BY: Planning and Development Services Department Senior Planner SUBJECT: Future Land Use Map Amendment -PGA Village BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS
ACTION: See attached memorandum. RECOMMENDATION: Board approval of the PGA Village Small Scale Future Land Use Map Amendment (Ordinance No. 10-035). COMMISSION ACTION: CONCURRENCE: (
) APPROVED ( ) DENIED ( ) OTHER Faye W. Outlaw, MPA County Administrator Coordination/Signatures County Attorney ( X ) County Surveyor ( ) . Daniel S. McIntyre Ron Harris County Engineer
( ) ERD ( X ) Michael Powley Karen Smith Originating Dept. (X ) OMB ( ) Mark Satterlee Marie Gouin Purchasing ( ) Melissa Simberlund ????????
BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Planning & Development Services 772.462.2822 Hearing Date: Tuesday October 19th, 2010 ___________________________________________________________________________________
_______________________ Applicant PGA Reserve Inc., 951 SW Country Club Dr Port St. Lucie, FL 34986 Agent Brian Nolan Lucido & Associates 100 Avenue A, Suite 2A Ft. Pierce, FL 34950
File Number FLUMA 720104078 Property Location 1920 Perfect Dr Port St. Lucie, FL Future Land Use From RS (Residential Suburban -2 du/acre) to COM (Commercial) Zoning PNRD (Planned Non-Residential
Neighborhood) Staff Britton De Witt Senior Planner wilsonb@stlucieco.org (772) 462-1582 Project Description PGA Reserve Inc. is petitioning for a change in the Future Land Use of a 9.9
acre parcel from RS (Residential Subu r b a n -2 d u /a c r e ) t o COM (Commercial). Background The purpose of the amendment, as stated by the applicant, is to allow expansion of the
existing PGA Golf clubhouse complex and new lodging facility to serve the PGA golf facilities located in the Reserve Development of Regional Impact (DRI). The PGA golf clubhouse complex
is authorized under the Final Development Order of the Reserve DRI for approximately 90,000 square feet of overall non-residential commercial/office use. The clubhouse is proposed for
expansion by approximately 15,000 square feet. This leaves 65,000 square feet of undeveloped commercial square footage (based upon the approved PNRD master plans for the clubhouse complex)
that can be used for either commercial or converted use purposes as outlined in Condition No. 51 of Resolution No. 09-016. Notice Requirements Public hearing notice in accordance with
Section 11.00.03 of the Land Development Code was placed in the St. Lucie News Tribune, letters were sent to property owners within 500 feet of the subject property and a sign was placed
on the property. Previous Action On September 19, 2010, the Planning and Zoning Commission voted 5 to 1 to recommend approval of the proposed Future Land Use Map Amendment. Staff Recommendation
Board approval of the PGA Village Small Scale Future Land Use Map Amendment (Ordinance No. 10-035). Agenda Item No. VII – A PGA Village Small Scale Future Land Use Map Amendment
Planning and Development Services Department M E M O R A N D U M TO: Board of County Commissioners THROUGH: Mark Satterlee, AICP, Planning & Development Services Director Kara Wood,
Planning Manager FROM: Britton De Witt, Senior Planner, Planning Division DATE: October 19, 2010 SUBJECT: Future Land Use Map Amendment -PGA Village ITEM NO.: VII-A Background: PGA Reserve
Inc. is petitioning for a change in Future Land Use of a 9.9 acre parcel from RS (Residential Suburban – 2 du/acre) to COM (Commercial). The purpose of the amendment, as stated by the
applicant, is to allow expansion of the existing PGA Golf clubhouse complex and new lodging facility to serve the PGA golf facilities located in the Reserve Development of Regional Impact
(DRI). The PGA golf clubhouse complex is authorized under the Final Development Order of the Reserve DRI for approximately 90,000 square feet of overall non-residential commercial/office
use. The clubhouse is proposed for expansion by approximately 15,000 square feet. This leaves 65,000 square feet of undeveloped commercial square footage (based upon the approved PNRD
master plans for the clubhouse complex) that can be used for either commercial or converted use purposes as outlined in Condition No. 51 of Resolution No. 09-016. The Treasure Coast
Regional Planning Council has confirmed that a Notice of Proposed Change to the approved DRI is not required for this proposed Future Land Use Map Amendment. Previous Action: On September
16, 2010, the Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed this proposed Future Land Use Map Amendment and recommended that it be approved by a vote of 5:1. Recommendation: Board approval
of the PGA Village Small Scale Future Land Use Map Amendment (Ordinance No. 10-035).
12 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE 13 DATE; AND PROVIDING FOR ADOPTION. 14 15 WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of St. Lucie County, Florida, based
on the 16 testimony and evidence, including but not limited to the staff report, has made the following 17 determinations: 18 19 1. Brian Nolan, of Lucido and Associates, P.A., Inc.,
a representative for PGA Reserve 20 Inc, has filed a petition for an amendment to the adopted Comprehensive Plan Future 21 Land Use Element for a 9.9 acre (more or less) parcel of land,
located at 1920 Perfect 22 Drive, Port St. Lucie, FL, from RS (Residential Suburban – 2 du/acre) to COM 23 (Commercial) with St. Lucie County, Florida, in accordance with Chapter 163,
Florida 24 Statutes; and, 25 26 2. The Board of County Commissioners of St. Lucie County as the governing body of St. 27 Lucie County having jurisdiction over this application pursuant
to Chapter 163, Florida 28 Statutes, is authorized and empowered to consider amendments to the adopted 29 Comprehensive Plan of St. Lucie County; and, 30 31 3. On September 16, 2010,
the St. Lucie County Planning and Zoning Commission/Local 32 Planning Agency held a public hearing, of which due notice was published in the St. 33 Lucie News Tribune, and recommended
to the Board of County Commissioners that 34 the petition for Future Land Use Map Amendment for PGA Reserve Inc. be approved; 35 and, 36 37 4. On October 19, 2010, the Board of County
Commissioners of St. Lucie County, Florida 38 held a public hearing, of which due notice was placed in the St. Lucie News Tribune, 39 and deemed the adoption of the amendment to the
Comprehensive Plan to be/not to 40 be in the best interests of the citizens and residents of the County. 41 42 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of
St. Lucie 43 County, Florida: 44 45 A. AMENDMENT TO FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATION 46
Ordinance No. 10-035 File No.: FLUMA-720104078 Page 2 The Future Land Use Designation set forth in the St. Lucie 1 County Comprehensive Plan for 2 the property described in Exhibit “A,”
attached hereto, containing 9.9 acres more or less, 3 located at 1920 Perfect Drive, Port St. Lucie, FL, from RS (Residential Suburban – 2 du/acre) 4 to COM (Commercial), as depicted
in the attached Exhibit “B.” 5 6 B. FINDING OF CONSISTENCY 7 8 The Board of County Commissioners of St. Lucie County, Florida, specifically determines that 9 the approval of this amendment
to the adopted Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use 10 Element is internally consistent with the policies and objectives contained in the St. Lucie 11 County Comprehensive Plan and consistent
with standards for review of plans and plan 12 amendments of Rule 9J-5, Florida Administrative Code, and provides for the recognition that 13 impacts of this approval on the public facilities
of St. Lucie County will not occur until such time 14 as a Final Development Order Order for development on this property is issued. 15 16 C. CHANGE TO FUTURE LAND USE MAP 17 18 The
St. Lucie County Planning and Development Services Director is hereby authorized and 19 directed to cause this change to be made in the Future Land Use Map of the Future Land Use 20
Element of the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan and to make notation of reference to the 21 date of adoption of this Ordinance. 22 23 D. CONFLICTING PROVISIONS 24 25 Special acts
of the Florida Legislature applicable only to unincorporated areas of St. Lucie 26 County, County Ordinances and County Resolutions, or parts thereof, in conflict with this 27 Ordinance
are hereby superseded by this Ordinance to the extent of such conflict. 28 29 E. SEVERABILITY 30 31 If any portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held or declared to be unconstitutional,
32 inoperative or void, such holding shall not affect the remaining portions of this Ordinance. If 33 this Ordinance or any provisions thereof shall be held to be inapplicable to any
person, 34 property, or circumstances, such holding shall not affect its applicability to any other person, 35 property or circumstance. 36 37 F. APPLICABILITY OF ORDINANCE 38 39 This
Ordinance shall be applicable as stated in Paragraphs A, B and C. 40 41 G. FILING WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE 42 43 The Clerk is hereby directed forthwith to send a certified copy of
this Ordinance to the Bureau 44 of Laws, Department of State, The Capitol, Tallahassee, Florida, 32304. 45 46 H. FILING WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS 47 48 The Planning and
Development Services Director shall send a certified copy of this Ordinance 49 to the Department of Community Affairs, 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard, Tallahassee, Florida 50 32399-2100.
Ordinance No. 10-035 File No.: FLUMA-720104078 Page 3 1 2 3 I. EFFECTIVE DATE 4 5 This Ordinance shall take effect thirty-one (31) days after adoption. If the Ordinance is 6 challenged
within thirty (30) days after adoption, the Ordinance shall not be effective until the 7 State Land Planning Agency or Administration Commission respectively issues a final order 8 finding
the adopted amendment in compliance in accordance with Section 163.3184(10), 9 Florida Statutes. 10 11 J. ADOPTION 12 13 After motion and second, the vote on this Ordinance was as follows:
14 15 Charles Grande, Chairman XXX 16 17 Doug Coward, Vice-Chair XXX 18 19 Chris Dzadovsky, Commissioner XXX 20 21 Chris Craft, Commissioner XXX 22 23 Paula Lewis, Commissioner XXX 24
25 26 PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED this 19th day of October, 2010. 27 28 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 29 ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA 30 31 32 33 BY 34 Chairman 35 36 ATTEST APPROVED AS TO
FORM 37 AND CORRECTNESS 38 39 40 41 42 Deputy Clerk County Attorney 43
Ordinance No. 10-035 File No.: FLUMA-720104078 Page 4 1 Exhibit “A” 2 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 3 4 A parcel of land lying in Section 27, Township 36 South, Range 39 East, St, Lucie 5 County,
Florida, and being more particularly described as follows: 6 7 Commence at the Northeast corner of Lot 66 according to the Plat of Reserve 8 Plantation Phase I, as recorded in Plat Book
24, Page 20, of the Public Records, of St. 9 Lucie County, Florida, said point being on the Southerly line, of a 300.00 foot Ingress 10 and Egress Easement known as 'Reserve Boulevard",
and recorded in Official Records 11 Book 629, Pages 2523 through 2526 inclusive of the Public Records, of St. Lucie 12 County, Florida; Thence Southeasterly along the Southerly extension
of said 'Reserve 13 Boulevard"; South 4871'37" East, a distance of 270.27 feet to the Beginning of a circular 14 curve concave to the Southwest having a radius of 2350.00 feet and a
central angle of 15 2575'29”; thence Southeasterly along the arc of said curve, an arc distance of 1035.97 16 feet to a point of tangency; thence South 22"56'08" East, a distance of
732.22 feet, to a 17 point of curvature of a circular curve concave to the West, having a radius of 1124.00 18 feet and a central angle of 3876'24”; thence Southerly along the arc of
said curve, an 19 arc distance of 750.83 feet, to a point of tangency; thence South 15"20'16" West, a 20 distance of 434.07 feet, to a point of curvature of a circular curve concave
to the East 21 having a radius of 1300.00 feet and a central angle of 3335'08”; thence Southerly along 22 the arc of said curve, an arc distance of 762.03 feet to a point of tangency;
thence 23 South 18"14'52" East, a distance of 784.39 feet, to a point of curvature of a circular 24 curve concave to the Northeast having a radius of 1034.87 feet and a central angle
of 25 18"43'35”; thence Southeasterly along the arc of said curve an arc distance of 338.24 26 feet to a point of reverse curvature of a curve concave to the West having a radius of
27 25.00 feet and a central angle of 91 "10'34”; thence Southwesterly along the arc of said 28 curve a distance of 39.78 feet; thence South 54"12'07" West, a distance of 596.90 feet;
29 thence North 35"47'53" West, a distance of 140.00 feet; thence South 5472'07" West, a 30 distance of 554.05 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence South 35"47'53" East, a 31 distance
of 403.31 feet; thence South 5472'07" West, a distance of 666.09 feet; thence 32 North 35"47'53" West, a distance of 571.88 feet; thence North 54"12'07" East, a 33 distance of 79.08
feet; thence North 09"12'07" East, a distance of 251.17 feet, to a point 34 of curvature of a curve concave to the South having a radius of 100.35 feet and a 35 central angle of 90"00100”;
thence Easterly along the arc of said curve a distance of 36 157.63 feet to a point of tangency; thence South 80°47'53" East, a distance of 359.19 37 feet; thence South 35"47'53" East,
a distance of 92.19 feet; thence North 5472'07" East, 38 a distance of 13.50 feet to the Point of Beginning. 39 40 Said parcel containing 9.9 acres, more or less. 41 42 43 44
Ordinance No. 10-035 File No.: FLUMA-720104078 Page 5 1 Exhibit “B” 2 FUTURE LAND USE MAP 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Ordinance No. 10-035 File No.: FLUMA-720104078 Page 6 1 Exhibit “C” 2 CONCURRENCY DEFERRAL AFFIDAVIT 3
1 St. Lucie County 2 Planning and Zoning Commission/Local Planning Agency Roger Poitras Annex, Commission Chambers, 3rd 3 Floor 4 September 16, 2010 Meeting 5 6:00 p.m. 6 In the event
of a conflict between these written minutes and a compact disc recording, 7 the compact disc shall control. 8 9 I. CALL TO ORDER 10 Chairman Mundt called the meeting to order at 6:04
p.m. 11 A. Pledge of Allegiance 12 B. Roll Call 13 Craig Mundt ......................................Chairman 14 Pamela Hammer ...............................Commission Member 15 Edward
Lounds .................................Commission Member 16 Susan Caron.....................................Commission Member 17 Brad Culverhouse ............................Commission
Member 18 Tod Mowery .....................................Commission Member 19 20 Members Absent 21 Britt Reynolds ..................................Vice-Chairman 22 Barry Schrader ..................
..............Commission Member 23 Stephanie Morgan ............................Commission Member 24 Kathryn Hensley ..............................Ex-Officio Member 25 26 Staff Present
27 Heather Young .................................Assistant County Attorney 28 Kara Wood........................................Planning Manager 29 Michael Brillhart ................................B
siness and Concurrency Manager 30 Ron Harris ........................................County Surveyor 31 Britton DeWitt ...................................Senior Planner 32 Diana Waite
......................................Senior Planner 33 Michelle Hylton .................................Recording Secretary 34 35 C. Announcements 36 None.
DRAFT Page 2 of 8 Planning and Zoning Commission September 16, 2010 Minutes 37 D. Disclosure 38 Mrs. Hammer stated she had correspondence with the applicant and agents for PGA America.
39 Mr. Mundt stated he met with staff about all of the agenda items 40 41 II. MINUTES 42 Review the minutes from the August 19, 2010 meeting for approval. 43 Mr. Lounds moved to approve
the minutes as written. 44 Ms. Caron seconded. The motion carried 6-0. 45 III. PUBLIC HEARINGS 46 A. Chapter 5 LDC Revisions 47 Petition of St. Lucie County to amend Chapter 5 of the
Land Development Code of St. 48 Lucie County. Staff comments and presentation by Michael Brillhart. 49 Mr. Brillhart stated he is still in the process of obtaining information from the
Institute of Traffic 50 Engineers so they are requesting a continuation to the November meeting. 51 Chairman Mundt opened the public hearing. 52 No one spoke. 53 Chairman Mundt closed
the public hearing. 54 Mrs. Hammer made the motion to continue to November 18. 55 Mr. Culverhouse seconded. The motion carried 6-0 56 B. PGA Village FLUMA: Ordinance No. 10-035 57 Petition
of PGA Village for a Small Scale Future Land Use Map Amendment from RS 58 (Residential Suburban – 2 du/acre) to COM (Commercial). Staff comments and 59 presentation by Britton DeWitt.
60 Ms. Young asked Mrs. Hammer whether there would be any financial gain to her or the PGA 61 Village Board of Directors. Mrs. Hammer stated that the PGA was not a member of the PGA
62 Village homeowners’ association and any impact would affect all property owners in PGA 63 Village. Based upon Mrs. Hammers’ comments, Ms. Young stated there did not appear to be 64
a conflict for Mrs. Hammer on the petition 65 Mrs. Hammer disclosed that she is not a member of PGA of America.
DRAFT Page 3 of 8 Planning and Zoning Commission September 16, 2010 Minutes Mrs. DeWitt 66 presented the petition. 67 Greg Boggs, of Lucido and Associates, representing the applicant,
stated this would be a 68 phased project and the land use amendment is the first phase. He stated that in the future they 69 would submit a development application that would include
a club expansion and lodge to 70 make an all inclusive resort environment. Mr. Boggs stated the team is here to answer any 71 questions. 72 The Commission discussed what would be allowed
under the current approval, and about the 73 impact on existing hotels in the area. 74 Chairman Mundt opened the public hearing. 75 George Henderson, a PGA Village resident, spoke in
favor of the petition, citing the financial 76 benefits of the proposed lodge and PGA America’s positive impact on the area so far. 77 Tom Can, a member of PGA and a PGA Village resident,
stated he believes there is an over 78 abundance of places to stay in the area. He stated though he is a member and all for the PGA, 79 he is reluctant to support the hotel at this time.
80 Peter Perry, a PGA Village resident, spoke in favor of the petition. He stated PGA is a vital 81 business partner to the county, and he believes any development by them will be a
positive 82 enhancement and contribute to long-term values. 83 Gene Antuna, a member of PGA, and a PGA Village resident, spoke in favor of the petition. He 84 stated he moved here because
of PGA, and he believes supporting this is the best for them 85 and us. 86 David Gallup, a PGA Village resident, spoke in opposition to the petition, and stated he think it 87 would
negatively affect the other hotels in the area. 88 Chairman Mundt closed the public hearing. 89 Mr. Mowery asked if the request was only for a small-scale amendment because he saw a
90 reference to an accompanying major adjustment to the PNRD petition. 91 Mrs. DeWitt stated in the pre-application letter there was talk of doing the adjustment at the 92 same time,
but the applicant will not come forward until after approval of the land use 93 amendment. 94 Dennis Murphy, of Culpepper and Terpening, representing the applicant, stated they had 95
originally intended to submit both applications at the same time, but they decided to do the 96 plan amendment first, and then bring the major adjustment afterwards.
DRAFT Page 4 of 8 Planning and Zoning Commission September 16, 2010 Minutes Mr. Culverhouse disclosed he was senior counsel and chairman 97 of the bankruptcy practice 98 division of
Sachs Sax Caplan, who represented Associations within PGA Village. 99 Mr. Lounds stated he finds it rewarding that PGA would like to bring a benefit to St. Lucie 100 County during this
economic situation. He believes corporate America will bring their sales 101 force and customers to the resort and the other area hotels will get the overflow. Mr. Lounds 102 stated
he thinks it will stimulate the county’s economy. 103 Mrs. Hammer asked why the amendment area was 9.9 instead of 10 acres. 104 Mr. Murphy stated commercial land use amendments less
than 10 acres may be approved at 105 the local level, rather than the state level, though the same standards of review need to be 106 met. Mr. Murphy stated lodging is not allowed in
the RS-3 land use so they have to change to 107 Commercial. 108 Mrs. Hammer stated her concern that the land land use change will open up the possibility of 109 commercial uses other
than the lodge. Ms. Hammer also stated concerns regarding the height 110 of the proposed lodge, and a flooding issue in the area. 111 Mr. Murphy stated though other uses could be applied,
they would have to provide a specific 112 list of activities that will take place on the property when they go through the PNRD approval 113 process and the ultimate control will rest
on the Board of County Commissioners. He stated 114 they are not in a position to commit to any height at this time because it is a design issue that 115 will be addressed as part of
the PNRD. 116 Bob Baldassari, General Manager and PGA Professional at PGA Village, stated PGA brings a 117 lot of credibility and prestige to St. Lucie County, and they are not going
anywhere. Mr. 118 Baldassari stated PGA has an ownership stake at the Hilton Garden Inn and would not want to 119 take away from that business. He stated the lodging component is years
away. Mr. Baldassari 120 stated they are looking at ways to solve the flooding issue. 121 Mrs. Hammer stated she is disappointed there is no commitment to a height restriction, and 122
there was nothing in writing that this would strictly be a hotel. 123 Ms. Caron stated her concern they are being asked to trust PGA and in prior experience has 124 been let down by
applicants that changed their plans after preliminary approval. 125 Mr. Murphy stated PGA of America has represented consistently during its tenure in St. Lucie 126 County that they
will do a first class job in whatever they do. He stated he could not state a 127 specific height number because they have not finished the designs. 128 The Commission continued to discuss
what may be approved with the petition, and their level 129 of comfort with it.
DRAFT Page 5 of 8 Planning and Zoning Commission September 16, 2010 Minutes Ms. Young stated the petition is a future land use amendment and 130 it is not appropriate to 131 attach conditions
to that approval or denial, if it is approved it will come back as an amendment 132 to the PNRD and at that time you will have more specific things to suggest. 133 Mr. Mundt stated the
PNRD gives us the opportunity to shape a project to the benefit of 134 everyone. He stated he had not heard an objection from any hotels, or the Treasure Coast 135 Regional Planning
Council. Mr. Mundt stated he has attended Tourist Development Council 136 meetings and PGA attends and is supportive of tourism in the area. Mr. Mundt stated staff 137 supports it, and
it will go to the BOCC who have the community’s interest at heart. He stated 138 he will support this. 139 Mrs. Hammer asked if the land use change is approved, and the applicant came
back with a 140 PNRD application for an industrial use, would that be approved. 141 Ms. Young stated it would not be automatic, but it allows them to apply for those uses. 142 Mr. Mowery
stated this is part of a DRI and there are certain intensities that are provided for 143 and if they are exceeded it would need to go through an NOPC process, which is difficult. 144
Mr. Lounds made the motion: 145 After considering the testimony presented during the public hearing, including 146 staff comments, I hereby move that the Planning And Zoning Commission
of St. 147 Lucie County recommend that the St. Lucie County Board of County 148 Commissioners approve the petition of PGA Reserve Inc., for a small-scale 149 amendment to the Future
Land Use Map from RS (Residential Suburban – 2 150 Du/Acre) to COM (Commercial) because I think it will enhance the economy, 151 enhance the surrounding property, and I think it brings
a lot of ingenuity to the 152 area. 153 Mr. Culverhouse seconded. The motion carried 5-1 with Mrs. Hammer dissenting. 154 (Mrs. Hammer left the Commission) 155 C. ROW Protection Map
in LDC: Ordinance No. 10-036 156 Petition of St. Lucie County for a Text Amendment to the Land Development Code to 157 include the Right – of – Way Protection Map in Section 7.05.03.
Staff comments and 158 presentation by Britton De Witt. 159 Mrs. DeWitt presented the draft map and proposed amendment.
DRAFT Page 6 of 8 Planning and Zoning Commission September 16, 2010 Minutes The Commission discussed why some of the changes were made 160 to the map, and why it 161 would be moved from
the Comp Plan to the Land Development Code with the assistance of 162 Mr. Harris. 163 Mr. Culverhouse asked whether specific roads were acquired yet. 164 Mr. Harris stated some of the
proposed rights of way are developer driven, so the map will give 165 the County the legal right to request the right of way from the developer for impact fee credits 166 and or cash.
167 Mr. Mowery asked whether staff was comfortable with the fact that every time a change is 168 made to this map once it is in the LDC it will have to come before the Commission. 169
Mrs. DeWitt stated the amendments to the Comprehensive Plan are a more onerous process 170 than the amendments to the Code. 171 Mr. Harris stated in order to give us the legal right
to exact the right of way from the developer; 172 it needs to have Board and Local Planning Agency review. 173 Ms. Young stated that is correct, by having it be formally adopted, it
gives us protection, and it 174 makes it easier for developers to look at what is around their property. 175 Chairman Mundt opened the public hearing. 176 No one spoke. 177 Chairman
Mundt closed the public hearing. 178 Mr. Lounds made the motion: 179 After considering the testimony presented during the public hearing, including 180 staff comments, I hereby move
that the Planning and Zoning Commission of St. 181 Lucie County recommend that the St. Lucie County Board of County 182 Commissioners approve the text amendment to the Land Development
Code to 183 include the updated Right-of-Way Protection Map because I think it provides us 184 with a consistent view of future land developments in St. Lucie County. 185 Ms. Caron seconded.
The motion carried 5-0. 186 D. Solar Energy Ordinance: Ordinance No. 10-034 187 Petition of St. Lucie County to amend Chapters 2, 3, 4, 7 and 8 of and Land Development 188 Code relating
to Solar Energy. Staff comments and presentation by Diana Waite.
DRAFT Page 7 of 8 Planning and Zoning Commission September 16, 2010 Minutes The Commission discussed the types of solar usage covered in the 189 ordinance, and incentives 190 that may
be offered to encourage solar use. 191 Chairman Mundt opened the public hearing. 192 No one spoke. 193 Chairman Mundt closed the public hearing. 194 Mr. Lounds made the motion to recommend
approval of Ordinance 10-034. 195 Mr. Mowery seconded. The motion carried 5-0. 196 E. Eminent Domain Waivers Ordinance: Ordinance No. 10-033 197 Petition of St. Lucie County to amend
the St. Lucie County Land Development Code to 198 provide for Eminent Domain Waivers by amending Section 2.00.00 “Definitions” to 199 include definitions of Acquiring Authority and Eminent
Domain Waiver; further 200 amending Chapter 10 to add Section 10.03 “Eminent Domain Wavier” to provide for a 201 waiver where Eminent Domain action renders a site non-conforming; amending
Board 202 of Adjustment power to include these waivers; providing for conflicting provisions; 203 providing for applicability; providing for severability; providing for filing with
the 204 Department of State; providing an effective date; providing for adoption and providing 205 for codification. Staff comments and presentation by the County Attorney’s Office.
206 Ms. Smith presented the ordinance. 207 The Commission discussed how the property owners’ rights would be affected under this 208 ordinance. 209 Mr. Culverhouse suggested adding limiting
language to the ordinance stating it would not be 210 introduced into evidence in any trial on the issue of severance damages. 211 Mr. Mowery suggested since there is no time constraint,
the item be continued to review the 212 cases Mr. Culverhouse cited. 213 The Commission further discussed how the property owners’ rights would be affected under 214 the ordinance. 215
Mr. Mundt stated based on the comments we will send this back for further discussion, and he 216 would like Mr. Culverhouse to meet with the County Attorney’s office about it. 217 Chairman
Mundt opened the public hearing. 218 No one spoke.
DRAFT Page 8 of 8 Planning and Zoning Commission September 16, 2010 Minutes 219 Chairman Mundt closed the public hearing. 220 Mr. Lounds made the motion to continue the Ordinance to
November 18, 2010 at 6:00 221 PM or as soon thereafter as possible. 222 Mr. Mowery seconded. The motion carried 5-0. 223 OTHER BUSINESS 224 Ms. Young stated Mrs. Hammer has been provided
with a conflict memorandum for 225 Hardscapes from the last meeting, and we will provide copies of that to the Commission. 226 Mr. Lounds thanked staff for an interesting evening. 227
Mr. Mundt asked the Commission if they would like to combine November and December’s 228 items in the November meeting. The Commission concurred. 229 IV. ADJOURN 230 There being no further
business, the meeting adjourned at 8:55.
LAKEWOOD PARK LargerMcDonald’s opens doors The newly rebuilt Lakewood Park McDonald’s has reopened with almost double the employees, 68 staff up from35when the old store closed this
summer. In July, owner and franchisee Akhtar Quiraishi tore downthe formerMcDonald’s building at 4878KingsHighway at Indrio Road to build a largerMcDonald’s store. The 3,466-square-foot
restaurant combines the newcorporate restaurantdesignwiththeMediterraneanarchitecture preferred in St. Lucie County. It also includes aMcCafé coffee station, fruit smoothies, freeWi-Fi
and flat-screen TVs. A grand opening is scheduled for Oct. 16 with specials, activities and an appearance by RonaldMcDonald. Fromstaff reports PORT ST. LUCIE Fowler speaks at senior
advocacymeeting AttorneyMichaelD.Fowler,of TheEstate,Trust&Elder Law Firm PL, in Port St. Lucie, was one of the guest speakers at the Sept. 30meeting of the Treasure Coast Advocates
for Seniors. Fowler discussed the aid and attendance pension benefit. He is a Veterans Administration-accredited attorney and is board-certified by the FloridaBar inelder lawandwills,
trusts and estates. Staff report ON THE MOVE EXECUTIVE PLANNER NEW LISTINGS Jensen Beach Chamber Of Commerce: Mix, mingle networking. Chang Chiropractic, 1803 N.E. Jensen Beach Blvd.,
Jensen Beach, 5:30-7 p.m., Oct. 12. $5. Reservation: (772) 334-3444. Jensen Beach Chamber Of Commerce: Networking luncheon. Shucker’s Restaurant, 9800 S. Ocean Drive, Hutchinson Island,
Jensen Beach, 11:45 a.m.-1 p.m., Oct. 21. $20. Reservation: (772) 334-3444. DATED MEETINGS Coffee With The Port St. Lucie Mayor: Port St. Lucie Community Center, 2195 S.E. Airoso Blvd,
Port St. Lucie, 8:30 a.m., Oct. 8. Martin County Chamber Of Commerce: Annual installation gala. Mariner Sands Country Club, 6500 S.E. Mariner Sands Drive, Stuart, 6:30 p.m. cocktails
and hors d’oeuvres; 7:30 p.m. dinner; Oct. 9. $100. Members only. Tickets: (772) 287-1088; stuartmartinchamber.org. Planning Charrette: Green Jobs, Innovation Corridor. Fenn Center,
Treasure Coast Research Park, 2000 Virginia Ave., 9:30 a.m.-3 p.m., Oct. 9. RSVP: (772) 462-2822; woodk@stlucieco.org. REGULAR MEETINGS Florida Small Business Development Center: Management
counseling for small-business owners. IRSC, 3209 Virginia Ave., Fort Pierce, Building E, Room 123, 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday-Friday. (888) 283-1177. LOCAL DOWJONES Down 19.07 to 10,948.58
NASDAQ Up 3.01 to 2,383.67 S&P 500 Down 1.91 to 1,158.06 RUSSELL 2000 Down 1.10 to 684.23 TREASURE COAST STOCK SPOTLIGHT TCPALM.COM: Track any stock, create your custom portfolio. YTD
Name Div Ytd PE Last Ch %Chg AGL Res 1.76 4.5 13 38.80 +.03 +6.4 AT&T Inc 1.68 5.9 12 28.25 -.37 +.8 BcoSantand .81 6.1 ... 13.21 +.01 -19.6 BkofAm .04 .3 89 13.31 -.08 -11.6 BankAtl
A ... ... ... .93 -.00 -28.5 CVS Care .35 1.1 12 31.98 -.43 -.7 CntrStBks .04 .4 ... 9.09 +.06 -9.9 Comcast .38 2.1 14 17.89 +.13 +6.7 Disney .35 1.0 16 33.91 +.19 +5.1 FPB Bncp ...
... ... .67 -.05 -41.7 FCtzBA 1.20 .6 8 187.26 -1.64 +14.2 HarrisCorp 1.00 2.3 10 43.94 -.24 -7.6 HltMgmt ... ... 13 7.59 -.04 +4.4 JPMorgCh .20 .5 12 39.52 -.38 -5.0 KB Home .25 2.3
61 11.06 -.21 -19.2 LennarA .16 1.0 28 15.37 -.04 +20.4 LibtyMIntA ... ... 15 13.94 -.16 +28.6 MarIntA .16 .4 35 35.67 -2.19 +30.9 NextEraEn 2.00 3.6 14 54.90 +.12 +3.9 NorTrst 1.12
2.3 16 48.22 -.67 -8.0 PNC .40 .8 10 53.10 -.68 +.6 RoyalBk g 2.00 ... ... 54.00 -.37 +.8 ScrippsEW ... ... 46 7.75 -.18 +11.4 SeacoastBk ... ... ... 1.39 +.05 -14.7 ServiceCp .16 1.9
16 8.53 ... +4.2 SonicCorp ... ... 15 8.40 -.07 -16.6 SunTrst .04 .1 ... 26.90 -.74 +32.6 TollBros ... ... ... 18.68 -.01 -.7 TorDBk g 2.44 ... ... 73.28 -1.06 +17.9 Triumph .16 .2 21
75.94 -.13 +57.4 WalMart 1.21 2.2 14 54.36 -.20 +1.7 Walgrn .70 2.1 16 33.87 -.19 -7.8 WellsFargo .20 .8 10 26.00 -.30 -3.7 Winn-Dixie ... ... 14 7.11 +.01 -29.2 Fowler BY NIRVI SHAH
Miami Herald Despite the frenzy surrounding last spring’s rebates for new energyefficient refrigerators, dishwashers, washing machines and other appliances – all of the money was claimed
in about a day and a half – the state had about $2.4 million in rebates left over after the last check was mailed in September. That money was held back from people who applied for rebates
but bought an appliance that didn’tqualify,bought at the wrong time, bought online insteadof at a store or lived out of state, among other reasons. The leftovers from what started as
a $17.5 million pot were combined with $15 million in new federal money for another rebate offer on new energy-saving central air conditioners, a programthat kicked off Aug. 30. But
despite the extra boost in cash, that program remains in limbo. That’s because the money hadn’t been officially approved by the state for a/c rebates by the time it kicked off, and a
special legislative commission declined Gov. Charlie Crist’s request to authorize spendingthemoneywhile itworked onother adjustments to the state budget in mid-September. The rebates
were advertised as being worth $1,500 for Floridians who installed newenergy-efficient central air conditioners, geothermal heat pumps and air source heat pumps by Dec. 31 or earlier
if the money were exhausted. On paper, the state has enough money for about 10,000 new air conditioners. So far the state has receivedabout 1,680 applications for rebates, said Brenda
Buchan, chief analyst in the governor’s energy office. Now, the application form is unavailable at the state website created for the program, rebates. com/floridahvac. Instead, there
is a link to Crist’s letter urging Senate President Jeff Atwater, R-Palm BeachGardens, andHouse Speaker Larry Cretul, R-Ocala, to act. The freeze means another $13.9 million intended
for rebates on solar panels as part of a separate programalso is being held up. Brenda Buchan, chief analyst in the governor’s energy office, estimated the air-conditioner rebate program
could pump $60 million into Florida’s economy. The appliance rebate from last spring is estimated to have injected $51 million into the state’s economy and generated about $3.6 million
in tax revenue. Air-conditioner rebates in limbo PORT ST. LUCIE LibertyMedical lays offworkers LibertyMedical Supply, based in Port St. Lucie, is laying off an unconfirmed number of
workers, the company announced Thursday night. “Liberty’s business is strong and it is growing. It has added hundreds of jobs over the past fewyears. However, as the business changes
and grows, the company had a need to adjust itsworkforcebased onits employees’ skills, and as a result the companymade someminor reductions to its staff,” Jennifer Luddy, the company’s
senior public affairsmanager, toldWPTVNewsChannel 5. LibertyMedicalprovidesdiabetes testingmaterials and othermedical supplies. Red tape in Tallahassee holding up payments to applicants
BY PAUL OWERS Sun Sentinel More than 4,000 Florida homeownerswillbeeligible for loan modifications and mortgage-balance forgiveness totaling nearly $388 million under an agreement Wells
Fargo Bank reached with eight states, Florida AttorneyGeneral Bill McCollum said Wednesday. The pact settles allegations of deceptive marketing of optionadjustable rate loans. These
“pick-a-payment” mortgages helped fuel the devastatinghousing downturn that began in 2006. The loans were made by WachoviaCorp. and a company it acquired, World Savings Bank. San Francisco-based
Wells Fargo agreed to take over Wachovia in October 2008. Wells Fargo will offer loanmodifications totaling about $770 million to 8,700 homeowners in Florida, Arizona, Colorado, Illinois,
Nevada, New Jersey, Texas and Washington state. The bank also will pay $24 million to helpstatesreach out to customers with the risky loans. The agreement calls for more than $208 million
in mortgageprincipal forgiveness forFloridaborrowers, McCollum said in a news release. Wells Fargo will offer loanmodifications starting Dec. 1until June 30, 2013, to borrowers who are
either 60 days delinquent or facing default. The homeownerswill be considered for the Obama administration’s Home Affordable Modification Program. If borrowers don’t qualify or choose
not to accept those modifications,Wells Fargowill consider the borrowers for its newprogram, calledMortgage Assistance Program 2,McCollumsaid. Wells Fargo customers who received mortgages
through Wachovia or World Savings should call (888) 565-1422 for more information. McCollumsaidthebanks allegedly failed to explain that minimum payments due in the first years of the
loanswould not satisfy the full amount of accrued interest. Borrowers eventually were hit with sharply higher monthly payments and higher loan balances. Analysts say mortgagebalance
forgiveness is the most effective way to end the housing debacle. The federal government and Bank of America announced plans this year to reduce mortgage balances. Critics, though. say
the practice remains rare. In 2008, McCollum announceda similar agreement with Countrywide FinancialCorp.,nowowned by Bank of America. The agreement called for loan modifications for
57,000 Florida homeowners and foreclosure relief payments of about $6,000 to 2,700 homeowners. But Kohn said his clients have yet to receive assistance. When itwas acquired by WellsFargo,Wachoviawas
the biggest bankbymarket share in Florida. Wells Fargo to offer loan relief Business P A G E B 6 • F R I D A Y , O C T O B E R 8 , 2 0 1 0 • T C P A L M . C O M • S L adi nfo="24 66557|35
/divro ce and famil| 1002944 8|2.00 0|2.00 0|N|0" DIVORCE & FAMILY LAW LAW OFFICES OF ERIC G. OLSEN 1333 NE Jensen Beach Boulevard • Jensen Beach EGOLAW.com 772-225-3393 BUSINESS LITIGATION
SCALE AMENDMENT TO THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP The St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners proposes to consider the adoption of the following by Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 10-035 AN
PROVIDING FOR ADOPTION. APPLICANT: PGA Reserve Inc. FILE NUMBER: FLUMA 720104078 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: A parcel of land lying in Section 27, Township 36 South, Range 39 East, St, Lucie
County, Florida, and being more particularly described as follows: Commence at the Northeast corner of Lot 66 according to the Plat of Reserve Plantation Phase I, as recorded in Plat
Book 24, Page 20, of the Public Records, of St. Lucie County, Florida, said point being on the Southerly line, of a 300.00 foot Ingress and Egress Easement known as ‘Reserve Boulevard”,
and recorded in Official Records Book 629, Pages 2523 through 2526 inclusive of the Public Records, of St. Lucie County, Florida; Thence Southeasterly along the Southerly extension of
said ‘Reserve Boulevard”; South 4871’37” East, a distance of 270.27 feet to the Beginning of a circular curve concave to the Southwest having a radius of 2350.00 feet and a central angle
of 2575’29”; thence Southeasterly along the arc of said curve, an arc distance of 1035.97 feet to a point of tangency; thence South 22”56’08” East, a distance of 732.22 feet, to a point
of curvature of a circular curve concave to the West, having a radius of 1124.00 feet and a central angle of 3876’24”; thence Southerly along the arc of said curve, an arc distance of
750.83 feet, to a point of tangency; thence South 15”20’16” West, a distance of 434.07 feet, to a point of curvature of a circular curve concave to the East having a radius of 1300.00
feet and a central angle of 3335’08”; thence Southerly along the arc of said curve, an arc distance of 762.03 feet to a point of tangency; thence South 18”14’52” East, a distance of
784.39 feet, to a point of curvature of a circular curve concave to the Northeast having a radius of 1034.87 feet and a central angle of 18”43’35”; thence Southeasterly along the arc
of said curve an arc distance of 338.24 feet to a point of reverse curvature of a curve concave to the West having a radius of 25.00 feet and a central angle of 91 “10’34”; thence Southwesterly
along the arc of said curve a distance of 39.78 feet; thence South 54”12’07” West, a distance of 596.90 feet; thence North 35”47’53” West, a distance of 140.00 feet; thence South 5472’07”
West, a distance of 554.05 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence South 35”47’53” East, a distance of 403.31 feet; thence South 5472’07” West, a distance of 666.09 feet; thence North
35”47’53” West, a distance of 571.88 feet; thence North 54”12’07” East, a distance of 79.08 feet; thence North 09”12’07” East, a distance of 251.17 feet, to a point of curvature of a
curve concave to the South having a radius of 100.35 feet and a central angle of 90”00100”; thence Easterly along the arc of said curve a distance of 157.63 feet to a point of of tangency;
thence South 80°47’53” East, a distance of 359.19 feet; thence South 35”47’53” East, a distance of 92.19 feet; thence North 5472’07” East, a distance of 13.50 feet to the Point of Beginning.
