HomeMy WebLinkAboutSt Lucie LCB Agenda Packet - March 9 2011 (2)2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, FL 34982-5652 Telephone: 772/462-1593 Fax:772/462-2549 ST. LUCIE LOCAL COORDINATING BOARD FOR THE TRANSPORTATION DISADVANTAGED (LCB) ANNUAL PUBLIC HEARING *Public hearing to be followed immediately by the LCB regular meeting* Date: Wednesday, March 9, 2011 Time: 2:00 pm Location: Fenn Center, Room 122 2000 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, Florida AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. 3. 4. 5. C� 7. Pledge of Allegiance Introductions Opening Public Comment Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged (CTD)/Local Coordinating Board (LCB) Overview TPO Staff will present information on the background and mission of the CTD and LCB. Transportation Disadvantaged (TD)/Public Transportation Overview The Community Transportation Coordinator (CTC) will present information related to the operation of the coordinated transportation system. Medicaid Transportation Overview MV Transportation Staff will describe the process for providing Medicaid trips. Transportation Planning for Fort Pierce, Port St. Lucie, St. Lucie Village and St. Lucie County St. Lucie LCB Public Hearing Wednesday, March 9, 2011 Page 2 of 2 S. Overview of Transportation Disadvantaged Service Plan (TDSP) Minor Update Mission Statement, Goals, Objectives and Strategies TPO Staff will present the TDSP Mission Statement, Goals, Objectives and Strategies related to TD service development and quality assurance. 9. Closing Public Comment 10. Adjourn NOTICES Items not included on the agenda may also be heard in consideration of the best interests of the public's health, safety, welfare, and as necessary to protect every person's right of access. If any person decides to appeal any decision made by the St. Lucie LCB with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, that person shall need a record of the proceedings, and for such a purpose, that person may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. The St. Lucie TPO satisfies the requirements of various non-discrimination laws and regulations including Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Public participation is solicited without regard to race, color, national origin, age, sex, religion, disability or family status. Persons wishing to express their concerns about Title VI may contact the St. Lucie TPO at 772-462-1593. Anyone with a disability requiring accommodation to access the meeting facilities should contact Dan Lutzke, St. Lucie County Risk Manager, at 772-462-1546 or TDD 772-462-1428 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. Anyone with a disability requiring transit accommodation to attend the meetings should contact Community Transit at 772-464-7433 (Fort Pierce) or 772-879-1287 (Port St. Lucie) at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. Creole: Si ou to rinmin recevoua information sa en creole si I bous plait rele 772-462-1777. Espanol: Si usted desea recibir esta informacion en espanol, por favor (lame al 772-462-1777. i lr� �1 ��Vj 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, FL 34982-5652 Telephone: 772/462-1593 Fax:772/462-2549 ST. LUCIE LOCAL COORDINATING BOARD FOR THE TRANSPORTATION DISADVANTAGED (LCB) REGULAR MEETING Date: Wednesday, March 9, 2011 Time: Immediately following the 2:00 p.m. Public Hearing Location: Fenn Center, Room 122 2000 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, Florida 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Approval of Agenda 4. !7p 6. AGENDA Approval of Minutes December 8, 2010 Regular Meeting Comments from the Public Action Items 6a. Election of Vice Chairperson: The Vice Chairperson for 2011 will be nominated and elected. Action; Nominate candidates and elect a Vice Chairperson. 6b. Job Access and Reverse Commute (7ARC) and New Freedom (NF) Program Application Rankings: A ranked list of applications for JARC/NF funding of public transportation projects will be presented for endorsement. Action; Endorse, endorse with conditions, or do not endorse. 6c. Coordination Agreements: The CTC is requesting approval of coordination agreements with Plant A Seed Ministry and Nativity Group, Inc. Action; Approve, approve with conditions, or do not approve Transportation Planning for Fort Pierce, Port St. Lucie, St. Lucie Village and St. Lucie County St. Lucie LCB Regular Meeting Wednesday, March 9, 2011 Page 2 of 2 6d. 2011-12 Rate Model Worksheets: The CTC will present for approval the Rate Model which is used to determine rates to be charged to human services agencies for transportation services. Action; Approve, approve with conditions, or do not approve. 