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10-12-2010 Signed Agendas
tau �rTr f t C? R [ © AAGENDA REQUEST T S O BMITTED BY: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS County Attorney ITEM NO. VI-B-'I DATE: 10/12/10 REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING LEG. ( ) QUASI -JD ( } CONSENT ( x ) PRESENTED BY: Heather Sperrazza Lueke Assistant County Attorney Second Amendment to Facilities Use Agreement with Treasure Coast Food Bank See CA10-1215 N/A March 9, 2010 - Board approved the Facilities Use Agreement with the Treasure Coast Food Bank. August 17, 2010 — Board approved First Amendment to Agreement. Staff recommends approval of the Second Amendment to the Facilities Use Agreement with Treasure Coast Food Bank. COMMISSION ACTION: APPROVED ( } DENIED ( } OTHER Approved -0 County Attorney ( x ) 3 3 CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordi nation/Signatu res OMB Director Budget Analyst Daniel S. McIntyre ( ) ERD (Name) (Name) (Name) (Name) AGENDA REQUEST TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ITEM NO. VI-B-2 DATE: October 12, 2010 REGULAR[] PUBLIC HEARING Leg. [ ] Quasi -JD [ ] CONSENT [X] PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY (DEPT.): County Attorney JoAnn Riley Property Acquisition Manager SUBJECT: Extend Contract Closing Date Contract for Sale and Purchase Harmony Heights Stormwater Improvements Estate of Alexandra Merker BACKGROUND: See Attached Memorandum FUNDS AVAILABLE: NIA PREVIOUS ACTION: March 2, 2010 - The Board of County Commissioners approved a Contract for Sale and Purchase in the amount of $10,500.00 with the Estate of Alexandra Merker. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board approve the extension of the closing date on the Contract for Sale and Purchase to December 31, 2010 and authorize the Chairman to sign the Contract Extension. COMMISSION ACTION: CXAPPROVED [ ] OTHER Approved 5.0 ` [x] County Attorney: Daniel McIntyre [x] Originating Dept: JoAnn Riley .. oll 6 Review and Approvals [ Road and Bridge: Don Pauley [x] Engineering: Mike Powley CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator [ ] Public Works: Don West PROPERTY ACQUISITION DIVISION MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: J'oAnn Riley, Property Acquisition Manager DATE: October 12, 2010 SUBJECT: Extend Contract Closing Date Contract for Sale and Purchase Harmony Heights Stormwater Improvements Estate of Alexandra Merker BACKGROUND: On March 2, 2010, the Board approved a Contract for Sale and Purchase in the amount of $10,500.00 for the purchase of property from the Estate of Alexandra Merker in Harmony Heights, Ms. Merker's property had to go through probate in the State of Florida. The probate process has not been completed and Ms. Merker's attorney has requested an extension of the closing date to December 31, 2010, Public Works has agreed to this extension date in view that this property is an important part of a stormwater drainage pond in Harmony Heights. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board approve the extension of the closing date on the Contract for Sale and Purchase to December 31, 2010 and authorize the Chairman to sign the Contract Extension. Respectfully submitted, J Ann Riley Property Acquisition Manager AGENDA REQUEST 7 C6UNTY F L 0 R t D A TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ITEM NO, VI-B.3 DATE: October 12, 2010 REGULAR[] PUBLIC HEARING [] CONSENT [XX] PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Daniel S. McIntyre County Attorney SUB ECT: Ordinance No. 10-038 - Permission to Advertise BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board grant permission to advertise Ordinance No. 10-038 for a public hearing on Tuesday, November 9, 2010 at 6:00 p.m. COMMISSION ACTION: APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER, Approved 5•0 CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Review and Approvals County Attorney. Management & Budget Purchasing: _ Daniel 5. McIntyre Originating Dept. Public Works Dir: County Eng.: Finance: (Check for copy only, if applicable) Eff. 5/96 COUNTY F: L O R I D A INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Daniel S. McIntyre, County Attorney C.A. NO.: 10-1272 DATE: September 29, 2010 SUBJECT: Ordinance No. 10-038 - Permission to Advertise BACKGROUND: At the Board's September 28, 2010, informal meeting, the Board requested that the County Attorney draft an ordinance amending the County's regulations pertaining to the hours of sale of alcoholic beverages to make the County's regulations consistent with the regulations adopted by the City of Fort Pierce. In this regard, attached is a copy of draft Ordinance No.10-038 which, if adopted, would prohibit the sale of alcoholic beverages within the unincorporated St, Lucie County between the hours of 2.00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. each day. RECOMMENDATION/CONCLUSION: Staff recommends that the Board grant permission to advertise Ordinance No. 10-038 for a public hearing on Tuesday, November 9, 2010 at 6:00 p.m. Daniel S. County A DSM/caf Attachment submitted, AGENDA REQUEST TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney ITEM NO. VI-B-4 Date: October 12, 2010 Regular[ j Public Hearing[ j Consent [X] PRESENTED BY: Heather Young Assistant County Attorney SUBJECT: Resolution No. 10-245 - Confirming Authorization for County Administrator to Approve and Execute Grant Applications on Behalf of St. Lucie County BACKGROUND: See C.A. No. 10-1296 FUNDS AVAIL.: (State type & No. of transaction or N/A): N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners adopt proposed Resolution No. 10-245, as drafted. COMMISSION ACTION: APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ j OTHER: Approved 5.0 County Attorney: f-. Daniel S. McIntyre Originating Dept.: CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, M.P.A. County Administrator Coordination/Signatures Mgt. & Budget: Marie Gouin Other : Finance (Check for Copy only, if applicable): Purchasing: Other . INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Heather Young, Assistant County Attorney G.A. NO: 10-1296 DATE: October 1, 2010 SUBJECT: Resolution No. 10-245 - Confirming Authorization for County Administrator to Approve and Execute Grant Applications on Behalf of St. Lucie County BACKGROUND: On August 24, 2010, the Board adopted Resolution No. 10-157 which substantially amended the Purchasing Manual, including Section 15.1 regarding grant applications. As amended, Section 15.1 of the Purchasing Manual authorizes the County Administrator to approve all grant applications after confirming matching funds, if required, are available and reserved. From time to time, granting agencies require a separate resolution authorizing a designated County representative to execute grant applications. Proposed resolution No. 10-245 has been drafted for that purpose. RECOMMENDATION/CONCLUSION: Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners adopt proposed Resolution No. 10-245, as drafted. Respectfully submitted, Heather Young Assistant County Attorney Attachment HY/ Copies to: County Administrator Management and Budget Director AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. V1-C1 DATE. 10/12/10 .REGULAR f ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. { ) QUASWD { ) CONSENT (X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY - Jack T. Southard SUBMITTED BY: Public Safety & Communications