizing the termination of the Lease with the Port St. Lucie Yacht Club-
Consider staff recommendation to authorize the Chairman to sign a letter as drafted by
the County Attorney’s office terminating the Agreement with the Port St. Lucie Yacht
Mr. Fred Vanvono, Attorney representing the Yacht Club members, addressed the Board
and requested discussion on the public interest lease. He requested the Board defer the
final decision on this issue and give the members an opportunity to discuss this issue.
Mr. John (unintelligible last name) , past Commodore of the Club addressed the Board
with regard to the insurance discussion held each year with staff. He does not believe the
club was in violation of the agreement at any time.
The County Attorney stated the county purchased the property through the Trust of
Public Lands and the lease was inherited at that time by the county. Due to the fire
destroying the building, he recommended moving forward and terminating the lease.
Com. Craft stated he felt since it is not known whether or not the building would be
rebuilt, it would be more prudent to terminate the lease.
Com. Coward stated he looked forward to the day when they could reopen the facility for
a broader public use out of it. At this time the County does not have the financial
resources at this time to rebuild it.
It was moved by Com. Smith, seconded by Com. Lewis, to approve staff
recommendation, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
Com. Smith recommended notifying all those who hold leases about the fire insurance
requirements and obligations so that this would not happen again in the future.
Com. Grande questioned the insurance funds received.
The County Administrator advised the Board they had received a check from the club but
it had expired. The County received it’s own check from the insurance company and
they presently have $170,000.
Sam’s Club - For consideration before the Board was the addendum for Board approval
with regards to the closing of the property (Sams Club site) on Thursday, May 10, 2007.
This addendum reflects the necessary clean up of a part of the property that will be
cleaned up by the seller and holds funds in escrow in case the seller does not clean up the
contaminated area.
It was moved by Com. Lewis, seconded by Com. Coward to approve the addendum
allowing the County to close on Thursday, and; upon roll call, motion carried
There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was
Clerk of the Circuit Court