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Date: April 19, 2011 Convened: 9:00 a.m.
Adjourned:10:20 a.m.
Commissioners Present: Chairman, Chris Craft, Chris Dzadovsky, Paula A. Lewis, Frannie Hutchinson, Tod
Others Present: Lee Ann Lowery, Assistant County Administrator, Dan McIntyre, County Attorney, Debra
Brisson, Parks and Rec. Director, Mark Satterlee, Planning/Services Director, Marie Gouin, OMB Director,
Lauri Waldie, Utilities Director, Beth Ryder, Community Services Director, Jim David, Mosquito Control
Director, Don West, Public Works Director, Sheriff, Ken Mascara, Millie Delgado-Feliciano, Deputy Clerk
Approve the minutes from the April 5, 2011 meeting.
Approve the minutes from the April 12, 2011 special meeting.
It was moved by Com. Mowery, seconded by Com. Hutchinson, to approve the minutes of the meetings held
on April 5, 2011 and April 12, 2011, and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
Resolution No. 11-058 – “Mental Health Awareness Month”
Consider staff recommendation to adopt Resolution No. 11-058 as drafted.
It was moved by Com. Dzadovsky, seconded by Com. Lewis, to approve Resolution No. 11-058,
and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
Mr. John Romano, CEO New Horizons was present to accept the proclamation.
Resolution No. 11-072 – Declaring April 19, 2011 as “Patriot’s Day”
Consider staff recommendation to adopt Resolution No. 11-072 as drafted.
It was moved by Com. Lewis, seconded by Com. Hutchinson, to approve Resolution No. 11-072,
and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
No one was present to accept the proclamation. It will be mailed.
Resolution No. 11-078 - National Landscape Architecture Month
Consider staff recommendation to adopt Resolution No. 11-078 as drafted.
It was moved by Com. Mowery, seconded by Com. Dzadovsky, to approve Resolution No. 11-078,
and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Gregg Boggs, Landscape Architect, was present to accept the proclamation.
Resolution No. 11-079 – “St. Lucie County Correction Officer’s Week” in St. Lucie County
Consider staff recommendation to adopt Resolution No. 11-079 as drafted.
It was moved by Com. Hutchinson, seconded by Com. Lewis, to approve Resolution No. 11-079,
and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
Sheriff Ken Mascara was present to accept the proclamation.
Resolution No. 11-080 – “Law Enforcement Week” and “Law Enforcement Memorial Day” in St.
Lucie County, Florida
Consider staff recommendation to adopt Resolution No. 11-080 as drafted.
It was moved by Com. Dzadovsky, seconded by Com. Mowery, to approve Resolution No. 11-080,
and; upon roll call, motion carried unanimously.
Sheriff Ken Mascara was present to accept the proclamation.
Mr. Joseph Patroni, Port St. Lucie resident, addressed the Board regarding PNRD 09-023 previously
approved by the Board. He indicated he does not understand how this could have been approved and
believes there should have been a “straw vote” on the item by the residents. He stated he believes the
PNRD is out of place in its present location.
Mr. Marty Lavin, area resident addressed Resolution No. 11-078 proclaiming National Landscape
Architecture Month and stated he believes all the Commissioners have been involved in St. Lucie County’s
green initiatives; however he expressed concern with what he felt the municipalities were going in their own
direction. He encouraged an analysis of assets be so that shared savings could be accrued between all
Com. Dzadovsky advised those present that GE has been discussing and encouraging energy savings with
the various entities. He also addressed the local preference ordinance and asked that with any projects they
have going they continue to look at the ordinance. He would like a report from staff as to how the local
preference ordinance is working and the jobs it has created as well as any difficulties they have
encountered. He requested the Board direct staff to go back and look at the local preference ordinance and
make sure we are doing what we said we would.
The County Attorney advised the Board they would schedule this discussion for a morning meeting as
requested by the Chairman.
Com. Dzadovsky requested discussion on items C6-B-7; 6-E and G-1.
It was moved by Com. Dzadovsky, seconded by Com. Mowery, to approve the Consent Agenda, and; upon
roll call, motion carried unanimously.
Approve warrant list No. 28 and 29.
The Board approved Warrant List No. 28 and 29.
