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III D Prime Realty FLUMA
AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. III-D DATE: 10/21/10 REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( X ) LEG. ( X ) QUASI-JD ( ) CONSENT ( ) TO: Planning and Zoning Commission PRESENTED BY: Britton De Witt SUBMITTED BY: Planning and Development Services Department Senior Planner SUBJECT: Future Land Use Map Amendment – Prime Realty BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: None RECOMMENDATION: Recommend denial of the Prime Realty small scale Future Land Use Map Amendment (Ordinance No. 10-037). Coordination/Signatures County Attorney ( X ) County Surveyor ( X ) . Daniel S. McIntyre Ron Harris County Engineer ( X ) ERD ( X ) Michael Powley Karen Smith Originating Dept. ( X ) Mark Satterlee ?8????5 PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION Planning & Development Services 772.462.2822 Project Description Prime Realty LLC is petitioning for a change in the Future Land Use of a 4.88 acre parcel from RS (Residential Suburban-2 du/acre) to IND (Industrial) and concurrent rezoning from AG-1 (Agricultural -1 du/acre) to IH (Industrial, Heavy). Background The purpose of the petition, as stated by the applicant, is to allow for future development of the property that is consistent with the industrial nature of the surrounding area. There is no development plan associated with this request. The subject property is unreclaimed, cleared land utilized as a portion of a mining operation that is now expired. The proposed Future Land Use Map Amendment and change in zoning are being processed concurrently. Notice Requirements Public hearing notice in accordance with Section 11.00.03 of the Land Development Code was placed in the St. Lucie News Tribune, letters were sent to property owners within 500 feet of the subject property and a sign was placed on the property. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends that the Planning and Zoning Commission forward a recommendation of denial to the Board of County Commissioners for the Prime Realty small scale Future Land Use Map Amendment (Ordinance No. 10-037). PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE October 21, 2010 Prime Realty Future Land Use Map Amendment & Concurrent Rezoning Hearing Date: Thursday October 21, 2010 Applicant Prime Realty Capital LLC 790 Hillbrath Dr Lake Worth, FL 33462 Agent Brad Currie Land Design South 501 SE Port St. Lucie Blvd Port St. Lucie, FL 34984 Property Location FDOT Access Road, approximately 1 mile north of Orange Avenue and ¼ mile west of Rock Road Future Land Use From RS (Residential Suburban -2 du/acre) to IND (Industrial) Zoning From AG-1 (Agricultural -1 du/acre) to IH (Industrial, Heavy) Staff Britton De Witt Senior Planner wilsonb@stlucieco.org (772) 462-1582 Planning and Development Services Department M E M O R A N D U M TO: Planning and Zoning Commission THROUGH: Mark Satterlee, AICP, Planning & Development Services Director Kara Wood, Planning Manager FROM: Britton De Witt, Senior Planner, Planning Division DATE: October 21, 2010 SUBJECT: Future Land Use Map Amendment – Prime Realty ITEM NO.: III-D APPLICANT/OWNER: Prime Realty Capital LLC 790 Hillbrath Dr Lake Worth, FL 33462 AGENT: Brad Currie Land Design South 501 SE Port St. Lucie Blvd Port St. Lucie, FL 34984 REQUESTED ACTION: Small scale Future Land Use Map Amendment from to RS (Residential Suburban – 2 du/acre) to IND (Industrial). PURPOSE: The proposed Future Land Use Map Amendment is to allow for future development of the property that is consistent with the industrial nature of the surrounding area. LOCATION: FDOT Access Road, approximately 1 mile north of Orange Avenue and ¼ mile west of Rock Road. TAX ID NO.: 2302-321-0020-0005 PARCEL SIZE: 4.88 acres EXISTING USE: Unreclaimed, cleared land utilized as part of a mining operation that is now expired. FUTURE LAND USE: RS (Residential Suburban – 2 du/acre) PROPOSED USE: There is no development plan associated with this request. Planning & Zoning Commission Petition: Prime Realty FLUMA October 4, 2010 Page 2 of 7 SURROUNDING PROPERTY: North: Zoning: IH (Industrial, Heavy) FLU: MXD (Mixed Use Development – High Intensity) Existing Use: Vacant South: Zoning: IL (Industrial, Light) FLU: MXD (Mixed Use Development – Medium Intensity) Existing Use: Vacant East: Zoning: IH (Industrial, Heavy) FLU: MXD (Mixed Use Development – High Intensity) Existing Use: Vacant West: Zoning: IX (Industrial, Extraction) FLU: RS (Residential Suburban – 2 du/acre) Existing Use: Unreclaimed lake that was created as a part of a mining operation that is now expired. SERVICE INFORMATION: Public Utility Providers: Energy: Fort Pierce Utilities Authority Water: Fort Pierce Utilities Authority Wastewater: Fort Pierce Utilities Authority Public Service Providers: Storm Water: South Florida Water Management District Fire Rescue & EMS: St. Lucie County Fire District, Station No. 4 Law Enforcement: St. Lucie County Sheriff Background Parcel History: The subject parcel, in conjunction with the adjacent 25-acre parcel to the west, was utilized for a sand mining operation known as Baggett Mine. Both parcels are currently owned by the applicant. The lake created as part of the mining operation extends slightly into the western side of the subject parcel. The mine is expired and the Public Works Department has determined that the terms of the permit have not been addressed. A reclamation plan was to be initiated at the completion of mining or time of permit expiration, which requires disturbed areas, including the settling basin, to be graded, seeded and mulched. Side slopes are to be graded (4:1) and the final littoral zone is to be planted. All equipment, machinery and structures which are accessory to mining shall be properly removed from the site. The concrete and construction debris that has been deposited in and around the lake on the site over time must also be removed prior to the reclamation effort. PROPOSED FUTURE LAND USE: IND (Industrial) PROPOSED ZONING: IH (Industrial, Heavy) Planning & Zoning Commission Petition: Prime Realty FLUMA October 4, 2010 Page 3 of 7 Parcel and Surrounding Area History: 1976 to 2007 -Two mining operations were conducted on the subject parcel and adjacent 25 acre tract. The most recent permit, known as Baggett Mine, expired in 2007 without meeting the terms of the permit. October 17, 2000 -The zoning of the subject parcel was changed from IX (Industrial, Extraction) to AG-1 (Agricultural – 1 du/ac) to allow for an aquaculture use, which never was established. October 18, 2004 -Ordinance 04-031 amended the Future Land Use designation of an adjacent 94 acres from RS to MXD, High and Medium Intensity levels, with subarea policies, for Lucie Rock, LLC. December 16, 2005 – The Lucie Rock, LLC Major Site Plan application was submitted for a 40 lot industrial subdivision on the adjacent 77 acres of industrial zoned land. The plan is being revised to incorporate an additional 16 acres. November 20, 2007 -A 77.85 acre tract of the Lucie Rock, LLC amendment lands lands were rezoned. This includes 57.59 acres rezoned to IH (Industrial, Heavy) and 20.26 acres rezoned to IL (Industrial, Light). February 25, 2009 -Notice of Violation was issued to the applicant for the storage of dumpsters, trailers, and portable toilets on the subject parcel. The violation was abated on March 31, 2010. July 20, 2010, 16.42 acres of the Lucie Rock, LLC MXD tract south of the subject parcel were rezoned to IL. Current Future Land Use: The Future Land Use designation of the subject property is RS (Residential Suburban – 2 du/acre), which “…is intended to act as a transitional area between the agricultural areas and the more intense residential areas in the eastern portion of the County. The RS designation is intended for large lot, single-family detached residential dwellings, at a density of one to two units per gross acre.” At 4.88 acres, a maximum of 10 dwelling units could potentially be developed on the property. Proposed Future Land Use: The proposed Future Land Use designation is IND (Industrial), which “…is to be implemented through both the heavy and light industrial zoning districts.” Lot sizes and dimensional requirements are identified in Section 7.04.01 in the Land Development Code, which identifies the maximum lot building coverage for both the Industrial Light and Heavy zoning districts as 50%. Therefore, the 4.88 acre subject property has a potential built out to accommodate 106,286 square feet of light or heavy industrial uses. Potential uses associated with the two industrial zoning districts range from animal kennels to manufacturing plants (see enclosed Sections 3.01.03 T and 3.01.03 U for a full list of permitted and conditional uses). Current Zoning: The current zoning of the subject property is AG-1 (Agricultural -1 du/acre). The purpose of this district “…is to provide and protect an environment suitable for productive commercial agriculture, together with such other uses as may be necessary to and compatible with productive agricultural surroundings. Residential densities are restricted to a maximum of one (1) dwelling unit per gross acre.” Various agricultural uses would be permitted (see enclosed Section 3.01.03 A for a full list of permitted and conditional uses) and at 4.88 acres, a maximum of five dwelling units could potentially be developed on the property. Planning & Zoning Commission Petition: Prime Realty FLUMA October 4, 2010 Page 4 of 7 Staff Analysis Compliance with the Comprehensive Plan: The requested change meets Policy requiring the subject property to be within a quarter mile of the same or greater type of land use classification. The subject property is surrounded by IH (Industrial, Heavy), IL (Industrial, Light) or IX (Industrial, Extraction) zoning districts. The proposed change further complies with Policy requiring all new development projects to occur where water and waste water sewer services can be provided. Existing potable water and wastewater lines are located one half mile from the property (see the Potable Water, Wastewater and Water Treatment section below). The requested change meets Policy requiring all new Heavy Industrial to have central water services available, to not be within a 1,000 feet of an aquatic preserve, to not be located in the 100-year flood plain, to have immediate access to the transportation network without traveling through residential areas, be a minimum of 10 acres, and not be located within any cone of influence of the County’s wellfield protection program. The 4.88 acre subject property meets all of these criteria and is contiguous to almost 