HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-28-2010 Signed AgendasAGENDA REQUEST ~~_~ ~ . ~ ~ A - TO: BOARD OE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY[DEPTj; SUBJECT: County Attorney ITEM NO. IV-A DATE: September 28, Z0~.0 REGULAR (x PUBLIC HEARING C ] CONSENT C ] PRESENTED BY: Daniel S. McIntyre County Attorney Resolution No. 10-247 - "DISABILITY AWARENESS MONTH" in St. Lucie County. BACKGROUND: Suzy Hutcheson, President and C£O of Helping People Succeed, Inc., has requested that this Board proclaim the month of October 2010 as "DISABILITY AWARENESS MONTH" in St. Lucie County, Florida. The attached Resalutian No. 10-247 has been drafted for that purpose. RECOMMENDATION: Staff reeommendsthatthe Board adapttheattached Resalutian Na. 10-247 as drafted. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: ~~ APPROVE=D [ ~ ~~Ni~D __~_ ~ ]OTHER: _.---~ - ~ --.-~.~ gpproved 5.0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator 13eview and Appror-als ;~ [Xj County Attorney: Daniel S. McIntyre RESOLUTION NO. 10-247 A RESOLUTION PROCLAIMING THE MONTH OF OCTOBER 2010 AS "DISABILITY AWARENESS MONTH" IN ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA WHERI=AS, the Board of County Commissioners of St. Lucie County, Florida, has made the following determinations: 1. October is National Disability Awareness Month, during which the contributions of Americans with disabilities are recognized and citizens are encouraged to ensure equal opportunity in the workforce. 2. Across America, individuals with disabilities are making important contributions in the workplace, and here in 5t. Lucie County, individuals with disabilities are becoming part of the fabric of our workforce. 3. The employers in St. Lucie County are recognized far valuing the ability and worth of all citizens, noting that employing a person with a disability contributes to the quality of life of the individual and also to the diversity and economic viability of our community. 4. Helping People Succeed Inc. has a commitment to people with disabilities through its various programs and services that help people with disabilities obtain and maintain employment, thus helping them f ive the American dream of an everyday life. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of St. Lucie County, Florida: 1. This 13aard commends Helping People Succeed, inc., its employees and volunteers for their continuing good works in helping those citizens with disabilities obtain gainful employment and contribute to the sustainability of our community. 2. This Board does hereby proclaim the month of October 201o as "DISABILITY AWARENESS MONTH" in St. Lucie County, Florida. PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED this 28"' day of September 210. ATTlW ST: DEPUTY CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: CHAIRMAN APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM AND CORRECTNESS: COUNTY ATTORNEY AGENDA REQUEST TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY(DEPT}: SUBJECT: County Attorney ITEM NO. IV-B DATE: September 28, 2D1D REGULAR [x PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [ PRESENTED BY: Danie[ S. McIntyre County Attorney Resolution No. 1D-Z51 - "Fire Prevention Week" BACKGROUND: The St. Lucie County Fire Board has requested that this Board proclaim the week of October B, 2010 through October 9, 2010 as "Fire Prevention Week" in St. Lucie County, Florida. The attached Resolution No. 10-251 has been drafted for that purpose. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board adopt the attached Resolution No. 1D-251 as drafted. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: [~ APPROVED [ ] DEN1 ED ~ `----~-----_.. [ ]OTHER: - ~ _ - Approved 5-0 Faye W• Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Review and Approvals [X] County Attorney: Daniel S. McIntyre RESOLUTION NC). 10-251 A RESOLUTION PROCLAIMING THE WEEK OF OCTOBER 3, 2g1Q THROUGH OCTOBER 9, 2glq AS "FIRE PREVENTION WEEK" IN ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of St. Lucie County; Florida, has made the following determinations: 1. The annual toll from fires throughout the U.S. causes the death of thousands of Americans, while many more individuals are burned or disfigured for life, and suffer enormous losses of property. 2. More deaths caused by fires involve women and children in the Name. 3. Statistics indicate that a large percentage of fires in this country are caused merely by carelessness. 