HomeMy WebLinkAboutSept. 27, 2011 BOCC Special Meeting Agenda Packageliflllillllliiiiilfliiilill{illillliliflliiillliliiill(IIhIIllOilli1111lililliillillillllliti~ill'iiilillllllllfirlllillllllllf6l~l{Ililililiillilililifilllliifliilitiiiilililliiffliti{itNlllillliiilllilttfiil
September 27, 2011
1:15 P.M.
GENERAL RULES AND PROCEDURES -Attached is the agenda, which will determine the order of business conducted
at today's Board meeting.
CONSENT AGENDA -These items are considered routine and are enacted by one motion. There will be no separate
discussion of these items unless a Commissioner so requests.
REGULAR AGENDA -Proclamations, Presentations, Public Hearings, and Department requests are items, which the
Commission will discuss individually, usually in the order listed on the agenda.
PUBLIC HEARINGS -These items may be heard on the first and third Tuesday at 6:00 P.M. or as soon thereafter as
possible, or on a second or fourth Tuesday, which begins at 9:00 A.M., then public hearings will be heard at 9:00 A.M. or
as soon thereafter as possible. These time designations are intended to indicate that an item will not be addressed r~ior to
the listed time, The Chairman will open each public hearing and asks anyone wishing to speak to come forward, one at a
time. Comments will be limited to five minutes.
As a general rule, when issues are scheduled before the Commission under department request or public hearing, the
order of presentation is: (1) County staff presents the details of the Board -item (2) Commissioners comment (3) if a public
hearing, the Chairman will ask for public comment, (4) further discussion and action by the board.
ADDRESSING THE COMMISSION -Please state your name and address, speaking clearly into the microphone. If you
have backup material, please have eight copies for distribution.
NON-AGENDA ITEMS -These items are presented by an individual Commissioner or staff as necessary at the conclusion
of the printed agenda.
PUBLIC COMMENT -Time is allotted at the beginning of each meeting for general public comment. Please limit
comments to five minutes.
DECORUM -Please be respectful of others' opinions.
MEETINGS -All Board meetings are open to the public and are held on the first and third Tuesdays of each month; the
first Tuesday at 6:00 P.M, and the third Tuesday at 9:00 A.M., unless otherwise advertised. Meetings are held in the
County Commission Chambers in the Roger Poitras Administration Annex at 2300 Virginia Ave., Ft. Pierce, FL 34982.
The Board schedules additional workshops throughout the year as necessary to accomplish their goals and commitments.
Notice is provided of these workshops. Assistive Listening Device is available to anyone with a hearing disability. Anyone
with a disability requiring accommodation to attend this meeting should contact the St. Lucie County Community Services
Director at (772) 462-1777 or TDD (772) 462-1428 at least forty-eight. (48) hours prior to the meeting.
September 27, 2011
1:15 P.M.
Chris Craft, Chairman District No. 5
Chris Dzadovsky, Vice Chairman District No.1
Tod Mowery District No. 2
Paula A. Lewis District No. 3
Frannie Hutchinson District No. 4
iiilii'iiiltilliiiiiliillfilllilhiiill'fiifilllllilfllifiliilllliltlliiliiiililtlllilliliiil~fi{iflillitilllllllllilillilillllf liflll`(ilil~ll{ill{iilfl~iii111ififi111Ulilifillltll{iifillillllililllliiill{illi
Ordinance No. 11-028 -Tourist Development Tax
Consider staff recommendation to approve Ordinance No. 11-028 and authorize the Chairman to
sign the Ordinance.
St. Lucie County Sports Complex; Resolution No. 11-151 Authorizing a Tourist Development Tax
Improvement and Refunding Revenue Bond Series 2011A and a Tourist Tax Refunding Revenue
Bond, Taxable Seres 2011 B
Consider staff recommendation to approve Resolution No. 11-151 and authorize the Chairman to
sign the Resolution.
Second Amendment to August 1, 2003 Facilities Use Agreement -New York Mets; 2011
Expansion Program
Consider staff recommendation to approve Second Amendment to August 1, 2003 Facilities Use
Agreement -New York Mets; 2011 Expansion Program
NOTICE: All Proceedings before this Board are electronically recorded. Any person who decides to appeal any action taken by the Board at these meetings will
need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made. Upon the request of any party to
the proceedings, individuals testifying during a hearing will be sworn in. Any party to the proceedings will be granted the opportunity to cross-examine any
individual testifying during a hearing upon request. Anyone with a disability requiring accommodation to attend this meeting should contact the St. Lucie County
Risk & Benefits Manager at (772) 462-1404 or TDD (772) 462-1428 at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting.
DATE: September 27, 2011
SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney
Daniel S. McIntyre
County Attorney
Ordinance No. ii-028 -Tourist Development Tax
See attached memorandum
Staff recommends that the Board approve Ordinance No. 11-028
and authorize the Chairman to sign the Ordinance.
Faye W. Outlaw, MPA
County Administrator
Review and Approvals
County Attorney: Management & Budget PurchasinE:
Daniel S. McIntyre Marie Gouin
Originating Dept. Public Works Dir: County Eng.;,
Finance: (Check for copy only, if applicable)
Eff. 5/96
TO: Board of County Commissioners
FROM: Daniel S. McIntyre, County Attorney
C.A. NO.: 11-897
DATE: August 17, 2011
SUBJECT: Ordinance No.11-028 -Tourist Development Tax
Attached to this memorandum is a copy of draft Ordinance No. 11-028 which, if adopted,
would extend the fourth cent and fifth cent tourist tax from January 31, 2018 to December 31, 2023.