Public Safety & C Rmunications Director SUBJECT: Budget Resolution No.10-252 State of Florida, Domestic Security Federally Funded Sub -grant Agreement BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 001516-2510-331233-200 PREVIOUS ACTION: March 9, 2010 -- Board approved State of Florida, Domestic Security Federally - Funded Subgrant Agreement in the amount of $72,250.00. RECOMMENDATION. Board approval of Budget Resolution No.10-252 establishing the. funds for the State of Florida, Domestic Security Federally -Funded Subgrant Agreement and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: (x} APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( } OTHER Approved 5.0 CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coord i nation/Sig natures County Attorney ( } �i OMB Director ( } Budget Analyst Dan McIntyre Originating Dept. ( ) ERD ( ) Patty Marston Marie Gouln Public Safety & Communications MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioner FROM: Jack T. Southard, Public Safety & Communications Direct DATE: October 12, 2010 SUBJECT: Budget Resolution No.10-252 State of Florida, Domestic Security, Federally - Funded Subgrant Agreement ITEM NO. Vl-C1 Backaround• The State of Florida, Domestic Security, Federally -Funded Subgrant Agreement is a cost - reimbursement agreement. Funding provided is to perform local planning, exercise, and training for law enforcement, Fire District and Emergency Management personnel. Funding also used to maintain the Emergency Deployable Interoperable Communication System (EDICS) and Emergency `.Deployable Wide Area Remote Data System (EDWARDS) packages. St. Lucie County is the host county''for the EDICS and EDWARDS in the Region 5 Domestic Security Task Force. These two .units ere''ilfted for interoperable communications after a disaster has hit. The EDICS is used to tie different I equency radios together, so everyone is able to talk to one another. The EDWARDS is used far telephone and data communications. Recommendation: Beard. Approval of Budget Resolution No.10-252 establishing the funds for the State of Florrda, Domestic Security, Federally -Funded Subgrant Agreement and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney_ ITEM NO. VI-C2 DATE: 10//2110 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING t j LEG. 4 I QUASWD ( j CONSENT (X) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Jack T. Southard SUBMITTED BY: Public Safety & Communications Public Safety & Co nations Director SUBJECT: Budget Resolution No.10-253 Federally -Funded Subgrant Agreement — Federal match portion BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 001523-2510-331233-200 PREVIOUS ACTION: June 8, 2010 — Board approved Federally -Funded Subgrant Agreement in the :amount of $84,406.00. RECOMMENDATION: Board approval of Budget Resolution No.10-253 establishing the funds for the Federally -Funded Subgrant Agreement and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( } OTHER Approved 5-0 CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordination/Signatures County Attorney ( ? OMB Director ( ) Budget Analyst Dan McIntyre Originating Dept. ( ) ERD ( ) Patty Marston Marie Gouin TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: .lack T. Southard, Public Safety & Communications Directo ©ATE: October 12, 2010 SUBJECT: Budget Resolution No.10-253 Federally -Funded Subgrant Agreement — Federal match portion ITEM NO. VI-C2 Back -ground: The Federal match portion of the Federally -Funded Subgrant Agreement is a cost -reimbursement agreement. Funding provided is intended to enhance county emergency management plans and programs that are consistent with the State Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan and Program (reference Rule Chapter 9G-6, Florida Administrative Code and Chapter 252, Florida Statutes). Recommendabon: Board Approval of Budget Resolution No. 10.253 establishing the funds for the Federally -Funded Subgrant Agreement and _authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. ITEM NO. VI-C3 DATE: 10/12/10 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASI -JD ( j CONSENT (X) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED VBJack T. SouthSUBMITTED BY: Public Safety & Communications Public Safety cations Director SUBJECT: State -Funded Subgrant Agreement, Emergency Management Preparedness and Assistance (EMPA) Trust Fund Program Base Grant and Budget Resolution No.10-254 BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 001532-2510-331233-200 PREVIOUS ACTION: NIA RECOMMENDATION: Board acceptance of the State -Funded Subgrant Agreement, Emergency Management Preparedness and Assistance (EMPA), approval of Budget Resolution No. 10-254, and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: ( APPROVED ( } DENIED ( ) OTHER Approved 5.0 CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordination/Signatures County Attorney ( ) OMB Director ( } Budget Analyst Dan McIntyre Originating Dept. ( ) ERD } Patty Marston Marie Gouin Public Safety & Communications MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Jack T. Southard, Public Safety & Communications Directo DATE: October 12, 2010 SUBJECT: State -Funded Subgrant Agreement, Emergency Management Preparedness and Assistance (EMPA) Trust Fund Program Base Grant and Budget Resolution No.10-254 ITEM NO. Vl-C3 Background: The State -Funded Subgrant Agreement, Emergency Management Preparedness and Assistance (EMPA) is for a total of $76,868.00 and is a cost -reimbursement agreement. Funding provided is intended to enhance county emergency management plans and programs that are consistent with the State Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan and Program (reference Rule Chapter 9G-6, Florida Administrative Code and Chapter 252, Florida Statutes). Recommendation: Bogard acceptance of the State -Funded Subgrant Agreement, Emergency Management Preparedness and Assistance (EMPA), approval of Budget Resolution No. 10-254, and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. ITEM NO. VI-C4 DATE: 10f 9 21'10 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( } LEG. QUASWD 4 CONSENT tx� TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED B .tack T. 8 outhar SUBMITTED BY: Public Safety and Communications Public Safety & Director SUBJECT: Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CON) — Renewal of Port St. Lucie Volunteer Ambulance Class B CON BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: May 19, 2009 — BOGC approval of CON renewal. RECOMMENDATION: Board approval of the Emergency Medical Services Advisory Committee recommendation of the renewal application of Port St. Lucie Volunteer Ambulance for a Class B CON and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: (� APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( } OTHER Approved 5-0 Coordination/Sig matures County Attorney { X) Daniel McIntyre Originating Dept.. (X) Jack T. Southard CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator OMB Director (X)Sm A Budget Analyst Patty Marston Marie Gouin TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Jack T. Southard Public Safety and Communications Directc 50 DATE: October 12, 2010 SUBJECT: Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CON) — Renewal of Port St. Lucie Volunteer Ambulance Class B CON ITEM NO, Vl-C4 Background: Port St. Lucie Volunteer Ambulance has submitted a renewal application for a Class B CON for businesses, agencies, and hospitals