4. The observance of "FIRE PREVENTION WEEK" provides an excellent opportunity for the St. Lucie County Fire District to bring before the people of St. Lucie County the need to cooperate in all fire prevention and safety measures, which could help bring a substantial savings in fife and property to our community during the months ahead. NOW, THEREFORE, SE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of St. Lucie County> Florida: Section 1. This Board does hereby proclaim October 3, 2g1q through October 9, 2glq, as "l=1Rlw PREVENTION WEEK" in St. Lucie County, Fforida. Section 2. This Board. requests and urges all citizens and residents of St. Lucie County to participate in fire prevention activities, seeking to reduce the great loss of fife and property caused by fires; and hereby requests the cooperation of the news media - radia, television and newspapers -tv publicize this Resolution and give full publicity. thereof. Section 3. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption, pursuant to law. PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED this 28`" day of September 2g1q. ATTEST: SOAR© OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: DEPUTY CLERK CHAIRMAN APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM AND CORRECTNESS: COUNTY ATTORNEY ITEM NO. VI-E-'I DATE: A912811€3 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR PUBLIC HEARING ( } LEG. ( } QUASI-.JD ( } CONSENT ( ~ } TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Heather Sperrazza Lucke Assistant County Attorney SUBMITTED BY: Cou€~ty Attorney SUBS Approval of Agreement with William Miley to Provide Certain Volunteer Services at Bluefield BACKGROUND: See CA10-1161 I=UNDS AVAILABLE: 001-3920-543000-300 Environmental Resources General Fund -Utilities PREVIOUS ACTION: The Board of County Commissioners approved the "Volunteer In Preserve" Program/standard Agreement on October 22, 2002. The Board of County Commissioners approved an agreement with William Miley on February 12, 2008. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of new agreement with William Miley far Volunteer in Preserve Program. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: ~j APPROVED { ) DENIED ~"~-`--------......~ ( ) OTHER ~~----__`"~ A roved 5.0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA ~~ County Administrator CoordinatianlSianatures r '~ ~~ County Attorney { x) ~° OMB ©irector { x) ~ Budget Analyst Daniel S. McIntyre (Marie Gouin) ( ) ERD { x } (Name) n Smith) 1 TO: Board of County Commissioners 1=ROM: Heather Sperrazza Lueke, Assistant County Attorney C.A. No: CA10-1161 DATE: September 28, 2010 SUBJECT: Approval of Agreement with William Miley to Provide Certain Volunteer Services at Bluefield ITEM NO. VI-B-1 Back r,~auncl: Attached to this memo is a copy of the new proposed agreement with William Miley to provide volunteer services at Bluefield. The Volunteer in Preserve (V1P} Program provides volunteer staffing far the Environmental I-ands Program in exchange for the opportunity to temporarily reside nn the sites, providing their own recreational vehicle. VIP's provide twenty (20} hours of service each weep, such as opening and closing gates, patrolling and exotic removal. The County provides utility's at approximately $50 per month. The County has had an agreement with Mr. Miley since February 2008. Previous Action: The Board of County Commissaners approved the "Volunteer In Preserve" PrngramlStar~dard Agreement on October 22, 2002. The Board of County Commissioners approved an agreement with William Miley on February 12, 2008. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of new agreement with William Miley for Volunteer in Preserve Program. Respectfully submitted, eat er Sperrazza Lueke Assistant County Attorney ITEM NO. VI-B-2 DATE: as~2s~~ a AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( } PUBLIC HEARING ( } LEG. f ) QUASI-JD ( ) CONSENT (x } TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Heather Sperrazza Lueke Assistant County Attorney SUBMITTED BY: County Attorney SUBJECT: ^rug Abuse Treatment Association, Inc. (D.A:T.A.) Twelfth Amendment to 1990 Facilities Use Agreement BACKGROUN©: See CA10-1162 FUNDS AVAILABLE: NIA PREVIOUS ACTION: Board of County Commissioners approved ,June 12, 1990 Facilities Use Agreement and eleven subsequent extensions RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the Twelfth Amendment to the facilities Use Agreement with D.A.T.A. COMMISSION ACT10N: ~} APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER Approved 5.0 CONCURRENCE: ~_ 1=aye W. Dutlaw, MPA County Administrator CoordinationlSi natures County Attorney { x) OMB ©irector { ) Budget Analyst Daniel 5. Mclntyre (Name} END { ) (Name} (Name) {Name} couN~rY ATTORNrY - -~ -i -~ ~ ~f~.. o TO: Board of County Commissioners MEMORANDUM FROM: Heather Sperrazza Luel<e, Assistant County Attorney C.A. No: CA10-1162 BATE: September 28, 2010 SUBJECT: Drug Abuse Treatment Association, Inc. (D,A.T.A.) Twelfth Amendment to 1990 Facilities Use Agreement ITEM NO. VI-B~2 Back rg ou~d~ Since 1990, the Drug Abuse Treatment Association, Inc. (D.A.T.A.) has used the facility Known as the "Youth Hall" for H.R.S.