100 acres of industrial zoned property. The requested change is contrary to Goal 1.1 which requires the County to “…ensure the highest quality of living environment possible by strictly enforced building, zoning and development codes based on objectives and policies that will enhance St. Lucie County's natural and man-made resources while minimizing any damage or threat of degradation to the health, safety and welfare of the county's citizens, native wildlife and environment, through incompatible land uses.” Amending the Future Land Use designation of the subject property with outstanding mining reclamation issues is inconsistent with this goal. The requested change is contrary to Policy which requires the enforcement of “…Section 6.06.00 of the County’s Land Development Code which requires that extraction activities for natural resources be permitted only where compatible with existing and proposed land uses. All operations must be in accordance with all applicable regulatory permitting requirements.” The mining operation did not proceed in accordance with the County’s requirement of implementing a reclamation plan. The requested change is contrary to Objective 8.1.7 which requires the County “…to regulate mining to ensure the conservation, appropriate use, and protection of minerals in a manner that safeguards the entire County’s remaining natural resources, including ground and surface waters and upland plant communities.” The mining operation did not proceed in accordance with the County requirement of implementing a reclamation plan. Grading and planting of the lake resulting from the mining operation is essential for addressing the various safety and environmental considerations. Compliance with State Statutes and the State Comprehensive Plan: The subject property is less than 10 acres in size and is considered a small scale amendment, and not subjected to the Department of Community Affairs review. However, when reviewing the potential impacts of a petition, County staff refers to Chapter 9J-5 of the Florida Administrative Code, which establishes minimum criteria for the preparation, review, and determination of compliance of comprehensive plan amendments. The proposed Future Land Use Map Amendment meets the criteria of Chapter 9J-5. An exception to this review is that small scale amendments do not require a needs analysis where the need for industrial development would be demonstrated numerically as a correlation to population growth. Compatibility with Existing Neighborhood: The requested IND (Industrial) Future Land Use designation is to allow for future development of the property that is consistent with the industrial nature of the surrounding area. The 4.88 acre subject property is contiguous to and surrounded by over 100 acres of industrial zoned property. Therefore, Planning & Zoning Commission Petition: Prime Realty FLUMA October 4, 2010 Page 5 of 7 the proposed IND Future Land Use is compatible with the industrial zoning of the surrounding neighborhood. Environmental Resources: St. Lucie County Environmental Resource Department has reviewed the petition and submitted a report on the environmental impacts of the proposed FLUMA as follows: Reclamation requirements for the portion of the remnant mine located within the subject parcel have not been met per the land development code and mining permit conditions. In addition, staff observed substantial amounts of concrete and rebar within the reclamation area which prohibits proper reclamation of the property per Land Development Code 6.06.01 and 6.06.03. The extent of the final reclamation limits is dependent upon removal of unauthorized concrete and debris dumped within and adjacent to the lake, and subsequent grading/sloping of the littoral planting area. Due to the uncertainty of the final reclamations plans, staff is unable to determine the compatibility of the future land use change at this time. Depending on the final area of the reclamation, the area available for the requested improvement of the site as a medium density industrial development may be limited. ERD recommends denial of the requested Future Land Use Amendment. Natural Hazards: The subject property is located in a FEMA flood zone “X,” which is an area of low flood risk and generally considered to be out of the 500-year flood plain. St. Lucie County Fire District: The subject property is serviced by Fire Station No. 4. The Fire District has reviewed the proposed Future Land Use Map Amendment, has no objection to the project and has confirmed payment of the required review fees. School Impacts: The proposed amendment is a non-residential use, and no school impacts are anticipated. Transportation Impacts: All roadway segments are expected to meet their Level of Service within the five-year time frame with the exception of Kings Highway from Angle Road to Orange Avenue. A full traffic impact report was not prepared for this petition since the proposed Future Land Use Map Amendment is small scale and traffic impacts cannot be analyzed until a site development proposal is prepared. As a part of any future site plan development, the applicant will be required to provide a traffic impact analysis based on the gross new trips generated by the development. At time of development the applicant will be required to undertake a Proportionate Fair Share (PFS) analysis and contribute their PFS towards improvements for the Kings Highway at Orange Avenue intersection as part of the final site plan review process. The following is a brief summary review and comparison of the anticipated peak hour traffic impacts that was computed by both the applicant and staff. Comparison of Peak Hour Trip Generation Scenario Future Land Use Acreage Allowable Density (per acre) Allowable Intensity Peak Hour Trip Generation Rate Peak Hour Generation Potential Current RS 4.88 2 dwelling units 10 1.01 trips/unit 10 Proposed IND 4.88 21,780 106,286 0.51 trips/1,000 ft2 54 Planning & Zoning Commission Petition: Prime Realty FLUMA October 4, 2010 Page 6 of 7 Parks and Recreation: The proposed amendment is not for residential use, therefore there are no impacts associated with parks and recreation. Solid Waste: Currently all solid waste generated in St. Lucie County is disposed at the St. Lucie County Bailing and Recycling Facility, located in the southwest corner of the City of Ft. Pierce. This landfill is identified in the recent Evaluation and Appraisal Report of the Comprehensive Plan as having sufficient capacity for at least the next 20 years. This proposed change will not materially impact the level of service standard for the County’s solid waste facility found in Policy 6B.1.1.1 at 9.31 pounds per capita, per day. Potable Water and Wastewater Treatment: Utility services are presently available to the site and are provided by the Fort Pierce Utility Authority. The Fort Pierce Utility Authority has confirmed that there is sufficient water supply and wastewater capacity to service the needs of this project and the appropriate Equivalent Development Units (EDU) will need to be purchased from the Utility Bank prior to the issuance of a Development Order. Development Requirements: Approval of the proposed Future Land Use Map Amendment constitutes a preliminary development order and does not grant approval for any specific development scenario. However, upon approval the applicant may proceed to seek permission for further development of the property for commercial purposes. Prior to the issuance of any final development order, the future developer must demonstrate that all public facilities are available to service the parcel and obtain a Certificate of Capacity. Analysis Summary: Staff’s analysis indicates that overall the proposed IND Future Land Use designation in this area is inconsistent with the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan. While the requested change to IND (Industrial) is compatible with the surrounding area, outstanding issues pertaining to the expired mining operation prevent staff from supporting the request at this time. Land Development Code Section 11.01.04 prohibits deviation from the terms or conditions of a permit without first obtaining a modification to the Development Order. The Final Development Order of the expired mining permit included terms and conditions that remain unmet. The proposed Future Land Use Map Amendment would not move the applicant towards compliance with the outstanding mining issues but would allow high intensity uses on the property while the terms of the permit remain insufficiently addressed. The County’s Public Works and Environmental Resources Department have been working with the applicant to resolve the outstanding issues related with the expired mine. The applicant is in the process of removing the debris from the property but thus far has not provided the information necessary for Public Works staff to confirm finalization of the mining reclamation process. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Planning and Zoning Commission forward a recommendation of denial to the Board of County Commissioners for the Prime Realty small scale Future Land Use Map Amendment (Ordinance No. 10-037). Planning & Zoning Commission Petition: Prime Realty FLUMA October 4, 2010 Page 7 of 7 Suggested motion to recommend approval/denial of this request: MOTION TO APPROVE: AFTER CONSIDERING THE TESTIMONY PRESENTED DURING THE PUBLIC HEARING, INCLUDING STAFF COMMENTS, I HEREBY MOVE THAT THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY RECOMMEND THAT THE ST. LUCIE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS APPROVE THE PETITION OF PRIME REALTY LLC., FOR A SMALL-SCALE AMENDMENT TO THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP FROM RS (RESIDENTIAL SUBURBAN – 2 DU/ACRE) TO IND (INDUSTRIAL) BECAUSE…. [CITE REASON(S) WHY – PLEASE BE SPECIFIC] MOTION TO DENY: AFTER CONSIDERING THE TESTIMONY PRESENTED DURING THE PUBLIC HEARING, INCLUDING STAFF COMMENTS, I HEREBY MOVE THAT THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY RECOMMEND THAT THE ST. LUCIE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DENY APPROVAL OF THE PETITION OF PRIME REALTY LLC., FOR A SMALL-SCALE AMENDMENT TO THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP FROM RS (RESIDENTIAL SUBURBAN – 2 DU/ACRE) TO IND (INDUSTRIAL) BECAUSE…. [CITE REASON(S) WHY – PLEASE BE SPECIFIC] Environmental Resources Department Final Report TO: Britton De Witt, Planning & Development Services Department THROUGH: Karen L. Smith, Environmental Resources Department Director FROM: Jennifer Evans, Senior Environmental Planner Amy Griffin, Environmental Regulations and Lands Division Manager DATE: September 17, 2010 SUBJECT: Prime Realty Capitol Plan Amendment & Rezoning Background The applicant requests approval of a future land use amendment from Residential Suburban (RS) to Industrial (IND) and rezoning from Agriculture 1 unit per acre (AG-1) to Industrial Heavy (IH). Environmental Resources staff has completed several site visits and final review. The project site is located at 1100 North Rock Road. The site consists of previously disturbed open land and Brazilian pepper with a portion of an existing lake adjacent to the property within the western boundary. This lake was created by a previously approved mining permit which expired in 2007. Findings Reclamation requirements for the portion of the remnant mine located within the subject parcel have not been met per the land development code and mining permit conditions. In addition, staff observed substantial amounts of concrete and rebar within the reclamation area which prohibits proper reclamation of the property per Land Development Code 6.06.01 and 6.06.03. The extent of the final reclamation limits is dependent upon removal of unauthorized concrete and debris dumped within and adjacent to the lake, and subsequent grading/sloping of the littoral planting area. Due to the uncertainty of the final reclamations plans, staff is unable determine the compatibility of the future land use change at this time. Depending on the final area of the reclamation, the area available for the requested improvement of the site as a medium density industrial development may be limited. Recommendation ERD recommends denial of the requested Future Land Use Amendment and Rezoning. Please contact Jennifer Evans at 772-462-3862 if you have any questions. 1 ORDINANCE NO. 10-037 2 FILE NO.: FLUMA 1120094022 3 4 AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF ST. LUCIE 5 COUNTY, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FUTURE LAND 6 USE MAP FOR A 4.88 ACRE (M.O.L.) PARCEL OF LAND OWNED BY PRIME 7 REALTY CAPITAL FROM RS (RESIDENTIAL SUBURBAN) TO IND (INDUSTRIAL); 8 PROVIDING FOR FINDINGS OF CONSISTENCY; AUTHORIZING AMENDMENTS TO 9 THE FUTURE LAND USE MAPS OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN; PROVIDING 10 FOR CONFLICTING PROVISIONS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING 11 FOR APPLICABILITY; PROVIDING FOR FILING WITH THE FLORIDA 12 DEPARTMENT OF STATE; PROVIDING FOR FILING WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF 13 COMMUNITY AFFAIRS; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND, PROVIDING 14 FOR ADOPTION. 15 16 WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of St. Lucie County, Florida, based on the 17 testimony and evidence, including but not limited to the staff report, has made the following 18 determinations: 19 20 1. Bradley Currie, of Land Design South, a representative for Prime Realty Capital LLC, 21 has filed a petition for an amendment to the adopted Comprehensive Plan Future Land 22 Use Map for a 4.88 acre (more or less) parcel of land, located at FDOT Access Road, 23 approximately 1 mile north of Orange Avenue and ¼ mile west of Rock Road, from RS 24 (Residential Suburban – 2 du/acre) to IND (Industrial) for the property described in Part 25 A below; and, 26 27 2. The Board of County Commissioners of St. Lucie County as the governing body of St. 28 Lucie County having jurisdiction over this application pursuant to Chapter 163, Florida 29 Statutes, is authorized and empowered to consider amendments to the adopted 30 Comprehensive Plan of St. Lucie County; and, 31 32 3. On October 21, 2010, the St. Lucie County Planning and Zoning Commission/Local 33 Planning Agency held a public hearing, of which due notice was published in the St. 34 Lucie News Tribune, and recommended to the Board of County Commissioners that 35 the petition for Future Land Use Map Amendment for Prime Realty LLC be approved; 36 and, 37 38 4. On ________, 2010, the Board of County Commissioners of St. Lucie County, Florida 39 held a public hearing, of which due notice was placed in the St. Lucie News Tribune, 40 and deemed the adoption of the amendment to the Comprehensive Plan to be/not to 41 be in the best interests of the citizens and residents of the County. 42 43 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of St. Lucie 44 County, Florida: 45 46 47 48 Ordinance No. 10-037 File No.: FLUMA-1120094022 Page 2 A. AMENDMENT TO FUTURE 1 LAND USE DESIGNATION 2 3 The Future Land Use Designation set forth in the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan for 4 the property described in Exhibit “A,” attached hereto, containing 4.88 acres more or less, 5 located at FDOT Access Road, approximately 1 mile north of Orange Avenue and ¼ mile west 6 of Rock Road, from RS (Residential Suburban – 2 du/acre) to IND (Industrial), as depicted in 7 the attached Exhibit “B.” 8 9 B. FINDING OF CONSISTENCY 10 11 The Board of County Commissioners of St. Lucie County, Florida, specifically determines that 12 the approval of this amendment to the adopted Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use 13 Element is internally consistent with the policies and objectives contained in the St. Lucie 14 County Comprehensive Plan and consistent with standards for review of plans and plan 15 amendments of Rule 9J-5, Florida Administrative Code, and provides for the recognition that 16 impacts of this approval on the public facilities of St. Lucie County will not occur until such time 17 as a Final Development Order for development on this property is issued. 18 19 C. CHANGE TO FUTURE LAND USE MAP 20 21 The St. Lucie County Planning and Development Services Director is hereby authorized and 22 directed to cause this change to be made in the Future Land Use Map of the Future Land Use 23 Element of the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan and to make notation of reference to the 24 date of adoption of this Ordinance. 25 26 D. CONFLICTING PROVISIONS 27 28 Special acts of the Florida Legislature applicable only to unincorporated areas of St. Lucie 29 County, County Ordinances and County Resolutions, or parts thereof, in conflict with this 30 Ordinance are hereby superseded by this Ordinance to the extent of such conflict. 31 32 E. SEVERABILITY 33 34 If any portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held or declared to be unconstitutional, 35 inoperative or void, such holding shall not affect the remaining portions of this Ordinance. If 36 this Ordinance or any provisions thereof shall be held to be inapplicable to any person, 37 property, or circumstances, such holding shall not affect its applicability to any other person, 38 property or circumstance. 39 40 F. APPLICABILITY OF ORDINANCE 41 42 This Ordinance shall be applicable as stated in Paragraphs A, B and C. 43 44 G. FILING WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE 45 46 The Clerk is hereby directed forthwith to send a certified copy of this Ordinance to the Bureau 47 of Laws, Department of State, The Capitol, Tallahassee, Florida, 32304. 48 49 Ordinance No. 10-037 File No.: FLUMA-1120094022 Page 3 H. FILING WITH THE DEPARTMENT 1 OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS 2 3 The Planning and Development Services Director shall send a certified copy of this Ordinance 4 to the Department of Community Affairs, 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard, Tallahassee, Florida 5 32399-2100. 6 7 I. EFFECTIVE DATE 8 9 This Ordinance shall take effect thirty-one (31) days after adoption. If the Ordinance is 10 challenged within thirty (30) days after adoption, the Ordinance shall not be effective until the 11 State Land Planning Agency or Administration Commission respectively issues a final order 12 finding the adopted amendment in compliance in accordance with Section 163.3184(10), 13 Florida Statutes. 14 15 J. ADOPTION 16 17 After motion and second, the vote on this Ordinance was as follows: 18 19 Charles Grande, Chairman XXX 20 21 Doug Coward, Vice-Chair XXX 22 23 Chris Dzadovsky, Commissioner XXX 24 25 Chris Craft, Commissioner XXX 26 27 Paula Lewis, Commissioner XXX 28 29 30 PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED this ___ day of _______, 2010. 31 32 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 33 ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA 34 35 36 37 BY 38 Chairman 39 40 ATTEST APPROVED AS TO FORM 41 AND CORRECTNESS 42 43 44 45 46 Deputy Clerk County Attorney 47 Ordinance No. 10-037 File No.: FLUMA-1120094022 Page 4 1 Exhibit “A” 2 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 3 4 Being a parcel of land lying in Section 2, Township 35 South, Range 39 5 East, St. Lucie County Florida, being more particularly described as 6 follows: From the Southeast corner of the Northwest ¼ of the Southwest 7 ¼; run North 00°08'13" West 60 feet; thence South 89°53'47" West 210 8 feet for POINT OF BEGINNING; thence continue South 89°53'47" West 9 306.17 feet; thence North 00°11'29" East 784.52 feet to a point lying 10 South 00°11"20" West 346.62 feet of the South right-of-way of Interstate 11 95; thence South 60°08'02" East 354.41 feet; thence South 00°08'13" 12 East 607.48 feet to the Point of Beginning. 13 14 Parcel ID No.: 2302-321-0020-0005 15 (Location: North side of an FDOT access road right-of-way, approximately 1 16 mile northwest of the intersection of Orange Avenue and Rock Road) 17 18 19 20 Ordinance No. 10-037 File No.: FLUMA-1120094022 Page 5 1 2 Exhibit “B” 3 FUTURE LAND USE MAP 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Ordinance No. 10-037 File No.: FLUMA-1120094022 Page 6 1 Exhibit “C” 2 CONCURRENCY DEFERRAL AFFIDAVIT 3 3.01.03. Zoning Districts. A. AG-1 AGRICULTURAL -1. 1. Purpose. The purpose of this district is to provide and protect an environment suitable for productive commercial agriculture, together with such other uses as may be necessary to and compatible with productive agricultural surroundings. Residential densities are restricted to a maximum of one (1) dwelling unit per gross acre. The number in "( )" following each identified use corresponds to the SIC code reference described in Section 3.01.02(B). The number 999 applies to a use not defined under the SIC code but may be further defined in Section 2.00.00 of this Code. 2. Permitted Uses. a. Agricultural production -crops. (01) b. Agricultural production -livestock and animal specialties. (02) c. Agricultural services. (07) d. Family day care homes. (999) e. Family residential homes provided that such homes shall not be located within a radius of one thousand (1,000) feet of another existing such family residential home and provided that the sponsoring agency or Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services (HRS) notifies the Board of County Commissioners at the time of home occupancy that the home is licensed by HRS. (999) f. Fishing, hunting and trapping. (09) g. Forestry. (08) h. Kennels. (0752) i. Research Facilities, Non-commercial. (8733) j. Riding stables. (7999) k. Single-family detached dwellings. (999) 3. Lot Size Requirements. Lot size requirements shall be in accordance with Table 1 in Section 7.04.00. 