The proposed extension of the tax is part of the Phase I Expansion program wherein the Mets
propose to construct a right field terrace (similar to the existing left field terrace) with a 12,000
square foot shell under the terrace for future expansion as well as the installation of a new digital
scoreboard. As part of the program, the Mets have agreed to extend the term of the Facilities Use
Agreement five years to 2023. The St. Lucie County Tourist Development Council unanimously
approved the Phase I expansion program including the extension of the tourist development tax.
The Board granted permission to advertise the proposed ordinance on August 16, 2011.
Notice of Intent to adopt the proposed ordinance was published in the Tribune on September 5,
Staff recommends that the Board approve Ordinance No. 11-028 and authorize the
Chairman to sign the ordinance.
Respectijully submitted,
Daniel S. McIntyre
County Attorney
03-12 FROM JANUARY 31, 2018 TO DECEMBER 31, 2023; AMENDING
WHEREAS, the Board previously adopted Ordinance Nos. 02-36 and 03-12 imposing the additional
4th cent and 5`" cent tourist development taxes which Ordinances expire on January 31, 2018, unless
extended; and,
WHEREAS, this Board has determined that extending the levy and imposition of 4`h and 5`h cent
tourist development taxes for the purpose of paying debt service on bonds issued to finance the
construction, reconstruction or renovation of the St. Lucie County Sports Complex and to promote and
advertise tourism in the State of Florida is in the best interest of the health, safety and welfare of the
citizens of St. Lucie County.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of St. Lucie County,
Section 1-19.3-30 Levy
(a) Subject to the provisions of this article and Section 125.014, Florida Statutes, there is
hereby levied and imposed a tourist development tax at a rate offive (5%) percent of each dollar and major
fraction of each dol lar of the total consideration charged for each lease or dollar and major fraction of each
dollar of the total consideration charged for each lease or rental within St. Lucie County by every person
who rents, leases, or lets for consideration any living quarters or accommodations in any hotel, apartment
hotel, motel, resort motel, apartment, apartment motel, roominghouse, mobile home park, recreational
vehicle park, or condominium for a term of six (6) months or less, unless such persons rents, leases, or lets
for consideration of any living quarters or accommodations that are exempt according to the provisions of
Chapter 212, Florida Statutes.
(b) The tourist development tax shall be in addition to any other tax imposed pursuant to.
Chapter 212, Florida Statutes, and in addition to all other taxes and fees and the consideration forthe rental
or lease.
5hnek-tMea~h passages are deleted. -1- .Underlined passages are added.
(c} The tourist development tax shall be charged by the person receiving the consideration for
the lease or rental, and it shall be collected from the lessee, tenant, or customer at the time of payment
for the consideration for such lease or rental
Section 1-19.3-31. Plan for Tourist Development.
(a) Anticipated revenue. The tourist development tax shall be levied at a rate offcar(~}-five
ll percent of each dollar at the total consideration charged for leases and rentals subject to the tax. The
anticipated net tourist development tax revenue to be derived by St. Lucie County for the twenty-four (24)
months following the initial levy of-the two cent (2C) tax is six hundred twenty-four thousand dollars
($624,000.00), less costs of administration a retained by the Florida Department of Revenue.
(b) Boundaries for tax district. The district in which the tourist development tax is levied shall
include the entirety of St. Lucie County.
(c) Proposed uses of revenue of the two (29'0) percent tax. The proposed uses of the tourist
development tax revenue from the two (29'0) percent tourist development tax in the order of priority, are
first, to provide a sports stadium and related facilities in St. Lucie County, and second, to promote and
advertise tourism in St. Lucie County.
(d) Expense allocation for two (29'0) percent tax. The tourist development tax revenue from
the two (2%) percent tourist development tax shall be allocated to providing a sports stadium and related
facilities in St. Lucie County.
(e) Proposed uses of revenue for the first additional one (19'0) percent tax imposed by
Ordinance No. 87-82 effective January 1,1988. The proposed uses of the tourist development tax revenue
for the first additional one (1°'0) percent tourist development tax imposed by Ordinance No. 87-82 are to
promote and advertise tourism in St. Lucie County.
(f) Expenses allocation forthe first additional one (19'0) percent tax imposed by Ordinance No.
87-82 shall be allocated to promoting and advertising tourism in St. Lucie County.
(g) Proposed uses of revenue for the second additional one (19'0) percent tax imposed by
Ordinance No. 02-36, effective February 1, 2003. The proposed uses of the tourist development tax
revenue for the second additional one (19'0) percent tourist development tax imposed by Ord finance No. 02-
36are to pay debt service on bonds issued to finance the construction, reconstruction or renovation ofthe
St. Lucie County Sports Complex and to promote and advertise tourism in St. Lucie County and the State
of Florida.
(h) Expense allocation for the second additional one (1%) percent tax imposed by Ordinance
No. 02-36, effective February 1, 2003. The tourist development tax revenue from the second additional
one (19'0) percent tourist development tax imposed by Ordinance No. 02-36 shall be allocated to pay debt
service on bonds issued to finance the construction, reconstruction and renovation of the St. Lucie County
Sports Complex and to promote and advertise tourism in St. Lucie County and the State of Florida.
Sireekthreas#- passages are deleted. -2- Underlined passages are added.
(i) Proposed uses of revenues for the third additional one (19'0) percent tax imposed by
Ordinance No. 03-12. The proposed uses of the tourist development tax revenue for the third additional
one (190) percent tourist development tax imposed by Ordinance No. 03-12 are to pay debt service on
bonds issued to finance the construction, reconstruction or renovation of the St. Lucie County Sports
.Complex and to promote and advertise tourism in St. Lucie County and the State of Florida.