-contracted drug treatment serrrices for children. Previous Action: Board of County Commissioners approved June 12, 1990 Facilities Use Agreement and eleven subsequent extensions Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the Twelfth Amendment to the Facilities Use Agreement with D.A.T.A. pe tfuliy submitted, Heather Sperrazza uel< Assistant County Attorn AGENDA REQUEST rTEM No. vi-B-:~ DATE. September 28, 2010 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING ] CONSENT [X] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): County Attorney PRESENTED BY: Mark Godwin~~/~ Criminal Justice Coordinator SUBJECT: Request to have the Board to amend and approve a Contractual Rate Agreement (Amendment No. 0006} with United for Families, Inc (UFF} far drug screening services. BACKGROUND: Please see attached Memorandum CA No. 10W1206. FUNDS AVAIL. NIA -This is anon-financial amendment PREVIOUS ACTION: The St. Lucie County Drug Screening f.ab opened for testing on July 1, 2008. Since January 2009, the Board has approved five (5) previous Cantractual Rate Agreements with UFF. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board approve the Amended Contractual Rate Agreement with United for Families, Inc., and that the Chairman be authorised to sign the Amended Contractual Rate Agreement. COMMI5SION ACTION: ,APPROVED (]DENIED [ ]OTHER: Ct7NCURRENCE: .-. ~ ~~~ Approved 5.0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Review and Approvals [X] County Attorney: ~~ [xJ Managerr~ent & Budget: ~~ Dan McIntyre Marie Gnuin, Director Patty Marston, Analyst County Attorney M~MORANDUM90-120fi TO: Board of County Commissioners THRC}UGH: Daniel S. McIntyre, Gounty Attorney 1=ROM: Mark J. Godwin, Criminal Justice Coordinator DATE: September 28, 2010 SUBJBCT; Approve amendment changes in the St. Lucie Drug Screening Lab Contract with United For Families (UFF) and Department of Children and Families (DCF}. ITEM NtJ. Vl B 8 Backarouncl: The St. Lucie County Drug Screening Lab opened ort July 'i, 2048. The Lab has tested many clients in the public and privy#e sectors. In 2009, the lab tested aver 17,000 individuals. This new amended agreement assures that the St. Lucie County Drug Screening Lab is in compliance with DCF's requirements such as: Civic Rights, Criminal Background Checks, Indemnification, Information Systems Security Obligations, Patents, Copyrights and Royalties, Whistleblower's Act Requirements, Financial and Compliance Audit, and Debarment, Suspension, ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion Certification. The primary purpose of the attached amendment is to fulfill the contract requirements as issued by the State of Florida, Department of Children and Families, requiring UFF to integrate into its subcontracts the required DCF- Contract Directives for Administrators (CDAs} andlor amendment changes as outlined in UFF's Contract ZJK84 with DCF. Recammenda~tion• Staff recommends that the Board approve Contractual Rate Agreement Amendment (0{706} with United far Families, Inc. far screening clients receiving services, and fulfill the contract requirements as issued by the State of Florida, Department of Children and Families, and authorize the Chairman to sign the amended agreement. pectfully submitted, ~~~~ Mark Godwin Criminal Justice Coordinator ITEM NO. VI-B-~ DATE: 09!28!10 PUBLIC HEARENG ( } LEG, ( } QUASI-JD ( } CONSENT (x } TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Heather Sperrazza Lueke Assistant County Attorney SUBMITTED BY: County Attorney SUBJECT; Permission to Advertise -Certificate of Public Convenience and .Necessity {CON} -Application for Class F for Golden Years Senior Care, Inc. BACKGROUND: See CA'10-1195 FUNDS AVAILABLE: NIA PREVIOUS ACTION. On August 18, 2010, the Emergency Medical Services Advisory Baard voted to recammend approval of the application far CON. RECOMMENDATION: Staff requests permission to advertise Golden Years Senior Care, Int.'s application for Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for public hearing before the Board of County Commissioners an October 26, 20'!0, beginning at 9:00 am or as soon thereafter as may be heard. COMMISSION ACTION: AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( } CONCURRENCE: (~} APPROVED { ) DENIED OTHE=R ~~~ ~~~ ~ ~ Faye W. Outlaw, MPA Approved ~'p County Administrator CoordinatianlSignatures_ County Attorney (x } ~,~. _ Public Safety (x ) _.._ Daniel S. McIntyre (Jack Southard) {Name) ERD ( ) (Name) TO: Board of County Commissioners COUNTY ATTORNEY MEMORANDUM IrROM: Heather Sperrazza Lueke, Assistant County Attorney C.A. No: CA10-1195 DATE. September 28, 2010 SUBJECT: Permission to Advertise -Certificate of Puhlic Convenience and Necessity (CON} -Application for Class l= for Golden Years Senior Care, inc. ITEM NO. VI_g-4 Background: Golden Years Senior Care, Inc. dlbla Granny Nannies has submitted an