HomeMy WebLinkAboutHomeland Security Workshop Minutes 04-30-2007BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA HOMELAND SECURITY WORKSHOP Date: April 30, 2007 Tape: Convened: 2:00 p.m. Adjourned: 2:35 p.m. Commissioners Present: Chris Craft, Chairman, Paula A Lewis, Doug Coward, Joe Smith, Charles Grande Others Present: Doug Anderson, County Administrator; Lauri Heistermann, Deputy Clerk 1. CALL TO ORDER/COMMISSIONER CRAFT, CHAIRMAN, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONER The meeting was called to order by Chris Craft, Chairman, Board of County Commissioners Doug Anderson, County Administrator stated that a couple of months ago, Dr. Massey had invited the City and County Managers from the Treasure Coast to Indian River Community College for a presentation on the Homeland Security Public Safety Training Complex that they are planning on constructing. At that time they discussed where the funding was coming from and the shortfall in funding. 2. THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMPLEX PRESENTATION -INDIAN RIVER COMMUNITY COLLEGE Dr. Massey addressed the Board. He informed the Board that any money that comes from the County to the College is dollar for dollar matched by the State of Florida. He stated that when the project was entered into several years ago, it was at the time that the Police Academy and Fire Academy had been destroyed by the hurricanes. He stated that when they first started thinking about building a new academy, they were thinking traditionally in terms of a new Police and Fire Academy. They realized that the first priority would be to provide the first provider training to support security and safety throughout the community. He stated that they would be training the frontline people. He stated that they would be training people that come in from the State level, National level and on an international basis. This is a 50 acre complex. They have been awarded and approved by the State Board of Education to offer bachelor level programs. This SO acre campus will not only be a 2 year training program, it will be a full bachelors 4 year degree campus. He stated that if they build something that would attract State level training and Federal training the people would come here and stay in our hotels and spend money. This will be an economic development boost to the community. Because of 911 they expanded to counter terrorism. They also will incorporate humanitarian assistance and disaster relief training. He stated that the college has had a common crime lab for over 35 years. In the new facility they would like to build a new crime lab that would be 10,000 to 12, 500 square feet that would be valued at about 4.1 million dollars. He stated that the college would use 1 million dollars to renovate the existing crime lab to house the Medical Examiners office. He stated that they had been declared the Homeland Security Defense Banner Center for the State of Florida. He provided a virtual tour of the facility. -1- 3. DISCUSSION ON COUNTY SUPPORT Dr Massye stated that the breakdown on the funding for the facility was 24.4 million total state funds. 5 million dollars have been raised in private funds. 1 million in total college funds. All of the land is included at about 5 million. The driving range has been built for 1.2 million and all of this is part of the facility. Total funds received to date are 30.4 million dollars. Additional state requested funds are 3 million. He stated that they had went back to the legislature and they approved the fu113 million dollars for additional state monies. The current amount needed to complete the complex is 5 million dollars. He stated that they are still trying to raise money. The return on investment that the County would receive would be 16.3 million dollars which includes the crime lab at 4.1 million dollars, the medical examiners at 1.0 million, firing training center at 5 million, tactical driving range at 1.2 million and the land and infrastructure at 5 million. He stated that they are going to each City and County for a pro-rated share of 2.5 million dollars. This rate was determined by the number of police officers. He informed the Board that they are talking to Okeechobee County, Martin County, Indian River County and of the Cities that have police officers and firemen. He stated that if they receive the 2.5 million they would go to the State next session and ask for the money to be matched. He stated that what they were asking for is that the Commission support the amount that they had asked for in the letter. The Cities and Counties would receive recognition around the muster field behind the main building. 4. PUBLIC COMMENT There was no public comment 5. BOARD DIRECTION Commissioner Craft thanked Dr. Massey and the team at Indian River Community College for all of the efforts that they had put forward. Commissioner Coward stated that this was the second time he had the opportunity to hear this presentation. He stated that he serves on the Fire Board and has been exited since day one. He stated that he remains strongly committed to try to do what the County can to partner. He stated that the commitment that he would like to give is that anything the County can do they will. Commissioner Grande asked if the numbers that were provided were present numbers. Dr. Massey stated that they have a management contract on this project and they would hold the numbers firm based on the management contract that they have entered into. He stated that they would not come back to the board. Commissioner Lewis stated that she was very exited with what she saw today. She stated that if the County has the ability, they will certainly work towards it. Dr. Massey stated that the funding could be spread out over a 3 year period. Commissioner Coward stated that the budget has a lot of different pieces to it. Often times the reaction is to look towards general fund dollars. He stated that the Board needed to scrutinize existing funding sources and look at re-prioritizing some of them for a project this worthy. He stated that he was not looking at increasing the budget or any type of new tax. Commissioner Craft agreed. Commissioner Smith thanked Dr. Massey. He stated that it is important to involve the community at an early stage so that they can understand the issue of prioritization. -2- 6. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 2:35 p.m. -3-