HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOCC Minutes 11-27-2007 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA REGULAR MEETING Date: November 27, 2007 Convened: 9:00a.m. Adjourned: 12:15 p.m. Commissioners Present: Chairman, Joseph Smith, Paula A. Lewis, Chris Craft, Doug Coward, Charles Grande Others Present: Doug Anderson, County Administrator, Faye Outlaw, Asst. County Administrator, Lee Ann Lowery, Asst. County Administrator, Dan McIntyre, County Attorney, Michael Brillhart, Strategic and Eco. Development Director, Debra Brisson, Parks and Rec. Director, Don West, Public Works Director, Lauri Case, Utilities Director, Beth Ryder, Community Services Director, Neil Appel, Purchasing Director, Marie Gouin, Management and Budget Director, Diana Lewis, Airport Director, Vanessa Bissey, Environmental Resources Director, Roger Shinn, Central Services Director, Mark Satterlee, Growth Management Director, Deputy DeBlieck, Mike Pawley County Engineer, Millie Delgado-Feliciano, Deputy Clerk 1.MINUTES It was moved by Com. Coward, seconded by Com. Craft, to approve the minutes from th the meeting held November 13 and November 20, 2007, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. 2.PROCLAMATIONS/PRESENTATIONS A.Resolution No. 07-309 – Proclaiming November 15, 2007 as “Philanthropy Day” in St. Lucie County, Florida. It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Grande, to approve Resolution No. 07- 309, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. Ms. Millie Wood was present to accept the proclamation. B.Resolution No. 07-362- Celebrating and Congratulating Florida Atlantic University and Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution on their newly established partnership in St. Lucie County, Florida. It was moved by Com. Grande, seconded by Com. Craft to approve Resolution No. 07- 362, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. Ms. Gerri McPherson was present to accept the proclamation. C.Resolution No. 07-363- Commending Mr. Richard Pancoast for almost 10 years of outstanding service as a member of the St. Lucie County Board of Adjustment. It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Lewis, to approve Resolution No. 07- 363, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. Mr. Richard Pancoast was present to accept the proclamation. 1 D.Lauri Case, St. Lucie County Utilities Director, gave a presentation on St. Lucie County Utilities monthly rate information regarding Indian River Estates. 3.GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENTS Ms. Joan Miller, North Hutchinson Island resident, addressed the Board regarding the odor from the waste water plant in the area. Presently the Utility Board is attempting to expand the plant. She felt this expansion would be a detriment to the areas property values. The expansion proposes the tanks to be 125 feet in diameter and 4 stories high. Mr. Frank Andrews, Director of the Humane Society of St. Lucie County, addressed the Board regarding the success of the licensing for pets. Mr. Craig Mundt, North Beach Association President, addressed the Board and tanked the Board for pulling the item regarding the plant from the agenda. He addressed the formula and the capacity of the plant and the usage and presented his worksheet (attached). Ms. Susie Caron, Indrio Road resident, addressed the Board regarding item 9 on the agenda and questioned the reason for the request to omit the condition. Mr. Jimmy Collins, area resident, addressed the Board regarding item C10B and advised the Board he has recently contracted with an engineer for the repairs. The Board advised Mr. Collins they would pull the item from Consent and have some discussion on the issue. 4.CONSENT AGENDA It was moved by Com. Grande, seconded by Com. Coward, to approve the Consent Agenda as modified, with items C-11B, C14-B, C-18 and item C-21 pulled for more information; items C-10B, C-11 D, C-14-A pulled for separate discussion and vote and to include the addition of CA-1 and CA-2 , and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. 1.WARRANT LIST The Board approved Warrant List No. 8. 