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St Lucie LCB Agenda Packet June 8, 2011
1`ranrportaFion Piaeeing ~rgonisotioe ST. LUCIE U(~f3FiN f~riEf~ 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, FL 34982-5652 Telephone: 772/462-1593 Fax: 772/462-2549 ST. LUCIE LOCAL COORDINATING BOARD FOR THE TRANSPORTATION DISADVANTAGED (LCB) REGULAR MEETING Date: Wednesday, June 8,.2011 Time: 2:00 p.m. Location: St. Lucie County Walton Road Annex 2"d Floor Conference Room 1664 SE Walton Road Port St. Lucie, Florida AGENDA 1. 2'. 3. 4. 5. 6. Call to Order Roll Call Approval of Agenda Approval of Minutes • March 9, 2011 Regular Meeting • March 9, 2011 Public Hearing Comments from the Public Action Items 6a. Transportation Disadvantaged Service Plan (TDSP)/Coordinated Public Transit-Human Services Transportation Plan (Coordinated Plan) Minor Update: The annual update of the TDSP/Coordinated Plan, which addresses the needs of older adults, persons with disabilities, low- income.persons, and children at risk, will be reviewed. Action: Approve, approve with conditions, or do not approve 6b. Grievance Procedures Update: The annual update of the Grievance Procedures which are used in dispute resolutions regarding the provision of transportation disadvantaged services will be reviewed. Action; Approve, approve with conditions, or do not approve 6c. Community Transportation Coordinator (CTC) Evaluation Committee Selection: A committee of the LCB will be selected to assist with the annual evaluation of the CTC in meeting the needs of the transportation disadvantaged population. Action: Appoint a CTC Evaluation Committee Transportation Planning for Fort Pierce, Port St. Lucie, St. Lucie Village and St. Lucie County St. Lucie LCB Regular Meeting Wednesday, June 8, 2011 Page 2 of 2 6d. Revised 2011 Meeting Schedule: A revised calendar of dates and locations of LCB meetings for 2011 will be considered. Action; Approve, approve with conditions, or do not approve 7. Informational Items 7a. 19th Annual Transportation Disadvantaged Training & Technology Conference 7b. St. Lucie Intermodal Transit Facility Ribbon Cutting 8. FDOT Comments 9. Recommendations/Comments by Members 10. Staff Comments 11. Next Meeting: Subject to LCB approval, the next St. Lucie LCB meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, September 14, 2011, in the BOCC Chambers, St. Lucie County Administration Building, 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, Florida. 12. Adjourn NOTICES Items not included on the agenda may also be heard in consideration of the best interests of the public's health, safety, welfare, and as necessary to protect every person's right of access. If any person decides to appeal any decision made by the St. Lucie LCB with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, that person shall need a record of the proceedings, and for such a purpose, that person may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. The St. Lucie TPO satisfies the requirements of various non-discrimination laws and regulations including Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Public participation is solicited without regard to race, color, national origin, age, sex, religion, disability or family status. Persons wishing to express their concerns about Title VI may contact the St. Lucie TPO at 772-462-1593. Anyone with a disability requiring accommodation to access the meeting facilities should contact Dan Lutzke, St. Lucie County Risk Manager, at 772-462-1546 or TDD 772-462-1428 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. Anyone with a disability requiring transit accommodation to attend the meetings should contact Community Transit at 772-464-7433 (Fort Pierce) or 772-879-1287 (Port St. Lucie) at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. Creole: Si ou to rinmin recevoua information sa en creole si I bous plait rele 772-462-1777. Espanol: Si usted desea recibir esta informacion en espanol, por favor Ilame al 772-462-1777. '[ransportation Punning Qrgani:anon 5T. IUCfE Ufif3F1N f-i(iEfi 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, FL 34982-5652 Telephone: TI2/462-1593 Facsimile: TI2/462-2549 ST. LUCIE LOCAL COORDINATING BOARD FOR THE TRANSPORTATION DISADVANTAGED (LCB) ANNUAL PUBLIC HEARING DATE: Wednesday, March 9, 2011 TIME: 2:00 P.M. LOCATION: Fenn Center, Room 122 2000 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, Florida MINUTES 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairwoman Paula Lewis called the f~laf~ch 9, 2011 Annual Public Hearing of the St. Lucie Local Coordinating Board for the Transportation Disadvantaged (LCB) to order at 2:05' R.M. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. All those present rose to pledge allegiance to the flag. 3. INTRODUCTIONS Chairwoman Lewis invited participants and Board members to provide self- introduction and. indicate their representing agency. Members 0re~ent: Renresentina• Paula .Lewis, Chairwoman William Arnold Cindy Barnes Brian Bauer Albert Birks, Jr. Dalia Dillon June Dunn Jim Dwyer.. Kathryn Hensley Elected Official, TPO-Appointed, Veterans Service of St. Lucie County Florida Agency Health Care Admin. Regional Workforce Development Board Citizen Advocate Area Agency on Aging Local Mass Transit Board Children at Risk Public Education Community Transportation Planning for Fort Pierce, Port St. Lucie, St. Lucie Village and St. Lucie County LCB Annual Public Hearing Minutes-March 9, 2011 Page 2 of 3 4. 5. 6. Tina Herzik Vocational Rehabilitation Nancy Hess Citizen Advocate -Transit User Alan Love Elderly .Community Stacy Malinowski Economically Disadvantaged Community Jayne Pietrowski Florida Dept. of Transportation Others present• Peter Buchwald Marceia Lathou Ed DeFini Marianne Arbore Ed Cajade Edward Griffin Stefanie Myers Lisa Sanders Ray Williams Heather Young John Salvesen Mary Holleran Representina• St. Lucie TPO St. Lucie TPO St. Lucie TPO COASL/Community Transit MV Transportation' ;,. MV Transportation St. Lucie County MTM, MC '~ MV Transportation St. Lucie County.. All County Ambulance Board' Recorder OPENING PUBLIC COMMENT There were no comments from the public. COMMISSION FOR THE TRANSPORTATION DISADVANTAGED (CTD)/LOCAL COORDINATING BOARD (LCB) OVERVIEW Ms. Marceia Lathou provided' a technical presentation on the purpose of the Annual. Meeting, which provides ari opportunity for the public to contribute input on their transportation disadvantaged needs. Ms. Lathou discussed the program and roles of the Local Coordinating Board, including information on the background ;arid mission of the CTD and LCB. Presentation is on file. TRANSPORTATION DISADVANTAGED (TD) PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION OVERVIEW Ms. Stefanie Myers, representing the Community Transportation Coordinator (CTC) presented information related to the operation of the coordinated transportation system. Ms. Myers provided a presentation on the history of the system, funding, services and partners, and the JARC and the New Freedom Programs. Information on other projects currently in the works was reviewed. Presentation is on file. Ms. Marianne Arbore, Community Transit/Council on Aging, provided an overview on the operation of public transit. Ms. Arbore included the location, hours of operation, and displayed photos of the vehicles and a map showing LCB Annual Public Hearing Minutes-March 9, 2011 Page 3 of 3 the fixed routes of the system. A brochure was provided. Presentation is on file. 7. MEDICAID TRANSPORTATION OVERVIEW Edward Griffin, V.P., MV Transportation, the subcontracted transportation provider for Medicaid transportation in St. Lucie County presented information on their services. He reviewed information on the model of contract services provided for the County, reviewed their ,operation and trip volumes.. MV Transportation contracts with local service providers and Mr. Griffin introduced representatives John Salvesen, All County Ambulance, Ray Williams, Quality Transportation,. and Marianne Ar-bore. He commented on present funding allocations which may realize a 7% cut in July, although more individuals are accessing the service .and increasing the need. Presentation is on file. 8. OVERVIEW OF TRANSPORTATION 'DISA©VANTAGED SERVICE PLAN (TDSP) MINOR UPDATE MISSION STATEMENT, GOALS, OBJECTIVES AND STRATEGIES Ms. Lathou presented the TDSP Mission Statement, Goals, Objectives and Strategies related to TD service development and quality. assurance. A major update is required every five years and a minor update every year. Presently we are in the minor update cycle and Ms Lathou reviewed the process, which when completed; will come before the Board in June. 9. CLOSING PUBLIC COMMENT There were no comments from the public. 10. ADJOURN MOVED by Kathryn Hensley that this public hearing be closed at 2.:45 P.M. SECONDED AND SO VOTED -UNANIMOUS Respectfully Submitted: Mary Holleran Board Recorder Approved by: Commissioner Paula Lewis LCB Chairwoman Transportation pionning ~rganizoEion 57. IUCfE UCi~3E1N t9fiEfi 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, FL 34982-5652 Telephone: 772/462-1593 Facsimile: 772/462-2549 ST. LUCIE LOCAL COORDINATING BOARD FOR THE TRANSPORTATION DISADVANTAGED (LCB) REGULAR MEETING DATE: Wednesday, March 9, 2011 TIME: 2:00 P.M. -immediately following public hearing LOCATION: Fenn Center, Room 122 2000 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, Florida MINUTES 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairwoman Paula Lewis called. the f~~larch 9,;`20.11 Regular Meeting of the St. Lucie Local Coordinating Board for the Transportation Disadvantaged (LCB) to order at 2:46 P.M. 2. ROLL CALL Chairwoman Lewis dispensed with roll call noting introductions were previously made at the Public Hearing. Members uresent: F~aula Lewis, Chairwoman Wli~arn Arnold Cindy Byrnes Brian Bauer Albert Birks, Jr. Dalia Dillon June Dunn Jim Dwyer Kathryn Hensley Tina Herzik Nancy Hess Alan Love Stacy Malinowski Jayne Pietrowski Rer~resentin4• Elected Official, TPO-Appointed Veterans Service of St. Lucie County Florida Agency Health Care Admin. Regional Workforce Development Board Citizen Advocate Area Agency on Aging Local Mass Transit Board Children at Risk Public Education Community Vocational Rehabilitation Citizen Advocate -Transit User Elderly Community Economically Disadvantaged Community Florida Department of Transportation Transportation Planning for Fort Pierce, Port St. Lucie, St. Lucie Village and St. Lucie County LCB Regular Meeting Minutes-March 9, 2011 Page 2 of 5 3. 4. 5. Others present• Peter Buchwald Marceia Lathou Ed DeFini Marianne Arbore Ed Cajade Edward Griffin Stefanie Myers John Salvesen Lisa Sanders Ray Williams Heather Young Mary Holleran APPROVAL OF AGENDA Reuresentinu• St. Lucie TPO St. Lucie TPO St. Lucie TPO COASL/Community Transit MV Transportation MV Transportation St. Lucie County All County Ambulance MTM, MC MV Transportation St. Lucie County Board Recorder No changes were made to the agenda. MOVED BY Kathryn Hensley that the agenda be approved. SECONDED BY CINDY BARNES APPROVAL OF MINUTES SO VOTED -UNANIMOUS MOVED BY Kathryn Hensley that the minutes of the regular meeting held on December 8, 2010 be approved. ' SECONDED BY JIM DWYER COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC There were no comments from the public. 6. ACTION I~r!