7. Informational Items 7a. Transportation Disadvantaged Legislative Day: The 151" Annual Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged (CTD) Legislative Day will be held March 17, 2011 in Tallahassee. 8. FDOT Comments 9. Recommendations/Comments by Members 10. Staff Comments 11. Next Meeting: The next St. Lucie LCB meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, June 8, 2011, in the 2nd Floor Conference Room, St. Luce County Walton Road Annex, 1664 S.E. Walton Road, Port St. Lucie, Florida. 12. Adjourn NOTICES Items not included on the agenda may also be heard in consideration of the best interests of the public's health, safety, welfare, and as necessary to protect every person's right of access. If any person decides to appeal any decision made by the St. Lucie LCB with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, that person shall need a record of the proceedings, and for such a purpose, that person may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. The St. Lucie TPO satisfies the requirements of various non-discrimination laws and regulations including Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Public participation is solicited without regard to race, color, national origin, age, sex, religion, disability or family status. Persons wishing to express their concerns about Title VI may contact the St. Lucie TPO at 772-462-1593. Anyone with a disability requiring accommodation to access the meeting facilities should contact Dan Lutzke, St. Lucie County Risk Manager, at 772-462-1546 or TDD 772-462-1428 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. Anyone with a disability requiring transit accommodation to attend the meetings should contact Community Transit at 772-464-7433 (Fort Pierce) or 772-879-1287 (Port St. Lucie) at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. Creole: Si ou to rinmin recevoua information sa en creole si I bous plait rele 772-462-1777. Espanol: Si usted desea recibir esta informacion en espanol, por favor (lame al 772-462-1777. 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, FL 34982-5652 Telephone: 772/462-1593 Facsimile: 772/462-2549 ST. LUCIE LOCAL COORDINATING BOARD FOR THE TRANSPORTATION DISADVANTAGED (LCB) MEETING DATE: Wednesday, December 8, 2010 TIME: 2:00 P.M. LOCATION: St. Lucie County Walton Road' 1664 SE Walton Road Port St. Lucie, Florida Chairwoman Paula Lewis called the December Lucie Local Coordinating Board for the Transpc to order at 2:05 P.M. Ms. Lewis recogni Representative, who is a new member of the Ellen Higinbotham who is retiring. Ms. Lewi, happy retirement. At this time the MEMBERS PRES Paula Cindv June Dunn Jim Dwyer Arlease Hall Kathryn Hensley Nancy Hess Ellen Higinbothai Alan Love Steve Palumbo Jayne Pietrowski was taken. nnex 8 2010 meeting of the St. station Disadvantaged (LCB) !ed Roy Brewer, Veteran's board'. She also recognized wished Ms. Higinbotham a PRESENTING oman Elected Official, TPO-Appointed Florida Agency Health Care Admin. Local Veteran's Service Office Local Mass Transit Board Children at Risk Local Medical Community Public Education Community Citizen Advocate - Transit User Dept. Children & Family Services Elderly Community Florida Div. of Vocational Rehab. Florida Dept. of Transportation It was confirmed that a quorum was present with 12 members. Transportation Planning for Fort Pierce, Port St. Lucie, St. Lucie Village and St. Lucie County Page 2of5 OTHERS PRESENT Peter Buchwald Ed DeFini Neelam Fatima Marceia Lathou Stefanie Myers Heather Lueke Marianne Arbore Corine Williams Krista Garofalo Ed Cajade RECORDING SPECIALIST 3. APPROVAL OF AGENDA REPRESENTING St. Lucie TPO St. Lucie TPO St. Lucie TPO St. Lucie TPO St. Lucie County St. Lucie County COASL/Commun St. Lucie County Treasure Coast F MV Transvortati( Donna `,Pratt MOVED by Kathryn Hensley that the SECONDED BY CINDY BARNES 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOVED by meeting held SECONDED E 5. COMMENTS FRO There were no 6. ACTION ITEMS 6a. 2011 M m uwyer September 8, LLEN HIGINB( I'THE PUBLII Transit ood Bank e approved. TOTED - UNANIMOUS the minutes of the regular 0 be approved. �M SO VOTED - UNANIMOUS mments from the public. NG SCHEDULE March 9 2011 - Annual Public Hearing/ Regular Meeting June 8, 2011 - Regular Meeting Sept. 7, 2011 - Regular Meeting Dec. 14, 2011 - Regular Meeting 3/3/2011 LCB Meeting Minutes December 8, 2010 Fenn Center St. Lucie County Walton Road Annex St. Lucie County Conference Room 3 St. Lucie County Walton Road Annex Page 3of5 Ms. Marceia Lathou informed the Board that there is a slight change