2.COUNTY ATTORNEY A.Resolution No. 07-369- Amending Animal Control Policy Penalty Schedule to establish fines for failure to register an animal- The Board adopted proposed Resolution No. 07-369 as drafted. B.Florida Communities Trust- Hackberry Hammock FCT Project 05-069- FFS- Amendment II to the Declaration of Restrictive Covenants- The Board approved Amendment II to the Declaration of Restrictive Covenants, and authorized the Chairman to execute the Amendment, transmit to the Florida Communities Trust and record the Amendment in the Public Records of St. Lucie County. C.Volo Holdings Ft. Pierce LLC- The Board approved the financing by Florida Development Finance Corporation pursuant to Resolution No. 07-378, Ground Lessor Consent and Estoppel Certificate and Second Amendment to the Amended and Restated Lease Agreement and authorized the Chairman to sign the documents. D.Continue funding for a Forensic Case Manager for Mental Health Court- The Board deemed New Horizons as a sole source provider and enter into a contract with New Horizons for staffing the Forensic Case Manager position 2 that works in the Mental Health Court . This contract would be from 10/01/07 through 9/30/08. E.Continue funding request for Mental Health /Substance Abuse wrap around service provided by New Horizons of the Treasure Coast- The Board approved deeming New Horizons as a sole source provider and enter into a contract with New Horizons for services. Mental Health Court provides the gatekeeper function as provides accountability. F.Decommissioning Wells at St. Lucie County International Airport- First Amendment to May 1, 2007 Agreement with Treasure Coast Resource Conservation and Development Council, Inc. - The Board approved the proposed First Amendment with Treasure Coast Resource Conservation and Development Council, Inc., and authorized the Chairman to sign the amendment. G.Approval for the purchase of one computer server and a failover server, with licensing to support the Pretrial Release/GPS infrastructure through Blackberry Mail. - The Board approved the purchase of additional computer servers and blackberry communication units for the St. Lucie County Pretrial Release and CJIS Programs. 3.MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET A.Airport Industrial Park West EDA Grant (Fund # 140128) - The Board approved Budget Resolution No. 07-315 to correct fund # 140128 budget understatement in fiscal year 2006-2007. B.Approval of Budget Amendment BA08-001 transferring funding to cover General Fund purchase orders that were rolled over from fiscal year 2007- The Board approved Budget Amendment BA 08-001. C.Approval of Proposed Revised Grant Management Policy/Procedures- The Board approved the revision to the Grant Management Policy Procedures to become effective December 1, 2007. D.Adopt Budget Resolution No. 07-374 to establish the budget for $1,400,000 Lease Purchase Agreement for the Water Conservation Project at St. Lucie County Rock Road Jail- The Board adopted Budget Resolution No. 07-374. E.Request to approve Budget Resolution No. 07-375 to increase the 2007 SCAAP Supplement Grant Award in the amount of $4,928 for fiscal year 2008 Budget- The Board approved Budget Resolution No. 07-375. 4.CURLTURAL AFFAIRS A.Annual Arts in Public Places Phase II Plan- The Board approved the Annual Arts in Public Places Phase II Plan and authorized staff and AIPP committee to move forward with implementing the projects identified in the Plan. B.Proposed lease agreement with individual Florida sculpture artists that will nd lease their work for the 2 Biannual St. Lucie county sculpture exhibition- The Board approved the proposed lease agreement as prepared by the County Attorney’s office with individual Florida sculpture artists that will lease their work for the St. Lucie County With out Walls 2 sculpture exhibition. C.Grant application to the Florida Humanities Council or a Highwaymen Artist Hall of Fame Heritage Trail that features am exhibit at the Historical Museum- The Board authorized staff to submit a grant application to the Florida Humanities Council for a Highwaymen Artist Hall of Fame Heritage Trail. 3 5.ECONOMIC AND STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT Request to approve the First Amendment to the FY 2006/07 Bid Fees and Sponsorships Grant Contract the Treasure Coast Sports Commission in the amount of $40,500.00- The Board approved the First Amendment to the Grant Contract and authorized the Chairman to sign. 6.PARKS AND RECREATION A.Request for approval to serve alcohol at the Indrio Road School House- The Board approved Benny Johnson’s and Pamela Rohm’s request to serve alcohol at their March 15, 2008 wedding reception at the Indrio Road School House. B.Request for approval to serve alcohol at the Indrio Road School House- The Board approved the Teamsters Local 769’s request to serve alcohol during its annual company picnic at