application, attached, for a Class Use of wheelchair vehicles to provide wheelchair vehicle service) Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity {CON}. The Public Safety Director has reviewed the application and found it to meet the requirements of Chapter 1-'12.5 of the Code of Ordinances. Previous Action: On August 18, 2010, the Emergency Medics! Services Advisory Board voted to recommend approval of the application for CON. Recommendation: Staff requests permission to advertise Golden Years Senior Care, lnc.'s application for Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for public hearing before the Board of County Commissioners on October 26, 20'[0, beginning at 9:00 am ar as sawn thereafter as may be heard. Respectfully submitte , ~. „. ~ eather Sperrazza Lue Assistant County Attor ey AGENDA REQUEST TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY{DEPT): County Attorney SU63ECT; BACKGROUND: 1=UNDS AVAILABLE. PREVIOUS ACTION ITEM NO. VI-B-5' DATE: September .2~:, 2010 REGULAR [] PUBLIG HEARING [] CONSENT [XX] PRESENTED BY: Daniel S. McIntyre County Attorney Interlocal Agreement - TCERDA Utility Improvements See attached memorandum 316-3716-X64000-093 610-Capital Infrastructure RECOMMENDATION. Staff recommends that the Board approve the Interlocal Agreement with the proposed amendment to Paragraph 5C and authorize the Chairman to sign the Interlocal Agreement. Staff also recommends that the Board approve the amended Interlocal Agreement as an Exhibit to the previously approved Interlocal Agreement with the City of Fort Pierce, fPUA, the County and TCERDA pertaining to annexation to the Research Park. COMMISSION ACTION: ~C] APPROVED (]DENIED [ ]OTHER: Approved 5-iS CONCURRENCE: Faye w. outlaw, MPA County Administrator Review and Approvals Caunty Attorney: ~ .,. Management & Budget ~+~i+~'~r Daniel S, Mc~ntyre ' Originating Dept, public Works Dir: ~~ i~1 5~- M . 5cx Finance: {Check for copy only, if applicable) Eff. 5/96 INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM; ©aniel 5. McIntyre, County Attorney c.a. No.: 10-1187 DATE: September 14, 2010 SUBJECT: Interlncal Agreement -TCERDA Utility Improvements BACKGROUND: Attached is a proposed Interlocai Agreement between the County, Fart Pierce Utilities Authority {FPUA} and the Treasure Coast Research and Development Authority. The Interiocal Agreement pertains to additional utility infrastructure needed to support the TCERDA master planned facilities. Under the terms of the Agreement, FPUA will design and construct water and wastewater improvements needed to support TCC=RDA master planned facilities. The proposed water improvements consist of approximately 5,300 lineal feet of 12 inch water main in Rack Road from Pruitt Research Road to Okeechobee Road. The proposed wastewater improvements consist of approximately 5,400 lineal feet of 8 inch farce main in Rack Road or in a new proposed road. Under the terms of the Agreement, the County is responsible for paying all contractors costs and easement acquisition costs associated with the construction of the project. The estimated cost of the water improvements is $373,000.00 and the estimated cost of the wastewater improvements is $422,000.00 for a fatal amount of $725,000.00. Funding is available in Account Number 316-3716-564000-093610 Capital Infrastructure. FPUA is responsible for designing and permitting the project and completing construction of the project within 180 days from receipt of funds from the County. County staff recommends that Paragraph 5C be revised as follows; AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. VI-B- ~ DATE: September 28, 2010 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING Leg. [ ]Quasi-JD j ] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY (DEPT.}: County Attorney SUBJECT: Revocable License Agreement Cedar Creek Engineering Orange Avenue -Monitoring Wells BACKGROUND: See Attached Memorandum FUNDS AVAILABLE: NIA CONSENT [X] PRESENTED BY: JaAnn Riley Property Acquisition Manager PREVIOUS ACTION: October 21, 2008 -Cedar Creek Engineering was granted permission by the Board of County Commissioners to install monitoring wells in Orange Avenue rig ht-af-Way. October 20, 2009 -Cedar Creek Engineering was granted permissian by the Board of Caunty Cammissianers to install two (2) additional wells and 22 temporary injection paints far microbes for bio-remediation in the right-af-way of Orange Avenue. May 18, 2010 -Cedar Creek Engineering was granted permission by the Board of County Commissioners to install three {3} additional wells in the right-of-way of Orange Avenue. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board approve the Revocable License Agreement, authorize the Chairman to sign the Revocable License Agreement and instruct Cedar Creek Engineering to record the Revocable License Agreement in the Public Records of St. Lucie Caunty, Florida. COMMISSION ACTION: APPROVED [ OTHER Approved 5.0 CONCURRENCE: ~ ~ DENIED ~~ .._ ~.._.