4. Dimensional Regulations. Dimensional requirements shall be in accordance with Table 1 in Section 7.04.00. 5. Off-Street Parking and Loading Requirements. Off-street parking and loading requirements are subject to Section 7.06.00. 6. Landscaping Requirements. Landscaping requirements are subject to Section 7.09.00. 7. Conditional Uses. a. Agricultural labor housing. (999) b. Aircraft storage and equipment maintenance. (4581) c. Airports and flying, landing, and takeoff fields. (4581) d. Family residential homes located within a radius of one thousand (1,000) feet of another such family residential home. (999) e. Farm products warehousing and storage. (4221/4222) f. Gasoline service stations. (5541) g. Industrial wastewater disposal. (999) h. Manufacturing: (1) Agricultural chemicals. (287) (2) Food and kindred products. (20) (3) Lumber and wood products, except furniture. (24) i. Mining and quarrying of nonmetallic minerals, except fuels. (14) j. Retail trade: (1) Farm equipment and related accessories. (999) (2) Apparel and accessory stores. (56) k. Sewage disposal subject to the requirements of Section 7.10.13. (999) l. Telecommunication Towers -subject to the standards of Section 7.10.23. (999) m. Camps -sporting and recreational. (7032) 8. Accessory Uses. Accessory uses are subject to the requirements of Section 8.00.00, and include the following: a. Mobile homes subject to the requirements of Section 7.10.05. b. Retail trade and wholesale trade -subordinate to the primary authorized use or activity. c. Guest house subject to the requirements of Section 7.10.04. (999) 3.01.03 T. IL INDUSTRIAL, LIGHT. 1. Purpose. The purpose of this district is to provide and protect an environment suitable for light manufacturing, wholesale, and warehousing activities that do not impose undesirable noise, vibration, odor, dust, or other offensive effects on the surrounding are, together with such other uses as may be necessary to and compatible with light industrial surroundings. The number in "( )" following each identified use corresponds to the SIC code reference described in Section 3.01.02(B). The number 999 applies to a use not defined under the SIC code but may be further defined in Section 2.00.00 of this Code. 2. Permitted Uses: a. Business services. (73) b. Communications -including telecommunication towers -subject to the standards of Section 7.10.23. (48) c. Construction services: (1) Building construction -general contractors. (15) (2) Other construction -general contractors. (16) (3) Construction -special trade contractors. (17) d. Engineering, architectural and surveying services. (871) e. Commercial fishing. (091) f. Laundry, cleaning and garment services. (721) g. Local and suburban transit. (41) h. Manufacturing: (1) Food and kindred products. (20) (2) Tobacco products. (21) (3) Textile mill products. (22) (4) Apparel and other finished products. (23) (5) Furniture and fixtures. (25) (6) Printing, publishing and allied industries. (27) (7) Drugs. (283) (8) Leather and leather products. (31) (9) Glass: (a) Flat glass. (321) (b) Glass and glassware -pressed or blown. (322) (c) Glass products -made of purchased glass. (323) (10) Fabricated metal prod. -except machinery and transport. equip.: (a) Metal cans and shipping containers. (341) (b) Cutlery, handtools and general hardware. (342) (c) Heating equipment, except electric and warm air, and plumbing fixtures. (343) (d) Fabricated structural metal products. (344) (e) Coating, engraving and allied services. (347) (f) Miscellaneous fabricated metal products: (1) Wire products. (3495) (2) Misc. fabricated wire products. (3496) ((3) Metal foil and leaf. (3497) (4) Fabricated metal products -NEC. (3499) (11) Industrial/commercial machinery and computer equipment: (a) Metalworking machinery and equipment. (354) (b) Special industry machinery, except metalworking machinery. (355) (c) General industrial machinery and equipment. (356) (d) Computers and office equipment. (357) (12) Electronic and other electrical equipment and components, except computer equipment: (a) Household appliances. (363) (b) Electric lighting and wiring equipment. (364) (c) Household audio and video equipment. (365) (d) Communications equipment. (366) (e) Electronic components and accessories. (367) (f) Misc. electrical machinery equipment and supplies. (369) (13) Measuring, analyzing and controlling instruments. (38) (14) Photographic, medical and optical goods. (38) (15) Watches and clocks. (38) (16) Misc. manufacturing industries: (a) Jewelry, silverware, and platedware. (391) (b) Musical instruments and parts. (393) (c) Dolls, toys, games and sporting goods. (394) (d) Pens, pencils, and other office and artists' materials. (395) (e) Costume jewelry, costume novelties, and notions. (396) (f) Brooms and brushes. (3991) (g) Signs and advertising displays. (3993) (h) Morticians goods. (3995) (i) Manufacturing industries, NEC. (3999) (17) Plastic products -fabrication, molding, cutting, extrusion, and injection processing. (308) i. Marinas. (4493) j. Millwork and structural wood members. (243) k. Motion pictures. (78) l. Motor freight transportation and warehousing. (42) m. Repair services: (1) Automotive and automotive parking. (75) (2) Electrical. (762) (3) Watch, clock and jewelry repair. (763) (4) Reupholstery and furniture repair. (764) (5) Misc. repairs and services. (769) n. Retail trade: (1) Lumber and other building materials. (521) (2) Paint, glass and wallpaper. (523) (3) Hardware. (525) (4) Nurseries, lawn and garden supplies. (526) (5) Mobile home dealers. (527) (6) Automotive/boat/RV/motorcyc e dealers. (55) (7) Gasoline service. (55) (8) Furniture and furnishings. (57) o. Research, development, and testing services. (873) p. Ship, boat building and repairing -less than forty-five (45) ft. (373) q. Sorting, grading and packaging services -citrus/vegetables. (0723) r. Vocational Schools. (824) s. Wholesale trade -durable goods: (1) Motor vehicle and automotive equipment. (501) (2) Furniture and home furnishings.(502) (3) Lumber and other building materials. (503) (4) Professional and commercial equipment/supplies. (504) (5) Metals and minerals except petroleum. (505) (6) Electrical goods. (506) (7) Hardware, plumbing and heating equipment, and supplies. (507) (8) Machinery, equipment, and supplies. (508) (9) Misc. durable goods: (a) Sporting and recreational goods. (5091) (b) Toys and hobby goods. (5092) (c) Jewelry, watches, precious stones and metals. (5094) (d) Durable goods NEC. (5099) t. Wholesale trade -nondurable goods: (1) Paper and paper products. (511) (2) Drugs. (512) (3) Dry goods and apparel. (513) (4) Groceries and related products. (514) (5) Farm products -raw materials. (515) (6) Chemicals, and allied products. (516) (7) Beer, wine, and distilled alcoholic beverages. (518) (8) Misc. nondurable goods: (a) Farm supplies. (5191) (b) Books, periodicals and newspapers. (5192) (c) Flowers, nursery stock and florists' supplies. (5193) (d) Tobacco/tobacco products. (5194) (e) Paints, varnishes and supplies. (5198) (f) Nondurable goods, NEC. (5199) u. Mobile food vendors. (999) v. Single family detached dwelling units provided that the single family dwelling unit is located on an existing lot or parcel or record, as further defined in this Code, that was existing on or before August 1, 1990. (999) w. Kennels – Allowed as a permitted use only when the property is surrounded by industrial uses or zoning and is 500 feet or more from residential uses or zoning. All distance requirements shall be measured from the nearest point of the existing home or area of single-family zoning to the nearest point of the proposed kennel. 3. Lot Size Requirements. Lot size requirements shall be in accordance with Section 7.04.00. 4. Dimensional Regulations. Dimensional requirements shall be in accordance with Section 7.04.00. 5. Offstreet Parking and Loading Requirements. Offstreet parking and loading requirements are subject to Section 7.06.00. 6. Landscaping Requirements. Landscaping requirements are subject to Section 7.09.00. 7. Conditional Uses: a. Airports, landing and takeoff fields -general aviation. (4581) b. Manufacturing: (1) Cut stone and stone products. (328) (2) Motorcycles, bicycles, and parts. (375) (3) Wood containers, wood buildings and mobile homes. (244/245) c. Ship, boat building and repairing (excluding ship or boat salvaging) -forty-five (45) to one hundred fifty (150) ft. (373) d. Wholesale: (1) Petroleum bulk stations and terminals. e. Scrap and waste materials -subject to the provisions of Section 7.10.12.A. f. Kennels – (0752) Other than those permitted under Section 3.01.03 T2.w. of the Land Development Code. 8. Accessory Uses. Accessory uses are subject to the requirements of Section 8.00.00 and include the following: a. Co-generation facilities. (999) b. Fueling facilities. (999) c. Industrial wastewater disposal. (999) d. One detached single-family dwelling or mobile home for on-site security purposes per property. (999) e. Retail trade accessory to the primary manufacturing or wholesaling use. (999) U. IH INDUSTRIAL, HEAVY. 