HomeMy WebLinkAboutBudget Workshop Minutes 07-10-2006BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS
Date: July 10, 2006 Convened: 9:00 a.m.
Adjourned: 4:50 p.m.
Commissioners Present: Doug Coward, Chairman, Chris Craft, Joseph Smith, Paula A.
Lewis, Frannie Hutchinson
Others Present: Doug Anderson, County Administrator, Marie Gouin, Asst. County
Administrator, Millie Delgado-Feliciano, Deputy Clerk
The County Administrator advised the Board according to the adjustments made so far,
he had increased the General Fund by $ 2,201,326 of which $ 2,192,000 is the increase in
the Sheriff's budget. Fine and Forfeiture Fund was increased by $1,133,479 primarily
due to the Criminal Justice Coordinator's unfunded portion of his programs.
They have increased pre-trail services program by $864,000.00 ,Differentiated Case
Management by $214,560.00 and Mental Health Court Case Manager by $65,000.
Under other the Transit Planning Manager was increased by $75,462 however, this is off
set by a grant and would not affect the total budget. This is where they are as of this
Tab 53.4
This budget reflects an increase of 21.48%. The requested increase is due to utilities the
requested amount is $391,933 which includes the utilities.
* * It was the consensus of the Board to approve the budget.
Com. Craft requested if a position is vacant in the Public Defenders office he would like
some reimbursement.
The Public Defender stated there are no positions presently vacant.
Tab 27.2
This budget reflects a 16.5% increase and is primarily due to salaries. A special projects
manager position is requested.
Com. Coward requested confirmation that this budget adequately reflects the staff needed
to finish projects on time.
The Recreation and Parks Director stated there are some projects that will need additional
funding. Lakewood Park is a running slightly behind schedule.
Com. Coward requested the amount above the net amount that has not been allocated at
this time.
The County Administrator advised the Board the amount is $937,871.00.
Com. Coward stated since there are additional revenues, the Board needs to decide what
projects to allocate these funds to whether it be River Park Marina or another project.
The County Administrator stated $500,000 is needed for Lakewood Park the balance is
$437,871. They had talked about the Skate Park and also ADA park.
Com. Craft stated he had talked with those who deal with handicapped children and they
requested not having an ADA park because they do not wish to segregate the children.
The County Administrator stated when the parks are built you cannot tell they are ADA
parks, they intermix. They are presently looking for a location.
Unintelligible conversation.
The County Administrator commented on the layout of the special needs facility and they
will be bringing it forward for the Board to review.
* * It was the consensus of the Board to hold off on the final decision until they review
the other proposals (i.e. Lakewood park etc.).
Tab 28-2
This budget reflects a decrease of 3.1 %.
There are a few capital items i.e. generators and 24ft trolley.
Com. Craft commented on having a minimal advertising budget for concerts etc.
The Board was advised it was a contractual issue and they are attempting to draft
language for this purpose.
* * It was the consensus of the Board to approve this budget
Tab 29
This budget reflects a decrease of 10.1 %. This department is not subsidized by the
General Fund.
The expansion of the golf course is on hold no funds available.
* * It was the consensus of the Board to approve this budget.
Tab 30
This area is 100% supported by the revenues generated. There is a $73,000 budget not
supported by the general fund.
Com. Craft commented on the condition of the parking lot.
The Board was informed the parking lot Com. Craft is referring to is not part of the phase
1 of the referendum and they do not have the funds available for phase 2.
Tab 31
This budget reflects a 1 % increase adding 3 positions.
The three positions aze: Maintenance Tech IV
Maintenance Tech III - (2)
The County Administrator advised the Boazd they have cut back on Capital. The Capital
they are recommending is $280,000. Last yeaz they had $729,000 this year it is
The Parks and Recreation Director stated they aze interested in adding a Park Ranger's
position to the budget @ $53,906.00.
The Boazd instructed staff to come back this afternoon to discuss this issue and the issue
of a vehicle needed to be placed on the short list.
