HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOCC Minutes 12-04-2007
Date: December 4, 2007 Convened: 6:00 p.m.
Adjourned: 8:50 p.m.
Commissioners Present: Vice Chairman, Paula A. Lewis, Doug Coward, Chris Craft,
Charles Grande, Joseph Smith absent on county business
Others Present: Doug Anderson, County Administrator, Faye Outlaw, Asst. County
Administrator, Lee Ann Lowery, Asst. County Administrator, Dan McIntyre, County
Attorney, Debra Brisson, Parks and Recreation Director, Don West, Public Works
Director, Lauri Case, Utilities Director, Diana Lewis, Airport Director, Neil Apple,
Purchasing Director, Vanessa Bissey, Environmental Resources Director, Ed Fry, Clerk
of Courts, Leo Cordeiro, Solid Waste Director, Millie Delgado-Feliciano, Deputy Clerk
It was moved by Com. Coward, seconded by Com. Craft, to approve the minutes of the
meeting held November 27, 2007, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Ed Fry, Clerk of the Circuit Court, addressed the Board regarding the State Board
Administration Investments. He advised the Board of existing problems with the local
government investment pool made by the State Board Administration. He stated the Pool
had been a great investment for 25 years but unfortunately this was no longer the case.
The Clerk advised the Board of the article dated November 14, 2007 by Bloomberg. It
stated that 2.2 billion dollars of investments in the local government pool had been down
rated by the rating agency to below investment grade. Investments by the SBA were to
be short term, top rated liquid and securities but unfortunately the SBA made bad
investments. The SBA had assured local governments they would have access to all
funds and there would be no risk of loss. However some local governments started to
withdraw their funds and this made a run on the banks causing the Governor and Cabinet
to suspended all withdrawals and deposits from the fund. An Advisory Committee was
formed to make recommendations to the Governor. There were 6 recommendations
made to the Governor and the Cabinet. The primary recommendation was for the State to
provide a guarantee that all participants in the pool receive 100% of their money back.
Blackrock also recommended the pool be split into two funds: Fund A- containing all
solid investments and Fund B containing those at risk.
The Clerk advised the Board the Governor and the Cabinet met this morning to discuss
the recommendations made by the Committee and Blackrock and approved the
recommendation of separation of funds. Fund A to have 86% and Fund be 14%. On
Thursday the pool will be opened for withdrawals with the stipulation that up to 15% of
the funds or $ 2million can be withdrawn whichever is greater. His main concern is that
the Governor and the Cabinet would not guarantee 100% of the funds be returned.
The Clerk advised the Board of his intention to withdraw all possible funds and invest
them in “Triple A” money market funds. A graph indicating the County’s Investment
Status as of November 30, 2007 was provided to the Board for their review as well as the
projected cash flow. He assured the Board the County would have all the necessary
funds to meet their obligations through the fiscal year. In his review of the Investment
Policy he is recommending a proposed revision of the portfolio composition as follows:
H. Money Market Funds
A maximum of 80% of the portfolio may be invested in institutional money
market funds.
Money market funds must have an “AAA” rating from Moody’s Standard and
Poor’s or Fitch.
A maximum of 25% of the portfolio may be invested in any one money market
Com. Coward stated normally the Board would require speaking with the Investment
Advisory Committee members before making any changes.
The Clerk advised Com. Coward with the time constraints and the fact this was such
short notice, most of the members were unavailable to be here today with the exception
of one member, Mr. Todd Bevins who was present. He believed he needed guidelines
and structure to be able to move forward.
Com. Coward stated he understood the magnitude of this issue and that the Clerk needs
the flexibility to resolve the problem. He requested the Clerk acknowledge that he has not
heard any concerns from the Advisory Committee to date and that he will go back to the
Committee to review and revise what is before the Board today if necessary.
The Clerk acknowledged he would be doing so.
The Clerk stated he would like to make the change due to the fact he would be
withdrawing funds on Thursday and would like to have the perimeter in place.
Com. Lewis stated given the situation she agreed with the fact they needed to withdraw
the remaining funds as soon as possible and did not see a problem with putting this in
place today and making any necessary changes later.
The Clerk stated he would discuss the issue with the Investment Advisory Committee and
would come forward with recommendations. He hopes to meet with them within the next
week or two.