the Indrio Road School House on December 1, 2007. C.Request for approval to serve alcohol at White City Park- The Board approved JoAnn Smiley’s request to serve alcohol during the family picnic she us hosting at the White City Park on December 22, 2007. D.Interlocal Agreement/Use of North Dock/School Board “Science Under Sail” - The Board approved the Interlocal Agreement as drafted by the County Attorney, between the County and the School Board approving the use of “North Dock for the S/V Dennis Sullivan to dock for the School Board’s “Science Under Sail” program December 1 through December 14 and approved waiver of the dock fees. E.Equipment Request No. 08-292/Budget Amendment 08-003- The Board approved Equipment Request No, 08-292 and Budget Amendment No. 08-003 for the funding and purchase of a utility trailer for the Lincoln Park Community Center. th F.17 Annual Boat Parade, Ft. Pierce - The Board approved the waiver of th rental fees fro the 17 Annual Boat Parade held by the St. Lucie County Chamber of Commerce, and also granted permission to sell beer during this event. 7.CENTRAL SERVICES A.Reallocate Funds in the amount of $36,888.04- Edlund Dritenbas Binkely Architects- # C03-08-520- New Clerk of Court Building Project- The Board approved the reallocation of funds in the amount of $36,888.04 for payment of Invoice No. 4211, Edlund Dritenbas Binkley Architects for the New Clerk of Court Project. B.Downtown Chiller Plant- City of Ft. Pierce- Ft. Pierce Utilities Authority- Utility Easement for Gas and Water Line- The Board approved the City of Ft. Pierce utility easement or gas and water line for the use and benefit of the Ft. Pierce Utilities Authority for the Downtown Chiller Plant, authorizing the Chairman to sign. C.David Brooks Enterprise, Inc.- Change Order No. 21 to # C05-12-636- Construction of New Clerk of Court Building and Downtown Chiller Plant- The Board approved Change Order No. 21 to # C05-12-636 to increase the contract time to ninety two days, changing the date of substantial completion for the Clerk of Court building to February 6, 2008 and to increase the contract sum by $49,323.00; the new contract sum will be $13,249,480. The Board authorized the Chairman to sign the change order as prepared by the County Attorney. 4 8.SOLID WASTE Staff requests Board approval of Equipment Request # EQ08-289 for the purchase of a digital security camera system ($1,889) for a total cost of $3,201.99- The Board approved Equipment Request # EQ08-289 for the purchase of the security camera and EQ # 08-290 for the purchase of one computer to support the system at a cost of $1,312.99 for a total cost of $3,201.99. 9.PUBLIC SAFETY A.Request to award Work Authorization No. 4 through contract C07-07-454 for Dunkelberger Engineering & Testing Inc- The Board approved waiving the formal RFQ process and awarded Work Authorization # 4 through contract # 07-07-454 for Dunkelberger Engineering & Testing for the new Emergency Operations Center in the amount not to exceed $29,271.00 and authorized the Chairman sign the work authorization. B.Maintenance Service Agreement for the infrastructure for our Motorola Public Safety 800 MHz radio system in the amount of $269,640.48- The Board approved and authorized the Chairman signing the Maintenance Service Agreement for the Public Safety 800 MHz radio system in the amount of $269,640.48. 10.PUBLIC WORKS A.Engineering Division- Taylor Creek Restoration- Phase 3 Small County Dredging Fund # 140344- The Board approved Budget Resolution No. 07- 345 to establish fund # 140344’s budget of $975,000 in agency contribution and $325,000 in County match in fiscal year 2007-2008. B.Code Compliance Division -303 Angle Road, Ft. Pierce- Unsafe Structure- This item was pulled for separate discussion. C.Engineering Division- Road Improvement Agreement with KIRCO Acquisition, LLC developers of Interstate Business Park- The Board approved the Road Improvement Agreement with KIRCO Acquisition LLC and authorized the Chairman to sign. 11.PURCHASING A.Board approval to award Invitation to Bid # 07-116 sale of two Gator vehicles to the highest bidder, Treasure Coast Lawns, Inc.