in the schedule included in the agenda packet- the March 9, 2011 meeting will be held at the Fenn Center. MOVED by Kathryn Hensley that the 2011 Meeting Schedule be approved. SECONDED BY STEVE PALUMBO SO VOTED - UNANIMOUS 6b. COMMUNITY TRANSPORTATION COORDINATOR (CTC) EVALUATION Ms. Lathou informed the Board that the LCB is required to conduct an annual evaluation of the Community Transportation Coordinator. She informed the Board that the main function of the CTC is to provide safe, efficient, and coordinated cost effective services for transportation disadvantaged individuals. Ms.'''' Lathou presented the evaluation to the Board and informed the Board that the CTC and Community Transit are meeting all applicable Florida Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged (FCTD) standards. Ms. Lathou explained that as par required to establish an annual number of trips provided within tr asked the staff if they had an, percentage goal increase. After di might be an attainable goal. )f the CTC evaluation, the LCB is )ercentage goal increase for the public transit system. Ms. Hensley recommendations for the annual fission, the Board agreed that 10% MOVED by Commissioner Lewis that the Board approve the CTC Evaluation and set their annual percentage goal increase at 10% with the understanding that no one suffers any individual pain if not met. SECONDED BY NANCY HESS SO VOTED - UNANIMOUS 6c. COORDINATION AGREEMENTS Ms. Corine Williams presented two new coordination agreements - the Treasure Coast Food Bank (TCFB) and the Divine Group Home LLC. Ms. Krista Garofalo, Community Investment Manager, representing the Treasure Coast Food Bank informed the Board that the Food Bank's vision is for a hunger free Treasure Coast. Ms. Garofalo presented a slide show explaining the services they offer, how the food bank operates, and their plans for the future. 3/3/2011 LCB Meeting Minutes December 8, 2010 Page 4of5 Ms. Williams explained that the Divine Group Home LLC is interested in providing services specifically for the specialized population and would like the approval of the coordination agreement. MOVED by Kathryn Hensley that the Board approve Coordination Agreements with the Treasure Coast Food Bank and Divine Group Home LLC. SECONDED BY ARLEASE HALL SO VOTED - UNANIMOUS 7. DISCUSSION ITEMS 7a. IM4TRANSIT.ORG CAMPAIGN Ms. Lathou informed the Board that all transit agencies in, Florida are involved in this campaign and that their goal is to promote the use and expansion of transit in Florida. The action for the Board would be to sign up - staff is looking for 100% participation by the Board - and to spread the word. 8. FDOT COMMENTS There were none. 9. RECOMMENDATIONS/COMMENTS BY MEMBERS There were none. 10. STAFF,_COMME Lathou informed the Board that the For Profit Transportation presentative has not attended the last three meetings. She will id a letter and if there is no response, the Board will start looking another member. Ms. Neelam:,Fatima, St. Lucie TPO, informed the Board of the website in which there is a 2035 Regional Long Range Transportation Plan Survey. Ms. Fatima encouraged the Board to check out the website and take the survey. Peter Buchwald, TPO Executive Director, on behalf of all the TPO Staff, wished all the board members and their families the happiest and healthiest holiday season. 3/3/2011 LCB Meeting Minutes December 8, 2010 Page 5of5 Ms. Lathou informed the Board that Stacy Malinowski's husband has been hospitalized and asked everyone to keep him in their prayers. Ms. Corine Williams spoke to the Board regarding the ]ARC/New Freedom Grant. This would be a joint effort with Martin and St. Lucie Counties. Ms. Williams stated she needed a volunteer to be a member on the ]ARC/New Freedom Selection Committee. Ms. Nancy Hess volunteered to be a member on the committee. 11. NEXT MEETING The next St. Lucie Local Coordinating Boa Wednesday, March 9, 2011 at 2:00 P.M. Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, Florida. MOVED BY Kathryn Hensley that this meeting P.M.). 3/3/2011 LCB Meeting Minutes December 8, 2010 eeting is scheduled for the Fenn Center, 2000 ,e adjourned (2:45 IN tuviremki �r Paula Lewis 'h u.