__. ~ Faye W. Outia~~, SPA. Caunty Ad:~inistra~ar Review and Approvals (x] Caunty Attorney: Daniel Mclntyre [x] Originating Dept: .rY+1~-- JoAnn Riley tx] Road and Brid Don Pauley [x] Engineering: ~`~'~ Mike Powley [x] Public Works: Don West PROP~RTYACQVISITION DI''VISION ~.E1VI.0RAN~U1tiI TO: Baard of Caunty Commissioners FROM: JoAnn Riley, Property Acquisition Manager DATE: September 28, 2010 SUBJECT. Revocable License Agreement Cedar Creek Engineering Orange Avenue - Monitoring Wells BACKGROUND: On October 25, 2003 there was a traffic accident and liquid fertilizer, diesel fuel and motor ail was spilt at or near 12661 Orange Avenue. This material constitutes hazardous Substances and/or pollutants which were released into the soil and groundwater. The purpose of the monitoring wells is to determine if the release of liquid fertilizer and diesel fuel that occurred on October 25, 2003, poses a threat to the drinking water quality in the surrounding area. There is a Final Judgment between the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and Charles Barney Trucking that states Charles Barney Trucking needs to comply with all environmental requirements to clean up the spill. The Baard of County Commissioners granted Cedar Creek Engineering permission on Ottaber 21, 200$ to install 3 to 5 monitoring wells in the right-of-way of Orange Avenue and October 20, 2009 an additional 2 wells and 22 temporary inject paints, which leave been removed, On May 18, 2010, the Baard of County Commissioners approved 3 additional monitoring wells and a pump test site. This request is to install 2 monitoring wells and 2 infiltration galleries as spawn in Exhibit 1. RI=COMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board approve the Revocable License Agreemen#, authorize the Chairman to sign the Revocable License Agreement and instruct Cedar Creek Engineering to record the Revocable License Agreement in the Public Records of St. Lucie Caunty, Florida. Respectfully submitted, llt.vti.w., aAnn Riley Property Acquisition Manager AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. V[-CI DATE : 928110 REGULAR PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASI-JD ( } CONSENT (X) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Michael Powley, P.E..~~~ SUBMITTED BY: Public WorkslEngineering Division County Engineer SUBJECT: Palm Breezes Club Phase I BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: NIA PREVIOUS ACTION: Board approved the Subdivision Improvement Agreement on July 26, 2005. Board approved the final plat far Pafm Breezes Phase I on August 25, 2005. Board approved an Amended Subdivision Improvement Agreement on January 10, 2005. F2ECOMMENDATION: Board acceptance of: the off-site improvements; the Maintenance Agreemenfi for the off-site improvements; the amended Subdivision Improvement Agreement; the associated partial release of surety, and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: ('~} APPROVED ( } DENIED ~-~-~`_ ( } OTHER Faye W. Oufilaw, MPA Approved 5-0 County Administrator County At#orney (x ) Originating ©ept. (x } County Surveyor (x ) C.oordinationlSign_atures ~~ Finance Daniel McIntyre ~'; . ©onal West Ron Harris Sha' rancis ~~~~ County Engineer (x) ~~, Michael Powley Road & Bridge (x) ...^ Don Pauley Palm Breezes Club Phase I partiai release conditional acceptance.ag Engineering ,Division MEME~RANDUM. TO: Board afi County Commissioners THROUGH: Donald West, Public Works Director ~ , FROM: Michael Powley, County Engineer ~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ©ATB: September 28, 2010 SUBJECT: Palm Breezes Club Phase I ITEM NO. VI-CI Background: Palm Breeze Club is located approximately ~ .5 miles west of Kings Highway and is situated on the north side of Orange Avenue. Centex Homes, developer of Palm Breezes Club Phase I, was required to cahstruct turn lanes at the project entrance and minor drainage improvements within the Orange Avenue right-of-way. Pursuant to the terms of the Subdivision Improvement Agreement, the developer provided a "Subdivider's Completion Band" in the amount of $3,359,329.98. On April 7, 2009 Pulte Homes Corporation acquired Centex Corporation together with all of the Centex interest in the Palm Breezes Club development. The necessary documentation confirming this acquisition has been provided. The developer, having satisfactorily completed the road improvements on Orange Avenue, is requesting conditional acceptance of the off-site improvements together with the partial completion of the on-site improvements. Staff has inspected the improvements and reviewed the supporting documentation provided by the ©evelnper's engineer of record (Attachment A}. Staff recommends the Board approve the conditional acceptance of the off-site improvements, accept the Maintenance Agreement (Attachment B}, accept Amended- Subdivision Improvement Agreement far a time extension and assignment to Pulte Homes Corporation (Attachment C), release the original band, and accept the new surety in the amount of $488,439.50. Recommendation: Board acceptance of: the off-site improvements; the Maintenance Agreement for the off-site improvements; the amended Subdivision Improvement Agreement; the associated partial release of surety, and authorization far the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. :~ ~` 1 yF5 M ~~: 1~'~ S Y .