(j) Expense allocation for the third additional one (19'0) percent tax imposed by Ordinance No.
03-12. Sixty-seven(679'o)percentofthe touristdevelopmenttaxrevenuefromthethirdadditionalone(19'o)
percent tax shall be allocated to pay debt service on bonds issued to finance. the construction,
reconstruction or renovation of the St. Lucie County Sports Complex. The remaining thirty-three (339'0)
percent of the tourist development tax revenue from the third additional one (1%) percent tax shall only
be allocated for capital facilities that promote tourism located in the St. Lucie County Fairgrounds and the
area north of Midway Road. Five hundred thousand and 0/100 ($500,000.00) dollars plus interest of the
remaining thirty-three (339'0) percent of the tourist tax revenue from the third additional one (19'0) percent
tax shall be allocated to construct a covered equestrian arena at the St. Lucie County Fairgrounds. Since
the imposition of the third additional one (1%) percent tax requires approval of a majority plus one of the
membership of the Board of County Commissioners, the language concerning the expense allocation set
out in this subparagraph shall not be modified except upon approval by a majority plus one of the
membership of the Board of County Commissioners.
Special acts of the Florida legislature applicable only to unincorporated areas of St. Lucie County.
County ordinances and County resolutions, or parts thereof, in conflict with this ordinance are hereby
superseded by this ordinance to the extent of such conflict.
Ifany portion ofthis ordinance isforany reason held ordectared to be unconstitutional, inoperative
or void, such holding shall not affect the remaining portions of this ordinance. If this ordinance or any
provision thereof shall be held to be inapplicable to any person, property or circumstances, such holding
shall not affects its applicability to any other person, property or circumstance.
This ordinance shall be applicable throughout St. Lucie County.
The Clerk be and hereby is directed forthwith to send a certified copy of this ordinance to the
Bureau of Laws, Department of State, The Capitol, Tallahassee, Florida, 32304.
Strtiektl+ron6F+ passages are deleted. -3- Underlined passages are added,
The County Attorney shall send a certified copy of this ordinance to the- Department of Revenue,
The Carlton Building, Tallahassee, Florida, 32301, within ten (10) days after approval of the Ordinance.
This ordinance shall take effect upon filine with the Secretary of State. The fourth cent (4th cent)
and fifth cent (5th cent) tax imposed by Ordinance No. 02-36 and 03-12 shall be in effect until December 31.
2023. unless extended by the Board.
After motion and second, the vote on this ordinance was as follows:
Chairman Chris Craft XXX
Vice Chairman Chris Dzadovsky XXX
Commissioner Paula A. Lewis XXX
Commissioner Todd Mowery XXX
Commissioner Frannie Hutchinson XXX
Provisions of this ordinance shall be incorporated in the County Code and the word "ordinance"
may be changed to "section", "article" or other appropriate word, and the sections of this ordinance may
be renumbered or relettered to accomplish such intention; provided, however, that Parts B to I shall not
be codified.
PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED this 20th day of September 2011.
Deputy Clerk
Straek thren6l- passages are deleted.
County Attorney
-4- Underlined passages are added.
DATE: September 27, 2011
County Attorney
Daniel S. McIntyre
County Attorney
St. Lucie County Sports Complex; Resolution No. ii-151 Authorizing a
Tourist Development Tax Improvement and Refunding Revenue Bond
Series 2011A and a Tourist Tax Refunding Revenue Bond, Taxable Series
See attached memorandum
Staff recommends that the Board approve Resolution No. ii-151
and authorize the Chairman to sign the Resolution.
Faye W. Outlaw, MPA
County Administrator
Review and Approvals
County Attorney: Management & Budget Purchasing:
Daniel 5. McIntyre
Originating Dept. Public Works Dir: County Eng.:
Finance: (Check for copy only, if applicable) Eff. 5/96
TO: Board of County Commissioners
FROM: Daniel S. McIntyre, County Attorney
C.A. NO.: 11-1019
DATE: September 16, 2011
SUBJECT: St. Lucie County Sports Complex; Resolution No. 11-151 Authorizing a
Tourist Development. Tax Improvement and Refunding Revenue Bond
Series 2011A and a Tourist Tax Refunding Revenue Bond, Taxable Series
In 2003, the County issued a Tourist Development Tax Revenue Bond, Series 2003, dated
September 10, 2003 and the County's Improvement Revenue Note, Taxable Series 2003C, dated
September 17, 2003. The funds from these bonds were used to construct improvements to the St.
Lucie County Sports Complex.
The New York Mets have submitted a proposal to the County that would involve the
issuance of new debt of not to exceed $3,000,000 to provide for the construction of a right field
terrace, acquisition of a digital scoreboard, purchase of County equipment for use at the Sports
Complex and expansion of the Fan Shop. The County's financial advisor, lay Glover, has reviewed
the proposed financing and has determined that the County must refund the existing 2003 bonds
in order to issue the new debt. Due to favorable interest rates and the proposed extended five year
term, Mr. Glover has determined that the County would be able to refund the existing 2003 bonds
and issue $3,000,000 in new debt and still achieve savings on the amount of debt service payments
that the County is currently making on the 2003 bonds. A copy of Mr. Glover's analysis is attached
to this memorandum.