This budget reflects a 1.5% increase. The County Administrator is not recommending
increasing any staff.
The summer programs were discussed. There aze presently 5 summer programs that aze
maxed in attendance.
Com. Coward stated he would like to assure the programs are increasing as our
population increases.
Parks and Recreation staff stated they aze having problems finding facilities for the
Com. Coward asked for further discussion with the School Board on how they can
expand the summer programs.
Com. Cowazd requested staff come back with numbers for discussion this afternoon.
Staff advised the Board of a piece of equipment available (video equipment) for the
children at a cost of $20,000. They would like to add this to the budget for Lincoln Pazk
Community Center.
A discussion was held regarding the Lincoln Park Community Center. The County
Administrator stated he had talked with the City Manager (City of Ft. Pierce) and asked
if they had budgeted $1 million from the CRA budget. He was informed they had
budgeted that amount and have not decided if they wanted to rebuild the facility or
renovate the existing facility. Neither entity (City nor County) owns the facility it is
privately owned and it is leased.
This item to be placed on the short list for discussion for possible use of rec-bond fees
and other available funds.
A discussion will be held this afternoon regarding the following issues:
$125,000 Dan McCarty parking lot
additional summer camp recreation programs
Lincoln Park Community Center
The Pazks Ranger position and the vehicle
$20,000 for additional equipment for Lincoln Park Community Center
and additions monies for possible land acquisition
This budget reflects a 3.8% decrease.
a... ~.~~ .~i
An update was given on the master plan completion of the Savannas Camp ground.
**It was the consensus of the Board to approve this budget.
This budget reflects a 3.5% decrease.
* * It was the consensus of the Board to approve this budget.
This budget reflects a 10.5% increase.
* * It was the consensus of the Board to approve this budget.
Impact Fees Parks District A 563,234
Impact Fees Parks District B 602,066
Revenue Total Impact Fees new money $ 1,165,300
Projects to be determined CIP
Lakewood Park
South Causeway Improvement
Lincoln Park Community Center Imp
Renovation of Rasmussen House
Northport Improvements match
50,000 (for design)
Fairgrounds showers/restrooms 350,000
Const. So. County Reg. Stadium 500,000 (can be reallocated for Zone B)
The County Administrator stated under parks (B) $1,249,519) this takes into account the
above $500,000 being added back in this morning. These funds need to be spent in South
The Board discussed allocating $40,000 for sidewalks at the River Park Marina from the
$1,249,519 million in impact fees.
It was the consensus of the Board to approve allocating $40,000 to the River Park Marina
for sidewalks.
Tab 57.4-5
Electric Franchise Fees
This area was discussed and the various allocations were noted
Arts in Public Places allocation $ 3,600
PSL Ravenswood Pool 180,000
Rent towards Parks Admin Bldg. 94,000
Savannas Rec. Area Imp. 196,000
Arts in Public Places 5,590
Equestrian Arena Vent. System 279,500
Fairgrounds WTP Well Additions 20,000
The County Administrator stated they could use impact fee money for the Equestrian
Arena Ventilation System. He also stated they could be decided later in the year.
Com. Craft stated he would like to discuss in the future a Community Center on North
Tape 2
Com. Coward alluded to the prior discussion on the expansion of the Eco Center and the
$100,000 match received from the Audubon. He requested more information on this
The County Administrator advised the Board per this mornings discussion they have
added to the General Fund $2,201,326 of which $2,191,695 was the increase to the
Sheriff's Dept., and Fine and Forfeiture Fund $1,133,479 added.
The County Administrator reviewed the Outstanding Issues.