Said parcel containing 9.9 acres, more or less. LOCATION: 1920 Perfect Drive, Port St. Lucie, FL Purpose: To amend the Future Land Use Map for a 9.9 acre portion of a parcel from RS
(Residential Suburban – 2 dwelling units/acre) to COM (Commercial). The PUBLIC HEARING on this item will be held in the Commission Chambers, Roger Poitras Annex, 3rd Floor, St. Lucie
County Administration Building, 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort 6:00 P.M. or as soon thereafter as possible. All interested persons will be given an opportunity to be heard. Written comments
received in advance of the public hearing will also be considered. Written comments to the Board of County Commissioners should be received by the Planning and Development Services Department
-Planning Division at least 3 days prior to the scheduled hearing. The petition file is available for review at the Planning and Development Services Department offices located at 2300
Virginia Avenue, 2nd Floor, Fort Pierce, Florida, during regular business hours. Please call 772/462-2822 or TDD 772/462-1428 if you have any questions or require additional information.
The St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners has the power to review and grant any applications within their area of responsibility. The proceedings of the Board of County Commissioners
are electronically recorded. PURSUANT TO Section 286.0105, Florida Statutes, if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the Board of County Commissioners with respect to any
matter considered at a meeting or hearing, he or she will need a record of the proceedings. For such purpose, he or she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is
made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Upon the request of any party to the proceeding, individuals testifying during a hearing
will be sworn in. Any party to the proceeding will be granted an opportunity to cross-examine any individual testifying during a hearing upon request. If it becomes necessary, a public
hearing may be continued from time to time as may be necessary to a date-certain. Anyone with a disability requiring accommodation to attend this meeting should contact the St. Lucie
County Community Risk Manager at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting at (772)462-1546 or T.D.D. (772)462-1428. Any questions about this agenda may be referred to St. Lucie
County Planning Division at (772) 462-2822. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA /S/CHARLES GRANDE, CHAIRMAN PUBLISH DATE: October 8, 2010 adinfo="2458963|46/membership|11508285|5.
00|2.000|N|0" AMERICAN LEGION POST 40 FAMILY WANTS YOU! OCTOBER IS JOINT MEMBERSHIP MONTH A Non-Profit Organization Veterans Serving Veterans Since 1919 Stephen N. Gladwin American Legion
Post 40 is located at 810 S. U.S. Highway 1, Fort Pierce, FL. Give us a call at 772-461-1480. Stop in, Check us out and pick up a monthly events schedule! 3Weekly Dinners • Karaoke •
Dancing Live Bands • Hall Bingo Affordable Beverages Sunday Breakfast Have you ever thought about joining? Whether you’re just returning from service, still active, or you served in
World War II, we have a place for you and your family. Come be a part of the largest military organization in the world. Learn about your Veterans Benefits, our outstanding programs,
and the benefits of American Legion Membership. Post 40 offers local scholarships, homeless Veterans assistance, and an annual Christmas party to benefit local foster children. Come
enjoy our popular Friday night fish dinners with live music and dancing. Join the American Legion, the American Legion Auxiliary or the Sons of the American Legion and become a part
of our commitment to comrades, community, and country. NEW MEMBERSWILL RECEIVE A FREE DINNER WITH MUSIC AND DANCING ON SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 13TH Publication Date: 10/08/2010 Ad Number:
2470669 Insertion Number: Size: 2 x 10 Color Type: B&W Client Name: Advertiser: SLC GROWTH MANAGEMENT Section/Page/Zone: Local/B06/St Lucie News Tribune Description: 46 PGA Village This
E-Sheet(R) is provided as conclusive evidence that the ad appeared in Treasure Coast News/Press-Tribune on the date and page indicated. You may not create derivative works, or in any
way exploit or repurpose any content.
BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Planning & Development Services 772.462.2822 Project Description PGA Reserve Inc. is petitioning for a change in the Future Land Use of a 9.9 acre parcel
from RS (Residential Suburban-2 du/acre) to COM (Commercial). Background The purpose of the amendment, as stated by the applicant, is to allow expansion of the existing PGA Golf clubhouse
complex and new lodging facility to serve the PGA golf facilities located in the Reserve Development of Regional Impact (DRI). The PGA golf clubhouse complex is authorized under the
Final Development Order of the Reserve DRI for approximately 90,000 square feet of overall nonresidential commercial/office use. The clubhouse is proposed for expansion by approximately
15,000 square feet. This leaves 65,000 square feet of undeveloped commercial square footage (based upon the approved PNRD master plans for the clubhouse complex) that can be used for
either commercial or converted use purposes. The Board of County Commissioners strongly encourages your input and comment at the public hearing. You may also mail or email written comments
in advance of the public hearing for inclusion in the official record regarding this proceeding. Further details are available in the Planning & Development Services Department, please
contact: Staff Britton De Witt Senior Planner Tel. 772-462– 2822 Email Wilsonb@StLucieco.org Mail 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, Florida 34982 Anyone with a disability requiring accommodation
to attend this meeting may contact the SLC Community Services Director at least 48 hours in advance at 772-462-1546 or TDD 772-462-1428. PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE October 19, 2010 PGA Village
Small Scale Future Land Use Map Amendment Applicant PGA Reserve Inc., 951 SW Country Club Dr Port St. Lucie, FL 34986 Agent Brian Nolan Lucido & Associates 100 Avenue A, Suite 2A Ft.
Pierce, FL 34950 Property Location 1920 Perfect Dr Port St. Lucie, FL Future Land Use From RS (Residential Suburban -2 du/acre) to COM (Commercial) Zoning PNRD (Planned Non-Residential
Neighborhood) Staff’s Recommendation Approval Location: BOCC Chambers SLC Administration Annex, 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, FL 34982 Addressed to: Meeting Time: 6:00 PM (or soon
thereafter ) Mail Date: 10/04/10
LEGAL DESCRIPTION: A parcel of land lying in Section 27, Township 36 South, Range 39 East, St. Lucie County, Florida, and being more particularly described as follows: Commence at the
Northeast corner of Lot 66 according to the Plat of Reserve Plantation Phase I, as recorded in Plat Book 24, Page 20, of the Public Records, of St. Lucie County, Florida, said point
being on the Southerly line, of a 300.00 foot Ingress and Egress Easement known as “Reserve Boulevard”, and recorded in Official Records Book 629, Pages 2523 through 2526 inclusive of
the Public Records, of St. Lucie County, Florida; Thence Southeasterly along the Southerly extension of said “Reserve Boulevard”; South 48°11'37” East, a distance of 270.27 feet to the
Beginning of a circular curve concave to the Southwest having a radius of 2350.00 feet and a central angle of 25°15'29”; thence Southeasterly along the arc of said curve, an arc distance
of 1035.97 feet to a point of tangency; thence South 22°56'08” East, a distance of 732.22 feet, to a a point of curvature of a circular curve concave to the West, having a radius of
1124.00 feet and a central angle of 38°16'24”; thence Southerly along the arc of said curve, an arc distance of 750.83 feet, to a point of tangency; thence South 15°20'16” West, a distance
of 434.07 feet, to a point of curvature of a circular curve concave to the East having a radius of 1300.00 feet and a central angle of 33°35'08”; thence Southerly along the arc of said
curve, an arc distance of 762.03 feet to a point of tangency; thence South 18°14'52” East, a distance of 784.39 feet, to a point of curvature of a circular curve concave to the Northeast
having a radius of 1034.87 feet and a central angle of 18°43'35”; thence Southeasterly along the arc of said curve an arc distance of 338.24 feet to a point of reverse curvature of a
curve concave to the West having a radius of 25.00 feet and a central angle of 91°10'34”; thence Southwesterly along the arc of said curve a distance of 39.78 feet; thence South 54°12'07”
West, a distance of 596.90 feet; thence North 35°47'53” West, a distance of 140.00 feet; thence South 54°12'07” West, a distance of 554.05 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence South
35°47'53” East, a distance of 403.31 feet; thence South 54°12'07” West, a distance of 666.09 feet; thence North 35°47'53” West, a distance of 571.88 feet; thence North 54°12'07” East,
a distance of 79.08 feet; thence North 09°12'07” East, a distance of 251.17 feet, to a point of curvature of a curve concave to the South having a radius of 100.35 feet and a central
angle of 90°00'00”; thence Easterly along the arc of said curve a distance of 157.63 feet to a point of tangency; thence South 80°47'53” East, a distance of 359.19 feet; thence South
35°47'53” East, a distance of 92.19 feet; thence North 54°12'07” East, a distance of 13.50 feet to the Point of Beginning. Said parcel containing 9.9 acres, more or less.
Table of Contents Exhibit A: Site Aerial Exhibits Exhibit B: Existing Future Land Use Exhibit Exhibit C: Existing Use of Land Exhibit Exhibit D: Legal Description and Sketch of Legal
Exhibit E: Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council Memo Exhibit F: Pre-Application meeting response Letter Exhibit G: Main Development Application Exhibit H: Map Change and Text Amendment
Supplement Application Exhibit I: Shared Parking Analysis Exhibit J: Reserve DRI: Transportation Conditions Memo Exhibit K: Service Capacity Verifications
Exhibit A Site Aerial Exhibits
Exhibit B Existing Future Land Use Exhibit
Exhibit C Existing Use of Land Exhibit
Exhibit D Legal Description and Sketch of Legal
Exhibit F Pre-Application Meeting Response Letter
July 16, 2010 Kristin Tetsworth, Senior Planner St. Lucie Co. Planning & Development Services Planning Division 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, Florida 34982 Re: PGA Reserve – Small
Area Future Land Use Map Amendment for future Clubhouse Expansion (Our Reference Number: B09-13LP) Dear Ms. Tetsworth, We are in receipt of your letter dated May 3, 2010, wherein you
provided an overview of and responses to questions raised in our meeting held on April 29, 2010 as it related to the above referenced project. Many subjects were discussed in the aforementioned
meeting, however, I would like to address the points you raised in your above referenced letter as it relates to the Small Area Future Land Use Map Amendment to allow for expansion of
the existing clubhouse facility to accommodate lodging (hotel) facilities; specifically, the requested justification statements to St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan (“Comp. Plan”)
Policies through and question # 8 (8b and 8c). Outlined below, beginning with Comp. Plan Objective 1.1.8, are justification statements in bold italics below. ***************
Objective 1.1.8: Property owners investments, their quality of life and the single family neighborhood, as a defined residential area, shall be protected from the encroachment of commercial
and/or other inappropriate land uses through consistent predictable application of the Land Development Regulations. This requested amendment to the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan
is to provide for a change in Future Land Use designation for a 9.9 acre (mol) parcel of land located in the Reserve (PGA Village) Development of Regional Impact – PGA Clubhouse Area,
from the RS (Residential Suburban) to COM (Commercial) Future Land Use designation. The proposed designation of this property to the COM Future Land Use designation is for the purpose
of providing the opportunity to construct a new/replacement PGA Golf clubhouse complex and administrative support area and a new golf lodging facility that will serve the existing PGA
golf facilities located at the Reserve. Final footprints for the new/replacement PGA Golf clubhouse complex and the new lodging facility have not yet been completed; however, the approximate
footage of the new/replacement clubhouse complex is 30-35,000 sq. ft. In addition, it is the objective of the petitioner to construct approximately 100 hotel units in a new golf lodging
facility that will be located on this site. While land uses in this area are predominately residential (refer to Exhibits B and C), the redesignation of this property to a Commercial
(COM) Future Land Use Classification, when considered along with the accompanying petition for Major Adjustment to the sites current PNRD (Planned Non-Residential Development) zoning
approvals in order to permit the new PGA Golf clubhouse complex and golf lodging facility, would not be considered inconsistent with other land uses found in the area. Application of
the PNRD zoning district to this property allows for a narrow definition of the potential future uses on the property, where any deviation from these identified uses would require that
an affirmative vote for such
a change from the County Commission be obtained. Policy All new subdivisions, planned unit developments and site development plans shall be designed to include an efficient
system of internal traffic circulation that does not require internal trips or trips of short duration to be forced onto the major roadway network. The requirements of this Policy are
noted and acknowledged. As this policy appears to be more of a specific site design regulating policy, at the time a formal site plan is submitted to the County for review, compliance
with this policy will be demonstrated. It should be noted that the petitioned parcel is part of larger, previously approved, Development of Regional Impact. As part of the assessment
of that DRI, traffic impacts, both on-site and off-site impacts were evaluated, and a series of special limiting conditions related to traffic needs were included in the project’s Final
Development Order. Any development on this petitioned property is subject to demonstrating compliance with these conditions as part of the site permitting process that follows this land
use amendment review. Policy All new subdivisions shall be designed so that all individual lots have direct access to the internal street system, and that any lot or property
along the periphery of the development is to be buffered from any major roadway and incompatible land uses. The proposed use shall occur within a previously approved Development of Regional
Impact, with adequate road system and buffering. No subdivision of land is proposed at this time. Policy Continue to implement the county-wide right-of-way protection regulation
and Right-of-Way Dedication Ordinance. The petitioned property is not located adjacent to or affected by, any identified corridor or roadway included in the county-wide right-of-way
protection plan.
At the time final development permit approvals are sought, the property owners will comply with all applicable requirements and standards of the County’s Right-of-Way Dedication regulations.
Policy Limited development of commercial/non-residential uses will be allowed within areas classified for residential uses, provided that these activities are compatible with
the adjacent land uses and meet the following standards: a) Intent of the commercial use is to provide easily accessible, convenience-type uses to immediately surrounding residents;
N/A. The submitted petition is for a change in Future Land Use to the COM (Commercial) future land use designation. This policy addresses the standards for considering the application
of a commercial zoning designation in a non-commercial land use category, such as residential. b) Property for which the commercial designation is sought is located on an Arterial or
Major Collector; N/A. The submitted petition is for a change in Future Land Use to the COM (Commercial) future land use designation. This policy addresses the standards for considering
the application of a commercial zoning designation in a non-commercial land use category, such as residential. c) Conversion of the petitioned property would not promote any strip commercial
use of land; N/A. The submitted petition is for a change in Future Land Use to the COM (Commercial) future land use designation. This policy addresses the standards for considering the
application of a commercial zoning designation in a non-commercial land use category, such as residential. d) Use is compatible with surrounding land uses and is provided with adequate
screening and buffering of any adjacent residential property; Given the context of the proposed use it is compatible with surrounding land uses and adequate buffering/screening will
be utilized so as to buffer adjacent residential uses from the proposed use. N/A. The submitted petition is for a change in Future Land Use to the COM (Commercial) future land use designation.
This policy addresses the standards for considering the application of a commercial zoning designation in a non-commercial land use category, such as residential. e) The site does not
have its primary driveway access onto any local or Minor Collector street; and, The site has access provided by Reserve Boulevard and Perfect Drive and
exceeds any traffic capacity of a local and/or minor collector. N/A. The submitted petition is for a change in Future Land Use to the COM (Commercial) future land use designation. This
policy addresses the standards for considering the application of a commercial zoning designation in a non-commercial land use category, such as residential. f) The property for which
the commercial designation is sought does not exceed 10 acres. The property for which the commercial designation is sought does not exceed 10 acres. N/A. The submitted petition is for
a change in Future Land Use to the COM (Commercial) future land use designation. This policy addresses the standards for considering the application of a commercial zoning designation
in a non-commercial land use category, such as residential. Policy In addition to any other general standard for change in zoning as may be described in the County’s Land Development
Regulations, the following specific standards shall be used in determining the suitability of of the new property(s) for designation as Commercial General (CG) under the County’s Land
Development Regulations: a) New Commercial General (CG) property should have available to it at the time of any zoning change central water services, or have an executed service agreement
for the provision of central water services necessary for both domestic and fire protection purposes. Utility services (water and waste water) are presently available to the site and
are provided by the Reserve Utility Corporation. Attached as Exhibit K to the Map Change and Text Amendments Application Supplement are updated service commitment requests that have
been submitted to the Reserve Utility Corporation. As responses are received the information will be updated accordingly. b) New Commercial General (CG) property should not be located
within 300 feet of any Aquatic Preserve or other specially designated aquatic habitat or a Category 1 Wetland as defined in Policy of the Conservation Element of this Plan.
The lands under this petition are not located with 300 feet of any Aquatic Preserve or other designated aquatic habitat or a Category 1 Wetland as defined in Policy c) New
Commercial General (CG) areas should have immediate access to the regional transit network; and, Policy, of the future land use element of the County’s Comprehensive Plan
reads as follows:
c) New Commercial General (CG) areas should have immediate access to the regional transportation network; and, [emphasis added] It should be noted that the petitioned parcel is part
of larger, previously approved, Development of Regional Impact (DRI). As part of the assessment of that DRI, traffic impacts, both on-site and off-site impacts were evaluated, and a
series of special limiting conditions related to traffic needs were included in the project’s Final Development Order. Any development on this petitioned property is subject to demonstrating
compliance with these conditions as part of the site permitting process that follows this Future Land Use Amendment review. d) The property for which the commercial designation is sought
does not exceed 10 acres. Policy, of the Future Land Use Element of the County’s Comprehensive Plan reads as follows: d) New Commercial General (CG) property should have a
minimum lot size of one (1) acre, unless the property is being added to another existing commercially (general) zoned property. The land for which the commercial designation is sought
is 9.9 acres. Policy Require effective visual and light diffusion barriers between residential and non-residential uses. Standards and requirements for such barriers are to
be included in the landscaping and screening regulations of the St. Lucie County Land Development Regulations. The requirements of this Policy are noted and acknowledged. As this policy
appears to be more of a specific site design regulating policy, at the time a formal site plan is submitted to the County for review, compliance with this policy will be demonstrated.
Adequate screening of proposed structures in the petitioned area can be accomplished through the use of landscape buffer plantings. Light diffusion shall be accomplished via light shielding
and/or the use of landscape buffer plantings so as to prevent light pollution from negatively affecting residences. Policy Eliminate future scattered and highway strip commercial
development by encouraging the development of commercial centers or nodes consistent with the Future Land Use Map. The petitioned property is located internal to the previously approved
Development of Regional Impact (DRI) known as the Reserve. The proposed development of this site for non-residential use will not contravene the above Comprehensive Plan policy.
Policy Restrict strip commercial development to these traffic corridors where such development patterns now exist. The depth of these commercial areas should average 600 feet,
with the exceptions to be found at points of arterial intersection. N/A. The petitioned property is not a strip commercial development. Policy Concentrate tourist and regional
service related commercial activities to those areas adjoining the interstate highway system or that have sufficient regional automobile access. The petitioned property is located internal
to the previously approved Development of Regional Impact (DRI) known as the Reserve. The petitioned site is within a two (2) mile radius of the I-95/St. Lucie West (Reserve Blvd) Interchange,
which provides for regional access to this site without having to travel extensively over the local area roadway network. Policy Interchange development activities should not
include commercial activities that are designed to service a small geographic market area. Local service activities should be located at points away from an interchange so as to avoid
conflicts between regional and local traffic which can contribute to accelerated degradation of level of service in these areas. The petitioned property is not located within a designated
“Interchange development” area. The proposed lodging facility is not considered a local service activity, as the golf facilities attract regional guests as well as residents from within
the PGA Reserve development. In addition, the proposed lodging facility is considered and ancillary use to the golf facilities. Policy Encourage the use of existing commercial
and industrial designated lands within the urban service area, through requiring a strict demonstration of service availability, before authorizing Land Use and Zoning amendments in
areas not presently indicated as having such designation. The petitioned property is located internal to the previously approved Development of Regional Impact (DRI) known as the Reserve.
As part of the overall DRI review process, a complete assessment of the impacts of this development on local community services was conducted. The proposed change in Future Land Use,
while considered to be a Preliminary Development Order under the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan, is not expected to provide for any greater land use entitlement than is already
recognized under the site’s overriding Final Development Order of for the Reserve DRI. In response to question #8 (8b and 8c) in the aforementioned letter, we offer the following responses
in bold italics: 8b.) Compliance with Condition of Approval #61 in Resolution 09-016 will require a traffic update study to support the projected change in trips and the timing of the
construction of the bridge over Interstate 95. A letter update is acceptable from Kimley Horn. The petitioned property has, since first constructed in the early 1990s, been used as the
main clubhouse and business office complex associated with the 54 holes of golf found within the Reserve (PGA Village) DRI, and managed by the PGA of America, Inc. With the expanding
use of these facilities, the existing clubhouse and support services have been determined to be inadequate to meet present and future facility demands and expansion/replacement is warranted
to meet this new demand. In addition, while the original development plans for this site did not contemplate the development of any on-site lodging facilities in this clubhouse complex,
recent changes to the PGA’s overall business model in response to user requests has resulted in a proposal to add approximately 100 on-site lodging units that would be constructed in
a traditional hotel format. As the petitioned property is located within the boundary of an approved Development of Regional Impact, land uses on this property are limited by the gross
development entitlements granted under the Final Development Order for The Reserve, DRI. Pursuant to the provisions of Condition Number 51 of St. Lucie County Resolution 09-016 (the
latest Development Order for the Reserve), the petitioner has the option of making changes to the previously approved entitlements to the subject property by converting all or some of
those entitlements to another use, so long as the gross impacts of whatever it is to be developed on the property do not exceed the base thresholds identified in the impacts assessments
used to evaluate this DRI. In the case of this specific land use petition, and based upon the prior approvals granted to this site, the PGA golf clubhouse complex is authorized for approximately
90,000 square feet of overall non-residential commercial/office use (approx 10,000 sq ft in clubhouse and approximately 80,000 square feet in future retail) granted under the approved
Final Development Order for the Reserve. Given that the exiting clubhouse will be expanded by approximately 15,000 square feet (mol), approximately 65,000 square feet of undeveloped
commercial square footage (based upon the approved PNRD master plans for the clubhouse complex) remains that can be used for either commercial or converted use purposes. Condition Number
51, of SLC Resolution 09-016, provides a table that outlines a use conversion matrix that is applicable to the overall Reserve (PGA Village) DRI. The petitioners propose to change approximately
15,000 square feet, of the remaining 65,000 square feet of commercial land use in this area to the equivalent trip generator for hotel units, which in this instance, totals out to be
slightly more than 100 guest rooms. The proposed change in use from shopping center to hotel/resort lodge is an equivalent trip trade-off that increases the allowable number of hotel
rooms by 100 and decreases the allowable commercial development by 14,903 square feet. At present, the Reserve DRI has been documented as generating 2,364 PM peak hour trips using the
formulas contained within the Institute of Transportation Engineers’ report, Trip Generation. No significant construction has occurred over the past 12 months within the Reserve DRI.
Since the only “new” trips to be generated by this proposed land use petition will be associated with the addition of approximately 100 new hotel units on the site, the “net” new pm
peak hour trip generation from the Reserve may reasonably be expected to be increased by 40 trips, for a total PM peak
hour trip generation of 2,404 (based on the 2009 counts). The development of the hotel/resort lodge is not anticipated to create any additional trips from the DRI that were not previously
anticipated. The Developer will satisfy Condition 61 (Selvitz Road & Midway Road intersection improvements) upon reaching 3,867 PM peak hour trips. The Developer is required to construct
the bridge over Interstate 95 upon generating 3,153 PM peak hour trips. Construction of this hotel/lodge will not trigger either development order condition. 8c.) Submit a justification
statement why 8.7 parking spaces per golf hoe is unreasonable and how will PGA mitigate this requirement during large tournaments. If Administrative relief is contemplated, submit a
justification statement pursuant to Section 7.06.01(B) and (F) to support your request. A parking study (i.e. justification statement) is attached to satisfy the parking requirements
of St. Lucie County. We appreciate the opportunity to provide you with the above responses and the attached Application for Small Area Future Land Use Map Amendment and look forward
to working with you toward approval of the requested change in Future Land Use from RS to COM. Should you require further explanation or documentation on the above responses, please
do not hesitate to contact me directly. Respectfully, Brian Nolan, ASLA, ULI-YLG Project Manager
Exhibit G Main Development Application
1,800 400 150 N/A N/A N/A2,350 N/A 4.29.10 2,350.00 Brian Nolan, ASLA, ULI-YLG (Agent) Small Area Land Use Map Amendment 4
The Reserve/PGA Village -Golf Clubhouse Complex Adjustments 1920 Perfect Drive, Port Saint Lucie, Florida A part of Parcel ID Number 3327-200-0001-000-4 See Exhibit D attached 27 -36S
-41E 16.14 ac. (mol) A/A RS (Residential Suburban) PNRD Application is for the purpose of providing for the opportunity to construct a new PGA Golf clubhouse complex/administrative support
areas and golf lodging facility to serve the existing PGA Golf facilities at the Reserve. Final Footprints for the new PGA Golf clubhouse complex and lodging facility have not yet been
completed. Please refer to the attached supplemental application material. X N/A Please refer to “Description of Project” above.
x 9.9 ac. (mol) 1920 Perfect Drive, Port Saint Lucie, Florida RS (Residential Suburban) COM (Commercial) PNRD PGA Golf Clubhouse, parking, associated golf support areas X Major Modification
to the previously approved PGA Clubhouse PNRD Site Plan PGA Golf Clubhouse, parking, associated golf support areas 16.14 ac. (mol)
Brian Nolan, ASLA, ULI-YLG Golf lodge facility and supporting golf related activities The purpose of this petition for small area comprehensive plan amendment is to provide for the opportunity
to construct a new PGA Golf clubhouse complex and golf lodging facility to serve the existing PGA golf facilities located at the Reserve.
1. A general statement describing whether and how the proposed amendment conforms to the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan. The St. Lucie Comprehensive Plan, adopted by Ordinance 90-01
in January of 1990 pursuant to the Local Government Comprehensive Planning Act of 1985, and as subsequently amended, lays out the framework for how the County will grow through a 20-year
planning period expiring in 2025. This plan includes a number of Goals, Objectives and Policies that are designed to ensure the highest quality living environment possible by providing
a mixture of land uses throughout the County; ensuring a high quality of life; creating a dynamic jobs market and reflecting the needs and desires of the local residents and how they
want their community to develop. This requested amendment to the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan is to provide for a change in Future Land Use designation for a 9.9 acre (mol) parcel
of land located in the Reserve (PGA Village) Development of Regional Impact – PGA Clubhouse Area, from the RS (Residential Suburban) to COM (Commercial) Future Land Use designation.
The proposed designation of this property to the COM Future Land Use designation is for the purpose of providing the opportunity to construct a new/replacement PGA Golf clubhouse complex
and administrative support area and a new golf lodging facility that will serve the existing PGA golf facilities located at the Reserve. Final footprints for the new/replacement PGA
Golf clubhouse complex and the new lodging facility have not yet been completed; however, the approximate square footage of the new/replacement clubhouse complex is 30-35,000 sq. ft.
In addition, it is the objective of the petitioner to construct approximately 100 hotel units in a new golf lodging facility that will be located on this site. While land uses in this
area are predominately residential (refer to Exhibits B and C), the redesignation of this property to a Commercial (COM) Future Land Use Classification, when considered along with the
accompanying petition for Major Adjustment to the site’s current PNRD (Planned Non-Residential Development) zoning approvals in order to permit the new PGA Golf clubhouse complex and
golf lodging facility, would not be considered inconsistent with other land uses found in the area. Application of the PNRD zoning district to this property allows for a narrow definition
of the potential future uses on the property, where any deviation from these identified uses would require that an affirmative vote for such a change from the County Commission be obtained.
2. A statement describing how the proposed future land use designation is compatible with the future land use designation(s) and existing land uses surrounding the amendment lands? This
requested amendment to the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan is to provide for a change in Future Land Use designation for a 9.9 acre (mol) parcel of land located in the Reserve (PGA
Village) Development of regional impact – PGA Clubhouse Area, from RS (Residential Suburban) to COM (Commercial). The proposed designation of this property to the COM Future Land Use
designation is for the purpose of providing the opportunity to construct a new/replacement PGA Golf clubhouse complex and administrative support area and a new golf lodging facility
that will serve the existing PGA golf facilities located at the Reserve. Final footprints for the new/replacement PGA Golf clubhouse complex and the new lodging facility have not yet
been completed; however, the approximate square footage of the new/replacement clubhouse complex is 30-35,000 sq. ft. In addition, it is the objective of the petitioner to construct
approximately 100 hotel units in a new golf lodging facility that will be located on this site. The present use of the property under petition is as a golf clubhouse complex in support
of the PGA of Americas existing golf facilities at the PGA Reserve Golf community. While land uses in this area are predominately residential (refer to Exhibits B and C), the redesignation
of this property to a Commercial (COM) Future Land Use Classification, when considered along with the accompanying petition for Major Adjustment to the sites current PNRD (Planned Non-Residential
Development) zoning approvals in order to permit the new PGA Golf clubhouse complex and golf lodging facility, would not be considered inconsistent with other land uses found in the
area. Application of the PNRD zoning district to this property allows for a narrow definition of the potential future uses on the property, where any deviation from these identified
uses would would require that an affirmative vote for such a change from the County Commission be obtained.
3. In accordance with Future Land Use Policy provide the following information: a. Identification [of] future land use designations and existing land uses within ¼ mile of the
subject property that have the same or greater type of proposed future land use designation. Refer to the attached Existing Future Land Use Exhibit (Exhibit B) and Existing Use of Land
Exhibit (Exhibit C) for the area around the petitioned property. The existing Future Land Use designations surrounding this site are; RS (Residential Suburban), COM (Commercial) and
the City of Port St. Lucie. b. Is the property under the land use amendment application within the Five Year Capital Improvement Program of the Water and Wastewater Master Plan for St.
Lucie County or otherwise meet the requirements of Policy Utility services (water and sewer) are presently available to the site and are provided by the Reserve Utility Corporation.
Attached as Exhibit K are updated service commitment requests that have been submitted to the Reserve Utility Corporation. As responses are received, this application will be updated
to reflect their response.
4. Provide a statement describing any conditions affecting the area of the amendment lands that have changed since the most recent adoption of the Comprehensive Plan. Describe any changes
in development patterns, utility availability, and public service capacity. Provide the data and analysis supporting your conclusions. The St. Lucie Comprehensive Plan, adopted by Ordinance
90-01 in January of 1990 pursuant to the Local Government Comprehensive Planning Act of 1985, and as subsequently amended, lays out the framework for how the County will grow through
a 20-year planning period expiring in 2025. This plan includes a number of Goals, Objectives and Policies that are designed to ensure the highest quality living environment possible
by providing a mixture of land uses throughout the County; ensuring a high quality of life; creating a dynamic jobs market and reflecting the needs and desires of the local residents
and how they want their community to develop. The petitioned property has maintained its current current Future Land Use designation of RS (Residential Suburban) since the adoption of
the current County Comprehensive Plan in 1990. This property is part of the previously approved Development of Regional Impact known as The Reserve (now referred to as PGA Village).
The petitioned property has, since first constructed in the early 1990s, been used as the main clubhouse and business office complex associated with the 54 holes of golf found within
the Reserve (PGA Village) DRI, and managed by the PGA of America, Inc. With the expanding use of these facilities, the existing clubhouse and support services have been determined to
be inadequate to meet present and future facility demands and expansion/replacement is warranted to meet this new demand. In addition, while the original development plans for this site
did not contemplate the development of any on-site lodging facilities in this clubhouse complex, recent changes to the PGA’s overall business model in response to user requests has resulted
in a proposal to add approximately 100 on-site lodging units that would be constructed in a traditional hotel format. It is this addition of these hotel units to this complex that requires
the submission of this proposed amendment to the County’s Comprehensive Plan to a land use category that is considered compatible with hotel developments. Previously, and currently,
the residential land use designation found on the petition site has been determined to be sufficient to address the basic golf clubhouse/administrative support needs of the PGA facility.
As the petitioned property is located within the boundary of an approved Development of Regional Impact, land uses on this property are limited by the gross development entitlements
granted under the Final Development Order for The Reserve, DRI. Pursuant to the provisions of Condition Number 51 of St. Lucie County Resolution 09-016 (the latest Development Order
for the Reserve), the petitioner has the option of making changes to the previously approved entitlements to the the subject property by converting all or some of those entitlements
to another use, so long as the gross impacts of whatever it is to be developed on the property do not exceed the base thresholds identified in the impacts assessments used to evaluate
this DRI. In the case of this specific land use petition, and based upon the prior approvals granted to this site, the PGA golf clubhouse complex is authorized for approximately 90,000
square feet of overall non-residential commercial/office use (approx 10,000 sq ft in clubhouse and approximately 80,000 square feet in future retail) granted under the approved Final
Development Order for the Reserve. Given that the exiting clubhouse will be expanded by approximately 15,000 square feet (mol), we are left with approximately 65,000 square feet of undeveloped
commercial square footage (based upon the approved PNRD master plans for the clubhouse complex) that can be used for either commercial or a converted use purposes. Condition Number 51,
of SLC Resolution 09-016, provides a table that outlines a use conversion table that is applicable to the overall Reserve (PGA Village) DRI. The petitioners propose to change approximately
15,000 square feet, of the remaining 65,000 square feet of commercial land use in this area to the equivalent
trip generator for hotel units, which in this instance, totals out to be
slightly more than 100 guest rooms. Since the conversion of this commercial square footage to hotel units is based on equivalent trip generation rates, no changes are required to any
part of base Development Order for this DRI since the gross impacts generated from this site have not changed. Attached as Exhibit E is a copy of correspondence from the Treasure Coast
Regional Planning Council where, Council staff has determined that application of the provisions of Condition Number 51 will not be cause for additional review by the RPC or the filing
of any type of Notice of Proposed Change (NOPC) to the previously approved Development of Regional Impact known as The Reserve. Every two years, until the completion of the DRI known
as the reserve, an annual report is required to be filed with the County, the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council and the Florida Department of Community Affairs. The most recent
report submitted in the winter of 2009/10, indicates that there are no service capacity issues within the Reserve. All required Level of Service (LOS) standards are being meet and the
introduction of this new clubhouse facility along with the addition of the proposed lodge units, is not expected to result in any failed LOS standards. Utility services (water and sewer)
are presently available to the site and are provided by the Reserve Utility Corporation. Attached as Exhibit K are updated service commitment requests that have been submitted to the
Reserve Utility Corporation. As responses are received, this application will be updated to reflect their response.