^MS ,~ 6a. ELECTION OF VICE CHAIRPERSON: SO VOTED -UNANIMOUS. Ms. Marceia Lathou advised the LCB By-laws require the election of a Vice Chairperson annually who will assume the duties of the Chairperson and conduct the meeting, in the event of the Chairperson's absence. Ms. Gwenda Thompson, recent LCB Chairperson has retired her position with the Workforce Development Board. LCB Regular Meeting Minutes-March 9, 2011 Page 3 of 5 MS. CINDY BARNES Nominated Ms. Kathryn Hensley as Vice Chairperson. SECONDED BY JIM DWYER. MR. DWYER RECOMMENDED THE NOMINATIONS BE CLOSED. SO VOTED -UNANIMOUS 6b. 70B ACCESS AND REVERSE COMMUTE ()ARC) AND NEW FREEDOM (NF) PROGRAM APPLICATION RANKINGS: Ms. Lathou explained the JARC program was a new source of funding and NEW FREEDOM'S purpose is to provide improved ''p;ublic transportation service and alternatives to public transportation beyond those required by the ADA. JARC/NF Funds are awarded to Martin and St. Lucie Counties with St. Lucie County participating in a regional, competitive selection process for grant programs. Projects funded by JARC/NF must be selected through a competitive process. A total of five applications were received' for projects serving St. Lucie and Martin Counties and a project selection committee ranked the applications. Funds available for St. Lucie and Martin 'Counties are $188,301.00 for JARC projects and $136,727 for New Freedom. A schedule of projects with scoring sheets was provided. Ms. ,Lathou explained ]ARC will be awarded $106,756 and New Freedom will be awarded $96,000. All of the available funds will not be used, and the selection committee will meet to determine what to do with the funds remaining. MOVED BY KATHRYN "HENSLEY to endorse the JARC/New Freedom Selection Committee Rankings... SECONDED BY ALAN LOVE SO VOTED -UNANIMOUS 6c. COORDINATION AGREEMENTS: Ms. Stefanie Myers, Community Transportation Coordinator, sought approval of new coordination agreements with Plant A Seed Ministry and Nativity Group, Inc., and authorization for the Chair to sign all required documents. Ms. Myers provided information on Plant A Seed Ministry, anot-for-profit faith based agency that operates transitional homes for men and women who have various addictions and helps them on their road to recovery by providing transportation. Nativity Group, Inc. (formerly dba) is a registered not-for-profit 501(c) (3) program that receives transportation reimbursement for their clients from the Agency for People with Disabilities. Further information was provided on rules, regulations and contractor requirements. LCB Regular Meeting Minutes-March 9, 2011 Page 4 of 5 MOVED BY KATHRYN HENSLEY to approve the Coordination Agreements with Plant A Seed Ministry and Nativity Group, Inc., and to authorize the Chair to sign all required documents. SECONDED BY STACY MALINOWSKI SO VOTED -UNANIMOUS 6d. 2011-12 RATE MODEL WORKSHEETS: Ms. Marianne Arbore explained the Rate Model Worksheets are used to determine rates to be charged to human services agencies for transportation services. Rate Model Worksheets were reviewed and the requirements explained for the new application. MOVED BY JAYNE PIETROWSKI, to approval the Rate :Model used to determine rates charged to Human Services Agencies for-' Transportation Services. SECONDED BY KATHRYN HENSLEY SO VOTED -UNANIMOUS 7. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS 7a. TRANSPORTATION DISADVANTAGED LEGISLATIVE DAY: Ms. Lathou informed the Board that the 15"' Annual Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged (CID),: Legislative Day will be held March 17, 2011 in the Capital Courtyard, Tallahassee, beginning at 11:30 a.m. It will provide an opportunity to meet with the Legislature and help to raise awareness of transportation disadvantage issues. The theme this year is "Every Trip Counts." Chairwoman Lewis noted a letter from Joann Hutchinson, former Executive Director of the Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged concerning educating the Governor and the Legislature about pending legislative actions tHat would negatively impact this great program. 8. FDOT COMMENTS There were no comments. 9. RECOMMENDATIONS/COMMENTS BY MEMBERS Concerned with cuts to services and funding. for transportation services and the negative impact to the system, the Board agreed the March 17th CTD Legislative Day was good timing for education about transportation. LCB Regular Meeting Minutes-March 9, 2011 Page 5 of 5 10. STAFF COMMENTS Ms. Lathou advised that staff is trying to coordinate a joint LCB meeting with Martin County in September and wanted input from the Board as to whether they thought it would be mutually beneficial to discuss the issues concerning proposed legislation. Mr. Peter Buchwald encouraged the Board to support a joint LCB meeting with Martin County and commented on the JARC/New Freedom joint participation in regional funding for St. Lucie and Martin Counties. 11. NEXT MEETING The next St. Lucie LCB meeting is scheduled for, Wednesday; June 8, 2011, in the 2"d Floor Conference Room, St. Lucie .County Walton Road. Annex, 1664 S.E. Walton Road, Port St. Lucie, Florida. 12. ADJOURN MOVED BY CINDY BARNES that this meeting be adjourned (3:20 P.M.) SECONDED BY STACY MALINpWSKI Respectfully Submitted; Mary H~Ileran Board Recorder SO VOTED UNANIMOUS Approved by: Commissioner Paula Lewis LCB Chairwoman T~~~pa~~oEi~-~ ~'ianning ~rg~rni:ation ST, t_UCIE Ufif3f~N fif~Ef~ MEMORANDUM 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, FL 34982-5652 Telephone: 772/462-1593 Fax: 772/462-2549 Agenda Item No. 6a. TO: St. Lucie Local Coordinating Board for the Transportation Disadvantaged (LCB) THROUGH: Peter Buchwald Executive Director FROM: Marceia Lathou Transit Program Manager DATE: May 20, 2011 SUBJECT: Transportation Disadvantaged Service Plan (TDSP)/Coordinated Public Transit-Human Services Transportation Plan (Coordinated Plan) Minor Update Item Origination: Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) Task 3.7 - Transportation Disadvantaged (TD) Program Action; Approve, approve with conditions, or do not approve. BACKGROUND One of the duties of the LCB is to review a Transportation Disadvantaged Service Plan (TDSP) for consistency with approved guidelines and the goals and objectives of the LCB and to approve the TDSP. Once approved by the LCB, the TDSP is submitted to the Florida Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged (CTD) staff for review and acceptance. A major rewrite of the TDSP is required every five years with minor updates required annually. The current report is the second TDSP annual update. The TDSP complies with applicable state regulations as well as federal regulations for a Coordinated Public Transit-Human Services Transportation Plan (Coordinated Plan). The TDSP/Coordinated Plan is required for funding from the Elderly Individuals and Individuals with Disabilities (Section 5310), JARC (Job Access and Reverse Commute (Section 5316), and. New Freedom Transportation Planning for Fort Pierce, Port St. Lucie, St. Lucie Village and St. Lucie County St. Lucie LCB Meeting Wednesday, June 8, 2011 Page 2 of 2 (Section 5317) grant programs. The TDSP/Coordinated Plan addresses the needs of individuals with disabilities, seniors, and individuals with low incomes. ANALYSIS Updates and amendments may occur in any one of the components of the TDSP; however, annual updates are required of the Needs Assessments; Goals, Objectives, and Strategies; Implementation Plan; and Cost/Revenue Allocation and Rate Structure Justification. The 2011 TDSP Minor Update includes the following substantive changes: • Addition of a Public Participation section to document public involvement activities undertaken as part of the Minor Update process. • Addition of a Barriers to Coordination section to document challenges in the delivery of TD services. • Addition of a narrative detailing past year accomplishments. • Addition of a ~~Strategy" column in the Implementation Plan to link actions with strategies. STAFF RECOMMENDATION • Approve the 2011 TDSP/Coordinated Plan Minor Update ATTACHMENTS • 2011 TDSP/Coordinated Plan Minor Update St. Lucie County Transportation. Disadvantaged Service Plan (Minor Update) A Coordinated Public Transit-Human Services Transportation Plan Prepared by: St. Lucie Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) St. Lucie County Housing and Community Services Department Council on Aging of St. Lucie, Inc./Community Transit 1 t~~~Of~O~tOA ~14eni~g ~rgo~n~~atio~ sr. ~.~~~~ ur~~c~l~ r~r~~~ ( 7 2 _.. June 2011 TDSP/Coordinated Plan Minor Update TABLE OF CONTENTS Pa4e 1.0 -INTRODUCTION ............................................................................1 2.0 -PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ................................................................2 3.0 -NEEDS ASSESSMENT ....................................................................3 4.0 -BARRIERS TO COORDINATION .......................................................4 5.0 -MISSION STATEMENT, GOALS, OBJECTIVES, AND STRATEGIES .........5 6.0 -IMPLEMENTATION PLAN .................................................................6 7.0 -SERVICE PLAN -TYPES, HOURS AND DAYS OF SERVICE ...................7 8.0 -COST/REVENUE ALLOCATION AND RATE STRUCTURE JUSTIFICATION.? 9.0 -PREVIOUS TDSP REVIEW LETTER ....................................................8 10.0 -SUMMARY ..................................................................................9 APPENDIX Table 1 Mission, Goals, Objectives and Strategies Table 2 TDSP Minor Update Implementation Plan Table 3 St. Lucie County Transportation Inventory TDSP Certification LCB Roll Call LCB Membership Certification Rate Model Worksheets TDSP/Coordinated Plan Minor Update 1.0 -INTRODUCTION The St. Lucie Transportation Disadvantaged Service Plan (TDSP) addresses the public transportation needs of the transportation disadvantaged (TD) population in St. Lucie County. The TD population consists of persons who are ~ unable to transport themselves or to purchase transportation, and includes the elderly, low-income, disabled, and children-at-risk. Completion of a TDSP is a requirement- for receiving certain public transportation funds. The TDSP complies with applicable state regulations as well as federal regulations for a Coordinated Public Transit-Human Services Transportation Plan (Coordinated Plan). The Coordinated Plan is required for funding from the Elderly Individuals and Individuals with Disabilities (Section 5310), JARC (Job Access and Reverse Commute, Section 5316), and New Freedom (Section 5317) grant programs. Like the TDSP, the Coordinated Plan addresses the needs of individuals with disabilities, seniors, and individuals with low incomes. TDSP/Coordinated Plan elements include a development plan, service plan, and quality assurance component. The St. Lucie TDSP Minor Update was .jointly developed by St. Lucie Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) staff, the St. Lucie County Community Transportation Coordinator (CTC), and the contracted public transportation provider, the Council on Aging of St. Lucie, Inc. (COASL). The TDSP review committee also included transit staff from Martin County. The Local Coordinating Board for the Transportation Disadvantaged (LCB) approves the TDSP and it is submitted to the Florida Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged (CTD) for final action. The' TDSP is used by the CTC and the LCB to maintain and/or improve transportation services for the transportation disadvantaged and to serve as a framework for performance evaluation. The TDSP is updated annually. A major update covers afive-year period with annual updates required for years two through five. The following report is the second TDSP annual update. Although updates and amendments may occur in any of the components of the TDSP, CTD Guidelines for TDSP Updates require the following components of the Plan to be updated annually: 1) Section I -Development Plan: Needs Assessment a) Ensure that new service or capital needs are identified 1 TDSP/Coordinated Plan Minor Update b) Ensure that new service or capital needs support future funding applications 2) Section I -Development Plan: Goals, Objectives, Strategies a) Ensure that objectives indicate an implementation date/accomplishment date b) Note deficiencies and corrective actions c) Note service improvements or expansions d) Section should be logical and mirror format from previous