^.it~ B,YI~,C+,~"g kF~ ~~ '~` ~k~l ~~i~x~aav'~n#'~9}~~f u~Y ~~ ~. [TEM NO. Vl- ~~ DATE; 9!2$11 fl REGULAR { ) PUBLIC HEARING t ) LEG. ( ) QUASI-JD ( ) AGENDA REQUEST CQNSENT (X } TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Dan West A SUBMITTED BY: Public Works Public Works Dir ctor' SUBJECT: Sid Waiver and Sale Source Determination BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 401-3410-546000-304 Equipment Maintenance PREVIOUS AGTION: October 12, 2004 _ Board approved bid waiver and sole source. October 4, 2005 -Board approved bid waiver and sole source. September 26, 2006 - Board approved bid waiver and sole source. September 25, 2007 -Board approved bid waiver and sole source. September 23, 2808 -Board approved bid waiver and sole source. October 13, 2409 -Board approved bid waiver and sole source. .June 16, 2049 _ Board approved bid waiver and sole source to Everglades Equipment RECOMMENDATION: Board approval of bid waiver and sole source determination for the purchase of parts and service from Kelly Tractor for Caterpillar, i=lagler Equipment #or Volvo and Samsung, Trekker Tractor, I..LC, far Case, Everglades Equipment #or John Deere, Sierra International Machinery #ar the balers and conveyors, Continental Biomass Industries for the grinder, bubo, USA, far the construction and demolition recycling equiprrient, Menzi USA far the Menzi Muck, Great Southern Equipment for Gradall and Econolite Control Products for traffic signal equipment. Authorization for the Chairman to execute contracts as approved by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: APPROVED ( } DENIED ( ) OTHER Approved 5~U Road & Bridge (X ) Solid Waste (X ) CONCURRENCE: l=aye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator CoordinationlSignature5 OMB Director ,~,..,.. Budget Analyst Don Pauley ~~.~-°~`y~ ,~ ..~ Purchasing Ron Roberts (X ) Marie Gouin X ~ ( ) ,~... Desiree Ciminio Public Works Department. MEMORANDUM TD: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Don West Public War Direor DATE: 9128120 f 0 SUBJEDT: Bid Waiver and Sole Source Determination ITEM ND. VI- C2 Background: The St. Lucie County Bating and Recycling Facility and the Road & Bridge Division own and operate equipment from Kelly Traator for Caterpillar, Flagler E quipment Company for Volvo and Samsung, Trekker Tractor, LLC, for Case, Everglades Equipment far Jahn Deere, Sierra International Machinery, LLC, for the baler system, Continental Biomass Industries, Inc for the grinder and LOBO USA for the construction and demolition recycling system, Menzi USA for the Menzi Muck, Great Southern Equipment for Gradail and Econolite Control Products for traffic signal equipment. All of the parts for the equipment are only available from the licensed dealer of the respective equipment. Per Section 8.9 (a}(2}; of the Purchasing Manua[ this request is for service contracts for maintenance, repairing, or servicing of existing equipment owned by the County, and therefore qualifies far a bid waiver. Recommendation: Board approval of bid waiver and sale source determination far the purchase of parts and service from Kelly Tractor for Caterpillar, Flagler Equipment for Volvo and Samsung, Trekker Tractor, LLC, far Case, Everglades Equipment far Jahn Deere, Sierra International Machinery for the balers and conveyors, Continental Biomass Industries for the grinder, Luba, USA, for the construction and demolition recycling equipmen#, Menzi USA for the Menzi Muck, Great Southern Equipment far Gradail and Ecanolite Control Products far traffic signal equipment, Authorization for the Chairman to execute contracts as approved by the County Attorney. DW:dls Attachment A -Sole Source Farms with letters ITEM No. VI-D~ REGULAR { ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. { ) QUASI-JD { ) CONSENT AGENDA REQUEST DATE, 9128!'1(1 { X) TO: BOARD DF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Ron Roberts SUBMITTED BY: Solid Waste Assistant Solid ante Director SUBJECT: CDM Work Authorization No. 2 for Permit Compliance in Years 2010-2015 BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE. 401-3410-531000-300 Professional Services Fiscal Year 2010-11 PREVIOUS ACTION: April 11, 2010 ~ Board approved master contract