Summary of Adjustments 7/10/06
Amount available above 12% $ 29,515.119
Adjustments previously considered- General Fund 2,201,326
Adjustments previously considered- Fine & Forfeiture 1,133,479
Reserves 1,195,379
Courthouse facility reserve fund 250,000
Items to be considered* 21,924,255
Total Adjustments ....................................................$26,704,439
* Balance Available for Financial Recovery ..................... 2,810,680
• Items to be considered are 100% funded
Balance Available from Public Works Capital
101001/Transportation Trust Interlocals 25,667
101002/Transportation Trust80% Constitutionals 108,780
101003/Transportation Trust/Local Option 98,349
101006 Transportation Trust Impact Fees 1,230,900
Subtotal .................................................................$ 1,463,696
Less Impact Fees Rollover to FY 08 ............................... - 1,230,900
Subtotal ............................................................... $ 232,796
Parks funding available
Parks Referendum $ 937,871
Impact Fees - Parks A 456,397
Impact Fees- Parks B 1,209,519
North County Tourism 249,543
Subtotal ............................................................... $2,853,330
The County Administrator advised the Board there was $600,000 unallocated money in
the unincorporated MSTU fund that could be used as reserve or to further reduce the
millage rate.
Staff advised the Board of the allocation of $50,000 from the $600,000 for the Urban
Design Studio.
Follow up items for 7/10 budget workshop:
Staffing related to Weed and Seed -staff recommended attempting to handle this in house
Discuss phase II for funding Shared Service Roundtable- additional $25,000
The County Administrator advised the Board upon checking with the County Attorney's
office as well as the neighboring counties, both Indian River and Martin County staff's
are recommending not funding this agency. They had requested $165,000 from St. Lucie
County. Staff's position is not to fund this agency since we are funding New Horizons.
The County Administrator stated he had received a report from the engineers and he felt
they could not move forward at this point due to the cost that came in at $5 million. They
cannot do this project without going to the developers for assistance.
Staff recommended moving forward with the design at a cost of $444,000.
This will be discussed later with the transportation discussion.
It was previously asked if this project could be funded with impact fees. The County
Administrator advised the Board it could not.
The County Administrator advised the Board he had allocated money in the budget .
$20,000 had been requested earlier for a video system.
The County Administrator stated he had talked with the City Manager and asked if he
was aware that additional property should be purchased in the area. He replied he was
not aware of this.
The Parks and Recreation Director .suggested changing funding sources. The suggested
changes were from IFF to Park B. There is the Fairgrounds Ventilation System at
$279,500, the Fairgrounds well at $20,000, Port St. Lucie Ravenswood Pool $180,000.
If they are able to change the funding from IFF to Park B, this would allow in addition to
the $50,000 already budgeted for Lincoln Park renovations, and this would identify
approximately $529,000 by just changing the funding sources.
The County Administrator stated this could be done since the Ravenswood Pool project is
an expansion.
Staff stated they would use $479,500 from IFF for projects and change them to Park B
and replace them with Impact Fees. Presently they have $50,000 budgeted for Lincoln
Park renovations and if you add all items together you would have $529,500.00.
Com. Coward stated if they were to set aside the money, he would like for it to be
allocated for land acquisition and have a letter sent by staff to the city for a joint meeting
to discuss possibly using CRA dollars for purchasing land for expansion.
It was the consensus of the Board to reduce Parks B funds by $500,000 of the $529,500
for land acquisition for Lincoln Park.
Staff clarified they do not have $500,000 in projects to move but have $479,500.00.
It was also the consensus of the Board to allocate $20,000 for the video system from the
general fund.
Com. Coward requested confirmation of what he understood to have just taken place as;
$479,000 being shifted from projects in the South County that were franchise fee funded
and are replacing that with impact fees dollars collected from South County.
The County Administrator clarified the following: The $500,000 they are taking, the
other $50,000 that was budgeted for Lincoln Park and taking $21,000 of that from park
impact fees zone A and that's how they are getting $500,000. They had $50,000 already
in the budget coming from zone A and he is suggesting taking the balance of $21,000
from that $50,000 and making up the difference.
Com. Coward stated the $50,000 was for renovation of the existing and in his opinion
this should be left separate and if they are short $21,000 they have park impact fees that
are at $43,000 and he asked why don't they just pull some of that money, add it to the
franchise fee dollars and make it a clean $500,000.
