HomeMy WebLinkAboutBudget Public Hearing Minutes 09-06-2007 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA PUBLIC HEARING TENTATIVE BUDGET FY 2007-2008 Date: September 6, 2007 Convened: 6:00 p.m. Adjourned: 7:45 p.m. Commissioners Present: Chairman, Chris Craft, Joseph Smith, Paula Lewis, Charles Grande, Doug Coward Others Present: Doug Anderson, County Administrator, Faye Outlaw, Asst. County Administrator, Dan McIntyre, County Attorney, Marie Gouin, Management and Budget Director, Millie Delgado-Feliciano, Deputy Clerk 1.PUBLIC HEARING ON THE TENTATIVE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2007-2008/ THE PURPOSE OF THE PUBLIC HEARING IS TO ADOPT A TENTATIVE MILLAGE RATE AND A BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2007-2008. 1A. DISCUSSION AND READING OF THE ROLLED BACK RATE. The Management and Budget Director addressed the Board and discussed the rolled back rate. The County Administrator addressed the Board and made a power point presentation explaining the FY 2008 Budget and provided a comparison of the 2006/2007 and the 2007/2008 budgets. THE ROLLED-BACK RATE IS 8.0.534 1B. BUDGET OVERVIEW BY THE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR The County Administrator advised the general public the state is now establishing the millage rate. This is the first time it has occurred. Previously the counties established their millage rates. The County Administrator advised the Board and the general public the State Sales Tax is in serious trouble, and the state was heading for a recession. There is no expendable income. He also advised those present that 64% of the County’s millage rate or $93,000,000 is for unfunded mandates imposed by the State. The County Administrator advised the Board that he was informed by the Superintendent of Schools that they did not have the funds to provide the county’s share $1.3 million for the School Resource Officers program. Before today, the County Administrator had understood the School District would pick up the county’s portion. He advised the Board he is looking for funds and if the money is found this would be the last year the County could provide this funding and stated the School District would need to plan for the following years. Sheriff Mascara stated out of the 59 new positions approved some were frozen. He had been assured by the Superintendent of Schools that they would be picking up the SRO program and then things changed somewhere along the way. The Board felt this was a very important program and the funding was needed for this upcoming year’s budget. 1 The Management and Budget Director read the following millages into the record. 1C. MILLAGES AND BUDGETS (NOTE: Only Millages will be read into the record. Fund Budgets are proposed as listed) Fund Fund Name FY 08Tentative Tentative FY08 Millage Rate Budget 001 General Fund 4.2299 161,013,226 101 Transportation Trust Fund 67,952,154 102 Unincorporated Services Fund 0.4605 7,290,612 102001 Drainage Maintenance MSTU 0.4731 13,196,109 103 Law Enforcement MSTU 0.3511 3,181,233 104 Grants & Donations 813,184 105 Library Special Grants Funds 203,500 107 Fine & Forfeiture Fund 1.9352 71,192,098 109 Drug Abuse Fund 19,776 111 River Park I Fund 0.2117 52,263 112 River Park II Fund 0.3863 10,182 113 Harmony Heights 3 Fund 0.4561 4,794 114 Harmony Heights 4 Fund 0.3415 9,123 115 Sheraton Plaza Fund 0.3948 11,681 116 Sunland Gardens Fund 0.3534 12,040 117 Sunrise Park Fund 0.4819 3,993 118 Paradise Park Fund 0.7638 16,436 119 Holiday Pines Fund 0.1651 17,078 120 The Grove Fund 0.1029 4,986 121 Blakely Subdivision Fund 1.2925 2,952 122 Indian River Estates Fund 0.0743 19,011 123 Queens Cove Lighting Dist 13 0.0633 6,291 126 Southern Oak Estates Lighting 0.4196 4,196 127 Pine Hollow St Lighting MSTU 7,130 128 Kings Highway Indus. Pk Lighting 11,520 129 Parks MSTU Fund 0.2313 14,817,060 130 SLC Public Transit MSTU 0.0833 2,996,355 136 Monte Carlo Light MSTU #4 0.2866 33,647 138 Palm Lake Gardens MSTU 0.2452 7,312 139 Palm Grove Fund 0.3990 15,463 140 Port & Airport 10,801,522 142 Port MSBU Development Fund 58,963 145 Mosquito Fund 0.2036 7,701,053 146 Mosquito State I Fund 37,000 150 Impact Fee Collections 300,000 160 Plan Maintenance RAD Fund 338,586 th 162 Tourism Dev-5 Cent 163,541 170 Court Facilities Fund 3,543,652 171 Court Facilities Fund Court Costs 149,828 181 SLC Housing Finance Authority 