HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOCC Minutes 06-26-2007 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA REGULAR MEETING Date: June 26, 2007 Convened: 9:00 a.m. Adjourned: 12:45 p.m. Commissioners Present: Chairman, Chris Craft, Joseph Smith, Doug Coward, Paula A. Lewis, Charles Grande Others Present: Doug Anderson, County Administrator, Ray Wazny, Asst . County Administrator, Faye Outlaw, Asst. County Administrator, Dan McIntyre, County Attorney, Michael Brillhart, Eco. & Strategic Development Director, Debra Brisson, Park and Rec. Director, Don West, Public Works Director, Lauri Case, Utilities Director, Beth Ryder, Community Services Director, Marie Gouin, M & B Director, Jim David, Mosquito Control Director, Neil Appel, Purchasing Director, Diana Lewis, Airport Director, Roger Shinn, Central Services Director, Dennis Wetzel, IT Director, Jeff Furst, Property Appraiser, Richard Bouchard, Erosion Manager, Vanessa Bessey Environmental Resources Director, Millie Delgado-Feliciano, Deputy Clerk 1.MINUTES ( 02:19:01) It was moved by Com. Grande, seconded by Com. Smith, to approve the minutes of the meeting held June 19, 2007, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. 2.PROCLAMATIONS/PRESENTATIONS A.Resolution No. 07-206 Proclaiming June 29, 2007 as “Clean Beaches Week” in St. Lucie County, Florida. It was moved by Com. Lewis, seconded by Com. Smith to approve Resolution No. 07- 206, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. B.Resolution No 07-207 – Proclaiming the month of July 2007 as “Recreation and Parks Month” in St. Lucie County, Florida. It was moved by Com. Smith, seconded by Com. Grande, to approve Resolution No. 07- 207, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. C.Resolution No. 07-210- Proclaiming the week of June 25, 2007 as “St. Lucie County Firefighter Appreciation Week” in St. Lucie County, Florida. It was moved by Com. Coward, seconded by Com. Grande, to approve Resolution No. 07-210, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. D.Workforce Housing Task Force Presentation- Consider staff recommendation to move forward with the Workforce Housing Task Force recommendations and authorize the Chairman to sign all necessary documents. No action taken. 3.GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENTS Ms. Judy Keaton, St. Lucie Fair Association, presented the Board with their first installment of $10,000 towards their $50,000 contribution. 1 Mr. Jay Luceda, Youth Conservation Corps addressed the Board’s question with regard to item 4-H. He advised the Board of the benefits of the program with today’s troubled youth and young adults. They provide employment experience and encourage school drop outs to obtain their GED’s. 4.CONSENT AGENDA It was moved by Com. Lewis, seconded by Com. Grande, to approve the Consent Agenda to include the Addition of CA-1 and item C4-C pulled, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. 1.WARRANTS The Board approved Warrant List No. 38. 2.COUNTY ATTORNEY A.Perpetual Conservation Easement- Round Island Plantation, LLC- Resolution No. 07-209- The Board accepted the Perpetual Conservation Easement, authorized the Chairman to sign Resolution No. 07-209 and directed staff to record the documents in the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. B.First Amendment to Lease from Peacock University, LLC for Guardian Ad Litem Program- The Board approved the First Amendment to the Lease and authorized the Chairman to sign. C.Permission to Advertise – Ordinance No, 07-016 Amending Occupational License Fees to change the Name to Business Tax and Increase Fees by 5% Pursuant to Section 205.0535, Florida Statutes- The Board granted permission to advertise proposed Ordinance No. 07-016 for public hearings on August 7, 2007 at 6:00 p.m. and September 4, 2007 at 6:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as it may be heard. 3.PUBLIC SAFETY A.Commercial Wireless Router System- The Board approved Budget Amendment BA 07-061 and Equipment Request EQ07-339 in the amount of $6,832.00. B.Professional Services Agreement with Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council- The Provision of Technical Assistance for the 2006 Homeland Security Grant Program- The Board approved the Professional Services Agreement with the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council. 4.PUBLIC WORKS A.Building and Zoning Division- Request the Board of County Commissioners give permission to advertise for a public hearing on August 14, 2007 to declare the structure at 7909 Paso Robles Blvd., Ft. Pierce Fla., an unsafe building- The Board approved advertising the Public Hearing. B.Approval for Change Order No. 1 for Sheltra & Son- The Board approved Change Order No. 1 for Sheltra & Son Construction inc., for Taylor Creek Spoil Site Removal in the amount of $121,392.00. C.Engineering Division- Airport Industrial Park MSBU- this item was pulled. D.Engineering Division- Amendment No. 12 to the Consultant Agreement with Inwood Consulting Engineers to provide post –design consulting services related to construction as needed through December 31, 2008 for the S. 25th St., Roadway Widening Project.