HomeMy WebLinkAboutBudget Workshop Minutes 07-19-2007M1~. r.~r .~^~.~
Date: July 19, 2007 Convened: 9:10 a.m.
Adjourned 4:45 p.m.
Commissioners Present: Chairman, Chris Craft., Joseph Smith, Paula A Lewis, Doug
Coward, Charles Grande
Others Present: Doug Anderson, County Administrator, Faye Outlaw, Asst. County
Administrator, Marie Gouin, Management and Budget Director, Don West, Public Works
Director, Beth Ryder, Community Services Director, Jim David, Mosquito Control
Director, Diana Lewis, Airport Director, Dennis Wetzel, IT Director, Leo Cordeiro, Solid
Waste Director, Debra Brisson, Parks and Recreation Director, Lauri Case, Utilities
Director, Neil Appel, Purchasing Director, Roger Shinn, Central Services Director, Millie
Delgado-Feliciano, Deputy Clerk
Opening remarks were made by the County Administrator.
The County Administrator advised the Board he was presenting a Balanced Budget for
this coming year.
The 2007/2008 budget is $646.6 million dollars of this amount the County controls
$187.5 million or 28.9% of property taxes dollars. Included also are the unfunded
mandates. The difference includes enterprise funds, sales tax, grants, state revenues and
They hope as time goes on to place other departments on an enterprise fund basis.
The 2007 tax rate that we are in now is 6.9712 mills, roll back is greater at 7.1342 mills
the proposed rate after the tax reform reduction is 6.4612 mills.
The County Administrator advised the Board how they calculated the millages and
presented a power point indicating the various expenses. He advised the Board the state
indicated a 9% decrease for St. Lucie County due to the growth. However due to the new
construction (6%) which they were able to add back in, the total decrease was 3% .
After calculations for 2007/2008 tax bill a $250,000 home would save $121.90 with the
$25,000 homestead or approximately $10.00 a month.
The County Administrator addressed the CRA's the increase in Health Insurance of 38%.
He stated our liability insurance has decreased as has retirement fund by $30,000.
Utilities was addressed and the Financial Recovery setting aside $5,399,589 giving the
county a total at this point of $16 million. Our goal for financial recovery is 25,000
million. This fund is utilized for disasters, i.e. humcanes etc.
He has also included salary adjustments, i.e. October 1St increase as well as April 1St
increases. October 1St 3% ,April 1St 2-3% increase depending upon where they are in
their ranges.
The County Administrator advised the Board he had contacted the Constitutional Officers
and requested a 9% decrease in their budgets. The Clerk of Circuit Court advised the
County Administrator he was at the same staff level as in 1997 and had reduced his
budget 4.1 % . He stated he would have to cut into his staff and cut services if he reduced
his budget further.
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The Supervisor of Elections reduced her budget by 9.07%. She had made
recommendations to change her operations. She stated she would be able to cover the
cost of the poll workers next year, earlier she had mentioned utilizing county employees
however this will not be necessary for next years elections.
The County Administrator stated he had requested the Sheriff to increase his budget by
5%. The Sheriff came in with 4.94% increase.
The Tax Collector, his budget is not required until August. His budget is fee based.
The Property Appraiser is a 3.8% increase.
The County Administrator stated in the BOCC Departments he had requested a 9.85%
The County Administrator addressed Outside Agencies. They are looking at an 11.99%
decrease this year. They did not receive a request from Weed and Seed this year.
Public Defender has an increase of 21.34% due to two new positions for mental health
she is requesting.
The State Attorney reduced his budget by 15.02%.
Court Administrator's budget increased by 24.44% this is due to new optic lines needed
and he has incorporated this expense in his budget. They will be renovating an area of the
The County Administrator advised the Board there are things in this year's budget that
will not be in next years for example Lakewood Park this project is completed.
Non- Mandated
Healthy Start requested remaining at the same level of $57,600 staff recommended the
2008 budget allocation to be $52,416.
211 Info Crisis Services requested remaining at the same level of $17,500 staff
recommended $ 15925.
ARC of SLC requested an increase from $72,838 to $74,438. Staff recommended
funding at $66,283.
Council on Aging, 2007 Budget 195,976 they requested $197,542. Staff recommended
funding at $182,976.
New Horizons 2007 Budget $748,452, they requested $770,906. Staff recommended
TC Homeless Services 2007 Budget $25,000 they requested $25,000. Staff
recommended $22,750.
Weed and Seed- no request for funding.