with CDM for engineering Services January 1, 2004 -Board approved 2005-2010 .agreement for annual permit compliance far $251,550 RECOMMENDATION: Board approval of Camp Dresser & McKee (CDM} Work Authorization Nv. 2 for engineering services tv assist Solid Waste with permit compliance fc~r years 2010 through 2015. Scope of services includes annual water quality monitoring, analysis, annual aerial survey, financial responsibility update, biennial water quality report, Title V reporting, and continuing consulting services for a total annual cost of $244,220, COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: (~' APPROVED { ) DENIED _ ( ) OTHER Faye W. Outlaw, MPA Approved 5.0 County Administrator CoordinationlSi natures County Attorney (X) OMB ©irector (X ) Budget Analyst (~€' Daniel S. McIntyre Marie Ga i TawannaJahnsan Purchasing (X } ~..~~,~ Public Works (X) 1 ~ n Director Melissa Simberlund n West solid Waste MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Ron Roberts, Assistant Solid Waste Director DATE: September 28, 2010 SUBJECT: CDM Work Authorization No. 2 far Permit Compliance for Years 2010-2015 ITEM NO. VI-D1 Background• in April of 2010, the Board approved a 5-year master agreement with CDM for consulting and professional engineering services. In order to remain compliant with several operating permits, certain actions and conditions must be met. These include, but are not limited to, the following: Annual aerial survey • Financial assurance + Water quality monitoring and analysis ~ Biennial water quality report The term of this Work Authorization is October 1, 2010 -September 20, 2015. Recorrtmendation: Board approval of CDM Work Authorization No. 2 for engineering services to assist Solid Waste with permit compliance far years 2010 through 2015. Scope of services includes annual water quality monitoring, analysis, annual aerial survey, financial responsibility update, biennial water quality report, Title V reporting, and continuing consulting services for a Iota! annual cost of $244,220. RR:dls Attachment A -CDM Work Authorization No. 2 AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. V1-D2 DATE: 912811 t1 REGULAR ( } PUBLIC HEARING { } LEG. { ) QUASI-JD [ ) CONSENT { X) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Ran Rataerts SUBMITTED BY: Solid Waste Assistant Soli ante Director SUBJECT: CDM Work Authorization No. 3 fiat Landfill Gas Management BAGKGROUND: See a#tached memorandum. FUNDS AVAII_ABE.E: 401-3410-531000-30D Professional Services Fiscal Year 2010-11 PREVIOUS ACTION: See attached memorandum, RECOMMENDATION: Board approval of CDM Work Authorization No. 3 for engineering services related to landfill gas management program for a fatal of $541,780 and authorization for the Chairman to execute documents as prepared by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: (~ APPROVED ~ } DENIED ( ) OTHER Approved 5.0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator CaardinatianlSignatures J ~~ County Attorney (X) ~~ OMB Director (X) ~ ~ . ' Budget Analyst 1 E3aniel 5. Mclntyre ari Gouin Tawonna .lohnsan Purchasing (X) ~..~ Public Works (X ) ~ 1a f~irector Melissa Simberlund Dn West TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Ron Roberts, Assistant Solid Waste Director [DATE: September 28, 2010 SUBJECT: CDM Work Authorization No. 3 for Landfill Gas Management ITEM NO. VI-D2 Backgrocand: CDM will provide professional services related to the management and gas system compliance monitoring for the existing landfill gas collection system, operation of the gas compression system, greenhouse gas monitoring and reporting and design of the Phase IIIB landfill gas collection system. These annual services are a requirement of our permit. Previous Action: October 1, 2008 -Board approved CDM Work Authorization for fiscal year 2009-2010. Recommendation: Board approval of CDM Wark Authorization No. 3 for engineering services related to landfill gas management program for a total of $541,780 and authorization for the Chairman to execute documents as prepared by the County Attorney. RR:dls Attachment A -CDM Work Authorization Na. 3 ITEM NO. VI-D3 AGENDA REQUEST DATE: 912$110 REGULAR ( ~ PUBLiC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASI-JD ( } CgNSENT ro: SUBMITTED BY: SUBJECT: BACKGROUND: FUNDS AVAILABLY: BOARD OI~ COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Solid Waste Bid Waiver for Hauling Fill Material See attached memorandurr~. 