Unintelligible conversation- all talking at the same time.
The County Administrator stated it's $479,000 plus the $21,000 already budgeted and
this would make it $500,000.
Unintelligible conversation- all talking at the same time.
Staff advised the Board they would find a way to make it work.
$125,000 cost- St. Lucie County's share from the General Fund. The additional monies
would be provided by the School Board and the City of Ft. Pierce. Total cost is
The Board consensus was use general fund monies.
The Assistant Parks and Recreation Director advised the Board they had planned utilizing
those monies for some unfunded projects unless the Board would prefer utilizing general
funds for them.
The County Administrator stated he has been advised the cost for Lakewood Park are
increasing $500,000 and he is suggesting using $500,000 from the $937,871.00, the
Skate Park was $437,000 and is now $557,000 total estimated cost. If these funds are
utilized there would not be any extra money available.
Total funding needed for position and vehicle is $78,906.
It was the consensus of the Board to hold off until next year.
The County Administrator stated they could upfront $28,000 needed. They have $20,000
in revenues for a total of $48,000 for summer programs.
It was the consensus of the Board to provide $25,000 net for the summer programs.
The Public Works Director addressed the Boazd regarding this project. The cost of
design and permitting would be approximately $350,000 and this is their
recommendation until they can come up with the construction cost in the future.
Com. Cowazd stated he would like the improvements, sidewalks, bike paths be included
in the $43 million dollaz bond as well as the above cost.
The Lakewood Park Stormwater Improvements
The Public Works Director stated they had approached this in the past as an MSBU
process however, they have not been able to move this forwazd with the area residents.
Phase I is presently in design and is funded. Phase II design has not been started and they
would need to start it this yeaz.
Com. Craft stated he is looking for Phase II to be an MSBU for Lakewood Pazk. Phase
III is the key this is replacing culverts downstream and this needs to take place.
The Public Works Director stated Phase III has been the hazdest sell in Lakewood Park
because it is not in the neighborhood and they feel they should not be paying for
improvements downstream.
The estimate cost is $1.5 million and they hope to obtain half from the state in July `07'
and the other half would be the county match ($750,000).
Com. Lewis stated she would prefer to have the match in the fund for when the state asks
the county for it.
It was the consensus of the Board to allocate $750,000 for the project.
The County Administrator clarified the following adjustments:
$350,000 Indian River Drive from bond (to be discussed further)
$500,000 off the table (coming from future MSBU)
$750,000 for Phase III coming from the General Fund
The Public Works Director advised the Board there are complications with the cost of
this project they aze outdated.
Com. Coward recommended updating them, discuss with the city about incorporating this
with another project. He felt they should scrap the mitigation entirely and see if they can
get grants to do the environmental restoration on the property.
Com. Cowazd commented on the North Hutchinson Island bike path and stated there isn't
a lazge population in the azea and they have children in an urbanized setting who would
use them everyday. He suggested going back to the $43 million and looking to see how
much they wish to pull out for sidewalk projects. He received two lists from Port St.
Lucie showing their priority projects.
1. Savonna
2. Morningside
3. Macedo
These three projects are approximately $1 million and there are additional school projects
as well.
He asked the Board to decide how much will be pulled out and how much will be
allocated to each entity.
Com. Craft stated he would prefer to give the entity a check for an amount for sidewalks
specifically as a match.
Com. Craft suggested setting aside $6 million for sidewalk projects and divide it between
the entities @ $ 2million each.
Com. Coward suggested giving them the $2 million for their priority projects with
particular emphasis to those in close proximity to schools.
The County Administrator stated the details would come back to the Board as an
Interlocal Agreement.
Com. Coward requested the Weatherbee design be added to the list.
It was the consensus of the Board to set aside $6 million for sidewalks, Port St. Lucie $2
million, City of Ft. Pierce and County allocation to be combined ($4 million) due to the
fact the county has responsibilities within the city limits.