which use ambulances to operate a non -emergency inter - facility medical transport or transfer service at the Advanced Life Support (ALS) or Basic Life Support (BLS) level. The Public Safety and Communications Director has reviewed the application and found it to meet the requirements of Chapter 1-1.2.5 of the Code of Ordinances. On August 18, 2010, the Emergency Medical Services Advisory Council reviewed the application and recommends the approval of the renewal application. Recommendation: Board approval of the Emergency Medical Services Advisory Committee recommendation of the renewal application of Port St. Lucie Volunteer Ambulance for a Class B CON and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. L R,� .n fIl i�ii 3 TO: SUBMITTED BY: SUBJECT: BACKGROUND: FUNDS AVAILABLE: ITEM NO. r• AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Planning & Development Services St, Lucie County International Airport VI-D1 10/ 12110 PUBLIC HEARING { ) LEG. ( ) QUASI -JD { ) CONSENT ( X ) PRESENTED BY: Todd A. Cor Airport Man r FDOT Joint Participation Agreement Termination, Florida Power & Light Utilities Relocation Reimbursement See attached memorandum. 140371-4220-563000-48006 - Infrastructure. 140-4220-531000-4804 — Professional Services/Local Match. PREVIOUS ACTION: April 14, 2010 - BOCC approval of Resolution No. 10-118 accepting the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Joint Participation Agreement. May 11, 2010 - BOCC approval of Budget Resolution No. 10-143 establishing the fund. RECOMMENDATION: Board approval of Resolution No. 10-257 to terminate the FDOT Joint Participation Agreement for the Florida Power & Light Utilities Relocation Reimbursement, returning the unused local match funds ($5,132) to Fund 140-4220-531000-4804, and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: APPROVED ( ) DENIED -- ( ) OTHER Approved 5.0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator CoordinaiioRLS natures County Attorney ( ) OMB Director { } f ��4� j� Budget Analyst Daniel S. McIntyre rie 2Goin Patty Marston Purchasing ( ) EBD { ) Desiree Cimino Melissa Serlund Originating Dept. ( ) Mark Satterlee TO: Board of County Commissioners THROUGH: Mark Saiterlee, AICP, Planning & Development Services Director FROM: Todd A. Cox, C.M., Airport Manager ©ATE: October 12, 2010 SUBJECT: FDOT Joint Participation Agreement Termination, Florida Power & Light Utilities Relocation Reimbursement ITEM NO. VI-D1 Background: This agenda request is for Board approval to terminate an existing Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Joint Participation Agreement (JPA) associated with the Florida Power & Light (FPL) Utility Relocation project in the amount of $5,132. The associated local match of $5,132 will be returned to 140- 4220-531000-4804 (Professional Services/Local Match) for use in future projects. In August 2007, the Board accepted a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) grant for a 95% share of $1,300,000 to cover the anticipated cost of $1,320,000 for the FPL utilities relocation project. In January 2009, FPL advised that the projected construction cost in relocating the transmission lines had increased from the estimated $1,320,000 to $1 58'1,489. This $268,489 increase did not include the costs for relocating the associated distribution lines, which resulted in an additional $75,287 being added to the project, resulting in a total project amount of $1,656,776. Due to FPL's requirement for advance payment, the Board approved the transfer of additional funds from the Airport West Commerce Park (AWCP) project in the amount of $343,776 to cover the transmission and distribution line shortfalls. In May 2010, FDOT issued a grant in the amount of $5,132, with a local match of $5,132, in anticipation of receiving an FY2010 FAA grant in the amount of $195,000 reimbursing the construction costs associated with the project. The project was completed on March 15, 2010 and the final invoice was received on August 24, 2010 which reflected a decrease of $412,058.93 for the overall project amount. As a result, the $343,776 that previously supplemented this project is being reimbursed back to the AWCP fund for Phase 2 of the AWCP project, and the grant of $5,132 is no longer needed. Recommendation Board approval of Resolution No. 10-257 to terminate the FDOT Joint Participation Agreement for the Florida Power & Light Utilities Relocation Reimbursement, returning the unused local match funds ($5,132) to Fund 140-4220-531000-4804, and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. ITEM NO. VI-D2 DATE: 10/12/10 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASI -JD ( } CONSENT (X) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Linda Pendarvis SUBMITTED BY: Planning and Development Services Planner Planning Division SUBJECT: Permission to Advertise - Development Agreements Revocation, Incom Properties 31, Inc. BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: NIA PREVIOUS ACTION: October 17, 2006 — The Board approved the Regions Center and King Leal Industrial Subdivision Development Agreement, March 20, 2007 — The Board approved the King's Center Industrial Warehouse Development Agreement. RECOMMENDATION: Board authorization to advertise two public hearings before the Board of County Commissioners, as outlined in the agenda memorandum. COMMISSION ACTION: APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER Approved 5.0 CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Ch Coordination/Signatures County Attorney (X) �' f County Surveyor Daniel S. McIntyre County Engineer (X)t� ERD Michael Powley Originating Dept. (X) Mark Satterlee Purchasing ( ) Melissa Simberlund X Iel Ron Harris Karen Smith OMB ( ) Marie Gouin Hearing Date Tuesday October 12, 2010 Applicant St. Lucie County Planning & Deveiopment Services 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, FL 34982 PropertV Owner Mr. Peter Ingraldi Incom Properties 31, Inc. 855 S. Kings Hwy Fort Pierce, FL 34945 Project Location Kings Highway Future Land Use IND (industrial) Existing Zoning IL (Industrial, Light) Staff Recommendation Board authorization to advertise two public hearings before the Board of County Commissioners, as outlined in the agenda memo- randum. Project Coordinator Linda Pendarvis, Planner 772.462.1562 �I G $� ° ! rn St Lucie Blvd a� > E I C-25caml i Sudjectproperties /9S _ \ I Orange Ave ` w M — m Vir iniaAvell Sal i 00 €, Edws ci -�� o� . .. ....................... ..... ..... 620 c-25CAUM c TI-1 U Xiq M 500 A. 4 Er 4 C z 12 E F ANGt:E:FiD ��' i R 11 CGRIe�s 50 R' �Z « , ur z - z , � � a ;saa R- ass crane RST T�9 ac S-RD- Subject properties nN 500' area A notification Project Location: King Leal and Regions Center Industrial Subdivision and King's Center Industrial Warehouse located along the Kings Highway Corri- dor between Orange Avenue and St. Lucie Blvd. Project Description The revocation of Incom Properties 31, Inc and St. Lucie County Devel- opment Agreements for the projects known as King Leal, Regions Center and King's Center. Background Incom Properties 31, Inc. entered into Development Agreement DVA 06-001 and DVA 07-001 with St. Luce County. County staff made a preliminary finding that there has been a failure to comply with the terms of the development agree- ments. To revoke the approved agreements, the Board of County Commissioners shall conduct two public hearings at which the devel- oper may demonstrate good faith compliance with the terms of the agreements. If the Board determines that the de- veloper has not complied with the terms and conditions of the develop- ment agreements, the Board may modify or revoke the agreements. Recommended Action Board authorization to advertise two public hearings before the Board of County Commissioners, as outlined in the agenda memorandum. Notice Requirements As required for a development agreement, public hearing notice shall be sent to property owners within 500 feet of the subject prop- erty and an ad shall be published in the local newspaper. 