- The Board approved Amendment No. 12 2 with Inwood Consulting Engineers in an amount not to exceed $50,000 and authorized the Chairman to sign. E.Engineering Division- Amendment No 2 to JPA ANX -76 with FDOT for Hurricane Jeanne Repairs- This modification removes $2,865,664.88 in unneeded funding from the agreement and redistributes funding for under- budgeted project, so that they are fully funded- The Board approved Amendment No. 2. F.Engineering Division- Acceptance of a reimbursement agreement for $1,081,502.00 from the Florida Department of Transportation for the recovery effort from Hurricane Wilma’s debris removal washouts and bridge, Resolution No. 07-039- The Board approved accepting the reimbursement agreement for $1,081,502.00 from the FDOT for the recovery effort from Hurricane Wilma’s debris removal, washouts and bridge repairs and approve Resolution No, 07-039 authorizing execution of the JPA and authorized the Chairman to sign. G.Engineering Division- Accept the project, release retainage and make final payment in the amount of $84,345.33 to Atlantic Skanska, Inc. for the Gordy Road Recreation Area- The Board accepted the project, released retainage and approve making final payment to Atlantic Skanska, Inc., in the amount of $84, 354.33. H.Road and Bridge Division- The Board approved a Bid Waiver and awarded a contract to Florida Youth Conservation Corps to repair/replace guardrail on Orange Avenue in the amount not to exceed $190,000. 5.PARKS AND RECREATION A.Addendum to Concession Lease Agreement C06-04-447/Lakewood Park Regional Park- The Board approved the addition of the Lakewood Park Regional site to Concession Lease Agreement C06-04-447 approved the revised procedure and contract language in ARTICLE 2-2.01, approved the amended Concession Lease Agreement as drafted by the County Attorney and authorized the Chairman to sign. B.Addendum to Concession Lease Agreement C05-08-447/South County Stadium- The Board approved the amendment to Agreement No. C05-08-447 extending the term through September 16, 2008, approved the revised procedure and contract language in ARTICLE 2-2.01, approved the amended Concession Lease Agreement as drafted by the County Attorney and authorized the Chairman to sign. C.Approve Amendment to Lawnwood Recreation Area, PH.II FRDAP Project # F07109 Agreement F7109- The Board approved the Amendment to Phase II improvements funded by a Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program Grant. D.Lawnwood Complex Skate Park Donation Acceptance- The Board approved accepting the $150.00 donation from Spunky’s Surf Shop for the Lawnwood Skate Park project. E.Waiver of fees/Ft. Pierce Main Street – The Board approved the wavier of fees for Ft. Pierce Main Street for use of Veterans Park to host a Fourth of July festival and also approved the sale and consumption of alcohol as part of the event. 6.SHERIFF’S OFFICE- 3 Request for authorization to submit an electronic application for the State Criminal Alien Grant 2007- The Board approved the electronic submission of the 2007 State Criminal Alien Grant application, and authorized the County Administrator to sign the application. 7.GRANTS Work Authorization No. 11- The Board approved Work Authorization No. 11 (Contract 05-04-190) with LBFH Inc., and the expenditure of $40,960 for boundary surveying and mapping services for the Heathcote project. 8.ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES A.Indian River Drive restoration project - Staff requests the Board approve Change Order No. 3 and final reducing contract amount by ($1,881,345.85) to $3,267,366.15 and reducing the contract quantities as listed and release the remaining 5% retainage- The Board approved Change Order No. 3 and final reducing the contract amount by $1,881,345.85 to $3,267,366.15 and reducing the contract quantities as listed. The Board also approved releasing the remaining 5% retainage in the amount of $163,543.31 and finalized the project. B.Request of applicants, SLC BOCC for an exemption from the requirements of Section 11.02.09 (A)(5) St. Lucie County Land Development Code, to prepare an Environmental Impact Report for the project to be known as the St. Lucie County Emergency Operations Center- The Board approved the request for the exemption and that no environmental impact report be required for this project. C.The Board approved submitting a funding application to the American Forests’ Global Releaf Program for $10,290 to assist in a $109,122 total project to plant 14,700 trees and 2,940 saw palmettos in 294 acres of improved pasture at the Bluefield Ranch Natural Area, and acceptance of the grant if awarded. Com. Coward commended staff on their efforts and submission of the application to the American Forests’ Global Releaf Program to assist in the project of planting 14,700 trees and 2,940 saw palmettos in 294 acres of improved pastures at the Bluefield Ranch Natural Area. 9.CENTRAL SERVICES Approval to use Central Services project reserves in the amount of $23,500 for the additional Architectural Services associated with the Courthouse Annex project and the Clerk of Court Building project;- The Board approved using Central Services project reserves in the amount of $23,500 for . Edlund Dritenbas Binkely Architects Amendment No. 2 to # C03-12-762 (Clerk of Court Renovation ) at $13,9500.00 Edlund Dritenbas Binkley Architects-Amendment No 1 to WA # 14 (#C05-05-248) Courthouse Annex) $9,550.00 and authorized the Chairman to sign the amendments as prepared by the County Attorney. 