The County Administrator advised the Board with the carry forward that leaves
Com. Coward asked if these funds could go toward the Lakewood Park $750,000.
The County Administrator asked if they could use the $232,796 to offset the $750,000?
The Management and Budget Director stated they could.
The Public Works Director advised the Board there are 4 large culverts engineering is
presently working on and are federal highway money and they will be 80%/20% split so
they really do not have those funds.
Com. Coward suggested trading a reserve for the capital.
The County Administrator concurred.
Com. Coward asked staff if they were utilizing remainder of additional monies for the
Skate Park, and staff answered yes. (this was in background conversation, monies Com.
Coward was talking about was not identified on tape).
The County Administrator stated the total amount for the skate park is $557,000 and also
suggested $63,000 for parking.
Com. Coward stated unless they are talking about eliminating one of the projects, they do
not have additional revenue and he did not want to spend a lot of time on the issue.
Staff questioned the ADA Tot Park, cost $317,000.
Com. Lewis stated she would rather look at upgrading the parks we have.
Com. Coward stated the only available funds are in Park B and suggested possibly having
a centralized facility.
Com. Smith suggested discussing this issue with the city's recreation department.
Com. Hutchinson suggested contacting the Recreation Advisory Board.
The Board members concurred.
The County Administrator advised the Board the funds available are in the amount of
$249,543.00. He stated the bathrooms at Pepper Park are coming in at a greater cost.
Com. Coward stated he understood bathrooms were needed but would rather see a major
tourism facility. He would like a project of magnitude.
The Board considered allocating this money to the TDC.
Staff advised the Board they could have the TDC dollars go to the museum and then the
general fund dollars go to the Pepper Park restrooms.
The County Administrator stated they budgeted $300,000 previously and since then the
cost has increased dramatically. The Assistant Central Services Director advised him
they would need an additional $249,543.00 .
The Assistant Central Services Director stated the estimated total cost would be between
$600,000 and $700,000.00.
The County Administrator suggested taking funds from the Orange Avenue Post Office
account, fund the bathroom, take these funds to fund the Orange Avenue Post Office.
Staff advised the Board they have $300,000 budgeted they would be additional dollars
needed. $50,000 coming from Parks A and the $249,543.00 would then total the
It was the consensus of the Board to approve the project.
The Assistant Central Services Director advised the Board they have $400,000 budgeted
for the Board for fuel, oil and grease for the entire year. Currently they are at $440,000
expenditure for the BOCC at this point and they have 3 more months and this is the
height of the mowing season and they are looking around $500,000 to end this year.
Next year they are looking at with new employees, new vehicles, new parks they will
need $600,000 for gas oil and grease for the BOCC next year.
* * It was the consensus of the Board to bring is issue back to be discussed in the future
but not be resolved today.
$15,000. It was the consensus of the Board to approve the purchase of this equipment.
$350,000 Proposed this year and $350,000 next year from IFF funds.
This is proposed to be done in two years. The design phase will begin this year and
construction in `07'.
** It was the consensus of the Board to approve this request.
Use of impact fees to match donation.
Staff advised the Board they have $200,000 budgeted ($100,000 from Audubon and
$100,000 match from BOCC).
It was the consensus of the Board to provide $300,000 for the expansion of the ECO-
Center in Port St. Lucie from Park B impact fees.
Requested an additional $68,000 in funding for stabilization program.
* * It was the consensus of the Boazd to approve this request.
The County Administrator gave a summary on the action taken by the Board.
Human Resources- added staff development $ 10,000
Central Services Capital- removed the jail master plan, civic center lobby, jail roof
replacement, tools -added $10,000 towards operating reserves
Property Appraiser- removed $ 102,598
Sheriff budget -added $2,1919,695
Pazadise Pazk paving -added $50,000
ARC- added $1500 vehicle match,
Added School Nurse- $51,500
Treasure Coast Homeless Services- added $2,500.