1. Amendment II to the Grant Award Agreement – North Fork of the St. Lucie River – Phase
Three – Florida Communities Trust – FCT Project 02-071-FF2 – Fromberg – Parcel ID
3403-502-0235-000-3 – Taylor – Parcel ID 3416-112-0007-000-9
The Board approved Amendment II to the Grant Award Agreement, authorize the
Chairman to execute the Amendment, transmit to Florida Communities Trust and record
the Amendment in the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida.
2. First Amendment to Agreement with Sisca Construction Service, LLC
The Board approved the First Amendment to the Agreement with Sisca Construction
Services, LLC
3. Assignment of PBS&J Contracts to Atkins North America, Inc.
The Board approved the assignment of PBS&J contracts to Atkins North America, Inc. as
of April 1, 2011
4. Creation of new full time position (Lab Specialist) for the St. Lucie County Drug Screening
The Board approved the new full time Lab Technician position.
Discussion: Com. Mowery inquired the reason for adding the new position.
The Criminal Justice Coordinator advised the Board this position would be funded in the
new budget year by user fees. The lab has been overwhelmed with the fact that other
agencies and businesses are utilizing the lab for drug testing.
5. Fort Pierce FBO, L.L.C. – Sublease Agreement with Chip’s Custom Painting, Inc.
The Board approved consenting to the proposed sublease agreement between Fort
Pierce, FBO, L.L.C., and Chip’s Custom Painting, Inc.
6. Request to have the Board amend and approve a Contractual Rate Agreement
(Amendment No. 0008) with United for Families, Inc (UFF) for drug screening services.
The Board approved the Amended Contractual Rate Agreement with United for Families,
Inc., and authorized the Chairman to sign the Amended Contractual Rate Agreement.
7. St. Lucie County v. Florida Gaming Centers, Inc. – Permission to File Suit
The Board granted permission to sue Florida Gaming Center, Inc.
Discussion: Com. Dzadovsky requested Legal Counsel’s opinion as to whether the
county could pull the gaming approval based on the fact the Gaming Center has failed to
provide the annual funds as per the contract.
The County Attorney advised the Board the Center is now part of the City of Ft. Pierce
since its annexation. The law reads that the jurisdiction is the only one who has the
authority to file any action. He indicated he will contact the state and the city and also to
the owner advising him of the Board’s action today.
8. Geoplasma - St. Lucie, LLC - Permit Funding Agreement for Plasma Gasification Facility
The Board approved the Permit Funding Agreement for Plasma Gasification Facility and
authorized the Chairman to sign the Agreement.
Com. Craft advised the Board that the Geo Plasma personnel have been in town and
things are moving in the right direction.
9. State of Florida Department of Health - Amended 2010/11 Contract
The Board approved the proposed amendments to the 2010/2011 State of Florida
Department of Health Contract, and authorized the Chairman to sign the document.
10. Request to have the Board approves the reclassification of a current position as Pretrial
Officer to Drug Lab Manager effective October 1, 2011.
The Board approved the fund and title reclassification of the Drug Lab Manager.
11. Request the Board approve to amend and approve Contractual Rate Agreement
(Amendment No. 0009) with United for Families, Inc (UFF) for drug screening services.
The Board approved the Amended Contractual Rate Agreement with United for Families,
Inc., and authorized the Chairman to sign the Amended Contractual Rate Agreement.
Resolution No. 11-056 – Horseback Riding Regulations
The Board adopted Resolution No. 11-056 as drafted.
1. Prison Health Services Inmate HIV Medications Invoice for January, 2011
The Board authorized payment of Prison Health Services invoice number PHS0009064
for HIV medications for the FY-2011 period of January 01, 2011 through January 31,
2011, in the amount of $34,623.59.
2. Prison Health Services Inmate HIV Medications Invoice for February, 2011
The Board authorized payment of Prison Health Services invoice number PHS0009065
for HIV medications for the FY-2011 period of February 01, 2011 through February 28,
2011, in the amount of $33,506.61.
Brown Ranch Class II Mining Permit
The Board approved to close Brown Ranch Class II Mining Permit and terminate the Escrow
Discussion: Com. Dzadovsky questioned if there was any information as to any costs to the county
associated with the project such as the repair of roads, the maintenance of the roads due to the
heavy and constant traffic of the trucks for the mining company.
The County Engineer advised the Board that this miner has exceeded the minimum requirements
and provided a history of the project. He indicated the private road was maintained by the area
residents and the other roads are state roads.
