HomeMy WebLinkAboutInformal Minutes 08-24-2007BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS
Date: August 24, 2007 Convened: 9:00 a.m.
Adjourned: 10:35 a.m.
Commissioners Present: Chairman, Chris Craft, Joseph Smith, Charles Grande, Doug
Coward, Paula A. Lewis, absent
Others Present: Faye Outlaw, Asst. County Attorney, Dan McIntyre, County Attorney,
Don West, Public Works Director, Neil Appel, Purchasing Director, Jack Southard,
Public Safety Director, Mike Pawley, County Engineer, Millie Delgado-Feliciano,
Deputy Clerk
Com. Craft stated the Mayor of Ft. Pierce requested the County staff send a letter to the
Commission requesting the City of Ft. Pierces' participation in this program.
The Public Safety Director was directed to construct the letter for the Chairman's
Com. Grande requested discussion on this issue. He stated he had met with purchasing
staff and recommended revamping the overall scoring system. He felt there was a
disproportionate amount of awards going to local business. He believes local businesses
should received 5 points. In the present scoring system local businesses only receive a 2
point difference from non-local businesses.
Com. Craft expressed his concerns with our local businesses not being able to get
contracts outside the county unless they make the system comparable to the other
The Purchasing Director stated he would need to do a survey to see what other counties
do in their scoring system.
Com. Coward stated there may be some businesses who are not supportive of this change.
He is concerned about setting up a "domino effect" and felt he needs to see what other
local governments are doing. He is not comfortable with making changes until he sees the
survey on what other counties are doing.
Com. Grande stated what had prompted this question was he was looking at the awards
on the Consent Agenda which showed it did not benefit local companies. He would like
to hear what the companies have to say. He believed there would be a local edge for
equally qualified companies.
The Purchasing Director presented Policy 4.14A titled Cellular Phones Authorization;
Issuance and Usage for Board consideration.
Com. Smith stated he was not aware it was a 2 step phase plan and alluded to the January
26, 2007 memo. H expressed his concerns with personal calls being susceptible to public
records requests.
The County Attomey advised the Board that public (county business) a-mails are subject
to disclosure. If it is private it is not subject to the disclosure. This is according to law.
If it is a private cell phone paid for as an allowance by the county and someone is called
on public county business, it would be important to keep those records. It is subject to
disclosure. It is all subject tot public records requests the question is what has to be
disclosed. If the county is paying for the phone it can be difficult to separate the two.
Com. Smith stated he would like to have a choice of either an allowance on a personal
phone for county business or going with the county issued phone with the restrictions.
Com. Coward stated they do have a choice they either have a county paid phone
allowance or get their own, the county provides one for work and if they wish to combine
them they can.
The Purchasing Director was directed to bring back more information.
Com. Craft advised the Board he had a discussion with the Mayor if Port St. Lucie with
regards to the settlement agreement for the impact fee issue. He also advised the Board
he had discussed the idea of a jobs corridor for Rangeline Road area and asked the Board
if they would like to have a workshop on the issue with the city.
Com. Coward stated he was already having contact with the city. What he believes is
happening is that this is not a job creating issue because he has asked the city what jobs
they were talking about and they could not give an answer. He believes it is a land issue
tied in with utilities, not a job creation issue.
Com. Coward commented on the impact fees issue. He stated large developments would
not only affect the county but the city as well and he believes there should be an
additional fee imposed.
The County Attorney stated they needed more time to look at this concept with Dr.
Com. Craft stated he had heard the city of Ft. Pierce would be initiating their own impact
fees so they will need to look at this closely.
Com. Smith commented on charter government and felt they need to pay attention to it
while this whole issue of tax reform comes forward. He felt they should be looking at
ways to consolidate services.
Com. Coward stated going back to the meeting issue. He would like to talk about a global
issue not just talk about a piece meal issue.
Un-agendad issue:
The Asst. County Administrator addressed the Cortez Housing development (Hurricane
State funds)and have recently annexed into the City of Ft. Pierce. They have a
Stormwater permit issue and the State gave the county a 2 year deadline. They can ask
for a one time extension.
The roadway must be done before the CO is issued this is what the development order
states. There is a timeline and the county can lose the $2 million dollars.
The County Attorney recommended having a contract with him requiring a security bond
to make sure the roadway will be done.
It was the consensus of the Board to give staff the flexibility to move forward .
The meeting was adjourned.