5. Provide a statement describing why there is a need for the proposed Future Land Use Map Amendment and how the amendment will result in an orderly and logical development pattern.
This requested amendment to the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan is to provide for a change in Future Land Use designation for a 9.9 acre (mol) parcel of land located in the Reserve
(PGA Village) Development of regional impact – PGA Clubhouse Area, from RS (Residential Suburban) to COM (Commercial). The proposed designation of this property to the COM Future Land
Use designation is for the purpose of providing the opportunity to construct a new/replacement PGA Golf clubhouse complex and administrative support area and a new golf lodging facility
that will serve the existing PGA golf facilities located at the Reserve. Final footprints for the new/replacement PGA Golf clubhouse complex and the new lodging facility have not yet
been completed; however, the approximate square footage of the new/replacement clubhouse complex is 30-30-35,000 sq. ft. In addition, it is the objective of the petitioner to construct
approximately 100 hotel units in a new golf lodging facility that will be located on this site. The present use of the property under petition is as a golf clubhouse complex in support
of the PGA of Americas existing golf facilities at the PGA Reserve Golf community. The proposed modifications to the general purpose golf clubhouse complex can be accommodated under
the sites current land use classification, however the addition of the golf lodging facilities does requires that the areas under that activity be designated as/with the COM (Commercial)
Future Land Use designation. While land uses in this area are predominately residential (refer to Exhibits B and C), the redesignation of this property to a Commercial (COM) Future Land
Use Classification, when considered along with the accompanying petition for Major Adjustment to the site’s current PNRD (Planned Non-Residential Development) zoning approvals in order
to permit the new PGA Golf clubhouse complex and golf lodging facility, would not be considered inconsistent with other land uses found in the area. Application of the PNRD zoning district
to this property allows for a narrow definition of the potential future uses on the property, where any deviation from these identified uses would require that an affirmative vote for
such a change from the County Commission be obtained.
6. If a change to Industrial Land Use is proposed, explain how the proposal meets Future Land Use Policy or Policy of the Comprehensive Plan. N/A. The proposed amendment
does not include any requested change to the Industrial (IND) Future Land Use Designation.
7. Provide a traffic report of the potential impacts to the County’s transportation system brought about by the proposed land use change. The report must include existing, background,
committed trips, and the projected traffic volumes and the level of service for all affected roadways. Projected traffic volumes must be based on the highest density/intensity allowed
under the requested future land use designation. As discussed at the pre-application conference for this submission (held April 29, 2010), a full Traffic Impact Report has not been prepared
for this petition for amendment to the Future Land Use Maps of the County since the subject property is already part of the previously approved Development of Regional Impact known as
the The Reserve. As the petitioned property is located within the boundary of an approved Development of Regional Impact, land uses on this property are limited by the gross development
entitlements granted under the Final Development Order for The Reserve DRI. Pursuant to the provisions of Condition Number 51 of St. Lucie County Resolution 09-016 (the latest Development
Order for the Reserve), the petitioner has the option of making changes to the previously approved entitlements to the subject property by converting all or some of those entitlements
to another use, so long as the gross impacts of whatever it is to be developed on the property do not exceed the base thresholds identified in the impacts assessments used to evaluate
this DRI. In the case of this specific land use petition, and based upon the prior approvals granted to this site, the PGA golf clubhouse complex is authorized for approximately 90,000
square feet of overall non-residential commercial/office use (approx 10,000 sq ft in clubhouse and approximately 80,000 square feet in future retail) granted under the approved Final
Development Order for the Reserve. Given that the exiting clubhouse will be expanded by approximately 15,000 square feet (mol), we are left with approximately 65,000 square feet of undeveloped
commercial square footage (based upon the approved PNRD master plans for the clubhouse complex) that can be used for either commercial or converted use purposes. Condition Number 51,
of SLC Resolution 09-016, provides a table that outlines a use conversion table that is applicable to the overall Reserve (PGA Village) DRI. The petitioners propose to change approximately
15,000 square feet, of the remaining 65,000 square feet of commercial land use in this area to the equivalent trip generator for hotel units, which in this instance, totals out to be
slightly more than 100 guest rooms. Since the conversion of this commercial square footage to hotel units is based on equivalent trip generation rates, no changes are required to any
part of base Development Order for this DRI since the gross impacts generated from this site have not changed. Attached as Exhibit E is a copy of correspondence from the Treasure Coast
Regional Planning Council where, Council staff has determined that application of the provisions of Condition Number 51 will not be cause for additional review by the RPC or the filing
of any type of Notice of Proposed Change (NOPC) to the previously approved Development of Regional Impact known as The Reserve. Every two years, until the completion of the DRI known
as the reserve, an annual report is required to be filed with the County, the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council and the Florida Department of Community Affairs. The most recent
report submitted in the winter of 2009/10, indicates that there are no service capacity issues within the Reserve. All required Level of Service (LOS) standards are being meet and the
introduction of this new clubhouse facility along with the addition of the proposed lodge units, is not expected to result in any failed LOS standards.
8. Describe the drainage characteristics of the area and what effects the proposed land use amendment would have on the volume and quality of stormwater runoff? Identify the property’s
flood zone classification? This requested amendment to the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan is to provide for a change in Future Land Use designation for a 9.9 acre (mol) parcel of
land located in the Reserve (PGA Village) Development of Regional Impact – PGA Clubhouse Area, from the RS (Residential Suburban) to COM (Commercial) Future Land Use designation. The
proposed designation of this property to the COM Future Land Use designation is for the purpose of providing the opportunity to construct a new/replacement PGA Golf clubhouse complex
and administrative support area and a new golf lodging facility that will serve the existing PGA golf facilities located at the Reserve. Final footprints for the new/replacement PGA
Golf clubhouse complex and the new lodging facility have not yet been completed; however, the approximate approximate square footage of the new/replacement clubhouse complex is 30-35,000
sq. ft. In addition, it is the objective of the petitioner to construct approximately 100 hotel units in a new golf lodging facility that will be located on this site. The petitioned
site is already regulated by South Florida Water Management District Permit Number 56-00674; should the redevelopment of this site require modification to that permit, or any other issued
County Permits effecting the sites stormwater management facilities, all necessary permits will be obtained. The petitioned site does not lie within any designated 298 Drainage District.
At the time a Final Development Order is applied for, all applicable storm water management regulations will be complied with in the final designs for the property. The petitioned property
is located within a number of designated Flood Zones according to FEMA FIRM Map 12111C0275-F, dated August 19, 1991.
9. What are the potential environmental impacts of the requested amendment? Describe the natural resources occurring on and adjacent to the amendment lands. Identify any protected species
that are known to occur and estimate the acres of wetlands and native upland habitats on the amendment lands. Identify Category I, II, or III Wetlands as described in Policy
No impacts to any of the listed species mentioned above are expected as a result of this proposed amendment to the Future Land Use Maps of St. Lucie County. The petitioned site is already
developed and there are no known natural resources or habitat occurring on site. There is a small regulated wetland to the east of the site (wetlands 61) and will be protected in accordance
with applicable permit standards and requirements. There are no Category I, II, or III Wetlands as described in Policy, on the petitioned site.
10. Where are the nearest public or investor-owned water and sewer services? Who is the service provider? Is the site included in the five-year expansion plan of these utilities. Provide
correspondence from the service provider verifying their ability to serve the proposed development. If private facilities are proposed, describe the capacity and type of water and wastewater
services to be provided. Utility services (water and sewer) are presently available to the site and are provided by the Reserve Utility Corporation. Attached as Exhibit K are updated
service commitment requests that have been submitted to the Reserve Utility Corporation. As responses are received, this application will be updated to reflect their response.
11. Provide a projection of the average daily volumes of solid waste that would be generated if the land use(s) change. The following tables represent the expected solid waste generation
differences as a result of this proposed application: PHASE D.U. nonresidential sq feet estimated population/unit estimated population /phase soildwaste generation rate estimated solid
waste generation (lbs) estimated solid waste generation (tons) estimated solid waste generation (cy) existing land use 20 2.5 50 9.31 lbs/person /day 461 0.23 2.47 proposed land use
90,000 -5.34 lbs per 1000 sf/day 481 0.24 2.57 waste generation assumptions Residential all types 9.31 lbs/person/day St. Lucie County Comp Plan (policy 6b.1.1.1) Non-Residential Retail/Service
5.34 lbs/day -1000 SF St. Lucie County/solid waste division Hotel t/b/d lbs/day/room St. Lucie County/solid waste division Office 2.52 lbs/day -1000 SF St. Lucie County/solid waste division
Industrial 2.19 lbs/day -1000 SF St. Lucie County/solid waste division School 0.80 lbs/day -student St. Lucie County/solid waste division Civic/Park 1.96 lbs/day -1000 SF St. Lucie County/solid
waste division Service commitment requests have been submitted to St. Lucie County. As responses are received, the application materials will be updated accordingly.
12. What demands for recreational facilities will be created by development as a result of the land use change? If you are requesting a residential classification, identify the recreational
facilities and open spaces that are available in the vicinity? The redesignation of this site to the COM (Commercial) Future Land Use classification does not require, nor will it result
in, the generation of any demands on the County’s required Recreation Level of Service.
13. Indicate the location of any archaeological or historic resources that are known to occur on or near the amendment lands. Describe potential impacts to these resources as a result
of the proposed amendment. Provide a copy of any available archaeological or historic assessment. There are no known archaeological or historic resources on the petitioned property.
14. Is the property currently within the Planned Urban Service Area Boundary? Yes.
15. If you answered "no" to Question 14 above, will the property be used for "urban development activities" as defined in Future Land Use Policy Check which urban development
activities apply: ________ residential development in excess of two units to the gross acre ________ any non-agricultural commercial activity ________ any non-extractive, non-agriculturally
related industrial activity
16. If any item in Question 15 above is checked, the property must lie outside the Planned Urban Service Area. If an expansion of the Urban Service Area boundary line is proposed, please
refer to Future Land Use Policy and answer the following questions: a. What is the distance between the property and the Urban Service Area Boundary? N/A b. Is the subject property
contiguous to lands with the requested future land use designation? N/A c. Can the owners of contiguous properties between your property and the present Urban Services Area Boundary
ensure appropriate urban infrastructure and services can be provided? If so, please provide documentation. N/A d. To what extent will the proposed expansion detrimentally impact the
established character of the area? N/A
17. If changing from an agricultural category (AG-5 and AG-2.5) to a non-agricultural category (all others), please answer the following questions. a. How will the non-agricultural use(s)
maintain the viability of continued agricultural uses on adjacent lands? How will any adjacent agricultural uses affect the proposed non-agricultural uses? b. Using the St. Lucie County
Soil Survey, provide documentation of the soil type(s) found on the subject parcel and their suitability for the proposed use. Indicate their suitability as defined by the soil survey.
c. Describe the existing land characteristics and how the proposed land use is suitable with those characteristics? d. Does the propose land use amendment propose the extension of the
urban services boundary in a manner that creates any enclaves, pockets, or finger areas? e. Describe why the non-agricultural uses could not be feasibly located on non-agricultural land.
18. Provide a copy of all existing federal, state, regional or local permits or plans related to the property (i.e. SFWMD permits, USDA Conservation Plans, documents related to the lands
present or past enrollment in any federal, state or local program). Due to the number of related permits, you are referred to the South Florida Water Management District web site. The
petitioned site is already regulated by South Florida Water Management District Permit Number 56-00674 (the master permit number for the Reserve); should the redevelopment of this site
require modification to that permit or any other issued County Permits effecting the site’s stormwater management facilities, all necessary permits will be obtained.
19. Indicate if the area under consideration is located within a unique area with common characteristics, such as the Indrio Road corridor and White City. If so, indicate how the proposed
change in future land use is consistent with the character of the area and any neighborhood plan or special planning project for the amendment area. N/A
20. Identify any local government within one mile of the amendment lands. If any, provide a copy of the proposed application documents to the appropriate government official. Indicate
the name and address of the official for which the application documents were provided. City of Port St. Lucie Mr. Jerry Bentrott, City Manager City of Port St. Lucie 121 SW Port St.
Lucie Boulevard Port St. Lucie, Florida 34953 Mr. Daniel Holbrook, AICP, Planning Director City of Port St. Lucie Planning Department City of Port St. Lucie 121 SW Port St. Lucie Boulevard
Port St. Lucie, Florida 34953
Exhibit I Shared Parking Analysis
10612 SW Gingermill Drive • Port Saint Lucie • Florida • 34987 (772) 345-1948 • www.mackenzieengineeringinc.com June 29, 2010 Mr. Corey Aurand PGA Golf Properties, Inc. 100 Avenue of
the Champions Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418 Re: PGA Golf Club – St. Lucie County Shared Parking Analysis 007001 Dear Corey: MacKenzie Engineering and Planning, Inc. (KHA) was retained
to prepare a shared parking analysis and the necessary documentation to support the required parking at the PGA Golf Club and Lodge as required within Sections 7.06.01 and 7.06.02 of
the St. Lucie County Code. The property to be developed is located in The Reserve DRI, west of the Reserve Boulevard & I-95 interchange in St. Lucie County, Florida. The mixed use project
has a 54-hole golf course, including ancillary facilities (driving ranges, club houses, pro shop, restaurants, lounges, and banquet facilities) and proposes up to a 100-room lodge. Based
on the description of the lodge and its relation to the PGA golf courses, the lodge will function as a resort hotel. This letter includes an analysis of the St. Lucie County parking
rates and applies parking reduction factors unique to this facility and location. St. Lucie County parking requirements are shown in Table 1. SHARED PARKING ANALYSIS Mode Split Mode
split is adjustment for reduced use of automobiles owing to alternative modes of transportation. The site is located at the center of a unique mixed use development, PGA Village (also
known as The Reserve DRI). PGA Village is a unique mix of uses centered around the PGA golf club that interact to reduce the overall parking demand including: 54 holes of golf, hotels
(adjacent to the I-95 interchange), single family and multi-family housing, timeshares, and the PGA learning center. It is anticipated that the golf course will continue to capture a
significant amount of its business from within PGA village. The supporting traffic study for the
PGA Golf Club, Shared Parking Analysis, Page 2 PGA Village (Reserve DRI) estimates that 60% of the golf course traffic is associated with uses within PGA Village. Many of the existing
residents within PGA Village own their own golf carts and use those to travel between their homes and the golf course. Additionally, the Verano DRI (approved for 6,000 dwelling units),
located south of PGA Village will connect a golf cart path directly to the golf club to facilitate non-auto trips. PGA, which operates the golf course, has plans to purchase and operate
a shuttle bus. The shuttle bus is proposed facilitate trips between the golf club and uses surrounding PGA Village to reduce auto-travel within PGA Village and reduce parking needs at
the golf club. Based on the existing and proposed operations of the facility and the data provided, a 20% mode split is estimated for the golf club. This mode split includes shuttles,
drop-offs, golf cart travel, and walking to the club house. The reduction anticipated is 94 spaces. spaces. Noncaptive Adjustments A noncaptive adjustment describes people already present
in the immediate vicinity and likely patrons of a second use. A 100 room lodge is proposed adjoining the PGA Village club house facility. The lodge is being planned and developed as
an amenity for visitors to PGA Village and will act as a golf resort. Specifically, visitors will be able to park once and not leave the lodge because of the onsite facilities and golf
amenities. The lodge visitors are expected to be golf patrons because it is a golf resort hotel; therefore the lodge is expected to result in a high noncaptive adjustment factor. Visitors
to the lodge will park at the lodge and golf, but only require one parking space. Due to the high interaction anticipated between the lodge and golf club, a 70 percent noncaptive adjustment
was applied to the parking requirements of the resort hotel. This reduces the need for parking by an additional 98 spaces. Parking Demand The unadjusted parking demand for the site,
based on St. Lucie County Code requirements, is 610 spaces. The parking demand is estimated to be reduced by 94 spaces based on the mode split and 98 spaces for the noncaptive adjustments.
The projected parking demand is 418 spaces. Table 2 shows the projected parking demand for the project. SPECIAL EVENT PARKING PGA Village has already hosted numerous special events.
Additional special events are anticipated at PGA Village upon completion of the lodge. PGA has developed special event parking plans. These plans include remote parking and shuttles
to the primary facilities. Additional coordination occurs with the local hotels for shuttles and use of other off-site parking areas. CONCLUSION PGA Village golf club is a 54-hole golf
course, including ancillary facilities (driving ranges, club houses, pro shop, restaurants, lounges, and banquet facilities) and proposes a 100 unit lodge.
PGA Golf Club, Shared Parking Analysis, Page 3 Because multiple forms of non-automotive transportation exist and are proposed to the site and the complementary use of the golf lodge
to the golf course, the overall parking demand for the site is reduced from 610 parking spaces to 418 parking spaces. PGA Village also has developed special event parking plans for events
that have occurred and will occur at this location. It is anticipated that acceptance of this memorandum satisfies the parking demand requirements contained within 7.06.01 and 7.0602
of the St. Lucie County Code. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Shaun Mackenzie at (772) 345-1948 Sincerely, Shaun G. Mackenzie, P.E. Transportation Engineer
Florida Registration Number 61751 Engineering Business Number 29013 Attachments Table 1 Table 2 c:\users\shaun\desktop\jobs\007 pga\007001\shared parking.docx
Land Use Quantity Unit St. Lucie County Code Unit Golf Course (1) 54 Holes 8.7 spaces /hole hole 470 Resort Hotel 100 Rooms 1.4 spaces /room room 140 Total 610 (1) Golf Course rate includes
driving ranges, club houses, pro shop, restaurants, lounges, banquet facilities (Parking Generation , 3rd Edition -Land Use 430) C:\Users\Shaun\Desktop\Jobs\007 -PGA\007001\[06-02-10
TABLE 2 PGA GOLF COURSE AND LODGE PROJECTED PARKING DEMAND Needed Parking Supply Golf Course (1) 470 20% 94 --376 Resort Hotel 140 --70% 98 42 Total 610 418 (1) Golf Course rate includes
driving ranges, club houses, pro shop, restaurants, lounges, banquet facilities (Parking Generation , 3rd Edition -Land Use 430) 6/29/2010 C:\Users\Shaun\Desktop\Jobs\007 -PGA\007001\[06-02-10
shared parking.xlsx]ST LUCIE -RED Reductions 94 98 Land Use Required Parking Spaces Mode Split Non-Captive Adjustments
Exhibit J Reserve DRI: Transportation Conditions Memo
AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. III-B DATE: 09/16/10 REGULAR ( ) PUBLIC HEARING ( X ) LEG. ( X ) QUASI-JD ( ) CONSENT ( ) TO: Planning and Zoning Commission PRESENTED BY: Britton De Witt SUBMITTED
BY: Planning and Development Services Department Senior Planner SUBJECT: PGA Village Small Scale Future Land Use Map Amendment BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum. FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A
PREVIOUS ACTION: None RECOMMENDATION: Recommend adoption of the PGA Village small scale Future Land Use Map Amendment (Ordinance No. 10-035). Coordination/Signatures County Attorney
( X ) County Surveyor ( ) . Daniel S. McIntyre Ron Harris County Engineer ( ) ERD ( X ) Michael Powley Karen Smith Originating Dept. ( X ) Mark Satterlee
PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION Planning & Development Services 772.462.2822 Hearing Date: Thursday September 16th, 2010 _________________________________________________________________________________
_________________________ Applicant PGA Reserve Inc., 951 SW Country Club Dr Port St. Lucie, FL 34986 Agent Brian Nolan Lucido & Associates 100 Avenue A, Suite 2A Ft. Pierce, FL 34950
File Number FLUMA 720104078 Property Location 1920 Perfect Dr, Port St. Lucie, FL Future Land Use From RS (Residential Suburban -2 du/acre) to COM (Commercial) Zoning PNRD (Planned Non-Residential
Neighborhood) Staff Britton De Witt Senior Planner wilsonb@stlucieco.org (772) 462-1582 Project Description PGA Reserve Inc. is petitioning for a change in the Future Land Use of a 9.9
acre parcel from RS (Residential Subu r b a n -2 d u /a c r e ) t o COM (Commercial). Background The proposed COM Future Land Use designation to construct a replacement PGA Golf clubhouse
complex and new lodging facility to serve the PGA golf facilities at at the Reserve. The project has not yet been fully designed. However, the applicant states that the approximate square
footage of the new/replacement clubhouse complex is 30-35,000 square feet. In addition, the petitioner plans to construct approximately 100 hotel units in a new golf lodging facility
to be located on site. The approved Final Development Order for the Reserve, includes authorization for a 90,000 square foot PGA clubhouse. Notice Requirements Public hearing notice
in accordance with Section 11.00.03 of the Land Development Code was placed in the St. Lucie News Tribune, letters were sent to property owners within 500 feet of the subject property
and a sign was placed on the property. Staff Recommendation Recommend adoption of the PGA Village small scale Future Land Use Map Amendment (Ordinance No. 10-035). Agenda Item No. III
– B PGA Village Small Scale Future Land Use Map Amendment
Planning and Development Services Department M E M O R A N D U M TO: Planning and Zoning Commission THROUGH: Mark Satterlee, AICP, Planning & Development Services Director Kara Wood,
Planning Manager FROM: Britton De Witt, Senior Planner, Planning Division DATE: September 16, 2010 SUBJECT: PGA Village Small Scale Future Land Use Map Amendment ITEM NO.: III-B APPLICANT/OWNER:
PGA Reserve, Inc. 951 SW Country Club Drive Port St. Lucie, FL 34986 AGENT: Brian Nolan, ASLA Lucido & Associates, P.A. 100 Avenue A, Suite 2A Fort Pierce, Florida 34950 REQUESTED ACTION:
Small scale Future Land Use Map Amendment from to RS (Residential Suburban – 2 du/acre) to COM (Commercial). PURPOSE: The proposed Future Land Use Map Amendment is to permit a replacement
PGA golf clubhouse complex and new golf lodging and resort facility. LOCATION: 1920 Perfect Drive, Port Saint Lucie, FL TAX ID NO.: 3327-200-0001-000-4 (9.9 acre portion) PARCEL SIZE:
9.9 acres -portion of a 195 acre parcel EXISTING USE: PGA golf clubhouse complex FUTURE LAND USE: RS (Residential Suburban – 2 du/acre) ZONING: PNRD (Planned Non-residential Development)
– Portion of the Reserve DRI PROPOSED USE: Golf clubhouse complex, lodging and resort facility.
Petition: PGA Village FLUMA September 16, 2010 Page 2 of 7 SURROUNDING PROPERTY: North, South, Zoning: PUD (Planned Unit Development) East and West: FLU: RS (Residential
Suburban – 2 du/acre) Existing Use: PGA Golf Complex and PGA Village Residential lots SERVICE INFORMATION: Public Utility Providers: Energy: Florida Power and Light Water: Reserve Utility
Corporation Wastewater: Reserve Utility Corporation Public Service Providers: Storm Water: South Florida Water Management District Fire Rescue & EMS: St. Lucie County Fire District,
Station No. 14 Law Enforcement: St. Lucie County Sheriff Background Location: The portion of the PGA Village under review is 9.9 acres located approximately 1,300 feet from Reserve Boulevard
at 1920 Perfect Drive. The existing use of the property is a golf clubhouse complex for the PGA of Americas existing golf facilities at the PGA Village Golf Community. Current Future
Land Use: The Future Land Use designation of the subject property is RS (Residential Suburban – 2 du/acre), which “…is intended to act as a transitional area between the agricultural
areas and the more intense residential areas in the eastern portion of the County. The RS designation is intended for large lot, single-family detached residential dwellings, at a density
of one to two units per gross acre.” Proposed Future Land Use: The proposed Future Land Use designation is COM (Commercial), which “…is intended to accommodate all commercial zoning
districts as identified under St. Lucie County’s Land Development Code. The COM land use designation is applicable to areas of future commercial development, in addition to those existing
developed commercial areas. Office and general retail uses are considered the principal uses.” Current Zoning: The current zoning of the subject property is PNRD (Planned Non-Residential
Neighborhood). The purpose of this district “…is to achieve non-residential land development of superior quality through the encouragement of flexibility and creativity in design options
that: A. Permit creative approaches to the development of non-residential land reflecting changes in the technology of land development; B. Allow for the efficient use of land, which
can result in smaller networks of utilities and streets and thereby lower development costs; C. Allow design options that encourage an environment of stable character, compatible with
surrounding land uses; and D. Permit the enhancement of neighborhoods through the preservation of natural features, the provision of underground utilities, and the provision of recreation
areas and open space. PROPOSED FUTURE LAND USE: COM (Commercial)
Petition: PGA Village FLUMA September 16, 2010 Page 3 of 7 Staff Analysis Compliance with the Comprehensive Plan: Staff’s analysis indicates that the proposed COM Future Land Use designation
in this area is consistent with the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan. The Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council has confirmed that the proposed change in Future Land Use does not
generate a Notice of Proposed Change (NOPC) to the adopted Reserve (now referred to as PGA Village) Development of Regional Impact (DRI). The change in Future Land Use designation from
RS to COM does not result in an increase in anticipated impacts. The requested change meets Policy requiring the subject property to be within a quarter mile of the same or greater
type of land use classification. Directly across the street from the subject property on Reserve Boulevard is property designated COM. The proposed change further complies with Policy requiring all new development projects to occur where water and waste water sewer services can be provided. Existing potable water and wastewater lines service the property (see
the Potable Water, Wastewater and Water Treatment section below). Compliance with State Statutes and the State Comprehensive Plan: The subject property is a portion of the Reserve DRI
(PGA Village) approved by both the County and the Department of Community Affairs (DCA) in 1989. The Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council has confirmed that the proposed change in
Future Land Use does not result in an increase in gross impacts, therefore a Notice of Proposed Change (NOPC) to the Reserve DRI is not warranted. Because the proposed change does not
require an NOPC and the subject property is no more than 10 acres in size, DCA will not review this FLUMA for compliance with the State Comprehensive Plan. Compatibility with Existing
Neighborhood: The requested COM (Commercial) Future Land Use designation is to allow expansion of the existing golf club and new lodging facilities. These facilities are consistent with
the the existing PGA golf facilities and adjacent residential communities. The facility is described as the “ultimate golfing destination” and managed by the Professional Golfing Association
of America, Inc. The current PNRD zoning will require a major adjustment to the approved site plan. Staff review of the revised site plan will ensure compatibility with the existing
neighborhood, and public notice is required as a part of the approval process. Therefore, the proposed COM Future Land Use and its underlying PNRD zoning is compatible with the surrounding
neighborhood. Environmental Resources: St. Lucie County Environmental Resource Department has reviewed the petition and submitted a report on the environmental impacts of the proposed
FLUMA as follows: The Environmental Resources Department (ERD) is in receipt of the July 16, 2010 Planning and Development Services’ date-stamped submittal. The applicant requests approval
of a Plan Amendment to change the future land use designation of 9.9 acres from RS (Residential Suburban) to COM (Commercial). Environmental Resources staff has completed a site visit
and initial review. The project site is located at 1920 Perfect Drive within the Reserve (PGA Village) Development of Regional Impact (DRI). The site consists of an existing clubhouse,
associated landscaping, parking, and other golf support areas which were approved as a Planned Non-Residential Development (PNRD). There is no native habitat remaining within the subject
property. No improvements are proposed as part of this Plan Amendment application. No improvements are proposed and no native habitat exists within the subject area; therefore, no adverse
affects to the environment are anticipated. Landscaping and open space requirements will be reviewed at time of site plan submittal if any future changes to the existing PNRD are requested.
Existing landscaping includes some Florida Exotic Pest
Petition: PGA Village FLUMA September 16, 2010 Page 4 of 7 Plant Council (FLEPCC) listed invasive exotics, specifically Ruellia brittoniana. Staff recommends removal of all FLEPCC listed
species and replacement with native species. ERD supports approval of the plan amendment. Natural Hazards: The subject property is located in a FEMA flood zone “X,” which is an area
of low flood risk and generally considered to be out of the 500-year flood plain. St. Lucie County Fire District: The subject property is serviced by fire station number 14. The Fire
District has reviewed the proposed Future Land Use Map Amendment, has no objection to the project and has confirmed payment of the required review fees. School Impacts: The proposed
amendment is a non-residential use, and no school impacts are anticipated. Transportation Impacts: The subject property is located within the Reserve DRI (PGA Village). Land uses are
limited by the gross development entitlements granted under the Final Development Order for The Reserve DRI. St. Lucie County Resolution No. 09-016 (the latest Development Order for
the Reserve) contains provisions for the gross development entitlements in condition No. 51. This condition specifically allows the petitioner to make changes to previously approved
entitlements by converting all or some of those entitlements to another use, so long as the gross traffic impacts do not exceed the base thresholds used to evaluate the DRI. Provided
the applicant adheres to the provisions of condition No. 51, a traffic report is not warranted for the proposed amendment. Parks and Recreation: The proposed amendment is not for residential
use, therefore there are no impacts associated with parks and recreation. The nature of the existing use provides recreational facilities for the nearby residents that satisfy some proportion
of the total recreation demand of the community. Solid Waste: Currently all solid waste generated in St. Lucie County is disposed at the St. Lucie County Bailing and Recycling Facility,
located in the southwest corner of the City of Ft. Pierce. This landfill is identified in the recent Evaluation and Appraisal Report of the Comprehensive Plan as having sufficient capacity
for at least the next 20 years. This proposed change will not materially impact the level of service standard for the County’s solid waste facility found in Policy 6B.1.1.1 at 9.31 pounds
per capita, per day. Potable Water and Wastewater Treatment: Utility services are presently available to the site and are provided by the Reserve Utility Corporation. The Reserve Utility
Corporation has confirmed that there is sufficient water supply and wastewater capacity to service this site. Development Requirements: Approval of the proposed Future Land Use Map Amendment
constitutes a preliminary development order and does not grant approval for any specific development scenario. However, upon approval the applicant may proceed to seek permission for
further development of the property for commercial purposes. Prior to the issuance of any final development order, the future developer must demonstrate that all public facilities are
available to service the parcel and obtain a Certificate of Capacity.
Petition: PGA Village FLUMA September 16, 2010 Page 5 of 7 The applicant’s intent is to construct a replacement PGA golf clubhouse complex and new golf lodging and resort facility to
accommodate 100 guest rooms. A major adjustment to the existing PNRD site plan will be required and include approval by the Board of County Commissioners. Analysis Summary: As the petitioned
property is located within the boundary of an approved Development of Regional Impact, land uses on this property are limited by the gross development entitlements granted under the
Final Development Order for The Reserve DRI (PGA Village). The proposed FLUMA is consistent with the provisions of Condition No. 51 of Resolution 09-016 provided the gross impacts of
the proposed development do not exceed the base thresholds identified in the impacts assessments used to evaluate this DRI. The PGA golf clubhouse complex is authorized under the approved
Final Development Order for the Reserve for approximately 90,000 square feet of overall non-residential commercial/office use (approx 10,000 sq ft in clubhouse and approximately 80,000
square feet in future retail). The proposed clubhouse will be expanded by approximately 15,000 square feet. This leaves approximately 65,000 square feet of undeveloped commercial square
footage (based upon the approved PNRD master plans for the clubhouse complex) that can be used for either commercial or converted use purposes. Condition No. 51, of Resolution 09-016,
provides a use conversion table (see below) that is applicable to the overall Reserve (PGA Village) DRI. The petitioners propose to change approximately 15,000 square feet, of the remaining
65,000 square feet of commercial land use in this area to the equivalent trip generator for hotel units, which in this instance, totals out to 100.65 guest rooms. Since the conversion
of this commercial square footage to hotel units is based on equivalent trip generation rates, no changes are required to any part of base Development Order for this DRI since the gross
impacts generated from this site have not changed. Every two years until the completion of the DRI, an annual report is required to be filed with the County, the Treasure Coast Regional
Planning Council and the Florida Department of Community Affairs. The most recent report submitted in the winter of 2009/10, indicates that there are no service capacity deficiencies
within the Reserve. All required Level of Service (LOS) standards are being met and the introduction of this new clubhouse facility along with the addition of the proposed hotel units
is not expected to result in any failed LOS standards. Condition No. 51 Table Land Use Trade Off To Get General Light Industrial Single Family Condo/Townhouse Hotel Timeshare Office
Shopping Center General Light Industrial 1,000 sf --1.40 du 2.42 du 1.70 rms 2.57 units 579 sf 253 sf Single Family 1 du 715 sf --1.73 du 1.21 rms 1.83 units 414 sf 181 sf Condo/Townhouse
1 du 413 sf 0.58 du --0.70 rms 1.06 units 239 sf 104 sf Hotel 1 rm 590 sf 0.82 du 1.43 du --1.51 units 341 sf 149 sf Timeshare 1 Unit 390 sf 0.55 du 0.94 du 0.66 rms --226 sf 99 sf Office
1,000 sf 1727 sf 2.42 du 4.19 du 2.93 rms 4.43 units --437 sf Shopping Center 1,000 sf 3953 sf 5.53 du 9.58 du 6.71 rms 10.14 units 2289 sf --
Petition: PGA Village FLUMA September 16, 2010 Page 6 of 7 Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Planning and Zoning Commission forward a recommendation of approval to the
Board of County Commissioners for the PGA Village small scale Future Land Use Map Amendment (Ordinance No. 10-035).
Petition: PGA Village FLUMA September 16, 2010 Page 7 of 7 Suggested motion to recommend approval/denial of this request: MOTION TO APPROVE: AFTER CONSIDERING THE TESTIMONY PRESENTED
Environmental Resources Department Final Report TO: Britton Wilson, Planning & Development Services Department THROUGH: Karen L. Smith, Environmental Resources Department Director FROM:
Jennifer Evans, Senior Environmental Planner DATE: August 24, 2010 SUBJECT: PGA Village Plan Amendment PA 720104078 Background The Environmental Resources Department (ERD) is in receipt
of the July 16, 2010 Planning and Development Services’ date-stamped submittal. The applicant requests approval of a Plan Amendment to change the future land use designation of 9.9 acres
from RS (Residential Suburban) to COM (Commercial). Environmental Resources staff has completed a site visit and initial review. The project site is located at 1920 Perfect Drive within
the Reserve (PGA Village) Development of Regional Impact (DRI). The site consists of an existing clubhouse, associated landscaping, parking, and other golf support areas which were approved
as a Planned Non-Residential Development (PNRD). There is no native habitat remaining within the subject property. No improvements are proposed as part of this Plan Amendment application.
Findings No improvements are proposed and no native habitat exists within the subject area; therefore, no adverse affects to the environment are anticipated. Landscaping and open space
requirements will be reviewed at time of site plan submittal if any future changes to the existing PNRD are requested. Existing landscaping includes some Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council
(FLEPCC) listed invasive exotics, specifically Ruellia brittoniana. Staff recommends removal of all FLEPCC listed species and replacement with native species. Recommendation ERD supports
approval of the plan amendment. Please contact Jennifer Evans at 772-462-3862 if you have any questions.
based on the 16 testimony and evidence, including but not limited to the staff report, has made the following 17 determinations: 18 19 1. Brian Nolan, of Lucido and Associates, P.A.,
Inc., a representative for PGA Reserve 20 Inc, has filed a petition for an amendment to the adopted Comprehensive Plan Future 21 Land Use Element for a 9.9 acre (more or less) parcel
of land, located at 1920 Perfect 22 Drive, Port St. Lucie, FL, from RS (Residential Suburban – 2 du/acre) to COM 23 (Commercial) with St. Lucie County, Florida, in accordance with Chapter
163, Florida 24 Statutes; and, 25 26 2. The Board of County Commissioners of St. Lucie County as the governing body of St. 27 Lucie County having jurisdiction over this application pursuant
to Chapter 163, Florida 28 Statutes, is authorized and empowered to consider amendments to the adopted 29 Comprehensive Plan of St. Lucie County; and, 30 31 3. On September 16, 2010,
the St. Lucie County Planning and Zoning Commission/Local 32 Planning Agency held a public hearing, of which due notice was published in the St. 33 Lucie News Tribune, and recommended
to the Board of County Commissioners that 34 the petition for Future Land Use Map Amendment for PGA Reserve Inc. be 35 approved/denied; and, 36 37 4. On _________, the Board of County
Commissioners of St. Lucie County, Florida held a 38 public hearing, of which due notice was placed in the St. Lucie News Tribune, and 39 deemed the adoption of the amendment to the
Comprehensive Plan to be in the best 40 interests of the citizens and residents of the County. 41 42 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of St. Lucie
43 County, Florida: 44 45 A. AMENDMENT TO FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATION 46 The Future Land Use Designation set forth in the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan for 47 the property described
in Exhibit “A,” attached hereto, containing 9.9 acres more or less,
Ordinance No. 10-035 File No.: FLUMA-720104078 Page 2 located at 1920 Perfect Drive, Port St. Lucie, FL, from RS (1 Residential Suburban – 2 du/acre) 2 to COM (Commercial), as depicted
in the attached Exhibit “B.” 3 4 B. FINDING OF CONSISTENCY 5 6 The Board of County Commissioners of St. Lucie County, Florida, specifically determines that 7 the approval of this amendment
to the adopted Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use 8 Element is internally consistent with the policies and objectives contained in the St. Lucie 9 County Comprehensive Plan and consistent
with standards for review of plans and plan 10 amendments of Rule 9J-5, Florida Administrative Code, and provides for the recognition that 11 impacts of this approval on the public facilities
of St. Lucie County will not occur until such time 12 as a Final Development Order for development on this property is issued. 13 14 C. CHANGES TO FUTURE LAND USE MAPS 15 16 The St.