- The Board approved awarding Invitation to Bid # 07-116 for the sale of a 1997 John Deere Gator 6x4 and a 1998 John Deere Gator 6x4 to the highest bidder, Treasure Coast Lawns, Inc., for a total price of $250.00 and granted permission to remove the equipment from Solid Waste’s fixed assets and authorized the Chairman to sign any necessary documents as prepared by the County Attorney. B.This item was pulled. C.The Board approved conducting oral presentations the short listed firms for Adjunct Management Services then conduct contract negotiations with the successful short listed firms and if successful, award a contract to the successful shorted listed firms and authorize the Chairman to sign the contracts as prepared by the County Attorney. The firms are: 1. Miller Legg, 2. MSCW, 3. Urban Design Studio. D. Advertising an Invitation to Bid for the construction of the Municipal Service Board Unit (MSBU) # 1,2, and 3 on Lennard Road for the construction of the road and Utility improvements from Silver Oaks Drive to south Kitterman Road and to tie in the existing utilities. This item was pulled for discussion. 5 12.ST. LUCIE COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE Budget Amendment for Miscellaneous Income- The Board approve the Sheriff’s request for a budget amendment to increase the budget for miscellaneous revenues for the 2006- 2007 budget year by $162,247. 13.ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES Request to extend St. Lucie River Exhibit contract with Wilderness Graphics Extend contract deadline for Exhibit- The Board approved the amendment as drafted by the County Attorney’s office and authorized the Chairman to sign. 14.UTILITIES A.Work Authorization with Camp Dresser and McKee, Inc., for engineering services to prepare and submit Comprehensive Plan Amendments for Water Supply Development Projects in an amount not to exceed $46,300- The Board approved the Work Authorization. B.Resolution No. 07-379 relating to the State Revolving Fund Loan program and adopt the Preliminary Engineering Report for the design to expand the North Hutchinson Island Wastewater Treatment Plant to 1.00 million gallons per day- THIS ITEM WAS PULLED PRIOR TO THE MEETING. 15.COMMUNITY SERVICES A.Budget Resolution No. 07-380- to encumber and expend funds in the amount of $135,000 as per the contract with the St. Lucie I.N.T.A.C.T. the long term recovery organization - The Board approved Budget Resolution No. 07-380. B.Approval to short list contractors from RFQ # 07-069 Pre-Qualification of Construction Contractors and approval to enter continuing contracts with the following short listed contractors: Habitat for Humanity, Angus enterprises and Alton Silver Homes- The Board approved the short list contractors from RFQ# 07-069 and authorized the Chairman to sign the continuing contracts as prepared by the County Attorney. C.Resolution No. 07-313- The Board approved resolution No. 07-313 a resolution supporting the elimination of the cap on the Housing Trust Funds. 16.PARKS REFERENDUM Change Order No. 6- Recreation Design and Construction C04-07-655- Lakewood Park Regional Park Project- The Board approved Change Order No. 6 with Recreation Design and Construction in the amount of $50,710 for a construction cost contingency reduction of “revised” turn lane for the Lakewood Park Regional Park and authorized the Chairman to sign. The new contract sum will be $8,993,558. 17.INVESTMENT FOR THE FUTURE River Park Marina- Preserve Area Mitigation Monitoring – Approve Miller Legg Work- The Board approved Work Authorization with Miller Legg in the amount of $37,700 to perform the scope of services needed to meet the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers mitigation monitoring requirements. The Board approved the use of remaining funds from projects that have been completed in the amount of $17,700 to cover the first year mitigation monitoring cost. Years 2-5 will be budgeted annually. 18.HUMAN RESOURCES –This item was pulled prior to the meeting 6 19.GRANTS Authorize acceptance of grant- The Board authorized the acceptance of the grant of $50,000 from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission for Summerlin Boat Dock and authorized the Chairman to sign the grant agreement. 20.AIRPORT Board approval of Budget Resolution No. 07-377- The Board approved Budget Resolution No. 07-377 to establish the Federal Aviation Administration grant budget in the adjusted beginning year balance of $1,250,600 for the FPL power line relocation for the Runway 9L/27R Runway and Taxiway project at the St. Lucie County International Airport and authorized the Chairman to sign the grant agreement. 