HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOCC Minutes 09-04-2007 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISIONERS ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA REGULAR MEETING Date: September 4, 2007 Convened: 6:00 p.m. Adjourned:6:40 p.m. Commissioners Present: Chris Craft, Chairman; Doug Coward, Joe Smith, Charles Grande,Paula Lewis Others Present: Faye Outlaw, Assistant County Administrator; Dan McIntyre, County Attorney; Beth Ryder, Community Services Director; Jack Southard, Public Safety Director; Marie Gouin, Management & Budget Director; Neil Appel, Purchasing Director; Dennis Wetzel, Information Technologies Director; Robert Nix, Growth Management Director; Vanessa Bessy, Environmental Lands; Mike Pawley, County Engineer; Mark Godwin, Criminal Justice Coordinator; Lauri Heistermann, Deputy Clerk; transcribed by Millie Delgado-Feliciano, Deputy Clerk 1. MINUTES Approve the minutes from the August 28, 2007 meeting. It was moved by Com. Lewis, seconded by Com. Grande, to approve the minutes from the meeting held August 28, 2007; and upon roll call motion carried unanimously 2. PROCLAMATIONS/PRESENTATIONS There were no Proclamations/Presentations scheduled for September 4, 2007. 3. GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT Mr. Bill Blazak, Culpepper and Terpening addressed the Board with regard to Allied Techonologies item C4B. Com. Coward requested discussion on this issue with item C4B. Mr. John Arena, Ft. Pierce resident, addressed the Board regarding the drug problem in the country and stated he felt they should be legalized, controlled and heavily taxed. He also addressed the artificial reef and stated his objection to them. 4. CONSENT AGENDA It was moved by Com. Coward, seconded by Com. Grande to approve the Consent Agenda, to include the “as needed” language on item CA-1, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC HEARINGS 5A. PUBLIC WORKS Building & Zoning - Request Board permission to demolish fire damaged structure at 7909 Paso Robles Boulevard, Fort Pierce, FL that has been found by the Building Official to be more than fifty percent (50%) damaged and is unsafe and constitutes a nuisance – Consider staff recommendation to grant permission to proceed to contract with L.E.B. Demolition Company, as they were the lowest bidder, to demolish the structure and clean the property of all junk, trash and debris if the structure is not taken down and if the property is not cleaned by October 1, 2007. This item was pulled 5B. GROWTH MANAGEMENT 1 Petition of Fort Pierce Angle Road` Trust and Riverside Metzger, L.L.C. for a Change in Zoning from IL (Industrial Light) Zoning District to PUD (Planned Unit Development) Zoning District and Preliminary PUD Plan for property located on the north side of Metzger Road, South of Avenue M, West of Angle Road and East of Canal Number 29 for the project to be known as The Preserve – Draft Resolution No. 07-045 – The Board approved staff recommendation to deny this petition because of the lack of compliance by the applicant as required by this Board. Mr. Jonathan Ferguson requested withdrawing this application. Com. Smith stated he would be amenable to accept the withdraw. Com. Lewis stated she also supports the withdraw. Com. Grande stated he supported the withdraw. It was moved by Com. Grande, seconded by Com. Smith, to accept the withdraw of this petition, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. 5C. COUNTY ATTORNEY Ordinance No. 07-016 - Amending Occupational License Fees to Change the Name to Business Tax and Increase Fees by Five Percent (5%) Pursuant to Section 205.0535, Florida Statutes – The Board approved staff recommendation to adopt proposed Ordinance No. 07-016 as drafted. It was moved by Com. Grande, seconded by Com. Lewis, to approve Ordinance No. 07-016; and upon roll call motion carried unanimously. 5D. COUNTY ATTORNEY Ordinance No. 07-041 – Correcting a scriveners error in the effective date of Ordinance No. 06-017 which ordinance adopted land development regulations to apply to property generally located in the Towns, Villages and Countryside (TVC) comprehensive plan element – The Board approved staff recommendation to adopt Ordinance No. 07-041 and authorized the Chairman to sign the Ordinance. It was moved by Com. Smith, seconded by Com. Coward to adopt Ordinance No. 07-041 and authorized the Chairman to sign the Ordinance; and upon roll call motion carried unanimously. Non- agendad Ms. Patricia Crystal addressed the Board with regard to a building inspector problem she felt the county may have. She stated a roof that was repaired after the 2004 Hurricanes was not properly done and felt the inspectors did not do their job properly and asked what recourse she had. The County Attorney advised Ms. Crystal the liability stands with the contracting company. He is not dismissing the issue, but would need more facts regarding the inspector’s issue. The Chairman directed Ms. Crystal to provide staff with further information on this issue. 5E. COUNTY ATTORNEY Boundary Changes for Tradition Community Development District No. 1 (“CDD No.1”) and Tradition Community Development District No. 2 (“CDD No. 2”) – Ordinance Nos. 07-042 and 07-043 – Mr. Dan Harrell, attorney representing Tradition Community District, addressed the Board and stated the County Attorney was correct, on 2 July 23, 2007 the Port St. Lucie City Council approved the changes reflected and all non-residential Tradition Community Development District property lies within the municipal limits of Port St. Lucie. It was moved by Com. Grande, seconded by Com. Lewis to adopt Ordinance Nos. 07-042 and Ordinance 07-043 and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. 