� ■fi®� ■mil I� I f 4 St. Lucie LCB Meeting Wednesday, March 9, 2011 Page 2 of 3 individuals with disabilities, seniors, and individuals with low incomes and is required for funding for the ]ARC (Job Access and Reverse Commute) and New Freedom (NF) grant programs. The LCB is involved in the JARC/NF project selection process because the process is required to include representatives of public, private, and non-profit transportation and human services providers and participation by members of the public. Because JARC/NF funds are awarded to the Port St. Lucie Urbanized Area which includes Martin and St. Lucie Counties, for the first time St. Lucie County is participating in a regional, competitive selection process with Martin County for these grant programs. ANALYSIS Projects funded by JARC/New Freedom must be selected through a competitive process. The total funds available for Martin and St. Lucie Counties are $188,301 for JARC projects and $136,727 for New Freedom projects. On January 19, 2011, a call for JARC/New Freedom projects was published throughout the Treasure Coast. As a result, a total of five applications were received for projects serving St. Lucie and Martin Counties. The applicants were: JARC Program: The Arc of St. Lucie County Martin County Community Coach New Freedom Program: Martin County Community Coach Medical Transportation Management (MTM), Inc. Quality of Life Community Services, Inc. A project selection committee ranked the applications. The Committee consisted of one representative from each of the following agencies/businesses: St. Lucie and Martin Counties, St. Lucie Transportation Planning Organization, Martin Metropolitan Planning Organization, St. Lucie and Martin Local Coordinating Boards and the Treasure Coast Mail, which represented local businesses. Based on information contained in the applications, the Committee recommended funding the JARC employment transportation project submitted by The Arc of St. Lucie County and the New Freedom senior center transportation project submitted by Community Coach. Additional information St. Lucie LCB Meeting Wednesday, March 9, 2011 Page 3 of 3 regarding the balance of the funds will be presented during the LCB meeting. The scoring sheet for each project is attached. STAFF RECOMMENDATION • Endorse the ]ARC/New Freedom selection committee rankings, endorse with conditions or do not endorse. ATTACHMENTS • JARC/NF Scoring Sheets JARC/NEW FREEDOM PROJECTS SCORING MATRIX JARC - ARC OF ST LUCIE QUESTIONS FUbbIBLE POINTS SCORE Project Need, Goals, and Objectives 210 175 Is the project consistent with and derived from the Coordinated Public Transit Human Services Transportation Plan (Coordinated Plan)? Does the project establish, preserve or improve mobility for a targeted Po ulation? Will a majority of the service area's targeted population be served by theProject? Does the project also help meet transportation needs outside the tarcieted o ulation? Coordination/Program Outreach 140 95 Does the applicant identify opportunities to coordinate with available transportation operators in the proiect area? Does the applicant's public involvement component exhibit early and continuous outreach? Does the project involve collaboration by at least one other group not including the entity providing the matching funds? Does the application include a letters} of support from the involved entities? Project Implementation 70 61 Does the applicant's implementation plan demonstrate the agency's ability to complete the project within the allotted timeframe? Does the agency have a clearly defined marketin Ian? Management Capability 105 104 Does the agency display experience and resources available in providing existing services for the tarcLeted population? Does the applicant demonstrate the ability to comply with all FTA certifications and assurances? Fiscal Capability 105 76 Did the applicant submit letters of commitment or other proof of the availability of matching funds? Does the project leverage resources? Does the applicant provide methods to sustain service after the rantperiod? Program Effectiveness and Performance Indicators 70 so Is there a quantifiable methodology identified to measure and evaluate the impact of the project in meeting its identified goals? Does the project contain innovative ideas that could be applied elsewhere? TOTAL 700 561 JARC/NEW FREEDOM PROJECTS SCORING MATRIX JARC - COMMUNITY COACH QUESTIONS POSSIBLE POINTS SCORE Project Need, Goals, and Objectives 210 161 Is the project consistent with and derived from the Coordinated Public Transit Human Services Transportation Plan (Coordinated Plan)? Does the project establish, preserve or improve mobility for a targeted population? Will a majority of the service area's targeted population be served by the project? Does the project also help meet transportation needs outside the targeted o ulation? Coordination/Program Outreach 140 106 Does the applicant identify opportunities to coordinate with available trans ortation operators in the prolect area? Does the applicant's public involvement component exhibit early and