21.STRATEGIC PLANNING The following is the short listed firms to provide Neighborhood Charrette Services: 1.MSCW 2.GLATTING JACKSON 3.THE GENESIS GROUP Com. Coward stated he would like to see more information on the ranking and more backup material provided. This item was pulled and will be re-agendad when more information is obtained. CA-1 PUBLIC WORKS Award of Bid No. 07-103 for the Indian River Estates Stormwater Improvements- Phase I Pump Station project to Close Construction Inc., in the amount of $4,471,114.00- The Board approved awarding Bid No. 07-103 to Close Construction Inc., in the amount of $4,471,114.00 ; establish the project budget as outlined in the attached memorandum and authorized the Chairman to sign the contract as prepared by the County Attorney. CA-2 COUNTY ATTORNEY Resolution No. 07-386- Urging the Governing Board of the South Florida Water Management District to expedite the completion of the C23/24 project in St. Lucie County as a key component of the Indian River Lagoon Plan- The Board approved adopting Resolution No. 07-386 as drafted. REGULAR AGENDA 5.A PUBLIC HEARING Amendment to FY 2007 Budget- Consider staff recommendation to adopt Budget Resolution 07-311 amending the FY 07 budget. It was moved by Com. Coward, seconded by Com. Lewis, to approve Budget Resolution No. 07-311, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. C-10B Code Compliance Division- 303 Angle Road – Unsafe Structure- Consider staff recommendation to authorize the demolition of the overhang and placing a lien on the property. The Code Compliance staff member addressed the issue and advised the Board of the Judge’s court order to clean up the property as well as the time given by the Board at a previous hearing to obtain a permit by December 7, 2007. 7 The Assistant County Attorney addressed the various actions being requested. There also is an electrical safety issue. There are bids in place for the clean up. Staff advised the Board until Mr. Collins obtains a permit they will not know how much work would be required. There are several issues besides the overhang problem the th December 7 date was given to start the penalty charges. Com. Lewis recommended holding off until next week for action to give Mr. Collins the opportunity to have the repairs done within that time. He has signed a contract and she would like to give him the opportunity to get the work completed provided he can produce the contract and be able to determine how long it would take by the engineer. Com. Smith stated he would like to have the ability to remedy any action that has not been complied with as directed by a Judge’s order. The County Administrator recommended the action to be if the permits are not in place by December 7, 2007 on December 10, 2007 the County will proceed with the demolition. It was moved by Com. Coward, seconded by Com. Grande, to approve the revised staff recommendation as stated by the County Administrator, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. 6. ADMINISTRATION Community Budget Issue- Request- Legislative Issue Requests- Authorize the County Administrator to submit Community Budget Issue and Legislative Issue requests for the following items: Community Budget Issue Requests St. Lucie County Airport ($3,000,000) Harbor Branch Preserve ($15,200,000 in Florida Forever Funding) Legislative Issue Requests County Jails Housing State Prisoners State Trust Fund for SHIP and Transportation Disadvantaged Medicaid Nursing Home and Hospital Billings Com. Coward addressed the request of $3,000,000 for the airport and stated he would prefer to sell various surplus properties at the airport in order to obtain the $3 million dollars. He felt the county should not ask the state for money they may be able to provide. He would prefer to see the Research and Education Park request as one of the items at the top of the list as a priority. The Airport Director advised the Board she had started the process to sell the properties. The County Administrator recommended the items be listed as follows for the Community Budget Issue Requests: 1. Harbor Branch Preserve ($15,200,000 in Florida Forever Funding) 167 acres 2. Treasure Coast Education and Research Park Office Center ($4,000,000) 3. Relocation of UF/IFA Field Operations ($7,488,000) 4. St. Lucie County Airport ($3,000,000.) It was moved by Com. Grande, seconded by Com. Craft, to approve the County Administrator above stated list, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. 