1. Purpose. The purpose of this district is to provide an environment suitable for heavy manufacturing and other activities that may impose undesirable noise, vibration, odor, dust, or other offensive effects on the surrounding area together with such other nonresidential uses as may be necessary to and compatible with heavy industrial surroundings. The number in "( )" following each identified use corresponds to the SIC code reference described in Section 3.01.02(B). The number 999 applies to a use not defined under the SIC code but may be further defined in Section 2.00.00 of this Code. 2. Permitted Uses. Any use permitted in the Industrial Light (IL) zoning district: a. Agricultural services. (07) b. Construction services: (1) Building construction -general contractor. (15) (2) Other construction -general contractors. (16) (3) Construction -special trade contractors. (17) c. Docks and boathouses (private). (999) d. Engineering services. (871) e. Manufacturing: (1) Food and kindred products. (20) (2) Tobacco products. (21) (3) Textile mill products. (22) (4) Apparel and other finished products. (23) (5) Lumber and wood products, except furniture. (24) (6) Furniture and fixtures. (25) (7) Printing and publishing and allied industries. (27) (8) Chemicals and allied products: (a) Drugs. (283) (b) Soap, detergents and cleaning preparations; perfumes, cosmetics and other toilet preparations. (284) (c) Agricultural chemicals. (287) (9) Rubber and misc. plastic products. (30) (10) Leather and leather products. (31) (11) Glass: (a) Flat glass. (321) (b) Glass and glassware -pressed or blown. (322) (c) Glass products -made of purchased glass. (323) (12) Fabricated metal products (except ammunition and ordnance). (34) (13) Industrial/commercial machinery and computer equipment. (35) (14) Electronic and other electrical equipment and components, except computer equipment. (36) (15) Transportation equipment. (37) (16) Measuring, analyzing and controlling instruments. (38) (17) Misc. manufacturing industries: (a) Jewelry, silverware, and platedware. (391) (b) Musical instruments and parts. (393) (c) Dolls, toys, games and sporting goods. (394) (d) Pens, pencils and other office and artists' materials. (395) (e) Costume jewelry, costume novelties, and notions. (396) (f) Brooms and brushes. (3991) (g) Signs and advertising displays. (3993) (h) Morticians goods. (3995) (i) Manufacturing industries, NIC. (3999) (18) Paper and allied products: (a) Paperboard containers and boxes. (265) (b) Converted paper and paperboard products. (267) f. Local and suburban transit. (41) g. Water transportation. (44) h. Transportation services. (47) i. Communications. (48) j. Motor freight transportation and warehousing. (42) k. Motion pictures. (78) l. Membership organizations. (86) m. Personal and business services. (72) n. Research, development, and testing services. (873) o. Repair services: (1) Automotive and automotive parking. (75) (2) Electrical. (762) (3) Watch, clock and jewelry repair. (763) (4) Reupholstery and furniture repair. (764) (5) Misc. repairs and services. (769) p. Retail trade: (1) Lumber and other building materials. (521) (2) Paint, glass and wallpaper. (523) (3) Hardware. (525) (4) Nurseries, lawn and garden supplies. (526) (5) Mobile home dealers. (527) (6) Automotive/boat/RV/motorcycle dealers. (55) (7) Gasoline service. (55) (8) Furniture and furnishings. (57) q. Telecommunication towers -subject to the standards of Section 7.10.23. (999) r. Wholesale trade -durable goods: (1) Motor vehicle and automotive equipment. (501) (2) Furniture and home furnishings. (502) (3) Lumber and other building materials. (503) (4) Professional and commercial equipment/supplies. (504) (5) Metals and minerals, except petroleum. (505) (6) Electrical goods. (506) (7) Hardware, plumbing and heating equipment, and supplies. (507) (8) Machinery, equipment, and supplies. (508) (9) Misc. Durable goods: (a) Sporting and recreational goods. (5091) (b) Toys and hobby goods. (5092) (c) Jewelry, watches, precious stones and metals. (5094) (d) Durable goods NEC. (5099) s. Wholesale trade -nondurable goods: (1) Paper and paper products. (511) (2) Drugs. (512) (3) Dry goods and apparel. (513) (4) Groceries and related products. (514) (5) Farm products -raw materials. (515) (6) Chemicals, and allied products. (516) (7) Beer, wine, and distilled alcoholic beverages. (518) (8) Misc. Nondurable Goods: (a) Farm supplies. (5191) (b) Books, periodicals, and newspapers. (5192) (c) Flowers, nursery stock and florists' supplies. (5193) (d) Tobacco/tobacco products. (5194) (e) Paints, varnishes and supplies. (5198) (f) Nondurable goods, NEC. (5199) t. Mobile food vendors. (999) 3. Lot Size Requirements. Lot size requirements shall be in accordance with Section 7.04.00. 4. Dimensional Regulations. Dimensional requirements shall be in accordance with Section 7.04.00. 5. Offstreet Parking and Loading Requirements. Offstreet parking and loading requirements are subject to Section 7.06.00. 6. Landscaping Requirements. Landscaping requirements are subject to Section 7.09.00. 7. Conditional Uses: a. Airport, landing and takeoff fields -general aviation. (4581) b. Manufacturing: (1) Paper and allied products. (26) (2) Chemicals and allied products. (28) (3) Petroleum refining and related products. (29) (4) Stone, clay, glass and concrete products. (32) (5) Primary metal industries. (33) (6) Ammunition and ordinance. (348) c. Natural or manufactured gas storage and distribution points. (492) d. Scrap, waste and land clearing and yard trash recycling operations -subject to the provisions of Section 7.10.12. e. Warehousing and storage services -stockyards. (999) f. Wholesale trade -nondurable goods: (1) Petroleum and petroleum products. (999) 8. Accessory Uses. Accessory uses are subject to the requirements of Section 8.00.00, and include the following: a. Co-generation facilities. (999) b. Fueling facilities. (999) c. Industrial wastewater disposal. (999) d. One (1) detached single-family dwelling or mobile home, for on-site security purposes per property. (999) e. Retail: (1) Bottled gas. (999) (2) Fuel oil. (999) (3) Gasoline service stations. (999) (4) Retail trade accessory to the primary manufacturing or wholesaling use. (999) APO listing for Prime Realty Capital, LLC, RZ-1120094021 & FLUMA-1120094022 Queried from Property Appraiser data as of September 14, 2010. List prepared September 30, 2010. Parcel ID Owner1Lname Owner2Lname Address City State Zip 230234200010001 Lucie Rock LLC PO Box 279 Key Biscayne FL 33149 230233100010007 Lucie Rock LLC PO Box 279 Key Biscayne FL 33149 230223300250000 Prime Realty Capital LLC 790 Hillbrath Dr Lantana FL 33462 230232100100002 Lucie Rock LLC PO Box 279 Key Biscayne FL 33149 230231200200007 Lucie Rock LLC PO Box 279 Key Biscayne FL 33149 230232100200005 Prime Realty Capital LLC 790 Hillbrath Dr Lantana FL 33462 230231300250005 State Of Florida Dot 3400 W Commercial Blvd Fort Lauderdale FL 33309-3421 Applicant Prime Realty Capital LLC Attn: Charles Gusmano 790 Hillbrath Dr Lantana FL 33462 Agent Land Design South Attn: Brad Currie 501 SE Port St. Lucie BoulevaPrdort St. Lucie FL 34984 PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION Planning & Development Services 772.462.2822 Project Description Prime Realty LLC is petitioning for a change in the Future Land Use of a 4.88 acre parcel f rom RS (Residential Suburban-2 du/acre) to IND (Industrial) and concurrent rezoning from AG-1 (Agricultural -1 du/acre) to IH (Industrial, Heavy). Background The purpose of the petition, as stated by the applicant, is to allow for future development of the property that is consistent with the industrial nature of the surrounding area. There is no development plan associated with this request. The subject property is unreclaimed, cleared land utilized as a portion of a mining operation that is now expired. The proposed Future Land Use Map Amendment and change in zoning are being processed concurrently. The Planning & Zoning Commission strongly encourages your input and comment at the public hearing. You may also mail or email written comments in advance of the public hearing for inclusion in the official record regarding this this proceeding. Further details are available in the Planning & Development Services Department, please contact: Staff Britton De Witt Senior Planner Tel. 772-462– 2822 Email Wilsonb@StLucieco.org Mail 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, Florida 34982 Anyone with a disability requiring accommodation to attend this meeting may contact the SLC Community Services Director at least 48 hours in advance at 772-462-1546 or TDD 772-462-1428. PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE October 21, 2010 Prime Realty Future Land Use Map Amendment & Concurrent Rezoning Applicant Prime Realty Capital LLC 790 Hillbrath Dr Lake Worth, FL 33462 Agent Brad Currie Land Design South 501 SE Port St. Lucie Blvd Port St. Lucie, FL 34984 Property Location FDOT Access Road, approximately 1 mile north of Orange Avenue and ¼ mile west of Rock Road Future Land Use From RS (Residential Suburban -2 du/acre) to IND (Industrial) Zoning From AG-1 (Agricultural -1 du/acre) to IH (Industrial, Heavy) Recommendation Denial Location: BOCC Chambers SLC Administration Administration Annex, 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, FL 34982 Addressed To: Meeting Time: 6:00 PM (or soon thereafter ) Mail Date: 10/06/10 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Being a parcel of land lying in Section 2, Township 35 South, Range 39 East, St. Lucie County Florida, being more particularly described as follows: From the Southeast corner of the Northwest ¼ of the Southwest ¼; run North 00°08'13" West 60 feet; thence South 89°53'47" West 210 feet for POINT OF BEGINNING; thence continue South 89°53'47" West 306.17 feet; thence North 00°11'29" East 784.52 feet to a point lying South 00°11"20" West 346.62 feet of the South right-ofway of Interstate 95; thence South 60°08'02" East 354.41 feet; thence South 00° 08'13" East 607.48 feet to the Point of Beginning. Parcel ID No.: 2302-321-0020-0005 (Location: North side of an FDOT access road right-of-way, approximately 1 mile northwest of the intersection of Orange Avenue and Rock Road) D i s t r i c t Manager, at the office of the tained upon request forms may be obwritten proxy. Proxy vote in person or by Each landowner may Pierce, Florida 34981 South 25th St., Fort pening, Inc. 2980 of Culpepper & Ter-Place: The Offices Time: 3:30 PM 2010 Date: November 02, Supervisors. of electing three [3— held for the purpose landowners’ will be that a meeting of nal C-24 advising Cut-off Road and Catersection of Glades the South by the ines Cut-off Road, on on the East by Glad-West by Canal C-24, b o u n d e d o n t h e d a ; i n t h e a r e a in the State of Flori-City of Port St. Lucie located within the mately 249.07 acres, cel of land approxias comprising a pargenerally described "District") for lands ment District (the Community Develop-NOTICE OF MEETING Law for Community provisions of Florida accordance with the b e c o n d u c t e d i n to the public and will The meeting is open fore the Board. properly come ben e s s w h i c h m a y and other such busitain District officers, clude election of cerof the Board to inganizational matters sidering certain orthe purpose of conof Supervisors for meeting of the Board convened a regular meeting there will be t h e l a n d o w n e r s Immediately following one acre. shall be treated as fraction of an acre son to be elected. A District for each perlocated within the owned by him and vote per acre of land entitled to cast one or his proxy shall be ing each landowner 33321. At said meet-F t . Lauderdale FL land Rd., Suite 370, LLC, 5701 N. Pine Isagement Services, Governmental