continuous outreach? Does the project involve collaboration by at least one other group not including the entity rovidin the matching funds? Does the application include a letter(s) of support from the involved entities? Project Implementation 70 60 Does the applicant's implementation plan demonstrate the agency's ability to complete the project within the allotted timeframe? Does the agency have a clearly defined marketing Ian? Management Capability 105 105 Does the agency display experience and resources available in Providinq existing services for the tar eted population? Does the applicant demonstrate the ability to comply with all FTA certifications and assurances? Fiscal Capability 105 79 Did the applicant submit letters of commitment or other proof of the availabiLIZ of matching funds? Does the project levera e resources? Does the applicant provide methods to sustain service after the rantperiod? Program Effectiveness and Performance Indicators Is there a quantifiable methodology identified to measure and evaluate the impact of the project in meeting its identified goals? Does the project contain innovative ideas that could be applied elsewhere? TOTAL 700 557 JARC/NEW FREEDOM PROJECTS SCORING MATRIX NEW FREEDOM - COMMUNITY COACH QUESTIONS POSSIBLE POINTS SCORE Project Need, Goals, and Objectives 210 136 Is the project consistent with and derived from the Coordinated Public Transit Human Services 'Transportation Plan (Coordinated Plan Does the project establish, preserve or improve mobility for a targeted population? Will a majority of the service area's targeted population be served by the ro'ect? Does the project also help meet transportation needs outside the tar eted o ulation? Coordination/Program Outreach 140 92 Does the applicant identify opportunities to coordinate with available transportation operators in the proliect area? Does the applicant's public involvement component exhibit early and continuous outreach? Does the project involve collaboration by at least one other group not including the entity providing the matching funds? Does the application include a letter(s) of support from the involved entities? Project Implementation 70 60 Does the applicant's implementation plan demonstrate the agency's ability to complete the project within the allotted timeframe? Does the agency have a clearly defined marketing plan? Management Capability 105 105 Does the agency display experience and resources available in r)rovidina existing services for the targeted population? Does the applicant demonstrate the ability to comply with all FTA certifications and assurances? Fiscal Capability 105 80 Did the applicant submit letters of commitment or other proof of the availability of matchin funds? Does the proiect leverage resources? Does the applicant provide methods to sustain service after the rantperiod? Program Effectiveness and Performance Indicators Is there a quantifiable methodology identified to measure and evaluate the impact of the project in meeting its identified goals? Does the project contain innovative ideas that could be applied elsewhere? TOTAL 700 523 JARC/NEW FREEDOM PROJECTS SCORING MATRIX NEW FREEDOM - MTM QUESTIONS FUbbIBLE POINTS SCORE Project Need, Goals, and Objectives 210 149 Is the project consistent with and derived from the Coordinated Public Transit Human Services Transportation Plan (Coordinated Plan)? Does the project establish, preserve or improve mobility for a targeted population? Will a majority of the service area's targeted population be served by theproject? Does the project also help meet transportation needs outside the tar eted o ulation? Coordination/Program Outreach 140 79 Does the applicant identify opportunities to coordinate with available transportation o erators in the oroject area? Does the applicant's public involvement component exhibit early and continuous outreach? Does the project involve collaboration by at least one other group not including the entity providing the matching funds? Does the application include a letter(s) of support from the involved entities? Project Implementation 70 51 Does the applicant's implementation plan demonstrate the agency's ability to complete the project within the allotted timeframe? Does the agency have a clearly defined marketing Ian? Management Capability 105 82 Does the agency display experience and resources available in providing existing services for the targeted population? Does the applicant demonstrate the ability to comply with all FTA certifications and assurances? Fiscal Capability 105 81 Did the applicant submit letters of commitment or other proof of the availability of matching funds? Does