Community Services Division:
1. Trip and Equipment Grant
The Board approved the acceptance of the FY12 Trip and Equipment grant allocation,
approved Resolution 11-070, approved Budget Resolution 11-071 and authorized the
Chairman to sign documents as approved by the County Attorney.
2. Community Services Block Grant Resolution
The Board approved Resolution 11-082 in support of continuing funding of the national
allocation of Community Services Block Grant and authorized the Chairman to sign
documents as approved by the County Attorney.
3. Award of Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) Bids
The Board approved the bid awards to construct two new homes under the St. Lucie
County NSP Grant and authorized the Chairman to sign documents as approved by the
County Attorney.
1. Bid No. 11-009, Roof Replacement for the St. Lucie County Administration Building
The Board approved to award Bid No. 11-009, Roof Replacement for the St. Lucie County
Administration Building, to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, J.A. Taylor
Roofing of Fort Pierce, in the amount of $231,200 and authorized the Chairman to sign
documents as approved by the County Attorney.
Discussion: Com. Dzadovsky asked if there had been any discussion with any
performance contractors to see if the roof could sustain solar piping which could save the
county money in utility costs.
Com. Craft indicated there may be another opportunity to achieve the savings and they are
presently working with the college to set up a system and possibly receive a grant for the
project. If they hire contractors for PVC installation, they will not see any savings for many
Com. Dzadovsky stated he hoped they would continue to look for wary to reduce costs and
thanked Com. Craft for his efforts.
Com. Mowery inquired if this was a budgeted item.
The Parks and Recreation Director advised the Board there had been a program in place
for several years for roof replacements on county buildings. This item is a budgeted
2. Bid No. 11-012, Purchase of Sign Post, Sign Hardware and Sign Blanks
The Board approved to award Bid No. 11-012, a pricing contract for purchase of sign post,
sign hardware and sign blanks, to the overall lowest responsive and responsible bidder,
Universal Signs and Accessories of Fort Pierce, and authorized the Chairman to sign
documents as approved by the County Attorney.
3. Fixed Asset Inventory - Property Record Removal
The Board approved removing fixed assets, as listed on the attached Property Disposition
Forms, from the capital asset inventory of various departments of St. Lucie County Board
of County Commissioners.
Authorization to submit an electronic application for the 2011 Support for Adam Walsh Act
Implementation Grant Program
The Board retroactively approved the St. Lucie County Sheriff's Office submission of the electronic
application of the 2011 Support for the Adam Walsh Act Implementation Grant Program offered by
the U. S. Department of Justice/Office of Justice Programs/Office of Sex Offender Sentencing,
Monitoring, Apprehending, Registering and Tracking (SMART) in the amount of $194,202.00.
Ordinance No. 11-015 – DGC Environmental Services, Inc. Text Amendment to the IL (Industrial,
Light) Zoning District
Consider staff recommendation to adopt Ordinance No. 11-015 granting approval to the request of
DGC Environmental Services, Inc.
Com. Dzadovsky addressed the difference between permitted use and conditional use.
Com. Mowery listed the permitted uses under the industrial light zoning.
Com. Craft stated he believed they had identified where industrial uses should be and felt this was
the right thing to do.
Com. Dzadovsky indicated that conditional use gives the public a view of what they are approving
and should be able to review it when changing from a conditional use. He advised the Board he
would not be supporting this item.
Com. Lewis stated she would support this item due to the fact there are 3 pages of permitted uses
and there is nothing different than what is already noted.
It was moved by Com. Hutchinson, seconded by Com. Lewis, to approve staff recommendation,
and; upon roll call the vote was as follows: Nay: Com. Dzadovsky; Aye’s: Lewis, Hutchinson,
Mowery, Craft; motion carried by a vote of 4 to 1.
1. The Board of County Commissioners will hold an Informal Monthly Meeting on Tuesday, May 10,
2011 at 10a.m. in Conference Room #3.
2. The Master Gardener Spring into Gardening Festival will be held on Saturday May 14th from 8-2
p.m. As well as plants for sale from our nursery, there will also be some local vendors selling their
products too. The sale will be held at the Extension office, 8400 Picos Road, Fort Pierce. Call
772-462-1660 or http://stlucie.ifas.ufl.edu for additional information.
The Board of County Commissioners will hold a special meeting on utilities on Tuesday, May 17,
2011 at 2:00 p.m. in Conference Room 3.
There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned.
Clerk of the Circuit Court