year 3) Section I -Development Plan: Implementation Plan a) Identify progress, setbacks, adherence to schedules b) Revise implementation schedule as necessary 4) Section III- Cost/Revenue Allocation and Rate Structure Justification a) Review current and updated projected expenses, revenues and levels of service and make adjustments accordingly. b) Submit new Service Rates Summary page and Rate Model Worksheets In addition to the required components above, the TDSP annual update must address any concerns outlined in the CTD Review Letter which is sent to the Planning Agency and the CTC upon review and acceptance of the TDSP. 2.0 -PUBLIC PARTICIPATION The TD Program strives to coordinate the provision of transportation services in a manner that is cost effective, safe, efficient, and that reduces fragmentation and duplication of services. TD transportation services are coordinated through the St. Lucie County Housing and Community Services Department which functions as the local CTC. The LCB, which consists of elected officials, social services representatives, and citizen representatives, guides and assists the CTC in the coordination of TD services. Development of the TDSP/Coordinated Plan represents a coordinated and collaborative effort among transportation providers, passengers, advocates, social service agencies, and other community groups. The TDSP/Coordinated Plan has been prepared with input gathered at the annual LCB public hearing in March 2011 where an overview of the TD program and transit operations was provided and the local mission, goals, and .objectives .were reviewed. Public participation also was solicited at the LCB's June 2011 regular meeting. Legal notice in newspapers of general circulation was provided for both the public hearing and regular meeting. 2 TDSP/Coordinated Plan Minor Update In addition, the CTC has partnered with South Florida Commuter Services to promote ride sharing and transit use to improve the public's access to jobs and job training through improved transportation options. 3.0 -NEEDS ASSESSMENT CTD guidelines require an annual update of the TDSP Needs Assessment, The update must ensure that new service or capital needs are identified to support future funding applications. A Needs Assessment was included in the TDSP Major Update. This Needs Assessment was based on the most current Center for Urban Transportation Research (CUTR) at the University of South Florida methodology and University of Florida Bureau of Economic and Business Research (BEBR) data. Applying the CUTR methodology, the 2011 forecast of TD population in St. Lucie County was projected by CUTR in the TDSP Major Update to be 24,180. The 2010 U.S. Census indicates a St. Lucie County population of 277,789, a two percent increase from the April 2009 BEBR estimate. In applying this two percent increase, an updated estimate of the 2011 TD population would be 24,664. The Major Update estimated the demand for general trips for the TD population. General trips are trips made by TD persons to destinations of their choice (not to agency programs). Examples of general trips are trips to work or grocery stores and, non-Medicaid trips. The TDSP Major Update forecast a 2011 unmet demand for general trips for the TD population of 285,238. Applying a two percent increase, an updated estimate of the 2011 unmet demand for general trips for the TD population is 290,943. The Major Update noted that figures related to the demand and supply of TD general trips include trips that will also fall under the category of Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) complementary paratransit services thus creating some duplication in the calculation of trip demand. Another component of the Needs Assessment is the transit dependency analysis. There are several key indicators of transit dependency that can be derived from annual U.S. Census estimates. These indicators include the population 65 years and older, the disabled population, and the number of persons living below the poverty level. According to the 2009 U.S. Census estimate for St. Lucie County, 20 percent of the population was 65 years and 3 TDSP/Coordinated Plan Minor Update older. (Note: Certain 2010 demographics are not yet available by county.) St. Lucie's elderly percentage population is higher than the State of Florida's 17 percent. In both the State of Florida and St. Lucie County, approximately 17 percent of persons 5+ years of age are disabled. Both the State and the County have approximately 13 percent of their populations living below the poverty level. Because many disabled persons are also unemployed or underemployed, the disabled population is mostly economically disadvantaged. The significant percentages of elderly, low income, and disabled persons in St. Lucie County creates a need for transportation services to access jobs, medical, and recreational .opportunities. Agencies in St. Lucie County have applied for and been awarded funds from the Section 5310 (Elderly Individuals and Individuals with Disabilities), Section 5316 (Job Access and Reverse Commute), and Section 5317 (New Freedom) programs. Due to the recent economic decline and .the resultant decrease in transit funding, projects funded from these programs will be needed in the future to enhance access to jobs and other opportunities for the transportation disadvantaged population. The above Needs Assessment forms the basis from which TDSP Implementation Plan service and capital needs are derived. A detailed listing of service and capital needs is included in the St, Lucie/Martin Regions/ Transit Development Plan 2010-2019, A major effort in St. Lucie County is the promotion of greater use of its fixed route bus system by riders .capable of transitioning from the demand response system. Given that the cost for providing a fixed route trip is significantly less than the cost of a demand response trip, efforts to shift individuals to the fixed route service would help reduce operating costs.. 4.0 -BARRIERS TO COORDINATION While there are no federal, state or local government policies in place that prohibit, hinder or prevent the coordination of both inter- and intra-county coordination, several barriers currently exist that make coordination difficult at best. These include: • Federal, state, and local funding for transportation services has not kept pace with ever increasing travel demand. The result has been 4 TDSP/Coordinated Plan Minor Update reductions in service and the lack of financial resources to promote agency coordination. • The reluctance of some health care providers to coordinate their services with the delivery of transportation services presents a challenge to the efficient scheduling of passenger trips. • Local social services agencies have been adversely impacted by the downturn of the economy and .now face increased demand for services as their funding sources are being reduced. This has resulted. in increased demand for TD travel that cannot be met and the lack of financial resources to promote agency coordination. • Many St. Lucie County TD clients desire to travel outside the county boundaries. Whereas the Treasure Coast Connector Route #1 provides connecting service into Martin County there are limited Community Transit TD services outside St. Lucie County. • The reluctance of some private developers to provide adequate pedestrian access to and from the Treasure Coast Connector bus stops limits the ability of TD passengers to safely access fixed route transit services. • The channeling of regional funds to individual jurisdictions presents a challenge to coordination among the various transportation partners benefitting from the funds. • St. Lucie County's expansive geographic area and the existence of numerous, sprawling gated communities presents a challenge to providing countywide TD service. The elimination of barriers to enhanced integration of the paratransit and fixed-route systems is being addressed through the TD program and other initiatives. 5.0 - MISSION STATEMENT, GOALS, 0B7ECTIVES, AND STRATEGIES CTD guidelines require that the TDSP objectives indicate an implementation date and/or accomplishment date, note all deficiencies and corrective 5 TDSP/Coordinated Plan Minor Update actions, note service improvements or expansions, and be logical and mirror the format of the previous year TDSP. The TDSP Mission Statement, Goals, Objectives, and Strategies shown in Table 1 in the Appendix were reviewed in light of several factors that have led to funding declines for public transportation in St. Lucie County over the past several years. A major factor has been the decline in property values in the County, which has negatively impacted revenue generated from the County's Municipal Services Taxing Unit (MSTU), a dedicated transit funding source. 6.0 -IMPLEMENTATION PLAN CTD guidelines require that the annual update of the TDSP implementation plan identify progress, setbacks, and adherence to schedules noted in the prior year TDSP, with a revision of the implementation plan as needed. Despite a reduction in funding for public transportation as a whole, considerable progress was made in the implementation of transit-related projects in 2010. Groundbreaking occurred on the Avenue D Intermodal Transfer Facility. The Facility is on track for completion in mid-2011. The County's inventory of Park & Ride spaces was increased by 34 spaces with the. dedication of a portion of the St. Lucie .County. Administration Building Parking Lot. An additional 54 carpoolers and 24 vanpoolers registered with SFCS in 2010. Bus shelter infrastructure such as landscaping and trash receptacles were placed. The City of Fort Pierce adopted transit development review guidelines to assist developers during the development review process. St. Lucie transit staff continued to work with St. Lucie County on the adoption of similar guidelines. St. Lucie transit staff teamed with Martin and Indian River transit staffs to promote the Florida Public Transportation Association's IM4Transit.org campaign whose goal is to mobilize 100,000 transit supporters in Florida. St. Lucie was able to secure additional funding sources in 2010. The County received $4,550,000 in federal State of Good Repair funds for capital purchases. More than $30,750 in transit fees from private developers in lieu of bus infrastructure was received. JARC/New Freedom funds were awarded to local recipients to assist with the development of job-related transportation and transportation for elderly/disabled individuals. Section 5310 funds were awarded to local nonprofit organizations to assist with the transportation of their clients. 6 TDSP/Coordinated Plan Minor Update Additional update information is summarized in the 2011 TDSP Implementation Plan shown as Table 2 in the Appendix. Increasing system efficiency is a primary component of the Implementation Plan. Specific capital projects and activities are listed. A timeline for projects and activities is included as well as notes regarding progress-made. 7.0 - SERVICE PLAN - TYPES, HOURS AND DAYS OF SERVICE CTD guidelines require a Service Plan operations element that is a profile of the CTC's current system which provides basic information about the CTC's daily operations. The St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners serves as the Community Transportation Coordinator (CTC) -for St. Lucie County. The responsibility for the day-to-day operation of the coordinated system has been given to the St. Lucie County Housing and Community Services Office, Transit Division. The County contracts with Community Transit, a division of the Council on Aging of St. Lucie, Inc. (COASL), to provide transportation disadvantaged services. The fixed route service also is provided by COASL and is called the Treasure Coast Connector (TCC). The coordinated transportation disadvantaged system in St. Lucie County currently operates between the hours of 7:00 am-12 noon and 1:00 pm- 6:00 pm, Monday through Friday, except holidays. MV Transportation, Inc. was awarded the Medicaid contract by the Florida Commission for Transportation Disadvantaged on November 1, 2008. Medicaid transportation services are provided 24 hours per day, 7 days a week through contracted transportation providers. 