Executive Round Table 2007 Budget $48,000 they requested $48,000. Staff
recommended $43,680.
Health Department
They requested the same amount as last year's budget, $1,178,000. Staff is
recommending $1,071,980 for 2007/2008 budget.
General Reserve Funds
Contingency recommended $1,000,000 same as the past 7 years.
Financial Recovery is funded at $16,691,624. This includes the emergency reserves and
the fund balance policy.
Budgeted $1,081,298 to Employee Salary Adjustment
Total: $18,772,922 ,Budget Impact $7,480,887 due to financial recovery we are
budgeting $5.9 million.
The County Administrator reviewed the Tax Refunds to Port St. Lucie CRA and the Tax
Refunds to Ft. Pierce CRA.
Estimated amount of 2008 returns for the CRA's is $7,200,000.
Economic Development Council
The County has a two yeaz agreement with the $ 100,000 match. If they do not increase
they will not receive the match.
The County's payments to TRICO aze expected to decrease by $204,892 or 10% reducing
the 2007/2008 insurance payment to $2,069,916.
2007/2008 Position Adjustments: we are now in a hiring freeze
At the January 2007 Strategic Planning Session, staff outlined 13 vacant positions that
they aze recommending be eliminated from the 2007/2008 budget. Since then staff has
identified an additional 12 vacant positions they aze recommending for elimination:
January Recommendations:
Building Dept. 9 positions
County Administration 1 position
Solid Waste 2 positions
Code Compliance 1 position
Total impact <$768,103>
2007/2008 Position Adjustments
Recommended additional positions to be eliminated
Building Dept. 9 positions
Solid Waste 2 positions
Library 1 position
Total impact <$1,483,048> tota125 vacant positions to be eliminated. In addition there
aze 20 vacant positions over and above the 25 positions with another possible position
being vacated tomorrow.
This is being accomplished through attrition there aze no scheduled layoffs. They are
continuing to track the building department and they aze trying to monitor it closely
because they aze an enterprise fund and the county cannot subsidize the department.
We do not have a hiring freeze in 911 or in the Growth Management Department.
2007/2008 Position Adjustments
During the 2007/2008 budget process, staff is recommending the addition of the
following positions: These positions are not funded with tax dollars other than the .25 for
Mosquito Control.
911 Sr. Accounting Clerk 1 position
Mosquito Control .25 position
Media funded by the City of Ft. Pierce 1 position
Resource Protection Tech 1 position
(contingent on approval of permit fees)
Tota13.25 positions, impact $170,080
Pre-Trial Release/New Positions
Senior Pre-Trial Officer 1 position
Pre-Trial Officers 4 positions
Senior Staff Assistant 1 position
Total New Position Impact: $402,168
Supervisor/Case Manager to Pre-Trial Manager
Case manager to Senior Pre-Trail Officer
Case manager to Senior Pre-Trail Officer
Total Reclassifications: $17,008
2007/2008 Position Adjustments- If all additional positions in the Budget are approved,
the net affect after recommended reductions would be <15.75> positions with budget
impact of <$893,792>. This is before the hiring freeze.
SLC Pre-Trail Release and Electronic Monitoring Program
This budget includes funding for the County to run a pretrial release and electronic
monitoring program. This replaces the contract with Sentencing Alternatives. The
2007/2008 Budget is $915,852 compared to the 2006/2007 Budget of $1,322,914 or a
savings of $ 407,062.
Budget Impact: $915,852
Juvenile Detention Center
In April, the County received a $272,000 bill for last year from the State for under billing
for operation of the center. The 2007/2008 budget includes $294,000 more than the
2006/2007 budget to cover these unfunded mandated costs. The tota12007/2008 cost is
Lakewood Park Regional Park
In June the County opened the Lakewood Park Regional Park with no new position. The
County will try their best to maintain the level of service at all parks with reduced
manpower hours for each park.
South Causeway Island Improvements
The 2006/2007 budget includes $240,000 for engineering, paid out of impact fees. Staff
did not include funding in the 2007/2008 budget for these improvements.
The County Administrator advised the Board in speaking with the City of Ft. Pierce City
Manager he indicated the City would take care of the improvements.
Media Web Streaming- Video on Demand Phase 1
The Media Department needs to upgrade the Media Web Streaming/Video on Demand of
SLCTV Productions to a more reliable system. The current annual cost is $15,000. The
recommended new system is $34,690 for the first year and $20,000 per year thereafter.
The budget includes funding for the upgraded system.