10.INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Budget Amendment No. 07-063 - The Board approved the request of Budget Amendment No. 07-063 to purchase the replacement Dell computer hardware from the State of Florida contract # 250-000-03-1, Micro Focus Cobol software license and 4 professional services provided by ACS Banner and Sirsi-Dynix Library for a total amount of $67,385.00. 11. PURCHASING A.Award of Invitation to Bid # 07-055- Customs and Border Protection Facility renovations at the St. Lucie County International Airport to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, T & G Constructors, Inc.,- The Board approved awarding Bid # 07-055 to T & G Constructors, Inc., for the amount of $76,000. B.Award of Invitation to Bid # 07-059, Signals Maintenance and Master Construction Contract to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, The Signal Group Inc.- The Board approved awarding Bid # 07-059 Signals Maintenance and Master Construction Contract to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, The Signal Group. C.Rejection of all Bids for ITB # 07-050, Construction of Administration Complex Chiller Plant, permission to re-bid the project and Sole Source Siemens Buildings Technologies, Inc., equipment for the administration Complex- The Board approved rejecting all Bids for ITB #07-050 Construction of the Administration Complex Chiller Plant and granted permission to re-bid the project and sole source Siemens Buildings Technologies, Inc., equipment and installation for the Administration Complex. 12. AIRPORT Request to allocate funds from the Equipment and Machinery over $1000 Budget to purchase a small batch incinerator, SMART ASH 110v INCINERATOR for $3,925 to meet new requirements for the burning of regulated garbage collected a the Customs and Border Protection Facility- The Board approved the request to use the money in the Equipment Capital Budget for the purchase of a small batch incinerator, the SMART ASH 100V INCINERATOR AT A COST OF $3,925. 13.COMMUNITY SERVICES A.The Board approved the Chairman signing the time extension for Florida Department of Transportation Joint Participation Agreement for the Urban Capital Transit Grant for an additional ninety days. B.The Board approved the extension of Contract No. C03-10-825 with Council on Aging of St. Lucie County Inc., to provide transportation services through and including June 30, 2009. 14.SOLID WASTE Change Order # 2 to the Contract with ERC General Contracting Services, Inc.- The Board approved Change Order No. 2 to the Contract with ERC General Contracting Services increasing the length of contract by 21 days with a new completion date of 4/11/2007 and increasing the Contract by $48,410 making the total Contract amount $4,590,100. The Board also approved the final pay #8 in the amount of $276,000 which will result in a zero balance. 15.CULTURAL AFFAIRS The Board authorized the Smithsonian to serve beer and wine at the St. Lucie County Marine Center for the evening of June 26, 2007. REGULAR AGENDA 5 5.A No public hearings scheduled 6. PUBLIC WORKS Navajo Avenue South MSBU Final Hearing- Public Water Improvements –FPUA- Consider staff recommendation to adopt Resolution No. 07-168 approving the Final Assessment Roll for the Navajo Avenue South Municipal Services Benefit Unit. It was moved by Com. Smith, seconded by Com. Grande, to approve Resolution No. 07- 168. and, upon roll call motion carried unanimously. 7. ADMINISTRATION Ethanol- 85 Fuel Letter of Intent- Consider staff recommendation to approve the attached Letter of Intent. It was moved by Com. Smith, seconded by Com. Coward, to approve the letter of intent, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. 8. PURCHASING Permission to Advertise a RFQ to Lease the Land, Design, Build and Operate the Development on the Harbour Pointe Property- Consider staff recommendation to approve advertising the RFQ. Com. Smith questioned the voluntary pre-submission conference was not made mandatory. He has a problem with mandatory vs. voluntary and would like to know how this would be handled from now on. Com. Coward stated there is a distinction between the contractors, for example he does not believe a company would approve flying someone from another state for something made mandatory when it was not necessary. He is comfortable with the recommendation. Com. Smith stated he would prefer moving towards some kind of consistency within the county government. Com. Grande advised the Board he would be voting in opposition to this item, he strongly believes submissions would not be as good as they should be if it were to be done in