8 7. RESEARCH AND EDUCATION Community Budget Issue Request (CBIR) Authorize the County Administrator to partner with the Treasure Coast Education, Research and Development Authority in submitting the following two CBIR’s: Treasure Coast Education and Research park Office Center ($4,000,000) Relocation of UF/IFAS Field Operations ($7,488,000) Consider staff recommendation to authorize the County Administrator to partner with the Treasure Coast Education, Research and Development Authority in submitting the two CBIRs It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Coward to approve staff recommendation, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. 8. PURCHASING Board rejection of sole submittal for RFQ 07-084- Consider staff recommendation to reject the sole submittal for RFQ 07-084 , Lease of Land to Design, Build and Operate the Development of the 20 acre Harbour Pointe Property and provide guidance for future action. The County Administrator advised the Board they are having conversations with interested parties. Com. Coward stated he would like to get feed back on the issue that there in some uncertainty as to the adjoining property and the concerns. He stated he does care about the Committee’s comments and would like to keep them plugged in. Com. Grande stated they may want to look closely at the RFP package and make sure it is being presented as the Board wishes it to be presented. It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Lewis, to approve staff recommendation, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. 9. PUBLIC WORKS Request by Guettler Property Mine to remove Special Condition No. 14 from the permit- In the June 6, 2006 Public Hearing, the requirement that all of the mined material must be used in the upcoming State Road 70 project was added by the Board. The permittee requests that this condition be deleted- Consider staff recommendation to approve the removal of Special Condition No. 14 and allow market conditions to determine where the material is to be used. If approved, this modification would be handled as an addendum to the approved permit. Com. Coward recommended adding the condition that the applicant will not use Carlton Road for mining traffic of their trucks empty or otherwise. Mr. Guettler, applicant agreed with the added condition. Com. Lewis expressed her concern that it may set a precedent for others to request certain road off limits especially since there is a weight limit already in existence. It was moved by Com. Coward, seconded by Com. Craft to approve staff recommendation with the added condition that no mining truck traffic would be permitted on Carlton Road, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. 9 10. GROWTH MANAGEMENT Petition of James P. Brown for Herbert S. Garten, Lynnore Moss, Front Street, LLC, Ute Avenue, LLC Indiantown Land, Inc., and Aspen, LLC for a Major Site Plan for property located on South Hutchinson Island along Highway A-1-A for the project o be known as Hutchinson Sands. Draft Resolution No. 07-247- Consider staff recommendation to approve this petition because of the compliance by the applicant to the policies of the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan by means of a waiver to Policy permitted by Policy and the St. Lucie County Land Development Code. Com. Grande addressed the background information he recently received and stated he has not had a chance to review it and discuss it with the DEP. He requested this item be re-agendad for two weeks. Mr. Brown stated they had presented all the information on a timely basis and did not wish to be penalized for someone else’s delay. His representatives have flown in from out of town. Com. Grande stated he wished to make it clear it was not the petitioner fault he is requesting the delay. Mr. Brown stated if it was necessary for them to return in two weeks they would do so. Com. Coward stated he would also like responses to the Environmental Resources Department’s questions and concerns. Mr. Brown requested his representatives be permitted to work with growth management staff. This item will be continued in discussion after the consent agenda items are handled. C-11D Lennard Road Invitation to Bid for construction of MSBU- Com. Grande stated he believes they should not move forward with this project since they are not sure whether all of the Lennard Road project will be completed. He felt the project may need to be re-thought and would like to see the road part separated from the utilities. He stated the original roadway plan has changed and he believes the overall development plan of the area has gone through modifications and he is not sure the same justification for the road is there. He would not be supporting this project. Com. Lewis