Public Safety- added Marine Safety Officer @ $55,170.
Economic Development Council -challenge match of $100,000.
New Horizons -added $68,041.
County Extension Office- added travel allowance $18,000. and $15,000 for pazking lot
Cultural Affairs -Communications $1,570 and Canopy at the Museum @ $10,000.
Total : $2,201,326.00
The Boazd decided not to review the added expenses to this fund.
Setting aside 0.1271 mills for Roads - $6 million for sidewalks leaving $37 million for
roads, will further refine list in the future. $ 2 million from the $6 million for the City of
Port St. Lucie for sidewalk with emphasis on the schools. $350,000 set aside for the
Indian River Culvert (tentative plan to review further).
0.55 mill reduction -will come back to this issue.
Emergency Operations Center- $900,000 (to bring up to $9 million to build facility).
$ 6 million from state, $1.7 million in funds set aside from wireless telephones -Jack
Southard and Jay Seizmore, Project Managers.
Monumental Staircase- $1.6 million -approved
Old Courthouse Renovations- Phase 1 - $1,498,019.
The Assistant Central Services Director advised the Board the $4 million will take care of
the first two floors of the old courthouse, basement and first level. The Jury Assembly
room and Sheriff's civil and the law library will be brought over from the annex. They
will also be building holding cells in the basement area for future use of courtrooms on
the 3`d and 4`s floors of the old courthouse. The monies the County Administrator is
speaking of does not include the renovation of the existing annex courthouse.
They do not have the money for the retrofitting of the.annex areas.
The County Administrator stated they are attempting to obtain funds ($1 million) from
the City toward the Clerk of the Courts building.
Com. Coward stated this was an issue that could not be resolved today.
Parking Lot -Downtown- $530,000. increasing parking spaces by 16.
Com. Craft stated he did not wish to spend this type of money on 16 additional spaces.
The Asst. Central Services Director gave an overview of the entire project.
It was the consensus of the Board to leave this money in the budget.
Park Ranger and Vehicle -deleted
Summer Programs - $25,000 added
Media Relations Server- approved $15,000
Courthouse Facility Reserve Fund - $250,000.- approved
The County Administrator advised the Board they had not decided on the $25,000 for the
youth leadership.
REVISED FIGURE: $ 29,515,119.
ADJUSTMENTS: 27,522,938.
The County Administrator stated the following:
Countywide .55 millage reduction
Mosquito Control .0557 total countywide is .6057
Unincorporated area .55, .0557 reduction for Mosquito Control, stormwater increase of
.0974, unincorporated MSTU deduct of .0668 but this can be discussed. The
Management and Budget Director suggested leaving $50,000 in contingency in that fund
which would make it .0615. Tota1:.5698 unincorporated, .6057 incorporated.
The Management and Budget Director stated if the $1.9 million is used it would make an
additional .0824, and this would make it countywide decrease .6881.
The County Administrator stated he would not recommend this due to the fact they are
not sure what will happen next year. He does not wish to come up short in the financial
recovery next year.
As of 05/06 there is $ 5+ million in reserves. October 1St with the 12% increase
Com. Coward asked out of the $10.3 million in reserves can we not use $4.4 million to
meet the operating reserves to meet the bonding requirement?
The County Administrator stated they could allocate it out.
Com. Coward wished to look at the $1.9 million . He believed we made a food financial
Com. Craft stated he concurred with the County Administrator and felt they would not
need to place the total $5 million in next year should the county be hit by another storm
and not have funds available and have to raise the millage rate. He felt we needed to
keep a steady pace with the reduction of the millage rate.
The County Administrator stated if we reduce the millage rate and the values do not
come in next year we will have less cash next year to come up with the 12%. He
reminded the Board we are in a bad hurricane cycle.
After continued discussion, the County Administrator reiterated his position and
requested the Board consider placing the $1.9 million in reserves.
At this time the Chairman called for public comments.