Lucie County Planning and Development Services Director is hereby authorized and 17 directed to cause these changes to be made in the Future Land Use Map of the Future Land 18 Use Element
of the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan and to make notation of reference 19 to the date of adoption of this Ordinance. 20 21 D. CONFLICTING PROVISIONS 22 23 Special acts of the Florida
Legislature applicable only to unincorporated areas of St. Lucie 24 County, County Ordinances and County Resolutions, or parts thereof, in conflict with this 25 Ordinance are hereby
superseded by this Ordinance to the extent of such conflict. 26 27 E. SEVERABILITY 28 29 If any portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held or declared to be unconstitutional, 30
inoperative or void, such holding shall not affect the remaining portions of this Ordinance. If 31 this Ordinance or any provisions thereof shall be held to be inapplicable to any person,
32 property, or circumstances, such holding shall not affect its applicability to any other person, 33 property or circumstance. 34 35 F. APPLICABILITY OF ORDINANCE 36 37 This Ordinance
shall be applicable as stated in Paragraphs A, B and C. 38 39 G. FILING WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE 40 41 The Clerk is hereby directed forthwith to send a certified copy of this Ordinance
to the Bureau 42 of Laws, Department of State, The Capitol, Tallahassee, Florida, 32304. 43 44 H. FILING WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS 45 46 The Planning and Development Services
Director shall send a certified copy of this Ordinance 47 to the Department of Community Affairs, 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard, Tallahassee, Florida 48 32399-2100. 49 50
Ordinance No. 10-035 File No.: FLUMA-720104078 Page 3 1 I. EFFECTIVE DATE 2 3 This Ordinance shall take effect thirty-one (31) days after adoption. If the Ordinance is 4 challenged within
thirty (30) days after adoption, the Ordinance shall not be effective until the 5 State Land Planning Agency or Administration Commission respectively issues a final order 6 finding
the adopted amendment in compliance in accordance with Section 163.3184(10), 7 Florida Statutes. 8 9 J. ADOPTION 10 11 After motion and second, the vote on this Ordinance was as follows:
12 13 Charles Grande, Chairman XXX 14 15 Doug Coward, Vice-Chair XXX 16 17 Chris Dzadovsky, Commissioner XXX 18 19 Chris Craft, Commissioner XXX 20 21 Paula Lewis, Commissioner XXX 22
23 24 PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED this ____ day of ________, 2010. 25 26 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 27 ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA 28 29 30 31 BY 32 Chairman 33 34 ATTEST APPROVED AS TO
FORM 35 AND CORRECTNESS 36 37 38 39 40 Deputy Clerk County Attorney 41
Ordinance No. 10-035 File No.: FLUMA-720104078 Page 4 1 Exhibit “A” 2 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 3 4 A parcel of land lying in Section 27, Township 36 South, Range 39 East, St, Lucie 5 County,
Florida, and being more particularly described as follows: 6 7 Commence at the Northeast corner of Lot 66 according to the Plat of Reserve 8 Plantation Phase I, as recorded in Plat Book
24, Page 20, of the Public Records, of St. 9 Lucie County, Florida, said point being on the Southerly line, of a 300.00 foot Ingress 10 and Egress Easement known as 'Reserve Boulevard",
and recorded in Official Records 11 Book 629, Pages 2523 through 2526 inclusive of the Public Records, of St. Lucie 12 County, Florida; Thence Southeasterly along the Southerly extension
of said 'Reserve 13 Boulevard"; South 4871'37" East, a distance of 270.27 feet to the Beginning of a circular 14 curve concave to the Southwest having a radius of 2350.00 feet and a
central angle of 15 2575'29”; thence Southeasterly along the arc of said curve, an arc distance of 1035.97 16 feet to a point of tangency; thence South 22"56'08" East, a distance of
732.22 feet, to a 17 point of curvature of a circular curve concave to the West, having a radius of 1124.00 18 feet and a central angle of 3876'24”; thence Southerly along the arc of
said curve, an 19 arc distance of 750.83 feet, to a point of tangency; thence South 15"20'16" West, a 20 distance of 434.07 feet, to a point of curvature of a circular curve concave
to the East 21 having a radius of 1300.00 feet and a central angle of 3335'08”; thence Southerly along 22 the arc of said curve, an arc distance of 762.03 feet to a point of tangency;
thence 23 South 18"14'52" East, a distance of 784.39 feet, to a point of curvature of a circular 24 curve concave to the Northeast having a radius of 1034.87 feet and a central angle
of 25 18"43'35”; thence Southeasterly along the arc of said curve an arc distance of 338.24 26 feet to a point of reverse curvature of a curve concave to the West having a radius of
27 25.00 feet and a central angle of 91 "10'34”; thence Southwesterly along the arc of said 28 curve a distance of 39.78 feet; thence South 54"12'07" West, a distance of 596.90 feet;
29 thence North 35"47'53" West, a distance of 140.00 feet; thence South 5472'07" West, a 30 distance of 554.05 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence South 35"47'53" East, a 31 distance
of 403.31 feet; thence South 5472'07" West, a distance of 666.09 feet; thence 32 North 35"47'53" West, a distance of 571.88 feet; thence North 54"12'07" East, a 33 distance of 79.08
feet; thence North 09"12'07" East, a distance of 251.17 feet, to a point 34 of curvature of a curve concave to the South having a radius of 100.35 feet and a 35 central angle of 90"00100”;
thence Easterly along the arc of said curve a distance of 36 157.63 feet to a point of tangency; thence South 80°47'53" East, a distance of 359.19 37 feet; thence South 35"47'53" East,
a distance of 92.19 feet; thence North 5472'07" East, 38 a distance of 13.50 feet to the Point of Beginning. 39 40 Said parcel containing 9.9 acres, more or less. 41 42 43 44
Ordinance No. 10-035 File No.: FLUMA-720104078 Page 5 1 Exhibit “B” 2 FUTURE LAND USE MAP 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Ordinance No. 10-035 File No.: FLUMA-720104078 Page 6 1 Exhibit “C” 2 CONCURRENCY DEFERRAL AFFIDAVIT 3
APO listing for PGA Village, FLUMA-720104078 Queried from Property Appraiser data as of June 14, 2010. List prepared August 6, 2010. ParcelID Owner1Lname Owner1Fname Owner2Lname Owner2Fname
Address CuOStreet2 City State Zip 3321-801-0040-000-6 808112 Ontario Inc 3406 Newhaven Grove Vineland ON L0R 2C0 3327-701-0044-000-5 Abbott Jarold Abbott Marcia 8557 Belfry Place Port
St Lucie FL 34986 3327-701-0040-000-7 Abell (TR) Martha Jane B 8550 Belfry Pl Port St Lucie FL 34986-3021 3321-803-0048-000-8 Akhtar Yasmin Ahmed Iqbal 8031 Plantation Lakes Dr Port
St Lucie FL 34986 3327-701-0023-000-2 Albinder Nancy N 1700 Ladysmith Mews Virginia Beach VA 23455 3327-707-0031-000-9 Alby Charles W Alby Susan A 8100 Alister Pl Port St Lucie FL 34986-3045
3327-701-0014-000-6 Aldrich (TR) Nancy K 204 Ranchview Ln S Wayzata MN 55391 3327-707-0048-000-1 Allen James L Allen Patricia M 8008 Links Way Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-701-0033-000-5
Andrews (TR) Jack E 8522 Belfry Pl Port St Lucie FL 34986-3021 3328-701-0011-000-8 Anzil Mark Anzil Lisa 8356 Calumet Ct Port St Lucie FL 34986-3127 3321-803-0073-000-2 Aptheker Steven
B Aptheker Marcelle 10791 Grey Heron Ct Port St Lucie FL 34986-3010 3321-803-0054-000-3 Arnold Harvey E Arnold Donna F 8007 Plantation Lakes Dr Port St Lucie FL 34986-3014 3328-802-0035-000-2
Arp Dennis L Arp Billie Jo 8412 Muirfield Way Port St Lucie FL 34986 3322-700-0100-000-8 Arvary Drew Arvary Eileen 7673 Greenbrier Cir Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-707-0025-000-4 Ashby
Keith E Baldwin Patricia A 10101 Spyglass Ln Port St Lucie FL 34986-3043 3327-705-0035-000-1 Augustine Michael E Wandell Audra L 8116 Kiawah Trace Port St Lucie FL 34986-3025 3328-802-0021-000-1
Babcock Sheryl A 1910 Rancho Verde Cir West Danville CA 94526 3322-700-0033-000-7 Bachner Peter W Bachner Lois M 7706 Greenbrier Cir Port St Lucie FL 34986 3321-803-0038-000-5 Bahl Vinesh
Bahl Gisela 8044 Plantation Lakes Dr Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-711-0036-000-7 Bailen Howard Lair Bonnilu 43 Beechwood Ave Manhasset NY 11030 3327-707-0057-000-7 Baker Baker William
A Baker Ellen J 3271 SE Belmont Glen Dr Marietta GA 30067-9118 3322-700-0055-000-7 Baratta Jr Anthony J Baratta Donna B 7648 Greenbrier Cir Port St Lucie FL 34986 3321-803-0013-000-4
Barber Mark A Barber Judy A 3155 NE Loquat Ln Jensen Beach FL 34957-5089 3334-600-0032-000-0 Barone Peter Barone Janice 415 Laurel Creek Blvd Moorestown NJ 08057 3327-710-0007-000-2
Basilico Robert F 8037 Links Way Port St Lucie FL 34986 3328-802-0008-000-4 Basta Joseph T Basta Mary Jean 8319 Muirfield Way Port ST Lucie FL 34986 3327-707-0028-000-5 Beauchamp Simon
C Beauchamp Lillian E 10108 Spyglass Ln Port St Lucie FL 34986 3321-801-0018-000-3 Beaumier John 1941 SE Gaskins Cir Port St Lucie FL 34952 3327-704-0026-000-2 Bednarek Thomas F DeRemer
Kathleen 273 Irem Rd Dallas PA 18612 3327-711-0034-000-3 Beier Sr (TR) Ronald 8305 Riviera Way Port St Lucie FL 34986-3293 3321-803-0081-000-1 Bennett Ralph 10764 Grey Heron Ct Port
Lucie FL 34986 3321-801-0035-000-8 Berger Christine C Berger Gary A 7655 Charleston Way Way Fort Pierce FL 34986-3003 3321-803-0069-000-1 Bhalla Rajneesh K Bhalla Shashi 7825 Long Cove
Way Port St Lucie FL 34986-3002 3327-704-0011-000-4 Bijou Paul E Bijou Donnalee A 8 Hancock Ln Middletown NJ 07748 3327-707-0021-000-6 Black Larry E Black Mary K 10117 Spyglass Ln Port
St Lucie FL 34986 3327-701-0045-000-2 Blank Stephen N Marron Je-May 8553 Belfry Pl Port St Lucie FL 34986-3022 3322-700-0098-000-0 Boccuzzi Theodore J 7677 Greenbrier Cir Port St Lucie
FL 34986-3217 3328-802-0048-000-6 Bodner Larry Bodner Jeanette 26 Andrea Dr Rockaway NJ 07869 3327-701-0041-000-4 Bohen Judith M 8554 Belfry Pl Port St Lucie FL 34986-3021 3327-710-0002-000-7
Boliscar Marjorie Whinfield Dennis A 42 Paerdegat 4th St Brooklyn NY 11236 3327-704-0034-000-1 Bonner James D Bonner Barbara A 8717 Tompson Point Rd Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-707-0049-000-8
Borland Jr Raymond A Borland Doris J 8004 Links Way Port St Lucie FL 34986-3035 3327-707-0058-000-4 Bouche` Doretha R Bouche` Edmund L 8135 Links Way Port St Lucie FL 34986 3321-803-0049-000-5
Bouillon Sr John B Bouillon Shirley A 8027 Plantation Lakes Dr Port St Lucie FL 34986-3014 3328-701-0014-000-9 Boyle Christopher Boyle Judy A 100 NW Lawton Rd Port St Lucie FL 34986-2606
3321-803-0035-000-4 Brandt Larry M Brandt Judy A 8032 Plantation Lakes Dr Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-701-0049-000-0 Braun Keith Braun Joann 8537 Belfry Pl Port St Lucie FL 34986 3321-801-0028-000-6
Braun William E Braun Joyce D 7688 Charleston Way Port St Lucie FL 34986-3003 3327-704-0002-000-8 Brengard Michael C Brengard Karen C 8742 Tompson Point Rd Port St Lucie FL 34986-3096
3327-705-0009-000-0 Breslin Michael Breslin Angela 8109 Kiawah Ter Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-707-0020-000-9 Breton (TR) Marilyn J 22 Duck Pond Lane Merrimack NH 03054 3327-424-0001-000-2
Bridlewood Development Corp 2702 NE 3rd St Pompano Beach FL 33062-4917 3321-803-0046-000-4 Brown Susan F 8625 Tompson Point Rd Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-704-0027-000-9 Brown Susan
F 8625 Tompson Point Rd Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-701-0012-0012-000-2 Bruins (TR) Charlotte H 8332 Belfry Place Port St Lucie FL 34986-3017 3321-803-0088-000-0 Bruno Robert 7802 Long
Cove Way Port St Lucie FL 34986 3322-700-0042-000-3 Buchalter JoAnn M 7719 La Mirada Dr Boca Raton FL 33433 3322-700-0103-000-9 Burchell James Burchell Ann M 7667 Greenbrier Cir Port
St Lucie FL 34986 3327-709-0016-000-4 Burkdoll Ronald L Burkdoll Catherine A 7917 Links Way Port St Lucie FL 34986-3049 3327-704-0020-000-0 Buthray Joel A 403 Sterling Rd Jefferson MA
3321-801-0033-000-4 Calvano Michael A Calvano Nessy Bella DBE 2 Jakarta Stock Exchange Ste 1403 JL Jend Sudirman, Kav 52-53 Jakarta 12190 3327-704-0007-000-3 Campagnola (TR) Lawrence
Campagnola (TR) Judy 8722 Tompson Point Rd Port St Lucie FL 34986 3321-803-0020-000-6 Cantrell Gary Cantrell Susan 11123 Lands End Chase Port St Lucie FL 34986-3009 3328-802-0005-000-3
Caputo (TR) James R James R Caputo Rev Liv Trus 8307 Muirfield Way Port St Lucie FL 34986-3041 3327-701-0068-000-9 Cardillo John J Cardillo Patricia M 8401 Belfry Pl Port St Lucie FL
34986-3020 3327-709-0011-000-9 Casey Claire M 7900 Links Way Port St Lucie FL 34986-3048 3321-803-0008-000-6 Catalan Judith Faris David T 200 Doherty St Fall River MA 02720 3327-704-0030-000-3
Cavanagh Kevin Cavanagh Barbara 8701 Tompson Point Rd Port St Lucie FL 34986 3328-701-0010-000-1 Cepeda Maria A 8320 Calumet Ct Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-709-0053-000-5 Cerulli Jerry
Cerulli Catherine 10209 Crosby Place Port St Lucie FL 34986-3053 3327-707-0009-000-6 Cerullo Paul Cerullo Sharyne 7957 Saddlebrook Dr Port St Lucie FL 34986-3114 3327-701-0077-000-5
Cerullo Jessica A 1235 Alvarado Ter Walla Walla WA 99362-2107 3327-701-0007-000-4 Cerullo Paul Cerullo Sharyne 7957 Saddlebrook Dr Port St Lucie FL 34986-3114 3321-803-0022-000-0 Chalasani
Prasad Chalasani Mydhili 7980 Plantation Lakes Dr Port St Lucie FL 34986-3012 3321-803-0057-000-4 Channon Patricia M 7995 Plantation Lakes Dr Port St Lucie FL 34986-3005 3321-803-0078-000-7
Chastain Owen F Chastain Linda S 9632 Crooked Stick Ln Port St Lucie FL 34986 3334-600-0006-000-9 Chin-Aleong Wanda K Chin-Aleong Peter R 8808 Bally Bunion Rd Port St Lucie FL 34986
3327-705-0043-000-0 Cholewinski Ralph J Cholewinski Carolyn F 8027 Kiawah Tr Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-709-0010-000-2 Choung Steven Choung Soo 2729 Chatworth Dr Beloit WI 53511 3321-803-0055-000-0
Christiano Claude M Christiano Barbara H 8729 Tompson Point Rd Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-704-0037-000-2 Christiano Claude M Christiano Barbara H 8729 Tompson Point Rd Port St Lucie
FL 34986 3334-600-0051-000-9 Chung Youngin Chung Hye Sun 32 Glenview Dr Warren NJ 07059 3334-600-0020-000-3 Cicchese Alfred L Cicchese Alice T 8809 Bally Bunion Rd Port St Lucie FL 34986
3334-600-0014-000-8 Cimperman Wayne C Cimperman Tami H 8833 Bally Bunion Rd Port ST Lucie FL 34986 3327-701-0011-000-5 Cioci Susan Cioci Thomas 8328 Belfry Pl Port St Lucie FL 34986
3327-711-0002-000-0 Clubside POA Inc 2160 NW Reserve Park Tr Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-701-0060-000-3 Coblitz Phil Coblitz Sandra 4 Willow Farms Ln Pittsburgh PA 15238 3328-802-0007-000-7
Cohen Susan B Boschen Jr Richard E 8315 Muirfield Way Port St Lucie FL 34986 3321-801-0046-000-8 Colina Romeo S Colina Annie V 1900 Nebraska Ave Ste 8 Fort Pierce FL 34950-4820 3327-705-0010-000-0
Collins (TR) Linda M 8105 Kiawah Trce Port St Lucie FL 34952 3321-801-0007-000-3 Collura Jr Domenick A Collura Theresa 7680 Wyldwood Way Port St Lucie FL 34986 3322-700-0107-000-7 Colucci
(TR) Linda J 2271 Middle Rd East Greenwich RI 02818 3327-705-0034-000-4 Connolly C Robert Connolly Agnes 8112 Kiawah Trace Port St Lucie FL 34986-3025 3322-700-0054-000-0 Conte Carol
A 7650 Greenbrier Circle Port St Lucie FL 34986 3328-802-0016-000-3 Conway (TR) William A 6718 Whittier Ave McLean VA 22101 3327-707-0039-000-5 Cook Henry L Cook Jane F 8044 Links Way
Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-710-0009-000-6 Cooney John O Cooney Patricia A 8029 Links Way Port St Lucie FL 34986 3334-600-0022-000-7 Cooper Darrell H Cooper Charlotte M 8801 Bally Bunion
Rd Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-705-0024-000-1 Coppola (TR) Joseph C Coppola (TR) Lydia 8052 Kiawah Tr Port St Lucie FL 34986-3023 3321-803-0023-000-7 Corace (TR) Beatrice 7984 Plantation
Lakes Dr Port St Lucie FL 34986-3012 3327-709-0017-000-1 Cordle Morris B Cordle Paula G 7921 Links Way Port St Lucie FL 34986 3321-803-0079-000-4 Corey Hamilton Corey Sue W 10720 Grey
Heron Ct Port St Lucie FL 34986-3010 3334-600-0045-000-4 Costello Michael Costello Jeanne 8720 Bally Bunion Rd Port St Lucie FL 34986 3321-801-0032-000-7 Cox Edward V Cox Linda W 7664
Charleston Way Port St Lucie FL 34986-3003 3327-701-0027-000-0 Cox (TR) Thomas R Cox (TR) Linda R 8504 Belfry Pl Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-705-0028-000-9 Coyle Richard A Coyle Lori
R 8068 Kiawah Tr Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-705-0012-000-4 Coyle James R Coyle Claire 8004 Kiawah Terr Port St Lucie FL 34986 3321-801-0057-000-8 Cramer Kenneth J Cramer Rochelle A
7724 Wexford Way Fort Pierce FL 34986-3007 3327-709-0040-000-1 Crossman E Raymond Crossman Brenda E 10308 Crosby Pl Port St Lucie FL 34986-3054 3327-701-0047-000-6 Crouch (TR) Katherine
Crouch (TR) James 8 Saxford Ln Nashua NH 03063-1502 3328-802-0017-000-0 Cullen David A Cullen Deborah E 8411 Murfield Way Port St Lucie FL 34986 3321-801-0060-000-2 Culpepper E Brett
Culpepper Judy F 7921 Plantation Lakes Dr Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-707-0041-000-2 Cunningham James M Cunningham Patricia M 300 E 57 St #10D New York NY 10022 3322-700-0045-000-4 Curran
Timothy R Curran Audrey L 7668 Greenbrier Cir Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-701-0025-000-6 Dabberdt Richard M Dabberdt Eva 8500 Belfry Pl Ft Pierce FL 34986-3021 3327-704-0009-000-7 Dachelet
Thomas Dachelet Alyson 9600 Conchshell Manor Plantation FL 33324 3327-701-0032-000-8 Damenti Marie A 8518 Belfry Pl Port St Lucie FL 34986-3021 3321-803-0032-000-3 Dan Bruce 9670 Landings
Dr Port St Lucie Fl 34986 3327-704-0005-000-9 Danielian Maurice 8730 Tompson Point Rd Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-709-0009-000-2 Davis Winthrop F Davis Barbara K 7908 Links Way Port
St Lucie FL 34986-3048 3327-710-0004-000-1 Davis Joseph Davis Gale J 8049 Links Way Port St Lucie FL 34986 3328-802-0027-000-3 Davis Douglas Davis Joy 8444 Muirfield Way Port St Lucie
FL 34986 3327-707-0050-000-8 DeCesare Victor D 8000 Links Way Port St Lucie FL 34986 3321-803-0059-000-8 Deering Sr Bryan T Deering Debra A 7983 Plantation Lakes Dr Port St Lucie FL
3328-701-0018-000-7 Deering Sr Bryan T Deering Debra A 7983 Plantation Lakes Dr Port St Lucie FL 34986-3060 3334-600-0042-000-3 Deery Joseph S Deery Delia C 8708 Bally Bunion Rd Port
St Lucie FL 34986 3321-801-0052-000-3 Deery Robert E 7717 Wexford Way Port St Lucie FL 34986-3007 3327-709-0031-000-5 DeFalco Paul J DeFalco Beverly A 7963 Poppy Hills Ln Port St Lucie
FL 34986-3056 3322-700-0047-000-8 DeLowrey Richard A DeLowrey Regina D 7664 Greenbrier Cir Port St Lucie FL 34986 3321-803-0011-000-0 Desai Sureshachandra N Desai Angeline C N 7956 Plantation
Lakes Dr Port St Lucie FL 34986 3321-803-0012-000-7 Desai Sureshchandra Desai Angeline 7956 Plantation Lakes Dr Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-707-0040-000-5 Desoye Paul Desoye Caroline
S 8040 Links Way Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-711-0035-000-0 Detzler James K Detzler Judith Ann 162 North Madison Oswego IL 60543 3321-801-0021-000-7 Deuschle Brian C 7685 Wexford Way
Port St Lucie FL 34986-3006 3327-705-0029-000-6 Dichiara John B Dichiara Jackie 8072 Kiawah Trace Port St Lucie FL 34986-3023 3327-709-0007-000-8 Didominici Daniel Didominici Jill 7916
Links Way Port ST Lucie FL 34986 3334-600-0004-000-5 DiEgidio John R DiEgidio Mary T 8800 Bally Bunion Rd Port St Lucie FL 34986 3321-801-0014-000-5 Dillman Michael L Dillman Patricia
M 7694 Wexford Way Fort Pierce FL 34986-3006 3327-705-0036-000-8 Diltz Robert M Diltz Ann L PO Box 284 Hampton Falls NH 03844 3327-707-0047-000-4 Dinnerman Helen 7428 Laurels Pl Port
St Lucie FL 34986-3268 3327-709-0014-000-0 Dolci Robert S Dolci Terrace B 7909 Links Way Port St Lucie FL 34986-3049 3321-803-0061-000-5 Donahue Richard K 9604 Enclave Cir Port St Lucie
FL 34986 3328-701-0016-000-3 Donnelly Richard B Donnelly Minda Q 264 N Hollywood Blvd Las Vegas NV 89110 3327-707-0019-000-9 Doran Mark J 10125 Spyglass Way Port St Lucie FL 34986 3321-803-0014-000-1
Doss Eric Doss Mandy 11100 Lands End Chase Port St Lucie FL 34986 3321-801-0008-000-0 Dryden Gary O Dryden Tamara D 7679 Wyldwood Way Port St Lucie FL 34986-3008 3321-803-0037-000-8
8 Dryer James R Dryer Judith A 8040 Plantation Lake Dr Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-709-0043-000-2 Duchin Robert J Duchin Patricia A 8107 Links Way Port St Lucie FL 34986 3328-701-0015-000-6
Dunbar Lionel Dunbar Stephanie 8323 Calumet Ct Port St Lucie FL 34986 3334-600-0029-000-6 Duncan Jackie P Duncan Paul A 8741 Bally Bunion Rd Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-707-0036-000-4
Dykes Sr James B 8117 Alister Pl Port St Lucie FL 34986-3045 3327-705-0041-000-6 Edmond Jean-Pierre 86 De Tournois St Blainville QC J7C 4Y4 3321-801-0062-000-6 Edwards Mark A 7785 Green
View Trl Port St Lucie FL 34986-3030 3321-803-0077-000-0 Elam James H Elam Chris D 10763 Grey Heron Ct Fort Pierce FL 34986-3010 3327-710-0013-000-7 Elllworth Julie Ann Julie Ann Ellsworth
Trust 10109 Crosby Pl Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-710-0014-000-4 Emanuel Geraldine 10113 Crosby Pl Port St Lucie FL 34986 3321-801-0009-000-7 Engles Joel F Engles Frances C 7683 Wyldwood
Way Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-701-0039-000-7 Estandarte Adolfo U 8108 Wheeler Dr Orland Park IL 60462 3321-801-0036-000-5 Evans Gary L Evans Dianna M 7659 Charleston Way Port St Lucie
FL 34986-3003 3322-700-0056-000-4 Fadel Ronald J Fadel Melanie L 15518 Champion Pl Louisville KY 40245 3327-709-0024-000-3 Fahringer Robert Fahringer Theresa A 7966 Poppy Hills Ln Port
St Lucie FL 34986 3327-709-0008-000-5 Farago Laszlo Farago Catherine S 7912 Links Way Port St Lucie FL 34986 3334-600-0036-000-8 Farina Vincent Farina Anna 8713 Bally Bunion Rd Port
St Lucie FL 34986 3327-701-0058-000-6 Federal Home Loan Mortgage PO Box 50122 Mc Lean VA 22102-2205 3321-803-0056-000-7 Ferguson (TR) Alexander 7999 Plantation Lakes Dr Port St Lucie
FL 34986-3005 3321-801-0026-000-2 Ferrin Frederick H Ferrin Charlene C 7696 Charleston Way Port St Lucie FL 34986-3003 3327-707-0022-000-3 Fettrow Lynn W Fettrow Cynthia M 10113 Spyglass
Ln Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-704-0008-000-0 Figalora Raymond Figalora Maria 40 Shoal Dr West Islip NY 11795 3321-803-0062-000-2 Finfrock Patrick Finfrock S Jean 7971 Plantation Lakes
Dr Port St Lucie FL 34986-3005 3327-701-0024-000-9 Finlayson Richard N Finlayson Eleanor V 8438 Belfry Pl Port St Lucie FL 34986-3019 3321-803-0036-000-1 Fischetti (LF EST) Margaret
M 8036 Plantation Lakes Dr Port St Lucie FL 34986-3013 3334-600-0005-000-2 Fletcher Robert R Fletcher Janice S 8804 Bally Bunion Rd Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-705-0044-000-7 Floyd Reginald
Floyd Barbara 1707 Behrens Rd Fort Pierce FL 34947-7053 3327-701-0073-000-7 Flynn Daniel J Flynn Deborah L 8317 Belfry Pl Port St Lucie FL 34986 3321-801-0066-000-4 Foote Amelia J Bowman
John J 7903 Plantation Lakes Dr Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-704-0017-000-6 F-P Investments Ltd % Stephen D Scaccia PO Box 591 Janesville WI 53547-0591 3328-802-0024-000-2 Frensilli John
A Frensilli Kathryn K 8451 Muirfield Way Port St Lucie FL 34986-3000 3322-700-0050-000-2 Friedman Joel R Friedman Lauren S 7 Michael Ln Scotch Plains NJ 07076 3328-802-0014-000-9 Friedman
Stuart J 7395 W 18th Ln Hialeah FL 33014 3334-600-0021-000-0 Furman Richard Furman Susan 8805 Bally Bunion Rd Port St Lucie FL 34986 3334-600-0050-000-2 FX Ventures LLC 324 W 9th St
Cincinnati OH 45202-2043 3321-801-0025-000-5 Gaffney John G Gaffney Karen A 7928 Plantation Lakes Dr Port St Lucie FL 34986 3321-803-0085-000-9 Garofalo Henry Garofalo Joan 9406 W Boynton
Beach Blvd Boynton Beach FL 33437-4418 3321-803-0024-000-4 Gault Jr A Ken Gault Diane L 7289 Reserve Creek Dr Port St Lucie FL 34986 3322-700-0041-000-6 Gemma Anthony N Perrotta Cynthia
A 3789 Tuscany Poland OH 44514 3321-803-0019-000-6 Genninger Lynn 11145 Lands End Chase Port St Lucie FL 34986-3009 3321-803-0052-000-9 Giordano Patrick Giordano Mary A 1821 NW 109th
Ave Plantation FL 33322 3334-600-0033-000-7 Gipp Frederick T Gipp Ada 10 Bergers Ct Yaphank NY 11980-1509
3328-802-0019-000-4 Gnizak Eleanor B Gnizak Raymond J 8425 Muirfield Way Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-704-0015-000-2 Godwin Franklin E Godwin Veronica M 9864 E Grand River Suite 110 #325
Brighton MI 48116 3334-600-0011-000-7 Goldzweig Arthur 9159 Isles Cay Dr Delray Beach FL 33446 3327-701-0075-000-1 Goodrich Roy C Goodrich Linda A 13320 Perry Cir Warren MI 48093-1330
3327-701-0072-000-0 Gordon Vincent Gordon Winsome M 2125 SW Idaho Lane Port St Lucie FL 34953 3327-707-0015-000-1 Gordon David L Gordon Elizabeth A 8100 Links Way Port St Lucie FL 34986
3321-803-0033-000-0 Goyal Anil K 3535 SW Racquet Club Way Palm City FL 34990-2612 3321-803-0034-000-7 Goyal Ajay K 8028 Plantation Lakes Dr Port St Lucie FL 34986-3013 3327-707-0035-000-7
Grady Timothy L 8113 Allister Pl Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-701-0069-000-6 Grant William N Grant Lorraine M 8333 Belfry Pl Port St Lucie FL 34986 3321-801-0015-000-2 Greene Ellen A
7690 Wexford Way Port St Lucie FL 34984 3321-801-0029-000-3 Greeter Gene L 37 Balfour Rd Palm Beach Gardens FL 33418 3328-802-0032-000-1 Greeves Robert Greeves Maryann 8424 Muirfield
Way Port St Lucie FL 34986 3322-700-0052-000-6 Greisofe Marianne 7654 Greenbrier Cir Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-707-0032-000-6 Griffin Stanley Griffin Joan 8101 Alister Pl Port St Lucie
FL 34986 3334-600-0031-000-3 Groff Paul F Groff Josephine H 125 Justabout Rd Venetia PA 15367 3334-600-0052-000-6 Grolli Patricia C 8748 Bally Bunion Rd Port St Lucie FL 34986-3086 3334-600-0035-000-
Grossberg Jeffrey Grossberg Marine L %Lee Glassman PA 8000 Peters Rd Ste A-200 Plantation FL 33324 3321-803-0070-000-1 Guerrier Georges C Guerrier M Kettly 7829 LONG COVE WAY Port St
Lucie FL 34986-3002 3327-704-0021-000-7 Hachinsky David M 8601 Tompson Point Rd Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-701-0028-000-7 Hains James W Hains Lois E 8506 Belfry Pl Port St Lucie FL
34986-3021 3327-704-0039-000-6 Halbert Doug Halbert Isabel 42 Maxwell Dr Kitchener ON N2R 1A4 3327-704-0004-000-2 Halbert Raymond Halbert April 8734 Tompson Point Rd Port St Lucie FL
34986 3321-801-0039-000-6 Haley (TR) Vernon F Haley (TR) Victoria M 7671 Charleston Way Port St Lucie FL 34986-3003 3321-803-0016-000-5 Hall Frank 11146 Lands End Chase Port St Lucie
FL 34986-3009 3327-709-0006-000-1 Ham (TR) Ki-Hwang Ham (TR) In-Sook 7920 Links Way Port St Lucie FL 34986 3321-801-0030-000-3 Hammer William H Hammer Pamela J 7672 Charleston Way Port
St Lucie FL 34986 3327-701-0067-000-2 Hanefeld Kirk C Kelly Kathleen A 15 Meyer Hill Dr Acton MA 01720 3327-710-0008-000-9 Hanna Richard A MacBride Abigail A 8033 Links Way Port St Lucie
FL 34986 3328-701-0026-000-6 Hansen (TR) Robert T Hansen (TR) Jo Lynn 7993 Saddlebrook Dr Port St Lucie FL 34986 3321-801-0058-000-5 Harris II John E Harris Kathleen W 7716 Wexford Way
Port St Lucie FL 34986-3007 3327-705-0048-000-5 Hartmann Scott A Hartmann Joyce 2915 Amelia Dr Fayetteville NC 28304-3723 3327-709-0003-000-0 Hatton-Donaghey (TR) Judi 7932 Links Way
Port St Lucie FL 34986 3334-600-0018-000-6 Haynes Audley A Haynes Winsome C 7 Olive St Central Islip Islip NY 11722 3327-707-0056-000-0 Healy Jr William A 7 Lighthouse Pt Lloyd Harbor
NY 11743 3334-600-0010-000-0 Hellstrom Richard B Hellstrom Alexandra 8824 Bally Bunion Rd Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-705-0023-000-4 Henry Charles T Carreau Ann M 8048 Kiawah Trce Port
St Lucie FL 34986-3023 3321-803-0029-000-9 Henry David E Henry Mary F 8008 Plantation Lakes Dr Port St Lucie FL 34986-3013 3328-802-0049-000-3 Herbert William H Herbert Linda J 1741
NW 108 Terr Pembroke Pines FL 33026 3327-710-0006-000-5 Hess Peter T Hess Patricia L 8041 Links Way Port St Lucie FL 34986 3322-700-0106-000-0 Hoatson William R Hoatson Grace 4 Whalen
Ct West Orange NJ 07052-3679 3334-600-0043-000-0 Hodus Jerry Hodus Harriet 3 Lues Dr Monroe NY 10950 3328-802-0026-000-6 Hoffmann Ronald Hoffmann Kirsi 8448 Muirfield Way Port St Lucie
FL 34986 3321-803-0058-000-1 Hollis (TR) Valeria W 7991 Plantation Lakes Dr Port St Lucie FL 34986-3060 3321-803-0084-000-2 Holmes Donald R Holmes Cynthia S 7818 Long Cove Way Port St
Lucie FL 34986-3001 3001 3321-801-0017-000-6 Holt Jr Ernest P 7682 Wexford Way Port St Lucie FL 34986-3006 3327-701-0043-000-8 Honzak Carl Honzak Elaine 67 Meadow Rd Braircliff Manor
NY 10510 3327-709-0022-000-9 Horan David C Horan Linda P 10120 Crosby Place Port St Lucie FL 34986-3050 3321-801-0053-000-0 Houdeshell Jesse W Houdeshell Donna J 7721 Wexford Way Port
St Lucie FL 34986-3007 3327-709-0032-000-2 Howden William B Howden Phyllis E 7967 Poppy Hills Lane Port st Lucie FL 34986 3327-705-0033-000-7 Huber Michael Huber Roberta A 8108 Kiawah
Trace Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-707-0024-000-7 Hudock George C Hudock Frances V 10105 Spyglass Ln Port St Lucie FL 34986 3321-803-0074-000-9 Hultberg Gert Hultberg Ann-Marie 10785
Grey Heron Ct Port St Lucie FL 34986 3321-801-0013-000-8 Hunger Jr Robert F Hunger Janice H 7698 Wexford Way Port St Lucie FL 34986-3006 3327-701-0016-000-0 Hurt (TR) Maure Gerlinde
Bachman Hurt Rev Tr 8410 Belfry PL Port St Lucie FL 34986 3321-803-0083-000-5 Husein Wisam 7822 Long Cove Way Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-701-0018-000-4 Imboden Thomas R Imboden Barbara
A 8418 Belfry Pl Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-707-0046-000-7 Ing Mabel Slaughter I Emilie 10 Chestnut Ln Bedford MA 01730-1052 3327-701-0042-000-1 Inman Jr Walker P Inman Georgia F 8558
Belfry Pl Port St Lucie FL 34986-3021 3327-705-0013-000-1 Isley Clyde Isley Doryne 4 Magnolia Ave Mt Vernon NY 10553 3327-704-0018-000-3 Ismael Hendricks Walton Lottie Mae Box 8104 Suffolk
VA 23438 3327-710-0017-000-5 Izhar Tahseen Hussain Fauzia 10125 Crosby Pl Port St Lucie FL 34986-3051 3328-802-0028-000-0 Jaensson Bengt R Jaensson Bente 8440 Muirfield Way Port St Lucie
FL 34986 3327-705-0045-000-4 James (TR) John T 8055 Kiawah Trce Port St Lucie FL 34986-3024
3327-705-0019-000-3 Jeffer Eileen K 8032 Kiawah Terr Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-711-0030-000-5 JMCI Llc 9247 S Majestic Ridge Dr Traverse City MI 49684-7427 3327-707-0023-000-0 Johnson
Jeffrey N Johnson Elizabeth R 10109 Spyglass Ln Port St Lucie FL 34986 3334-600-0023-000-4 Jones Paul J Jones Susan 104 Ravine Lake Rd Bernardsville NJ 07924 3321-801-0054-000-7 Jones
Glenn H 1406 S 25th St Fort Pierce FL 34947-4706 3327-711-0029-000-5 Jue Martin D Wang Eve M 8259 Riviera Way Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-701-0020-000-1 Jun (TR) Hyun Jun (TR) Eun 5847
Sandringham Ln Rockford IL 61107-2566 3321-801-0042-000-0 Jung Charles Jung Christine M 7687 Charleston Way Port St Lucie FL 34986 3334-600-0027-000-2 Juzwiak Sr Robert J Juzwiak Joanne
M 8749 Bally Bunion Rd Port St Lucie FL 34986 3321-803-0082-000-8 Kamm Dorothy L 10786 Grey Heron Ct Port St Lucie FL 34986-3010 3334-600-0047-000-8 Kellard John Kellard Paula 5 Meadow