The County Attorney recommended this being done by Resolution and believes he can
have the Resolution drafted by next Tuesday. He recommended an interim approval be
given so the Clerk may move forward and then agenda the Resolution for Tuesday’s
meeting when the Board can review both the language and the committee’s input.
It was moved by Com. Grande, seconded by Com. Coward, to approve staff (County
Attorney) recommendation, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
The County Administrator advised the Board that in his meeting with the Legislative
Delegation he had advised them the funds of $20 million in Fund B (high risk) is mainly
the County’s emergency reserves. He also advised them he was requiring the County be
made whole on the investments.
The Clerk stated he was concerned with the fact the SBA had not advised anyone of the
types of investments they were making and also the type of risks they were taking with
the County’s money. The County had relied on their expertise and knowledge.
The County Administrator advised the Board of the problem he encountered as a member
of the Florida Ports’ Council where they could not make a payment on a bond due to the
SBA freezing the funds. The Florida Ports’ Council acquired a loan from the DOT to pay
the Bond so they would not be considered in default by the rating company.
The Board directed staff to work with the Clerk of Court in drafting a letter or a
Resolution to be brought before the Board for review.
Mr. Pat Prosceutti Triple SA Baseball Club addressed the Board and presented their
surplus funds as a donation to the County for the Parks and Recreation Department for
use possibly at Elks Park. The donation amount was $1500.00.
Mr. Richard Landon, Indian River Drive resident addressed item 6 on the agenda and
expressed his appreciation to the Board for having the area cleared and stated the
situation has improved.
Mr. Douglas Ashley, Rio resident, addressed the Board on item 6 and stated he had an
accident on the drive in April of 2006 at the intersection in question. He congratulated
the county on having the area cleared. He strongly recommended the County also look at
the Midway Road and Indian River Drive intersection which he felt needs some safety
precautions taken.
Mr. Rodney Grant, area resident, addressed the Board with a flooding problem he has on
his property due to an access. He advised the Board he has been addressing this issue
with the county for quite some time. He is requesting the Board assist him in the
overspill from the wetlands. Also his home keeps getting re-addressed. His original
address was 8620 U.S. 1 but continues to be given the 2050 Lake Lucie Drive address.
The County Administrator advised Mr. Grant he would be looking into the matter and
requested copies of all correspondence and asked he be given the opportunity to be
brought up to speed on the issue.
Ms. Carol Schultz, Indian River Drive resident, addressed the Board and thanked them
for clearing the land on the Drive, however she wished to advise the Board of her
opposition to stop signs.
Ms. Susie Caron, Indrio Road resident, addressed the Board regarding the “windmills”
and stated she did not have a positive outlook on windmills being placed on public
property because St. Lucie County is a green community.
Mr. John Arena, Ft. Pierce resident addressed the Board regarding the old plant at Morris
Creek and asked where the manatees would go for warmth should this plant be removed.
He also addressed what he felt was the “Mexican Mafia” being in the area.
Mr. Richard Langdon, Indian River Drive resident, addressed the clearing of the Drive
once again and stated the clearing did not include 3 parcels closer to the South and felt if
they were included, it would provide better visibility all the way down the road.
Ms. Bonnie Tilman, 8613 Shady Lake Lane, Ft. Pierce, addressed the Board and
requested information with regard to the property taxes and their purpose. She wished to
know the correlation between the property value and their burden to the county.
Com. Craft stated everyone is aware that we have a broken tax system in the State and
creates inequities. He believes the state will not make anything more palatable but will
make it worse.
Com. Grande stated unless those who are more fortunate and are thankful for their good
fortune pick up the slack, we would not have a community or a society.
Ms. Tillman stated she felt she is being punished for that very reason and for building a
home. She wanted to know why her obligation to the county is so great.
The County Attorney advised Ms. Tillman the state has set up a system on how the
county can tax. These issues need to be brought to the State Legislature and the
Governor, the county has no control of how the state structures the taxes. The county
lowers the millage in order to attempt to bring some kind of relief to the owners. The
Board has only the ability to set the millage.
Mr. Roger Sharp, Indian River Drive resident and Chairman of the Indian River Lagoon
Scenic Highway addressed the Board on this issue. He felt the project could have been
done with stop signs and limited removal of vegetation instead of bulldozing and clearing
the land. He believes the county could have saved the cost and felt it was an unnecessary
expense. He believes it will now need to be maintained and railings installed.