9/29/2010 AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. 111-D3 DATE: 10/12/2010 REGULAR { j PUBLIC HEARING { j LEG. { QUASI -JD ( j CONSENT { X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Michael Brillhart SUBMITTED BY: Planning and Development Services Department Business & Concurrency Manager P09 SUBJECT: Road Impact Fee Credit Agreement 10-003, Dybra PSL Development, LLC (Prima Vista Commons) BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: NIA PREVIOUS ACTION: August 28, 2007 - Board of County Commissioners adopted Resolution No. 07- 264 for the dedication of right-of-way along Lennard Road. RECOMMENDATION: Board approval of Road Impact Fee Credit Agreement 10-003 and authorization for the Chairman to sign document as approved by the County Attorney, COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: OK) APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER Approved 5.0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordination/Signatures County Attorney (X) County Surveyor ( X) _ Daniel S. McIntyre Ron Harris County Engineer (X) ERD ( ) Michael Powley Karen Smith Originating Dept. (X) OMB { ) Mark Satterlee Marie Gouin Purchasing ( } Melissa Simberiund PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioners THROUGH: Mark Satterlee,, A1CP, Planning and Development Services Direchg* FROM: Michael Brillhart, Business and Concurrency Manager DATE: October 12, 2010 SUBJECT: Road Impact Fee Credit Agreement 10-003, Dybra PSL Development, LLC (Prima Vista Commons) ITEM NO. VI-D3 Background: On August 28, 2007, the Board of County Commissioners adopted Resolution No. 07-264 (attached) approving the dedication of approximately 11.33 acres of right-of-way along Lennard Road relating to the final site plan approval of the Prima Vista Commons PUD. Dybra PSL Development, LLC in serving as developer for the Prima Vista Commons PUD project has requested road impact fee credit for this right-of-way donation. Per review by the County Surveyor, it has been determined that only four acres of the total 11.33 acres are eligible for road impact flee credit. These four acres will be used as right-of-way for future sidewalk, storm -water pond retention, and roadway construction relating to the Prima Vista Commons project and in conjunction with the Lennard Road MSBU. Staff has determined that the four acre right-of-way donation is eligible for credit against road impact fees as stipulated within Section 1- 17-33.1(c) of the Code of Ordinances of St. Lucie County. The value of the property donated to the County is $154,000 based upon an appraisal prepared by Pinel and Carpenter, Inc. and reviewed by Fuller-Armtteid-Wagner the County`s independent appraiser to ensure compliance with Section 1-17-36 of the St. Lucie County Code of Ordinances. The applicant is eligible for Road Impact Fee Credit in the amount of $154,000. Recommendation: Board approval of Road Impact Fee Credit Agreement 10-003 and authorization for the Chairman to sign document as approved by the County Attorney. NTY; F L O R, I D A - TO: SUBMITTED BY: SUBJECT: BACKGROUND: AGENDA REQUEST BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Housing and Community Services/ Community Services - Transit ITEM NO. VI -El DATE: 10/12/10 REGULAR ( } PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( } QUASI -JD ( ) CONSENT (X ) PRESENTED BY: Corine C. Williams Transit Coordinator /A"_� Federal Transit Administration (FTA) 5307 FY10 Grant See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 130109-4910-331421-400 Federal Transit Administration PREVIOUS ACTION: June 22, 2010 —Approved submission of FTA Section 5307 grant application. RECOMMENDATION: Board acceptance of FTA 5307 FL 90-X727 in the amount of $1,441,627, approval of agreement with Council on Aging of St. Lucie, Inc. and Budget Resolution No.10-255 as outlined in the agenda memorandum and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney, COMMISSION ACTION: (X APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER Approved 5.0 County Attorney ( ) Originating Dept. ( ) A,/ Coordination/Signatures Daniel S. McIntyre �j _ Beth Ryder Stefanie Myers CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator OMB Director Budget Analyst 14/ Marie Gouin Sophia Holt Housing and Community Services MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioners THROUGH: Beth Ryder, DirectozoK�' FROM: Corine C. Williams, Transit Coordinator DATE. October 12, 2010 SUBJECT: Federal Transit Administration (FTA) 5307 FYI Grant ITEM NO. VI -El Background: For FY10, St. Lucie County has been awarded $2,056,111, with $827,142 allocated for capital purchases and $1,228,968 for operating assistance by FTA. This is a decrease of $27,962 from the previous year allocation of $2,084,073. This award is a yearly formula allocation that is used to cover the operational cost of public transit. These funds were already included in the FYI anticipated budget. Operating assistance requires a match of $614,484 and will be funded through the' St. Lucie County Public Transit Municipal Services Taxing Unit (MSTU) and other funding sources. The match for capita!_ expenses will be met with Toll Revenue Credits (intangible formula used as a local match for Federal funding) in the amount of $206,787. This grant will be utilized to purchase replacement buses and bus shelters, to maintain capital equipment, and to operate the transit system and to oversee the project. The contracted provider is the Council on Aging of St. Lucie, Inc. Recommendation: Board acceptance of FTA 5307 FL 90-X727 in the amount of $1,441,627, approval of agreement with Council on Aging of St. Lucie, Inc. and Budget Resolution No.10-255 as outlined in the agenda memorandum and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. Attachments: Grant Cover Sheet Budget Resolution No. 10-255 Agreement AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. VI-E2 DATE: 10/12/10 REGULAR ( ] PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( } QUASI -JD ( j CONSENT (X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Corine C. Williams SUBMITTED BY: Housing and Community Services/ Transit Coordinator Community Services -Transit SUBJECT: Federal Transit Administration (FTA) 5317 New Freedom (NF) Grant BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 130110-4910-331421-400 Federal Transit Administration PREVIOUS ACTION: January 26, 2010 — Approved submission of application to FTA for NF grant funds. RECOMMENDATION: Board acceptance of the FTA 5317 NF Grant, FL 57-X021-00, approval of the agreement with the Council on Aging of St. Lucie, Inc. and Budget Resolution 10- 258; and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney COMMISSION ACTION: (SjG APPROVED ( } DENIED ( ) OTHER Approved 5.0 CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator CoordinationlSignatures County Attorney ( ) OMB Director Daniel