HomeMy WebLinkAboutSLC PHOA Minutes April 13 2011
Minutes of Meeting
April 13, 2011
Convened 10:03 a.m. ____________________Adjourned 11:30 a.m.
The meeting of the Property and Homeowners Association meeting was held
Wednesday, March 9, 2011 in Conference Room 3 of the St. Lucie County
Administration Annex Building, 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, Florida 34982.
Members Present
: Toni Trabolsi, Coalition of Sandpiper Bay Associations
Bill Hammer, Reserve/PGA HOA
Bob Bangert, Holiday Pines POA
Charles Grande, Presidents Council
Roger Bollman, Indian River Estates Association
Linda Bollman, Indian River Estates Association
Arlene Goodman, White City Improvement Club
Linda Schmitz, Portofino Shores POA
Henry Schmitz, Portofino Shores POA
Laura Jones, Nettles Island POA
Jack Shelton, Indian River Drive Freeholders
Andrew Stark, Palm Grove HOA
Kit Linberger, Palm Grover HOA
Walter Fauth, South Beach
Arlene Goodman, White City Improvement Club
Toni Trabolsi, Coalition of Sandpiper Bay Associations
Kenny Nail, Parks Edge HOA
Eunice A. Crump, Parks Edge HOA
Also Present
: Commissioner Paula A. Lewis, Chairman
Barbara Felton, Executive Aide to Commissioner Lewis
Catherine Chaney, St. Lucie County Fire District
Kathryn Hensley, School Board of St. Lucie County
Mark Boston, FLARA
Sherry McCorkle, Congressman Tom Rooney
The meeting was called to order at 10:03 a.m. Commissioner Lewis led the Association
in the Pledge of Allegiance followed by self-introductions from the Association
representatives and public attendees.
Andrew Stark made the motion to approve the minutes of March 9, 2011. Walter Fauth
seconded the motion and the minutes passed unanimously by voice vote.
Deputy Gary Gonsalves gave an update on criminal activities in the county, as well as
other programs being implemented. One such program is the Fleet Watch Program
no cost to the tax payers. Another program is the 10-8 Show which will have three
segments and are real events, and be aired by SLCTV. To allow the 10-8 Show to take
place, the C.O.P. and Neighborhood Watch programs were combined to save on gas,
time, and will free up man hours.
A variety of scams was discussed (i.e. grandparent scam) and solicitors (services,
contributions, etc.) calling your home illegally. Never give out personal information by
phone or online. In case of solicitors calling (insurance, utilities, education, etc.), you
may call Department of Agriculture. If the call is for donations/charity, you can go online
at www.charitynavigator.com or call Seniors vs. Crime
-5350. Energy Survey calls is being investigated
Catherine Chaney reported that the burn ban for St. Lucie County was still in effect.
Weather conditions remain dry. The Task Force responded to a fire in south Port St.
Lucie and was contained. Ms. Chaney warned everyone to be careful.
There was discussion on allowing combustible items to be placed in areas that could
possibly cause a
Academy that will be held in September 2011.
Kathryn Hensley
School Board of St. Lucie County
Ms. Hensley introduced herself then proceeded to pass out literature and material on St.
Lucie County schools which will be part of her presentation.
Some of the subjects presented to the group were:
Florida Lottery funds from this source are used for the enhancement of education;
St. Lucie County gets $3.42 per student per year from lottery funding; Education K-12;
Bright Future Scholarships for Post Secondary Education. (Florida is the 49 out of 50 in
student funding.)
St. Lucie County has over 40,000 students, almost 5,000, $246 M Budget which has
declined each year for the last seven years. The State sets their tax.
Vocational Schools/Technical Schools - (Ft Pierce Central High School)
Kids of Hope (The only county n the country that has this program)
Truancy Program in Elementary Schools
Parent Academy
IT Partnerships
Junior Achievement (Four-County Program)
Environmental Science Study Schools - (Two)
Green Oceanographic Academy - (Two)
Charter Land School at FAU (a Research/Lab Facility)
University of Florida (New Microbiology Program)
Research & Education Park Projects
Educational Opportunities (Kindergarten to PhD. in St. Lucie County)
Interest Based Collaborative Bargaining Unit Meetings
Administrative Status (Compared to 1990s, jobs have been cut in half, no pay raises
in four years, insurance has gone up, retirement will be going up. The School District
have continuing contracts, dedicated teacher who are not in it for the money, but
because of the economy, and as it shifts, some may go into business if situation is
prolonged. Currently they are pleased to have a job. Some are probably going to retire;
some of the top teachers will be leaving because of the change in retirement funding.
Persons from Kenya, China, Scotland, Ireland, Japan and other states come and
spend days in the schools to see what they are doing.
There were questions and concerns about some of the kids in 2 and 3 grades having
problems with reading and math. Schools have new curriculums and kids have
difference learning styles and abilities. Some of the parents are unfamiliar with them
with the Principal at that school and discuss your concerns with him or her.
Commissioner Lewis stated (and was verified by Ms. Hensley) that we are in
compliance with classroom sizes, and that per capita, Indian River and Martin Counties
gets $400.00 more per child than St. Lucie County.
Ms. Hensley stated that even though St. Lucie County had many foreclosures, the
number of children did not decrease. Because of economic situations, families are now
moving in together.
Other topics of discussion were School Ratings, Educational and Industrial
Opportunities, Resource Officers, families with children moving into retirement
Ms. Hensley passed out her business cards and asked those present to call should they
have any questions or concerns.
No items for discussion.
Several items were suggested as future topics of discussion.
Insurance Industry
FEMA (Flood Insurance Flooding and Sinkholes)
Legislative Updates/Activities as it relates to Homeowner Associations
Commissioner Lewis stated that at the May meeting Trent Davis wants to present a
program called Neighborhood Organization Mentor Network to the group and asked if
they were in agreement to hear it. The group agreed.
Commissioner Lewis also mentioned that the Board of County Commissioners will hold
its Strategic Planning and Budget Reviews July 6-14, 2011 and the Property and
Homeowners Association meeting will probably be cancelled.
There was concern and request for information from one property owner and newly
appointed President concerning homeowners not paying their dues, and the
consequences. It was suggested to check their current bylaws then go from there.
Having no further business to discuss, Commissioner Lewis thanked the group for their
participation and attendance. The meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara A. Felton
Executive Aide