5F. GROWTH MANAGEMENT Petition of Grande Beach North Hutchinson Island, LLC, for a Text Amendment to the Land Development Code, Planned Mixed Use Development, Section 7.03.03, Standards and Requirements, for a 9.44 acre tract of land within the MXD-Grande Beach Mixed Use Activity Area on the future land use map (Ordinance No. 07-032). This is the first of two required public hearings – Staff is recommending to remand this item back to the Planning and Zoning Board and schedule public hearing afterwards/ Mr. Bobbie Klein, Klein and Dobbins, addressed the Board and stated they were requesting once the item goes before the Planning and Zoning Board, they were looking to have the public hearing in October. The Assistant County Administrator stated she could not commit to a date in October at this time. It was moved by Com. Grande, seconded by Com. Lewis, to remand this item back to the Planning and Zoning Board, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. 5G. GROWTH MANAGEMENT Petition of Grande Beach North Hutchinson Island, LLC, for Preliminary Planned Mixed Use Development approval for a project to be known as Grande Beach-PMUD – Staff is requesting that this petition be pulled from the agenda and be remanded thru the Planning & Zoning Commission on September 20, 2007. It was moved by Com. Coward, seconded by Com. Grande, to remand this item back to the Planning and Zoning Board, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. END OF PUBLIC HEARINGS CONSENT AGENDA 1. WARRANTS Approve warrant list No. 48 2. COUNTY ATTORNEY A. Permission to Advertise - Ordinance No. 07-051 amending Chapter 1-2.3 (Airports and Aircraft) by adopting Primary Guiding Documents, Airport Rules and Regulations, and General Aviation Minimum Standards for the St. Lucie County International Airport – The Board approved staff recommendation to authorize permission to advertise proposed Ordinance No. 07-051 on September 18, 2007. B. Revocable License Agreement - I6905 Indian River Drive - Mr. & Mrs. Blanton – The Board approved staff recommendation to approve the Revocable License Agreement, authorized the Chairman to sign the Revocable License Agreement and directed Mr. & Mrs. Blanton to record the document in the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. C. Lakewood Park Regional Park - Right-of-way Donation - Emerson Avenue – State Road 607 - Resolution No. 07-262 – The Board 3 approved staff recommendation to approve the County Deed and Resolution provided by the Florida Department of Transportation, authorized the Chairman to sign Resolution No. 07-262, County Deed and Donation of Property Form, and directed staff to record the documents in the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida and return to the Florida Department of Transportation. D. Permission of Advertise – Ordinance No. 07-054 – Water Conservation Plan – The Board approved staff recommendation to grant permission to advertise proposed Ordinance No. 07-054 for public hearing before the Local Planning Agency on September 20, 2007 and the Board of County Commissioners on October 16, 2007 and November 20, 2007 beginning at 6:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as may be heard. E. Request Permission to Advertise - Public Hearing - Petition to abandon a portion of Dunn Road – The Board approved staff recommendation to authorize staff to advertise a Public Hearing to be held on October 2, 2007 at 6:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible. F. Airport West Commerce Park - Right-of-way Donation - Kings Highway – State Road 713 - Resolution No. 07-263 – The Board approved staff recommendation to approve the County Deed and Resolution provided by the Florida Department of Transportation, authorized the Chairman to sign Resolution No. 07-263, County Deed and Donation of Property Form, and directed staff to record the documents in the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida and return to the Florida Department of Transportation. 3. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES Request the Board approve the Contract, as amended, for the St. Lucie Turtle Nesting Habitat Improvements (FL) (National Fish and Wildlife Foundation No. 2006-0114-006) and authorize the chair to sign the agreement – The Board approved staff recommendation to approve the contract, as amended, for the St. Lucie Turtle Nesting Habitat Improvements (FL) (National Fish and Wildlife Foundation No. 2006- 01114-006) and authorized the Chair to sign the agreement. 4. PUBLIC WORKS A. Engineering Division – South Jenkins Road Extension into Wal- Mart Distribution Center – Receive reimbursement from LBFH, Inc. in the amount of $110,520.01 towards reimbursement for construction modifications for the C-101 pipe reinstallation, and equalizer culverts – The Board approved staff recommendation to accept the letter from LBFH, Inc., and granted staff permission to proceed with accepting reimbursement in the amount of $110,520.01 towards reimbursement for construction modifications for the C-101 pipe reinstallation, and equalizer culverts for South Jenkins Road Extension, and authorized the Chairman to sign. B. Engineering Division – Agreement with Allied New Technologies to Pay Fee in Lieu of Constructing Concrete Sidewalks – The County Attorney stated staff did not have a problem with the request as stated in the letter indicating an amendment to condition number 6 of Resolution No. 07-077 It was moved by Com. Lewis, seconded by Com. Grande, to approve the agreement to pay in lieu of constructing concrete sidewalks and also amending condition number 6 of Resolution No. 07-077 as indicated and authorized the Chairman to sign; and, upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. 