HomeMy WebLinkAboutJoint Workshop Minutes 04-10-2006BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS
Date: April 10, 2006 Convened: 9:00 a.m.
Tape: 1-2 Adjourned: 11:50 a.m.
County Commissioners Present: Doug Coward, Chairman, Chris Craft, Frannie
Hutchinson, Paula A. Lewis, Joseph Smith
Ft. Pierce City Commission- Mayor Bob Benton, Christine Coke, Duke Nelson, Rufus
School Board Members: Chairperson, Katherine Hensely, Judy Miller, John Caravelli,
Samuel Gaines, Carol Hilson
Others Present: Doug Anderson, County Administrator, Faye Outlaw, Asst. County
Administrator, Robert Nix, Growth Management Director, Millie Delgado-Feliciano,
Deputy Clerk
City of Ft. Pierce, Dennis Beach, City Manager, David Recor, Growth Management,
1. The workshop was called to order.
2. Existing Joint Planning Agreement- An overview of the joint planning
agreement between the City and the County was given.
Com. Coward requested information on how the Joint Planning Agreement between
the two entities was going be implemented.
The County Administrator stated they needed an interpretation on what the city
expects from the County and vice versa.
Com. Coward stated the site plans that have been reviewed by the City have
comments relative to the city codes.
Com. Hutchinson stated she was under the impression the agreement was to address
infrastructure needs.
Com. Coke stated she felt they needed to set up a system where both entities have
time to respond on various issues.
Mayor Benton stated staff needed to keep the elected officials in the loop as to what
was going on with projects.
Com. Nelson commented on the service area annexation in the future and the need to
have uniform requirements placed on developers and also requiring zonings be
compatible as possible.
Com. Lewis stated they needed to set up a more formal procedure to bring to the
elected official level.
Com. Coke requested staff s prepare a summary sheet so that all the elected officials
are aware there is a project in the works.
Com. Alexander suggested a monthly meeting between the elected officials in order
to be able to work together.
Com. Craft advised the Board's he has instructed various developers to speak with the
city when it deals with FPUA services being provided.
Com. Coward recommended both staff members to look at respective codes of both
the city and the county for compatibility.
3. The above comments are relative to this section.
4. Ft. Pierce and St. Lucie County's Comprehensive Plan-
Mayor Benton expressed his concerns on the fact he felt we were at capacity for
regional parks, hospital room availability and the density of the county. He felt they
should consider a moratorium.
Com. Hutchinson addressed Jenkins Road and advised the City this road has been on
the long range County plans for some time. The County has collected funds for the
Mayor Benton stated the entire road needed to be re-constructed before any
development occurs.
Com. Duke Nelson asked for a synopsis of the plan.
Mr. David Recor, City of Ft. Pierce, advised everyone the City was in the process of
re-writing the Comprehensive Plan. There are three outstanding issues:
1. Mandatory school citing criteria
2. Concurrency standards
3. Port element
Mr. Recor stated, a draft of the Port Sub Element was completed by the Consultant.
This draft will be submitted to the City Commission and the Department of
Community Affairs.
Mr. Recor stated he hopes to accomplish a consensus of developing a common vision
for the area. He advised the BCC the City has prepared a matrix identifying the
County's Future Land Use designations and would like to look at the area subject to
the joint planning agreement.
Ms. Hensley, School Board Chairperson, stated density changes impact the schools
and the roads and asked this always be taken into consideration.
Com. Coward stated he was still confused as to what the City was asking for. The
County had increased the impact fees for schools and infrastructure for roads. He felt
a more urban design was needed and asked the City and the County consider funding
an Urban Design Studio.
Mayor Benton expressed his concern with the Southern part of Jenkins Road and
would like to see a charrette for that area.
Com. Coward suggested utilizing funds for a joint venture between the City and the
County in developing a team.
Com. Coke suggested sending the developers to this team to survey the needs. She
felt they should move forward quickly in creating this team.
Ms. Judy Miller, School Board member stated she felt everyone seemed to have an
interest in the Urban Design Studio and asked how it would come about.
Mr. Recor stated the City of Ft. Pierce would be ready to take the lead and bring back
the cost of such a studio for both boards to consider.
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Com. Alexander expressed his concerns on how to deal with the developers today as
opposed to 5 or 6 years from now.
Com. Hutchinson commented on the White City area and asked the Board be copied
on issues to do with White City. The Board was not made aware of the Charrette
done by the City and requested a copy of the minutes from the meeting.
Ms. Hensley requested this be a standard procedure and all entities affected be
Com. Craft suggested having input from the city as to what they would like to see in
the Jenkins Road area.
Mayor Benton stated they needed more Regional Pazks in the north county area for
the 10,000 residents who may be coming into the azea.
Com. Nelson stated he felt the city of Ft. Pierce was not being built up to it's potential
and felt the county was approving developments outside the city and this diminishes
the potential of the city.
Com. Coke states she would much rather see the city grow slowly, constructively and
Com. Cowazd stated he agreed with the need to revitalize the city of Ft. Pierce
however, the county is dealing with existing property rights that are in the
Comprehensive Plan and the Boazd must respect those rights.
Mr. Nix, Growth Management Director for St. Lucie County, presented an overview
on the proposed re-alignment of Jenkins Road. He stated there aze cost issues in
building the road to the north. The north/south connections aze very limited.
Board direction: Staff to look at different options for design team, i.e. full time
position, outside consultant etc., and return to both boazds with information.
6. Skateboard Park
The County Administrator advised the Board of the special needs shelter proposed for
the Lawnwood Park azea. He stated the skateboard pazk cold be located at the south
end of the area and Rotary Park. The approximate cost is $500,000 and funding has
not been identified at this point and would like to work with the city on this project.
Mayor Benton asked the Boazds to consider funding this project in the upcoming
budget yeaz.
Com. Coke suggested a portion of Park Referendum monies be utilized for the park.
Com. Cowazd asked staff to look in the idea of the Pazk Referendum monies being
allocated for this purpose.
7. School Citings and Upgrades- Ft. Pierce
Mr. Lanman, Superintendent of Schools addressed those present and reviewed the
construction of the new Central High School on 25~' Street. He also addressed new
expansions to the existing schools in Ft. Pierce.
Mr. Lanman advised the Boazds they aze planning on having after school programs at
26 of the schools in St. Lucie County.
8. Update on North County Plans for Growth and Replacement
Ms. Hensley School Board Chairperson gave an update on the plans for growth and
replacement in North County.
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9. High School Curricula Changes to meet needs- Ms. Hensley gave an update on
this item.
10. Downtown Parking Update- St. Lucie County
The County Administrator gave an update on the downtown parking and stated it
would be going out to bid . The County has title to the property, however, St.
Edwards Church has a dispute over the title and is doing a title search.
11. North Jenkins Road -previously discussed.
12. Public School Facilities, Citing and Concurrency during development review
Mr. Marty Sanders, School Board Growth Director addressed the timeline for the
schools and stated concurrency for Apri12008 will be needed, dialogue will continue.
Com. Nelson commented on the Juvenile Court being moved. He requested this court
be maintained at the 7~' street location.
Com. Craft advised Com. Nelson the County has no control over the location of this
court. The state mandates family and juvenile court be in the same location.
Public Comments
Mr. Yates, President of Vision of Ft. Pierce addressed the Boards and stated his
company is here to serve and assist in good planning and urban design.
Mr. Skeet Jornigan, Economic Development Council, addressed the Board and stated
they a method for community involvement in school concurrency drafting format.
The meeting was adjourned.