It was moved by Com. Grande, seconded by Com. Craft, to approve the Consent Agenda,
with items CA-1 and CA-2 included, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
The Board approved Warrant List No. 9.
Third Amendment to Agreement with Clarion and Associates- The Board approved the
Third Amendment and authorized the Chairman to sign.
A.Request approval for Work Authorization No. 7 for LPA Group to provide
consultant services to remove exotics on a 12.13 acre mitigation site at the St.
Lucie County International Airport, a limp sum cost of $32,000.- The Board
approved Work Authorization No. 7 for a total lump sum cost of $32,000 and
authorized the Chairman or designee to execute the same.
B.Request for Board to approve Change Order # 1 for Ocean Gate General
Contractors, Inc., - The Board approved Change Order # 1 for Ocean Gate
General Contractors Inc., for an additional cost of $30,040.25 changing the
contract amount from $2,298,498 to $2,323,538.25 adding 81 days to the
contract time, changing the substantial completion date to January 8, 2008 for
the construction of the new Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting Facility at the St.
Lucie County International Airport and authorized the Chairman or his
designee to execute same.
Engineering Division- Professional Engineering Services Stormwater Management- First
Amendment to Work Authorization No. 1 with PBS&J for a time extension through
August 31, 2009 for Paradise Park Subdivision Stormwater Improvements Phase II to
assist St. Lucie county throughout our construction phase- There are no funds associated
with this item- The Board approved the First Amendment to Work Authorization No.
1and authorized the Chairman to sign.
A.Fixed Asset Inventory – Property Record Removal- The Board authorized
staff to remove the records from the fixed asset inventory of the Board of
County Commissioners.
B.Award Invitation to Bid- The Board approved awarding Invitation to Bid #
08-005 Construction of the St. Lucie County Skateboard Park to the lowest
responsive, responsible bidder, AWM Construction, Inc., for the cost of
$545,415.00 and authorized the Chairman to sign the contract as prepared by
the County Attorney.
A.Bid Waiver and Sole Source Declaration- Millennium Marble & Tile Inc-
Sealant restoration of existing granite façade panels on the exterior of the
downtown Courthouse Annex Building - The Board approved the Bid Waiver
and the Sole Source Declaration to Millennium Marble and Tile Inc., at a cost
of $167,700. and authorized the Chairman to sign the contract as prepared by
the County Attorney.
B.David Brooks Enterprises/ Contract # C05-12-636/Change Order No. 8
Construction of the New Clerk of Courts Building to include only Phase 1
construction of the Old Clerk of Court Remodel.- This project is of high
priority as it will provide immediate relief to the current space needs with
additional courtroom space and will be connected to the new Clerk of Courts
Building. Estimated cost to complete Phase 1 is $4,796,197 and approval and
implementation of this Change Order No. 8 will:
Save project time: By providing David Brooks Enterprises, already on site with
construction of the New Clerk of Court Building., construction of the Chiller Plant,
and the window repair and resealing of the exterior limestone panels on the Old Clerk
of Court Building., to move forward with Phase 1
Savings in project costs: By utilizing the Direct Material Purchase option (tax
exempt purchases/sales tax savings) already in place with David Brooks Enterprises
for the construction of the New Clerk of Courts building.
This Change Order is for Phase 1 construction only.
The Board approved Change Order No. 8 to # C05-12-636, David Brooks Enterprises, to
include only Phase 1 construction of the Old Clerk of Court Remodel project at the cost
of $4,796,197 and authorized the Chairman to sign the Change Order as prepared by the
County Attorney.
Authorize the submittal of a grant application to Children’s Services Council of St. Lucie
County on behalf of In The Image of Christ Inc., a non profit organization for funding to
promote Kwanzaa – A Unique Celebration Pride Program for all residents in St. Lucie
County- The Board approved the submittal of the grant application.
Staff requests approval of a Work Authorization with CDM, Inc., for engineering
services related to the water, wastewater and reclaimed water rate and connection fee
study in the amount of $49,700.00- The Board approved Work Authorization with CDM,
Inc. for engineering services in the amount of $49,700.
