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Minutes of November 10, 2010 Meeting
Convened: 10 am Adjourned: 11.13 am
The meeting of the Property & Homeowners Association was held Wednesday, November 10, 2010 in
the Administrative Conference Room of the St. Lucie County Administration Annex, 2300 Virginia
Avenue, Fort Pierce.
Members Present:
Tony Roach, Lakeforest Pointe @ St Lucie West
Diane Andrews, Queens Cove
Terri Hutchins, Bent Creek
Bill Hammer, Reserve/PGA Village
Toni Trabolsi, Coalition Of Sandpiper Bay Associations
Andrew Stark, Palm Grove
Kit Linberger, Palm Grove
Roger & Linda Bollman, Indian River Estates
Hank & Alice Schmitz, Portofino Shores
Also Present:
Commissioner Chris Dzadovsky, Chairman
Detective Woodward, St. Lucie County Sheriff’s Office
Ethel Rowland
Deputy Glenn Hoffman, St. Lucie County Sheriff’s Office
Diana Waite, Sr. Planner, St Lucie County
Catherine Chaney, St Lucie County Fire District
Ja’Net Pentz, St. Lucie County Administration
Audrey Jackson, Property Appraiser’s Office
Sherry McCorkle, Congressman Rooney’s Office
Barbara Felton, Executive Aide – District 3
The meeting was called to order. Commissioner Dzadovsky led the Association in the Pledge of
Allegiance and then asked for self-introductions. Audrey Jackson introduced herself and left business
cards from the new Property Appraiser, Ken Pruitt’s, office.
Commissioner Dzadovsky asked for a motion for approval of the October 2010 minutes. Approval was
moved and seconded and passed unanimously by a voice vote.
Detective Hoffman said the Crime Prevention Unit is promoting holiday safety, particularly in terms of
purse-snatchings, going shopping with a friend, not shopping at night but parking in lighted areas if
necessary. He also warned about scam charity calls and suggested asking for a disbursement sheet from
any charity who calls. If a caller is legitimate, they will send a report. If not, they will probably hang up.
He said that Craig Mundt took the COP class and will be driving a Citizen Observation Patrol car on Norht
Hutchinson Island. He wished everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. Commissioner Dzadovsky reminded
everyone of the panic button on car key remote controls. A scam email is going around supposedly from
UPS and FedEx asking people to enter their info.
Catherine Chaney talked about coming back into the season, and that seasonal residents may be
interested in having Chief Parrish address their homeowner groups. Another Citizens Fire Academy will
start up in January. She also talked about Dining to Donate programs to benefit the Fire District’s
Thanksgiving dinners that they prepare for the needy. Commissioner Dzadovsky reminded everyone to
change their batteries on smoke detectors.
ITEM #5A GUEST SPEAKER – Detective Suzanne Woodward, St Lucie County Sheriff’s Office (Sex
Offender Tracking Unit)
Detective Woodward gave a presentation about registered sex offenders living in St. Lucie County. There
are no laws preventing sex offenders or predators from living near bus stops. Probation and patrol
offices, the Sheriff’s Office and the School Board work together to keep them from living within 1,000
feet (less than 2/10ths of a mile) from a bus stop. There is a new program called Stop Watch, to keep an
eye on school bus stops and watch for suspicious activity. It’s a citizens volunteer program via the COP
(Citizens On Patrol) Academy. She also explained how county, state and federal sex offender databases
ITEM #5B GUEST SPEAKER – Lieutenant Kevin Dietrich, St. Lucie County Sheriff’s Office
Lt. Dietrich gave a presentation regarding synthetic drugs and synthetic marijuana. He said the synthetic
drugs are being sold on the internet, on street corners and in our stores. It’s called K-2, Blondie, Orange
Crush, Spice and by other names. It’s sold as incense, but it’s used as marijuana. His concern is that we
have a huge volume of seizures going on with students in school because the kids are buying it in the
morning before school and then getting sick in class. He asked the members to stop at one convenience
store on the way home and take a look to see if the products are on the shelves.
Commissioner Dzadovsky introduced Terri Hutchins to the membership. She talked about Bent Creek
estates, and that the majority of the Lennar homes there are under foreclosure and there are overgrown
lots, rats, etc. causing a problem. The house values have gone way down, there are multiple families
living in single family homes. Diana Waite spoke with her regarding some of the issues and the public
records, which showed that Lennar turned the property over to a new developer. Another member said
that HOA documents should be enforceable, regardless of ownership. Audrey Jackson offered to help
however she could with documentation of the property and development. Commissioner Dzadovsky
said that any home in the County that’s in foreclosure has to register with the County to deal with issues
like overgrown land, etc.
Commissioner Dzadovsky told the membership that Commissioner Lewis would be the new chair and
introduced Barbara Felton, Commissioner Lewis’ Executive Aide. He asked for recommendations for next
month’s meeting. One of the members suggested Code Enforcement. Commissioner Dzadovsky
suggested getting Code Enforcement officials from the cities in addition to County code staff. He
thanked the membership for a wonderful year and for sharing their information with Ms. Hutchins.
Respectfully submitted by Terri Ann Palumbo, Executive Aide to Commissioner Dzadovsky