Man-NOTICE OF MEETING A person who decides hearing. hours b e f o r e t h e 8 6 8 1 , a t l e a s t 48 Office at (954) 721-contact the District hearing is asked to participate in this accommodations to son requiring special bilities Act, any per-Americans with Disato provisions of the munication. Pursuant by telephone comeither in person or cussions taking place informed of the dislocation and be fully meeting at the above son can attend the any interested pertelephone so that present present a speaker location there will be phone. At the above t i c i p a t e b y t e l e -supervisors will parwhere one or more be an occasion FL 33321. There may 370, Ft. Lauderdale Pine Island Rd., Suite ices, LLC, 5701 N. Management Servfrom Governmental ing may be obtained agenda for this meettricts. A copy of the Development Dis-NOTICE OF MEETING (the "District") for Development District Shores Community w i t h i n P o r t o f i n o en to all landowners Notice is hereby giv-DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY PORTOFINO SHORES MEETING SUPERVISORS AND BOARD OF LANDOWNERS NOTICE OF 2191780 15, 2010 Publish: October 8, Manager Rich Hans to be based. which the appeal is and evidence upon ing the testimony ings is made, includcord of the proceedthat a verbatim remay need to ensure i n g l y , the person ings and that accordcord of the proceedson will need a reis advised that perered at the meeting to any matter consid-Board with respect sion made by the to appeal any deci-NOTICE OF MEETING Road, Suite 370, Ft. 5701 N Pine Island ment Services, LLC, ernmental Managetrict Manager, Govthe office of the Distained upon request at forms may be obwritten proxy. Proxy vote in person or by Each landowner may Ft. Pierce, FL 34951 Road 5720 Spanish River house Place: Shores Club-Time: 2:30 P.M. 2010 Date: November 02, pervisor. electing three (1) suheld for the purpose of of landowners will be vising that a meeting County, Florida, adacres in St. Lucie proximately 182.32 Lakes containing ap-South of Spanish Lakewood Park and ( S R 7 1 3 ) e a s t o f Turnpike Feeder Road Eastwood Drive and of the intersection of the northeast quadrant generally located in City of Port St. Lucie, scribed as lying in the lands, generally de-NOTICE OF MEETING ment Services, LLC, ernmental Manageobtained from Govthis meeting may be copy of the agenda for opment Districts. A for Community Develsions of Florida Law ance with the proviconducted in accordthe public and will be The meeting is open to before the Board. may properly come such business which officers, and other tion of certain District Board to include electional matters of the ing certain organizapurpose of consider-Supervisors for the ing of the Board of vened a regular meeting there will be conthe landowners meet-Immediately following one acre. shall be treated as fraction of an acre son to be elected. A District for each perand located within the of land owned by him cast one vote per acre shall be entitled to landowner or his proxy At said meeting each Lauderdale, FL 33321. NOTICE OF MEETING ingly, the person may ings and that accordrecord of the proceedthat person will need a the meeting is advised matter considered at with respect to any made by the Board to appeal any decision A person who decides ing. hours before the hear-721-8681, at least 48 District Office at (954) is asked to contact the ticipate in this hearing commodations to parrequiring special acbilities Act, any person Americans with Disato provisions of the munication. Pursuant or by telephone complace either in person the discussions taking be fully informed of the above location and attend the meeting at interested person can telephone so that any present a speaker location there will be phone. At the above participate by telemore supervisors will casion where one or There may be an oc-Lauderdale, FL 33321. Road, Suite 370, Ft. 5701 N Pine Island NOTICE OF MEETING Florida. St, Fort Lauderdale, Hotel, 2301 S.E. 17th Sixty Six Marina and Hyatt Regency Pier 17th Street, and the Marina, 1819 S.E. Condominium and PLACES: The Port October 16, 2010. 8:00 a.m., Saturday, October 15, 2010 and 6:00 p.m. on Friday, DATES AND TIMES: vited. all persons are inmeetings to which n o u n c e s p u b l i c gation District an-Florida Inland Navimissioners of the The Board of Com-PUBLIC NOTICE 2192004 2010 Publish: October 8, 15, Manager Rich Hans be based. which the appeal is to ny and evidence upon including the testimoproceedings is made, verbatim record of the need to ensure that a NOTICE OF MEETING formation. 3386 for more i n -phone ( ( 5 6 1 ) 6 2 7 -piter, FL 33477, tele-Marcinski Road, Ju-District office at 1314 Please contact the meet. C o m m i t t e e s w i l l a n d Management and Land Acquisition get, Public Relations nel, Finance & Budthe District’s Persontrict. Additionally, business of the Disd u c t t h e r e g u l a r gency Hotel to conheld at the Hyatt Remissioners will be of the Board of Comber 16th a meeting On Saturday, Octosioners and s t a f f . Board of Commisto meet the District’s a casual opportunity public and provides free and open to the dale. This event is Street, Ft. Lauderna, 1819 S.E. 17th dominium and Maritrict at the Port Conbe held by the Dis-Outreach Event will 15th, a Community on Friday, October PURPOSE: At 6 p.m. NOTICE OF MEETING There’s MUSIC in Classified Advertising! Find anything from pianos to percussion. Treasure Coast Classified 2198057 2010 Publish: October 8, the meeting. the District prior to ment should contact ty or physical impairbecause of a disabilition at this meeting special accommodaperson requiring a peal is based. Any upon which the apn y a n d e v i d e n c e includes the testimomade, which record the proceeding i s verbatim record of need to ensure that a purposes, they may i n g , and f o r such cord of the proceedthey will need a reered at this meeting, to any matter considmission with respect made by the Comappeal any decision If a person decides to NOTICE OF MEETING CHILDREN/TEENS Big Brothers Big Sisters: For St. Lucie, Indian River, Okeechobee counties. Child mentor. (772) 466-8535; bbbsbigs.org. Boys And Girls Clubs Of Indian River County: Sports, crafts, homework, dance, music opportunities in Vero Beach, Sebastian. 683 27th Ave. S.W., Vero Beach. (772) 299-7449; bgcirc.org. Boys And Girls Clubs Of Martin County: Needs volunteer instructors throughout the summer in Hobe Sound, East Stuart, Port Salerno, Palm City and Indiantown locations. Call (772) 545-1255 or log on to www.bgcmcfl.org to download a volunteer registration form. Care Net Pregnancy Services: 8432 S. Federal Highway, Port St. Lucie; 5569 N.E. Federal Highway, Port Salerno. (772) 871-2211. Caring Children/Clothing Children: Unpack, sort, hang clothing, help children Wednesdays, Fridays. 171 S.W. Monterey Road, Stuart. (772) 221-8777. C.A.S.T.L.E.: Office assistance, scrapbooking, special events through auxiliary. 3525 W. Midway Road, Fort Pierce; 1275 Old Dixie, Vero Beach; 3824 S.E. Dixie Highway, Stuart; (772) 465-6011 ext. 236; crobertson@exchangecastle.org. Guardian ad Litem/Guardians For New Futures: Volunteer, advocate for abused, abandoned, neglected children on Treasure Coast. 8-10 hours/month. Training provided. (772) 785-5804; gfnf4kids.org; Jennifer.manis@gal.fl.gov Hibiscus Children’s Center: Foster parents. Classes at Hibiscus Children’s Center’s The Village in Vero. (800) 403-9311 ext. 415. Hope’s Closet 4 Children: Volunteers to sort, hang clothing, assist clients. Wednesdays. A ministry of Grace Way Village, 1780 Hartman Road, Fort Pierce. (772) 925.3074 ext 2; Hopescloset@gracewayvillage.org Indian River Jaguars: Head coaches, assist coaches for football, cheer, dance; team parents. (772) 581-5898; indianriver.jaguars@yahoo.com. Prevention Of Child Abuse: Help local child abuse prevention charities on Treasure Coast. (772) 532-6132; nationalexchangeclub. org. Rotary Intl. Youth Exchange: Families with current Vero Beach High School daughter to host excellent students from Finland and Taiwan for three months during the school year. Background checks required. (772) 492-1850; tcrotarynews@bellsouth.net; ryeflorida.org. Tykes And Teens: Volunteers needed weekdays 3-7 p.m. to assist in waiting room of Palm City children’s counseling center. (772) 631-7653; Laurene@tykesandteens. org. YMCA of the Treasure Coast: Greeters are needed at the welcome center, wellness center, and Teddy Bear Academy Preschool. Background required. Richard C. Geisinger, Sr. Branch, 1700 S.E. Monterey Road, Stuart. 5-10 a.m., noon-1 p.m., 5-7 p.m., Monday-Friday; 8 a.m.-2 p.m., Saturday. Ages 18+. (772) 286-4444; cfoster@ymcatreasurecoast.org. COMPUTERS Computers: Teach classes in word processing, e-mailing in Spanish at St. Joseph Catholic Church, Stuart. (772) 337-5139; nelsonmerchancely1@juno.com. FAITH/OUTREACHES Calvary Chapel Stuart: Community outreach ministries, organizations. (772) 546-0750. GARDENING Growing Healthy Kids: Help needed with building garden frames, installing gardens, mentoring, (772) 453-3413. Audubon Of Martin County: Do you want to learn about Florida native plants? Then volunteer at Audubon’s Native Plant garden. Gardening experience not required. Audubon Possum Long Native Garden, 621 S.E. Palm Beach Road, Stuart. Wednesdays, 2-5 p.m. (772) 288-2637; man-dir@audubonmartincounty.org. HABITAT FOR HUMANITY Indian River Habitat For Humanity: Food angels, skilled construction volunteerswhowould be interested in becoming CrewLeaders and The Home Center can always use volunteers too. Vero Beach. (772) 562-9860 ext. 220. Martin County Habitat for Humanity: Appliance technicians needed to test and repair donated appliances. Habitat for Humanity ReStore, 2555 S.E. Bonita St., Stuart. Ages 18+. (772) 223-8991;mjones@habitatmartin.org. VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES SL • FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8, 2010 • SCRIPPS TREASURE COAST NEWSPAPERS • B9 adinfo="2468829|40 car d|15607570|2.000|3.000|N|3" CADILLAC OF FT. PIERCE • 5555 S. US HWY 1 877-520-1733 2008 LINCOLN TOWNCAR $23,988 SIGNATURE, LIMITED, CERTIFIED adinfo="2468771|110/lose weight|10016762|10.000|3.000 N|0" Lose 10 Pounds In 2 Weeks.