the project leverage resources? Does the applicant provide methods to sustain service after the rant eriod? Program Effectiveness and Performance Indicators Is there a quantifiable methodology identified to measure and evaluate the impact of the project in meeting its identified goals? Does the project contain innovative ideas that could be applied elsewhere? TOTAL 700 489 ]ARC/NEW FREEDOM PROJECTS SCORING MATRIX NEW FREEDOM - QUALITY OF LIFE QUESTIONS POINTS SCORE Project Need, Goals, and Objectives 210 83 Is the project consistent with and derived from the Coordinated Public Transit Human Services Transportation Plan (Coordinated Plan)? Does the project establish, preserve or improve mobility for a tar eted a ulation? Will a majority of the service area's targeted population be served by the roiect? Does the project also help meet transportation needs outside the targeted population? Coordination/Program Outreach 140 21 Does the applicant identify opportunities to coordinate with available transportation operators in the project area? Does the applicant's public involvement component exhibit early and continuous outreach? Does the project involve collaboration by at least one other group not including the entity providing the matching funds? Does the application include a letter(s) of support from the involved entities? Project Implementation 70 18 Does the applicant's implementation plan demonstrate the agency's ability to complete the project within the allotted timeframe? Does the agency have a clearly defined marketing Ian? Management Capability 105 29 Does the agency display experience and resources available in i)rovidinq existing services for the targeted population? Does the applicant demonstrate the ability to comply with all FTA certifications and assurances? Fiscal Capability 105 30 Did the applicant submit letters of commitment or other proof of the availability of matching funds? Does the proiect leverage resources? Does the applicant provide methods to sustain service after the rant eriod? Program Effectiveness and Performance Indicators Is there a quantifiable methodology identified to measure and evaluate the impact of the project in meeting its identified goals? Does the project contain innovative ideas that could be applied elsewhere? TOTAL 700 218 i TRANSPORTATION DISADVANTAGED COORDINATION AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made this day of /2011 by and between ST. LUCIE COUNTY, a Political Subdivision of the State of Florida, hereinafter called the "County", and Plant a Seed Ministry, its successors, executors, administrators, and assigns hereinafter called the "Agency": WITNESSETH The parties agree to coordinate the transportation services provided by the Agency to its clients as follows: 1. In the most cost effective manner pursuant to Chapter 427, Florida Statutes and Rule 41-2. 2. The Agency agrees to adhere to all safety, drug policy, insurance and other requirements set forth in Chapter 427, Florida Statutes, and Rule 41-2, Florida Administrative Code, and all appropriate local and federal regulations applicable to transportation providers. (Coordinated System Safety Program Plan and Service Plan are attached as Exhibit A). The Agency shall include this provision in any subcontract for transportation services. 3. The Agency agrees and understands the importance of submitting to the County accurate Annual Operations Report data within 30 days of the request for such data. Also, the agency will participate in the annual AOR training provided by the Community Transportation Coordinator. 4. In accordance with the requirements of Rule 41-1, Florida Administrative Code, the Agency covenants and agrees at all times to save, hold, and keep harmless the County, its Officials, Employees, Agents, and volunteers and indemnify the County, its Officials, Employees, Agents, and Volunteers against any and all claims, demands, penalties, judgments, court costs, attorney=s fees, and liability of every kind and nature whatsoever arising out of or in any way connected or arising out of the performance of this agreement to the extent of the insurance requirements set forth above in this agreement. 5 The term of this agreement shall 2010 and continue through and including _ parties may extend the term for additional upon prior mutual written agreement. begin on 2011. The one (1) year periods In the event that the Agency discontinues its transportation services, it shall provide the Coordinator with fifteen (15) days prior written notice. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto subscribed his, its, or their names, or name. WITNESSES: 1N �- .