S. McIntyre Budget Analyst Originating Dept. ( ) 0 Beth Ryder Stefanie Myers aria Gouin �— Sophia Holt Housing and Community Services MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioners THROUGH: Beth Ryder, Directoreo FROM: Corine C. Williams, Transit Coordinator DATE: October 12, 2010 SUBJECT: Federal Transit Administration (FTA) 5317 New Freedom (NF) Grant ITEM NO. VI — E2 Background: In partnership with the St. Lucie Board of County Commissioners, the St. Lucie Transportation Planning Organization applied for the NF grant. The purpose of the NF grant is to provide improved public transportation service and alternatives to public transportation, beyond those required by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), for people with disabilities, regardless of income. The grant is for $18,838 with local match, the total funds to be expended are $35,792. Through an agreement with Council on Aging (COA) of St. Lucie, Inc., a locally selected provider, transportation services for those disabled individuals who cannot navigate the fixed -route system will be offered. The grant fund will be matched by various funding sources including funds provided directly to the COA through grant and the Municipal Service Taxing Unit. On September 23, FTA asked that the grant be executed to meet the fiscal year close out. Acceptance of this grant is being requested retroactively. Recommendation Board acceptance of the FTA 5317 NF Grant, FL 57-X021-00, approval of the agreement with the Council on Aging of St. Lucie, Inc. and Budget Resolution 10-258; and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. Attachments: Grant Cover Sheet Budget Resolution No. 10-258 Agreement ITEM NO. VI — E3 DATE: 10/12/10 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( } PUBLIC HEARING ( } LEG. ( ) QUASWD ( } CONSENT (X) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENIED BY: Stefanie Myers SUBMITTEIJ BY: Housing and Community Services/Community Community Services Manager Services SUBS Non -Profit Outside Agency Contracts BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE- 001009-6900-582023-600 ARC of St. Lucie 001009-6900-582015-600 Council on Aging of St. Lucie 130-4910-582015-400 Council on Aging of St. Lucie 001009-6900-581030-600 New Horizons of the Treasure Coast 001009-6900-582000.600 Healthy Start of St. Lucie 001-6210-581020-600 Health Department 001009-6900r-582004-600 Executive Roundtable 001009-6900-582000-600 Florida Community Health Center 001009-6900-582000-600 Friends of the Health Department 001009-6900-582000-600 Treasure Coast Homeless Services Council 001009-6900-582000-600 211 Information and Crisis Services 001009-6900-582000-600 Special Olympics PREVIOUS ACTION: April 27, 2010 —Approved letter of commitment to Florida Community Health Center. June 14, 2010 — Reviewed at strategic planning workshop. September 23, 2010 — Approved allocation at FYI Final Budget Hearing. RECOMMENDATION; Board approval of the non-profit outside agency'agreements, as outlined in the attached memorandum; and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: { APPROVED { ) DENIED ( } OTHER Approved 5.0 ""— Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator �o__r_ Ination/51nnatures County Attorney ( ) OMB Director Budget Analyst •Daniel-S. Wintyre mare oum Originating Dept. ( } Sophia Holt Bethy er Housing and Community Services. MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioners THROUGH: Beth Ryder, Director FROM: Stefanie Myers, Community Services Manager DATE: October 12, 2010 SUBJECT: Non -Profit Outside Agency Contracts ITEM NO. Vl — E3 Background: Non-profit organizations in the County provide a variety of services to residents, including childcare for children with disabilities, health and prenatal care, information and referral assistance, senior services, mental health treatment, child advocacy, and others. Historically, County support has been provided to these programs from general revenue funds. For FY11 and FY12, funds for the following contracts will be shifted from the operating budget to one time funding sources. Continued annual funding for the non -profits below will be subject to available fund balance money from excess fees returned to the County from the Tax Collector and Property Appraiser at the end of each year. $65,554 ARC of St. Lucie - After School Program $149,235 Council on Aging of St Lucie $673,606 New Horizons $51,840 Healthy Start of St. Lucie $43,200 Executive Roundtable $22, 500 Treasure Coast Homeless Services Council $15,750 211 Information and Crisis Services $32,178 Special Olympics --------------- $1,053,863 Total Funding for the St. Lucie County Health Department will continue to be included in the operating budget for future years. The approved funding for FY11 is $868,295 and will be divided as indicated in the list below. A letter of commitment was approved on April 27, 2010 by the Board in support of a grant application by the Florida Community Health Center (FCHC) for Medicaid Low Income Pool (LIP) in support of projects that expand access to primary health care. A local match of 38% is required. St. Lucie County Health Department has agreed that a portion of their funds from the County may be used for this match. In return, FCHC will fund the dental program for the Health Department. ITEM NO. VI-E'q DATE: 10/12110 r AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( } PUBLIC HEARING { } LEG. ( } QUASWD ( } CONSENT ( X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Jessica Parrish SUBMITTED BY: Housing and Community Services/Housing Housing Man ger SUBJECT: Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Initiative (CDBG DRI) Modification BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 001113-5420-331510-500 2005 CDBG DRI PREVIOUS ACTION: September 11, 2007 — Approved grant application submission. February 26, 2008 — Approved grant agreement. September 2, 2008 — Approved Modification Number One. June 9, 2009 —Approved Modification Number Two. July 14, 2009 — Approved Modification Number Three, January 12, 2010 —Approved Modification Number Four. RECOMMENDATION: Board approval of Modification Five to the CDBG DRI grant, as outlined in the agenda memorandum; and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney, COMMISSION ACTION: {jQ APPROVED ( } DENIED ( ) OTHER Approved 5-0 County Attorney ( ) Coo rdinatio niftnatu res J-� Daniel S. McIntyre Originating Dept. ( ) Beth yder CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator OMB Director ( ) Budget Analyst Marie Gouin Sophia Holt Community Services TO: Board of County CommissiAners THROUGH: Beth Ryder, Director T FROM: Jessica Parrish, Housing Manage DATE: October 12, 2010 SUBJECT: Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Initiative (CDBG DRI) Modification ITEM NO, VI-E7 Background: The Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Initiative (CDBG DRI) Grant is a federal program that provides funding for low-income residents located in communities that have been affected by a natural disaster. Congress appropriates additional funding for the CDBG program as Disaster Recovery grants to rebuild affected areas and provide money to start the recovery process. Funds of $4,501,561.79 were allocated in response to Hurricane Wilma. Modification Number Five will extend the contract agreement with the Department of Community Affairs (DCA) completion_ date to January 12, 2011. Attached is the modification document