Mr. McIntosh, Nettle Island property owner, addressed the Board and stated he is aware
of how difficult it has been agonizing over the budget, however, he felt the Board was
missing the opportunity to further reduce the millage. He advised the Board of the
meetings he would be attending to try to convince the entities to reduce their tax rate.
He addressed the other two neighboring counties and their rates being the 16 or 17, much
less than St. Lucie County. He recommends the Board do more comparisons and look at
the revenues by resources.
Com. Smith stated he is pleased with .6057 as a continuation of the program the Board
The County Administrator read the millage rates for the last few years:
2004 General Fund and Fine and Forfeiture: 7.5794 mills
2005 General Fund and Fine and Forfeiture: 7.4426 mills
2006 General Fund and Fine and Forfeiture: 6.6926 mills
.3368 mills reduction in the past 2 years.
Unintelligible conversation, everyone speaking at the same time.
Com. Lewis stated she is aware the residents are hurting and would like to see the Board
split the $1.9 million.
Com. Craft stated he believes it's important to approach the budget in a balanced fashion.
He believes staff heard the Board's comments loud and clear and believes they are at the
perfect balance. He supports the recommendation of the .0657.
Com. Hutchinson stated she keeps going back to the hurricanes in her mind and those
who are still trying to recover and she felt the whole amount should go towards a tax
Com. Coward stated he agreed with what the entire Board said he believes in balancing
the budget they are addressing many issues. He believes after seeing the County
Administrator's action he would be more inclined to split the $1.9.
Com. Coward pointed out there was a 2/2 consensus (tie).
~.~ ..~. .~ri
FY 07 Budget
Summary of Adjustments -7/11/2006
Amount available above 12%
Adjustments previously considered -General Fund $13,193,218
Adjustments previously considered -Fine & Forfeiture Fund $16,321,901
Total Adjustments $29,515,119
Office of Management & Budget
FY ^~ Qudget
°i~' BOCC Adju3R}4f~'Pits - 7/11/2006 "~'~`
County Attorney
,Juvenile Assessment Center (already fully funded for the year) I 0.00
'Pretrial Service Program 864,000.00
Differentiated Case Management 214,560.00
~ Mental Health Court Case Manager ~ 65,000.00
Human Resources
Staff Development 10,000.00
Central Services-Servic e Garage
Gas, Oil, Grease TBD
Capital -Fuel Tanks TBD
Central Services
!,Jail Master Plan (100,000.00)
Civic Center Lobby , (124,752.00)
Jail Roof Replacemen t (50,000.00)
;Equipment -Tools(9-1 0) (6,300.00) j
;Operating Reserves 10,000.00
Solid Waste
Visual Buffer ~ 300,000.00
Reserves -300,000.00
Property Appraiser (Cou nty Portion)
iContingency ~ (102,598.00) i (20,081.00)
Banner TBD
'Equipment ; ~ TBD
LT. i
Reduction in revenue from Property Appraiser TBD
Reduction in expenses to support the Property Appraiser TBD
Sheriff ~
i Increase Sheriff recommended budget from 12% to 16.3% 1,024,830.00 1,166,865.00
State Attorney
~ Storage I 10,000.00
Public Works -Code Compliance (Impact Fee Fund)
;Position & Vehicle 74,172.00
j Reserves ~ -74,172.00
PW -Road & Bridge
i Paving -Paradise Park 50,000.00
Outside Agencies
',ARC of St. Lucie County -increase vehicle match 1,500.00
;Health Dept. -School Nurse 51,500.00
Treasure Coast Homeless Srvs 2,500.00
j Economic Development Council -Matching Funds j 100,000.00
10% increase -New Horizons 68,041.00
Public Safety -Marine Safety
Marine Safety Officer ~ i 55,170.00
Community Services j
Transit Planning Manager-Grant Funded i 75,452.00
,Adjust Grant Accounts to fund Position -75,452.00
County Extension Office
'Travel 18,000.00
'.Parkin Lot Construction ! 15,000.00
Office of Management & Budget
FY (" Q~.~dget
~' _ BOCC Adju~tRt'~Rts - 7/11/2006 ~~
Cultural Affairs
Communications 1,570.00
i Canopy j
Post Office Museum 10,000.00 ',
(249,543.00) ~
N. County Tourism Reserves -249,543.00
Parks t
,Sidewalk Improvements -River Park Marina -Impact Fees "B"
',Projects to be determined
Move IFF projects to Parks Impact "B••
'IFF Funding for Equipment
',Lincoln Park Land Acquisition
,Dan McCarty Parking Lot
25,000.00 40,000.00
Summer Programs ($45,405 less $20,405)
',Parks Referendum Reserves
Parks A Impact Fees -projects to be determined
;Pepper Park Restrooms
Lakewood Park 45,405.00
!Skate Park I 500,000.00
'i Elks Park Renovation 300,000.00
Public Works
,Set aside 0.2373 mills for Roads 5,200,000.00
;(including sidewalks ($6 Million) and Indian River Drive Culverts-35 0k)
~~ Lakewood Park Drainage 750,000.00
Reduce Carryforward Balances
Increase Transportation Trust Reserves -232,796.00
County Administrator -Media Relations
',Server , 15,000.00
Environmental Lands
Oxbow Classroom 300,000.00
Projects to be determined -Parks "B" -300,000.00
Reserves 478,152.00 717,227.00
Phase II -Shared Services Roundtable 25,000.00
~ Emergency Operations Center (EOC) 900,000.00
',Monumental Staircase 1,600,000.00
!Old Courthouse Renovations - Phase I 1,498,019.00
',Parking Lot (Downtown Fort Pierce) 530,000.00
;Courthouse facility reserve fund 250,000.00
j 0.5914 Mill Reduction (adjusted for less 5% & tax collector fees) 13,054,330.00
;Financial Recovery 992,181.00
Reduce Reserves in Unincorporated MSTU -563,197.00
,.0615 Mill Reduction - Unincorp (adjusted for less 5% & tax collector fees) ~, 563,197.00
Total ad'ustments , 13,193,218.00 ' 16,321,901.00 0.00
Office of Management & Budget
FY ~7 Budget
`~ Outstanding~...~s - 7/11/2006 ^~~
Follow-up items for a later date:
Weed & Seed/ Match City Administration
Economic Development becoming department
Space needs study committee BOCC
Update 5 year plan Debbie Brisson
,Update on discussions with Oscar Debbie Brisson
Recreation Advisory Board review ADA Tot Lot Diana Lewis
Taylor Dairy Road Don West
Details about Beach MSBU
Move ahead on Platts Creek Project -will discuss at joint meeting Don West
Meet with Prope Appraiser regarding I.T. issues Doug Anderson
Explore opportunities for providing additional summer programs/Work with School Board Doug Anderson
Letter to cities asking to participate in challenge grant for Economic Development Larry Daum
Time & location of Mental Health Court Mark Godwin
,Bill MPO for time spent on MPO issues Michael Brillhart
Breakdown of impact fees used for fairground OMB
Contact Lake Coun /Turnpike Lighting Program
Coordinate with Fort Pierce on Parking Issues -will discuss at joint meeting Ra Wazny
Roger Shinn
Fuel Farm - Transfer a designated amount from operating (gasoline) to Capital Roger Shinn
Cursory Review of Jail Property Roger Shinn
16 month review during Strategic Planning in January Sheriff
Update -Jail Nursery. Vanessa Bessey
Office of Management & Budget
Com. Hutchinson stated she would change her decision and go for the split.
Com. Coward stated they would take an additional $1 million and place it towards a
further millage reduction and the balance would be placed in reserves.
This brings the millage countywide to .6471, unincorporated area .6112.
The meeting was adjourned.
Note: The Summary of Adjustments presented on 7/11/2006 have been attached to the
record minutes.