�A // L==AMW ST. LUCIE COUNTY BY: COMMUNITY TRANSPORTATION COORDINATOR DATE: ] /to APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: COUNTY ATTORNEY Plant A See Ministry BY: [� NAME: �— Yj .2 ( 1 1 G Z2_ 1 TITLE: President DATE: APPROVED by St. Lucie County Local Coordinating Board on 2011. ATTEST: SECRETARY LOCAL COORDINATING BOARD ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: CHAIR TRANSPORTATION DISADVANTAGED COORDINATION AGREEMENT AMENDMENT THIS AMENDMENT, made this day of , 2011 by and between ST. LUCIE COUNTY, a Political Subdivision of the State of Florida, hereinafter called the "County", and NATIVITY GROUP HOME dba NATIVITY GROUP INC. its successors, executors, administrators, and assigns hereinafter called the "Agency": WITNESSETH The parties agree to coordinate the transportation services provided by the Agency to its clients as follows: 1. In the most cost effective manner pursuant to Chapter 427, Florida Statutes and Rule 41-2. 2. The Agency agrees to adhere to all safety, drug policy, insurance and other requirements set forth in Chapter 427, Florida Statutes, and Rule 41--2, Florida Administrative Code, and all appropriate local and federal regulations applicable to transportation providers. (Coordinated System Safety Program Plan and Service Plan are attached as Exhibit A). The Agency shall include this provision in any subcontract for transportation services. 3. The Agency agrees to implement and adhere to the guidelines under the System Safety Program Plan (SSPP) and to have proper documentation available during the annual on -site monitoring. 4. The Agency agrees and understands the importance of submitting to the County accurate Annual Operations Report data within 30 days of the request for such data. Also, the agency will participate in the annual AOR training provided by the Community Transportation Coordinator. 5. In accordance with the requirements of Rule 41-1, Florida Administrative Code, the Agency covenants and agrees at all times to save, hold, and keep harmless the County, its Officials, Employees, Agents, and volunteers and indemnify the County, its Officials, Employees, Agents, and Volunteers against any and all claims, demands, penalties, judgments, court costs, attorneys fees, and liability of every kind and nature whatsoever arising out of or in any way connected or arising out of the performance of this agreement to the extent of the insurance requirements set forth above in this agreement. 6 The term of this agreement shall begin on , 2011 and continue through and including , 2011. The parties may extend the term for additional one (1) year periods upon prior mutual written agreement. In the event that the Agency discontinues its transportation services, it shall provide the Coordinator with fifteen (15) days prior written notice. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto subscribed is, its, or their names, or name. WITNESSES: WITNESSES: ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: COMMUNITY TRANSPORTATION COORDINATOR DATE: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: COUNTY ATTORNEY NATIVITY GROUP HOME dba NATIVITY GROUP INC. BY: NAME: MARIE NINON PIERRE TITLE: OWNER/0TRr C:TOR DATE: APPROVED by St. Lucie County Local Coordinating Board on , 2011. ATTEST: SECRETARY LOCAL COORDINATING BOARD ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: CHAIR EPA .---A M-� Agenda Item No. 7a. lath Annual Transportation Disadvantaged Legislative Day Tmesportotlan Disadvantaged Transporting People to Better Health & Greater Independence Every Trip Counts! Please join us in creating awareness and support of the Transportation Disadvantaged. Most people are not even aware of its existence, much less its importance. The TD program keeps thousands of Floridians independent, while stimulating Florida's economy. For every $i spent on TD services, the state receives more than $7 in return! March 17, ao11 Capitol Courtyard Lunch beginning at 11:3o A.M. To register contact Shawn Daniel at i-800-983-2435 or go to www.dot.state.fl.us/ctd Then go to "Events & Activities" - "TD Legislative Day zon" Then download & complete the "Registration Form" at the bottom of the page. Marceia Lathou From: joannhutchinson@gmail.com on behalf of Joann Hutchinson [Joann@joannhutchinson.com] Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2011 8:19 PM Subject: Advocating for TD Program TD Friends: I felt a personal obligation to do my part to educate the Governor and Legislature about pending legislative actions that would negatively impact a great program. I hope each of you at the CTC, county government, MPO, RPC, LCB and user levels will