HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOCC and P&Z Workshop Minutes 04-02-2007BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS
Date: Apri12, 2007 Convened: 9:00 a.m.
Adjourned: 11:45 a.m.
Commissioners Present: Chairman, Chris Craft, Joseph Smith, Paula A. Lewis, Doug
Coward, Charles Grande
P & Z Board: Pam Hammer, Craig Mundt, Susie Caron, Brad Culverhouse, John Knapp,
Kathryn Hensley
Staff: Doug Anderson, County Administrator, Faye Outlaw, Asst. County Administrator,
Ray Wazny, Asst. County Administrator, Robert Nix, Growth Management Director,
Heather Young, Asst. County Attorney, Millie Delgado-Feliciano, Deputy Clerk
Opening remarks were made by the Growth Management Director. He introduced the
changes to Chapters 10,11 and 12 of the Land Development Code . He stated they would
continue to schedule workshops to continue to review changes. He advised the Board
they had a workshop with the development community.
Mr. Craig Richardson, Vice President, Clarion Consultants addressed the Board.
Mr. Chris Durkson, Clarion Consultants, gave an overview and a power point
presentation. He alluded to the memo/s illustrating the various recommended changes
and strike through indicating the changes. He advised the Board all of Clarion's
suggestions were not incorporated into the text.
Com. Grande advised the consultants that he would like comments from the Board as
well as the development community reviewed before updating the plan.
Mr. Durkson advised the Board the heart of the changes are in Chapter 11.
Com. Grande stated he had difficulty seeing where the changes were made after
reviewing the document without underlines and strike throughs to designate these
Mr. Culverhouse stated he would like to see where it was stated and where it was going
by reviewing the old section and what has been changed or stricken through.
Ms. Pam Hammer stated she too had difficulty in being able to refer back and forth
within the old and the new and found there was no way to match it.
Ms. Susie Caron stated she would like to see goals and objectives. She felt this would be
helpful since presently there is no way to tell where we are.
Mr. Culverhouse stated he had seen present law and the proposed law and felt something
in this order would assist in reviewing the document.
Mr. Durkson suggested foot notes at each section.
Com. Craft stated he felt they needed a reference point.
Mr. Durkson stated he understood the need for a summary of major changes.
Mr. Richardson reviewed the Administration Module Goals.
Com. Coward expressed his concern with standardizing the applicants. He felt there
were two totally different priorities. They needed to prioritize what the development
community wanted and also move more toward targeted industries in creating jobs
needed in the county.
Com. Smith questioned the "fast tracking "
Com. Lewis stated she felt some simplification would be useful and this would be in
addition to what they already have.
Mr. Richardson stated looking at the procedures at this point, there are other areas
requiring specific site design standards.
Com. Coward staed he did not want to standardize and wants to be able to differentiate
between the available process.
Com. Smith requested an explanation on the fast and expediting process.
Com. Lewis stated she felt the standardizing was being done in the preliminary step
Ms. Kathryn Hensley suggested a check list to fast track projects.
The Growth Management Director stated in order to set up expedited procedures, they
would need to know what type of application they wanted to see come through
Com. Grande recommended standardization by category.
The Growth Management Director stated there are no state requirements for staff turn
around time however there are state requirement for public hearing times. He reviewed
the completeness review in existence today.
Ms. Hammer recommended using a different work in place of "complete".
Com. Smith questioned if there would be a fee increase to the applicant.
The Growth Management Director stated a fee was established for a second re-
Com. Smith stated he was in support of the fee schedule. He also requested knowing
which developer/s do not wish to submit the information requested by Growth
Management should this occur.
Com. Lewis asked if 10 days would be enough time to receive all the necessary
information from the applicants.
The Growth Management Director advised the Board that the department secretary
reviews the document submitted and advises the applicant of what documents are
Com. Grande stated he felt it would be up to the discretion of the Growth Management
Director as to how to handle the need for complete document submission.
Mr. Craig Mundt stated he would like to see the second public hearing made inclusive.
Mr. Richardson stated they needed direction this is not required by state law and they
had no intent on changing the existing practice now.
Com. Grande questioned why it was recommended to have one public hearing rather than
two public hearings on certain applications.
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Ms. Caron requested clarification on the interpretation of the community with regard to
"By Right" or "Should be by law". She felt this needed to be clarified so that everyone
knows the difference.
The Growth Management Director recommended everyone becoming familiar with the
"Snyder Case". This would give some an education on the "By Right" issue.
Com. Coward concurred with Com. Grande that the priorities should be judged on
Quality and agrees with having 2 public hearings.
Mr. Culverhouse stated he had a problem with regard to not being able to ask questions
of witnesses during the public hearings at the P & Z meetings.
There were main changes in : Common Procedures, Public Hearing Procedures and
Standard and Requirement for Applicants.
Mr. Richardson reviewed the changes. He stated the table is consistent with the new
draft. The changes are 1) special process 2) review standard procedures 3) with quasi
judicial hearings.
Ms. Hammer stated she felt major site plans should go before the Planning and Zoning
Board and the DRI Process needed staff comments to the BOCC.
Com. Grande suggested having the P & Z Board schedule a workshop and then have a
designee meet with the consultant and also have the Board members meet with the
consultant one on one.
Com. Craft recommended having the consultant meet with staff as opposed to the Board
Ms. Hammer stated she would like to work from the draft and recommend changes.
Com. Craft recommended utilizing the one prior to the new draft with the developers
comments integrated.
Con. Grande also requested the parties meet with staff take their input and then draft a
memo for review.
No further comments made. The meeting was adjourned.