Also attached to this memorandum is a copy of Resolution No. 11-151, prepared by the
County's bond counsel. Resolution No. 11-151, if adopted, would authorize and award the
negotiated sale of the not to exceed $6,400,000 Tourist Development Tax Improvement and
Refunding Revenue Bond, Series 2011A and the negotiated sale of the not to exceed $1,500,000
Tourist Development Tax Refunding Revenue Bond, Taxable Series 20118. The 2011 Bonds would
be secured by a first lien on the fourth cent tourist development tax and sixty-seven (67%) percent
of the fifth cent tourist development tax. The bonds would also be secured by a backup. pledge of
the County to budget and appropriate funds as needed.
The County's financial advisor solicited competitive proposals from financial institutions to
purchase the bonds. As indicated in the financial advisor's analysis, the proposal submitted by JP
Morgan Chase Bank, N.A. was the best proposal submitted. Adoption of Resolution 11-151 would
result in the acceptance of the proposal of JP Morgan Chase Bank, N.A. The closing date for the
bonds is September 30, 2011.
Staff recommends that the Board adopt Resolution No.11-151 as drafted and authorize the
Chairman to sign the Resolution.
Respectfully submitted,
Daniel S. McIntyre
County Attorney
~~ The PFM Group
Public Finanaal Management, Inc.
PFM Asset Management LLC
PFM Advisors
Lincoln Plaza 407-848.2208
Suite 1170 407.848-1323 fax
300 5.Orange Avenue vrww.plm.com
Orlando, FL
September 20, 2011
To: Dan McIntyre, County ~lttornc}~
Marie Gouin, Office of Management and Budget Director
Ftom: Ja}' Glover, Public Financial Management
Re: St. Lucie County Sports Complex Financing -Recommendation Memo
In September of 2003, St. Lucie County (the "County's issued its Tourist Development Tax
Revenue Bond, Series 2003 (the "2003 Bond' and its Improvement Revenue Note, Taxable Series
2003C (the " 2003C Note's to fund improvements to the St. Lucie County Sports Complex (the
"Complex'. The current interest rates are 4.605% and 5.62%, respectively and the combined
annual debt service currently paid is approximately $838,000 through 2018. Based on feedback
from County Staff, it is Public Financial l~ianagement's (PFM) understanding that the County desires
to finance $3,000,000 of additional improvements to the Complex without increasing the annual
debt service currently paid on the 2003 Bond and 2003C Note. In order to accomplish this, PF1~i
recommended to the County that the 2003 Bond and 2003C Note would need to be restructured
with level annual debt service payments through 2023. By doing this, the County could add
$3,000,000 of new money and have annual debt ser~*ice payments of approximately X760,000 as
shown in the table below.
b Debt Service on
2003 Bond Debt Service on
20036 Note
Z'otAl Debt
Period Enditt~ N ce on
ew Monev Restructure Restru ture Service ..
11 / 1 /2012 298,313 313,417 151,293: 763,024 .
11 / 1 /2013 296,247 315,692 153,458 765,397
11 / i / 2014 295,532 314,596 149,730 759,858
1 l / 1 / 2015 294,690 313,373 151,003 759,066
11 / 1 / 201 G 293,721 312,023 152,098 757,842
11 / 1 /2017 297,625 315,546 153,015 766,186
11 / 1 /2018 296,275 313,815 153,755 763,845
11/1/2019 294,798 3]1,957 154,3]8: 761,073
11 / ] /2020 293,194 314,972 154,703 762,869
11 / ] / 2021 296,463 312,733 149,910 759,106
l ] / 1 / 2022 294,478 315,367 150,118 759,963
11 / 1 / 2023 297 3GG 312 747 150,148 _ __ 760,261
3 548 702 3 7GG 238 1 823,546 _ __ 9,138,486
tieptember 20, 2011
Page 2
In order to obtain the desired financing, PFD1 distributed a request for financing proposals on
August 19, 2011 requesting financing terms for the Tourist Development Tax Improvement and
Refunding Revenue Bond, Series 2011A (the "201111 Bond"} and Tourist Development Tax
Refunding Revenue Bond, Taxable Series 2011B (the " 2011B Bond"). The 2011A Bond would be
issued to restructure the 2003 Bond and fund the additional improvements to the Complex. The
2011B Bond would be issued to restructure the 2003C Note. In order to make this a viable credit
for potential lenders, PFM recommended that the County secure the loans with the fourth percent
tourist development tax, 67% of the fifth percent tourist development tax, as well as a covenant to
budget and appropriate legally available non ad valorem revenues for any deficiencies. The County
received 6 proposals from the following firms: Banc of America Public Capital Corporation, BBVA
Compass Bank, JP A4organ Chase Bank, Seacoast National Bank, SunTrust Bank and Wells Fargo.
A summary of the proposals is included as Exhibit A. Following review of the proposal terms by
County Staff, Bond Counsel and PFivi it was determined that JP Morgan Chase provided the best
combination of interest rates and terms. The proposed interest rates in the JP Morgan Chase Bank
proposal were 2.54% for the 2011A Bond and 3.55°./o for the 2011B Bond. The final interest rate
will be set prior to closing of the loans. PFM recommends selecting JP ivlorgan Chase Bank as the
loan pro~rider for the 2011x1 Bond and 2011B Bond based on the interest rates and favorable terms
(including the option for prepayment without penalty on and after November 1, 2016) provided for
in their proposal.
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Section 1. Authority for this Resolution. This resolution is adopted pursuant to the
provisions of Chapter 125, Part I, Florida Statutes, as amended, and Chapter 159, Part I, Florida
Statutes, Ordinance Nos. 02-36, 03-12 and 11-028 of St. Lucie County, Florida as amended, and
other applicable provisions of law (collectively, the "Act").