A.AG PUD Steering Committee- Cattlemen’s Association would like to appoint
Jim Russakis as their representative on the Agricultural Development Steering
Committee- The Board ratified the appointment of Jim Russakis .
B.Art in Public Places Committee- The Board ratified Com. Craft’s
appointment of Mr. Havert Fenn to the Art in Public Places Committee.
Ordinance No. 07-051- Amending Chapter 1-2.3 (Airports and Aircraft) by adopting
Primary Guiding Documents, Airport Rules and Regulations, and General Aviation
Minimum Standards for the St. Lucie County International Airport- Consider staff
recommendation to approve Ordinance No. 07-051 as drafted.
Com. Coward questioned the changes not being in the document that is before them
The Assistant County Attorney addressed this issue and stated the changes would be
incorporated into the actual document.
Ms. Susie Caron, Indrio Road resident, addressed the Board and stated she hoped all had
been reviewed and they had included the general aviation community.
The Airport Director advised the Board of all the meetings they had scheduled regarding
this issue. She stated they had provided copies of the documents for their review and
comments. They met with the tenants and a small committee representing the tenants and
everyone is satisfied.
It was moved by Com. Coward, seconded by Com. Craft, to approve staff
recommendation as set forth in the Assistant County Attorney’s memo of Nov. 29 and
incorporate those into Ordinance No. 07-051, and; upon roll call, motion carried
Ordinance No, 07-013 Providing the Terms and Conditions for Installing, Constructing
and Maintaining a Communications Facility in the County’s Public Right of Way for the
Provision of Communications Service- This is the first of two public hearings – No
action required.
Staff requested this issue be continued for January 22, 2008 at 9:00 a.m. or as soon
thereafter as it may be heard.
It was moved by Com. Craft, seconded by Com. Coward, to continue this item on
January 22, 2008 at 9:00 a.m. or as soon thereafter as it may be heard, and; upon roll call,
motion carried unanimously.
Award Invitation to Bid # 07-111- The Board approved awarding Invitation to Bid # 07-
111 Construction of the Emergency Operations Center to the lowest responsive,
responsible bidder, Paul Jacquin & Sons, Inc. for 1) The amount of $8,552,000.00 2)
authorized staff to reduce the amount of the award for County purchased bid items and
alternates not used, and 3) authorized the Chairman to sign the contract as prepared by
the County Attorney.
Authorized the County Administrator to sing the FEMA Project Completion and
Certification Report for Hurricane Irene (Disaster 1306) The Board approved authorizing
the County Administrator to sign the Federal Emergency Management Agency Project
Completion and Certification Report for Hurricane Irene.
Multi-way stop signs at Indian River Drive and Walton Road Intersection- Public Works
Staff is requesting Board consideration to approve Resolution No. 07-344 providing for
the installation of stop signs at the Indian River Drive and Walton Road Intersection.
The Public Works addressed this item and advised the Board the Sheriff had
recommended installation of the signs. He advised the Board a study was done and felt
the intersection does not meet the criteria or warrants for the stop signs. He expressed his
concern that placing stop signs in an area that does not meet warrant criteria may set a
precedent. Staff’s recommendation was not to place the stop signs due to the fact the
intersection does not meet the criteria or warrants. The will maintain the area now that it
is cleared and will be seeding and mulching the area.
Com. Craft stated he would have originally preferred to have the stop signs as opposed to
what had been done for public safety reasons. He wants to make sure now that it is
cleared it is maintained.
Com. Coward stated he supported the new motion due to the fact the removal of the
vegetation has resolved some of the problem however, he believed the speeding issue was
still of great concern to him and needed to be monitored by the Sheriff’s department.
It was moved by Com. Grande, seconded by Com. Coward, to approve the revised staff
recommendation and also the area be maintained as indicated, and continue to monitor
and come back to the Board to place the signs should the need occur, and; upon roll call,
motion carried unanimously.
Resolution No. 07-390- to support maintaining the Indian River Lagoon Blueway Project
on the “A” Acquisition List under the Florida Forever Program- Consider staff
recommendation to adopt Resolution No. 07-390 as drafted.
It was moved by Com. Coward, seconded by Com. Craft to approve Resolution No. 07-
390, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was
Clerk of the Circuit Court