Budget Impact: $19,690.
Lincoln Park Community Center
The 2006/2007 budget includes $509,000 that was to go toward land acquisition for a
new community center. They had the land appraised ($310,000 appraisal value) but were
not able to come to terms with the property owner. $509,000 remains in this account. In
addition, staff has budgeted $175,000 in the 2007/2008 budget.
Budget Impact: $175,000
Torrey Pines
The County's commitment is $1,250,000 per year over 8 years. This totals $10,000,000.
Staff has included $1,250,000 in the proposed budget to go towards this obligation.
Budget impact: $1,250,000.
Clerk of Courts Building/Other New Building Custodial
Five custodians are required to clean this building. The annual cost for salaries and
benefits is $220,195. Staff has not budgeted for these positions. Instead staff
recommends that County offices be cleaned 2-3 days per week instead of 5. This will
allow us to move custodians around and eliminate the need for additional positions.
Orange Avenue Post Office Museum
The County has $1,494,420 and the City of Ft. Pierce has up to $1,000,000 toward the
reconstruction of this building based upon the Interlocal Agreement. The budget includes
no funding towards operating costs once the construction is complete. This project has
not gone out to bid.
The County Administrator advised the Board the building needs a new air conditioning
system in order that the building does not continue to deteriorate. There is a $350,000
grant and the county has the match, however there are no funds available for the
renovation costs nor are here funds to assist the city in operating the facility.
Com. Lewis recommended obtaining the cost to repair the air conditioning.
The Cultural Affairs Director stated she would bring back an estimate of the air
conditioning repair.
Com. Coward recommended going back to the City to see if they are willing to provide
funds from the CRA to complete the project. He does not wish to back off from the
County's original commitment.
The County Administrator stated renting the building out for office space is not a good
return on the investment.
Com. Craft stated he felt it was important to preserve history in Ft. Pierce.
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Com. Grande stated the County needed to abide by the original agreement aside from that
the other funds should come from the CRA.
Navy UDT Seal Museum
Funding Request: The museum staff and North Beach Association have requested
funding from the following sources for design and engineering of a 4,000 sq. ft. addition
together with a 125 seat community center.
Funding Request Revenue Source
$100,000 Meridian Site Application
$180,000 Grande Beach
Total: $280,000
Revenue Designation:
$100,000 North Hutchinson Island Improvements
50,000 UDT Museum
50,000 Pepper Park
80,000 No. Hutchinson Island Community Center
Total: $280,000
$48,450 for operations will come from the 2007/2008 budget.
Special Needs Shelter
Staff is recommending closing the Ft. Pierce Community Center and moving 4 full time
staff and 2.5 part time FTE's to the Special Needs Shelter. Two staff members from the
Fairgrounds will be transferred to the Special Needs Shelter.
The Ft. Pierce Community Center will be opened for rentals only.
Funding for the 4`~ of July fireworks displays are not included in the proposed budget.
He is recommending outside sponsors fund the fireworks.
Budget Impact <$20,000>.
Staff is not recommending the construction of any new libraries until they can find
staffing /operating costs. They are recommending expansions of the exiting libraries.
Staff is recommending the closing of the libraries one day per week with the exception of
the Main Library at Ft. Pierce. The Main Library is down 7 positions and they may be
forced to close it on Sundays. They are also recommending taking the Bookmobile off
the road June to September.
Com. Coward expressed his concerns with reducing library hours. He asked if there were
any way to recruit more volunteers rather than hiring staff to keep the libraries open.
The Library Director stated they are not able to recruit as many volunteers and this was
one of the problems with staffing.
Com. Grande stated he does not wish to be known as an area that is closing libraries. He
believes they will do a lot more before they decide to close the Ft. Pierce Library on
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The Chairman requested further discussion be held when this issue comes up under
departmental budgets.
Median Mowing
The 2007/2008 budget includes $701,230 for mowing of existing medians and right of
ways. Staff recommends the median for S. 25th St., be redesigned for minimum
maintenance. Staff would bring a change order recommendation to the Board. The
estimated annual maintenance saving is $80,000. They have not included any funding in
the upcoming budget to maintain this median.
So. 25th St. Lighting
Recommending that this $700,000 cost be eliminated and reallocated to Midway Road
construction. Also the estimated annual electric savings would be $20,000. At this time
the $20,000 is not budgeted.
Staff was directed to check into Solar Lighting, the cost for Solar lighting would be
Investment for the Future and Annual Reports
Staff has been preparing asemi-annual Investment for the Future report since February
1998 together with a county annual report going back many years. The proposed
2007/2008 budget has had this cost removed at a savings of $25,000.