* ® (800-632-8446) 800-MD-B-THIN www.mdbethin.com *Based on a stratified random sample of 223 women and 99 men on a medically prescribed diet. LWLD-H-PortStLucie INITIAL CONSULTATION FROM $19 Jeffrey Gorodetsky, MD 433 East Ocean Blvd, Stuart, FL 34994 LOSE WEIGHT AS IF YOUR LIFE DEPENDED ON IT. Being overweight increases your risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes and cancer. But the good news is, it’s preventable. Our physician-directed, non-surgical programs offer strategies unavailable to commercial weight loss programs. Only a medical doctor can customize a plan based on your unique metabolism and other weight loss issues. Call, or go online, to schedule a consultation with the doctor. adinfo="2470668|46 prime realty|15612365|10.000|2.000|N|0" ST. LUCIE COUNTY PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY PUBLIC HEARING AGENDA October 21, 2010 NOTICE OF PROPOSED SMALL SCALE AMENDMENT TO THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP OF THE ST. LUCIE COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND CONCURRENT PETITION TO AMEND THE OFFICIAL ZONING ATLAS OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY A public hearing on these two proposals will be held before the Planning and Zoning Commission/Local Planning Agency on October 21, 2010, at 6:00 P.M. or as soon thereafter as the items may be heard, in the County Commission Chambers, 3rd Floor of the St. Lucie County Administration Annex, 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, Florida. The purpose of this public hearing is to consider the following Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map Amendment and concurrent petition to amend the official zoning atlas. ORDINANCE NO. 10-037 AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FUTURE LAND USE MAP FOR A 4.88 ACRE (M.O.L.) PARCEL OF LAND OWNED BY PRIME REALTY CAPITAL LLC FROM RS (RESIDENTIAL SUBURBAN) TO IND (Industrial); PROVIDING FOR FINDINGS OF CONSISTENCY; AUTHORIZING AMENDMENTS TO THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTING PROVISIONS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR APPLICABILITY; PROVIDING FOR FILING WITH THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE; PROVIDING FOR FILING WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND, PROVIDING FOR ADOPTION. RESOLUTION NO. 10-110 A RESOLUTION of the Board of county commissioners of St. Lucie COUNTY AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING ATLAS OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY FOR A 4.88 ACRE (M.O.L.) PARCEL OF LAND OWNED BY PRIME REALTY CAPITAL LLC FROM AG-1 (Agricultural – 1 DU/ACRE) TO IH (Industrial, Heavy). Petition Applicant: Prime Realty Capital, LLC Petition File Number: FLUMA 1120094022 and RZ 1120094021 Location: FDOT Access Road, approximately 1 mile north of Orange Avenue and ¼ mile west of Rock Road. Legal Description: Being a parcel of land lying in Section 2, Township 35 South, Range 39 East, St. Lucie County Florida, being more particularly described as follows: From the Southeast corner of the Northwest ¼ of the Southwest ¼; run North 00°08’13” West 60 feet; thence South 89°53’47” West 210 feet for POINT OF BEGINNING; thence continue South 89°53’47” West 306.17 feet; thence North 00°11’29” East 784.52 feet to a point lying South 00°11”20” West 346.62 feet of the South right-of-way of Interstate 95; thence South 60°08’02” East 354.41 feet; thence South 00°08’13” East 607.48 feet to the Point of Beginning. Purpose: Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map Amendment for a 4.88 (mol) acre parcel of land from RS (Residential Suburban – 2 du/acre) to IND (Industrial) and a concurrent rezoning from AG-1 (Agricultural – 1 du/acre) to IH (Industrial, Heavy). All interested persons will be given an opportunity to be heard. Written comments received in advance of the public hearing will also be considered. Written comments to the Planning and Zoning Commission/Local Planning Agency should be received by the Planning and Development Services Department -Planning Division at least 3 days prior to the scheduled hearing. The petition file is available for review at the Planning and Development Services Department offices located at 2300 Virginia Avenue, 2nd Floor, Fort Pierce, Florida, during regular business hours. Please call 772/462-2822 or TDD 772/462-1428 if you have any questions or require additional information. The St. Lucie County Planning and Zoning Commission/Local Planning Agency has the power to review and recommend to the St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners, for approval or disapproval, any applications within their area of responsibility. The proceedings of the Planning and Zoning Commission/Local Planning Agency are electronically recorded. PURSUANT TO Section 286.0105, Florida Statutes, if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the Planning and Zoning Commission/Local Planning Agency with respect to any matter considered at a meeting or hearing, he or she will need a record of the proceedings. For such purpose, he or she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Upon the request of any party to the proceeding, individuals testifying during a hearing will be sworn in. Any party to the proceeding will be granted an opportunity to cross-examine any individual testifying during a hearing upon request. If necessary, a public hearing may be continued to a date certain. Anyone with a disability requiring accommodation to attend this meeting should contact the St. Lucie County Community Risk Manager at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting at (772)462-1546 or T.D.D. 772/462-1428. Any questions about this agenda may be referred to St. Lucie County Planning Division at (772) 462-2822. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA /S/CRAIG MUNDT, CHAIRMAN PUBLISH DATE: October 8, 2010 adinfo="2467658|89 must run sl marke|11510874|5.000|3.000|N|3"nURP kP, rOa[_ wR__V qcRY_P yN_RK xR[‘cK >5.. c,W, 9 /5.. T,W, rOVa\ kT_a[cXQ@ nURP kP, rOa[_ {[N[a {_VP_R kUOP\_cQP aURV_R U^ ik ~ cV‘ gcXPUV lUc‘ kPUT [V PU Q__ OQ cP P\_ kaR[TTQ jR_cQOR_ {UcQP p_MQTcT_RQ bUUP\@Publication Date: 10/08/2010 Ad Number: 2470668 Insertion Number: Size: 2 x 10 Color Type: B&W Client Name: Advertiser: SLC GROWTH MANAGEMENT Section/Page/Zone: Local/B09/St Lucie News Tribune Description: 46 prime realty This E-Sheet(R) is provided as conclusive evidence that the ad appeared in Treasure Coast News/Press-Tribune on the date and page indicated. You may not create derivative works, or in any way exploit or repurpose any content. Table of Contents Exhibit 1 St. Lucie County: Development Application Exhibit 2 St. Lucie County: Comprehensive Plan Amendment Supplement Exhibit 3 Agent Consent Form Exhibit 4 Legal Description Exhibit 5 Survey Exhibit 6 St. Lucie County Property Appraiser Property Record Card Exhibit 7 Florida Corporate Summary Sheet Exhibit 8 Property Deed Exhibit 9 Location Map Exhibit 10 Aerial Map Exhibit 11 Existing Future Land Use Map Exhibit 12 Existing Zoning Map Exhibit 13 Flood Zone Map Exhibit 14 Soils Map Exhibit 15 Wetlands Map Exhibit 16 Agency Review/Capacity Letters Exhibit 17 Responses to Agency Review/Capacity Letters Exhibit 18 Traffic Evaluation Page 1 of 6 Revised July 14, 2009 ST. LUCIE COUNTY GROWTH MANAGEMENT 2300 Virginia Avenue, Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 Office: 772-462-2822 – Fax: 772-462-1581 www.stlucieco.gov/growth DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION Prior to submittal, all applications require a pre-application conference. Please contact the Growth Management Department to schedule an appointment. Submittal Type [check each that applies] Site Plan ?? Major Site Plan ?? Minor Site Plan ?? Major Adjustment to Major Site Plan ?? Major Adjustment to Minor Site Plan ?? Major Adjustment to PUD/PNRD/PMUD ?? Minor Adjustment to Major Site Plan ?? Minor Adjustment to Minor Site Plan ?? Minor Adjustment to PUD/PNRD/PMUD Planned Development ?? Planned Town or Village (PTV) ?? Planned Country Subdivision (PCS) ?? Planned Retail Workplace (PRW) ?? Prelim. Planned Unit Develop. (PUD) ?? Prelim. Planned Mixed Use Develop. (PMUD) ?? Prelim. Planned Non-Res. Develop. (PNRD) ?? Final Planned Unit Develop. (PUD) ?? Final Planned Mixed Use Develop. (PMUD) ?? Final Planned Non-Res. Develop. (PNRD) Conditional Use 1 ?? Conditional Use ?? Major Adjustment to a Conditional Use ?? Minor Adjustment to a Conditional Use Variance 2 ?? Administrative Variance ?? Variance ?? Variance to Flood Damage Prevention ?? Variance to Coastal Setback Line Rezoning 3 ?? Rezoning (straight rezoning) ?? Rezoning (includes PUD/PNRD/PMUD) ?? Rezoning with Plan Amendment Comprehensive Plan Amendment 4 ?? Future Land Use Map Change ?? Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment Other ?? Administrative Relief ?? Class A Mobile Home 5 ?? Developer Agreement (Submit per LDC 11.08.03) ?? Power Generation Plants ?? Extension to Development Order ?? Historical Designation/Change 6 ?? Land Development Code Text Amendment 7 ?? Plat ?? Post Development Order Change ?? Re-Submittal # 8 ?? Stewardships – Sending/Receiving ?? Telecom Tower (Submit per LDC 7.10.23) ?? Transfer of Development Rights ?? Waiver to LDC/Comp. Plan Requirements 9 Application Supplement Packages 1. Conditional Use 2. Variance 3. Rezoning /Zoning Atlas Amend. 4. Comp. Plan Amendments 5. Class A Mobile Home 6. Historical Designation/Change 7. LDC Text Amendment 8. Re-Submittal 9. Waiver to LDC/Comp. Plan Requirements Refer to Fee Schedule for applicable fees. All required materials must be included at the time of submittal along with the appropriate nonrefundable fee(s). ? Print Form Page 3 of 6 Revised July 14, 2009 Submittal Requirements The following checklist is provided as a reminder. Please see applicable code sections for more detailed submittal requirements. All Submittals MUST be in complete folded and collated sets. All applications must include the following: ?? Application, completed in black ink, with property owner signature(s) and notary seal (1 original and 9 copies) ?? Aerial Photograph – property outlined (available from Property Appraiser’s office ?? Property Deed ?? Legal description, in MS Word format, of subject property * ?? Property Tax Map – property outlined (electronic copy not required) ?? Survey ?? 