8.0 -COST/REVENUE ALLOCATION AND RATE STRUCTURE JUSTIFICATION CTD Guidelines require a review of current and updated projected expenses, revenues and levels of service with adjustments made accordingly. New Service Rates Summary pages and Rate Model Worksheets must be submitted. 7 TDSP/Coordinated Plan Minor Update Declines in public transportation funding have created significant barriers to the coordination of TD services. Funding for transportation services has continually decreased over the past several years let alone kept up with ever increasing travel demand. Increased fuel prices and insurance have caused an increase in expenses which increased trip cost. When fuel increases, tire prices and service costs increase. Therefore, public transportation experienced both a reduction in funding and an increase in expenses. The result of the above situation is that St. Lucie is struggling to maintain its existing service levels let alone have the financial resources to pursue and/or expand service. The recent downturn in the Florida and St. Lucie County economies due to the collapse of the real estate market and property tax reform has resulted in budget cutbacks at the local government level. This has resulted in local financial pressure on TD services, including opportunities to promote coordination. Local social services agencies have been adversely impacted by the downturn of the economy and now face increased demand for services as their funding sources are being reduced. This has resulted in increased demand for TD services that cannot be met. Other barriers include the lack of inter-county transit services, inadequate pedestrian access to transit, and limited travel training opportunities. Given the above summarized economic. climate and other issues, adjustments have been made to the rate structure to show the fully allocated costs of providing transportation disadvantaged trips. The rate structure is based on the type of trip in -the service area. Individual trips are the most costly, with group and subscription trips costing less due to shared origins and destinations. The current rates are: Ambulatory $14.71 Wheelchair $25.22 9.0 -PREVIOUS TDSP REVIEW LETTER The CTD guidelines require that all items recommended for follow-up as part of the prior TDSP Review be addressed in the update. CTD staff did not provide a TDSP Review Letter for the 2010 TDSP Minor Update. 8 TDSP/Coordinated Plan Minor Update 10.0 -SUMMARY St. Lucie County and COASL will continue to optimize the use of all available funding and other resources, seek measures to enhance revenue creation, continue to increase the efficiency of the transit system, and maximize mobility opportunities. In the upcoming year, due to economic declines, there may be a need to further reduce current service to meet the decrease in funding. Bus fares have been increased to offset some of the deficit in funding but additional measures may be necessary. 9 TDSP/Coordinated Plan Minor Update APPENDIX 10 TDSP Minor Update TABLE 1 -MISSION, GOALS, OBJECTIVES, AND STRATEGIES The mission of the St. Lucie Transportation Disadvantaged Program is: To provide a safe, efficient, and accessible coordinated transportation system that enhances the mobility and accessibility of all residents and visitors traveling in St. Lucie County. The following goals, objectives and strategies have been adopted to further the mission above. GOAL 1: Maximize the coordination of transportation services for the transportation disadvantaged and social services organizations. Estimated Date Responsible of Completion Agency Objective 1.1 -Minimize the dup/ication of transportation disadvantaged services provided within and outside the County. Strategy 1.1.1 -Annually update an December 2011 CTC/TPO inventory of transportation resources for the transportation disadvantaged available in or planned for the service area. Strategy 1.1.2 -Continue to work with Ongoing CTC other CTCs in the region to facilitate inter-county trips. Objective 1.2 -Bring a// of the socia/ service organizations that provide transportation into the coordinated system through purchase of service contracts; coordination contracts, and/or joint use agreements. 11 TDSP Minor Update TABLE 1 -MISSION, GOALS, OBJECTIVES, AND STRATEGIES Strategy 1.2.1 -Annually advise December 2011 CTC transportation providers about the nature and benefits of coordinated transportation services and request that the providers enter into purchase of service contracts, coordination contracts, and/or joint use agreements. Objective 1.3 -Identify and address actual or perceived barriers to coordination of transportation services in St, Lucie County. Strategy 1.3.1 =Continue holding July 2011 CTC annual workshops with coordination contractors and contracted transportation operators. Strategy 1.3.2 -Meet with the local December 2011 CTC medical community to advocate the prioritization of TD clients which would help resolve demand response system scheduling conflicts. GOAL 2: Plan for the necessary expansion of the coordinated transportation system as necessary to meet the demand and needs of the transportation disadvantaged. .Estimated Date Responsible of Completion Agency Objective 2.1 -Assure the provision of adequate vehic% capacity to meet the demand for transportation disadvantaged services. Strategy 2.1.1 -Continue to compare Ongoing CTC current capacity with needed capacity identified in transit capital acquisition/replacement plans as outlined 12 TDSP Minor Update TABLE 1 -MISSION, GOALS, OBJECTIVES, AND STRATEGIES in the current Transit Development Plan and TPO Transportation Improvement Program. Objective 2.2 -Assure the provision of adequate personne/ to operate, maintain, and administer the coordinated system to meet the demand for transportation disadvantaged services. Strategy 2..2.1 -Continue to compare current personnel to needed personnel to provide for the overall efficiency of the system and conduct employee training that optimizes the use of resources. Ongoing CTC Objective 2.3 -Identify and secure the necessary federal, state, local, and private funding to support the coordinated system in meeting the demand for transportation disadvantaged services. Strategy 2.3.1 -Pursue all available funding opportunities at the federal, state and local levels as well as from private or non-traditional sources. Ongoing CTC/TPO Strategy 2.3.2 -Continue to work with the Florida Legislature, the Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged, and other entities to increase transportation disadvantaged funding. Ongoing CTC/TPO 13 TDSP Minor Update TABLE 1 -MISSION, GOALS, OBJECTIVES, AND STRATEGIES Objective 2.4 -Maintain or establish the necessary organizational structure and institutional arrangements necessary for the coordinated system to meet the demand for transportation disadvantaged services. Strategy 2.4.1 -Work toward Ongoing CTC/TPO implementation of the Regional Transit Authority Action Plan which outlines the necessary organizational structure and institutional arrangements. GOAL 3: Provide for the most cost-effective provision of transportation disadvantaged services. Estimated Date Responsible of Completion Agency Objective 3.I -Encourage and promote the mu/ti-loading of vehicle trips to reduce the cost per trip and maximize efficiency. Strategy 3.1.1 -Continue to transfer Ongoing CTC capable individuals to the fixed route system . Strategy 3.2 -Continue to enforce the Ongoing CTC no-show policy. Objective 3,2 -Seek to minimize the costs required to operate and administer transportation disadvantaged services. 14 TDSP Minor Update TABLE 1 -MISSION, GOALS, OBJECTIVES, AND STRATEGIES Strategy 3.2.1 -Continue to transfer Ongoing CTC capable individuals to the fixed route system. Strategy 3.2.2 -For capable individuals Ongoing CTC who are not within a reasonable walking distance of the fixed route, pick them up with the demand response system and: transport them to the nearest fixed route stop. Strategy 3.2.3 -Work with local Ongoing CTC/TPO jurisdictions and businesses to improve access to and from bus stops. GOAL 4: Promote land use planning which encourages multi-modal transportation services and minimizes energy consumption. Estimated Date Responsible of Completion .Agency Objective 4.1 -Expand development review procedures to require the consideration of multi-modal transportation system impacts and infrastructure. Strategy 4.1.1 -Increase involvement Ongoing CTC by transit agency staff in local development review processes and educate local agency staff on the needs of transit. Objective 4.2 -Consider the potential for sponsored transportation services, especially for developments with a significant elder/y population. 15 TDSP Minor Update TABLE 1 -MISSION, GOALS, OBJECTIVES, AND STRATEGIES Strategy 4.2.1 - In cooperation with June 2012 CTC local jurisdictions, include the consideration of the potential for sponsored transportation services in the goals, objectives and policies of the adopted comprehensive plans. GOAL 5: Stimulate the use of private funds and services in meeting the needs of the transportation disadvantaged. Estimated Date Responsible of Completion Agency Objective 5,1 -Identify and accommodate opportunities for private sector participation in funding the coordinated transportation system. Strategy 5.1.1 - In collaboration with Ongoing CTC/TPO South Florida Commuter Services, educate major employers on the advantages of their employees using the fixed route system and encourage them to purchase bus passes to meet the needs of their employees and to receive tax benefits. Strategy 5.1.2 -Encourage major Ongoing CTC/TPO employers or major transit attractors to provide a safe bus waiting area for employees/passengers such as a bench or shelter. Objective 5,2 -Identify and accommodate opportunities for estab/fishing and coordinating private/y-sponsored transportation services in meeting the needs of the transportation disadvantaged. 16 TDSP Minor Update TABLE 1 -MISSION, GOALS, OBJECTIVES, AND STRATEGIES Strategy 5.2.1 -Identify transit Ongoing CTC opportunities by advertising available funding matches for privately-sponsored transportation services (Sections 5316 and 5317 programs) and advise on the benefits of the coordinated system and the opportunities to join. Objective 5.3 -Identify and accommodate public/private partnerships in the provision of coordinated transportation services. See Strategy 5.1.1 and 5.1.2 above. GOAL 6: Provide education and marketing of paratransit services to current riders, the general public, agency sponsored clients, visitors, and other potential customers. Estimated Date Responsible of Completion Agency Objective 6.1 -Maximize the accessibility of service information including a/ternative delivery formats such as Brai//e, auditory enhanced and a/ternative languages. Strategy 6.1.1 -Provide service Ongoing CTC information according to each agency's Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Plan. Objective 6.2 -Utilize the electronic dissemination of marketing and education materia/s, including, but not /invited to the Internet, e-mai/s, /istservs, websites, etc, 17 TDSP Minor Update TABLE 1 -MISSION, GOALS, OB]ECTIVES, AND STRATEGIES Strategy 6.2.1 -Partner with South Ongoing CTC/TPO Florida Commuter Services and other agencies to maximize the electronic dissemination of marketing and educational materials. Objective 6.2 -ensure that a// websites and other a/ectronic media are comp/iant with app/icab/e Rehabi/itation Act provisions, Strategy 6.3.1 -Annually review December 2011 CTC websites and other media for compliance. GOAL 7: Operate a safe and secure transportation system. Estimated Date Responsible of Completion Agency Objective 7.1 -Ensure that services are provided in a safe and secure manner in accordance with a// CTD, FDOT, and U.S. DOT standards and regu/a tions. Strategy 7.1.1 -Continually review June 2011 CTC regulations and update operations plans and procedures on equipment, bus safety, drugs, and alcohol. Objective 7.2 - Deve/op, imp/ement, maintain, and annua//y update a System Safety Program P/an and Security Program P/an. Objective 7.3 - Estab/ish and maintain, as part of the bus system safety program, an accident/incident 18 TDSP Minor Update TABLE 1 -MISSION, GOALS, OBJECTIVES, AND STRATEGIES procedure that ensures sufficient review, evaluation, and continual improvement. Strategy 7.3.1 -Continue to review and Ongoing CTC evaluate accidents and provide the necessary equipment or training. Incorporate improved procedures in the System Safety Program Plan based on the reviews and evaluations. Objective 7.4 -Continually review accident/incident data to identify trends that may need to be addressed through training or procedural changes, Strategy 7.4.1 -Continue to review Ongoing CTC accidents/incidents to identify trends and provide the necessary equipment or training based on the review. 