Courthouse Renovations
The proposed budget includes $3,800,000 or a reduction of $1,000,000 from the original
budgeted amount for courthouse renovations. The $3,800,000 will be used to construct
three courtrooms, enlarged holding cells and an elevator for the judges' security at the
courthouse annex and build three juvenile courtrooms and holding cells at 7th street. The
$1,000,000 reduction in revenue will push out the 3`d and 4th levels of the old courthouse
until future years, at a total estimated cost of $4,100,000 for two courtrooms and office
Budget impact ($1,000,000) This amount has assisted in balancing the County's budget.
Personal computers
This budget excludes $311,683 for replacement personal computers.
Budget impact: <$311,683>
Com. Grande requested the figure for mental health inmates housed at the jail.
The County Administrator advised the Board the cost was approximately $250.00 per day
due to the medications provided. This is greater than the $55.00 per day for an inmate
without mental health problems. The State has closed all the facilities for mental health
The County Administrator also advised the Board there will be libraries opened on
Sundays such as the one at St. Lucie West.
Homeland Security Funding
IRCC had requested $621,592 from the County toward this $38.4 million complex.
There is no funding in the budget addressing this request.
Financial Goal Impact
Financial Goal: $22,091,213
2005/2006 5,149,927
2006/2007 6,142,108
2007/2008 5,399,589
FR Contribution total $16,691,624
Balance 5,399,589 due 2008/2009 budget
Budget impact $ 5,399,589
Transportation Bond
The Board approved a $43,000,000 bond to be used for the following transportation
The County Administrator advised the Board on Apri124th they borrowed $30,000,000
rather than the $43,000,000.
The County received a 4.4% interest rate due to its good bond rating.
2007 Project List
Kings Hwy. & Widening (SR70 to US1) infrastructure $2,200,000
Kings Hwy. & Indrio Rd. Intersection infrastructure 3,500,000
Kings Hwy & Orange Avenue Intersection 2,500,000
Kings Hwy & Angle Rd. Intersection 4,236,478
Jenkins Rd. Extension-infrastructure 1,600,000
Taylor Dairy Road Extension-infrastructure 500,000
Juanita Avenue Sidewalks-infrastructure 1,400,000
Angle Road Sidewalk-infrastructure 1,500,000
Sidewalks -infrastructure 1,100,000
Indian River Drive Shoreline Restoration infrastructure 350,000
Midway Road Widening Turnpike to 25th St. 7,850,000
City of Port St. Lucie sidewalks 2,000,000
Prima Vista Reconstruction Infrastructure 947,752
Prima Vista Reconstruction Project Reserves 315,770
Tota12007 project list $30,000,000
During the 06/07 budget process, the Board designated .2373 mills to cover the estimated
Annual Debt Service. The 2008 budget required millage to cover the debt service is
.1307 mills. The 2008 savings of $1,867,188 was used to balance the budget.
Parks and Recreation
Lakewood Park, Open Space & Paradise Park pools only open May 31 thru Labor Day.
Com. Smith stated he would like for staff to find a way not to close these pools on Labor
Day and keep them open so that the public can use them.
The County Administrator continued his recommendation and stated they will presenting
possible revenue streams during the Strategic Planning session and maybe this could be
used to keep the pools open.
Close summer camps at Floresta Elementary in Port St. Lucie due to camps being offered
by PSL.
Mazquee not being repaired or moved to SNS.
No fertilization of Common Grounds in Pazks & Fairgrounds
Replace 1 playground per yeaz
Common grounds in Parks and Fairgrounds to be mowed once a month October thru
March and every three weeks April thru September
Budget impact <$711,852>
The County Administrator advised the Boazd he contact the County's Lobbyist and
advised him he would be recommending not utilizing his services in Tallahassee. He felt
it would not help the county with today's situation. This is a savings of $87,500.
County Administration stated he has $57,500 in his budget and the Boazd may be able to
utilize for librazies. Also there is $10,000 in Growth Management he recommended
keeping that $10,000 where it is. He also received notification from Scripps newspapers
that they will be starting to chazge for placing the agenda in the paper the cost would be
$25,000. He recommended not continuing to print the agenda in the paper.
County Commission- This budget reflects 11.7% decrease from the current year. Last
years budget was $1,140,699. This yeaz it is $1,121,420.