Hill Pl Armonk NY 10504 3327-704-0023-000-1 Kelly Kevin C Kelly Nancy L 7891 Peaceful Valley Williamsberg MI 49690 3321-803-0087-000-3 Kelly Paul E Kelly Diane S 7806 Long Cove Way Port
St Lucie FL 34986-3001 3327-707-0013-000-7 Kerins John M Kerins Kimberly R 8108 Links Way Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-707-0011-000-3 Keyes (TR) John J 8116 LINKS WAY Port St Lucie FL
34986 3328-410-0002-000-9 King Patricia F 10124 Crosby Pl Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-709-0023-000-6 King (TR) Patricia F 10124 Crosby Pl Port St Lucie FL 34986 3328-701-0012-000-5 King
(TR) Patricia F 10124 Crosby Pl Port St Lucie FL 34986 3328-701-0013-000-2 King (TR) Patricia F 10124 Crosby Pl Port St Lucie FL 34986 3321-801-0044-000-4 Klassen Daniel Klassen Jennifer
L 28925 North 111th Pl Scottsdale AZ 85262 3321-803-0041-000-9 Klinger Roseann M Klinger Linda R 8056 Plantation Lakes Dr Port St Lucie FL 34986-3013 3321-801-0023-000-1 Klueppelberg
Jr E H Klueppelberg Sharon L 7691 Wexford Way Port St Lucie FL 34986-3006 3321-803-0053-000-6 Knight Jr William J Knight Kathleen K 8011 Plantation Lakes Dr Port St Lucie FL 34986-3014
3327-701-0036-000-6 Koerselman Les Koerselman Nancy 8534 Belfry Place Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-707-0055-000-3 Kohn Hal S Jackson Susan J 27 Vanderver Dr Belle Mead NJ 08502 3327-707-0042-000-9
Kornblum Carl Kornblum Alyse 8032 Links Way Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-701-0029-000-4 Kornylak Thomas Kornylak Minjoo 1706 Surfside Dr Fort Pierce FL 34949-3306 3327-709-0012-000-6
Kosman James A Kosman Carol A 7901 Links Way Port St Lucie FL 34986-3049 3327-701-0019-000-1 Kost William J Kost Deniese L 195 Carriage Hill Dr London ON N5X 3W8 3327-705-0032-000-0
Koster Samuel W Koster Celeste G 828 Ponce de Leon Dr Fort Lauderdale FL 33316 3328-802-0030-000-7 Koval John J Koval Carol L 8432 Muirfield Way Port St Lucie FL 34986 3321-803-0017-000-2
Kumar Ramesh T Kumar Pushparani 11168 Lands End Chase Port St Lucie FL 34986-3009 3328-410-0001-000-2 Lago (LF EST) John M Lago (LF EST Theresa L 3206 Chapel Hill Blvd Boynton Beach
FL 33435 3334-600-0039-000-9 Lagreca Frank 6 Paul Pl Blauvelt NY 10913 3334-600-0049-000-2 Lai Jui Lai Lai Lily 94 Centre St Dover MA 02030 3327-701-0056-000-2 Lakeland Everett RS Anselmi
Ambretta 18 Edgwarebury Gardens Edgwarebury Middlesex HA8 8LN 3327-704-0036-000-5 Lall Chitranjan Lall Mary C 1280 Water Cliff Dr Bloomfield Hills MI 48302 3328-802-0033-000-8 Lam Ernestina
C PO Box 881594 Port St Lucie FL 34988-1594 3327-709-0026-000-7 Lambert George R Lambert Mary V 7958 Poppy Hills Ln Port St Lucie FL 34986-3056 3327-711-0028-000-8 Landon Fred B Landon
Susan D 325 Lakeview Ave W Brightwaters NY 11718 3328-802-0029-000-7 Lapio Sal Lapio Maria 329 Swartley Rd Hatfield PA 19440-1238 3327-705-0015-000-5 Latchman Daniel Latchman Alinda
8016 Kiawah Trce Port St Lucie FL 34986-3023 3327-709-0019-000-5 Lawrence Eugene H Lawrence Carol A 10108 Crosby Pl Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-704-0028-000-6 Lazer David Levy Caroline
3 Coach Hill Ln Northport NY 11768 3327-701-0048-000-3 Le Clere Virginia P 8541 Belfry Pl Port St Lucie FL 34986-3022 3327-704-0038-000-9 Leary William J Leary Diane M 8733 Tompson Point
Rd Port St Lucie FL 34986 3321-803-0018-000-9 Lease (TR) Pauline A 11167 Lands End Chase Port St Lucie FL 34986-3009 3334-600-0019-000-3 Lee Hee S Lee Oka Ja 8813 Bally Bunion Rd Port
St Lucie FL 34986 3328-802-0010-000-1 Lefebvre Judith A Lefebvre Claude F 8327 Muirfield Way Port St Lucie FL 34986-3041 3327-701-0004-000-3 Legel Tim Legel Judy 8302 Belfry Pl Port
St Lucie FL 34986-3017 3327-709-0044-000-9 Leonard James T Leonard Maredith 10101 Crosby Pl Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-709-0038-000-4 Levee Leroy J Levee Joyce L 3131 Copenhaver Rd
Street MD 21154 3327-709-0004-000-7 Levine Irwin Antonucci Donna M 7928 Links Way Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-707-0034-000-0 Levine Rosalie 8109 Alister Pl Port St Lucie FL 34986 3334-600-0048-000-5
Lewis Jary W Lewis Susan J 8732 Bally Bunion Rd Port St Lucie FL 34952 3327-704-0013-000-8 Lieberman Kenneth S Lieberman Susan M 8630 Tompson Point Rd Port St Lucie FL 34986 3334-600-0013-000-1
Limata Albert J Limata Carole L 1582 Silver Dell Rd Lafayette CA 94549 3327-707-0010-000-6 6 Lincoln Norman C Lincoln Peggy B 8120 Links Way Port St Lucie FL 34986 3328-701-0023-000-5
Lippincott (TR) Sally L 7981 Saddlebrook Dr Port St Lucie FL 34986-3114 3327-230-0001-000-7 Little III John P 2934 Westgate Ave West Palm Beach FL 33409 3321-801-0038-000-9 Lockwood
Aaron L 7667 Charleston Way Port St Lucie FL 34986-3003 3327-704-0035-000-8 Logsdon Kathi L 180 St Clair Cir Berwyn PA 19312 3327-701-0037-000-3 Lortie Shawn Lortie Violetta 67 Melemdy
Rd Hudson NH 03051 3327-705-0026-000-5 Lovler Frances R 8060 Kiawah Tr Port St Lucie FL 34986
3321-803-0063-000-9 Low John Hobbie-Low Julia 18 Timberline Millwood NY 10546 3327-701-0035-000-9 Lubelski (TR) Richard H Lubelski (TR) Marie E 8530 Belfry Place Port St Lucie FL 34986-3021
3334-600-0026-000-5 Lucci Penny 8753 Bally Bunion Rd Port St Lucie FL 34986 3328-802-0022-000-8 Lynch Edward Lynch Dorothy 8441 Muirfield Way Port St Lucie FL 34986-3000 3328-802-0047-000-9
Macchia Faith L 8312 Muirfield Way Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-707-0026-000-1 Macchia Anthony 10100 Spyglass Ln Port St Lucie FL 34986-3044 3327-704-0016-000-9 MacDonald Nancy A MacDonald
Robert S 99 Fox Ridge Rd Stamford CT 06903 3328-802-0044-000-8 Mack Gary M Mack Sharla J 8324 Muirfield Way Port St Lucie FL 34986-3042 3327-709-0018-000-8 Madden Robert W Madden Nanette
S 10104 Crosby Pl Port St Lucie FL 34986-3050 3327-711-0005-000-1 Mainstreet Village III LLC 1601 Forum Pl Ste 805 West Palm Beach FL 33401 3327-314-0021-000-0 Mainstreet Village III
LLC 1601 Forum Pl Ste 805 West Palm Beach FL 33401 3327-314-0020-000-3 Mainstreet Village III LLC 1601 Forum Pl Ste 805 West Palm Beach FL 33401 3327-704-0025-000-5 Makoujy Richard Brunetti
Clair 8617 Tompson Point Rd Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-704-0006-000-6 Malek Robert J Malek Deborah A 277 Meadowlake Canton MI 48188 3327-705-0027-000-2 Maloney William H Maloney Carole
A 8064 Kiawah Tr Port St Lucie FL 34986 3328-802-0043-000-1 Manley James W Manley Patricia A 1017 Foxcroft Cir SW Rochester MN 55902 3321-801-0037-000-2 Mansfield Patricia K Franks James
L 332 Oakridge Dr Venetia PA 15367 3321-803-0030-000-9 Marrazo Joseph Marrazo Mary Jane 8012 Plantation Lakes Dr Port St Lucie FL 34986 3321-801-0012-000-1 Mars Realty Inc 1252 Midvalley
Dr Jessup PA 18434 3327-701-0017-000-7 Marsh Karen 8414 Belfry Pl Port St Lucie FL 34986 3328-701-0017-000-0 Massman Jennifer L 7992 Saddlebrook Dr Port St Lucie FL 34986 3322-700-0048-000-5
Masuda Hachiro Masuda Yukie 7662 Greenbrier Cir Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-705-0003-000-8 Mattoni Patrick J 8213 Kiawah Trace Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-711-0031-000-2 Maurice Real
Maurice Suzanne 5219 Bliss Rd Ballstron Spa NY 12020-2050 3327-709-0033-000-9 Mazzara Robert J 10200 Crosby Pl Port St Lucie FL 34986 3322-700-0037-000-5 McCarthy Ray McCarthy Ellen
C 7684 Greenbrier Cir Port St Lucie FL 34986-3303 3327-707-0044-000-3 McDermott Susan C 8024 Links Way Port St Lucie FL 34986-3035 3327-709-0025-000-0 McFerrin Michael e 1515 S Prairie
#410 Chicago IL 60605 3327-705-0017-000-9 McGeary (TR) Mary W 8024 Kiawah Tr Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-701-0071-000-3 McGrath Edward J McGrath Joyce B 8325 Belfry Pl Port St Lucie
FL 34986-3018 3321-803-0007-000-9 McLaughlin William F McLaughlin Katherine R 7940 Plantation Lakes Dr Port St Lucie FL 34986 3321-803-0076-000-3 McLaughlin R E McLaughlin
Judith 10769 Grey Heron Ct Port St Lucie FL 34986-3010 3328-802-0038-000-3 Meadows Barbara J 1938 Boulder Dr Ann Arbor MI 48104 3334-600-0030-000-6 Mehan Ravi Mehan Pooja 8737 Bally
Bunion Rd Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-701-0066-000-5 Melvin Robert G Gyves Andrew 6784 Edgeworth Dr Orlando FL 32819 3327-704-0010-000-7 Michalopoulos Christy Michalopoulos Claire 8710
Tompson Point Rd Port St Lucie FL 34986 3321-803-0064-000-6 Michals John R Michals Shirley D 7963 Plantation Lakes Dr Port St Lucie FL 34986 3321-803-0068-000-4 Milas Edward Milas Carole
7821 Long Cove Way Port St Lucie FL 34986 3334-600-0009-000-0 Miller Mary Jo 8820 Bally Bunion Rd Port St Lucie FL 34986-3085 3321-803-0060-000-8 Milloway Voss C Milloway Marilyn M 7979
Plantation Lakes Dr Port St Lucie FL 34986-3005 3327-709-0030-000-8 Mills John Mills Barbara 7959 Poppy Hills Ln Port St Lucie FL 34986 3321-803-0080-000-4 Minton Jaceline H 10742 Grey
Heron Ct Port St Lucie FL 34986-3010 3327-709-0028-000-1 Miret (TR) Paul J Miret (TR) Karen 7950 Poppy Hills Ln Port St Lucie FL 34986-3056 3328-802-0018-000-7 Mirylees Mary C Mirylees
Ewan A 1365 Mill Hill Terr Southport CT 06490 3328-701-0024-000-2 Mitchell John P Mitchell Deborah W 7985 Saddlebrook Dr Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-705-0020-000-3 Modell Steven Modell
Betty H 8036 Kiawah Tr Port St Lucie FL 34986 3328-802-0040-000-0 Money Debra 8340 Muirfield Way Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-707-0070-000-4 Monroe Jr Jack L Monroe Debra I 8005 Links
Way Port St Lucie FL 34986 3321-801-0045-000-1 Moore Michael A Moore Jeanne N 309 Center St Jupiter FL 33458 3327-709-0037-000-7 Moyer Thomas L 381 NW Shoreview Dr Port St Lucie FL 34986
3328-802-0020-000-4 Mullin Tim Mullin Barbara 8429 Muirfield Way Port St Lucie FL 34986-3000 3321-801-0065-000-7 Mumaw Joseph W 7907 Plantation Lakes Dr Port St Lucie FL 34986-3005 3327-707-0053-000-
Murphy John L Murphy Gail K 8117 Links Way Port St Lucie FL 34986 3334-600-0015-000-5 Murrray John P Murray Elaine M 8 Colonial Dr Matawan NJ 07747 3327-701-0010-000-8 Mutti (TR) Duane
A 57 Crooked Trl Rowayton CT 06853-1035 3328-802-0025-000-9 Myers Mavin J Parkinson John H 8452 Muirfield Way Port St Lucie FL 34986-3000 3327-705-0008-000-3 Naeem Tahir Bakhl Arooj
8113 Kiawah Tr Port ST Lucie FL 34986 3321-801-0020-000-0 Nall Carroll S Nall Lisa 7679 Wexford Way Port St Lucie FL 34986-3006 3327-710-0018-000-2 Needham Margaret H 10201 Crosby Pl
Port St Lucie FL 34986 3321-801-0049-000-9 Needham Thomas E Needham Margaret H 10201 Crosby Pl Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-701-0055-000-5 Nelson Carl V Nelson Kathleen 8513 Belfry Place
Port St Lucie FL 34986 3322-700-0043-000-0 Nepote Matt L Nepote Mary M 2091 Minnerman Rd Richmond IN 47374 3321-801-0048-000-2 Netzler Wayne F Netzler Eva B 7927 Plantation Lakes Dr
Port St Lucie FL 34986-3005 3334-600-0016-000-2 New Philip New Mary 8825 Bally Bunion Rd Port St Lucie FL 34986
3327-704-0032-000-7 New Traditions Real Estate LLC 5683 Godown Rd Columbus OH 43235 3322-700-0034-000-4 Newman Kenneth Newman Janice M 7704 Greenbrier Cir Port St Lucie FL 34986 3334-600-0040-000-9
Nicholas Phillip G Nicholas Vivienne R 8700 Bally Bunion Rd Port St Lucie FL 34986-3086 3327-705-0025-000-8 Nichols David W Nichols Sandra I 8056 Kiawah Trace Port St Lucie FL 34986
3321-803-0040-000-2 Nohejl Michael A 8052 Plantation Lakes Dr Port St Lucie FL 34986-3013 3321-803-0039-000-2 Nooruddin Muhammad Nooruddin Shahnaz 7993 Steeplechase Ct Port St Lucie
FL 34986 3327-707-0017-000-5 Notarantonio Raymond Notarantonio Rosemary 10133 Spyglass Lane Port St Lucie FL 34986 3321-803-0086-000-6 O`Brien Richard R O`Brien Diane D 7810 Long Cove
Way Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-701-0022-000-5 O`Brien Kevin M O`Brien Jane H 19 Colonial Dr Deep River CT 06417 3327-705-0046-000-1 O`Connor Kerry Ann 8063 Kiawah Terr Port St Lucie
FL 34953 3328-802-0009-000-1 O`Connor Michael 8323 Muirfield Way Port St Lucie FL 34986 3321-803-0051-000-2 O`Loughlin Jeffrey T O`Loughlin Denise A 8019 Plantation Lakes Dr Port St
Lucie FL 34986-3014 3321-801-0064-000-0 O`Neil John E O`Neil Joan B 7909 Plantation Lakes Dr Port St Lucie FL 34986-3005 3321-801-0024-000-8 Oechsle (TR) Mary J 7695 Wexford Way Port
St Lucie FL 34986-3006 3327-709-0057-000-3 Padover Michael B Padover Julie S 3 Sherry Ct Wayne NJ 07470 3328-802-0036-000-9 Pagana Timothy J Pagana Kathleen D 1244 Crestfeld Dr Williamsport
PA 17701 3328-802-0031-000-4 Pagana (TR) Barbara J Pagana (TR) John P 16 Easy Street Selinsgrove PA 17870 3327-707-0005-000-8 Pallister (TR) Ray S 8140 Links Way Port St Lucie FL 34986-3037
3327-704-0024-000-8 Palmer (TR) Carl B Palmer (TR) Kathryn M 8709 Bally Bunion Rd Port St Lucie FL 34986 3334-600-0037-000-5 Palmer (TR) Carl B Palmer (TR) Kathryn M 8709 Bally Bunion
Rd Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-707-0037-000-1 Panfil Walter J Panfil Ruth 8052 Links Way Port St Lucie FL 34986 3322-700-0099-000-7 Pantano Jack Pantano Jean 7675 Greenbrier Cir Port
St Lucie FL 34986-3302 3334-600-0044-000-7 Paretta Lawrence R Paretta Patricia A 8716 Bally Bunion Rd Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-709-0020-000-5 Parrish James L Parrish Brenda 10112
Crosby Pl Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-707-0018-000-2 Paterno (TR) Elaine M 10129 Spyglass Ln Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-701-0005-000-0 Patterson Jr Maurice Patterson Andrea D 1 Moat
View Dr Albany NH 03818 3328-802-0037-000-6 Patton (LF EST) Dennis W 8404 Muirfield Way Port St Lucie FL 34986-3000 3327-701-0013-000-9 Pearl Jr Joseph Pearl Sandra S 8336 Belfry Pl
Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-701-0051-000-7 Pegdent Mgt Ltd 14 Woodgate Pl London ON N6K 4A4 3321-803-0009-000-3 Pegg (TR) Dorothy M 2217 Queen St Winston Salem NC 27103-2303 3327-710-0005-000-8
Perkins Kevin M Perkins Denise A 8045 Links Way Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-707-0030-000-2 Perkins Jr Robert 299 Lower Warren St Queensbury NY 12804 3322-413-0002-000-0 PGA Reserve Inc
951 SW Country Club Dr Port St Lucie FL 34986-2105 3327-300-0001-000-1 PGA Reserve Inc 951 SW Country Country Club Dr Port St Lucie FL 34986-2105 3327-200-0001-000-4 PGA Reserve Inc
951 SW Country Club Dr Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-242-0001-000-4 PGA Village POA Inc 9700 Reserve Bv Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-221-0001-000-9 PGA Village POA Inc 9700 Reserve Bv Port
St Lucie FL 34986 3327-222-0001-000-2 PGA Village POA Inc 9700 Reserve Bv Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-223-0001-000-5 PGA Village POA Inc 9700 Reserve Bv Port St Lucie FL 34986 3328-411-0001-000-5
PGA Village POA Inc 9700 Reserve Bv Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-322-0001-000-9 PGA Village POA Inc 9700 Reserve Bv Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-243-0001-000-7 PGA Village POA Inc 9700
Reserve Bv Port St Lucie FL 34986 3328-111-0002-000-1 PGA Village POA Inc 9700 Reserve Bv Port St Lucie FL 34986 3328-443-0001-000-4 PGA Village POA Inc 9700 Reserve Bv Port St Lucie
FL 34986 3327-333-0001-000-3 PGA Village POA Inc 9700 Reserve Bv Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-334-0001-000-6 PGA Village POA Inc 9700 Reserve Bv Port St Lucie FL 34986 3328-413-0001-000-1
PGA Village POA Inc 9700 Reserve Bv Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-710-0011-000-3 PGA Village POA Inc 21045 Commerce Trail Boca Raton FL 33486 3327-710-0021-000-6 PGA Village POA Inc 21045
Commerce Trail Boca Raton FL 33486 3322-700-0001-000-4 PGA Village POA Inc 1601 Forum Pl Ste 805 West Palm Beach FL 33401 3322-700-0003-000-8 PGA Village POA Inc 1601 Forum Pl Ste 805
West Palm Beach FL 33401 3328-411-0002-000-2 PGA Village POA Inc 9700 Reserve Bv Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-200-0002-000-1 PGA Village POA Inc 21045 Commerce Trail Boca Raton FL 33486
3328-111-0001-000-4 PGA Villlage POA Inc 21045 Commerce Trail Boca Raton FL 33486 3327-711-0001-000-3 PGA Villlage POA Inc 21045 Commerce Trail Boca Raton FL 33486 3322-333-0001-000-8
PGA Villlage POA Inc 21045 Commerce Trail Boca Raton FL 33486 3322-413-0001-000-3 PGA Villlage POA Inc 21045 Commerce Trail Boca Raton FL 33486 3327-711-0006-000-8 PGA Villlage POA Inc
21045 Commerce Trail Boca Raton FL 33486 3327-704-0022-000-4 Piazza Alexander Piazza Sara J 8605 Tompson Pt Rd Port St Lucie FL 34986-3093 3327-711-0032-000-9 Piehler John Piehler Mary
7 LaTour Manor Fairport NY 14450 3327-701-0064-000-1 Pisani Alessandro 4474 Weston Rd Davie FL 33331 3321-803-0042-000-6 Pomeroy Eugene A Pomeroy Mary C 8055 Plantation Lakes Dr Port
St Lucie FL 34986-3014 3327-701-0059-000-3 Poole Richard G Poole Judith P 8437 Belfry Pl Port St Lucie FL 34986 3321-801-0051-000-6 Popp Robert H Popp Betty J 7713 Wexford Way Port St
Lucie FL 34986-3007
3322-111-0001-000-6 Port St Lucie City of 121 SW Port St Lucie Blvd Port St Lucie FL 34984-5099 3327-705-0022-000-7 Portik John A Portik Phyllis J 8044 Kiawah Tr Port St Lucie FL 34986-3023
3334-600-0046-000-1 Potter John H Potter Anita M 8724 Bally Bunion Rd Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-707-0043-000-6 Pover (LF EST) Ida Rovegno (TR) Ida 8028 Links Way Port St Lucie FL 34986-3036
3327-705-0004-000-5 Praver Heide U 8209 Kiawah Tr Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-701-0008-000-1 Prose (TR) Frederick Prose (TR) Priscilla R 8316 Belfry Pl Port St Lucie FL 34986 3328-802-0034-000-5
Pruitt Richard Pruitt Roberta 8416 Muirfield Way Port St Lucie FL 34986 3321-801-0041-000-3 Pulizzi Lorenzo Pulizzi Lorenza 11435 SW Aventino Dr Port St Lucie FL 34987 3322-700-0053-000-3
Purcell David M Purcell Mary L 5 Washington Rd Atkinson NH 03811 3327-707-0038-000-8 Py Phillip W Py Mary Jo 8048 Links Way Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-707-0059-000-1 Pyun Seong Pyun
Boowhan 8139 Links Way Port St Lucie FL 34986 3321-801-0001-000-1 Rains Glenn A Rains Cyndi J 2915 S Federal Highway Fort Pierce FL 34982 3327-701-0054-000-8 Rak Allen Rak Anica 8517
Belfry Pl Port St Lucie FL 34986-3022 3322-700-0049-000-2 Ranelli Richard J Ranelli Laurie 223 Giants Neck Rd Niantic CT 06357 3322-700-0039-000-9 Ray David W Ray Mary F 7680 Greenbrier
Cir Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-709-0002-000-3 Readlinger Donald R Readlinger Cynthia H 2 Field Lane Califon NJ 07830 3328-701-0022-000-8 Reddy Paulina Reddy Kambam 1459 A Captains Walk
Fort Pierce FL 34950 3327-701-0050-000-0 Reed Richard Reed Brenda 3994 SE Old St Lucie Blvd Stuart FL 34996 3327-707-0033-000-3 Regan (TR) Mark J Regan (TR) Lynn K 8105 Alister Pl Port
St Lucie Fl 34986 3327-709-0021-000-2 Register Phillip W Register Deanna D PO Box 880217 Port St Lucie FL 34988-0217 3328-802-0041-000-7 Rehor Joseph E Rehor Marianne L 182 Amsterdam
Av West Babylon NY 11704 3321-803-0002-000-4 Reserve Association Inc 2160 NW Reserve Park Trce Fort Pierce FL 34986-3223 3327-710-0001-000-0 Reserve Association Inc 2160 NW Reserve Park
Trce Port St Lucie FL 34986-3223 3327-707-0003-000-4 Reserve Association Inc 2160 NW Reserve Park Trce Port St Lucie FL 34986-3223 3328-802-0003-000-9 Reserve Association Inc 2160 NW
Reserve Park Trce Port St Lucie FL 34986-3223 3327-701-0003-000-6 Reserve Association Inc 2160 NW Reserve Park Trce Port St Lucie FL 34986-3223 3328-802-0002-000-2 Reserve Association
Inc 2160 NW Reserve Park Trce Port St Lucie FL 34986-3223 3321-803-0001-000-7 Reserve Association Inc 2160 NW Reserve Park Trce Fort Pierce FL 34986-3223 3321-801-0001-020-7 Reserve
Association Inc 2160 NW Reserve Park Trce Fort Pierce FL 34986-3223 3322-323-0001-000-7 Reserve Association Inc 2160 NW Reserve Park Trce Port St Lucie FL 34986-3223 3327-705-0001-000-4
Reserve Association Inc 2160 NW Reserve Park Trce Port St Lucie FL 34986-3223 3327-701-0002-000-9 Reserve Association Inc 2160 NW Reserve Park Trce Port St Lucie FL 34986-3223 3327-709-0001-000-6
Reserve Association Inc 2160 SW Reserve Park Trace Fort Pierce FL 34986-3223 3327-707-0001-000-0 Reserve Association Inc 9700 Reserve Blvd Port St Lucie FL 34986-3264 3327-701-0001-000-2
Reserve Association Inc 2160 NW Reserve Park Trce Port St Lucie FL 34986-3223 3328-802-0001-000-5 Reserve Association Inc 2160 NW Reserve Park Trce Port St Lucie FL 34986-3223 3327-213-0005-000-2
Reserve Association Inc 2160 NW Reserve Park Trce Port St Lucie FL 34986-3223 3321-803-0003-000-1 Reserve Association Inc 2160 NW Reserve Park Trce Fort Pierce FL 34986-3223 3321-803-0003-000-1
Reserve Association Inc 2160 NW Reserve Park Trce Fort Pierce FL 34986-3223 3321-803-0003-000-1 Reserve Association Inc 2160 NW Reserve Park Trce Fort Pierce FL 34986-3223 3321-803-0003-000-1
Reserve Association Inc 2160 NW Reserve Park Trce Fort Pierce FL 34986-3223 3321-803-0003-000-1 Reserve Association Inc 2160 NW Reserve Park Trce Fort Pierce FL 34986-3223 3327-707-0002-000-7
Reserve Homes Ltd Lp 1601 Forum Pl Ste 805 West Palm Beach FL 33401 3327-707-0008-000-9 RH USA Inc 8180 NW 29th St Miami FL 33122 3327-705-0021-000-0 Riaz Sarwat 8040 Kiawah Trace Port
St Lucie FL 34986 3327-701-0015-000-3 Richards William J Richards Lynda P 90 Jackson Rd Ext Penfield NY 14526 3327-710-0003-000-4 Rineberg (TR) Richard F Rineberg (TR) Barbara A 8053
Links Way Port St Lucie FL 34986 3321-803-0067-000-7 Riordan (LF EST) Patrick Riordan (LF EST) Diana M 7813 Long Cove Way Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-705-0037-000-5 Roberts Pamela Burgett
Patricia 8204 Kiawah Tr Port St Lucie FL 34986-3027 3321-801-0027-000-9 Roberts Michael K 830 W Route 22 #233 Lake Zurich IL 60047 3328-701-0021-000-1 Roberts James A 7973 Saddlebrook
Dr Port St Lucie FL 34986-3114 3327-705-0031-000-3 Robertson Roy J Robertson Anna E 8100 Kiawah Trace Port St Lucie FL 34986 3328-802-0011-000-8 Rodriguez (LF EST) Emilio G Successor
Trs/Rodriguez Liv Tr 6500 Pine Lane Vero Beach FL 32967 3321-803-0010-000-3 Roesemann Frederick Roesemann Diane 7952 Plantation Lakes Dr Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-709-0036-000-0 Rogers
(TR) Dennis J Rogers (TR) Jacqueline A 10212 Crosby Pl Port St Lucie FL 34986-3052 3327-705-0005-000-2 Roggio John 8205 Kiawah Trace Port St Lucie FL 34986-3028 3321-801-0034-000-1 Rohsler
(TR) Robert F H Rohsler (TR) Barbara T 7656 Charleston Way Port St Lucie FL 34986 3334-600-0024-000-1 Rollins Willie T Rollins Donna L 8761 Bally Bunion Rd Port St Lucie FL 34986 3322-700-0035-000-1
Romano Ralph A Romano Barbara A 19 Delbarton Dr Madison NJ 07940 3327-711-0027-000-1 Rose (TR) Herbert J Rose (TR) Paige M 8251 Riviera Way Port St Lucie FL 34986 3334-600-0025-000-8
Rosenbaum Mark Rosenbaum Janis 8757 Bally Bunion Rd Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-705-0018-000-6 Ross Lawrence A 8028 Kiawah Trce Port St Lucie FL 34986-3023 3321-801-0006-000-6 Rott James
E Rott Caren P 7684 Wyldwood Way Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-709-0027-000-4 Russell A Buyers Rev TR 7954 Poppy Hills Ln Port St Lucie FL 34986-3056
3327-705-0030-000-6 Sabella Victor Sabella Mary 8076 Kiawah Trace Port St Lucie FL 34986 3328-701-0025-000-9 Sachs Howard G Sachs Sharon E 7989 Saddlebrook Dr Port St Lucie FL 34986
3321-803-0015-000-8 Sama Anthony L Sama Margaret E 11124 Lands End Chase Port St Lucie FL 34986-3009 3327-710-0019-000-9 Samale Michael T Samale Shirley A 10205 Crosby Pl Port St Lucie
FL 34986 3321-803-0050-000-5 Sanz Agustin C Sanz Carla E 8023 Plantation Lakes Dr Port St Lucie FL 34986-3014 3328-802-0023-000-5 Saracini Michael Saracini Regina 8445 Muirfield Way
Port St Lucie FL 34986-3000 3328-802-0046-000-2 Sarraf Fouad Y Sarraf Sybille E 8316 Murfield Way Port St Lucie FL 34986-3042 3321-803-0025-000-1 Saville Robert J Saville Camille 2225
Areca Palm Rd Boca Raton FL 33432 3321-801-0063-000-3 Sawyer Karen I Sawyer Margaret E 7913 Plantation Lakes Dr Port St Lucie FL 34986 3321-803-0021-000-3 Scarafoni Gary P Scarafoni
Carol N 48 E New Lenox Rd Pittsfield MA 01201-8305 3328-802-0012-000-5 Schaeffer James R Schaeffer Nancy P 8335 Muirfield Way Port St Lucie FL 34986-3041 3327-701-0026-000-3 Scherer
George W Scherer Katherine V 8502 Belfry Pl Port St Lucie FL 34986-3021 3327-704-0012-000-1 Schifilliti Salvatore Schifilliti Robin I 8700 Tompson Point Rd Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-709-0034-000-6
Schmidt (TR) Robert D Weber-Schmidt (TR) Patricia A 10204 Crosby Pl Port St Lucie FL 34986 3321-801-0010-000-7 Schmitz II John W Schmitz Stacie L 7687 Wyldwood Way Port St Lucie FL 34986-3008
3321-803-0072-000-5 Schubel Scott E Schubel Joanne L 7837 Long Cove Way Port St Lucie FL 34986-3002 3327-701-0031-000-1 Schukraft (TR) Dick Schukraft (TR) Barbara 8514 Belfry Pl Port
St Lucie FL 34986-3021 3327-705-0038-000-2 Schuster Jack Schuster Rita 8208 Kiawah Tr Port St Lucie FL 34986-3027 3327-701-0076-000-8 Schwan Martin R Schwan Marilyn A 8305 Belfry Pl
Port St Lucie FL 34986-3018 3327-707-0016-000-8 Schwartzman Jolanto 10137 Spyglass Ln Port St Lucie FL 34986 3321-803-0075-000-6 Scileppi (TR) Ann J 2290 Duck Creek Rd Whipple OH 45788
3321-801-0016-000-9 Scileppi I Robert Scileppi Alice B 7686 Wexford Way Port St Lucie FL 34986-3006 3327-705-0002-000-1 Scott Ralph H Scott Alexandra L 8217 Kiawah Trace Port St Lucie
FL 34986 3321-801-0019-000-0 Seeger A Randall Seeger Judy M 7675 Wexford Way Port St Lucie FL 34986-3006 3327-701-0061-000-0 Seidner Glen A 285 Central Ave #B3 Lawrence NY 11559 3321-801-0056-000-1
Serio (TR) Salvatore Serio (TR) Joan 7728 Wexford Way Port St Lucie FL 34986-3007 3327-709-0045-000-6 Shaiman (TR) Paula 10105 Crosby Pl Port St Lucie FL 34986-3051 3322-700-0105-000-3
Sheehan John Sheehan Diane 7663 Greenbrier Cir Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-705-0040-000-9 Sheppard Christine 8216 Kiawah Tr Port St Lucie FL 34986 3334-600-0041-000-6 Shilakes J R Shilakes
Carol H 8704 Bally Bunion Rd Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-701-0057-000-9 Shoobe Paul Shoobe Ruth 8505 Belfry Pl Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-710-0016-000-8 Shouldice Donald R Levy-Shouldice
Melissa Ann 10121 Crosby Pl Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-701-0074-000-4 Showers (EST) Kenneth 8313 Belfry Pl Port St Lucie FL 34986-3018 3328-802-0013-000-2 Sidorsky Ronald M 5 Leslie
Ann Ct Denville NJ 07831 3327-709-0055-000-9 Siegel Julian R Siegel Susanne 10301 Crosby Pl Port St Lucie FL 34986 3321-801-0002-000-8 Siegrist George Siegrist Margaret R 7904 Plantation
Lakes Dr Port St Lucie FL 34986-3004 3327-707-0027-000-8 Sigman Gordon Castellino Christine 10104 Spyglass Ln Port St Lucie FL 34986 3321-801-0059-000-2 Silver Stanley D Silver Marilyn
H 7700 Wexford Way Port St Lucie FL 34986-3007 3321-803-0026-000-8 Singh Rajinder Kaur Amrit 7996 Plantation Lakes Dr Port St Lucie FL 34986-3012 3322-700-0108-000-4 Skannel Brenda K
7657 Greenbrier Cir Port St Lucie FL 34986 3321-801-0004-000-2 Slaton Michael E Martinez Alexandra M 7912 Plantation Lakes Dr Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-709-0013-000-3 Slikkers Leon
R 5228 147th Ave Holland MI 49423-9304 3327-709-0005-000-4 Sloan Sara B 7924 Links Way Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-704-0003-000-5 Sloan Richard J Sloan Gail F 8738 Tompson Point Rd Port
St St Lucie FL 34986 3334-600-0012-000-4 Slonin Jonathan H Slonin Lisa S 8832 Bally Bunion Rd Port St Lucie FL 34986 3328-802-0042-000-4 Smestad Steven Smestad Halle 8332 Muirfield Way
Port St Lucie FL 34986-3042 3322-700-0097-000-3 Smith Peter J Smith Maureen M 7681 Greenbrier Cir Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-705-0006-000-9 Smith Rodney R Smith Sally B 8201 Kiawah
Trace Port St Lucie FL 34986 3322-700-0101-000-5 Smith (TR) K Frank Smith (TR) Linda J 7671 Greenbrier Cir Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-707-0045-000-0 Sokobin Michael Sokobin Helene 8020
Links Way Port St Lucie FL 34986 3334-600-0007-000-6 Sonne Warren J Sonne Rebecca 8812 Bally Bunion Rd Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-701-0009-000-8 Soowal Stanley Soowal Diane 8318 Belfry
Pl Port St Lucie FL 34986-3017 3327-704-0029-000-3 Sorg Jennifer A 8633 Tompson Point Rd Port St. Lucie FL 34986 3327-701-0021-000-8 Spahn Carl P Spahn Debra A 5675 SW Mapp Rd Palm City
FL 34990 3321-803-0031-000-6 Spleen Stephen P Spleen Myrna Q 8016 Plantation Lakes Dr Port St Lucie FL 34986-3013 3334-600-0002-000-1 Spyglass HOA Inc 3600 Club Place Boca Raton FL 33496-2702
3334-600-0001-000-4 Spyglass HOA Inc PGA Village POA Inc 3600 Club Place Boca Raton FL 33496-2702 3327-708-0004-000-4 St Lucie County 2300 Virginia Ave Fort Pierce FL 34982-5632 3327-213-0005-010-5
St Lucie County 2300 Virginia Ave Fort Pierce FL 34982-5632 3321-801-0050-000-9 Statler (TR) Scott R Statler (TR) Nancy L 9004 Short Chip Circle Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-709-0042-000-5
Staub Jr William E Staub Carol A 10316 Crosby Place Port St Lucie FL 34986 3321-801-0061-000-9 Stavac Gary D Stavac Deborah L 904 Teaberry Ln Brielle NJ 08730-1210 3327-701-0053-000-1
Steffey James Steffey Nancy 8521 Belfry Pl Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-709-0039-000-1 Steinberg Richard H 10304 Crosby Pl Port St Lucie FL 34986-3054
3321-803-0027-000-5 Steinberger (TR) Sandra A 8000 Plantation Lakes Dr Port St Lucie FL 34986-3013 3327-701-0006-000-7 Stephenson Hart 8310 Belfry Pl Port St Lucie FL 34986-3017 3327-707-0052-000-2
Stephenson Sandra M 190 Ore Bank Rd Dillsburg PA 17019-9334 3334-600-0028-000-9 Stewart Joseph M Stewart Clara J 1075 Capital Ave SW Battle Creek MI 49015 3327-701-0063-000-4 Story Margie
3300 Elm Point Rd St Charles MO 63301 3321-803-0047-000-1 Strong Valerie A S 8035 Plantation Lakes Dr Port St Lucie FL 34986 3328-802-0006-000-0 Subbiondo Ralph A Subbiondo Ava M 8311
Muirfield Way Port St Lucie FL 34986 3322-700-0102-000-2 Sullivan Donald J Sullivan Constance D 7669 Greenbrier Cir Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-707-0051-000-5 Sumner Charles M Sumner
Karen J 8111 Links Way Port St Lucie FL 34986 3321-801-0011-000-4 Suntrust Bank 1001 Semmes Ave Richmond VA 23224 3327-707-0069-000-4 Surber Gary W Surber Candice A 8019 Links Way Port
St Lucie FL 34986-3036 3327-701-0046-000-9 Surniak Jeffrey Surniak Patricia A 3760 Repton Way Santa Rosa CA 95404 3322-700-0051-000-9 Tallant Thomas M Tallant Marlene 941 Royal Ct Canons
PA 15317 3327-707-0006-000-5 Talle Erdmute 8136 Links Way Port St Lucie FL 34986-3037 3327-701-0070-000-6 Tardiff (TR) Patrick W 546 Bluff View Rd New Tazewell TN 37825 3321-803-0071-000-8
Taylor (TR) Richard W Taylor (TR) Caroline A 7833 Long Cove Way Port St Lucie FL 34986-3002 3327-709-0029-000-8 Teplitsky Paul Teplitsky Susan 419 Charlesbois Way Saskatoon SK S7K5J8
3327-701-0062-000-7 Thacker Jr William L Thacker Judith 8425 Belfrey Pl Port St Lucie FL 34986 3334-600-0008-000-3 Thayer Paul D Thayer Marsha A 815 Millstream Ln Ormond Beach FL 32174
3327-704-0033-000-4 Thomas Dwight Thomas Carol 8713 Tompson Point Rd Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-705-0049-000-2 Tomai Michael N Tomai Jacqueline 8075 Kiawah Trace Port St Lucie FL 34986-3024
3321-801-0043-000-7 Torres David Dolly Elizabeth 7691 Charleston Way Port St Lucie FL 34986-3003 3327-707-0014-000-4 Townley George J Townley Susan L 8104 Links Way Port St St Lucie
FL 34986-3037 3327-709-0056-000-6 Trigg Michael 13 Pheasants Ridge Rd N Centerville DE 19807-1541 3327-710-0022-000-3 Triggs Michael 13 Pheasants Ridge Rd N Centerville DE 19807-1541