19 TDSP Minor Update TABLE 2 -IMPLEMENTATION PLAN Action Responsible Agency Timeframe Progress Strategy Maintain existing and Two coordination pursue additional CTC ONGOING agreements 1.1.1 transportation added in 2010 1.2.1 coordination agreements 1.3.1 Coordinate with South An additional 54 Florida Commuter carpoolers and 5.1.1 Services (SECS) on CTC/TPO/COMMUNITY ONGOING 24 vanpoolers 6.2.1 continuing development TRANSIT registered with of vanpools, carpools and SECS. other transportation demand management efforts Identify park and ride CTC/TPO/COMMUNITY ONGOING An additional lots within St. Lucie TRANSIT Park & Ride 5.1.1 County location was identified, adding 34 Park & Ride spaces to the countywide Park & Ride invento Continue to actively seek $4.55 million in federal and state grants CTC/TPO/COMMUNITY ONGOING federal State of 2.3.1 for operation and capital TRANSIT Good Repair 2.3.2 funding funds were received. Pursue alternative Community funding sources to CTC/TPO/COMMUNITY ONGOING Transit is in 2.3.1 provide additional TRANSIT contract for bus transportation services advertisements. and capital equipment Pursue Sections 5310 Section 5310, (Transportation for CTC ONGOING 5316, and 5317 2.3.1 Elderly Persons and project funds Persons with Disabilities), were awarded in 5316 (Job Access and 2010. Reverse Commute [JARC]) and 5317 (New Freedom funds Select projects for 5310, Section 5310, 5316 and 5317 funds CTC/TPO ONGOING 5316, and 5317 5.2.1 using Project Selection projects were Committees selected in 2010. Install bus shelters CTC ONGOING Enhancements to existing bus 3.2.3 shelters were 5.1.2 installed. 20 TDSP Minor Update TABLE 2 -IMPLEMENTATION PLAN Action Responsible Agency Timeframe Progress Strategy Review major CTC/TPO/COMMUNITY ONGOING Transit staff is developments and site TRANSIT actively involved 3.2.3 plans in the context of in the review 4.1.1 public transit processes for the 5.1.2 local jurisdictions. Promote public transit CTC/TPO/COMMUNITY ONGOING St. Lucie transit services through various TRANSIT staff teamed 6.1.1 media with Martin and 6.2.1 Indian River 6.3.1 transit staffs to promote. the Florida Public Transportation Association's IM4Transit.org cam ai n. Establish transit design CTC JUNE 2012 The City of Fort guidelines to assist Pierce is 4.1.1 developers during implementing 4.2.1 development review transit design process guidelines in the Fort Pierce Comprehensive Plan Coordinate quarterly COMMUNITY TRANSIT ONGOING Four meetings meetings of the Treasure were conducted 1.1.2 Coast Transportation in 2010. 1.3.2 Meetin TCTM Participate in the CTC/TPO/COMMUNITY ONGOING The RTO 2.4.1 regional transit planning TRANSIT Interlocal was process established in executed. the Transit Authority Members of the Action Plan RTO Board were selected. Maximize the efficiency CTC/TPO/COMMUNITY ONGOING Fixed route 2.1.1 of the transit system TRANSIT ridership 2,2,1 increased by 46 3.1.1 percent in 2010 3 2 3.2.1 3.2.2 Ensure the safety and CTC/TPO/COMMUNITY ONGOING Community 7.1.1 security of the transit TRANSIT Transit began 7,3.1 system installation of 7,4.1 security cameras on buses in 2010. 21 TDSP Minor Update TABLE 3 - ST. LUCIE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION INVENTORY Taxi, Shuttles and Private Motor_Coaches A & L Airport & Local Taxi Service Stuart Taxi Service Acadiana Destination Services Airport Transportation & Taxi Service Near Transportation Group Amazing Ride Transportation Service Express Taxi Service Suncoast Limousine AAA Airport & Local Taxis Services Greyhound Lines, Inc. Express Cab & Town Cars Allen Taxi Service of Port Saint Lucie All City Transportation and Autobus AAA Taxi Cabs St. Lucie West Transportation Pronto Taxi Angel Taxi Cab Yellow Cab Company Courtesy Transportation Services Triple AAA Taxi Gilbert Enterprise Checker Cab East Coast Taxi Tim Taxi Svc Robert's Transportation Legacy Yellow Cab Acclaim Luxury Transportation First Choice Express Crown Royal Transportation Always On Time Smart Shuttle Public Trans ortati' n COASL/Community Transit Q~ .~~ Hom Universal Home Care Divine Care M&D Residential Divine Hands Group Home Mt. Zion Group Home Nativity Group Home 22 TDSP Minor Update TABLE 3 - ST. LUCIE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION INVENTORY ptiher All County Ambulance ALPI Agricultural and Labor Program ARC of St. Lucie Aurora of the Treasure Coast Gulfstream Goodwill New Horizons of the Treasure Coast South Florida Commuter Services St. Lucie County School Board St. Lucie County Veterans Services MV Transportation Plant A Seed Ministry Treasure Coast Food Bank 23 TDSP Minor Update TDSP/COORDINATED PLAN CERTIFICATION The St. Lucie County Local Coordinating Board hereby certifies that an annual evaluation of the Community Transportation Coordinator was conducted consistent with the policies of the Commission for .'the Transportation Disadvantaged and recommendations of that evaluation have been incorporated in this Service Plan. Date Commissioner Paula Lewis Local Coordinating Board Chair Approved by the Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged: Date CTD Executive Director 24 TDSP Minor Update TDSP/COORDINATED PLAN LOCAL COORDINATING BOARD ROLL CALL VOTE REPRESENTATION MEMBER VOTED FOR VOTED AGAINST ABSENT FROM VOTING Chair erson Elderl Communit Disabled Communit Citizen Advocate Citizen Advocate/User Children At Risk Economical) Disadvanta ed Public Education FL De t. of Trans ortation FL De t of Children & Families FL De t of Elder Affairs FL De t of Vocational Rehab FL De t of Health Care Admin Re Tonal Workforce Board Veteran Services Local Mass Transit Trans ortation Industr Local Medical Communit 25 TDSP Minor Update ST. LUCIE COUNTY LOCAL COORDINATING BOARD MEMBERSHIP CERTIFICATION Name: St. Lucie Transportation Planning Organization Address: 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, Florida 34982 Phone: 772-462-1593 The St. Lucie Transportation Planning Organization (Transportation Disadvantaged Designated Official Planning Organization) hereby certifies to the following: 1. The membership of the Local Coordinating Board, established pursuant to Rule 42- 2.012(3), FAC. Does in fact represent the appropriate parties as identified in the following list; and 2. The membership represents, to the maximum extent feasible, a cross section of the local community. SIGNATURE: DATE: (LCB Chair) REPRESENTATION MEMBER'S NAME ALTERNATE'S NAME TERM Chair Paula Lewis None Indefinite Elderl Communit Alan Love None Indefinite Disabled Communit Sebastian Gomez None Indefinite Citizen Advocate Robert Birks Jr. Vacant Indefinite Citizen Advocate/User Nanc Hess None Indefinite Veteran's Services Ro Brewer William Arnold Indefinite Economically Disadvanta ed Stacy Malinowski None Indefinite Public Education Kathr n Hensle Mart Sanders Indefinite FL De t. of Trans ortation Ja ne Pietrowski Jacl n Meli Indefinite FL Dept. of Children & Families Melissa McInturff None Indefinite FL Dept. of Vocational Rehab Steve Palumbo Tina Herzik Indefinite FL De t. of Elder Affairs Dalia Dillon Richard Hart Indefinite FL Agency for Health Care Administration Cindy Barnes William Albury Indefinite Children At Risk Jim Dw er None Indefinite Private Transportation Industr John Salvesen TJ Patanella Indefinite Public Transit Indust June Dunn Ro'e Gonzalez Indefinite Local Medical Communit Arlease Hall Vir inia Lindell Indefinite Workforce Development Board Richard Stetson Brian Bauer Indefinite 26 {.pp~~ovedSLLucIe2011.12RntaModei; Comprel~,rnel;o 6~_dynt Raga 2 of 2 Approved S4~ude2611-12RataMOdel; CarnpreAenatJe Budget ,•r71~"h ;fin. '~1". '~: .. P.aga Yoi 2. ~PMp+ed bituCiaY0t1~Y2RetgMgdaC: Rele Bade Adjueimen VV ADPtdYed 6p.yite20il-14Re(eNOQeI; Rete B@te,A9luttmeM: Pages. of 2. BU~~@t@t~ Rat@ ~a8@ W@PkStiBEt , - CTC: St. Lueio Board of Coutrty Commis61on6rs :County; St.l.dcioCounty 1._ campMre applira4la QRE6N cola In column 9; YEt,lOW ant/ BLUE tolls ars aulomaltcaHy completedfn column 3 ~- ~vmplura nPyrrcaum. u. car:.wna u. ww.r.~. w.M ,. Uxominy Vear+ 6UMrETEb Re+enues from oa t v of i01r to Sept 3Qth o[ NEYENUES (CTCroperators ONLY- l.0ca1 NoniioN fnreCoc - -_ i ... MoajCa~d CoP lRer .F 3 _ Donatbnsl CVnMbN.ons ___.._. ~ >i - -- I 7(1 d, COnhiLUfcd SaJKes 'S '.. __ __ _., .._ ..____.T- - Bu pea Pr_cg am Revenue :S i,._.__,,,__::m_ Local GOVrmRtFm _ U V d S hc.N Ronrd ~.-~ } ~_ cc pl non 6erv' a ~_ CWl 17 Cefh, -. _~ { 3T 179" _ county In-hind cool wined 6~en5a ~ f _- _ GTy Cesn v_ S ~_ _-__ .. arty Irrlmd, G t baits 5erv:~!y,... .._ a .... '_ Othvr Ceah a - _ _.__ _. 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Match required. on any state or federal grants, This does not mean that Ferebo$h the only source for Local Match. Please review all Orani Applications end Agreements tontalnlag $tnto andfor Federal funds for the proper Match Rggalrqment kvela and allcwpd sourees. . ... pPLD ceH9 .. FIIITn That pettion of Budgeted fiete Subaldy Rb quoin Column 4lhatwilloome from Funde Eafrnarkod ¢~r [i~fe funtilitb ~. Source for Purchasing Equipmeht or Produdng Rcquftatl Dallvo[a¢ks. Also Include the portion of Local Funtls earrnark~d as Match related to the eurchsae of Caakal' ui tt a mat;••itamount Is required Dy the Funding J 'Page t o17 ~..;:~ Approves Sttudd2011~iRReleModal:. .eudgdtd Rate base:. BU(Ig@t@O ~BtA 8888 wOf~CSf1@@t CTC: `SGLuele Board of County commiaatcnen CrtNrMy:: StlucFe county 1 Con~lefe applleabfo GREEi~- ceHS In cpiumn 3< YELLOW and 6LUS cells are automafkepy compbled in column 3 2: GorryNetaappgcabJe GOLD caRSfncolumnamf5 tJpcP+iivq Yeaf~. 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I 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ts'~r ~ ~ ^`~1•* f~l ~~ ~ gyp,. t~ t ~ - ~ f"~~~ r-~ y ~! ~ ,t ~ ~ ~~f cr~1,t ,~ NN y r1 {~'`.~ ~ ~7 31,1 ~ ~ ~ I~;zrY Y ~ ~;s y~•~~' I ~ ~, . 41 !n~ 1, yr,.r,--. ,}~,~~~' ~ .'•r .u' , ~ :3f t . "a ?iCr 1 4~ ~ . ~ ~ { ~ S~ `,.