This budget reflects an increase of 3.9% due to health insurance, however he would like
to reduce it $57,500 due to eliminating the lobbyist. They will contract should services be
The Board concurred and stated should there be a need for lobbyist services it was
recommended it be taken from contingency.
This budget reflects a 12.7% decrease. The budget includes the media web streaming
Com. Craft suggested advertising on the station to help off set the costs.
Com. Coward stated he did not wish to have private companies advertising on public
Com. Craft recommended discussing this later in the day.
Com. Coward stated he would like to know who and where the downloading of our
county information is coming from.
This budget reflects a 0.2% increase or $1,300.
It was the consensus of the Board to approve this budget.
This budget reflects a 5% increase.
It was the consensus of the Boazd to approve this budget.
This budget reflects a 5.3% increase due to salaries and benefits.
It was the consensus of the Board to approve this budget.
This budget reflects 19.9% decrease. This is due to the reduced workman compensation
claims and there was an error made where one employee was incorrectly charged to one
account and budgeted to another. This error was corrected.
This budget reflects a 4.8% decrease this is due to some staffing, project cuts, and
The IT Director advised the Board under item 2 of the goals and objective, the software
noted is not in the budget and has been cut out.
The County Administrator stated they are currently analyzing the purchase of server in
order to save money.
Com. Coward addressed the Geoplasma proposal and the issue as to how it relates to
greenhouse gases. He commented on new tax revenues needing to be identified for the
purpose of planting trees. He asked if there was legal flexibility to use landfill enterprise
reserve for broader environmental benefits.
Lunch Break
Reconvened: 1:10 p.m.
This budget reflects a 65.2% decrease due to capital and grants. The basic budget has
increased by 4.1 %. At this point the liability fro the golf course still stands. The golf
course was to start paying the airport rent but never has. The general fund has been
subsidizing the airport at a cost of 2.4 million dollars.
Airport Capital
Projects: Construction of parallel runway - 2008
Powerline relocation 2008
The County Administrator advised the Board they were told by the Legislature we would
receive 1.5 million for the project, however when it got to the Governor's desk he vetoed
The Airport Director requested the Board consider allocating 1.5 million for the project
and she would sell land at the airport to obtain the other 1.5 million necessary.
Com. Coward questioned what property she would be selling.
The Airport Director indicated she would sell the property off Taylor Dairy Road.
Com. Coward stated he would prefer to do a land swap rather than spend 1.5 million from
the budget.
Com. Craft recommended leaving the money in the budget as is.
Com. Coward stated he would rather put a large red circle and take it out.
The County Administrator recommended putting this on hold to see if they could come
up with alternatives.
Com. Lewis states she would prefer to leave it where it is and not touch it and see what
happens in January.
Com. Coward stated he would not vote to close a library when there was 1.5 million
The County Administrator stated they would discuss it further at the Re-Cap.
The Airport Director advised the Board she believed there was a $500,000 grant being
held by Alcee Hastings for the Airport.
This budget reflects a 15.6% increase in operating.
Service Garage
This budget reflects a 23.8% decrease due to fleet maintenance and replacement program.
The Board directed staff to pursue Hybrid vehicles for the future and see at what cost we
could obtain them.
Staff advised the Board they would bring back a report on hybrids for the last day of
budget sessions.
Central Services Capital Review
Major costs consist of 3.8 million for the 7~' street courthouse annex..
Com. Craft stated he would like to see the cost of the chiller outside of the library before
moving forward.
It was the consensus of the Board to approve the project.
This budget reflects an 8.5% decrease due to grants.
It was the consensus of the Board to approve this budget.
This budget reflects a 13.4% decrease. It is an enterprise fund.
Capital Solid Waste -The Solid Waste Director advised the Board they should have the
ground lease by the end of August and Geoplasma project should be breaking ground
within 1 year. They presently have $300,000 set aside for the landscaping in a reserve
This budget reflects a 1.8% increase.
This budget reflects a 20.9% increase
This budget reflects an 11.8% decrease.
This budget reflects an 8.9% increase.
It was the consensus of the Board to approve the above noted budgets.
This budget reflects a 37% increase due to the fact the rent has doubled.
This budget reflects a 3.9% increase.
Environmental Lands
This budget reflects a decrease of 9.2%. They will be transferring funds to
Environmental Regulations and Administration.
Environmental Regulations Dept.
This budget reflects a 23% increase. Resource Protection Code Compliance position is
being added.
Com. Coward commented on the Biologist position.