3327-707-0007-000-2 Ulto Victor A Saporito Cosmo G 350 NW California Blvd Port St Lucie FL 34986-1821 3322-700-0040-000-9 Unrath Robert K Unrath Celeste 7678 Greenbrier Cir Port St Lucie
FL 34986 3322-700-0046-000-1 US Bank NA (TR) % America Servicing 3476 Stateview Blvd Fort Mill SC 29715 3321-803-0044-000-0 Valencia Steven L Valencia Terry A 8047 Plantation Lakes Dr
Port St Lucie FL 34986 3328-802-0045-000-5 Van Alstine (TR) James Van Alstine (TR) Mary 8320 Muirfield Way Port St Lucie FL 34986-3042 3327-705-0047-000-8 Vanderhoff (TR) (EST) Davey
265 Sw Port St Lucie Bv Ste 102 Port St Lucie FL 34984 3327-701-0065-000-8 Vaughan (TR) James G Vaughan (TR) Rebecca G 8413 Belfry Pl Port St Lucie FL 34986-2102 3327-710-0020-000-9
Veninata (TR) Robert A 58 E 83rd St Apt 1B New York NY 10028 3328-803-0011-000-1 Verano Development LLC 1601 Forum Pl Ste 805 West Palm Beach FL 33401 3328-803-0012-000-8 Verano Development
LLC 1601 Forum Pl Ste 805 West Palm Beach FL 33401 3328-803-0013-000-5 Verano Development LLC 1601 Forum Pl Ste 805 West Palm Beach FL 33401 3328-803-0014-000-2 Verano Development LLC
1601 Forum Pl Ste 805 West Palm Beach FL 33401 3328-803-0015-000-9 Verano Development LLC 1601 Forum Pl Ste 805 West Palm Beach FL 33401 3328-803-0016-000-6 Verano Development LLC 1601
Forum Pl Ste 805 West Palm Beach FL 33401 3328-803-0017-000-3 Verano Development LLC 1601 Forum Pl Ste 805 West Palm Beach FL 33401 3328-803-0018-000-0 Verano Development LLC 1601 Forum
Pl Ste 805 West Palm Beach FL 33401 3328-803-0019-000-7 Verano Development LLC 1601 Forum Pl Ste 805 West Palm Beach FL 33401 3328-803-0020-000-7 Verano Development LLC 1601 Forum Pl
Ste 805 West Palm Beach FL 33401 3328-803-0021-000-4 Verano Development LLC 1601 Forum Pl Ste 805 West Palm Beach FL 33401 3328-803-0022-000-1 Verano Development LLC 1601 Forum Pl Ste
805 West Palm Beach FL 33401 3328-803-0023-000-8 Verano Development LLC 1601 Forum Pl Ste 805 West Palm Beach FL 33401 3328-803-0024-000-5 Verano Development LLC 1601 Forum Pl Ste 805
West Palm Beach FL 33401 3328-803-0025-000-2 Verano Development LLC 1601 Forum Pl Ste 805 West Palm Beach FL 33401 3328-803-0026-000-9 Verano Development LLC 1601 Forum Pl Ste 805 West
Palm Beach FL 33401 3328-803-0027-000-6 Verano Development LLC 1601 Forum Pl Ste 805 West Palm Beach FL 33401 3328-803-0028-000-3 Verano Development LLC 1601 Forum Pl Ste 805 West Palm
Beach FL 33401 3328-803-0029-000-0 Verano Development LLC 1601 Forum Pl Ste 805 West Palm Beach FL 33401 3328-803-0030-000-0 Verano Development LLC 1601 Forum Pl Ste 805 West Palm Beach
FL 33401 3328-803-0031-000-7 Verano Development LLC 1601 Forum Pl Ste 805 West Palm Beach FL 33401 3328-803-0032-000-4 Verano Development LLC 1601 Forum Pl Ste 805 West Palm Beach FL
33401 3328-803-0033-000-1 Verano Development LLC 1601 Forum Pl Ste 805 West Palm Beach FL 33401 3328-803-0034-000-8 Verano Development LLC 1601 Forum Pl Ste 805 West Palm Beach FL 33401
3328-803-0035-000-5 Verano Development LLC 1601 Forum Pl Ste 805 West Palm Beach FL 33401 3328-803-0036-000-2 Verano Development LLC 1601 Forum Pl Ste 805 West Palm Beach FL 33401 3328-803-0037-000-9
Verano Development LLC 1601 Forum Pl Ste 805 West Palm Beach FL 33401 3328-223-0001-000-8 Verano Development LLC 1601 Forum Pl Ste 805 West Palm Beach FL 33401 3328-803-0010-000-4 Verano
Development LLC 1601 Forum Pl Ste 805 West Palm Beach FL 33401 3333-100-0000-000-9 Verano Development LLC 1601 Forum Pl Ste 805 West Palm Beach FL 33401 3328-803-0003-000-2 Verano POA
Inc. 1601 Forum Pl Ste 805 West Palm Beach FL 33401
3327-704-0031-000-0 Veres Dean P Veres Helen C 8705 Thompson Point Rd Port St Lucie FL 34986 3321-803-0045-000-7 Vigrass David H Vigrass Gerry V 8043 Plantation Lakes Dr Port St Lucie
FL 34986 3328-803-0001-000-8 Village Lazio Association Inc 1601 Forum Pl Ste 805 West Palm Beach FL 33401 3327-709-0041-000-8 Vincente (TR) Raphael Vincente (TR) June 10312 Crosby Pl
Port St Lucie FL 34986 3321-801-0031-000-0 Wafer Mark V Wafer Valarie K 40 Grouse Crt Ashburn ON L0B 1A0 3321-801-0055-000-4 Wall IV (TR) George A Wall (TR) Carole M 7729 Wexford Way
Port St Lucie FL 34986 3321-803-0028-000-2 Waters (TR) Olga M 8004 Plantation Lakes Dr Port St Lucie FL 34986-3013 3327-707-0054-000-6 Waters Jr James J Waters Madelyn A 95 Post Rd Churchville
PA 18966-1159 3327-701-0052-000-4 Webb Richard S Webb Michelle 8525 Belfry Pl Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-711-0033-000-6 Weber Ursula Edenstrasse 6 CH-7270 Davos 3321-801-0003-000-5
Wegrzyn Donald J Wegrzyn Gail 7908 Plantation Lakes Dr Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-710-0015-000-1 1 Weichselgartner Michael ABT HAEFELE-STR 37 85560 Ebersberg 3327-705-0007-000-6 Weiman
Ronnie Koistinen Seppo Pellaksenkuja 6 01650 Vantas 3327-709-0035-000-3 Weitzel (LF EST) Carol G 10208 Crosby Pl Port St Lucie FL 34986-3052 3322-700-0038-000-2 Welch Shirley H 7682
Greenbrier Cir Port St Lucie FL 34986 3322-700-0104-000-6 Welles Majella K 142 Collindale Dr Meriden CT 06450-8314 3327-701-0038-000-0 Wells Donna 8542 Belfery Pl Port St Lucie FL 34986-3021
3321-801-0047-000-5 Welsch Woodrow Welsch Irma 122 Cidar Ln McMurray PA 15317 3321-803-0066-000-0 West Manuel D West Patricia E 7805 Long Cove Way Port St Lucie FL 34986-3002 3328-802-0004-000-6
Whalen Richard P Whalen Lucille C 8303 Muirfield Way Port St Lucie FL 34986-3041 3334-600-0034-000-4 Whigham Gary K 8721 Bally Bunion Rd Port St Lucie FL 34986-3086 3334-600-0017-000-9
Whitener (TR) Sandra V 30530 Fox Club Dr Farmington Hills WI 483331-1988 3327-705-0014-000-8 Wiesenfeld John R Wiesenfeld Sally J 8012 Kiawah Tr Port St Lucie FL 34986 3328-802-0015-0015-000-6
Wilbanks Roy E Wilbanks Cynthia H 8401 Muirfield Way Port St Lucie FL 34986 3321-801-0005-000-9 Williams Paul G Williams Leslie G 7690 Wyldwood Way Port St Lucie FL 34986 3321-803-0043-000-3
Williams Suzanne 8051 Plantation Lakes Dr Port St Lucie FL 34986-1728 3328-802-0039-000-0 Williams Robert PO BOX 366 Alexandria Bay NY 13607 3322-700-0036-000-8 Wilson Eileen M 15 Glassbury
Ct Mount Kisco NY 10549 3327-709-0015-000-7 Wilson George E Wilson Sue E 7913 Links Way Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-710-0010-000-6
Wilson William P Wilson Christine L 8025 Links Way Port St Lucie FL 34986 3321-803-0065-000-3 Wilson (TR) Norman W Wachovia Bank NA (TR) %Wachovia Bank /TR FL0135/Tax Unit PO Box 40062
Jacksonville FL 32231-0062 3327-705-0042-000-3 Wolfe Chester W Wolfe Betty S 8015 Kiawah Tr Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-701-0034-000-2 Wood (TR) Bruce C Wood (TR) Linda K 8526 Belfry
Pl Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-707-0012-000-0 Woodland (LF EST) Rommel J Woodland (LF EST) Wilma R 8112 Links Way Port St Lucie FL 34986-3037 3327-705-0039-000-9 Worth Irene 8212 Kiawah
Tr Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-707-0029-000-2 Wright (TR) John A Wright (TR) Brian M 8108 Alister Place Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-705-0016-000-2 Wyder Robert S Wyder Victoria N 8020
Kiawah Trace Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-705-0011-000-7 Yoon Sung H Yoon Hi K 8271 Spotswood Trl Stanardsville VA 22973-2848 3322-700-0044-000-7 Zachry F Glenn Zachry Linda M 7670 Greenbrier
Cir Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-704-0019-000-0 Zaharako James Zaharako Dorothy B 8604 Tompson Point Rd Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-704-0014-000-5 Zanakis Michael Zanakis Alexandra 8626
Tompson Point Rd Port St Lucie FL 34986 3334-600-0038-000-2 Zeek Bob K Zeek Janice L 8705 Bally Bunion Rd Port St Lucie FL 34986 3328-701-0001-000-5 Reserve Association Inc 2160 NW Reserve
Park Trce Port St Lucie FL 34986 Applicant Soren Spiers 951 SW Country Club Dr Port St Lucie FL 34986 Agent Lucido & Associates, PA 100 Avenue A, Suite 2A Ft Pierce FL 34950 Golf Villas
Condo 3327-702-0024-000-2 Abigail Abigail A MacBride PO Box 1206 Stanardsville VA 22973-1206 3327-702-0017-000-0 Anthony J Kocis Patrice A Kocis 111 Turk Mar Dr Aliquippa PA 15001 3327-702-0021-000-1
Apple Chevrolet Inc 8585 159th St Tinley Park IL 60477-1166 3327-702-0011-000-8 Brian F Croissant Terrance M Petak 1121 Woodhill Dr Gibsonia PA 15044-9231 3327-702-0004-000-6 Charles
E Tatz Elaine Tatz 6180 Sun Blvd #608D St Petersburg FL 33715 3327-702-0019-000-4 Daniel E Brown Katherine L Brown 2388 SW Island Creek Trl Palm City FL 34990-4330 3327-702-0005-000-3
David Comstock 9966 Perfect Dr Port St Lucie FL 34986-3033 3327-702-0037-000-6 Davis S Graf Gina M Graf 8635 Plum Hollow Pt Holland OH 43528 3327-702-0048-000-6 Dennis G Granstad Kathleen
M Granstad PO Box 1556 Anna Maria FL 34216 3327-702-0002-000-2 Deutsche Bank NA Tr Co (TR) 6501 Irvine Center Dr Irvine CA 92618 3327-702-0015-000-6 Devi Estates Inc 4 Harbor Acres Sandpoint
NY 11050 3327-702-0006-000-0 Donna C Baxter (TR) 15940 Meadowood Dr Wellington FL 33414 3327-702-0014-000-9 Duane R Mutti 1740 SW St Lucie West Bvd #160 Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-702-0034-000-5
Edward R Sarmir Carol Sarmir 225 Lone Ln Allentown PA 18104 3327-702-0043-000-1 Gary Roberts 2 Kingsley Ct Newton PA 18940 3327-702-0039-000-0 Jack T Kennebeck (TR) Teri M Kennebeck
315 N Meramec Ave #10 Clayton MO 63105 3327-702-0028-000-0 James A Osborne Janet Osborne 8218 Nottingham Pkwy Louisville KY 40222-5566
3327-702-0035-000-2 James F Harris Marie S Harris 15 US Bates Rd Hingham MA 2043 3327-702-0030-000-7 James Janczy Stanley Adamczewski 13 Strawberry Ln North Dartmouth MA 2747 3327-702-0020-000-4
Joe A Rhinehart PO Box 21577 Detroit MI 48221-0577 3327-702-0027-000-3 John Grady Sandra Grady 6737 W Washington St #2120 Milwaukee WI 53214 3327-702-0012-000-5 John Pocsik Marianne
Pocsik 19 Cambridge Dr Prospect CT 6712 3327-702-0038-000-3 Juan M Ponte Margarita Ponte 3327-702-0038-000-3 Juan M Ponte Margarita Ponte 203 NW Magnolia Lakes Blvd Port St Lucie FL
34986 3327-702-0008-000-4 Lynn M Thomas PO Box 208 Spofford NH 03462-0208 3327-702-0022-000-8 Mark J Doran 10125 Spyglass Way Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-702-0018-000-7 Michael A Shannon
Sr 929 Kings Croft Cherry Hill NJ 08034-1103 3327-702-0023-000-5 Michael Riley Margie Riley 87 Pine Grove Dr S Hadley MA 1075 3327-702-0007-000-7 Michael T Barrett Mary F Barrett 46319
Pinehurst Dr Northville MI 48167-8492 3327-702-0025-000-9 Nalda J Francis 10730 SW Waterway Waterway Ln Port St Lucie FL 34987 3327-702-0001-000-5 Perfect Drive Land Trust 31560 US Hwy
19 North Palm Harbor FL 34684 3327-702-0029-000-7 Philip Smart Julia Smart 820 Princeton Dr Haddonfield NJ 8003 3327-702-0047-000-9 Reef Road LLC 17235 Red Wolf Ln Morrinson CO 80465
3327-702-0032-000-1 Richard A Pohle Catherine A Pohle PO Box 193 Williamstown MA 1267 3327-702-0044-000-8 Richard J Moriarty Karen S Moriarty 2131 N 700 W Warsaw IN 46580 3327-702-0040-000-0
Robert F Bilbo Arline M Bilbo 16916 Macduff Ave Olney MD 20832-2948 3327-702-0031-000-4 Robert G Barnhart Gloria L Barnhart 99 N Edgemont Rd Huntington WV 25701-4758 3327-702-0046-000-2
Robert L Scheppske Jr Traci R Scheppske 414 Cactus Cir Boca Raton FL 33487 3327-702-0045-000-5 Robert T Donati Laura Donati 32 Mac Dougall St Billerica MA 1821 3327-702-0013-000-2 Samuel
Martinez Bruce Fitzpatrick 18101 SW 285 St Homestead FL 33030-1827 3327-702-0036-000-9 Sjer Llc N52 W 35961 Country Club Ln Oconomowoc WI 53066-3220 3327-702-0009-000-1 Stephen B Clark
Pamela D Clark 229 Piney Woods Dr Bristol VT 5443 3327-702-0016-000-3 Stephen D Gonsalves 4800 Basin Harbor Rd Vergennes VT 05491-8532 3327-702-0033-000-8 Steve Domenick Kate Domenick
1445 S Beaver Hill Rd Chester Springs PA 19425 3327-702-0041-000-7 Terry L Hauge Christine L Haugh 722 NW Avens St Port St Lucie FL 34983-1106 3327-702-0010-000-1 Thomas Cann Melinda
Cann 1167 SW Thoreau Ct Palm City FL 34990 3327-702-0003-000-9 Thomas P Hovanec Donna H Hovanec 18920 63rd Ave E Bradenton FL 34211 3327-702-0026-000-6 Todd Hundley 21807 N Greenway
Dr Maricopa AZ 85239 Golf Villas II Condo 3327-703-0079-000-5 A J Richards And Sons Inc 150 Price Pkwy Farmingdale NY 11735 3327-703-0030-000-0 Alfonso Gagliano Ersilla Gagliano 6275
Saint Zotique PL Saint Leonard QC H1T 3Y4 3327-703-0133-000-2 Allen R Heryford Nancy C Noth 1316 S 3rd Ave West Newton IA 50208-3507 3327-703-0035-000-5 Anthony Spagnolo Marlene Spagnolo
9001 Short Chip Cir Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-703-0136-000-3 Arne Nordeide (TR) Carol Nordeide (TR) TR) 18 Carriage Way Danvers MA 1923 3327-703-0107-000-1 Barbara M Cassell (TR) 60
N Oviatt St Hudson OH 44236-3041 3327-703-0101-000-9 Barbara M Christiana 7684 Mountain Ash Liverpool NY 13090 3327-703-0112-000-9 Brenda Powe George Williams 2686 Edgewater Ct Fort
Lauderdale FL 33332-3401 3327-703-0048-000-9 Calvin C Sisson Jr Mary C Sisson 13849 Bailwick Terr Germantown MD 20874 3327-703-0034-000-8 Carl Patterson Karen Patterson 40860 Oppollo
St Northville MI 48167-2605 3327-703-0097-000-7 Charles E Allen Keith Webb PO Box 440 Lavalette WV 25535-0440 3327-703-0058-000-2 Charles E Knudsen Janet G Knudsen 54 Dunbar Rd Palm
Beach Gardens FL 33418 3327-703-0077-000-1 Charles T Haworth 9003 Winged Foot Dr Tallahassee FL 32312 3327-703-0071-000-9 Colette V Williams 9899 Perfect Dr Unit 119 Port St Lucie FL
34986 3327-703-0032-000-4 Craig Hanlon Judith J Hanlon 10027 Perfect Dr Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-703-0104-000-0 Daniel Lambertson Elizabeth Lambertson 138 Wells Rd Northport NY 11768
3327-703-0123-000-9 DanMar Homes LLC 88-10 79th Ave Glendale NY 11385 3327-703-0038-000-6 Darla Adzima 247 Donation Rd Greenville PA 16125-8008 3327-703-0018-000-0 Darwin C Wessels 48191
Bayshore Dr Belleville MI 48111-4602 3327-703-0117-000-4 David E Henry Mary F Henry 8008 Plantation Lakes Dr Port St Lucie FL 34986-3013 3327-703-0025-000-2 David J Milligan Jo A Milligan
PO Box 880817 Port St Lucie FL 34988-0817 3327-703-0005-000-6 David Lamothe 171 13th St SW Naples FL 34117-2146 3327-703-0033-000-1 Davinda LLC #149 4590 Highway One Rehoboth DE 19971
3327-703-0022-000-1 Dennis A Sarlo Beverley A Sarlo 6 Barnett Dr Unit 1 Monroe NY 10950 3327-703-0044-000-1 Dennis J Holisky Pamela E Volosin 2086 Penwick Dr Poland OH 44514 3327-703-0002-000-5
Donald H Harris Suzanne D Harris 58 Blue Spruce Weston CT 6883 3327-703-0081-000-2 Donald Lembke Linda L Lembke 811 Thomas Fox W North Tonawanda NY 14120 3327-703-0051-000-3 Donley E
Coffey Susan A Coffey 18301 SW 216 St Miami FL 33170-1504 3327-703-0057-000-5 Donna Campbell PO Box 46 8 Farm Ln Port Pen DE 19731 3327-703-0130-000-1 Duane A Mutti (TR) 57 Crooked Tr
Rowayton CT 06853-1035 3327-703-0114-000-3 Duane A Mutti (TR) 57 Crooked Trl Rowayton CT 06853-1035 3327-703-0132-000-5 Duane A Mutti (TR) 57 Croooked Trl Rowayton CT 06853-1035
3327-703-0066-000-1 E Richard Klages Suzanne B Klages 7 Doyle Ct Port Jefferson NY 11777-1167 3327-703-0098-000-4 Ellen E Robinson 1290 South Gate Road West Chester PA 19382 3327-703-0110-000-5
Elmer L Knight Carolyn C Knight 210 Turkey Point Cr Columbia SC 29223 3327-703-0085-000-0 Equity Trust Co Frances R Kevin J Maltai 3327-703-0085-000-0 Equity Trust Co Frances R Kevin
J Maltai 35 Rookridge Ln Manson NC 27553 3327-703-0125-000-3 Frances C Hunter 22 Latham Park Elkins Pk PA 19027-3148 3327-703-0031-000-7 Gary Buckels Gina Buckels 3510 E Longridge Dr
Orange CA 92867 3327-703-0113-000-6 George T Magyar 659 Bluebird Dr Monroe Township NJ 08831-5718 3327-703-0028-000-3 Gilbert C Gerhardt 2783 SW Mariposa Cir Palm City FL 34990 3327-703-0052-000-0
Gilbert C Gerhardt 2783 SW Mariposa Cir Palm City FL 34990 3327-703-0056-000-8 Giraldo E Cepeda Maria D Cepeda 9650 Fairwood Ct Port St Lucie FL 34986-3250 3327-703-0118-000-1 Gustavo
M De Ribeaux 7975 SW 108th St Miami FL 33156-3614 3327-703-0075-000-7 James B King Brenda King 354 Warren Ave Rochester NY 14618-4318 3327-703-0111-000-2 James H Guion Cinda A Guion
2632 Roosevelt Hwy Hamlin NY 14464-9329 3327-703-0121-000-5 Jamie Adams 5351 Godfrey Rd Parkland FL 33067 3327-703-0050-000-6 Jennings W Moore Kathleen Moore 142 S Broadmoor Blvd Springfield
OH 45504 3327-703-0060-000-9 Jody Lee Friedman 32023 W 14 Mile Rd #100 Farmington Hills MI 48334-1102 3327-703-0020-000-7 Joel T Kreyger Bonnie A Kreyger 34511 Willow Rd New Boston MI
48164-0000 3327-703-0027-000-6 John A Santilli Mildred A Santilli 14 Finne Rd Janstan RI 2919 3327-703-0126-000-0 John Defile Mark Ickes 47 Wey Rd Rhinebeck NY 12572 3327-703-0096-000-0
John J Scherer Linda J Korb (TR) 85-05-Somerset Rd Jamaica NY 11432 3327-703-0008-000-7 John J Tiernay 10075 Perfect Dr Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-703-0006-000-3 John L Baker David
E Whiteside 8059 Spendthrift Ln Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-703-0091-000-5 John Modransky Renee Modransky 26 W 171 Macarthur Ave Wheaton IL 60188 3327-703-0068-000-5 John Morris Susan
Morris 7924 Saddlebrook Dr Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-703-0105-000-7 John P McHugh Jr 9947 Perfect Dr # O-153 Port St Lucie Fl 34986 3327-703-0102-000-6 John Peacon Kent Adams 3327-703-0102-000-6
John Peacon Kent Adams 23635-A S Dixie Hwy Homestead FL 33032 3327-703-0054-000-4 John R Schmahl 9991 Perfect Dr Unit 102 Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-703-0062-000-3 Jon M Sheeser Apollostraat
20 Curacao 3327-703-0084-000-3 Joseph C Neville Kevin P Neville 3327-703-0084-000-3 Joseph C Neville Kevin P Neville 714 Cypress Rd Severna Park MD 21146 3327-703-0080-000-5 Joseph D
Miller Nancy L Miller 3327-703-0080-000-5 Joseph D Miller Nancy L Miller 528 Oxford Ln Hartland WI 53029 3327-703-0019-000-7 Joseph Genovese Lisa Genovese 12 Shaw Ln Irvington NY 10533
3327-703-0010-000-4 Joseph Halford PO Box 880491 Port St Lucie FL 34988 3327-703-0015-000-9 Julie A Southard 10051 Perfect Dr Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-703-0087-000-4 Kenneth D. McLaughlin
Jr 9987 Hawthorne Glen Dr Grosse Ile MI 48138-2117 3327-703-0055-000-1 1 Kenneth J Fisher Jr Carol J Fisher 129 Tamrind Ct Stelle IL 60919 3327-703-0128-000-4 Kent A Cayce Carol A Cayce
9200 Bentridge Ave Potomac MD 20854 3327-703-0064-000-7 Kyung W Na Kay W Choe 1 Corbin Ave Garden City NY 11040 3327-703-0103-000-3 Larry D Colen Susan Loomis 206 W Benton St Wapakoneta
OH 45895-2135 3327-703-0095-000-3 Lawrence Furey Karen Furey 7 Colonial Dr Tillson NY 12486 3327-703-0023-000-8 Leo G Callaghan Dennis J O`Sullivan PO Box 750 East Northport NY 11731-0497
3327-703-0094-000-6 Leo Moses Mariecia Moses 2 Lovers Ln Medford NY 11763 3327-703-0082-000-9 Leonard Amato Cynthia Wieting 1446 Redding Rd Fairfield CT 6824 3327-703-0042-000-7 Leslie
A Harrower (TR) John Ritter (TR) 396 Garden Dr Batavia NY 14020 3327-703-0049-000-6 Leslie R Bergash Michelle Kohn 3495 SW Forest Hills Ct Palm City FL 34990 3327-703-0099-000-1 Marian
Antinori (TR) 701 Lake Hinsdale Dr. #509 Willowbrook IL 60527 3327-703-0053-000-7 Marvin Colson Beverly D Colson 18 Groton Ln Coram NY 11727 3327-703-0012-000-8 Michael B Morgan Joey
A Roy 57 Deer Pass Ln Kitty Hawk NC 27949 3327-703-0017-000-3 Michael C Shea Janice K Shea 46 Middle St Gloucester MA 1966 3327-703-0074-000-0 Michael C Kirk 6908 N Fairfax Dr #100 Arlington
VA 22213 3327-703-0078-000-8 Michael Calomo Lavina Calomo 8 Michaels Ln Gloucester MA 01930-4271 3327-703-0090-000-8 Michael D Phelan Joanne S Phelan 16 Hickory Lane Chalfont PA 18914
3327-703-0083-000-6 Mike Mandato 6825 Traymore Ct Mentor OH 44060 3327-703-0116-000-7 Nancy Dandro 67 Chestnut Ave Narragnsett RI 02882-6108 3327-703-0016-000-6 Neal G Musser 5568 NW
Wesley Rd Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-703-0115-000-0 Paradise Holding Co Limited 1886 SW Hickock Terr Port St Lucie FL 34953 3327-703-0047-000-2 Patrick H Landreman Bonnie J Landreman
418 Brill St Kaukauna WI 54130 3327-703-0073-000-3 Paul C Welch 1984 Biltmore St Ste 114 Port St Lucie FL 34984-4385 3327-703-0093-000-9 Paul R P Subaiya 8 Hamilton Dr Roslyn NY 11576
3327-703-0070-000-2 Ralph Salito 82 Fresh Meadow Dr Trumbull CT 6611 3327-703-703-0108-000-8 Raymond Jarzyna (TR) Christine Jarzyna 102 E Joplin Ct Hernando FL 34442
3327-703-0059-000-9 Raymond J Morris Jr 5 Andrea Dr New Paltz NY 12561-4304 3327-703-0003-000-2 Raymond Serre Yanik Pitre 9115 L`Ormiere Blvd Quebec G2B 3K2 3327-703-0036-000-2 Richard
J Kreuzer Sr Scott D Kreuzer 16 Coral Dr Terryville CT 6786 3327-703-0024-000-5 Richard L Evans Alanna M Evans 192 Cannes Cir Brooklyn MI 49230-9724 3327-703-0045-000-8 Richard P Pfaller
Paula J Pfaller 3327-703-0045-000-8 Richard P Pfaller Paula J Pfaller W8239 Buttercup St Wautoma WI 54982 3327-703-0109-000-5 Robert Glass 60 Croyden Rd Mineola NY 11501 3327-703-0086-000-7
Robert M Beam Janet L Beam 24348 Bramblewood Dr Novi MI 48374-4003 3327-703-0076-000-4 Robert Manrique Simone S Lima 9895 Perfect Dr Unit 124 Port St Luice FL 34986 3327-703-0134-000-9
Robert McKenna 9821 Perfect Dr Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-703-0127-000-7 Robert R Lalonde Shelagh D Lalonde 6918 Coach Dr Niagara Falls ON L2G 2J1 3327-703-0129-000-1 Robert S Madden
58 Cove Rd Huntington NY 11743 3327-703-0013-000-5 Ronald J Anania (TR) 74 Snell Rd Geneva NY 14456 3327-703-0067-000-8 Ronald M Nocera Brenda J Nocera 3702 Dijon Way Palm Beach Gardens
FL 33410 3327-703-0072-000-6 Ronald M Nocera 7350 Heatherhill Ct Bethesda MD 20817 3327-703-0119-000-8 Roy L`Esperance 185 Fletcher Ln Shelburne VT 5482 3327-703-0088-000-1 Sadruddin
E Patel (TR) 1682 Groton Ct Wheaton IL 60187 3327-703-0001-000-8 Salvatore P Babbino Barbara M Babbino 5591 Coral Tree Ln Palm City FL 34990 3327-703-0106-000-4 Samir Farag 322 Windham
Loop Staten Island NY 10314 3327-703-0029-000-0 Sarah L Francis 10021 Perfect Dr Port St Lucie FL 34986-3062 3327-703-0014-000-2 Stanley P Gorman Linda L Stewart-Gorman 7154 Sevier Rd
Jamesville NY 13078 3327-703-0131-000-8 Stephen C Geiger Christopher M Geiger 2915 Ricky Dr Endwell NY 13760-1531 3327-703-0065-000-4 Stephen D Clark 229 Pine Woods Rd Bristol VT 5443
3327-703-0046-000-5 Stephen J Moritz Margaret A Moritz 31 Old Kettle Ct Stroudsburg PA 18360 3327-703-0007-000-0 Steven DeMaio 79 Van Buren St Port Jefferson Station NY 11776 3327-703-0100-000-000-2
Steven G Howe (TR) Carolyn C Barnett-Ho 2111 Sumac Ln Appleton WI 54915-1081 3327-703-0011-000-1 Steven R Ripley 10055 Perfect Dr Port St Lucie FL 34986-3062 3327-703-0026-000-9 Suzanne
Paquette Chantal Cloutier 892 Rue Emelie-Chambard Quebec QC G1X 4X8 3327-703-0039-000-3 Tajuddin M Jiva JoAnn M Jiva 5423 Via Del Sole Williamsville NY 14221 3327-703-0037-000-9 Terrence
R O`Connor Marilyn J O`Connor 642 E Country Grove Cir Pearland TX 77584-2048 3327-703-0021-000-4 Theodore W Sharples (TR) 3547 Winding Trl Cir Virginia Beach VA 23456 3327-703-0135-000-6
Thomas Williams Joy Williams 12856 Arrowwood Dr Palm Beach Gardens FL 33418 3327-703-0122-000-2 Thomas A Callaghan Mary T Callaghan 78 Maple Lawn Muskerry Ballincollig County Cork 3327-703-0124-000-6
Thomas P Lupinacci 202 Chateau Rive Peekskill NY 10566 3327-703-0063-000-0 Thomas P Lupinacci Richard O Koenig 231 Union Center Rd Ulster Park NY 12487 3327-703-0120-000-8 Timothy L
Grady Junean W Grady 8113 Alister Pl Port St Lucie FL 34986 3327-703-0069-000-2 Todd M Marfyak Kim Marfyak 66 Brookfield Rd Harwinton CT 6791 3327-703-0040-000-3 Victor Bertucci Sarah
Bertucci 20 Redwood Lane Centereach NY 11720 3327-703-0089-000-8 Victor Presutti Jr Nickie M Presutti 5815 Seagrape Dr Fort Pierce FL 34982-3248 3327-703-0041-000-0 Victor Vazquez Alma
N Vazquez 1674 Scrub Jay Rd Apopka FL 32703 3327-703-0009-000-4 W G Rosier Invests of FL Inc 1111 Mill Creek Dr Salado TX 76571-0000 3327-703-0004-000-9 W Robert Conley Phyllis A Conley
10079 Perfect Dr Port St Lucie FL 34986-3062 3327-703-0061-000-6 William A Crova 37054 Grant Ave Romulus MI 48174-1133 3327-703-0043-000-4 William A Crova John J Crova 37054 Grant Ave
Romulus MI 48174-1133 3327-703-0092-000-2 William J O`Connor 189 Shellridge Dr East Amherst NY 14051-1389 Associations Briarcliff Libby Gallagher 9309 Briarcliff Trace Port St Lucie
FL 34986 Callaway Place Fred Stoll 10126 Inverness Way Port St Lucie FL 34986 Castle Pine I Tim Schum 9219 Wentworth Ln Port St Lucie FL 34986 Castle Pines II Richard Wright 8132 Carnoustie
Pl Port St Lucie FL 34986 Castle Pines Condos Thomas Cann 1167 SW Thoreau Ct Palm City FL 34990 Castle Pines HOA Mary Tuttle 8121 Mulligan Cir Port St Lucie FL 34986 Clubside Peter Perry
9616 Crooked Stick Ln Port St Lucie FL 34986 Cypress Point David Horan 10120 Crosby Pl Port St Lucie FL 34986 Fairway Landings Ken Sheppard 9620 Fairwood Ct Port St Lucie FL 34986 Golf
Villas I Thomas Cann 1167 SW Thoreau Ct Palm City FL 34990 Golf Villas II Raymond Morris 9919 Perfect Dr Port St Lucie FL 34986 Greenbrier Jay Rachelli 7634 Greenbrier Port St Lucie
FL 34986 Hawk's View Martin Hayes 7140 Hawks View Trail Port St Lucie FL 34986 Island Point Joe Valentino 9209 Short Chip Cir Port St Lucie FL 34986 Kingsmill Walt McKee 8918 First Tee
Rd Port St Lucie FL 34986 Maidstone Bob Tauber 7305 Bob O'Link Way Port St Lucie FL 34986 Marsh Landing Frank Mencik 7213 Marsh Ter Port St Lucie FL 34986
Muirfield Ben Jaensson 8440 Muirfield Way Port St Lucie FL 34986 Mystic Pines Cedric Terry Sweet 7221 Mystic Way Port St Lucie FL 34986 Oakhill Keith Braun 8537 Belfry Pl Port St Lucie
FL 34986 Pine Creek TH Alexis Nakos 7378 Pine Creek Way Port St Lucie FL 34986 Reserve Golf Villas June Heck 7625 Winged Foot Ct Port St Lucie FL 34986 Reserve Plantation Dr. Robert
Deery 7717 Wexford Way Port St Lucie FL 34986 Sabal Creek Horace Webb 7825 Sabal Lakes Dr Port St Lucie FL 34986 Spyglass Ron Shilakes 8704 Bally Bunion Rd Port St Lucie FL 34986 The
Lakes Bob Brayton 8828 Champions Way Port St Lucie FL 34986 The Laurels Russell Knowles 7409 Laurels Pl Port St Lucie FL 34986 The Pines Susan Somers 9313 Avenel Ln Port St Lucie FL
34986 Tompson Point James Zaharako 8604 Tompson Point Rd Port St Lucie FL 34986 Torrey Pines Mel Harnish 7076 Torrey Pines Cir Port St Lucie FL 34986 Willow Pines Rocco Olivieri 7029
Willow Pine Way Port St Lucie FL 34986 Ralph Scott, President PGA Village Property Owners Association, Inc. Inc. 2140 NW Reserve Park Trace Port St Lucie FL 34986
PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION Planning & Development Services 772.462.2822 Location: BOCC Chambers SLC Administration Annex, 2300 Virginia Ave, Ft Pierce, Florida 34982 Time: 6:00 PM
(or soon thereafter) Applicant PGA Reserve Inc., 951 SW Country Club Dr Port St. Lucie, FL 34986 Agent Brian Nolan Lucido & Associates 100 Avenue A, Suite 2A Ft. Pierce, FL 34950 Property
Location 1920 Perfect Dr, Port St. Lucie, FL Future Land Use From RS (Residential Suburban -2 du/acre) to COM (Commercial) Zoning PNRD (Planned Non-Residential Neighborhood) Staff Recommendation
Approval Project Description PGA Reserve Inc. is petitioning for a change in the Future Land Use of a 9.9 acre parcel from RS (Residential Suburban-2 du/acre) to COM (Commercial). Background
The proposed COM Future Land Use designation is to construct a replacement PGA Golf clubhouse complex and new lodging facility to serve the PGA golf facilities at the Reserve. The project
has not yet been fully designed. However, the applicant states the approximate approximate square footage of the new/replacement clubhouse complex is 30-35,000 square feet. In addition,
the petitioner plans to construct approximately 100 hotel units in a new golf lodging facility to be located on site. The approved Final Development Order for the Reserve, includes authorization
for a 90,000 square foot PGA clubhouse. The Planning & Zoning Commission strongly encourages your input and comment at the public hearing. You may also mail or email written comments
in advance of the public hearing for inclusion in the official record regarding this proceeding. Further details are available in the Planning & Development Services Department, please
contact: Staff Britton De Witt Senior Planner Tel. 772-462– 2822 Email Wilsonb@StLucieco.org Mail 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, Florida 34982 Anyone with a disability requiring accommodation
to attend this meeting may contact the SLC Community Services Director at least 48 hours in advance at 772-462-1546 or TDD 772-462-1428. PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE September 16, 2010 PGA
Village Small Scale Future Land Use Map Amendment A d dressed to:
LEGAL DESCRIPTION: A parcel of land lying in Section 27, Township 36 South, Range 39 East, St. Lucie County, Florida, and being more particularly described as follows: Commence at the
Northeast corner of Lot 66 according to the Plat of Reserve Plantation Phase I, as recorded in Plat Book 24, Page 20, of the Public Records, of St. Lucie County, Florida, said point
being on the Southerly line, of a 300.00 foot Ingress and Egress Easement known as “Reserve Boulevard”, and recorded in Official Records Book 629, Pages 2523 through 2526 inclusive of
the Public Records, of St. Lucie County, Florida; Thence Southeasterly along the Southerly extension of said “Reserve Boulevard”; South 48°11'37” East, a distance of 270.27 feet to the
Beginning of a circular curve concave to the Southwest having a radius of 2350.00 feet and a central angle of 25°15'29”; thence Southeasterly along the arc of said curve, an arc distance
of 1035.97 feet to a point of tangency; thence South 22°56'08” East, a distance of 732.22 feet, to a a point of curvature of a circular curve concave to the West, having a radius of
1124.00 feet and a central angle of 38°16'24”; thence Southerly along the arc of said curve, an arc distance of 750.83 feet, to a point of tangency; thence South 15°20'16” West, a distance
of 434.07 feet, to a point of curvature of a circular curve concave to the East having a radius of 1300.00 feet and a central angle of 33°35'08”; thence Southerly along the arc of said
curve, an arc distance of 762.03 feet to a point of tangency; thence South 18°14'52” East, a distance of 784.39 feet, to a point of curvature of a circular curve concave to the Northeast
having a radius of 1034.87 feet and a central angle of 18°43'35”; thence Southeasterly along the arc of said curve an arc distance of 338.24 feet to a point of reverse curvature of a
curve concave to the West having a radius of 25.00 feet and a central angle of 91°10'34”; thence Southwesterly along the arc of said curve a distance of 39.78 feet; thence South 54°12'07”
West, a distance of 596.90 feet; thence North 35°47'53” West, a distance of 140.00 feet; thence South 54°12'07” West, a distance of 554.05 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence South
35°47'53” East, a distance of 403.31 feet; thence South 54°12'07” West, a distance of 666.09 feet; thence North 35°47'53” West, a distance of 571.88 feet; thence North 54°12'07” East,
a distance of 79.08 feet; thence North 09°12'07” East, a distance of 251.17 feet, to a point of curvature of a curve concave to the South having a radius of 100.35 feet and a central
angle of 90°00'00”; thence Easterly along the arc of said curve a distance of 157.63 feet to a point of tangency; thence South 80°47'53” East, a distance of 359.19 feet; thence South
35°47'53” East, a distance of 92.19 feet; thence North 54°12'07” East, a distance of 13.50 feet to the Point of Beginning. Said parcel containing 9.9 acres, more or less.