401-3410-534000-300 Contracted Services Fiscal Year 2010-11 PREVIOUS ACT34N: NlA (X} PRESENTED BY Ron Roberts Assistant So4id Waste Director RECOMMEN©ATION: Staff recommends that the Board, waive the bid requirement pursuant to Section 8.1, a.1 or a.8 of the Purchasing Policy Manual and de#ermine that waiving the bid requirement is in the best interest of the County, .and award a contract to Wasts Pro based on a low quote of $2.38 per cubic yard. Staff further recommends that the Board authorize the Chairman to sign a contract with Waste Pro as approved by the County Attorney. CDMMISSIC?N ACTION; ~ APPROVED { ) DENIED ( } OTHER Approved 5.0 CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coorciir~ationiSignatu_r_es County Attorney (X) ~ OMB Director (X) ~, ~ ' Budget Analyst ~~~~-- ~... _._~_~_ _ Daniel S. Mclntyre Marie Gouin-- Tawonna ,lohnson Purchasing (X) t Public Works (X ) ~-°' Director Melissa 5irnberlund Don West hod Waste MEM~RAND~JIVI 70. Board of County Commissioners l=R(7M: Ron Roberts, Assistant Solid Waste Director DATE: September 28, 2010 SUBJECT: Bid Waiver for Hauling i"ill Material ITEM NO. VI-D3 Background: The Solid Waste Department has been in discussions with representatives of Lennar, Inc. regarding the availability of an estimated 500,000 cubic yards of fill rr~aterial at a Lennar development site in St. Lucie County. Lennar has agreed to allow the County to remove fhe fill material a# no charge provided that the County immediately remove the fill from the site. The only stipulation is that the County pay far the loading and trucking of the material offsite and agree to indemnify Lennar against any damage to fhe site. Acquisition of this fill material will result in a substantial savings to the County. The County recently awarded a bid for delivery and purchase of fi31 material, The low bid was $5.29 per cubic yard. Using this Iaw bid, the County would incur a cost of $2,645,000. In view of the time constraints invofved, staff obtained three quotes to remove the fifl from the Lennar site as follows: 1. Waste Pro of St. Lucie County - $2.38 per cubic yard. 2, 5heltra & Sons of Martin County - $2.55 per cubic yard 3. Austin Tupler Trucking, Inc. of Palm Beach County - $3.00 per cubic yard Using the low quote of $2.38, the cos# to remove the donated fill would be $1,19[7,000.40 resulting in a savings of $1,455,000. Recammendatiian: Staff recommends that the Board, waive fhe bid requirement pursuant to Section 8.1, a,1 ar a.8 of the Purchasing Policy Manual and determine that waiving the bid requirement is in the best interest of the County, and award a contract to Waste Pro based on a low quote of $2.38 per cubic yard. Staff further recommends that the Board authorize the Chairman to sign a contract with Waste Pro as approved by the County Attorney. RR:dls Attachment A- Quotes for trucking of fil! material Attachment B -~ Contract :~„ ~, _ AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. DATE: REGULAR PUBLIC HEARING LEG. QUASI-JD VIE 09f281'1 U ( } ~ ) { ) CONSENT (X ) TO: B©ARD 01= COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Charlotte Lumbar SUBMITTED BY: Planning & Development ServiceslTourism Tourism Coordinator SUBJECT: 2D1012011 Contracts for the Treasure Coast Sports Commission BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: fi11-5210-582D00-500 PREVIOUS ACTION: C7ctaber 13, 2009 ~- Board approval of 2009 / 201 D Treasure Coast Sports Commission contracts RECOMMENDATION: Board approval of the 2010/2011 contracts for the Treasure Coast Sports Commission far a total amount of $15D,DDD and authorization far the Chairman to sign the contracts as prepared by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: {~ APPROVED ( ) DENIED { } OTHER Approved a-0 CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator CoordinationlSignatures ASy~tCnunty Attorney f ) ~ , , / ~,.... OMB Director ( ) ~ ~ J ~¢-°'°~ Budget Analyst I Dan MclntyrelK. M. GnuinlP. Marston MacKenzie-Smith Originating Dept. ( } ~ /~- ~,, 1wRD { } -~~ M.~a rleel n/a C.Lombard l Vii{ a~ '~~ a-: . ~` ~~ : : .~ . Planning & Development Seirvices MEMORANDUM. TO: Beard nfi County Commissioners THROUGH: Mark Satterlee, punning & Development Services Director ~ROIVI: Charlotte Lombard Tourism DATE: September 2$, 2010 SUBJECT: 2410/2D11 Contracts far the Treasure Coast Sports Commission ITEM NO. VI-E Background: The Treasure Coast Sports Commission {TCSC) has been promoting tourism in the County by attracting sporting events that provide measurable economic impact to the County and the Treasure Coast since 1999. At the August 25, 2010 Tourist Development Council (TDC} meeting, the TDC unanimausiy recommended the appravai of $15D,DDD of grant funding to the TCSC for the 2D10/2D11 fiscal year. These funds are generated by the tourist development tax. Total recommended funding to the TCSC for FY 2D1D/2D11 is $150,000. Below is a breakdown of the funding allocation: $ 75,OD0 -Administrative casts 7$ 5.D00 ~- Bids fees and sponsorships $15D,D00 -Total Recommendation Beard approval of the 201D/2011 contracts for the Treasure Coast Sports Commission far a total amount of $15D,DDD and authorization for the Chairman to sign the contracts as prepared by the County Attorney.