Section 2. Definitions. The following terms shall have the following meanings when used
in this resolution unless the context clearly requires otherwise. Words importing singular numbers
shall include the plural number in each case and vice versa, and words importing persons shall
include firms and corporations.
"Authorized Investments" means those investments permitted by the county's investment
policy as in effect from time to time.
"Bank" means JPMorgan Chase Bank, N. A., a national banking association, with offices in
Orlando, Florida, and any successor owner of the Bond.
'Board" means the Board of County Commissioners of St. Lucie County, Florida.
"Bond" means collectively, the Series 2011A Bond and the Series 2011B Bond, each in
substantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit B, with such modifications or changes thereto as
may be necessary or desirable, in the opinion of the County Administrator, upon the advice and
recommendation of the Financial Advisor, the County Attorney, and Bond Counsel, to conform the
terms thereof to the terms of the Commitment or to secure for the County any additional rights or
privileges not inconsistent with the terms of the Commitment, such approval to be presumed by
the execution and delivery thereof by the County to the Bank.
"Bond Counsel" means Bryant Miller Olive P.A., or such other law firm having a
nationally-recognized practice in the areas of local, state, and .federal law related to the debt
obligations of state and local governments.
"Chair" means the Chair of the Board, or in the Chair's absence, the Vice Chair.
"Clerk" means the County Clerk of the County or in the Clerk's absence, any Deputy Clerk.
"Closing Date" means September 30, 2011, or such other date mutually agreeable to the
County and the Bank.
"Commission" means the County Commission, as the governing body of the County.
"Commitment" means the proposal for the making of the Loan dated September 9, 2011
submitted to the County by the Bank and included as Exhibit A hereto; as amended or modified
prior to the adoption of this Resolution.
"County" means St. Lucie County, Florida, a political subdivision of the State of Florida.
"County Administrator" means the County Administrator of the County or his designee.
"County Attorney" means the County Attorney of the County.
"Facility Use Agreement" means the Facility Use Agreement for the St. Lucie County
Sports Complex between the County and Sterling Facility Services, L.L.C., dated August 1, 2003, as
amended from time to time.
"Finance Director" means the Finance Director of the County.
"Financial Advisor" means Public Financial Management, Orlando, Florida.
"Fiscal Year" means the period from each October 1 to the succeeding September 30, or
such other fiscal year as may be provided by law for the County.
"Loan" means the advance of moneys from the Bank to the County pursuant to the terms of
this Resolution.
"Non-Ad Valorem Revenues" means all legally available non-ad valorem revenues of the
County budgeted and appropriated for payment of the principal of and interest on the Bond in
the event the Pledged Revenues alone are insufficient for that purpose; provided, however, that
Non-Ad Valorem Revenues shall be received by the County (a) from sources other than the levy
of ad valorem taxes upon property, and (b) not be restricted by law so as to be unable to be
applied to pay the principal and interest on the Bond.
"Pledged Revenues" means the proceeds of (1) the fourth percent tourist development tax
levied and collected within the County pursuant to the provisions of Section 125.0104(3)(1)
Florida Statutes and County. Ordinances Nos. 02-36, No. 03-12 and 11-028, and (2) sixty seven
percent (67%) of the fifth percent tourist development tax levied and collected within the
County pursuant to the provisions of Section 125.0104(3)(n)1, Florida Statutes, and County
Ordinances No. 02-36, No. 03-12 and 11-028 .
"Principal Amount" means the not to exceed principal amount of the Loan in the amount
of Seven Million Nine Hundred Thousand and No/100 Dollars ($7,900,000.00).
"Project" means the acquisition and construction of certain capital improvements to the St.
Lucie County Sports Complex including construction of a right field terrace, acquisition of a digital
scoreboard, and acquisition of County capital equipment to be located or used at the St. Lucie
County Sports Complex, together with such additions thereto, modifications thereof, or deletions
therefrom as may be approved by the Board from time to time, subject to the opinion of Bond
Counsel that such additions, modifications, or deletions will not adversely affect the exclusion
from gross income for federal income tax purposes of interest on the Bond.
"Project Costs" means all or a portion of the cost of undertaking the Project including, but
not limited to: engineering, legal, accounting, and financial expenses; expenses for estimates of
costs and of revenues;.expenses for plans, specifications and surveys; fees of fiscal agents, financial
advisors or consultants; administrative expenses relating solely to the Project; reimbursement to
the County for any sums heretofore expended for the foregoing purposes (to the extent that such
reimbursement is permitted under the Code); payment of capitalized interest on the Loan; and
such other costs and expenses as may be necessary or incidental to the financing or refinancing of
the Project.
"Rate of Interest" means a fixed rate of interest set forth in each Bond determined in
accordance with the rate lock procedure set forth in the Commitment (subject to adjustment from
time to time as described in Exhibit B), which rate shall be calculated on the basis of a 360-day
year consisting of twelve 30 day months.
"Refunded Bond".means collectively, the Count}~s outstanding Tourist Development Tax
Revenue Bond, Series 2003, dated September 10, 2003 and the County's outstanding Improvement
Revenue Note, Taxable Series 2003C, dated September 17, 2003.
"Resolution" means, collectively, this resolution and all resolutions amendatory hereof and
supplemental hereto.
"Series 2011A Bond" means the not to exceed $6,400,000 Tourist Development Tax
Improvement and Refunding Revenue Bond, Series 2011A.
"Series 2011B Bond" means the not to exceed $1,500,000 Tourist Development Tax
Refunding Revenue Bond, Taxable Series 2011B.
