HomeMy WebLinkAboutBudget Workshop Minutes 07-05-2006BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA BUDGET WORKSESSION Date: July 5, 2006 Convened: 9:00 a.m. Tape: 1-4 Adjourned: 4:30 p.m. Commissioners Present: Chairman, Doug Coward, Christ Craft, Paula A. Lewis, Frannie Hutchinson, Chris Craft, Joseph Smith Others Present: Doug Anderson, County Administrator, Faye Outlaw, Asst. County Administrator, Ray Wazny, Asst. County Administrator, Marie Gouin, Management and Budget Director, Millie Delgado-Feliciano, Deputy Clerk The Chairman opened the workshop and read his compiled list of key issues he hoped to discuss and accomplish during the budget sessions. 1. Meaningful taxcuts 2. Infrastructure 3. Hurricane recovery efforts 4. Continued efforts on habitat restoration and water enhancements projects Com. Craft thanked the County Administrator for all the time spent on the budget process and stated he would like to see the county working with the City of Ft. Pierce Com. Craft addressed his concerns and stated he would like to see the County work with the City of Ft. Pierce with a planning charrette on what they actually want to see the property of the waste water treatment plant turn into. He has had discussion with developers in the community who have some ideas and if the Board could set aside a few dollars to help with this and work cooperatively with the City of Ft. Pierce. He also commented on the building where Community Services is located and stated he had recommended total demolition of the building and a new one be built as a mixed use. There may be some CRA dollars to assist in the project. He would also like to see the permitting process begin and put money aside for the improvement completion of Indian River Drive and also work on downstream improvements in Lakewood Park. Com. Lewis stated everyone agrees with millage reduction, however she is aware of capital projects that were cut and she felt they needed to go back and review them since they have an impact largely on the way other things will works. It is mainly infrastructure project that did not make and she would like to go back and review them. Com. Smith commented on the Investment for the Future projects in cooperation with the City of Ft. Pierce. District 1 needs road paving, water availability and lighting projects. He is aware the City of Ft. Pierce is riding the footsteps of many of the project with the annexation and he would like through the workshop to continue to work with them and have a mutually shared agreement in helping with the projects. He commented on employment retention for St. Lucie County and encouraged providing more opportunities and show the employees how much they are appreciated. Com. Hutchinson stated she concurred regarding the infrastructure. She also commented on the Indian River Estates project that has been in the works for years. They need to look at areas where stormwater can be located otherwise there will not be any available. She also stated she would like to emphasis placed back into the economic development of the County. They should be working hand in hand with the City. Also meeting with the Constitutional Officers at Strategic Planning in January to be made aware of the priorities they would be coming up with before the budget sessions so there would not be any hidden surprises. She would like to see this happen once again. Com. Coward commented on the debate regarding collection of impact fees in South County and how this budget takes into consideration those revenues. The County Administrator advised the Board that it was ruled that the county could bill for and collect impact from the city of Port St. Lucie and they are continuing to do so. There are some people who have not paid their impact fees and they are presently going through the lien process. There are about 30/40 homes affected. The issue presently in the air is validation of the bond issue which affects the South County Regional Football Soccer Stadium, the work farm or other facility out at the jail, and the re-financing of the jail construction and also road improvements. They are in the process and believes they will be before a judge soon. Com. Coward stated they should be investing more on the EDC and he would like to do so in the form of a challenge grant and consider doubling their investment on a matching basis from the private sector. The County is presently putting in $100,000 and should consider raising it to $200,000 should the private sector match the initial $100,000. Com. Coward also commented on the youth leadership and the funding provided. The County Administrator advised the Board they have put in the budget $48,000. BUDGET OVERVIEW The County Administrator advised the Board once again he is presenting them with a balanced budget. This budget will have a property tax decrease. The County Administrator advised everyone they would be returning to the cities $7 million due to the CRA (community redevelopment areas). Health Insurance for Fine and Forfeiture and General Fund is up 11 % overall. Health Insurance has increased 19%. Retirement is up 40%, TRICO is up 49%, fuel cost is up 48%. Total Financial Recovery- now placing $5.1 million each year now at $10,299,854. This places the county where they were before the Hurricanes. Operating reserves is 5% of the general fund. Research and Education Park there is an increase of $797,821.00. $600,000 was to be used for the DRI. We do not need to do a DRI however, there are many other things that need to be done. Salary increases for `07' are $1,125,000 this is fora 3% on October 1St. and April 1St 2- 3%for those employees who are either below mid range or above mid range. The County Administrator continued to present the budget overview. In total the adjusted roll back rate is 6.7923. This is the possible millage rate number for the General and Fine and Forfeiture Funds. Staff took this one step further and with a .55 mil reduction they are recommending a millage rate for general and fine and forfeiture funds of 6.6926. This means we are almost one tenth of a mil better than the roll back rate. The recommended budget includes General, Fine and Forfeiture Fund tax reduction of .55 mils. Mosquito Control tax reduction of 0.557 mils this gives a tax reduction of .6057 mils which is over 3 times greater than what the Board put in place this year. This is the largest millage decrease in history for St. Lucie County. The County Administrator recommended increasing storm water millage and this results in an adjustment for the unincorporated area from .4108 to .5082. The cities charge their own storm water millage rate. 2 The previous years General and Fine and Forfeiture Fund were: 2004 7.5794 2005 7.4426 2006 7.2426 Today he is recommending it be lowered to 6.6926 ; .8868 reduction this is a three year accumulation. In the unincorporated area there will be a decrease of .8451 over 3 years. In the cities it's close to a full mil over 3 years. The figure fora $250,000 home with homestead exemption in 2005 this was a savings of $30.78; 2006 $45.07; in the cities this year, on a $250,000 house with homestead $136.28, in the unincorporated area with the storm water increase it is $115.00. Accumulative in the cities on a $250,000 home it is a savings of $212.06 over 3 years; in the unincorporated area it is $ 190.15. There is a financial deficit at this time of over $12 million prior to increasing the emergency reserves to the recommended level. The County Administrator reviewed the cost of the new emergency operations center. The state has provided $6 million, Florida Power and Light has contributed $400,000.00 and he is recommending reserves of $900,000. This would bring the total project to $ 9 million. The County Administrator addressed the criminal justice programs and the funding being provided by the county. He also advised the Board of a new program utilizing the Sheriff s office services to mow the county right of ways and medians. This would be a new revenue stream for the Sheriff rather than paying a private contractor. They are presently under discussions with this idea. Com. Coward and Com. Craft both concurred with this idea. The County Administrator addressed Taylor Dairy Road improvement. The cost to improve this road would be $2 million. He stated it was not in the budget this time, however he will be showing the Board how this road can be funded should they decide to do so. The Research and Education Center: The County Administrator advised the Board they are recommending to wait for state funding on this project. They did not recommend allocating any funds from this budget. Phase 1 of the old courthouse renovation: This is the basement floor (1St floor and the 2"a floor) they have $3 million through FEMA and insurance coming in, he requested the Board allocate $1.5 million so that the project may go out to bid and possibly begin construction of the two floors by December of this year. The other two floors they are not recommending to fund this year since it will be done in phases. The monumental staircase monies to be replenish and he will show the Board how this can be done. The parking lot has never been funded across the courthouse on the east side of Indian River Drive he is recommending this be funded. The County Administrator stated last year they had allocated $445,727 for dreams park south and they have not heard anything regarding this project. It was decided to utilize these funds to help balance the budget. GUARDIAN AD LITEM In April of this year the County was notified by 19`h Judicial Circuit Court, the $2.00 recording fee revenue for Court related technology will no longer include Guardian Ad Litem programs for the County budget cycle beginning October 1, 2006, -September 30, 2007. They received an interpretation from the County Attorney's office of the statute and per the County Attorney's office, the statute allows for the $2.00 to be utilized for Guardian Ad Litem. Therefore, the budget includes Guardian Ad Litem and the percentage used for the $2.00 court related fee. They are funding $205,980 of Guardian Ad Litem from that percentage of the court related fee. The County Administrator continued to review the budget summary. He also advised the Board a $250,000 donation was received from United Homes International. He requested the Board decide where to use these funds. The Board discussed whether to do one project or allow for each of the Commissioner's to have $50,000 toward a district project. Com. Hutchinson suggested waiting until they are through the entire budget process before making a decision. Com. Smith stated there is a part of him that believes $50,000 in district one would go further than in another district. On the other hand he believes $250,000 is the first of more donations like this from developers. This part of him believes maybe they should be creating a kin to a foundation of this Board as a community outreach program outside the budget process. However, just looking at this donation he would prefer to look at individual amount to each Commissioner to use in their district. Com. Lewis stated she would rather have it available for one lump sum project. Com. Craft stated he believes there were certain projects that each Commissioner feels are important to him/her and to be able to have a kitty of your own is really important. Com. Coward stated there are groups and agencies that the Board is not assisting in funding with taxpayer dollars and these funds give each Commissioner the flexibility to assist. Com. Lewis expressed her concerns with assisting unfunded agencies and opening the gates for future requests. She does not wish to go there once again. Com. Coward stated this is a one time contribution and he sees a clear distinction between this contribution and tax payer dollars. It was the consensus of three members of the Board to individually allocate the funds. PARKS AND RECREATION PROJECTS The County Administrator read the Capital Projects as listed. Com. Coward questioned where we are with the Skate Park at Lawnwood. The County Administrator advised Com. Coward he was speaking about additional parks referendum money. Com. Coward stated he seemed to recall the Board was supportive to work with the City to accomplish that goal. The County Administrator stated they would come back to that topic. He stated the special needs facility auditorium the cost is $11.6 million. In that number, they lent money from the parks referendum until all the insurance and FEMA money is received. Once the money comes in they will have extra parks referendum money that could go towards the skateboard park. 4 ~~ ~~ .ter Com. Craft stated he had been contacted regarding putting together a group to discuss what the needs are. Com. Coward stated he had contact with the Youth Leadership Committee and they expressed interest in having further input as to how those recreation fund dollars are spent. The County Administrator summarized the budget overview. Millage reduction .6057 municipalities Millage reduction .5083 unincorporated Designated for roads .1271 Amount available to fund financial recovery and/or other projects $13,775,143, COMMISSIONERS BUDGETS Commissioner Joseph Smith District # 1 This budget reflects a 9.5% increase due to salaries Commissioner Doug Coward District # 2 This budget reflects a 9.7% increase due to salaries Commissioners Paula A. Lewis District # 3 This budget reflects a 9.8% increase Commissioners Frannie Hutchinson District # 4 This budget reflects an 8.9% increase Commissioner Chris Craft District # 5 This budget reflects a 7.4% increase * * The Board approved the above budgets. COUNTY ADMINISTRATION This budget reflects a decrease of 6.7% due the shift of cost from grants to their own department. MEDIA- This budget reflects a 3.5% increase. The Department has requested a Dell server to assist in producing and editing the content. The proposed cost from I.T is $40,000 but it is believed they can obtain it for less money. It was the consensus of the Board to approve the budget The Board requested staff return with the cost of the server and add the item to the list for future discussion. COUNTY ATTORNEY This budget reflects a 93% increase due to the new position of Criminal Justice Coordinator and the programs. CRIMINAL JUSTICE BUDGET Juvenile Detention Center- County responsible for a portion per Article V . They are still awaiting for the cost and are looking at funding in the area of $153,000 a month. This is based on the number of St. Lucie County Juveniles in the detention centers based on the formula approved by the legislature. This is an unfunded mandate already in the budget of $2 million. Juvenile Assessment Center- funding is a 3 way split with the two municipalities . This center has been funded through March 31, 2007 after this the county's portion would be $51,394.00. He has not heard from the cities as yet on their share which would also be $51,394.00 each. Tape 2- Side B Pre-Trial Service Program- This program has been a cost savings program for the county with regards to insurance and population. If they go to 200 offenders on the program, then they would need to budget $864,000. New Horizons program - 40 beds -figures will be forthcoming. The Coordinator continued his power point presentation on the various programs. Position- Case Manager for Mental Health Court- contracted with New Horizons, $65,000 salary includes benefits. Road and Mowing Program- This is a program that would keep qualifying individuals out of the jail. This is an option a Judge would have in lieu of the county jail. This program works well in Indian River County. Com. Coward requested more detail on the program be presented to the Board at a future date. Com. Lewis expressed her concern with taking away the ability of the persons to earn a living and support themselves this may be an unintended consequence in taking them away from the community but requiring them to be in the community. Com. Coward suggested spending more time on this issue at a later date. He suggested moving forward today with the same amount and in the coming months or weeks allow for the Board to get more information and deliberate recommendations. Com. Craft stated they needed input and buy-in from the judiciary. * * The Board is supportive of the concept but need more details. The Criminal Justice Coordinator gave the Board what he felt were priority programs: Juvenile Assessment Center- High Priority (1)Pre-Trial Service Program- High Priority (2) Data Exchange Program- High Priority (3) New Horizons -High Priority with mental health beds (4) Case Managers Positions (unfunded) (5) Case Manager Mental Health Total unfunded $1,194,954 The Board directed staff to add the above to the list for further discussion. 6 RESEARCH PARK Salary increases based on Manager and Assistant positions. The other large cost is the plat layout of $200,000 and 50% of the DRI phase 1. The County Administrator believes they will not need to do a DRI they aze check with the Legislature. He is recommending keeping the $600,000 in the budget for other needs for the Research Park. If they are short listed they will need to have funds set aside for the utilities. It was the consensus of the Board to approve the recommendation. MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET This budget reflects a 7.6% increase. No change in positions. * * It was the consensus of the Board to approve this budget. PURCHASING This budget reflects an increase of 8.5%. No change in positions. * * It was the consensus of the Boadd to approve this budget. HUMAN RESOURCES This budget reflects a 6.9% increase. This department requested continuing the Spanish in the workplace program and being able to give the class after working hours and would also like to provide other programs. They had requested $ 40,000 and were reduced to $30,000 for programs. The reduction would reduce the classes for various training. * * It was the consensus of the Board to approve the budget and place the $10,000 on the list for discussion. RISK MANAGEMENT This budget reflects an increase of 2.3%. * * It was the consensus of the Boadd to approve this budget. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY This budget reflects a 4.7% increase. Two positions will be re-classified with no change in the dollaz amount in the budget. * * It was the consensus of the Boadd to approve this budget. AIRPORT This budget reflects a 9.2% increase. They requested one position- Office Assistant The General Fund contribution is increasing 472% due to the Commerce Pazk. This is a one time shot and does not include the $2 million for Taylor Dairy Road at this point. 7 The $2 million is an estimate. It was the consensus of the Board to place the Taylor Dairy Road project on the list for discussion. It was the consensus to approve the budget for the Airport. AIRPORT CAPITAL The County Administrator reviewed the capital projects. Airport Industrial Park West - $ 1.8 million Site Plan preparation will be received this Friday and will be presented to the Board. CENTRAL SERVICES This budget reflects a 19.1 % increase due to maintenance/ custodial. There is an increase of 100,000 square feet to maintain. Cleaning supplies have increased in cost. * * It was the consensus of the Board to approve this budget. SERVICE GARAGE This budget reflects a 31.9% increase or $300,000. $200,000 of this increase is fuel for the service garage, $63,500 for replacement of fuel truck and $100,000 for other areas. The Central Services Director advised the Board of the cost of fuel. The Board asked for information regarding the budgeted amount of fuel. Com. Coward asked what the expansion cost would be for additional reserves when the cost is low. Com. Craft suggested allocating $450,000 in the budget for fuel and utilize $150,000 to purchase another fuel tank. The Central Services Director stated they would need to find a place for the additional tank. The County Administrator suggested setting the money aside in their capital budget so it can be carried forward for next year and will come back to the Board with a recommendation for the location. The County is utilizing 36,000 gallons of fuel per month. * * It was recommended by the County Administrator to have a decrease in fuel cost and an increase in the capital budget and the funds would be set aside for the fuel farm. * * It was the consensus of the Board to approve the budget. CENTRAL SERVICES CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS The County Administrator alluded to the $1,576,000 coming in through taxes and $1 million in franchise fees that has been assigned to Central Services giving them a new revenue of $2,576,000. $100,000 was taken out that was allocated for the feasibility study. $6,300 was cut in equipment. A total of approximately $ 275,000 was being removed from this budget. 8 The County Administrator added $10,000 to Central Services operating reserves, and stated they can reallocate line to line as needed. SOLID WASTE This budget reflects a 3.8% increase. This is an enterprise fund. The Board directed staff to allocate $300,000 for landscaping buffer at the landfill along the turnpike. * * It was the consensus of the Board to approve this budget. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES This budget reflects a total of 48% increase due to 3 added positions. Com. Coward requested water quality enhancement for the drive be added to the list. Education and Outreach 8.4% increase in the budget. Environmental Lands increase 9.5% in the budget due to one added position. The County Administrator advised the Board there was a request for the Bluefield Ranch an allocation of $900,000. He has placed $100,000 for this project and will be phasing it in. Environmental Regulations increase due to two new positions. Com. Coward requested discussion in the future regarding additional habitat restoration. The Environmental Planning Coordinator and a truck for the person they anticipate using TVC developer fees. PUBLIC COMMENTS Mr. McIntosh, property owner in St. Lucie County addressed the Board regarding the budget, the increase in property taxes. He stated he observed today that in the budget they are looking what to spend next year that they did not have the previous year. He felt the spending will continue forever not for just the year. The Property Appraiser stated there is a 37.8% increase in property valuation this year. This makes it a $6.6 billion dollar increase over last year. This is the largest increase he could find in the county history. Commissioner Coward thanked everyone for attending. The meeting was adjourned. 9