~ { ~ ~ ~ ~, v5 1 ,! ! k11 1 y~y 4 f~ 1 "i ~ ~ 1 I. f t f. } ~~~,~ `. ~ y ~ i I ' v Y \ 11U' ~f~ Y14 N•.3 ~ i'~, S ~1(~l 'r 1'F`1 h~`f~ 1~r ~ 3` ~~1 ~c i r "f S ~a 1 t r r t ~ ~, rii~~ 4 r )1[f t l 1 p ~~ f I- k i ~ ,1 ~ ~ t ~ l j t t 5 t ilt ~ .. ~ ~ t ~; 1r ~ {k U ~ ~ ! ~ = ~ E;;`~E ~ ` ~+ ~ ~, ~ 3 { ~~ i l.s~I J _ _ j. ~ ~ ~' ~ ~ ` , ~ . ~ ~ R ~ j " t , <~ ). ~ ,g - ~ ~ 3 5 1~~ ~ ~,.a ~, ~ ~ ~y ~ I 4 y f :; 5 ~~ jf i~ ` $ ~~ ~~~ Il ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~r ~ . ~ iS ~ ~~ ~ {,~E t ~ ~~~ ~ LL 0 ~ + ) ~ Yx ~L '.1 T~dnrportation ~iaenin9 ~rgani:otion 5T. W[iE UfiC3RN f~f-iEf MEMORANDUM 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, FL 34982-5652 Telephone: 772/462-1593 Fax: 772/462-2549 Agenda Item No. 6b. TO: St. Lucie Local Coordinating Board for the Transportation Disadvantaged (LCB) THROUGH: Peter Buchwald Executive Director FROM: Marceia Lathou Transit Program Manager DATE: May 20, 2011 SUB]ECT: Grievance Procedures Update Item Origination; Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) Task 3.7 - Transportation Disadvantaged (TD) Program Action; Approve, approve with conditions, or do not approve. BACKGROUND As an extension of the Florida Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged (CTD), the LCB is tasked with implementing the Transportation Disadvantaged program at the local level. This includes the resolution of grievances when resolution by the Community Transportation Coordinator (CTC) cannot be accomplished. The LCB Grievance Procedures set forth a system for resolving grievances in a prompt and fair manner. A complaint and grievance are required to have two processes. Filing a complaint locally with the CTC is always the first step. If the complaint is not resolved to the customer's satisfaction, generally the next step would be to file a written grievance with the LCB. Once a grievance has been heard by the LCB, then the CTD would consider hearing the grievance ANALYSIS The CTD requires all local systems to have written procedures for addressing/resolving complaints and grievances. Complaints are defined by Transportation Planning for Fort Pierce, Port St. Lucie, St. Lucie Village and St. Lucie County St. Lucie LCB Meeting Wednesday, June 8, 2011 Page 2 of 2 the CTD as any documented customer concern involving timeliness, vehicle condition, quality of service, personnel behavior, and other operational policies. Grievances are defined as unresolved complaints. To assist in implementing the grievance function, the LCB is required to establish a Grievance Committee consisting of voting members of the LCB. There are currently three members on the St. Lucie LCB Grievance Committee: Mr. Sebastian Gomez, Ms. Kathryn Hensley, and Mr. Steve Palumbo. The 2011 Grievance Procedures are attached. Substantive changes include the following: • Deleted reference to Medicaid grievances based on recent legislation which removed Medicaid Non-Emergency Transportation (MNET) from oversight by the CTD. • Added discussion of the role of the CTD in the LCB grievance process. • Added the required information regarding the grievance process in rider literature. STAFF RECOMMENDATION • Approve the 2011 Grievance Procedures Update ATTACHMENTS • 2011 Grievance Procedures 'rtan~po~lotion P(unnlag ~tgpalsoklon ST. lUC1E Ufi6(~N fiCiE(-1 LCB GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES Section 1: General -The following procedures are established to provide regular opportunities for grievances to be brought before the Grievance Committee. All communications, of all parties, must be in writing, hand delivered and date stamped or sent by certified mail return receipt requested. Section 2: Filing aGrievance -Should an interested party wish to file a grievance in order to receive improved service from the Transportation Disadvantaged Program, a grievance must be filed in writing to the Local Coordinating Board for the Transportation Disadvantaged (LCB). Upon request of the Grievant, the LCB shall provide information on .filing a grievance. The Grievant must demonstrate or establish a clear violation of a specific law, regulation, or contractual arrangement, copies of which may be obtained from the Community Transportation Coordinator (CTC), and shall address the grievance to: St. Lucie TPO Office St. Lucie County Administration Building 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 The grievance shall include: • The name and address of the Grievant • A statement of the grounds for the grievance made in a clear and concise manner, supplemented by supporting documentation; • An explanation of the relief desired by the Grievant; • Grievance must be hand delivered or sent certified mail return receipt requested; and • Copies of all grievances and back-up documentation shall be supplied to all interested parties, including the operator/broker, in a timely manner. Section 3: Grievance Committee - According to the ~-mss Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged (CTD) Local Coordinating Board and Planning Agency Operating Guidelines, the LCB shall appoint a Grievance Committee to serve as mediator to process and investigate service complaints and grievances from agencies, users, potential users of the system, and the CTC in the designated service area, and make recommendations to the LCB. The LCB shall establish procedures to provide Page 1 of 7 regular opportunities for issues to be brought before such committee and to address them in a timely manner. Members appointed to the Grievance Committee shall be voting members of the LCB. s In December 2007, the LCB approved a motion to allow the LCB Grievance Committee to also serve as the Grievance Committee for the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) plan developed by Community Transit. When a meeting of the Grievance Committee is necessary, staff to the LCB shall schedule a meeting for the Grievance Committee to hear a-p~ea+ed grievances. Section 4: Grievance Process - Once a grievance has been received, the Grievance Committee shall meet and issue its recommendation within thirty days of the date the grievance was filed. The Grievant and all other affected parties shall be notified in writing of the date, time and place of the Grievance Committee meeting where the grievance shall be heard. This written notice shall be mailed at least ten working days in advance of the meeting. A written copy of the recommendation made by the Grievance Committee shall be presented to the LCB at its next regularly scheduled meeting and mailed to all parties involved, within ten working days of the date of the issuance of the recommendation. Section 5: Appeal to the LCB -The recommendation of the Grievance Committee may be appealed in writing by the Grievant to the LCB, within fifteen working days from the date when the Grievance Committee issued its recommendation. Once an Appeal has been received, the LCB shall meet and issue its recommendation within thirty days of the date the appeal was filed. The Grievant and all other affected parties shall be notified in writing of the date, time and place of the LCB meeting where the appeal shall be heard. This written notice shall be mailed at least ten working days in advance of the meeting. A written copy of the recommendation made by the LCB shall be mailed to all parties involved within ten days of .the date the LCB issued its recommendation. At all meetings of the LCB, the presence in person of a majority of the voting members shall be necessary and sufFicient to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Page 2 of 7 Section 6: Notification of Meetings to Hear Grievances -the LCB shall send notice of the scheduled discussion in writing to the Grievant and other interested parties. The notices shall clearly state: • Date, time and location of the meeting; • Purposes of the discussion and a statement of issues involved; and, • Procedures to be followed during the discussion. Section 7: Written Recommendation -Written recommendations shall include the following: • A statement that a meeting was held, involving all parties, representatives, and witnesses. That all were given an opportunity to present their position; explaining the violation of a specific law, regulation or contractual agreement; • A statement that clearly defines the issues discussed; • An opinion and reasons for the recommendation based on information presented; and • A recommendation to improve the provisions of a cost efficient and effective service by the LCB based on investigation and findings. Appeal to the Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged (.CTD) -All appeals of LCB grievance decisions must be submitted to the CTD in writing. The customer may begin this process by contacting the CTD through the TD Helpline at (800) 983-2435 or via mail at: Florida Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged; 605 Suwannee St., MS- 49; Tallahassee, FL 32399-0450 or by email at www.dot.state.fl.us/ctd. Upon request of the customer, the CTD will provide the customer with an accessible copy of the CTD's Grievance Procedures. Notification of Grievance Procedures - Rider brochures or other documents provided to users or potential users of the system shall provide information about the complaint and grievance process including the publishing of the Commission's TD Helpline service when local resolution has not occurred. All materials shall be made available in accessible format, upon request by the citizen. Section 8: Additional Recourse - Apart from the above grievance processes, aggrieved parties, with proper standing, may also have recourse through Chapter 120, F.S. administrative hearings process or the judicial court system. Section 9: Amendments - The LCB Grievance Procedures may be amended by a majority vote of members present, if a quorum exists, Page 3 of 7 / . / / i ~~ GCjGRT TC~ C~:a'J'C~1"f"f ~ ~ ~ / .,..1 ..~ ~ / ~..., 1--,I...., a-.. I.. ~L... / s s~e s~et~ s , ~s~-~T e-3 oro e-~I-r~o~e e;~: e~t+~ ~=~ ~i- ;- am ~ ~ „ ,.~.. ~., ,. ~ ,. F ~- ~... ~ e ,T,~e~ g n..,.,.,.,a .. ,.,,.. i 83-~4~ -- ~ ~ t i ~ a, o on-a~ ~ ~,~,- -I~- e •~ d ILCM.. ^' ~~t~ - ~ ~ t ~ I+ f ~ = Q ~ ; > e sus s ~ - e- s~ e -a, e ~ era ~ SAef rCTs~'UCes,-TRT T , ~, • •ei '17'~e-ITl7rITD'e'~~Te },. 'G~ Page4of7 / " " ~ ~ " ~ ~ ~ -f TE r ez e --~ / ! / i / / / / ~ , ~~ iNt~ Te-C- tFSr~6i ei~--E61~9 ~C~-s-tllfiT .. F rl h: L, ., .,+-,+~:. .ter /-L,., .,/--,+-: F ,.1.,...,-......d vc v a u~.~.~.u.~a.u i A 6 - I T 1 7 i ~ \ A /:.,, ..........d Q .... ' ' ' 1.... -....1 Te CT.7'I"SCCITfEe'7~TJCAISt T'ITU '!C' S / a~ ~~ / / / / / ' ciaiii ioio iy ~ / "'u"// "L TG Page 5 of 7 Ft- r i F +~......,+-.,,.......1-. ., i , i ~T e'~'~'I"QL fmT~.7~ I'1-CIT~SCTV7CC: 'J"V11~r" 7T1.-Q-VVTnTG-'CI"f'~fGQfGQI'QTLI7T CERTIFICATION The undersigned hereby certifies that he/she is the Chairperson of the St. Lucie County Transportation Disadvantaged Local Coordinating Board (LCB) and that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of the Grievance Procedures. of this Coordinating Board as adopted by the St. Lucie LCB this $th day of June, 2011. Page6of7 ST. LUCIE COUNTY LOCAL COORDINATING BOARD FOR THE TRANSPORTATION DISADVANTAGED Paula Lewis Chairperson ATTEST: Marceia Lathou Date Transit Program Manager Page 7 of 7 T~onrporlalion A'ionnieg ~rgoeizo~ion ST. ~UCIE Uf~(3AN RfiEfl MEMORANDUM 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, FL 34982-5652 Telephone: 772/462-1593 Fax: 772/462-2549 Agenda Item No. 6c. TO: St. Lucie Local Coordinating Board for the Transportation Disadvantaged (LCB) THROUGH: Peter Buchwald Executive Director FROM: Marceia Lathou Transit Program Manager DATE: May 20, 2011 SUBJECT: Community Transportation Coordinator (CTC) Evaluation Committee Selection Item Origination: Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) Task 3.7 - Transportation Disadvantaged (TD) Program Action: Appoint a CTC Evaluation Committee. BACKGROUND The LCB is required to conduct an annual evaluation of the Community Transportation Coordinator (CTC). The Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged (CTD) provides a workbook for this purpose. ANALYSIS The CTC evaluation will be conducted by TPO staff with assistance from a CTC evaluation committee. The staff conducts the quantitative portion of .the evaluation. The staff along with a committee of the LCB conducts the qualitative portion consisting of an On-Site Observation of the System and Surveys. In the past, the LCB committee has consisted of at least one citizen advocate representative and two agency representatives, which has been effective. The Transportation Planning for Fort Pierce, Port St. Lucie, St. Lucie Village and St. Lucie County St. Lucie LCB Meeting Wednesday, June 8, 2011 Page 2 of 2 2010 CTC evaluation committee members were Ms. Arlease Hall, Ms. Nancy Hess, Mr. Alan Love, and Ms. Stacy Malinowski. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Appoint a CTC Evaluation Committee consisting of one citizen advocate representative and two agency representatives from the LCB, in accordance with past practice. Tran~portatioe ~iaeeiag ~rganizatioa ST. IUCIE Uf~if3RN RfiER MEMORANDUM 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, FL 34982-5652 Telephone: 772/462-1593 Fax: 772/462-2549 Agenda Item No. 6d. TO: St. Lucie Local Coordinating Board for the Transportation Disadvantaged (LCB) THROUGH: Peter Buchwald Executive Director FROM: Marceia Lathou Senior Planner-Transit DATE: May 20, 2011 SUBJECT: 2011 Meeting Schedule Revision Item Origination; Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) Task 3,7 - Transportation Disadvantaged (TD) Program Action; Approve, approve with conditions, or do not approve, BACKGROUND As required by Florida law, the LCB meets at least quarterly at accessible locations as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). ANALYSIS The LCB meeting scheduled for Wednesday, September 7, 2011 conflicts with the Florida American Planning Association (APA) annual conference being held September 7-10, 2011 in West Palm Beach. Therefore, it is requested that the September LCB meeting be rescheduled to Wednesday, September 14, 2011. STAFF RECOMMENDATION • Approve the 2011 Revised Meeting Schedule. ATTACHMENT • 2011 Revised Meeting Schedule Transportation Planning for Fort Pierce, Port St. Lucie, St. Lucie Village and St. Lucie County '~`rn~porEatioe ~Inneing Qrgn~i:nlioa ST. LUCK UC3t:3RN f~REA 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, FL 34982-5652 Telephone: T/2J462-1593 Facsimile: TI2/462-2549 Local Coordinating Board for the Transportation Disadvantaged (LCB) 2011 Meeting Schedule Date Type March 9, 2011 Annual Public Hearing/ Regular Meeting Location Fenn Center, Room 122* June 8, 2011 Regular Meeting September 14, 2011 Regular Meeting December 14, 2011 Regular Meeting Meeting Notes LCB meetings start at 2:00 pm. St Lucie County Walton Road Annex** St. Lucie County - BOCC Chambers*** St Lucie County Walton Road Annex** Meetings are subject to change and/or cancellation. Anyone with a disability requiring .accommodation to access the meeting facilities should contact Dan Lutzke, St. Lucie County Risk Manager, at 772-462-1546 or TDD 772-462-1428 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. Anyone with a disability requiring transit accommodation to attend the meetings should contact Community Transit at 772-464-7433 (Fort Pierce) or 772-879-1287 (Port St. Lucie) at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. Location Detai/s * Fenn Center, Room 122, 2000 Virginia Ave, Fort Pierce, Florida ** St. Lucie County Walton Road Annex, 2"d Floor Conference Room, 1664 SE Walton Road, Port St. Lucie, Florida *** St. Lucie County, BOCC Chambers, 3~d Floor, St. Lucie County Administration Building, 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, Florida Transportation Planning for Fort Pierce, Port St. Lucie, St. Lucie Village and St. Lucie County e$ -~ej° ~-e ~ *- t 9dC Email th(s FloricJa Commission for the: ~ . ,,s _ 19th Annual £QNTEN7$ I~ ~ a ~.:. r~~~ Transportation welcome ;: ~ '~y ~, ~ pisadVanta~~d Besfi General Infor ation ~~ ~ ~, ~ ~~~~; Pracfiices and Training; Agenda ~~ ~ 'b~~ Workshop Offs~e Events:. r ~ l~ugy, 9.11, 2011 Hotel Information TI"C1A5(~~r~t1~~0A' Daytona Beach, F.L e rs ~ISCIC~VC1Ati1t„)' dC Exh~itors and $papsors REGISTRATION & GOGI$TIQS']. W@~CO111~ ~ Cal~hy Gentilman `tel.. (352) 294-0846 .'fax: (352) 392-5437 The Florida Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged invites you to join us in Daytona Beach, FL for an opportunity to exchange Ideas and gain an MEEi~<ivG CoNT~rir:. increased perspective on hbw to most effett(vely increase awareness and the 'Goardinatoi• continuing needs of Florida's most vulnerable residents. We will explore hove . r. ,I ` ~ community leaders can. be equipped with the managerial tools necessary for `'teL (631) b56-9294 supporting TD initiatives in the 21st century. Conference attendees. wi0 participate in sessions devoted to new technQlogiesand review meaningful Nays' to educate government officials on community transportation neirdss, Come join us for our 19p' annual training conference whlchwill provide an opportunity to fear[t best practices in transportation operation and technology: We strongly encourage-they participation of State and Local Policy: .Makers, Metropolitan, County and Regional Planning Staff, Paratransit Systems and fixed Route Transportation. Systems as well as Vendors from transportation, technology and service. providers to TD. This year, the Daytona Beach Hiltti-i w111 be the venue for our conference, easily accommodating our special needs fpr our vegdors and sessions: In addition we will utilize the Ocean Center (across the street) for most of our sessions -and exhibits. We ook forward to seeing you. in baytona Beach, August 9-li, 2011. , Sirtcerelyy; BobbyJernigan, Executive Rrector ContactTnformatlon Program Content- Robert Craig ]ot-n Irvine Sheri Bowers, rob~,crak o dot.stat~:fl:us john.irvine~ofatate.fl:us sheri.gowersC~dotstate:fl.us: Phone: 850:410.5713 Phone: 850.410.5712 Phone, 650.416:5710 Fax: 850.410.5752 .Fax: 856:410.5752` Fax,; t~59,41,0.5752: Conference Registrat%p~ (UFD/v1~1on ofCpn!`/nufng Education- Conferences):. registratlonCa?~.5e~edu Phone: 352,392a7rJ1 V~ndorlnforma#lon Sack Mozley, CMP Muting Pianrter imoz eart~ilir~k.net Phone: :~C31,655`92g4 ,cax~,r~x~ M E M O R A N D U M ~~'~ Date: May 23, 2011 Trtrnsportatian To: Community Transportation Coordinators Disa~vantagec~ Planning Agencies Local Coordinating Board Members (via Planning Agencies) Rick Scott From: Bobby Jernigan, Executive Director Governor David Darm Copies: Commissioners/Advisors Chairperson CommlSSlon Staff Vacant Subject: 2011 Award Nominations Vice Chairman Bobby Jernigan Attached are the 2011 Awards Criteria and Nomination forms. A list of the past Executive Director recipients is also included for your information. Please submit nominations by June 10, 2011, to: Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged 605 Suwannee Street, MS-49 Tallahassee, Florida 32399 A separate nomination form and supporting information must be submitted for each nominee. A summary explaining why the nominee deserves the award should be at least one (1) page but no more than two (2). Even when not required, additional supporting information or letters of support should be submitted for each nominee (see attached Awards Criteria). All nominees will be recognized at the Awards Banquet. Once all nominations have been collected, the selection process is as follows: 1) Staff creates a standardized evaluation sheet for each category; 2) Individual categories are then combined into a complete package and sent to the Conference Awards Committee Members two weeks prior to the meeting date; 3) Committee members then review each nominee in each category and rates them on a scale of 1 to 10 and; 4) Committee members meet to discuss the nominations and the rankings of each category. Those nominees that have received the highest score from the majority of committee members receive the award. At this year's workshop, we would again like to take the opportunity to pay tribute to those employees/volunteers of the coordinated system who have passed away over the last 12 months. If you would like a past employee/volunteer of a coordinated system to be included, please submit their name and a brief description of how they were involved in the coordinated system (driver, LCB member, volunteer). Please contact Sheri Powers, John Irvine or Robert Craig at (850) 410-5700 if you have any questions. 605 Suwannee Street, MS-49 ~ Tallahassee, FL 32399-0450 Phone: (850) 410-5700 Se) Toll Free: (800) 983-2435 8e~ Fax: (850) 410.5752 www.dot. state.fl.us/ctd 19th Annual Transportation Disadvantaged Best Practices and Training Workshop 2011 Awards Nomination Form Award Categories (Check One) ^William G. & Bud Bell Lifetime Achievement Award ^ Safety Award ^ Volunteer of the Year ^ Driver of the Year ^ Designated Planning Agency of the Year ^ Innovation of the Year Award ^ Outstanding Coordinating Board of the Year ^ Rural Transportation Coordinator of the Year ^ Urban Transportation Coordinator of the Year ^ Operator of the Year ^ Dispatcher/Scheduler of the Year ^ Sheila Winitzer Shining Star Award Name of Nominee (individual. or organization) Nominee's organization Nominee's Add Nominee's Phone Number Please include the following information in your nomination: a narrative about why this nominee deserves the award with specific examples; additional appropriate documentation; endorsement from CTC, if applicable; and seven copies of all submitted material. Please review criteria prior to submittal to ensure that all required information is included. A separate nomination form and supporting information should be submitted for each nominee. Commission staff will compile information as it relates to the Annual Performance Report. If you have any questions about the nomination format or process, please contact Sheri Powers at (850) 410-5710. Nomination Submitted By: N Please mail the nomination form and related materials to address below before June 10, 2011: Agency Address City, State, Zip Phone Number Commission for Transportation Disadvantaged 605 Suwannee Street, MS 49 Tallahassee, FL 32399 ,y~,,, ,~. 7Yansparbation dlsoeJvantagad Awards Criteria for the Annual Transportation Disadvantaged Best Practices and Training Workshop Urban Community Transportation Coordinator Purpose: To recognize an urban CTC who has performed in an outstanding manner as part of the fully coordinated system for the community and the transportation disadvantaged population. For the purpose of this effort, this. designation is based on information reported by the CTC in the Annual Operating Report. Criteria: Consideration will be given to each nominee based on documented data presented in the Annual Performance Report, recent QAPE reviews, the CTC evaluation conducted by the LCB and/or timely submission of deliverables. Specific information from the Annual Performance Report will be reviewed including: increase in trips as a percent to increase expenses, safety records, operating cost per trip, operating cost per mile and operating cost per hour (if available). Rural Community Transaortation Coordinator Purpose: To recognize a rural CTC who has performed in an outstanding manner as part of the fully coordinated system for the community and the transportation disadvantaged population. For the purpose of this effort, this designation is based on information reported by the CTC in the Annual Operating Report. Criteria: Consideration will be given to each nominee based on documented data presented in the Annual Performance Report, recent QAPE reviews, the CTC evaluation conducted by the LCB, and/or timely .submission of deliverables. Specific information from the Annual Performance Report will be reviewed including: increase in trips as a percent to increase expenses, safety records, operating cost per trip, operating cost per mile and operating cost per hour (if available). Updated 3/2010 Page 1 Transuortation Volunteer of the Year Purpose: To recognize a volunteer who has provided service to the transportation disadvantaged citizens of their community. Criteria: This could be a driver, dispatcher, or any other person who has dedicated their time and expertise to help others. This could include a local Coordinating Board member who is not compensated for being a member of the LCB or is not a