BY GEORGE ANDREASSI george.andreassi@scripps.com JENSEN BEACH — Port St. Lucie resident Rico Brotherton took his relatives fromToronto toTurtle Beach to sunbathe Thursday, and wound
up helping scientists sponge down a beached pygmy sperm whale and carry the ailing animal on a stretcher to a waiting ambulance. “I just came to the beach and it’s something where I’ve
got to get involved because I love animals,” Brotherton said. “I hate to see an animal hurt.” But the beached whale’s survivalwasn’tmeant tobe, marine mammal experts said. A marine ambulance
transportedthe 11-foot-long, 873-pound male to the Harbor BranchOceanographic Institute at Florida AtlanticUniversity’s critical care center north of Fort Pierce for in-depth study,
said Steve McCulloch, HBOI’s marine mammal program manager. He later told WPTVNewsChannel 5 that the animal had to be euthanizedbecausepygmysperm whales are deep-water species that cannot
be accommodated on shore nor can they be released back into the ocean. HBOI Veterinarian Juli Goldstein examined the adult animal on Turtle Beach, checking its heart beat and drawing
blood samples. Shortly before 1 p.m., several beachgoers helped scientists and wildlife officers carry the whale to the ambulance as dozens of people watched and shot photos and videos.
“The animal is not in a lot of pain right now,” McCulloch said on the beach. “These animals are very strong and powerful. The animal is very relaxed and subdued and ... resting comfortably.”
Staff report The Florida Department of Environmental Protection’s Florida State Parks and its partners are celebrating the fourth annual Florida Literacy Month with special events at
state parks and libraries statewide. In conjunction with International Literacy Day on Sept. 8 and National LibraryCardSignupMonth, entrance to all of Florida’s state parks will be free
Sept. 10 through 12 for visitors who bring a library card, library book or who donate anewor gentlyused familybook.Literacyactivities include: CHILDREN’S BOOK READING Where: John D.
MacArthur Beach State Park, North Palm Beach When: Sept. 10, 10 to 10:30 a.m. What: Children’s librarian Nancy Hodges fromthe Village of North PalmBeach Library will read about sea turtles
and sea turtle hatchlings. This program is geared toward pre-school aged children. There will be a craft session and a guided tour of the nature center. For more information: call (561)
624-6952. READING IN THE PARK Where: Jonathan Dickinson State Park, Hobe Sound When: Sept. 11, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Join park staff for a literacy scavenger hunt, hourly story time, sounds
of nature auditory game, build your own raft races and other fun activities throughout the day. For more information, call (561) 745-5551. SIDEWALK ART Where: Fort Pierce Inlet State
Park, Fort Pierce When: Sept. 11, 8 a.m. to sunset Local students are invited to illustrate their favorite storybook on the park’s sidewalks. Pre-registered students will receive a bag
of sidewalk chalk and a square of sidewalk to decorate featuring scenes from their favorite storybook. For more information and to register, call (772) 468-3985. Literacy events coming
IF YOU FIND A BEACHED WHALE, CALL: Florida Fish andWildlife Conservation Commission stranded hot line: (888) 404-3922 NationalMarine Fisheries Service, Tequesta: (561) 575-4461 Harbor
Branch Oceanographic Institute staff veterinarian Juli Goldstein, left, and Harbor Branch program director Steve McCulloch, right, lead Kenny Kroell, middle left, and Adam Schaefer,
middle right, both with Harbor Branch, and a group of volunteers who were at Turtle Beach as they move a beached pygmy sperm whale to a transport truck Thursday afternoon in Jensen Beach.
Whale has to be euthanized afterMartin County beaching ALEX BOERNER • alex.boerner@scripps.com SL • FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 2010 • SCRIPPS TREASURE COAST NEWSPAPERS • B7 adinfo="2456577|46
SMALL SCALE AMENDMENT TO THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP A public hearing on this proposal will be held before the Planning and Zoning Commission/Local Planning Agency on September 16, at 6:00
P.M. or as soon thereafter as the item may be heard, in the County Commission Chambers, 3rd Floor of the St. Lucie County Administration Annex, 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, Florida.
The purpose of this public hearing is to consider a recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners of the following Comprehensive Plan Amendments: ORDINANCE NO. 10-035 AN ORDINANCE
PROVIDING FOR ADOPTION. Petition Applicant: PGA Reserve Inc. Petition File Number: FLUMA 720104078 Location: 1920 Perfect Drive, Port St. Lucie, FL Legal Description: A parcel of land
lying in Section 27,Township 36 South, Range 39 East, St, Lucie County, Florida, and being more particularly described as follows: Commence at the Northeast corner of Lot 66 according
to the Plat of Reserve Plantation Phase I, as recorded in Plat Book 24, Page 20, of the Public Records, of St. Lucie County, Florida, said point being on the Southerly line, of a 300.00
foot Ingress and Egress Easement known as ‘Reserve Boulevard”, and recorded in Official Records Book 629, Pages 2523 through 2526 inclusive of the Public Records, of St. Lucie County,
Florida;Thence Southeasterly along the Southerly extension of said ‘Reserve Boulevard”; South 4871’37” East, a distance of 270.27 feet to the Beginning of a circular curve concave to
the Southwest having a radius of 2350.00 feet and a central angle of 2575’29î; thence Southeasterly along the arc of said curve, an arc distance of 1035.97 feet to a point of tangency;
thence South 22”56’08” East, a distance of 732.22 feet, to a point of curvature of a circular curve concave to the West, having a radius of 1124.00 feet and a central angle of 3876’24î;
thence Southerly along the arc of said curve, an arc distance of 750.83 feet, to a point of tangency; thence South 15”20’16” West, a distance of 434.07 feet, to a point of curvature
of a circular curve concave to the East having a radius of 1300.00 feet and a central angle of 3335’08î; thence Southerly along the arc of said curve, an arc distance of 762.03 feet
to a point of tangency; thence South 18”14’52” East, a distance of 784.39 feet, to a point of curvature of a circular curve concave to the Northeast having a radius of 1034.87 feet and
a central angle of 18”43’35î; thence Southeasterly along the arc of said curve an arc distance of 338.24 feet to a point of reverse curvature of of a curve concave to theWest having
a radius of 25.00 feet and a central angle of 91 “10’34î; thence Southwesterly along the arc of said curve a distance of 39.78 feet; thence South 54”12’07” West, a distance of 596.90
feet; thence North 35”47’53” West, a distance of 140.00 feet; thence South 5472’07” West, a distance of 554.05 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence South 35”47’53” East, a distance
of 403.31 feet; thence South 5472’07” West, a distance of 666.09 feet; thence North 35”47’53” West, a distance of 571.88 feet; thence North 54”12’07” East, a distance of 79.08 feet;
thence North 09”12’07” East, a distance of 251.17 feet, to a point of curvature of a curve concave to the South having a radius of 100.35 feet and a central angle of 90”00100”; thence
Easterly along the arc of said curve a distance of 157.63 feet to a point of tangency; thence South 80°47’53” East, a distance of 359.19 feet; thence South 35”47’53” East, a distance
of 92.19 feet; thence North 5472’07” East, a distance of 13.50 feet to to the Point of Beginning. Said parcel containing 9.9 acres, more or less. Purpose: To amend the Future Land Use
Map for a 9.9 acre portion of a parcel from RS (Residential Suburban – 2 dwelling units/acre) to COM (Commercial). All interested persons will be given an opportunity to be heard. Written
comments received in advance of the public hearing will also be considered. Written comments to the Planning and Zoning Commission/Local Planning Agency should be received by the Planning
and Development Services Department -Planning Division at least 3 days prior to the scheduled hearing. The petition file is available for review at the Planning and Development Services
Department offices located at 2300 Virginia Avenue, 2nd Floor, Fort Pierce, Florida, during regular business hours. Please call 772/462-2822 orTDD 772/462-1428 if you have any questions
or require additional information. The St. Lucie County Planning and Zoning Commission/Local Planning Agency has the power to review and recommend to the St. Lucie County Board of County
Commissioners, for approval or disapproval, any applications within their area of responsibility. The proceedings of the Planning and Zoning Commission/Local Planning Agency are electronically
recorded. PURSUANT TO Section 286.0105, Florida Statutes, if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the Planning and Zoning Commission/Local Planning Agency with respect to
any matter considered at a meeting or hearing, he or she will need a record of the proceedings. For such purpose, he or she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings
is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Upon the request of any party to the proceeding, individuals testifying during a hearing
will be sworn in. Any party to the proceeding will be granted an opportunity to cross-examine any individual testifying during a hearing upon request. If necessary, a public hearing
may be continued to a date certain. Anyone with a disability requiring requiring accommodation to attend this meeting should contact the St. Lucie County Community Risk Manager at least
forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting at (772)462-1546 or T.D.D. 772/462-1428. Any questions about this agenda may be referred to St. Lucie County Planning Division at (772) 462-2822.
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hours and you can enjoy secure eating again. This minimally invasive surgery is performed in one office visit and requires no sutures with minimal recovery time. The patient and any
other person responsible for payment has the right to refuse to pay, cancel payment or be reimbursed for payment for any other service, examination, or treatment that is performed as
a result of and within 72 hours of the advertisement for the free, discounted fee, or reduced fee service, examination or treatment. John S. Cairns, DDS Boulevard Dental Associates Call
for your complimentary consultation 1343 S.E. Port St. Lucie Blvd. www.BoulevardDentalAssociates.com 337-1111 Publication Date: 09/03/2010 Ad Number: 2456577 Insertion Number: Size:
2 x 10 Color Type: B&W Client Name: Advertiser: SLC GROWTH MANAGEMENT Section/Page/Zone: Local/B07/St Lucie News Tribune Description: 46 pga ordinance This E-Sheet(R) is provided as
conclusive evidence that the ad appeared in Treasure Coast News/Press-Tribune on the date and page indicated. You may not create derivative works, or in any way exploit or repurpose
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1 Britton Wilson From: John Wiesenfeld [john.wiesenfeld@gmail.com] Sent: Saturday, September 04, 2010 3:40 PM To: Britton Wilson Subject: PGA Reserve Land Use Change Mr. Britton De Witt
Senior Planner Planning and Development Services Department 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 Dear Mr. De Witt: We are residents of PGA Village and wish to add our written comments
to the public record regarding the petition of PGA Reserve to change the Future Land Use of a 9.9 acre site from residential suburban to commercial. In a nutshell we request that the
Planning and Zoning Commission deny this petition, specifically with regard to the construction of a sizable "golf lodging facility", which to all intents and purposes appears to be
a hotel. We have no objection to an upgrading of the existing clubhouse within the currently existing authorization, but we do have a serious objection to what appears to be nothing
less than a major change in the business operations that take place in our community. Our concerns are the following: --The subject property is part of a planned community. Given the
staggering number of hotel rooms constructed during the last five years within a mile of the subject property, it seems the worst imaginable planning to approve yet another such business
in the immediate proximity. Such a project offers the prospect of no additional new jobs; whatever employment opportunities would gained by the PGA will be lost at other hotels. The
same may be said for tax revenues, of course. No net gains will be achieved until all of the hotels and similar lodgings in the area of I-95 exit 121 are operating near capacity. --Those
individuals who own properties within PGA Village that are used to generate rental income and who purchased those homes in the reasonable expectation that no hotels would be built within
the boundaries of the planned communities to the west of I-95 would be faced with the prospect of seeing the value of their properties being negatively impacted. This is a planned community;
unless unless there is a pressing matter of policy or circumstance that creates a fundamental change in the public interest (as opposed to private interest) we see no reason why the
future usage of this land ought to be changed. By the way, we do not hold an interest in any such property, nor do we intend to do so. However, we do believe that those who do should
be permitted to retain their equity without unreasonable interference from after the fact redefinitions of land use that unilaterally benefit large land holders. --To those who would
argue that somehow the construction of a hotel on this site would enhance local residential property values, please address the following question: "If a 100 unit hotel would enhance
local property values by a certain amount, would a 200 unit hotel increase those values by twice that amount? What about 300 units? Would that triple the increase in property values?"
The commission (and its staff) has the responsibility to understand the impacts of a decision to change the future future land use of this property beyond the simple first-order expectation
of additional real estate taxes associated with a new hotel. Will those enhanced tax revenues be offset by reduced property values of nearby residential rental units yielding no net
gain (or worse) in county revenues?
2 --Nowhere have we seen reference to matters relating to the traffic handling capabilities of the local streets leading into the PGA Village area. The proposed hotel would substantially
increase volume on these streets. What is the potential impact and who is responsible for their mitigation? --Without seeing an actual design, it is impossible to assess the impact of
the proposed structures on drainage in this area. As you are no doubt aware, PGA Village has had three serious floods since 2004 and homes have been damaged as a result. What additional
retention structures and drainage canals will be necessary to mitigate completely the impact of additional impervious surfaces resulting from the new building, parking lots, and roadway
modifications? --Finally, what does it mean to create a planned community, whether a PUD or a PNRD? We believe that reasonable people will agree that these communities are not immutable;
some flexibility is necessary to attain goals of developing public policy. The subject petition calls for a change in land use from residential to commercial. Such a change might be
approved if it would result in commercial activity that would be of direct benefit to the residents of the community in which that enterprise was located. What benefit is contemplated
to those of us who live in this planned community? There are hundreds of hotel rooms available within minutes of the village entrance for friends and family who cannot be accommodated
in our homes. The benefit here appears to accrue solely to the owners of the new facility and to the PGA, which appears to be changing the nature of its operations in St. Lucie, from
something that was oriented to the recreational needs of local residents to something else, which is increasingly oriented to private members and resort guests. Where is the benefit
to us? We believe that lodging capacity in this area is completely sufficient to operate a golf club in PGA's current location. This petition addresses an hotel, but eventually the commission
should anticipate requests for restaurants, a night club, retail shops, and the like, all within the confines of what was planned as a residential community? PGA Reserve has no right
to change the use of this land, and its request should be denied. With thanks for allowing us to provide our comments for the record, Sally Wiesenfeld John Wiesenfeld 8012 Kiawah Trace
Port St. Lucie, FL 34986
1 Britton Wilson From: bconley854@aol.com Sent: Monday, September 06, 2010 6:20 PM To: Britton Wilson Subject: PGA Reserve Inc Zoning Change It would be helpful if somewhere in the approval
process attention is called to the need for law enforcement to monitor Perfect Dr for excessive speeding. The way some people drive on this road will eventually lead to fatality. You
have runners, walkers, kids in golf carts, adults in golf carts without protection from these speeders. No posted speed limits, no sidewalks, no law enforcement. Thank you W. Robert
Conley 10079 Perfect Dr. Port St. Lucie,
1 Britton Wilson From: Janet Beam [janet@autotac.net] Sent: Friday, September 10, 2010 11:43 AM To: Britton Wilson Subject: Public Hearing Notice -PGA Village 1920 Perfect Dr We are
owners of a home on 9939 Perfect Dr. We strongly disagree with constructing a 100 hotel unit complex. Too much traffic already. Way to many rental condos and hotels in this area. Bob
& Janet Beam 9939 Perfect Dr Port St. Luice
1 Britton Wilson From: Josie Groff [jhgroff@verizon.net] Sent: Monday, September 13, 2010 9:54 AM To: Britton Wilson Subject: September 16 meeting -PGA Village We have received the Public
Hearing Notice in which PGA Reserve Inc. is petitioning a change in the land use from residential to commercial. We have no objection to the project of replacement of the present clubhouse
facility. However, we are concerned about the addition of a 100 unit hotel adjoining this facility. We feel this would greatly comprise the security of our neighborhood since the project
would be in close proximity to Bally Bunion Road. The question remains how would PGA insure the present level of security which we now have. We cannot be present at the meeting because
of previous commitments. We wish to have our comments included in the record concerning this project. Paul and Josephine Groff 8733 Bally Bunion Road Port St. Lucie, FL 34986
1 Britton Wilson From: Erick Gill Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2010 1:07 PM To: Mark Satterlee; Britton Wilson; Kara Wood Cc: Faye W. Outlaw; Lee Ann Lowery Subject: FW: St. Lucie
County Online -Contact My Commissioner -Subject: Suggestion FYI From: docdir@aol.com [mailto:docdir@aol.com] Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2010 12:45 PM To: Webmaster; Erick Gill; Chris
Dzadovsky; Doug Coward; Paula Lewis; Charles Grande; Chris Craft Subject: St. Lucie County Online -Contact My Commissioner -Subject: Suggestion This message was sent by Myrna&Dr. Ken
Bridges at 9/15/2010 12:44:30 PM. Contact Phone Number: 772-489-0500 Message: Dear Commissioners, We would strongly recommend to amend the code from residential to commercial for PGA.
We have lived in PGA for 14 years, and we have no complaints about their presence. We are delighted that they would like to invest in our county with the new expansion. With the declining
economy, it can only benefit our community!!! Thanks for your consideration, Dr. & Mrs. Ken Bridges This message was sent from St. Lucie County Online Please Note: Florida has very broad
public records laws. Most written communications to or from County officials regarding County business are public records available to the public and media upon request. It is the policy
of St. Lucie County that all County records shall be open for personal inspection, examination and /or copying. Your e-mail communications will be subject to public disclosure unless
an exemption applies to the communication. If you received this email in error, please notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete all materials from all computers.
1 Britton Wilson From: Kara Wood Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2010 10:02 AM To: Britton Wilson Cc: Mark Satterlee Subject: FW: St. Lucie County Online -Contact My Commissioner -Subject:
None of the above A thumbs up for PGA. From: Erick Gill Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2010 10:02 AM To: Mark Satterlee; Kara Wood Cc: Faye W. Outlaw; Lee Ann Lowery Subject: FW: St.
Lucie County Online -Contact My Commissioner -Subject: None of the above FYI From: pfgarciaking@comcast.net [mailto:pfgarciaking@comcast.net] Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2010 10:01
AM To: Webmaster; Erick Gill; Chris Dzadovsky; Doug Coward; Paula Lewis; Charles Grande; Chris Craft Subject: St. Lucie County Online -Contact My Commissioner -Subject: None of the above
This message was sent by Patricia F Garcia-King at 9/15/2010 10:01:06 AM. Contact Phone Number: 772-468-7425 Message: I am a resident of Cypress Point in PGA Village and I support the
land change request by PGA. Thank you Patricia F. Garcia-King This message was sent from St. Lucie County Online Please Note: Florida has very broad public records laws. Most written
communications to or from County officials regarding County business are public records available to the public and media upon request. It is the policy of St. Lucie County that all
County records shall be open for personal inspection, examination and /or copying. Your e-mail communications will be subject to public disclosure unless an exemption applies to the
communication. If you received this email in error, please notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete all materials from all computers. Please Note: Florida has very broad public records
laws. Most written communications to or from County officials regarding County business are public records available to the public and media upon request. It is the policy of St. Lucie
County that all County records shall be open for personal inspection, examination and /or copying. Your e-mail communications will be subject to public disclosure unless an exemption
applies to the communication. If you received this email in error, please notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete all materials from all computers.
1 Britton Wilson From: Mark Satterlee Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2010 9:55 AM To: Britton Wilson Subject: FW: St. Lucie County Online -Contact My Commissioner -Subject: None of the
above Mark Satterlee, AICP, Director Planning & Development Services St Lucie County, Florida 772.462.2822 satterleem@stlucieco.org From: Erick Gill Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2010
9:48 AM To: Mark Satterlee; Kara Wood Cc: Lee Ann Lowery; Faye W. Outlaw Subject: FW: St. Lucie County Online -Contact My Commissioner -Subject: None of the above Mark – FYI From: AmTwist@aol.com
[mailto:AmTwist@aol.com] Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2010 9:43 AM To: Webmaster; Erick Gill; Chris Dzadovsky; Doug Coward; Paula Lewis; Charles Grande; Chris Craft Subject: St. Lucie
County Online -Contact My Commissioner -Subject: None of the above This message was sent by Toni Rand at 9/15/2010 9:42:32 AM. Contact Phone Number: 772-489-5982 Message: I live in PGA
and would like to say that I support the request by PGA for a zoning change to expand expand the clubhouse and to perhaps build a hotel on the PGA property -thank you Toni Rand 7957
Steeplechase Ct Port St Lucie, FL 34986 This message was sent from St. Lucie County Online Please Note: Florida has very broad public records laws. Most written communications to or
from County officials regarding County business are public records available to the public and media upon request. It is the policy of St. Lucie County that all County records shall
be open for personal inspection, examination and /or copying. Your e-mail communications will be subject to public disclosure unless an exemption applies to the communication. If you
received this email in error, please notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete all materials from all computers. Please Note: Florida has very broad public records laws. Most written
communications to or from County officials regarding County business are public records available to the public and media upon request. It is the policy of St. Lucie County that all
County records shall be open for personal inspection, examination and /or copying. Your e-mail communications will be subject to public disclosure unless an exemption applies to the
communication. If you received this email in error, please notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete all materials from all computers.
1 Britton Wilson From: fpprose@comcast.net Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2010 7:19 AM To: Britton Wilson Subject: P.G.A. zone change I will not be able to attend the meeting on Thursday,
Sept.16, and therefore request that you and the commission deny the PGA a zone change from residential to commercial. Requesting a zone change for projects to be built ten years from
now presents a potential problem whereby PGA may use the property for unrelated golf associated business. I ask that you share this request with the other commission members. Thank you
. Frederick Prose Jr. D.M.D. 8316 Belfrey Place, PGA Village.
1 Britton Wilson From: Margie Story [margie@gdstl.com] Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2010 8:59 AM To: Britton Wilson Subject: PGA Rezoning I am a resident of PGA Village and I am opposed
to rezoning the 9.9 acre parcel from RS to COM. Margie Story
1 Britton Wilson From: Erick Gill Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2010 8:07 AM To: Britton Wilson; Mark Satterlee; Kara Wood Cc: Faye W. Outlaw; Lee Ann Lowery Subject: FW: St. Lucie County
Online -Contact My Commissioner -Subject: Select Subject FYI From: bunny9322@aol.com [mailto:bunny9322@aol.com] Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2010 5:10 PM To: Webmaster; Erick Gill;
Chris Dzadovsky; Doug Coward; Paula Lewis; Charles Grande; Chris Craft Subject: St. Lucie County Online -Contact My Commissioner -Subject: Select Subject This message was sent by Theora
(Bunny) Webb at 9/15/2010 5:10:04 PM. Contact Phone Number: 772-467-1711 Message: The PGA Golf Club is applying for a zoning variance from residential to commercial to allow them to
build, at some future date, a high-end 100 room guest lodge. As a resident of the PGA Village, Sabal Creek neighborhood, I support the PGA in this regard. I do so because the PGA has
proven to be a responsible and good neighbor and they have the opportunity to attract visitors, events and revenue to St. Lucie West which will benefit our investment in this area. I
hope the County Commission will grant the variance requested by the PGA Golf Club. Thank you. This message was sent from St. Lucie County Online Please Note: Florida has very broad public
records laws. Most written communications to or from County officials regarding County business are public records available to the public and media upon request. It is the policy of
St. Lucie County that all County records shall be open for personal inspection, examination and /or copying. Your e-mail communications will be subject to public disclosure unless an
exemption applies to the communication. If you received this email in error, please notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete all materials from all computers.
1 Britton Wilson From: Horace S Webb [hsw123@aol.com] Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2010 3:34 PM To: Britton Wilson Cc: BBaldassari@pgahq.com Subject: Application for Re-Zoning by PGA
Golf Club Dear Commissioners, I am writing in support of the application by the PGA of America to rezone 9.9 acres within the PGA Golf Club Property at PGA Village in St. Lucie County.
I understand the first step is to see approval for a Land Use Change in order to support the construction of a new Clubhouse Facility. Also in their planning is to seek the necessary
changes in zoning to allow for future construction of a lodge or hotel on the property. I believe the proposed changes will result in a new property use that will enhance the ability
of the PGA of America to ensure the financial viability of the Golf Course as a business enterprise. And that would be good not only for our community but the County and the city of
Port St. Lucie as well. I am president of the Sabal Creek Property Owners Association. I have sent e-mails to as many of the 153 owners of property in my community. Although we have
not had a formal property owners meeting that would allow me to make an official comment on behalf of the entire community, I can report that all of the communications I have received
from property owners in Sabal Creek support the proposed changes. Our only concern is to ensure that a proposed Golf Cart Path allowing golfers who live in Verano, the community south
of PGA Village is constructed and monitored in a way not to diminish the security and safety of the residents of our Community. I have worked with the management at the PGA Golf Club
on many projects in the past. I have found they listen to our concerns and I expect that the proposed Golf Cart Access will be handled in a way that will satisfy our concerns. Thank
you. Horace S. Webb 7825 Sabal Lake Drive Port St. Lucie, Florida 34986 772 467-1711 Resident of PGA Village
Table of Contents Exhibit A: Site Aerial Exhibits Exhibit B: Existing Future Land Use Exhibit Exhibit C: Existing Use of Land Exhibit Exhibit D: Legal Description and Sketch of Legal
Exhibit E: Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council Memo Exhibit F: Pre-Application meeting response Letter Exhibit G: Main Development Application Exhibit H: Map Change and Text Amendment
Supplement Application Exhibit I: Shared Parking Analysis Exhibit J: Reserve DRI: Transportation Conditions Memo Exhibit K: Service Capacity Verifications
Exhibit A Site Aerial Exhibits
Exhibit B Existing Future Land Use Exhibit
Exhibit C Existing Use of Land Exhibit
Exhibit D Legal Description and Sketch of Legal
Exhibit F Pre-Application Meeting Response Letter
July 16, 2010 Kristin Tetsworth, Senior Planner St. Lucie Co. Planning & Development Services Planning Division 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, Florida 34982 Re: PGA Reserve
– Small Area Future Land Use Map Amendment for future Clubhouse Expansion (Our Reference Number: B09-13LP) Dear Ms. Tetsworth, We are in receipt of your letter dated May 3, 2010, wherein
you provided an overview of and responses to questions raised in our meeting held on April 29, 2010 as it related to the above referenced project. Many subjects were discussed in the
aforementioned meeting, however, I would like to address the points you raised in your above referenced letter as it relates to the Small Area Future Land Use Map Amendment to allow
for expansion of the existing clubhouse facility to accommodate lodging (hotel) facilities; specifically, the requested justification statements to St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan
(“Comp. Plan”) Policies through and question # 8 (8b and 8c). Outlined below, beginning with Comp. Plan Objective 1.1.8, are justification statements in bold italics
below. *************** Objective 1.1.8: Property owners investments, their quality of life and the single family neighborhood, as a defined residential area, shall be protected from
the encroachment of commercial and/or other inappropriate land uses through consistent predictable application of the Land Development Regulations. This requested amendment to the St.
Lucie County Comprehensive Plan is to provide for a change in Future Land Use designation for a 9.9 acre (mol) parcel of land located in the Reserve (PGA Village) Development of Regional
Impact – PGA Clubhouse Area, from the RS (Residential Suburban) to COM (Commercial) Future Land Use designation. The proposed designation of this property to the COM Future Land Use
designation is for the purpose of providing the opportunity to construct a new/replacement PGA Golf clubhouse complex and administrative support area and a new golf lodging facility
that will serve the existing PGA golf facilities located at the Reserve. Final footprints for the new/replacement PGA Golf clubhouse complex and the new lodging facility have not yet
been completed; however, the approximate square
footage of the new/replacement clubhouse complex is 30-35,000 sq. ft. In addition, it is the objective of the petitioner to construct approximately 100 hotel units in a new golf lodging
facility that will be located on this site. While land uses in this area are predominately residential (refer to Exhibits B and C), the redesignation of this property to a Commercial
(COM) Future Land Use Classification, when considered along with the accompanying petition for Major Adjustment to the sites current PNRD (Planned Non-Residential Development) zoning
approvals in order to permit the new PGA Golf clubhouse complex and golf lodging facility, would not be considered inconsistent with other land uses found in the area. Application of
the PNRD zoning district to this property allows for a narrow definition of the potential future uses on the property, where any deviation from these identified uses would require that
an affirmative vote for such a change from the County Commission be obtained. Policy All new subdivisions, planned unit developments and site development plans shall be designed
to include an efficient system of internal traffic circulation that does not require internal trips or trips of short duration to be forced onto the major roadway network. The requirements
of this Policy are noted and acknowledged. As this policy appears to be more of a specific site design regulating policy, at the time a formal site plan is submitted to the County for
review, compliance with this policy will be demonstrated. It should be noted that the petitioned parcel is part of larger, previously approved, Development of Regional Impact. As part
of the assessment of that DRI, traffic impacts, both on-site and off-site impacts were evaluated, and a series of special limiting conditions related to traffic needs were included in
the project’s Final Development Order. Any development on this petitioned property is subject to demonstrating compliance with these conditions as part of the site permitting process
that follows this land use amendment review. Policy All new subdivisions shall be designed so that all individual lots have direct access to the internal street system, and
that any lot or property along the periphery of the development is to be buffered from any major roadway and incompatible land uses. The proposed use shall occur within a previously
approved Development of Regional Impact, with adequate road system and buffering. No subdivision of land is proposed at this time. Policy Continue to implement the county-wide
right-of-way protection regulation and Right-of-Way Dedication Ordinance. The petitioned property is not located adjacent to or affected by, any identified corridor or roadway included
in the county-wide right-of-way protection plan.
At the time final development permit approvals are sought, the property owners will comply with all applicable requirements and standards of the County’s Right-of-Way Dedication regulations.
Policy Limited development of commercial/non-residential uses will be allowed within areas classified for residential uses, provided that these activities are compatible with
the adjacent land uses and meet the following standards: a) Intent of the commercial use is to provide easily accessible, convenience-type uses to immediately surrounding residents;
N/A. The submitted petition is for a change in Future Land Use to the COM (Commercial) future land use designation. This policy addresses the standards for considering the application
of a commercial zoning designation in a non-commercial land use category, such as residential. b) Property for which the commercial designation is sought is located on an Arterial or
Major Collector; N/A. The submitted petition is for a change in Future Land Use to the COM (Commercial) future land use designation. This policy addresses the standards for considering
the application of a commercial zoning designation in a non-commercial land use category, such as residential. c) Conversion of the petitioned property would not promote any strip commercial
use of land; N/A. The submitted petition is for a change in Future Land Use to the COM (Commercial) future land use designation. This policy addresses the standards for considering the
application of a commercial zoning designation in a non-commercial land use category, such as residential. d) Use is compatible with surrounding land uses and is provided with adequate
screening and buffering of any adjacent residential property; Given the context of the proposed use it is compatible with surrounding land uses and adequate buffering/screening will
be utilized so as to buffer adjacent residential uses from the proposed use. N/A. The submitted petition is for a change in Future Land Use to the COM (Commercial) future land use designation.