a more in a cooperative manner with those next door. How do you say no to someone who meets the criteria for the 20 acres and submits a proposal. Com. Lewis stated she is not proposing to vote against this and she has had misgivings about this recommendation from the beginning. Since there have been misgivings and it has been an issue for a long time and also sees no end in sight about the issue she will go along with it, but is reserving the right to not like what they get. Com. Coward stated they have not seen real plans brought forward in years, and since the main property owner has not reached any agreements with the private sector, the county or the city and in listening to the Harbor Advisory committee and the city of Ft. Pierce in their recommendation to creating bookends of good quality development he believes they will set the tone for development at the port. Com. Grande advised the Board due to the comments made by his fellow Board members, he would be changing his vote. Com. Coward recommended added language. The County Administrator recommended added language on page 13 sub-paragraph D; to read something to affect; “ the proposal must provide an interlink for the remainder of the 67 acres of the Port in conjunction with the Port Master Plan. 6 It was moved by Com. Coward, seconded by Com. Smith, to approve advertising the RFQ, (as amended) and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. UNAGENDAD ITEM The Property Appraiser addressed the Board with regard to the roll being submitted to the State. The taxable value has increased 4.46% and this includes real and personal property and also includes new construction. If you remove new construction which they always do for the roll back rate, it would be 1.466 billion. The roll would be down 1.64% or $300 million. His concern is the decline in ‘07’ the market is making a serious move. The market decline is significant and also new construction. The decline is more serious than what they have previously looked at. The county has an affordability problem. 9. COUNTY ATTORNEY Local Option Gas Tax Division for Proceeds beginning September 1, 2007- Staff recommends the Board of County Commissioners determine whether to approve the annual re-determination set out in the attached memorandum and direct the County Attorney to notify the Department of Revenue of the re-determination by July 1, 2007. City of Ft. Pierce 17.7990% City of Port St. Lucie 57.8076% St. Lucie County 24.1110% St. Lucie Village 0.0823% It was moved by Com. Coward, seconded by Com. Grande, to approve the annual re- determination and to direct staff to notify the Department of Revenue, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. 10. COUNTY ATTORNEY Resolution No. 07-211 Florida Capital Improvement Line of Credit with Seacoast National Bank- Consider staff recommendation to adopt Resolution No. 07-211 and authorize the Chairman to sign the Resolution. It was moved by Com. Grande, seconded by Com. Smith, to approve Resolution No. 07- 211, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. ADDITIONS 2.E PROCLAMATION/PRESENTATIONS A Presentation was given by FDOT on the UPDATE & DESIGN of Kings Highway SR 713 PD&E Study (Okeechobee Road to US.1) US 1 Re-evaluation (Edwards Rd to Virginia Ave.) Com Smith asked how our efforts would be hampered as far as having county dollars to help support these projects with what is happening in Tallahassee. The County Administrator advised everyone that should the referendum scheduled for January pass, the County will have not have funds available for the match required for any of the roads. He believes we will be falling behind every year. Com. Craft stated he would like to see more flexibility at the state level, he is concerned with the idea of 6 lane roads. 7 The County Engineer stated it was going to be difficult making these roads cost feasible. He suggested maybe phasing in the Kings Highway and U.S.1 projects. 2.F PROCLAMATION/PRESENTATION A Presentation of the FAU Hometown Tour by Gerri McPherson, Vice President Treasure Coast Campus and Mr. Brogan, President of FAU. PUBLIC HEARING ADDITION 5. UTILITIES Establishment and adoption of Resolution No. 07-208 authorizing the adjustment of wastewater and reclaimed water utility rates, fees and charges for customers within the St. Lucie County Utilities – South Hutchinson Island District Wastewater Utility- Consider staff recommendation to approve the adoption of Resolution No. 07-208 authorizing the adjustment of wastewater and reclaimed water utility rates, fees and charges for customers within the St. Lucie County Utilities- South Hutchinson Island District Wastewater Utility. Ms. Lauri Case, Utilities Director addressed the Board on this item and recommended the effective date of the Resolution to be October 1, 2007. Com. Grande stated he strongly disagrees with staff’s recommendation and stated in speaking with Bond Counsel and he assured him if they were to come up with a plan that the condominiums would be able to pay the bill over time and allows the condos to put these increases in their budget next year, the county