39,175 182 Environmental Land Acquisition Fund 68,797 th 183 Ct. Administrator 19 Judicial Cir. 2,968,197 184 Erosion Control Operating Fund 0.2036 5,736,444 185 Housing Assistance SHIP 8,094,289 187 Boating Improvement Projects 112,950 188 Bluefield Ranch Improvements 109,428 201 So. County Regional Stadium Debt 54,225 204 Communication System I & S Fund 1,211,487 210 Impact Fees I & S 262,164 215 Sales Tax Revenue Bonds I & S Fund 11,759,439 2 216 County Capital I & S 1,008,758 217 State Revenue Sharing Bonds I & S 3,824,080 218 Transportation I & S Fund 3,332,813 235 Becker Road I & S Fund 298,233 242 Port I & S Fund 0.0144 675,038 250 Capital Projects I & S 18,468,631 th 262 Tourism Dev. 4 Cent I & S Fund 1,457,711 282 Environmental Land I & S Fund 0.0776 2,692,031 295 River Branch I & S Fund 40,049 301 So. County Regional Stadium 4,265 310 Impact Fee Funds 24,008,761 315 County Building Fund 4,351,521 316 County Capital 36,184,430 317 County Capital-St. Rev. Share Bnd 18,251,909 318 County Capital-Transportation 27,684,230 342 Port Development Capital Fund 223,150 362 Sports Complex Improv Fund 448,815 370 MSBU Inhouse Financing Projects 699,507 382 Environmental Land Capital Fund 4,496,067 390 MSBU Capital 19,797,020 396 Lennard Road 1 Roadway Capital 162,392 397 Lennard Road 2 Water Capital 62,840 398 Lennard Raodd 3 Sewer Capital 36,763 401 Sanitary Landfill Fund 25,408,418 418 Golf Course Fund 1,827,769 451 S. Hutchinson Utilities Fund 3,313,376 458 SH Util-Renewal & Replacement 617,616 461 Sports Complex Fund 2,416,713 471 No. County Utility District Operating 8,123,349 478 No. Cty Util Dist-Renewal & Replace 378,390 479 No Cty Util Dist-Capital Facilities 7,424,192 491 Building Code Fund 4,908,741 505 Health Insurance Fund 19,877,116 610 Tourist Development Trust Fund 995,857 611 Tourist Development Trust Adv Fund 536,642 620 Law Enforcement Trust Fund 227,880 625 Law Library 460,692 665 SLC Art in Public Places Trust Fund 940,340 666 SLC Economic Dev. Trust Fund 185,887 673 S. Hutchinson Fund 3,850,621 674 Driftwood Manor MSBU Fund 31,077 677 Lost Tree Estates Fund 11,705 678 Anita Street MSBU Fund 8,623 679 Timberlake Estates MSBU 35,280 681 King Orange 2 10,355 682 Skylark 2 7,790 683 Revels Lane 1 12,979 685 Sunland Gardens MSBU 36,371 686 Greenacres MSBU 15,901 688 Briargate MSBU 8,473 689 Rouse Road MSBU 15,850 690 Treasure Cove Ocean Harbor S MSBU 74,344 691 North A1A MSBU 21,243 692 Ideal Holding Road MSBU 35,063 693 Westglen MSBU 34,851 694 Raintree Forest MSBU 19,238 Total Budget $646,487,901 Aggregate Millage Rate 7.2577 1D. Comment on Errata and Substantive Changes 3 The Management and Budget Director commented on the Errata and its changes (attached). 1E. Public Comment Ms. Delores Charles, Port St. Lucie resident, addressed the Board and stated she could not afford the taxes and insurance. She felt the people were being penalized for owning homes in St. Lucie County. Ms. Nadia Gifford, area resident and property owner, addressed the Board and stated she could not afford the taxes on her present salary. Ms. Sofie Carter, Port St. Lucie resident, addressed the Board and stated she felt her taxes were too high and when she addressed her concerns with the Value Adjustment Board, she felt they refused to listen to her concerns. Ms. Carter recommended the elected officials lower their salaries. Com. Craft advised Ms. Carter all elected officials salaries are set by the State of Florida, The St. Lucie County Property Appraiser addressed the public and informed them of the process for the Value Adjustment Board filing of a petition. 1F. Board Discussion of the Millage and the Budget Com. Coward reiterated the Board had reduced the millage rate for the past few years. 1G. Motion to approve Resolution No. 07-265 adopting the FY 2007-2008 Tentative Millage Rates It was moved by Com. Smith, seconded by Com. Lewis, to approve Resolution No. 07- 265 adopting the FY 2007-2008 Tentative Millage Rates, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. 1H. Motion to approve Resolution No. 07-266 adopting the FY 2007-2008 Tentative Budget. It was moved by Com. Coward, seconded by Com. Grande, to approve Resolution No. 07-266 adopting the FY 2007-2008 Tentative Budget, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned. ____________________________ Chairman ___________________________ Clerk of the Circuit Court 4