4. PUBLIC WORKS CONTINUED C. Engineering Division – Approve the agreement with Inwood Consulting Engineers for additional professional engineering services regarding the preparation of a Local Agency Program (LAP) Categorical Exclusion report and checklist, to be 4 performed on the Angle Road Sidewalk Project. This report and checklist will be accomplished in order to utilize potential available funding from FDOT for construction – The Board approved staff recommendation to approve and authorized the Chairman to sign the Second Amendment to Work Authorization No. 5 (Contract C03-09-708) with Inwood Consulting Engineers in the amount of $3,890.00, for the preparation of a Local Agency Program Categorical Exclusion report and checklist for the Angle Road Sidewalk Project, for a total design cost of $114,185.00. Com. Smith requested a letter be sent to the state to advise them they would like to have the decision expedited. 5. PURCHASING A. Board approval to advertise an Invitation to Bid for to repair dune crossovers damaged by Hurricane Frances and Hurricane Jeanne at Ocean Bay and Little Mud Creek – The Board approved staff recommendation to approve to advertise an Invitation to Bid to repair dune crossings damaged by Hurricane Frances and Hurricane Jeanne at Ocean Bay and Little Mud Creek. B. Board approval of the final ranking of engineering firms to design the Jenkins Road Bridge over Ten Mile Creek and permission to negotiate a contract with the top ranked firm, and if negotiations are unsuccessful, to then negotiate a contract with the firms in ranking order until successful. RANKING FIRM 1. Infrastructure Engineers, Inc. 2. Kimley-Horn 3. H.W. Lochner, Inc. 4. Stanley Consultants, Inc. 5.Keith and Schnars, P.A. The Board approved staff recommendation to approve the final ranking of engineering firms to design the Jenkins Road Bridge over Ten Mile Creek and permission to negotiate a contract with the top ranked firm, and if negotiations are unsuccessful, to then negotiate a contract with the firms in ranking order until successful, and authorized the Chairman to sign the contract as prepared by the County attorney. C. Second Amendment to Contract C06-10-672 with Tarheel Specialties, Inc. for Enhanced Swale Maintenance – The Board approved staff recommendation to approve the second amendment to Contract C06-10-672 with Tarheel Specialties, Inc., and authorized permission for the Chairman to sign the amendment as prepared by the County Attorney. D. Board permission to award Invitation to Bid #07-058; Savannas Recreational Area Trading Post Porch to the lowest responsive, responsible, bidder, AWM Construction, Inc., for the cost of $120,780.00 – The Board approved staff recommendation to award Invitation to Bid #07-058; Savannas Recreational Area Trading Post Porch to the lowest responsive, responsible, bidder, AWM Construction, Inc., for the cost of $120,780.00, (Trex Deck and Roof), and authorized the Chairman to sign the contract as prepared by the County Attorney. E. Board approval to advertise an Invitation to Bid for the cleaning of Tradition Field – The Board approved staff recommendation to approve to advertise an Invitation to Bid for the cleaning of Tradition Field. 6. GROWTH MANAGEMENT TVC Interim Land Development Regulations – The Board approved staff recommendation to grant permission to advertise Ordinance No. 07-055. Com. Grande commended Ms. Wood on her timely efforts while “under the gun” on this issue, even though he does not agree with everything in the TVC. 5 7. ADMINISTRATION/MEDIA Change Order No. 1 to Contract No. C07-04-196 with D. Co Marketing, Inc., Budget Amendment 07-083 totaling $13,035.00 for Upgrades to the SLCTV Production Control Room - The Board approved staff recommendation to approve of Change Order No. 1 to Contract No. C07- 04-196 with D. Co. Marketing, Inc., Budget Amendment 07-083 totaling $13,035.00 and transferring $13,035.00 from the General Fund Contingency to the Machinery and Equipment account noted above and approval of Amended Equipment Request No. 07-319 totaling $35,035.00 for Upgrades to the SLCTV Production Control Room. CONSENT AGENDA – ADDITIONS CA1. SOLID WASTE Staff requests an emergency purchase order to KRK Enterprises, Incorporated for the removal, transportation and disposal of up to 2,000,000 gallons of leachate from the St. Lucie County Landfill – The Board approved staff recommendation to approve the emergency purchase order to KRK Enterprises, Incorporated for the removal, transportation and disposal of up to 2,000,000 gallons of leachate from the St. Lucie County Landfill at a cost of $145.00 per 1,000 gallons. The Assistant Solid Waste Director clarified this item and stated this is for just in case they need to truck the leachate to Palm Beach County and this is on an “as needed basis”. Com. Coward requested the “ as needed” language be added to the purchase order. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned. _____________________ Chairman _____________________ Clerk of the Circuit Court 6