This policy addresses the standards for considering the application of a commercial zoning designation in a non-commercial land use category, such as residential. e) The site does not
have its primary driveway access onto any local or Minor Collector street; and, The site has access provided by Reserve Boulevard and Perfect Drive and
exceeds any traffic capacity of a local and/or minor collector. N/A. The submitted petition is for a change in Future Land Use to the COM (Commercial) future land use designation. This
policy addresses the standards for considering the application of a commercial zoning designation in a non-commercial land use category, such as residential. f) The property for which
the commercial designation is sought does not exceed 10 acres. The property for which the commercial designation is sought does not exceed 10 acres. N/A. The submitted petition is for
a change in Future Land Use to the COM (Commercial) future land use designation. This policy addresses the standards for considering the application of a commercial zoning designation
in a non-commercial land use category, such as residential. Policy In addition to any other general standard for change in zoning as may be described in the County’s Land Development
Regulations, the following specific standards shall be used in determining the suitability of of the new property(s) for designation as Commercial General (CG) under the County’s Land
Development Regulations: a) New Commercial General (CG) property should have available to it at the time of any zoning change central water services, or have an executed service agreement
for the provision of central water services necessary for both domestic and fire protection purposes. Utility services (water and waste water) are presently available to the site and
are provided by the Reserve Utility Corporation. Attached as Exhibit K to the Map Change and Text Amendments Application Supplement are updated service commitment requests that have
been submitted to the Reserve Utility Corporation. As responses are received the information will be updated accordingly. b) New Commercial General (CG) property should not be located
within 300 feet of any Aquatic Preserve or other specially designated aquatic habitat or a Category 1 Wetland as defined in Policy of the Conservation Element of this Plan.
The lands under this petition are not located with 300 feet of any Aquatic Preserve or other designated aquatic habitat or a Category 1 Wetland as defined in Policy c) New
Commercial General (CG) areas should have immediate access to the regional transit network; and, Policy, of the future land use element of the County’s Comprehensive Plan
reads as follows:
c) New Commercial General (CG) areas should have immediate access to the regional transportation network; and, [emphasis added] It should be noted that the petitioned parcel is part
of larger, previously approved, Development of Regional Impact (DRI). As part of the assessment of that DRI, traffic impacts, both on-site and off-site impacts were evaluated, and a
series of special limiting conditions related to traffic needs were included in the project’s Final Development Order. Any development on this petitioned property is subject to demonstrating
compliance with these conditions as part of the site permitting process that follows this Future Land Use Amendment review. d) The property for which the commercial designation is sought
does not exceed 10 acres. Policy, of the Future Land Use Element of the County’s Comprehensive Plan reads as follows: d) New Commercial General (CG) property should have a
minimum lot size of one (1) acre, unless the property is being added to another existing commercially (general) zoned property. The land for which the commercial designation is sought
is 9.9 acres. Policy Require effective visual and light diffusion barriers between residential and non-residential uses. Standards and requirements for such barriers are to
be included in the landscaping and screening regulations of the St. Lucie County Land Development Regulations. The requirements of this Policy are noted and acknowledged. As this policy
appears to be more of a specific site design regulating policy, at the time a formal site plan is submitted to the County for review, compliance with this policy will be demonstrated.
Adequate screening of proposed structures in the petitioned area can be accomplished through the use of landscape buffer plantings. Light diffusion shall be accomplished via light shielding
and/or the use of landscape buffer plantings so as to prevent light pollution from negatively affecting residences. Policy Eliminate future scattered and highway strip commercial
development by encouraging the development of commercial centers or nodes consistent with the Future Land Use Map. The petitioned property is located internal to the previously approved
Development of Regional Impact (DRI) known as the Reserve. The proposed development of this site for non-residential use will not contravene the above Comprehensive Plan policy.
Policy Restrict strip commercial development to these traffic corridors where such development patterns now exist. The depth of these commercial areas should average 600 feet,
with the exceptions to be found at points of arterial intersection. N/A. The petitioned property is not a strip commercial development. Policy Concentrate tourist and regional
service related commercial activities to those areas adjoining the interstate highway system or that have sufficient regional automobile access. The petitioned property is located internal
to the previously approved Development of Regional Impact (DRI) known as the Reserve. The petitioned site is within a two (2) mile radius of the I-95/St. Lucie West (Reserve Blvd) Interchange,
which provides for regional access to this site without having to travel extensively over the local area roadway network. Policy Interchange development activities should not
include commercial activities that are designed to service a small geographic market area. Local service activities should be located at points away from an interchange so as to avoid
conflicts between regional and local traffic which can contribute to accelerated degradation of level of service in these areas. The petitioned property is not located within a designated
“Interchange development” area. The proposed lodging facility is not considered a local service activity, as the golf facilities attract regional guests as well as residents from within
the PGA Reserve development. In addition, the proposed lodging facility is considered and ancillary use to the golf facilities. Policy Encourage the use of existing commercial
and industrial designated lands within the urban service area, through requiring a strict demonstration of service availability, before authorizing Land Use and Zoning amendments in
areas not presently indicated as having such designation. The petitioned property is located internal to the previously approved Development of Regional Impact (DRI) known as the Reserve.
As part of the overall DRI review process, a complete assessment of the impacts of this development on local community services was conducted. The proposed change in Future Land Use,
while considered to be a Preliminary Development Order under the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan, is not expected to provide for any greater land use entitlement than is already
recognized under the site’s overriding Final Development Order of for the Reserve DRI. In response to question #8 (8b and 8c) in the aforementioned letter, we offer the following responses
in bold italics: 8b.) Compliance with Condition of Approval #61 in Resolution 09-016 will require a traffic update study to support the projected change in trips and the timing of the
construction of the bridge over Interstate 95. A letter update is acceptable from Kimley Horn. The petitioned property has, since first constructed in the early 1990s, been used as the
main clubhouse and business office complex associated with the 54 holes of golf found within the Reserve (PGA Village) DRI, and managed by the PGA of America, Inc. With the expanding
use of these facilities, the existing clubhouse and support services have been determined to be inadequate to meet present and future facility demands and expansion/replacement is warranted
to meet this new demand. In addition, while the original development plans for this site did not contemplate the development of any on-site lodging facilities in this clubhouse complex,
recent changes to the PGA’s overall business model in response to user requests has resulted in a proposal to add approximately 100 on-site lodging units that would be constructed in
a traditional hotel format. As the petitioned property is located within the boundary of an approved Development of Regional Impact, land uses on this property are limited by the gross
development entitlements granted under the Final Development Order for The Reserve, DRI. Pursuant to the provisions of Condition Number 51 of St. Lucie County Resolution 09-016 (the
latest Development Order for the Reserve), the petitioner has the option of making changes to the previously approved entitlements to the subject property by converting all or some of
those entitlements to another use, so long as the gross impacts of whatever it is to be developed on the property do not exceed the base thresholds identified in the impacts assessments
used to evaluate this DRI. In the case of this specific land use petition, and based upon the prior approvals granted to this site, the PGA golf clubhouse complex is authorized for approximately
90,000 square feet of overall non-residential commercial/office use (approx 10,000 sq ft in clubhouse and approximately 80,000 square feet in future retail) granted under the approved
Final Development Order for the Reserve. Given that the exiting clubhouse will be expanded by approximately 15,000 square feet (mol), approximately 65,000 square feet of undeveloped
commercial square footage (based upon the approved PNRD master plans for the clubhouse complex) remains that can be used for either commercial or converted use purposes. Condition Number
51, of SLC Resolution 09-016, provides a table that outlines a use conversion matrix that is applicable to the overall Reserve (PGA Village) DRI. The petitioners propose to change approximately
15,000 square feet, of the remaining 65,000 square feet of commercial land use in this area to the equivalent trip generator for hotel units, which in this instance, totals out to be
slightly more than 100 guest rooms. The proposed change in use from shopping center to hotel/resort lodge is an equivalent trip trade-off that increases the allowable number of hotel
rooms by 100 and decreases the allowable commercial development by 14,903 square feet. At present, the Reserve DRI has been documented as generating 2,364 PM peak hour trips using the
formulas contained within the Institute of Transportation Engineers’ report, Trip Generation. No significant construction has occurred over the past 12 months within the Reserve DRI.
Since the only “new” trips to be generated by this proposed land use petition will be associated with the addition of approximately 100 new hotel units on the site, the “net” new pm
peak hour trip generation from the Reserve may reasonably be expected to be increased by 40 trips, for a total PM peak
hour trip generation of 2,404 (based on the 2009 counts). The development of the hotel/resort lodge is not anticipated to create any additional trips from the DRI that were not previously
anticipated. The Developer will satisfy Condition 61 (Selvitz Road & Midway Road intersection improvements) upon reaching 3,867 PM peak hour trips. The Developer is required to construct
the bridge over Interstate 95 upon generating 3,153 PM peak hour trips. Construction of this hotel/lodge will not trigger either development order condition. 8c.) Submit a justification
statement why 8.7 parking spaces per golf hoe is unreasonable and how will PGA mitigate this requirement during large tournaments. If Administrative relief is contemplated, submit a
justification statement pursuant to Section 7.06.01(B) and (F) to support your request. A parking study (i.e. justification statement) is attached to satisfy the parking requirements
of St. Lucie County. We appreciate the opportunity to provide you with the above responses and the attached Application for Small Area Future Land Use Map Amendment and look forward
to working with you toward approval of the requested change in Future Land Use from RS to COM. Should you require further explanation or documentation on the above responses, please
do not hesitate to contact me directly. Respectfully, Brian Nolan, ASLA, ULI-YLG Project Manager
Exhibit G Main Development Application
1,800 400 150 N/A N/A N/A2,350 N/A 4.29.10 2,350.00 Brian Nolan, ASLA, ULI-YLG (Agent) Small Area Land Use Map Amendment 4
The Reserve/PGA Village -Golf Clubhouse Complex Adjustments 1920 Perfect Drive, Port Saint Lucie, Florida A part of Parcel ID Number 3327-200-0001-000-4 See Exhibit D attached 27 -36S
-41E 16.14 ac. (mol) A/A RS (Residential Suburban) PNRD Application is for the purpose of providing for the opportunity to construct a new PGA Golf clubhouse complex/administrative support
areas and golf lodging facility to serve the existing PGA Golf facilities at the Reserve. Final Footprints for the new PGA Golf clubhouse complex and lodging facility have not yet been
completed. Please refer to the attached supplemental application material. X N/A Please refer to “Description of Project” above.
x 9.9 ac. (mol) 1920 Perfect Drive, Port Saint Lucie, Florida RS (Residential Suburban) COM (Commercial) PNRD PGA Golf Clubhouse, parking, associated golf support areas X Major Modification
to the previously approved PGA Clubhouse PNRD Site Plan PGA Golf Clubhouse, parking, associated golf support areas 16.14 ac. (mol)
Brian Nolan, ASLA, ULI-YLG Golf lodge facility and supporting golf related activities The purpose of this petition for small area comprehensive plan amendment is to provide for the opportunity
to construct a new PGA Golf clubhouse complex and golf lodging facility to serve the existing PGA golf facilities located at the Reserve.
1. A general statement describing whether and how the proposed amendment conforms to the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan. The St. Lucie Comprehensive Plan, adopted by Ordinance 90-01
in January of 1990 pursuant to the Local Government Comprehensive Planning Act of 1985, and as subsequently amended, lays out the framework for how the County will grow through a 20-year
planning period expiring in 2025. This plan includes a number of Goals, Objectives and Policies that are designed to ensure the highest quality living environment possible by providing
a mixture of land uses throughout the County; ensuring a high quality of life; creating a dynamic jobs market and reflecting the needs and desires of the local residents and how they
want their community to develop. This requested amendment to the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan is to provide for a change in Future Land Use designation for a 9.9 acre (mol) parcel
of land located in the Reserve (PGA Village) Development of Regional Impact – PGA Clubhouse Area, from the RS (Residential Suburban) to COM (Commercial) Future Land Use designation.
The proposed designation of this property to the COM Future Land Use designation is for the purpose of providing the opportunity to construct a new/replacement PGA Golf clubhouse complex
and administrative support area and a new golf lodging facility that will serve the existing PGA golf facilities located at the Reserve. Final footprints for the new/replacement PGA
Golf clubhouse complex and the new lodging facility have not yet been completed; however, the approximate square footage of the new/replacement clubhouse complex is 30-35,000 sq. ft.
In addition, it is the objective of the petitioner to construct approximately 100 hotel units in a new golf lodging facility that will be located on this site. While land uses in this
area are predominately residential (refer to Exhibits B and C), the redesignation of this property to a Commercial (COM) Future Land Use Classification, when considered along with the
accompanying petition for Major Adjustment to the site’s current PNRD (Planned Non-Residential Development) zoning approvals in order to permit the new PGA Golf clubhouse complex and
golf lodging facility, would not be considered inconsistent with other land uses found in the area. Application of the PNRD zoning district to this property allows for a narrow definition
of the potential future uses on the property, where any deviation from these identified uses would require that an affirmative vote for such a change from the County Commission be obtained.
2. A statement describing how the proposed future land use designation is compatible with the future land use designation(s) and existing land uses surrounding the amendment lands? This
requested amendment to the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan is to provide for a change in Future Land Use designation for a 9.9 acre (mol) parcel of land located in the Reserve (PGA
Village) Development of regional impact – PGA Clubhouse Area, from RS (Residential Suburban) to COM (Commercial). The proposed designation of this property to the COM Future Land Use
designation is for the purpose of providing the opportunity to construct a new/replacement PGA Golf clubhouse complex and administrative support area and a new golf lodging facility
that will serve the existing PGA golf facilities located at the Reserve. Final footprints for the new/replacement PGA Golf clubhouse complex and the new lodging facility have not yet
been completed; however, the approximate square footage of the new/replacement clubhouse complex is 30-35,000 sq. ft. In addition, it is the objective of the petitioner to construct
approximately 100 hotel units in a new golf lodging facility that will be located on this site. The present use of the property under petition is as a golf clubhouse complex in support
of the PGA of Americas existing golf facilities at the PGA Reserve Golf community. While land uses in this area are predominately residential (refer to Exhibits B and C), the redesignation
of this property to a Commercial (COM) Future Land Use Classification, when considered along with the accompanying petition for Major Adjustment to the sites current PNRD (Planned Non-Residential
Development) zoning approvals in order to permit the new PGA Golf clubhouse complex and golf lodging facility, would not be considered inconsistent with other land uses found in the
area. Application of the PNRD zoning district to this property allows for a narrow definition of the potential future uses on the property, where any deviation from these identified
uses would would require that an affirmative vote for such a change from the County Commission be obtained.
3. In accordance with Future Land Use Policy provide the following information: a. Identification [of] future land use designations and existing land uses within ¼ mile of the
subject property that have the same or greater type of proposed future land use designation. Refer to the attached Existing Future Land Use Exhibit (Exhibit B) and Existing Use of Land
Exhibit (Exhibit C) for the area around the petitioned property. The existing Future Land Use designations surrounding this site are; RS (Residential Suburban), COM (Commercial) and
the City of Port St. Lucie. b. Is the property under the land use amendment application within the Five Year Capital Improvement Program of the Water and Wastewater Master Plan for St.
Lucie County or otherwise meet the requirements of Policy Utility services (water and sewer) are presently available to the site and are provided by the Reserve Utility Corporation.
Attached as Exhibit K are updated service commitment requests that have been submitted to the Reserve Utility Corporation. As responses are received, this application will be updated
to reflect their response.
4. Provide a statement describing any conditions affecting the area of the amendment lands that have changed since the most recent adoption of the Comprehensive Plan. Describe any changes
in development patterns, utility availability, and public service capacity. Provide the data and analysis supporting your conclusions. The St. Lucie Comprehensive Plan, adopted by Ordinance
90-01 in January of 1990 pursuant to the Local Government Comprehensive Planning Act of 1985, and as subsequently amended, lays out the framework for how the County will grow through
a 20-year planning period expiring in 2025. This plan includes a number of Goals, Objectives and Policies that are designed to ensure the highest quality living environment possible
by providing a mixture of land uses throughout the County; ensuring a high quality of life; creating a dynamic jobs market and reflecting the needs and desires of the local residents
and how they want their community to develop. The petitioned property has maintained its current current Future Land Use designation of RS (Residential Suburban) since the adoption of
the current County Comprehensive Plan in 1990. This property is part of the previously approved Development of Regional Impact known as The Reserve (now referred to as PGA Village).
The petitioned property has, since first constructed in the early 1990s, been used as the main clubhouse and business office complex
associated with the 54 holes of golf found within the Reserve (PGA Village) DRI, and managed by the PGA of America, Inc. With the expanding use of these facilities, the existing clubhouse
and support services have been determined to be inadequate to meet present and future facility demands and expansion/replacement is warranted to meet this new demand. In addition, while
the original development plans for this site did not contemplate the development of any on-site lodging facilities in this clubhouse complex, recent changes to the PGA’s overall business
model in response to user requests has resulted in a proposal to add approximately 100 on-site lodging units that would be constructed in a traditional hotel format. It is this addition
of these hotel units to this complex that requires the submission of this proposed amendment to the County’s Comprehensive Plan to a land use category that is considered compatible with
hotel developments. Previously, and currently, the residential land use designation found on the petition site has been determined to be sufficient to address the basic golf clubhouse/administrative
support needs of the PGA facility. As the petitioned property is located within the boundary of an approved Development of Regional Impact, land uses on this property are limited by
the gross development entitlements granted under the Final Development Order for The Reserve, DRI. Pursuant to the provisions of Condition Number 51 of St. Lucie County Resolution 09-016
(the latest Development Order for the Reserve), the petitioner has the option of making changes to the previously approved entitlements to the the subject property by converting all
or some of those entitlements to another use, so long as the gross impacts of whatever it is to be developed on the property do not exceed the base thresholds identified in the impacts
assessments used to evaluate this DRI. In the case of this specific land use petition, and based upon the prior approvals granted to this site, the PGA golf clubhouse complex is authorized
for approximately 90,000 square feet of overall non-residential commercial/office use (approx 10,000 sq ft in clubhouse and approximately 80,000 square feet in future retail) granted
under the approved Final Development Order for the Reserve. Given that the exiting clubhouse will be expanded by approximately 15,000 square feet (mol), we are left with approximately
65,000 square feet of undeveloped commercial square footage (based upon the approved PNRD master plans for the clubhouse complex) that can be used for either commercial or a converted
use purposes. Condition Number 51, of SLC Resolution 09-016, provides a table that outlines a use conversion table that is applicable to the overall Reserve (PGA Village) DRI. The petitioners
propose to change approximately 15,000 square feet, of the remaining 65,000 square feet of commercial land use in this area to the equivalent
trip generator for hotel units, which in this instance, totals out to be slightly more than 100 guest rooms. Since the conversion of this commercial square footage to hotel units is
based on equivalent trip generation rates, no changes are required to any part of base Development Order for this DRI since the gross impacts generated from this site have not changed.
Attached as Exhibit E is a copy of correspondence from the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council where, Council staff has determined that application of the provisions of Condition
Number 51 will not be cause for additional review by the RPC or the filing of any type of Notice of Proposed Change (NOPC) to the previously approved Development of Regional Impact known
as The Reserve. Every two years, until the completion of the DRI known as the reserve, an annual report is required to be filed with the County, the Treasure Coast Regional Planning
Council and the Florida Department of Community Affairs. The most recent report submitted in the winter of 2009/10, indicates that there are no service capacity issues within the Reserve.
All required Level of Service (LOS) standards are being meet and the introduction of this new clubhouse facility along with the addition of the proposed lodge units, is not expected
to result in any failed LOS standards. Utility services (water and sewer) are presently available to the site and are provided by the Reserve Utility Corporation. Attached as Exhibit
K are updated service commitment requests that have been submitted to the Reserve Utility Corporation. As responses are received, this application will be updated to reflect their response.
5. Provide a statement describing why there is a need for the proposed Future Land Use Map Amendment and how the amendment will result in an orderly and logical development pattern.
This requested amendment to the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan is to provide for a change in Future Land Use designation for a 9.9 acre (mol) parcel of land located in the Reserve
(PGA Village) Development of regional impact – PGA Clubhouse Area, from RS (Residential Suburban) to COM (Commercial). The proposed designation of this property to the COM Future Land
Use designation is for the purpose of providing the opportunity to construct a new/replacement PGA Golf clubhouse complex and administrative support area and a new golf lodging facility
that will serve the existing PGA golf facilities located at the Reserve. Final footprints for the new/replacement PGA Golf clubhouse complex and the new lodging facility have not yet
been completed; however, the approximate square footage of the new/replacement clubhouse complex is 30-30-35,000 sq. ft. In addition, it is the objective of the petitioner to construct
approximately 100 hotel units in a new golf lodging facility that will be located on this site. The present use of the property under petition is as a golf clubhouse complex in support
of the PGA of Americas existing golf facilities at the PGA Reserve Golf community. The proposed modifications to the general purpose golf clubhouse complex can be accommodated under
the sites current land use classification, however the addition of the golf lodging facilities does requires that the areas under that activity be designated as/with the COM (Commercial)
Future Land Use designation. While land uses in this area are predominately residential (refer to Exhibits B and C), the redesignation of this property to a Commercial (COM) Future Land
Use Classification, when considered along with the accompanying petition for Major Adjustment to the site’s current PNRD (Planned Non-Residential Development) zoning approvals in order
to permit the new PGA Golf clubhouse complex and golf lodging facility, would not be considered inconsistent with other land uses found in the area. Application of the PNRD zoning district
to this property allows for a narrow definition of the potential future uses on the property, where any deviation from these identified uses would require that an affirmative vote for
such a change from the County Commission be obtained.
6. If a change to Industrial Land Use is proposed, explain how the proposal meets Future Land Use Policy or Policy of the Comprehensive Plan. N/A. The proposed amendment
does not include any requested change to the Industrial (IND) Future Land Use Designation.
7. Provide a traffic report of the potential impacts to the County’s transportation system brought about by the proposed land use change. The report must include existing, background,
committed trips, and the projected traffic volumes and the level of service for all affected roadways. Projected traffic volumes must be based on the highest density/intensity allowed
under the requested future land use designation. As discussed at the pre-application conference for this submission (held April 29, 2010), a full Traffic Impact Report has not been prepared
for this petition for amendment to the Future Land Use Maps of the County since the subject property is already part of the previously approved Development of Regional Impact known as
the The Reserve. As the petitioned property is located within the boundary of an approved Development of Regional Impact, land uses on this property are limited by the gross development
entitlements granted under the Final Development Order for The Reserve DRI. Pursuant to the provisions of Condition Number 51 of St. Lucie County Resolution 09-016 (the latest Development
Order for the Reserve), the petitioner has the option of making changes to the previously approved entitlements to the subject property by converting all or some of those entitlements
to another use, so long as the gross impacts of whatever it is to be developed on the property do not exceed the base thresholds identified in the impacts assessments used to evaluate
this DRI. In the case of this specific land use petition, and based upon the prior approvals granted to this site, the PGA golf clubhouse complex is authorized for approximately 90,000
square feet of overall non-residential commercial/office use (approx 10,000 sq ft in clubhouse and approximately 80,000 square feet in future retail) granted under the approved Final
Development Order for the Reserve. Given that the exiting clubhouse will be expanded by approximately 15,000 square feet (mol), we are left with approximately 65,000 square feet of undeveloped
commercial square footage (based upon the approved PNRD master plans for the clubhouse complex) that can be used for either commercial or converted use purposes. Condition Number 51,
of SLC Resolution 09-016, provides a table that outlines a use conversion table that is applicable to the overall Reserve (PGA Village) DRI. The petitioners propose to change approximately
15,000 square feet, of the remaining 65,000 square feet of commercial land use in this area to the equivalent trip generator for hotel units, which in this instance, totals out to be
slightly more than 100 guest rooms. Since the conversion of this commercial square footage to hotel units is based on equivalent trip generation rates, no changes are required to any
part of base Development Order for this DRI since the gross impacts generated from this site have not changed. Attached as Exhibit E is a copy of correspondence from the Treasure Coast
Regional Planning Council where, Council staff has determined that application of the provisions of Condition Number 51 will not be cause for additional review by the RPC or the filing
of any type of Notice of Proposed Change (NOPC) to the previously approved Development of Regional Impact known as The Reserve. Every two years, until the completion of the DRI known
as the reserve, an annual report is required to be filed with the County, the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council and the Florida Department of Community Affairs. The most recent
report submitted in the winter of 2009/10, indicates that there are no service capacity issues within the Reserve. All required Level of Service (LOS) standards are being meet and the
introduction of this new clubhouse facility along with the addition of the proposed lodge units, is not expected to result in any failed LOS standards.
8. Describe the drainage characteristics of the area and what effects the proposed land use amendment would have on the volume and quality of stormwater runoff? Identify the property’s
flood zone classification? This requested amendment to the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan is to provide for a change in Future Land Use designation for a 9.9 acre (mol) parcel of
land located in the Reserve (PGA Village) Development of Regional Impact – PGA Clubhouse Area, from the RS (Residential Suburban) to COM (Commercial) Future Land Use designation. The
proposed designation of this property to the COM Future Land Use designation is for the purpose of providing the opportunity to construct a new/replacement PGA Golf clubhouse complex
and administrative support area and a new golf lodging facility that will serve the existing PGA golf facilities located at the Reserve. Final footprints for the new/replacement PGA
Golf clubhouse complex and the new lodging facility have not yet been completed; however, the approximate approximate square footage of the new/replacement clubhouse complex is 30-35,000
sq. ft. In addition, it is the objective of the petitioner to construct approximately 100 hotel units in a new golf lodging facility that will be located on this site. The petitioned
site is already regulated by South Florida Water Management District Permit Number 56-00674; should the redevelopment of this site require modification to that permit, or any other issued
County Permits effecting the sites stormwater management facilities, all necessary permits will be obtained. The petitioned site does not lie within any designated 298 Drainage District.
At the time a Final Development Order is applied for, all applicable storm water management regulations will be complied with in the final designs for the property. The petitioned property
is located within a number of designated Flood Zones according to FEMA FIRM Map 12111C0275-F, dated August 19, 1991.
9. What are the potential environmental impacts of the requested amendment? Describe the natural resources occurring on and adjacent to the amendment lands. Identify any protected species
that are known to occur and estimate the acres of wetlands and native upland habitats on the amendment lands. Identify Category I, II, or III Wetlands as described in Policy
No impacts to any of the listed species mentioned above are expected as a result of this proposed amendment to the Future Land Use Maps of St. Lucie County. The petitioned site is already
developed and there are no known natural resources or habitat occurring on site. There is a small regulated wetland to the east of the site (wetlands 61) and will be protected in accordance
with applicable permit standards and requirements. There are no Category I, II, or III Wetlands as described in Policy, on the petitioned site.
10. Where are the nearest public or investor-owned water and sewer services? Who is the service provider? Is the site included in the five-year expansion plan of these utilities. Provide
correspondence from the service provider verifying their ability to serve the proposed development. If private facilities are proposed, describe the capacity and type of water and wastewater
services to be provided. Utility services (water and sewer) are presently available to the site and are provided by the Reserve Utility Corporation. Attached as Exhibit K are updated
service commitment requests that have been submitted to the Reserve Utility Corporation. As responses are received, this application will be updated to reflect their response.
11. Provide a projection of the average daily volumes of solid waste that would be generated if the land use(s) change. The following tables represent the expected solid waste generation
differences as a result of this proposed application: PHASE D.U. nonresidential sq feet estimated population/unit estimated population /phase soildwaste generation rate estimated solid
waste generation (lbs) estimated solid waste generation (tons) estimated solid waste generation (cy) existing land use 20 2.5 50 9.31 lbs/person /day 461 0.23 2.47 proposed land use
90,000 -5.34 lbs per 1000 sf/day 481 0.24 2.57 waste generation assumptions Residential all types 9.31 lbs/person/day St. Lucie County Comp Plan (policy 6b.1.1.1) Non-Residential Retail/Service
5.34 lbs/day -1000 SF St. Lucie County/solid waste division Hotel t/b/d lbs/day/room St. Lucie County/solid waste division Office 2.52 lbs/day -1000 SF St. Lucie County/solid waste division
Industrial 2.19 lbs/day -1000 SF St. Lucie County/solid waste division School 0.80 lbs/day -student St. Lucie County/solid waste division Civic/Park 1.96 lbs/day -1000 SF St. Lucie County/solid
waste division Service commitment requests have been submitted to St. Lucie County. As responses are received, the application materials will be updated accordingly.
12. What demands for recreational facilities will be created by development as a result of the land use change? If you are requesting a residential classification, identify the recreational
facilities and open spaces that are available in the vicinity? The redesignation of this site to the COM (Commercial) Future Land Use classification does not require, nor will it result
in, the generation of any demands on the County’s required Recreation Level of Service.
13. Indicate the location of any archaeological or historic resources that are known to occur on or near the amendment lands. Describe potential impacts to these resources as a result
of the proposed amendment. Provide a copy of any available archaeological or historic assessment. There are no known archaeological or historic resources on the petitioned property.
14. Is the property currently within the Planned Urban Service Area Boundary? Yes.
15. If you answered "no" to Question 14 above, will the property be used for "urban development activities" as defined in Future Land Use Policy Check which urban development
activities apply: ________ residential development in excess of two units to the gross acre ________ any non-agricultural commercial activity ________ any non-extractive, non-agriculturally
related industrial activity
16. If any item in Question 15 above is checked, the property must lie outside the Planned Urban Service Area. If an expansion of the Urban Service Area boundary line is proposed, please
refer to Future Land Use Policy and answer the following questions: a. What is the distance between the property and the Urban Service Area Boundary? N/A b. Is the subject property
contiguous to lands with the requested future land use designation? N/A c. Can the owners of contiguous properties between your property and the present Urban Services Area Boundary
ensure appropriate urban infrastructure and services can be provided? If so, please provide documentation. N/A d. To what extent will the proposed expansion detrimentally impact the
established character of the area? N/A
17. If changing from an agricultural category (AG-5 and AG-2.5) to a non-agricultural category (all others), please answer the following questions. a. How will the non-agricultural use(s)
maintain the viability of continued agricultural uses on adjacent lands? How will any adjacent agricultural uses affect the proposed non-agricultural uses? b. Using the St. Lucie County
Soil Survey, provide documentation of the soil type(s) found on the subject parcel and their suitability for the proposed use. Indicate their suitability as defined by the soil survey.
c. Describe the existing land characteristics and how the proposed land use is suitable with those characteristics? d. Does the propose land use amendment propose the extension of the
urban services boundary in a manner that creates any enclaves, pockets, or finger areas? e. Describe why the non-agricultural uses could not be feasibly located on non-agricultural land.
18. Provide a copy of all existing federal, state, regional or local permits or plans related to the property (i.e. SFWMD permits, USDA Conservation Plans, documents related to the lands
present or past enrollment in any federal, state or local program). Due to the number of related permits, you are referred to the South Florida Water Management District web site. The
petitioned site is already regulated by South Florida Water Management District Permit Number 56-00674 (the master permit number for the Reserve); should the redevelopment of this site
require modification to that permit or any other issued County Permits effecting the site’s stormwater management facilities, all necessary permits will be obtained.
19. Indicate if the area under consideration is located within a unique area with common characteristics, such as the Indrio Road corridor and White City. If so, indicate how the proposed
change in future land use is consistent with the character of the area and any neighborhood plan or special planning project for the amendment area. N/A
20. Identify any local government within one mile of the amendment lands. If any, provide a copy of the proposed application documents to the appropriate government official. Indicate
the name and address of the official for which the application documents were provided. City of Port St. Lucie Mr. Jerry Bentrott, City Manager City of Port St. Lucie 121 SW Port St.
Lucie Boulevard Port St. Lucie, Florida 34953 Mr. Daniel Holbrook, AICP, Planning Director City of Port St. Lucie Planning Department City of Port St. Lucie 121 SW Port St. Lucie Boulevard
Port St. Lucie, Florida 34953
Exhibit I Shared Parking Analysis
10612 SW Gingermill Drive • Port Saint Lucie • Florida • 34987 (772) 345-1948 • www.mackenzieengineeringinc.com June 29, 2010 Mr. Corey Aurand PGA Golf Properties, Inc. 100 Avenue of
the Champions Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418 Re: PGA Golf Club – St. Lucie County Shared Parking Analysis 007001 Dear Corey: MacKenzie Engineering and Planning, Inc. (KHA) was retained
to prepare a shared parking analysis and the necessary documentation to support the required parking at the PGA Golf Club and Lodge as required within Sections 7.06.01 and 7.06.02 of
the St. Lucie County Code. The property to be developed is located in The Reserve DRI, west of the Reserve Boulevard & I-95 interchange in St. Lucie County, Florida. The mixed use project
has a 54-hole golf course, including ancillary facilities (driving ranges, club houses, pro shop, restaurants, lounges, and banquet facilities) and proposes up to a 100-room lodge. Based
on the description of the lodge and its relation to the PGA golf courses, the lodge will function as a resort hotel. This letter includes an analysis of the St. Lucie County parking
rates and applies parking reduction factors unique to this facility and location. St. Lucie County parking requirements are shown in Table 1. SHARED PARKING ANALYSIS Mode Split Mode
split is adjustment for reduced use of automobiles owing to alternative modes of transportation. The site is located at the center of a unique mixed use development, PGA Village (also
known as The Reserve DRI). PGA Village is a unique mix of uses centered around the PGA golf club that interact to reduce the overall parking demand including: 54 holes of golf, hotels
(adjacent to the I-95 interchange), single family and multi-family housing, timeshares, and the PGA learning center. It is anticipated that the golf course will continue to capture a
significant amount of its business from within PGA village. The supporting traffic study for the
PGA Golf Club, Shared Parking Analysis, Page 2 PGA Village (Reserve DRI) estimates that 60% of the golf course traffic is associated with uses within PGA Village. Many of the existing
residents within PGA Village own their own golf carts and use those to travel between their homes and the golf course. Additionally, the Verano DRI (approved for 6,000 dwelling units),
located south of PGA Village will connect a golf cart path directly to the golf club to facilitate non-auto trips. PGA, which operates the golf course, has plans to purchase and operate
a shuttle bus. The shuttle bus is proposed facilitate trips between the golf club and uses surrounding PGA Village to reduce auto-travel within PGA Village and reduce parking needs at
the golf club. Based on the existing and proposed operations of the facility and the data provided, a 20% mode split is estimated for the golf club. This mode split includes shuttles,
drop-offs, golf cart travel, and walking to the club house. The reduction anticipated is 94 spaces. spaces. Noncaptive Adjustments A noncaptive adjustment describes people already present
in the immediate vicinity and likely patrons of a second use. A 100 room lodge is proposed adjoining the PGA Village club house facility. The lodge is being planned and developed as
an amenity for visitors to PGA Village and will act as a golf resort. Specifically, visitors will be able to park once and not leave the lodge because of the onsite facilities and golf
amenities. The lodge visitors are expected to be golf patrons because it is a golf resort hotel; therefore the lodge is expected to result in a high noncaptive adjustment factor. Visitors
to the lodge will park at the lodge and golf, but only require one parking space. Due to the high interaction anticipated between the lodge and golf club, a 70 percent noncaptive adjustment
was applied to the parking requirements of the resort hotel. This reduces the need for parking by an additional 98 spaces. Parking Demand The unadjusted parking demand for the site,
based on St. Lucie County Code requirements, is 610 spaces. The parking demand is estimated to be reduced by 94 spaces based on the mode split and 98 spaces for the noncaptive adjustments.
The projected parking demand is 418 spaces. Table 2 shows the projected parking demand for the project. SPECIAL EVENT PARKING PGA Village has already hosted numerous special events.
Additional special events are anticipated at PGA Village upon completion of the lodge. PGA has developed special event parking plans. These plans include remote parking and shuttles
to the primary facilities. Additional coordination occurs with the local hotels for shuttles and use of other off-site parking areas. CONCLUSION PGA Village golf club is a 54-hole golf
course, including ancillary facilities (driving ranges, club houses, pro shop, restaurants, lounges, and banquet facilities) and proposes a 100 unit lodge.
PGA Golf Club, Shared Parking Analysis, Page 3 Because multiple forms of non-automotive transportation exist and are proposed to the site and the complementary use of the golf lodge
to the golf course, the overall parking demand for the site is reduced from 610 parking spaces to 418 parking spaces. PGA Village also has developed special event parking plans for events
that have occurred and will occur at this location. It is anticipated that acceptance of this memorandum satisfies the parking demand requirements contained within 7.06.01 and 7.0602
of the St. Lucie County Code. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Shaun Mackenzie at (772) 345-1948 Sincerely, Shaun G. Mackenzie, P.E. Transportation Engineer
Florida Registration Number 61751 Engineering Business Number 29013 Attachments Table 1 Table 2 c:\users\shaun\desktop\jobs\007 pga\007001\shared parking.docx
Land Use Quantity Unit St. Lucie County Code Unit Golf Course (1) 54 Holes 8.7 spaces /hole hole 470 Resort Hotel 100 Rooms 1.4 spaces /room room 140 Total 610 (1) Golf Course rate includes
driving ranges, club houses, pro shop, restaurants, lounges, banquet facilities (Parking Generation , 3rd Edition -Land Use 430) C:\Users\Shaun\Desktop\Jobs\007 -PGA\007001\[06-02-10
TABLE 2 PGA GOLF COURSE AND LODGE PROJECTED PARKING DEMAND Needed Parking Supply Golf Course (1) 470 20% 94 --376 Resort Hotel 140 --70% 98 42 Total 610 418 (1) Golf Course rate includes
driving ranges, club houses, pro shop, restaurants, lounges, banquet facilities (Parking Generation , 3rd Edition -Land Use 430) 6/29/2010 C:\Users\Shaun\Desktop\Jobs\007 -PGA\007001\[06-02-10
shared parking.xlsx]ST LUCIE -RED Reductions 94 98 Land Use Required Parking Spaces Mode Split Non-Captive Adjustments
Exhibit J Reserve DRI: Transportation Conditions Memo