do your part to educate your local legislative delegations as well as Governor Scott about what the TD program has meant to you and your communities. Without this education, these proposals we are aware of and possible other ones may be adopted that would negatively impact the program. It is critical that you do this education as soon as possible since the legislative session starts in early March. Please help the Commission and others get the message acoss to protect this cost effective program but more importantly continue mobility for millions of Floridians who depend on these services. Here is the letter I am sending. I hope to see you at the TD Legislative Day and will continue to do my part for a program that is very special to me. Thank you for helping! Dear Governor Scott and Members of the Florida Legislature I am writing about the successful Transportation Disadvantaged Program that the Florida Legislature created in 1979 and later funded through the creation of the Transportation Disadvantaged Trust Fund in 1989. As the former Executive Director of the Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged (Commission), I was privileged to work on behalf of the State's most vulnerable citizens for nearly 25 of the 36 years before I retired from public service. Because of this successful statewide coordinated transportation program, our elderly, persons with disabilities, low income and children at risk have been able to access medical care, employment, kidney dialysis, nutrition and other life -sustaining trips to maintain and improve their quality of life (over 50 million trips a year are provided). In addition to improving their quality of life, it should be noted that by providing this type of coordinated transportation millions of dollars are being saved. The Commission conducted an independent "Return on Investment Study by Florida State University" that projects over $8 is returned for every dollar expended on transportation. In addition to these cost savings, the Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA) that oversees the Medicaid Non -emergency Transportation Program, conducted a study by the University of Florida that showed over $40 million dollars in cost savings due to the coordinated transportation program. Since this study, AHCA has contracted with the CTD to manage its non -emergency transportation services which has allowed reductions in duplication of services, elimination of fraud and abuse, cost savings and improved access to health care. This contractual arrangement continues to be a national model and should not be included in any proposals for transfer to health care organizations. As can been seen in the two studies as well as the Statewide Annual Operating Reports for past performance of Florida's coordinated transportation program, costs for the services due to coordination have remained stable or reductions have occurred. Safety is at an all-time high for transporting our most vulnerable citizens due to uniform standards of safety that are required by the Commission and the Department of Transportation. I have been fortunate to work at the national and regional area since I retired as Executive Director of this program and I can attest to the fact that Florida has and continues to be a leader in coordinated transportation. Many states and the National Conference of State Legislatures are pointing to the Florida model as one that other states should adopt. As you struggle with tough decisions to address budget deficits and meet other needs, I urge you to maintain this cost effective program under the leadership of the Commission. Please leave the funding and administration of the non -emergency transportation program under the Commission so that the demonstrated cost savings can be continued and that uniform standards for all these services can continue. Lastly, please keep in place the Transportation Disadvantaged Trust Fund administered by the Commission that was created to protect access to dialysis, work, health care and other forms of mobility that those of us with our own transportation take for granted. For more information about the program and the referenced reports, visit the Commission's website at: www.dot.state.fl.us/CTD. If you need me to testify or provide more information, please contact me at 850.524.0394. Thank you for your consideration and for supporting Florida's elderly, disabled and others with their mobility needs in a coordinated manner. Sincerely, Jo Ann HutoLlGosovz Jo Ann Hutchinson Former Executive Director (Retired in 2003) Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged 401 Gould Road Quincy, FL 32351