stated she continues to see this as a separate issue from the roadway and would support moving forward. Com. Coward stated the original goal was to construct the roadway comprehensively as opposed to a piece meal fashion. He looks at Lennard Road as a 3 part project. To the north the MSBU for infrastructure for previously approved plan for the road funded by developers and then the Savanna Club development to the south where in their development order prior to anyone moving in they were required to construct the roadway linking PSL High School north to Savanna Club Blvd. Savanna Club itself is requiring the road be built. This was approved decades ago. The south section is required by the development order to be built and if they eliminate the north end, it would generate the worst case scenario for Savanna Club because it would require all traffic to go west through Savanna Club Blvd. Com. Coward is in favor of proceeding and if there are alternative solutions he is open to hear them. If it would not alleviate traffic congestion from U.S. 1 and it would not benefit the area, then he would like to hear it from the County Engineer. 10 The County Engineer concurred with Com. Coward’s comments. Com. Grande stated he believed Lennard Road would not provide any benefit and would be voting against it. It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Lewis, to approve staff recommendation, and; upon roll call, the vote was as follows: Nay. Grande, Aye’s: Lewis, Coward, Craft, Smith, motion carried by a vote of 4 to 1. C-14A Utilities – Work Authorization with Camp Dresser and McKee, Inc., for engineering services to prepare and submit Comprehensive Plan Amendment for Water Supply Development Project in an amount not to exceed $45,300- Consider staff recommendation to approve Work Authorization . Com. Grande stated he was not sure they wanted to approve this item until item C-14B is brought back. The Utilities Director stated C14A is a requirement from DCA and is a separate issue from C-14 B if they do not move forward with this item today they will be further behind today with their compliance. It was moved by Com. Grande, seconded by Com. Coward, to approve staff recommendation, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. 10. Petition of James Brown for Herbert S. Garten- Hutchinson Sands- The Growth Management Director addressed the project and stated there were some environmental concerns and objections. The Environmental Resource Director stated the Comprehensive Plan does not permit impact of category one wetlands and also they are not providing a buffer and are requesting a waiver of 100% for the buffer requirement. Also offshore resources there is an oculina reef and the Fish and wildlife has expressed a concern and her department felt there could be an additional reduction of the impact. Mr. Brown stated he did not believe a 50 ft. buffer would make sense. He also addressed the parking and stated he was hesitant to provide minimum parking to avoid people double parking and is requesting the additional 12 spaces remain. Com. Coward asked if anyone had reviewed the economic impact. The Growth Management Director stated he had not had the opportunity to review it. Com. Coward stated he would like for staff to provide guidance to the Board and felt it was important for the economic impact study to be reviewed. He is concerned with the fact they may be trying to pack in too many units on this small strip of land. He also addressed the cul-de-sac and would like to get more input from the Fire District. Also more information from the permitting agencies and also obtain more information on the upland buffer and asked if the landscape issues had been resolved according to our code requirements. The County Attorney recommended obtaining the information about the process and then they can discuss the property rights issues. Com. Grande requested information with regard to the coastal construction control line. Mr. Harold Melville, representing the applicant addressed the Board and stated they have done all possible to minimize the impact and have donated to St. Lucie County property to be able to connect parks. 11 After continued discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to pull this item and re- agenda the item for December 11, 2007 at 9:00 a.m. or as soon thereafter as it may be heard. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned. ___________________________ Chairman ____________________________ Clerk of the Circuit Court 12