provided by the DCA. The second shaded bullet will be revised. Recommendation Board approval of Modification Five to the CDBG DRI grant, as outlined in the agenda memorandum; and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. Attachment: Modification Five ITEM NO. VI-E5 DATE: 10/12/10 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( j QUASWD ( ) CONSENT (X) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Jessica Parrish SUBMITTED BY: Housing and Community Services/Housing Housing Manager SUBJECT: Change Order, 8504 Paso Robles BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 001512-5420-549605-500 Neighborhood Stabilization Program PREVIOUS ACTION: NIA RECOMMENDATION: Board approval of Change Order One to C10-07-299, as outlined in the agenda memorandum and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: APPROVED { ) DENIED ( } OTHER Faye W. Outlaw, MPA Approved 5.0 County Administrator Coordination/Slanatures County Attorney ( ) OMB Director { ) Budget Analyst Daniel S. McIntyre Marie Gouin Sophia Holt Originating Dept. ( ) Central Services Beth Ryder Don McLain Housing and Community Services MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioners THROUGH: Beth Ryder, Director("�d— FROM: Jessica Parrish, Housing Manager DATE: October 12, 2010 F SUBJECT: Change Order, 8504 Paso Robles ITEM NO. VI — E5 Background: On September 3, 2010, TLC Cleaning Restoration and Remodel submitted Change Order One. The need for additional items was discovered and is required to bring the home to a livable condition. Change order items include: • Remove carpet from patio, clean and paint floor; • Install electric range instead of a gas range; • Install new well pump and expansion tank; • Replace back door with a fiberglass door; • Repairs to laundry room; • Remove tile and install new flooring; and • Time extension of four weeks to complete project. Once renovations are complete, this home will be transferred to Fort Pierce Housing Authority to manage as a rental property. Part of the Neighborhood Stabilization Program requires 25% set aside for affordable rental units. Recommendation Board approval of Change Order One to C10-07-299, as outlined in the agenda memorandum and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. Attachment: Change Order Request AGENDA REQUEST DATE: VI-E6 10/12/10 REGULAR { ) PUBLIC HEARING ( } LEG, ( ) QUASI -JD { } CONSENT (X) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Jessica Parrish SUBMITTED BY: Housing and Community Services/Housing Housing Mana e SUBJECT: Change Order, 5300/5302 Sanibel BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 001512-5420-549605-500 Neighborhood Stabilization Program PREVIOUS ACTION: NIA RECOMMENDATION: Board approval of Change Order One to C10-07-269, as outlined in the agenda memorandum and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: APPROVED { ) DENIED ( ) OTHER Approved 5.0 County Attorney ( ) 13C CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordination/Sinnatures OMB Director Budget Analyst Daniel S. McIntyre Originating Dept. ( )fir Beth Ryder Central Services ( j Marie Gouin Sophia Holt Don McLarn Housing and Community Services MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioners THROUGH: Beth Ryder, DirectoK9& FROM: Jessica Parrish, Housing Manager DATE: October 12, 2010 SUBJECT: Change Order, 5300/5302 Sanibel ITEM NO. VI — E6 Back -ground: On September 15, 2010, TLC Cleaning Restoration and Remodel submitted Change Order One. The need for additional items was discovered and is required to bring the home to a livable condition. Change order items include: • Troubleshoot septic system; • Install gutter system; • Install % inch drains for water softener; • Install a 6x6 concrete slab around well head; • Re -sod disturbed areas; • Repair the air conditioner refrigerant tine; • Time extension of four weeks. Once renovations are complete, this home will be transferred to Fort Pierce Housing Authority to manage as a rental property. Part of the Neighborhood Stabilization Program requires 25% set aside for affordable rental units. Recommendation Board approval of Change Order One to C10-07-269, as outlined in the agenda memorandum and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. Attachment: Change Order Request AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. VI-F1 DATE: 10112/10 REGULAR PUBLIC HEARING { ) LEG. ) QUASWD ( ) CONSENT (X) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Guy D. Medor SUBMITTED BY: Parks and Recreation Services Parks Manager— North Division SUBJECT: Permission to sell beer at the National Navy UDT SEAL XXV Muster at Pepper Park BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: NIA PREVIOUS ACTION: The Board has approved this request for past UDT SEAL Muster events. RECOMMENDATION: Board approval of the National Navy UDT SEAL Museum's request to sell beer at the XXV Annual Muster to be held at Pepper Park on November 5 and 6, 2010. COMMISSION ACTION: C)<) APPROVED ( ) OTHER CONCURRENCE: ( ) DENIED Approved 5-0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordination/Signatures OMB County Attorney (X) k-. is f1c Budget Analyst { ) DaMcIntyre Originating Dept. (X) Purchasing ( ) Debra R. Brisson Parks and Recreation Services MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioners THROUGH: Debra Brisson, Director A - FROM: Guy D. Medor, Parks Manager — North Division Alvw.�IiK DATE: October 12, 2010 SUBJECT: Permission to sell beer at the National Navy UDT SEAL XXV Muster at Pepper Park ITEM NO. VI-F1 Background: The National Navy UDT SEAL Museum hosts its annual Muster in honor of Veteran's Day. This year's Muster XXV will be held November 5 and 6, 2010 at Pepper Park. To raise funds for the Museum and cover costs for the event, the SEAL Museum sells beer and other beverages. Since the Museum is located on County property, the Executive Director of the SEAL Museum has requested permission to sell beer on November 5 and 6, 2010. Recommendation: Board approval of the National Navy UDT SEAL Museum's request to sell beer at the XXV Annual Muster to be held at Pepper Park on November 5 and 6, 2010, AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. VI-F2 DATE: 10/12/10 REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING { ) LEG. ( ) QUASI -JD ) CONSENT (X) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Mark DiMascio SUBMITTED BY: Parks and Recreation Services Division Manager SUBJECT: Waiver of Havert L. Fenn Center Facility Rental Fees for the 2010 Southern Kingfish Association Nationals BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: NIA PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Board approval to waive $3,765.00 in facility rental fees for the 2010 Southern Kingfish Association Nationals to be held at the Havers L. Fenn Center as outlined in the agenda memorandum. COMMISSION ACTION: ( APPROVED ( } DENIED { } OTHER Approved 5.0 CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordination/Signatures OMB County Attorney (X) os-va Budget Analyst ( ) Daniel McIntyre Originating Dept. { X) Purchasing { ) Debra R. Brisson Parks and Recreation Services MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioners THROUGH: Debra Brisson, Director P- FROM: Mark DiMascio, Division Manager 0 let- DATE: October 12, 2010 SUBJECT: Waiver of Havert L. Fenn Center Facility Rental Fees for the 2010 Southern Kingfish Association Nationals ITEM NO. VI-1=2 Background: The Southern