would not be in a serious problem situation and he would send the plan to the agency and notify them. He believes staff should meet with the associations and come back with a plan to present to the Bond Counsel and if the rates should need to be raised even higher, then they would have had the blessing of the rate payers. Mr. Dale Pearl, Windmill Homeowners Association, addressed the Board and stated these costs are a “blow” to their budget. He questioned where the funds already collected by the plant have been used. The Utilities Director stated these funds have been used to pay the assessment bonds which funded the plat. She does not know where the assessments are at today. Mr. Pearl stated he had not seen the financial statement for the wastewater plant. The Utilities Director stated they are available for review. Mr. Pearl would like to recommend a $3.00 a month increase, $4.00 per month after that and then $5.00 per month. Ms. Pat Passetti, President’s Counsel, addressed the Board and stated they are looking to work in a cooperative effort for the operation of the plant. They do not have solid information to present to the owners with regard to the special assessment. The County Administrator advised the Board there was no clerical error made as previously stated by Ms. Passetti. Ms. Passetti requested creative ways be found to address the issue and that it be st implemented for January 1, 2008 giving them time to incorporate it into the budget. Ms. Camille Evans, Bond Counsel for St. Lucie County representative stated she could not assure the County how the rating agencies and bond insurers would respond to a plan. Com. Grande stated should they not agree with the plan they still would have the ability to do what they are speaking of today. 8 The County Administrator expressed his concerns with maintaining the bond rating we have today and does not wish to jeopardize it. The Utilities Director advised the Board they had advised the associations there would be an increase but were not sure what or how much it would be at the time. Com. Lewis stated she was inclined to move forward with staff recommendation and stated this was a year where the Board did not have any flexibility. Com. Smith questioned the cost of all the improvements and if waiting until January when all those fees would be due, would this help us in achieving the goals or what were the perils. The Utilities Director stated the peril would be not covering the actual expenditures with the revenues. Com. Smith asked if there would be a delay could they make up the difference. The Utilities Director stated the increase would be much higher. Com. Craft asked Ms. Passetti how palatable would it be for the associations to afford the higher increase if they wait until January. Ms Passetti stated she was not sure it would depend on the higher rate however they would be able to substantiate the increase to the rate payers. At this point they cannot substantiate the increase. She does believe it would be palatable since they would be able to budget the increase. Com. Grande stated he believes they are looking at a situation where they have not looked at the customer base. Com. Coward stated it was troubling to him that this issue has come to the Board in this fashion and he wishes to apologize. He is also not sure they have looked at all possible alternatives since the county has placed themselves in this position and he is not casting the blame on any certain person. He believes the Utilities Director is doing a good job in attempting to bring these issues to the front. He asked if there were any creative ways to shift funds from another area to cover this and the funds be reimbursed. He does not wish to jeopardize our credit rating. He would like to explore the January 1 date but not at the expense of the County’s credit rating. st The Utilities Director stated to extend this issue to January 1, the estimated increase would be 65%. th The County Attorney recommended to continue this item until July 24 allowing two things to happen, a) asking the bond counsel to check with the bond insurer and the rate st agencies if the January 1 date would affect our bond rating and b) giving the consultant time to come up with an exact figure so the Board would know as well as the rate payers. Com. Lewis addressed the fact the Utility is an enterprise fund and County funds cannot be used to assist the Utility Department. Com. Coward stated he believed the county had previously provided loans to other areas. The County Attorney stated they could explore this option with the Bond Counsel. They have in the past given short term loans to other areas but not a utility. This is another reason he has recommends continuing this issue on July 24, 2007. It was moved by Com. Grande, seconded by Com. Coward to continue this item on July 24, 2007 at 9:00 a.m. or as soon thereafter as it may be heard, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. 9 There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned. ____________________________ Chairman _____________________________ Clerk of the Circuit Court 10