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Library Advisory Board
October 24, 2010
The meeting was called to order by Chairman, Rudy Widman, at 2:00 PM in the
Fort Pierce Branch Library Meeting Room.
Members in attendance: Rudy Widman, Ethel Rowland, Allen Miller, Eloise
Cumings, Carnelle Clifton, Corky Behncke, and Marjorie Harrell. Also in
attendance were Susan Jacob, Library Manager, and Vivian McWilliams, Senior
Staff Assistant. Absent member was Linda Hudson.
The minutes of the June 30, meeting was approved.
Old Business:
Susan Jacob, Library Manager. Beginning October 12, 2010, Port St. Lucie
Library and Hurston Branch Library switched to “express service” Libraries,
with 2-day work week, and 16 hours per week (each) of service. In 2007
there were 75.5. Now in 2010 we have 42 employees. The Libraries has had
a 33% reduction in staffing.
New Business:
a. The Library has to develop a (5-year) Long Range Plan for the State Aid
Package that will be due December 2011. The Library Advisory Board input
will be needed to implement the plan.
b. Impact Fees on account- In ZONE A – 1.4 million Impact money for Fort
Pierce, Hurston and Lakewood Park. ZONE B – 6 ½ million Impact money
for Morningside, PSL and that end of the county.
c. The Hurston Branch Library received a proposed bid for 1.4 million in 2007
for the Library expansion. After a recent bid, that figure has been reduced to
680,000. 00 unfurnished. To move forward with the expansion, the BOCC
asked that the Friends of the Library be approached to make a significant
contribution toward operating expenses. Faye Outlaw, Beth Ryder and Susan
Jacob met with the Friends to discuss this. The Friends of the Library agreed
that if the Hurston Branch Library is expanded, the Friends will pay
$75,000.00 per year for 2 years as a contribution toward operating expenses.
If the county Commissioners accept this proposal, the entire project can be
completed in less than a year.
d. Another plan that is still in the preliminary stage for Hurston Branch is to
open the Library 1 evening a week for 4 hours for Community Computer
night. The plan would involve a yet to be identified non-profit community
organization. The non- profit will hire staff and they would be trained to
open the Branch for use of the library’s computers. There will be on other
library services available to the public (on that night). The Advisory Board
voted to support this plan.
e. The Library Manager, Susan Jacob along with Wayne Teegardin, Risk
Management and the Sheriff Department met to investigate the possibility of
installing Security cameras in all the Branches. A motion was made and
seconded, passed with the majority to support the security cameras for the
Friends of the Library Report:
It was mentioned by the Friends of the Library President, Carnell Clifton that
the Annual Dinner will be held on Thursday, October 28, at the Springhill
Suites in Port St. Lucie at 6:30PM. The local author at the dinner will be
Julianne Hoffman and there will be a special recognition of Susan Kilmer.
Board Comments:
Allen Miller questioned how Port St. Lucie Library is doing and how staff is
coping since the budget cuts. Susan Jacob answered by saying once the layoffs
were done staff is working well as a team and everyone is back to business.
Marjorie Harrell thanked Susan in her fast response in getting the Hurston
Branch Library cleaned.
Rudy Widman mentioned stated that even though the Library Advisory Board is
an ad hoc committee the board needs to meet every other month to stay current
with the Library affairs. Board wants to meet every 3-4 months.
The next meeting will be scheduled in January, after the holidays.
The meeting was adjourned by Chair, Rudy Widman, at 4:42 PM.