2 CDs of all documents submitted -with files named according to the Required Naming List. (attached) ?? Concurrency Deferral Affidavit; or ?? Description and analysis of the impact of the development on public facilities in accordance with the methodologies acceptable to the County (LDC Section 5.08.02). This will require a Transportation Assessment or a full Traffic Impact Report, if applicable. Site Plan and Planned Development Applications must also include: ?? Site Plan 24”x36” at a scale of 1”=50’ (10 copies-folded, not rolled) ?? Boundary Survey – Signed and Sealed (10 originals) ?? Topographic Survey – Signed and Sealed (10 originals) ?? Landscape Plan – Signed and Sealed (10 originals) ?? Traffic Impact Report (TIR) (4 copies) if: o 50+ residential units o Development on N. or S. Hutchinson Island o Non-residential (see LDC Section 11.02.09(4)) ?? Environmental Impact Report (4 copies) if: (See LDC Section 11.02.09(5)) o The property is ten acres or greater o The property, regardless of size, contains a wetland; o The property is identified on the “Native Habitat Inventory for SLC”; o The proposed development is located in whole, or part, within the One Hundred Year Flood Plain; o Development on N. or S. Hutchinson Island Development Order Extension Applications only require the following: ?? Letter of justification – submitted at least 2 weeks prior to expiration. (LDC 11.02.06) ?? Updated Traffic Analysis if applicable (4 copies) ?? Approved Resolution or GM Order *Please note: Only a surveyor, attorney, or title agent is authorized to provide a legal description. The legal description provided on the property appraiser’s website is not valid for our purposes. The legal description you provide us will be used in all future documentation. If it is incorrect, it will invalidate the results of any hearing(s). Page 4 of 6 Revised July 14, 2009 Project Information Project Name: Site address: Parcel ID Number(s): Legal Description: (Attach additional sheets if necessary – also must be provided in MS Word format on CD) Property location – Section/Township/Range: Property size – acres: Square footage: Future Land Use Designation: Zoning District: Description of project: (Attach additional sheets if necessary) Type of construction (check all applicable boxes): ?? Commercial Total Square Footage: Existing Proposed: ?? Industrial Total Square Footage: Existing Proposed: ?? Residential No. of residential units: Existing Proposed: No. of subdivided lots: Existing Proposed: ?? Other Please specify: Number and size of out parcels (if applicable): This requested amendment to the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan is to provide for a change in the Future Land Use designation for a 4.884 acre parcel of land located West/Northwest of North Rock Road, just south of I-95 from the RS (Residential Suburban) Future Land Use District to the IND (Industrial) Future Land Use District with the objective of improving the site with Industrial 1 d.u./ac.) to IH (Industrial Heavy). At this time, the applicant is not proposing the approval of a specific use or site plan, but the current owner of the property would like to eventually operate a construction and demolition debris recycling and reclamation operation on the property. The maximum Industrial square footage requested is 106,286 sq. ft. based on a 50% Building Coverage. 106,069 sq.ft.(Max.) 0 X Prime Realty Capital,LLC. 1100 North Rock Road, Fort Pierce, Florida 34947 2302-321-0020-000-5 See attached Legal Description. 02 -35S -39E N/A 4.884 acres RS (Residential Suburban) AG-1 (Agricultural-1 d.u./ac.) development. Concurrent with this FLU Amendment application, the applicant is seeking a change in the zoning designation from AG-1 (Agriculture 501 SE Port St.Lucie Boulevard Port St.Lucie, FL, 34984 PRIME REALTY 2302-321-0020-000-5 PARCEL ID 2302-321-0020-000-5 TOTAL ACREAGE 4.884 Acres, more or less DESCRIPTION PARCEL 2 Being a part of Section 2, Township 35 South, Range 39 East, St. Lucie County Florida, more particularly described as follows: From the Southeast corner of Northwest ¼ of the Southwest ¼; run North 00º08’13” West 60 feet; thence South 89º53’47” West 210 feet for POINT OF BEGINNING; Thence continue South 89º53’47” West 306.17 feet; thence North 00º11’29” East 784.52 feet to a point lying South 00º11’20” West 346.62 feet of the South right-of-way of Interstate 95; thence South 60º08’02” East 354.41 feet; thence South 00º08’13” East 607.48 feet to the Point of Beginning. PROPERTY RECORD CARD Prime Realty Capital LLC Record: 1 of 1 <<Prev Next >> Spec.Assmnt Taxes Exemptions Permits Home Print Property Identification Site Address: 1100 N ROCK RD ParcelID: 2302-321-0020-000-5 Sec/Town/Range: 02 :35S :39E Account #: 12777 Map ID: 23/02S Land Use: VCNT INDUS Zoning: AG-1 City/Cnty: St Lucie County Ownership and Mailing Legal Description Owner: Prime Realty Capital LLC Address: 790 Hillbrath Dr Lantana FL 33462 02 35 39 THAT PART OF NW 1/4 OF SW 1/4 MPDAF: FROM SE COR OF NW 1/4 OF SW 1/4 RUN N 00 DEG 08 MIN 13 More... Sales Information Assessment 2009 Final Total Land and Building Date Price Code Deed Book/Page 11/6/2006 100 03 QC 2716 /2508 9/15/2006 950000 02 WD 2662 /0902 9/3/2005 306900 04 SP 2355 /1051 9/3/2005 100 04 WD 2355 /1049 7/31/2002 60000 01 WD 1561 /1941 6/11/2002 100 01 QC 1555 /1653 9/3/2000 93000 01 AA 1336 /2290 11/9/1992 35000 00 WD 0815 /2624 8/31/1992 100 01 WD 0815 /2623 5/1/1986 0 01 CV 0504 /1188 2009 Final: 187000 Land Value: 187000 Acres: 4.87 Assessed: 187000 Building Value: 0 Ag.Credit: 0 Finished Area: 0 SqFt Exempt: Taxable: Taxes: 3635.95 BUILDING INFORMATION Exterior Features View: -RoofCover: -RoofStruct: -ExtType: -YearBlt: Frame: -Grade: -EffYrBlt: PrimeWall: -StoryHght: -No.Units: SecWall: -Interior Features BedRooms: Electric: -PrmIntWall: -FullBath: HeatType: -AvgHt/Fl: 1/2Bath: HeatFuel: -Prm.Flors: -%A/C: %Heated: %Sprinkled: Special Features and Yard Items Land Information Type Y/S Qty. Units Qual. Cond. YrBlt. No. Land Use Type Measure Depth 1 4000-VCNT INDUS 540 -Acres 4.87 THIS INFORMATION IS BELIEVED TO BE CORRECT AT THIS TIME BUT IT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND IS NOT WARRANTED. Property Appraiser -St.Lucie County, FL Page 1 of 1 http://www.paslc.org/prc.asp?prclid=230232100200005 2/25/2010 Detail by Entity Name Florida Limited Liability Company PRIME REALTY CAPITAL, LLC Filing Information Document Number L05000067482 FEI/EIN Number 203117096 Date Filed 07/08/2005 State FL Status ACTIVE Principal Address 790 HILLBRATH DR LAKE WORTH FL 33462 US Changed 02/27/2007 Mailing Address 790 HILLBRATH DR LAKE WORTH FL 33462 US Changed 02/27/2007 Registered Agent Name & Address GUSMANO, CHARLES 790 HILLBRATH DRIVE LANTANA FL 33462 US Name Changed: 02/27/2007 Address Changed: 02/27/2007 Manager/Member Detail Name & Address Title MGR GUSMANO, CHARLES 790 HILLBRATH DR LANTANA FL 33462 Annual Reports Report Year Filed Date 2008 02/29/2008 2009 01/29/2009 2010 01/18/2010 Document Images 01/18/2010 --ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 01/29/2009 --ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format Previous on List Next on List Return To List No Events No Name History Entity Name Search Submit Home Contact Us E-Filing Services Document Searches Forms Help www.sunbiz.org -Department of State Page 1 of 2 http://www.sunbiz.org/scripts/cordet.exe?action=DETFIL&inq_doc_number=L05000067482... 2/25/2010 02/29/2008 --ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 02/27/2007 --ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 08/18/2006 --ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format 07/08/2005 --Florida Limited Liability View image in PDF format Note: This is not official record. See documents if question or conflict. Previous on List Next on List Return To List No Events No Name History Entity Name Search Submit | Home | Contact us | Document Searches | E-Filing Services | Forms | Help | Copyright and Privacy Policies Copyright © 2007 State of Florida, Department of State. www.sunbiz.org -Department of State Page 2 of 2 http://www.sunbiz.org/scripts/cordet.exe?action=DETFIL&inq_doc_number=L05000067482... 2/25/2010 TABLE 1 PRIME REALTY CAPITAL LLC TRIP GENERATION Daily Trips Total In Out Total In Out Current "Future Land Use" Traffic 4.88 acres 86 7 2 5 9 6 3 (9 d.u.'s) Proposed "Future Land Use" Traffic 4.88 acres 159 54 48 6 54 6 48 (106286 s.f.) 73 47 46 1 45 0 45 Note: Trip generation was calculated using the following data: Daily Traffic Generation Single Family Residential [ITE 210] = T = 9.57 trips per DU General Heavy Industrial [ITE 120] = T = 1.50 trips per 1,000 SF AM Peak Hour Traffic Generation Single Family Residential [ITE 210] = T = 0.75 trips per DU; (25% in, 75% out) General Heavy Industrial [ITE 120] = T = 0.51 trips per 1,000 SF; (88% in, 12% out) PM Peak Hour Traffic Generation Single Family Residential [ITE 210] = T = 1.01 trips per DU; (63% in, 37% out) General Heavy Industrial [1] [ITE 120] = T = 0.51 trips per 1,000 SF; (12% in, 88% out) [1] Note that ITE Trip Generation 8th Edition does not contain a PM peak hour trip generation rate for this use. Therefore, the AM rate was used and the directional distribution was reversed to calculate PM peak hour trips. Land Use AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour RS-2 (Residential Single-Family @2 dwelling units per acre) IND (General Heavy Industrial @0.50 floor to area ratio) Net Increase in "Future Land Use" Traffic (Proposed minus Existing) 10/6/2010 Ambient Meets Growth v/c Capacity From To Count Yr NB/EB SB/WB Rate NB/EB SB/WB NB/EB SB/WB % Assign NB/EB SB/WB % Impact Significant ? (1) NB/EB SB/WB Ratio ??? Kings Highway /SR-713 Angle Road Orange Avenue 880 2008 764 795 2.0% 113 117 135 256 10% 5 1 0.57% No 1,017 1,169 1.33 (3) Orange Avenue Okeechobee Road 880 2009 341 420 2.0% 43 53 51 68 20% 1 10 1.14% Yes 436 551 0.63 Yes Orange Avenue Turnpike Overpass Rock Road 790 2009 375 340 2.0% 47 43 162 284 10% 1 5 0.63% No 585 672 0.85 Yes Rock Road Kings Highway 790 2009 456 368 2.0% 57 46 162 284 90% 43 5 5.44% Yes 718 703 0.91 Yes Kings Highway Interstate 95 1,960 2009 748 657 2.0% 94 82 153 173 60% 29 4 1.48% Yes 1,024 916 0.52 Yes Interstate 95 Jenkins Road 1,960 2009 399 615 2.0% 50 77 54 89 30% 14 2 0.71% No 517 783 0.40 Yes Jenkins Road Hartman Road 1,960 2009 408 565 2.0% 51 71 41 71 25% 12 2 0.61% No 512 709 0.36 Yes Interstate 95 North of Orange Avenue 3,020 2009 1,932 1,557 2.0% 242 195 20 27 10% 5 1 0.17% No 2,199 1,780 0.73 Yes South of Orange Avenue 3,020 2009 1,929 1,951 2.0% 242 245 41 28 20% 1 10 0.33% No 2,213 2,234 0.74 Yes Jenkins Road Orange Avenue Graham Road 790 2008 231 264 2.0% 34 39 14 8 5% 0 2 0.25% No 279 313 0.40 Yes Rock Road North of Orange Avenue 560 2009 41 98 2.0% 5 12 0 0 100% 6 48 8.57% Yes 52 158 0.28 Yes Notes: (1) Based on County standards, significance was based on whether or not project traffic exceeded 1% of the segment's service capacity. (2) See Appendix for committed traffic calculations (3) Although this roadway segment fails to meet its level of service standard, the applicant is willing to make a proportionate share contribution towards intersection improvements at Kings Highway & Orange Avenue Ambient Growth Traffic (2) Total Traffic TABLE 2 PRIME REALTY CAPITAL LLC PM PEAK HOUR DIRECTIONAL CAPACITY ANALYSIS Roadway Service Capacity Existing Volumes Year 2015 Committed Project Traffic Year 2015 10/6/2010