Kingfish Association Nationals are scheduled to return to the Treasure Coast November 2-7, 2010. The Southern Kingfish Association (SKA) would like to host the Mandatory Number Pick Up, Welcome Party and Sponsor Award Ceremony for this 20t" Anniversary National Championship event at the Havert L. Fenn Center on November 4, 2010, Torn Colucci, Executive Director of the Treasure Coast Sports Commission expects that this event will generate over 1,200 rented room nights and provide $1.8 million dollars of economic impact to the region. The SKA is requesting that the County waive the facility rental fees of $3,765.00 and has agreed to reimburse the County $288.00 for additional staff. Recommendation: Board approval to waive $3,765.00 in facility rental fees for the 2010 Southern Kingfish Association Nationals to be held at the Havert L. Fenn Center as outlined in this agenda memorandum. TO: SUBMITTED BY: SUBJECT: BACKGROUND: FUNDS AVAILABLE: AGENDA REQUEST BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Public Works/Engineering Division Angie Road Sidewalk Project (Phases 11 and Ill) See attached memorandum. ITEM NO. VI -GI DATE: 10/ 12/ 10 REGULAR _{ ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG, ( ) QUASI -JD ( ) CONSENT (X ) PRESENTED BY: Michael Powley, P.E. County Engineer Construction - 318-4113-563000-4702; Soil Testing - 318-4113-563009-4702; Inspection - 318-4113-563012-4702 County Capital Transportation Bond -Local Option Gas Tax PREVIOUS ACTION: See attached memorandum. RECOMMENDATION: Board approval of contract with SPS Contracting Inc. in the amount of $581,573 for construction of the Angle Road Sidewalk Project (Phases 11 and III). COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: APPROVED ( ) DENIED.-- ( ) OTHER fir_. _--'—r`"`� Approved 5�0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA I p County Administrator Coordination/Signatures Count Attorney x TTT OMB Director x Y Y ( ) (.) Dante[ McIntyre Budget Analyst Marie Gouln Originating Dept. ( x ) %I County Engineer (x) M Do aId West Michael Powley Angie Sidewalk award to SPS.ag Engineering Division MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioners THROUGH: Donald West, Public Works Director FROM: Michael Powley, County Engineer MY DATE: October 12, 2010 SUBJECT: Angle Road Sidewalk Project (Phases II and 111) ITEM NO. VI -GI Background, The Angle Road Sidewalk Project (Phases 11 sidewalk along Angle Road from Orange Avenue to Avenue Q and Phase III sidewalk along Avenue D from Angle Road to North St. Lucie River Water Control District (NSLWCD) Canal No. 2. The low bidder was H&D Construction Co., Inc. in the amount of $493,022. After the project was awarded to them by the Board on February 9, 2010, the company closed its doors. On July 20, 2010, the Board approved rebidding of these projects. On September 1, 2010, 11 bids were received by the Purchasing Division. SPS Contracting of Vero Beach has been identified as the low bidder in the amount of $581,573. While this represents an $88,551 increase over our initial bidding (18% higher), it is still far below our engineer's estimate of more than $1 million. Previous Action: September 9, 2009 - County Administrator approved the Seventh Amendment to Work Authorization No. 5 for a time extension through February 28, 2010. October 20, 2009 - Eighth Amendment to Work Authorization No. 5 with ICE for $18,075 for the Angle Road Sidewalk Project (Phase III - Avenue D Extension). February 9, 2010 - Bid award to H&D Construction Co., Inc. in the amount of $493,022 for construction of the Angle Road Sidewalk Project, Work Authorization No.1 with Stanley Consultants, Inc. in the amount of $245,558.54 for construction management services, Work Authorization No, 38 with Dunkelberger Engineering & Testing, Inc. in the amount of $25,000 for soil testing services. July 20, 2010- Board approval to reject the contract with H&D Construction Co., Inc. and authorization for staff to rebid the Angle Road Sidewalk Project (Phases It and 111). Recommendation: Board approval of contract with SPS Contracting Inc. in the amount of $581,573 for construction of the Angle Road Sidewalk Project (Phases 11 and 111). AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. VI-G2 DATE: 10/12/10 REGULAR { ) PUBLIC HEARING ( } LEG. ( ) QUASI -JD ( ) CONSENT (X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Michael Powley, P.E. r. SUBMITTED BY: Public Works/Engineering Division County Engineer ?"I r SUBJECT: White Way Dairy Road Culvert Improvement Project BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 101-4115-563005-19014L - Tropical Storm Fay PREVIOUS ACTION: See attached memorandum. RECOMMENDATION: Board approval of award to Guettler Brothers, Inc. in the amount of $304,933. COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: j APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER Approved 5.0 Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator County Attorney ( x ) Coordination/Signatures OMB Director Daniel McIntyre Budget Analyst Originating Dept. ( x ) Donald West Road & Bridge ( x ) �. Manager Donald Pa ley White Way Dairy Road Award Guettler.ag ;F ()- x Marie Gouin County Engineer (x) Im vp Michael Powley TO: Board of County Commissioners THROUGH: Donald West, Public Works Director, FROM: Michael Powley, County Engineer ��M,4�e"fmv DATE: October 12, 2010 SUBJECT: White Way Dairy Road Culvert Improvement Project ITEM NO. VI-G2 Backciround: During routine culvert inspections after Tropical Storm Fay, it was observed that the three existing 96-inch equivalent culvert pipes at the White Way Dairy Road crossing of 5-Miie Creek had significantly deteriorated. Quotes for this project were originally solicited in 2009 utilizing a pipe restoration method known as shotcrete was chosen, which involves spraying a concrete lining onto the interior of the pipes, This innovative process would be an expedient and economical solution to restore large deteriorated pipes. However, it is important to note the inherent danger of standing inside a corroded metal pipe and discharging concrete with substantial force onto the pipe wall. Unless it is done appropriately, the entire soil column (each square foot of inside pipe ceiling supports about one ton of weight) could come crashing through. We therefore required an American Concrete Institute's Nozzleman certification. This certification is not commonplace. At the time quotes were requested, only a handful of licenses resided in Florida. Staff contacted a total of five contractors in accordance with the approved emergency bidding procedures. Unfortunately, only one firm was deemed responsive with a quote for $239,877, which was more than double the Engineer's Cost Estimate. It is staff's opinion that the general contracting community is not familiar with our proposed repair procedure and was unwilling to attempt it. We have now completed a design to construct a county -standard culvert replacement project with aluminum headwalls. Our plan proposes two multi -plate arch pipes. We have successfully utilized multi -plate arch pipes on several past projects. AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. VI-4 DATE: 10112/10 REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. ( ) QUASI -JD ( ) CONSENT (X ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Daniel J. Lutzke SUBMITTED BY: Human Resources/Risk Management Risk Manager SUBJECT: Prison Health Services Inmate HIV Medications Invoice for August, 2010 BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 001-2300-531300-200 Inmate Medical Expenses (pending BOCC approval) PREVIOUS ACTION: See attached memorandum. RECOMMENDATION: Board authorization for payment of Prison Health Services invoice number PHS0008209 for HIV medications for the period of August 01, 2010 through August 31, 2010, in the amount of $36,133.47. COMMISSION ACTION: APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER Approved 5.0 CONCURRENCE. Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordination/Signatures County Attorney { X)01VI OMB Director (X) ij� Budget Analyst V ym� (Daniel S. McIntyre) (Marie Gouin) Originating Dept. (X) —.� � ERD ( ) { � iam Hoeffner) (Name Human Resources/Risk Management MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioners THROUGH: William Hoeffner, Interim Human Resources Director/ov FROM: Daniel J. Lutzke, Risk Manager DATE: October 12, 2010 �k SUBJECT: Prison Health Services Inmate HIV Medications Invoice for August, 2010 ITEM NO. VI -I Background: Prison Health Services (PHS) acts as a third party administrator for St. Lucie County jail inmate health care and manages, administers and pays for inmate HIV medications and off -site services from medical providers. PHS has submitted Invoice Number PHS0008209 (Attachment A) in the amount of $36,133.47 requesting reimbursement from the County for August 2010 inmate HIV medication costs in accordance with Florida Statute F.S. 901.35 which states that the medical services provider shall be reimbursed from the general fund of the County when no other source of payment is available. Sheriff's Consultant, Alliance Medical Management, has certified (Attachment B) that the payment requested in invoice number PHS0008209 is the correct amount for HIV Meds for the period of 08/01/10-08/31/10. Previous Action: December 22, 2Q09 — BOCC payment approval of October HIV Medication Invoice of $48,681.27 January 12, 2010 -- BOCC payment approval of November HIV Medication Invoice of $46,364.62 February 9, 2010 -- BOCC payment approval of December HIV Medication Invoice of $52,723.34 March 9, 2010 — BOCC payment approval of January HIV Medication Invoice of $39,082.06 April 13, 2010 — BOCC payment approval of February HIV Medication Invoice of $29,967.90 May 18, 2010 — BOCC payment approval of March HIV Medication Invoice of $21,059.86 June 8, 2010 BOCC payment approval of April HIV Medication Invoice of $50,668.82 July 20, 2010 — BOCC payment approval of May HIV Medication Invoice of $42,017.77 August 24, 2010 — BOCC payment approval of June HIV Medication Invoice of $32,377.83 September 21, 2010 — BOCC approval of July HIV Medication Invoice of $38,484.90 October 12, 2010 — Pending BOCC approval of this August HIV Medication Invoice of $36,133.47 Total Inmate HIV Medication Cost FY to Date. $437,551.84 Recommendation Board authorization for payment of Prison Health Services invoice number PHS0008209 for HIV medications for the period of August 01, 2010 through August 31, 2010, in the amount of $36,133,47. AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. VI�- DATE: 10112110 REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. { ) QUASI -JD { ) CONSENT (X) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Faye W. Outlaw, M.P.A. SUBMITTED BY: Administration County Administrator SUBJECT: Economic Development Council Fourth Quarter Invoice BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum FUNDS AVAILABLE: 001-1515-582000-100 - Aid to Private Organization $50,000 666-1515-582000-100 - Aid to Private Organization $12,500 PREVIOUS ACTION: See attached memorandum RECOMMENDATION: Beard acceptance of the Fourth Quarter Report from EDC as fulfilling the requirements of the Contract and authorization for disbursing payment in the amount of $62,500 towards the matching grant. COMMISSION ACTION: (j(} APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER Approved 5.0 CONCURRENCE: Faye W. Outlaw, M.P.A. County Administrator CoordinationfSignatures A_ County Attorney ( ) OMB Director Budget Analyst Daniel McIntyre Originating Dept. (�) ERD Faye W. Outtaw, M.P.A. Marie Gouin Patty Marston (Name) Administration MEMORANDUM 10-041 TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Faye W. County Administrator DATE: October 12, 2010 SUBJECT: Economic Development Council Fourth Quarter Invoice ITEM NO. VI-J Background, The Board of County Commissioners entered into a contract on .January 19, 2010 (C10-01- 006) agreeing to disburse a grant, in the amount of $250,000, to the Economic Development Council of St. Lucie County for FY 2009-2010. Therefore, attached is a copy of the Fourth Quarter Activities Report, as well as Invoice #10 09-30-1, in the amount of $62,500. Recommendation: Staff recommends acceptance of the Fourth Quarter Activities Report from the Economic Development Council of St. Lucie County, and authorization for disbursing payment in the amount of $62,500 toward the matching grant. FWO/jdp 10-041 cc: Lee Ann Lowery, Assistant County Administrator Dan McIntyre, County Attorney Marie Gouin, Management and Budget Director Attachments AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. VI-J DATE: 10/12110 REGULAR PUBLIC HEARING ( ) LEG. { } QUASI -JD { } CONSENT M TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: Marie M. Gouin1} SUBMITTED BY: Office of Management & Budget/Purchasing Director ' Y { SUBJECT: Resolution No. 10-263, Funding Policy for Nonprofit Agencies BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: Various Funds PREVIOUS ACTION: NIA RECOMMENDATION: Board approval of Resolution No. 10-263, establishing a funding policy for nonprofit agencies, and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: Q APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER Approved 5.0 County Attorney ( X ) Other ( ) .A Dan McIntyre (Name) CONCURRENCE: ---------- Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordination/Sionatures OMB - Budget Analyst Other (X ) Al�-e Sophia dolt (Name) Office of Management & Budget/Purchasing MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Marie M. Gouin, Director�� DATE: October 12, 2010 SUBJECT: Resolution No.10-263, Funding Policy for Nonprofit Agencies ITEM NO. VW Background: The Board annually receives requests for funding from various nonprofit organizations which provide services to St. Lucie County residents. They have historically appropriated funds for such nonprofit organizations from the County's operational budget. The Board has determined that future funding for nonprofit organizations shall be appropriated from the fund balance rather than the operational budget. Effective with the Fiscal Year 2013 budget beginning October 1, 2012, all funding for nonprofit organizations shall be determined based upon excess fees received from the St. Lucie County Property Appraiser and the St. Lucie County Tax Collector two years prior to the effective date of a budget, i.e. funding for nonprofit organizations for Fiscal Year 2013 shall be based on available excess fees received at the end of Fiscal Year 2011. if excess fees are not available, nonprofits will be notified there will be no available funding. The Board has the discretion to fund them through the operational budget. Recommendation: Board approval of Resolution No. 10-263, establishing a funding policy for nonprofit agencies, and authorization for the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney.