HomeMy WebLinkAboutResearch Park Authority Workshop Minutes 05-01-2006BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA RESEARCH PARK AUTHORITY WORKSHOP Date: May 1, 2006 Convened: 2:00 p.m. Tape: 1 Adjourned: 4:10 p.m Commissioners Present: Chairman, Doug Cowazd, Chris Craft, Frannie Hutchinson, Paula A. Lewis, Joseph Smith Others Present: Doug Anderson, County Administrator, Michael Brillhart, Special Projects, Dan McIntyre, County Attorney, Millie Delgado-Feliciano, Deputy Clerk Reseazch Park Authority members also in attendance. Mr. Gary Sullivan, Facilitator made opening comments and objectives. Mr. Minton addressed the park and the land development activities azound the park and what he called a moratorium. Com. Cowazd addressed Mr. Minton's comments and stated the Board placed a "stop gap" ordinance which essentially means if someone wishes to come forward at this time and build according to their existing zoning, they aze allowed to do so but cannot request intensification of their development rights. Com. Cowazd stated the desire of the Board at the Strategic Planning Sessions was to try and do several different neighborhood planning efforts in the upcoming yeaz. There aze many other plans that need to be finalized and of course hire outside consultants to get this moving. ESTABLISH COMMUNICATON PROCESS Ms. Anita Neal, Agriculture Director requested input from the Authority regarding communication between both the Boazd of County Commissioners and the Authority. A member of the Authority stated the fact that Com. Hutchinson attends their meetings has been an asset. She felt having a meeting twice a year does not give the Authority a broad enough understanding what the County Commissioners aze thinking. The hiring of the Manager will assist in the communication between all parties. Com. Cowazd stated he would like to see a 5 year plan looking into the future of the azea and would like the city of Ft. Pierce and Port St. Lucie to also join in and felt they needed a long term focus. He would like to invite the Enterprise Florida staff to sit with all interested parties in a discussion on this issue. Mr. Larry Daum, Economic Development Manager stated there is a bio tech meeting scheduled with the Port St. Lucie staff in October. AGENCY BUILDING Ms. Anita Neal reviewed the purpose of the building and the space required by the different agencies. BUSINESS PLAN Those present were informed it is anticipated the Reseazch Park Authority Business Plan will be completed by August 1, 2006. TAXES Those present were advised the taxes for this property would be similar to the Airport. Not for profits would be tax exempt and those for profit would be taxed accordingly. There would be a tax abatement for the 1 st S years. Mr. Mike Brillhart, Special Projects, addressed the architectural standards and the boundary survey for the park. The facilitator addressed the items discussed and advised those present of the summary he has noted: Communication Process: hiring of Park Manager Inviting both cities to the meetings Building: Funding Issue: Will be asking the State for assistance Business Plan: to be completed by August 1, 2006 DRI Necessary- going forward with Section A or Sections B and A. The meeting was adjourned. 2