Section 3. Findings. It is hereby found, declared, and determined by the_Board:
(A) It necessary and desirable and in the best interests of the health, safety and welfare
of the residents of the County that the County authorize the issuance of the Series 2011A Bond
and the Series 2011B Bond for purposes of (i) currently refunding the Refunded Bond in order
to obtain a significantly lower rate and restructure the Refunded Bond, and (ii) providing funds
with which to undertake and finance the Project. The County is authorized pursuant to the
provisions of the Act to undertake the Project.
(B) The County is without adequate, currently available funds to pay Project Costs, and
it is necessary and desirable and in the best interests of the County and its residents that the
County borrow the moneys necessary to pay Project Costs. The County is authorized pursuant to
the provisions of the Act to borrow moneys to pay Project Costs.
(C) The County has solicited commitments from lending institutions for the Loan, the
results of which have been tabulated by the Financial Advisor and presented to the Board in
connection herewith. Based on (1) the terms of the Loan and (2) such other factors as set forth in
the request for commitments, it is hereby determined that the Commitment of the Bank is the best
proposal of those submitted. It is necessary and desirable to authorize the County Administrator
tv accept the Commitment on behalf of the County.
(D) It is necessary and desirable and in the best interests of the health, safety and
welfare of the County and its residents to execute and deliver the Bond to the Bank to evidence the
Loan and to secure the obligation to repay the Loan by pledging the Pledged Revenues in
connection therewith. The County is authorized pursuant to the provisions of the Act to pledge
the Pledged Revenues as a means of securing its obligation to repay the Loan. The Pledged
Revenues are estimated to be sufficient to pay all principal of and interest on the Bond as the same
bemme due and to make all payments required by this Resolution and the Bond.
(E) The obligation of the County to repay the Bond in accordance with its terms and
the terms of the Resolution is hereby declared to be and shall be a special, limited obligation of
the County, secured solely by a lien upon and pledge of the Pledged Revenues. The obligation
of the County to repay the Bond in accordance with its terms and to make any other payments,
if any, required hereunder or under the Bond shall not be or constitute a general obligation or
indebtedness of the County and the Bond shall not be or constitute a 'bond" of the County
within the meaning of Article VII, Section 12, Florida Constitution (1968). Neither the Bank nor
any successor owner of the Bond shall be entitled to compel the payment of the principal of or
interest on the Bond or the making of any payments required hereunder or under the Bond
from any moneys of the County other than the Pledged Revenues. In particular, neither the
Bank nor any successor owner of the Bond shall be entitled to compel the levy of ad valorem
taxes by the County to pay the principal of and interest on the Bond or to make any payments
required under the terms of the Resolution. Furthermore, the obligation of the County to repay
the Bond in accordance with its terms and to make the payments, if any, required under the
Resolution shall not constitute a lien upon or pledge of any property of the County, but shall
constitute a lien only upon the Pledged Revenues in the manner provided herein.
(F) It is hereby found and determined that due to the complexity of the financing,
the turmoil in the capital markets and the need to coordinate matters among the County and the
Bank, as purchaser of the Bond, it is in the best interests of the County to negotiate the sale of
the Bond. The disclosure required by Section 218.385, Florida Statutes, as amended, shall be
provided to the County, as evidenced by a certificate to be provided by the Bank prior to
execution and delivery by the County of the Bond.
Section 4. Resolution to Constitute Contract. In consideration of the acceptance of the
Bond authorized to be issued hereunder to the Bank, this resolution shall be deemed to be and
shall constitute a contract between the County and the Bank. The covenants and agreements set
forth herein to be performed by the County shall be for the benefit, protection and security of the
Section 5. Authorization of Project. The Board hereby specifically authorizes the Project.
The Board hereby specifically ratifies and affirms all actions previously taken in furtherance of the
undertaking of the Project.
Section 6. Approval of Commitment. The Board, upon the recommendation of the
Financial Advisor, hereby accepts the Commitment on behalf of the County and authorizes the
County Administrator to execute the acceptance thereof and return the executed Commitment to
the Bank. The County Attorney and Bond Counsel are hereby authorized and directed to proceed
(a) to prepare the necessary documents to consummate, and (b) to consummate the Loan on or
before the Closing Date.
Section 7. Authorization of Bond. Subject and pursuant to the provisions hereof and in
accordance with the provisions of the Commitment, the issuance by the County of its Bond is
hereby authorized.
Section 8. Descripfion of Bond. The Bond shall be dated its date of delivery, shall bear
interest payable semiannually on May 1 and November 1 of each year commencing May 1, 2012, at
the Rate of Interest, shall be payable annually on November 1 in the years 2012 through 2023, in
amounts mutually agreeable to the County and the Bank designed to amortize the principal of the
Bond over the period from 2012 to 2023 to achieve level debt service to the extent reasonably
possible (evidence of such mutual agreement shall be conclusively presumed upon the Bank's
acceptance of the Bond at closing), shall be subject to redemption prior to maturity; and shall have
such other characteristics, as specified in the Bond and in the Commitment.
The Principal Amount of the Bond shall be disbursed to the County by 2:00 p.m. on the
Closing Date in immediately available funds. The proceeds of the Bond shall be used by the
County solely for the refunding of the Refunded Bond and current payment of Project Costs or
other costs incurred in the issuance of the Bond.
Section 9. Approval of Form of Bond; Execution of Bond; Approval of Necessary Action.
The text of the Bond shall be in substantially the form of Exhibit B hereto, with such omissions,
insertions, and variations as may be necessary and desirable, and as may be authorized or
pernlitted by the Resolution or required by the terms of the Commitment, and approved by Bond
Counsel and the County Attorney, and the Chair and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute and
deliver the Bond and to take such other actions and sign such other documents as shall be
necessary to consummate the Loan. The delivery of the Bond to the Bank is hereby authorized.