member as part of their employment duties. This individual should have gone beyond the call of duty to serve the local transportation disadvantaged citizens in the community. Outstanding Coordinating Board of the Year Purpose: To recognize a coordinating board that has demonstrated their dedication and support of the local service delivery system. Criteria: Efforts to be considered are leadership of the board, oversight of costs, evaluation of the CTC, handling of grievances, or other extraordinary efforts. Consideration will also be given to those boards that have had representation at Commission sponsored training and other events. Outstanding Designated OfFcial Planning Agency of the Year Purpose: To recognize a planning agency that went beyond the scope of their work to implement coordinated transportation. Criteria: The award will be based on the success of an agency in staffing the local coordinating board, developing the Service Plan, preparing needs assessments, assisting in the evaluation of the CTC, and/or other areas. Consideration will be given to timely submission of planning grant deliverables and attendance at Commission- sponsored training. The strength of the local coordinating board(s) supported will also be considered in the evaluation of the nominations. In addition, nominations should include information about the agency's efforts to include transportation disadvantaged planning into local plans. This award is for the agency that has gone beyond their scope to assist transportation disadvantaged citizens in their area. Updated 3/2010 Page 2 Driver of the Year Purpose: To honor an individual, who is either a driver for the CTC or for a transportation operator/coordination contractor under contract with the CTC, who has performed in an outstanding manner and has shown care and concern for the TD passengers. Criteria: The safety record of the individual and their dedication should be considered when making a nomination. Please cite a specific example of the driver's work with passengers or toward fellow drivers that is exemplary of the characteristics for which the driver is being nominated. A letter of support from the driver's supervisor and the CTC, if different, must be submitted with the nomination. Nominations can include compliments/commendations from riders. Safety Award of the Year Purpose: To recognize a system that has demonstrated an outstanding safety record or initiated new or improved safety programs. Criteria: Consideration will be given to those systems who have few accidents or roadcalls or who have made significant improvements over the previous period. The Annual Performance Report should be the source utilized for the data supporting these measures. In addition, DOT should be consulted to confirm the quality of the local safety program. Please cite in the nomination what programs or actions were implemented to contribute to the good safety record and describe any new or improved safety programs implemented, if applicable. The William G. & Bud Bell Lifetime Achievement Award Purpose: This award was created in honor of Dr. William (Bill) Bell. Dr. Bell had a vision in the 1970's of coordinated transportation and was instrumental in the early development of the Florida program. Criteria: A nominee for this award should have demonstrated along-term leadership role in "advocating transportation issues," have been successful in promoting the benefits of coordination of all resources and have exhibited an interest in improving the accessibility of transportation services. Leadership skills could be exhibited in the areas of research, training or advocacy. Former Updated 3/2010 Page 3 employees of the CTD cannot be nominated for work initiated and/or completed while at the CTD. Operator Award of the Year Purpose: To recognize an operator who contracts with the CTC who has delivered services to the transportation disadvantaged in a safe, cost effective and efficient and quality service manner. Criteria: The nominations should include information about the operator's contributions to the coordinated transportation system. Safety record, annual operating report information, driver training and/or rider compliments/commendations should be included to give the most comprehensive picture of the operator's role and contribution to the coordinated transportation system. A letter of recommendation from the CTC must be included with the nomination. This category may include Sub-contracted Transportation Providers. Innovation of the Year Award Purpose: To recognize a CTC that has used innovative approaches to coordinate transportation. Criteria: Consideration should be given to a CTC that has exhibited creative and effective approaches to coordinating transportation. Nominations should include the unique innovations used to meet the needs of customers. Examples of innovations and creative approaches could include: gas vouchers, geographical intelligent systems, intercounty coordination efforts, school bus utilization, volunteer utilization, driver training programs, techniques used for streamlining operations or software development to improve quality of service. Disaatcher/Scheduler of the Year Purpose: To honor an individual or team, who is either a scheduler or dispatcher for the CTC or for a transportation operator/coordination contractor under contract with the CTC, who has performed in an outstanding manner and has shown care and concern for the TD passengers. Updated 3/2010 Page 4 Criteria: The individual's/team's dedication should be considered when making a nomination. Please cite specific examples of work with passengers that exhibit the nominee's caring attitude, and reasons for nomination. A letter of support from the employee's supervisor and the CTC, if different, must be submitted with the nomination. Nominations can include compliments/commendations from consumers. The Sheila Winitzer Shining Star Award Purpose: This award was created in honor of Ms. Sheila Winitzer. Ms. Winitzer unselfishly worked to support the Transportation Disadvantaged Program. Criteria: A nominee for this award should have demonstrated along-term role in "working within the. coordinated system," have been successful in implementing programs to assist users of the coordinated system and have coordinated grassroots support for the Transportation Disadvantaged Program. If nomination is not from the CTC, please include a letter of support from the CTC with the nomination. Former employees of the CTD cannot be nominated for work initiated and/or completed while at the CTD. All nominations must be received (not postmarked) by to June 10, 2011. Previous year award winners are not eligible to receive an award for the same category. PLEASENOTE•• The Awards Committee strong/y encourages you to submit /etters ofsupport with your nominations Last year, we received severs/ great nominations and these support /etters were the deciding factor: Updated 3/2010 Page 5 Most Recent Award Winners Safety Award of the Year 2003 St. Johns County Council on Aging 2004 Suwannee River Economic Council, Lafayette County 2005 Suwannee River Economic Council, Lafayette County 2006 Suwannee Valley Transit Authority, Hamilton County 2007 Clay County Council on Aging, Clay County Transit 2008 Big Bend Transit, Inc., Gadsden Co. 2009 Zuni Transportation, Miami-Dade Co. 2010 Wakulla Co Senior Citizens Center Operator of the Year 2003 Big Bend Transit 2004 Zuni Transportation, Inc. (Miami-Dade County) 2005 Nominations Not Submitted 2006 Sumter County BOCC/Fire Services Department 2007 MV Transportation., Inc., Lake County 2008 Two Wheels, Inc., Palm Beach Co. 2009 Advanced Transportation Solutions, LLC., Miami-Dade Co, 2010 Southeastern Christian Assembly Transport, Polk County Dispatcher/Scheduler of the Year 2003 Pamela Baize (Citrus County) 2004 Luerine Bennett, Manatee County Area Transit 2005 Wanda Boggs, Ride Solution 2006 Lori Hall, Citrus County Transit 2008 Palm Tran Connection Scheduling Dept. 2009 Hillsborough County Dispatch/Scheduling Tea m 2010 Hector Betancourt, Polk Co Transit Services Driver of the Year 2003 Ernest Rittman 2004 Rosalind Young, Clay County Council on Aging 2005 Brenda Bland, Polk County Transit Services 2006 Valerie Williams, Good Wheels, Inc. 2007 Debra Christian, Polk County Transit Services 2008 Barbara Hohmann, Space Coast Area The William G. & Bud Bell Lifetime Achievement Award 2003 Boyd Thompson 2004 Marc Wichman, DCF 2005 Walter Cadwell, Department of Transportation 2006 Jimmy Swisher 2007 Ken Fischer 2008 Marion "Mac" Glasgow 2009 Annette Stewart 2010 Marcia Staszko Innovation of the Year Award 2003 Okaloosa County Board of County Commissioners 2004 Sarasota County Area Transit/SCAT 2005 Polk County Transit Services 2006 Tri-County Community Council, Inc. 2007 Mr. Nathan Jones, JTrans 2008 Ride Solution, Inc. 2009 Palm Tran Connection 2010 Medical Transportation Mgmt Sheila Winitzer Shining Star Award 2003 Dennis Dee (Palm Beach County) 2004 James Sparks, Sumter County 2005 Walter Cadwell, Department of Transportation 2006 Desiree Painter, Levy BOCC/Nature Coast Transit 2007 Ted Waters, Big Bend Transit, Inc. 2008 Marion "Mac" Glasgow 2010 Mildred Crawford, Gainesville Regional Transit System Legislator of the Year 2004 The Honorable Carole Green (R), The Florida House of Representatives 2004 The Honorable Daniel Webster (R), The Florida Senate 2005 The Honorable Mike Fasano (R), The Florida Senate 2006 The Honorable Aaron P. Bean (R), The Florida House of Representatives 2008 The Honorable Mike Fasano (R The Most Recent Award Winners Transit 2009 Shelley Hardy, Space Coast Area Transit 2009 Hector Pezzuto, Palm Beach Medical Transport 2010 Charlene Gray, Citrus Co Transit Urban Community Transportation Coordinator 2003 Broward County Transit 2004 Polk County Transportation System 2005 Charlotte County Transit Division 2006 Palm Tran Connection 2007 Hillsborough County BOCC, Sunshine Line 2008 Broward County Paratransit Services 2009 Palm Tran Connection 2010 LYNX Central Florida Regional Trans Auth Transportation Volunteer of the Year 2003 Gregg Hall (Polk County) 2003 Lindon Lindsey, (Levy County) 2004 David Evans, Palm Beach County 2005 Karen Nolte, Sumter County LCB 2006 Mildred Haygood, Sumter County LCB 2007 Leroy Clay, Liberty County Transit 2008 Valerie Barber-Simpson, Orange, Osceola & Seminole Co. LCB's 2009 Robert "Bob" Garlanger, St. Johns County Council on Aging, Inc. 2010 David Dixon, Volusia Co LCB Outstanding Designated Official Planning Agency of the Year 2003 North Central Florida RPC 2004 Withlacoochee Regional Planning Council 2005 Capital Region Transportation Planning Agency 2006 Central Florida Regional Planning Council 2007 Capitol Region Transportation Planning Agency 2008 Volusia County MPO Florida Senate 2008 The Honorable Julio Robaina (R), The Florida House of Representatives 2009 The Honorable Mike Fasano (R), The Florida Senate 2009 The Honorable Arthenia Joyner (D), The Florida Senate 2009 The Honorable Rich Glorioso (R), The Florida House of Representatives 2009 The Honorable Clay Ford (R), The Florida House of Representatives Rural Community Transportation Coordinator 2003 Sumter County Transit 2004 Sumter County Transit 2005 Suwannee Valley Transit Authority 2006 Calhoun County Senior Citizens Assoc., Inc. 2007 Liberty County BOCC, Liberty County Transit 2008 Jackson County Transportation, Inc., JTra ns 2009 Suwannee River Economic Council, Gilchrist & Lafayette Counties 20.10 Citrus County Transit Outstanding Coordinating Board of the Year 2003 Sumter County Coordinating Board 2004 Sumter County Coordinating Board 2005 Jefferson County Coordinating Board 2006 Volusia County Coordinating Board 2007 Citrus County Coordinating Board 2008 Liberty County Coordinating Board 2009 Lake County Coordinating Board 2010 Palm Beach County Coordinating Board Most Recent Award Winners 2009 Miami-Dade MPO 2010 Indian River MPO