The Environmental Resources Director stated the biologist is leaving and there is a hiring
freeze. She hopes to speak with the County Administrator with regard to this issue.
Com. Coward recommended utilizing the $300,000 set aside in conjunction with the
money already in the capital to keep the position and the projects going.
Environmental Resources Capital
$7,000 for the North Fork
$254,000 dedicated to the Environmental Learning Center
The funds have been dedicated for various projects.
It was the consensus of the Board to approve the above budgets.
This budget reflects a 10.3% increase.
This department took a position from Road and Bridge and broke out to a Stormwater
Section. They restructured their administration budget for this purpose.
Code Compliance
This budget reflects a 6.7% decrease. They are an MSTU and Enterprise Fund. The
revenue stream has been lowered.
This budget reflects an 18.5% decrease
This budget reflects a 39.1 % decrease due to grants being down from 7 million to 3
million. This department has its own taxing fund.
Road and Bridge
This budget reflects a decrease of 1.8%
Road and Bridge Maintenance
This budget reflects a 2.4% decrease
Road and Bridge Traffic
This budget reflects a 7.1 % increase
Road and Bridge Stormwater
Com. Coward requested an update on the Lakewood Park project.
This budget reflects a 1.6% decrease
It was the consensus of the Board to approve the above budgets.
MSBU Dredging $50,600
Improvement of Road and Bridge office $25,000
Unincorporated County bike paths and sidewalks $550,000
$200,000 has been added to be taken from our portion of the gas tax. General Fund
dollars are not being used for this project (bike paths and side walks).
$ 200,000 Emergency Culvert Replacements
100,000 Midway Rd. Cross Drain
100,000 S. 3`d St. @ Smallwood Ave. Culvert replacement
150,000 C 23 Outfall @ Carlton Ranch Culver replacement
35,000 Savanna Club @ US 1 Traffic Signal
35,000 Spanish Lakes @ US 1 Traffic Signal
30,000 Naranja @ Prima Vista Traffic Signal
20,000 Harbor Branch @ Old Dixie Traffic Signal
100,000 Traffic Signals TBD
Expense total FY 08 New: $770,000
The Board discussed the funding of $300,000 for the paving of Paradise Park Phase 1.
The drainage project has been fully funded.
The County Administrator stated they needed to have a discussion on the $700,000 for
lighting for S. 25`Y' St.
Transportation TrustIIMPACT FEES FY 08 New
$2,150,000 Walton Road (Village Green-Lennard)
*$4,000,000 will be the cost for right of way acquisition for this project.
The Board concurred they needed to discuss this issue once they know the legal aspect of
the Savanna Club's development order for the Lennard Road project.
Drainage Maintenance MSTU carry forward from FY07 to FY08
Taxes $1,500,000
The County Administrator stated they now have $300,000 for the Platts Creek mitigation.
Purchase Right of Way Drainage $50,000
Lakewood Park Culvert Replacement $200,000
Paradise Park Drainage Improvements $350,000
NPDES Phase II Project $200,000
Orange Avenue @NSLWCD C-54 Culvert Replacement $$350,000
Carlton Road over C-24 $ 150,000
Erosion Control Operating Fund/ FY 08 New
$ 50,000 Artificial Reef Program
Transportation Capital New FY 08
Unincorporated Area Resurfacing $1,000,000
Chip Seal Program 250,000
MSBU Inhouse Financing Projects New 08
Projects to be determined CIP $120,000
Garrison Lane MSBU Paving Drainage $150,000
Com. Coward requested staff come back with a priority list of sidewalks and bike path
projects for the 1.1 million carried forward from FY 07.
25`t' Street Streetlights- $700,000 to install the lights. These funds will be reallocated to
the Midway Road project.
This budget reflects an 11.9% increase.
Mr. Patel will be presenting a proposal tomorrow to attempt to locate a disposal site. He
will be at 4 sites first the City of Ft. Pierce is supporting and staff will return to the Board
with a report.
Staff will be evaluating the four sites proposed by the city.
$512,500 for Harbor Pointe Infrastructure
$350,000 for Spoil Site acquisition
Com. Craft stated he was not interested in looking for a temporary site.
Com. Coward stated we do not have the funds to acquire land for either a temporary or a
long term solution.
Com. Lewis stated she would still like to move forward with what they are looking at and
not keep this project on the back burner any longer.
~~ ~~ ~.ri
The County Administrator stated they needed to take advantage of their funding partners.
If they continue to delay this they may not have those partners in the future.
The workshop was adjourned.