The Chair, the Clerk, the County Administrator, the Finance Director, and the County Attorney are
each designated agents of the County in connection with the execution and delivery of the Bond
and are authorized and empowered, collectively or individually, to take all action and steps to
execute and deliver any and all instnunents, documents or contracts on behalf of the County
which are necessary or desirable in connection with the execution and delivery of the Bond to the
Bank, including, but not limited to, modifications to the Bond to conform to or supplement the
Section 10. Covenants of the County; Funds and Accounts.
(A) Limited Obligation. The payment of the principal of and interest on the Bond, and
any other expenses or amounts due on the Bond or under the provisions of this resolution, shall be
secured solely by a lien upon and pledge of the Pledged Revenues. The Pledged Revenues, in an
amount to pay the principal of and interest on the Bond, in accordance with the terms and
provisions of Exhibit B hereto, and any other expenses or amounts due on the Bond or under the
provisions of this resolution, are hereby irrevocably pledged to the making of such payments of
principal and interest, and any other expenses or amounts due on the Bond or under the
provisions of this resolution, as the same matures and becomes due.
(B) Not General Obligation. The Bond shall not be or constitute a general obligation
or indebtedness of the County and the Bond shall not be or constitute a 'bond" of the County
within the meaning of the Florida Constitution. Neither the Bank nor any successor owner of
the Bond shall be entitled to compel the payment of the principal of or interest on the Bond or
the making of any payments required hereunder or under the Bond from any moneys of the
County other than the Pledged Revenues and, to the extent Pledged Revenues are insufficient to
pay principal of and interest on the Bond in any fiscal year, Non-Ad Valorem Revenues as
provided in Section 12 below. In particular, neither the Bank nor any successor owner of the
Bond shall be entitled to compel the levy of ad valorem taxes by the County to pay the principal
of and interest on the Bond or to make any payments required under the terms of the
Resolution. Furthermore, the obligation of the County to repay the Bond in accordance with its
terms and to make the payments, if any,- required under the Resolution shall not constitute a
lien upon or pledge of any property of the County, but shall constitute a lien only upon the
Pledged Revenues in the manner and to the extent provided herein.
(C) Pledged Revenues. Until payment has been provided for as herein permitted, the
payment of the principal of, premium, if any, and interest on the Bond shall be secured
forthwith equally and ratably by an irrevocable lien on the Pledged Revenues and other moneys
on deposit in the Revenue Fund, prior and superior to all other liens or encumbrances on such
Pledged Revenues, and the County does hereby irrevocably pledge such Pledged Revenues to
the payment of the principal of, premium, if any, and interest on the Bond, and for all other
payments required or authorized hereunder.
(D) Reserve Account Requirement. There is no Reserve Account Requirement with
respect to the Bond. The Bank shall have no lien upon moneys deposited into the Reserve Account
for the benefit of any other series of bonds or other debt obligations of the County.
(E) Financial Statements. Not later than the earlier of 180 days following the end of
each Fiscal Year, the County will provide the Bank a copy of the Comprehensive Annual
Financial Report of the County and such other information regarding the levy and collection of
the Pledged Revenues as the Bank may reasonably request in writing.
(F) Annual Budget. The County will prepare its annual budget in accordance with
the Act, and will provide to the Bank (i) a copy of its final annual budget for each fiscal year
within 30 days of adoption thereof by the Board and (ii) such other public information as the
Bank may reasonably request.
(G) Revenue Fund. The County shall create a Revenue Fund into which the County
shall deposit the Pledged Revenues when received and any Non-Ad Valorem Revenues as and
when budgeted and appropriated in accordance with section 12 hereof, and shall use such
amounts on deposit in the Revenue Fund to pay principal of, premium, if any, and interest on, the
Bond as and when due. Monies on deposit in the Revenue Fund may be invested in Authorized
Investments prior to their expenditure to pay debt service on the Bond or the release of such
monies to the County. [At the end of each Fiscal Year, the County shall be entitled to withdraw
from the Revenue Fund any amounts on deposit therein not required to pay debt service on the
Bond when due.]
(I-I) Project Fund. The County shall create a Project Fund into which the County shall
deposit proceeds of the Bond as described in section 11 hereof, and use such funds to pay Project
Costs. Disbursements from the Project Fund shall be made by the County in accordance with its
internal procedures for the expenditure of funds on capital projects and in accordance-with the
Facility Use Agreement. Prior to disbursement, monies credited to the Project Fund may be
invested in authorized Investments.
(I) Operation of Funds and Accounts. The designation and establishment of the
various funds and accounts in and by this Resolution shall not be construed to require the
establishment of any completely independent, self-balancing funds or accounts, as such terms
are commonly defined and used in governmental accounting, but rather is intended solely to
require a segregation of Pledged Revenues on the books and records of the County for the
purposes and to establish priorities for application of such Pledged Revenues as provided
herein. Cash and Authorized Investments required to be accounted for in each of the funds and
accounts established by this Resolution may be deposited in a single bank account; provided
that standard accounting records are maintained to reflect control or restricted allocation of the
moneys therein for the various purposes of such funds and accounts.
The foregoing provisions notwithstanding, the funds and accounts created and
established pursuant to this Resolution shall constitute trust funds for the purposes provided
herein and shall be maintained on the books of the County as separate and distinct from all
other funds and accounts of the County, in the manner provided in this Resolution. Any
investment earnings received from Authorized Investments shall be credited to the fund or
account to which the invested monies were credited at the time such earnings accrued. All
moneys in the funds and accounts shall be invested in Authorized Investments or continuously
secured in the same manner as deposits of County funds are required to be secured by the laws
of the State.
Section 11. Application of Bond Proceeds. The proceeds received from the sale of the
Bond to the Bank shall be applied by the County in the following manner and order of priority,
simultaneously with their delivery to the Bank, as follows:
(A) The County shall pay all costs and expenses in connection with the preparation,
issuance and delivery of the Bond as more particularly described in Exhibit C hereto on a prorate
basis with proceeds of the Series 2011A Bond and the Series 2011B Bond.
(B) $3,188,000 of the proceeds of the Series 2011A Bond shall be used to currently
refund the County's Series 2003 Bond and $1,432,000 of the proceeds of the Series 2011B Bond shall
be used to currently refund the County's Series 2003C Taxable Bond.
(C) The balance of the proceeds of the Bond shall be deposited into a fund to be known
as the Project Fund and used to pay Project Costs.
Section 12. Covenant to Budget and Appropriate. The Bond shall not be secured by, or
constitute a lien upon or pledge of an interest in the Project or upon any other property of or in
the County, but shall constitute a lien only upon the Pledged Revenues in the manner provided
In the event the Pledged Revenues are insufficient to pay the principal of and interest on
the Bond in any Fiscal Year, the County covenants and agrees to appropriate in its annual
budget, by amendment, if necessary, from Non-Ad Valorem Revenues, amounts sufficient to
provide for the timely payment of principal and interest for such Fiscal Year. Such covenant
shall be cumulative and to the extent not paid shall continue until Pledged Revenues and Non-
Ad Valorem Revenues in amounts sufficient to make all required payments hereunder when
due, shall have been budgeted and appropriated and actually paid: Notwithstanding the
foregoing, the County does not covenant to maintain any services or programs now provided or
maintained by the County which generate Non-Ad Valorem Revenues. Such covenant to
budget and appropriate does not create any lien upon or pledge of Non-Ad Valorem Revenues
until budgeted and appropriated and deposited into the Revenue Fund, nor does it preclude the
County from pledging in the future any specific portion of its Non-Ad Valorem Revenues, nor
does it require the County to levy and collect any particular Non-Ad Valorem Revenues, nor
does it give the Bank or any successor owner of the Bond a prior claim on the Non-Ad Valorem
Revenues as opposed to claims of general creditors of the County. Such covenant to budget and
appropriate Non-Ad Valorem Revenues is subject in all respects to the payment of obligations
of the County secured by a pledge of all or any specified portion of Non-Ad Valorem Revenues
heretofore or hereafter issued (including the payment of debt service on bonds and other debt
instruments); provided, however, this covenant to budget and appropriate for the purposes and
in the manner stated herein shall have the effect of making available for the payment of the
principal of and interest on the Bond, in the manner described herein, an amount of Non-Ad
Valorem Revenues sufficient to make-up for the extent of any insufficiency in the Pledged
Revenues, to meet the debt service requirement on the Bond, and of placing on the Board a
positive duty to budget and appropriate, by amendment if necessary, amounts sufficient to
meet its obligations hereunder; subject, however, in all respects to the restrictions of Section
129.03, Florida Statutes, which requires a balanced budget, and Section 125.07, Florida Statutes,
which prohibits a board of county commissioners from expending or contracting for the
expenditure in any fiscal year more than the amount budgeted in each fund's budget; and
subject, further, to the payment of the cost of maintaining services and programs which are for
essential public purposes affecting the health, welfare and safety of the inhabitants of the
County or which are legally mandated by applicable law. However, the covenant to budget
and appropriate for the purposes and in the manner stated herein shall have the effect of
making available for the payment of the Bond, in the manner described herein, Non-Ad
Valorem Revenues, and placing on the County a positive duty to appropriate and budget, by
amendment, if necessary, amounts sufficient to meet its obligations hereunder; subject,
however, in all respects to the restrictions of Sections 129.03 and 125.07, Florida Statutes. The
County agrees that its covenant and agreement to budget and appropriate Non-Ad Valorem
Revenues shall be deemed entered into for the benefit of the Bank and this obligation may be
enforced by a court of competent jurisdiction.
While the Bond is outstanding and unpaid, the average of the Non-Ad Valorem
Revenues (excluding amounts necessary far payment of services and programs affecting the
health, safety and welfare of the County residents or payments mandated by applicable law) for
the two most recent .Fiscal Years of the County must always equal or exceed one and one-half
times (1.5X) the annual debt service payments on all outstanding and proposed debt secured by
all or any specified portion of Non-Ad Valorem Revenues.
Section 13. Approval of Issuance Expenses. The fees associated with the issuance of the
Bond set forth on Exhibit C hereto are hereby approved and the Finance Director is authorized to
pay such fees and any expenses in connection therewith at or subsequent to the time of issuance of
the Bond upon submission of proper invoices.
Section 14. Further Assurances. The County shall grant such further assurances and
provide such additional documents as may be required by the Bank from time to time in order to
carry out the terms and conditions hereof and of the Commitment and otherwise comply with the
express intention of the parties as set forth in the Resolution, the Commitment and in any related
loan and security documents.
Section 15. Default. The following shall be "Events of Default" under this Resolution,
and the terms "Default" and "Events of Default" shall mean (except where the context clearly
indicates otherwise), any one or more of the following events:
A. failure by the County to make any payment of principal of or interest on the
Bond within three. (3) days of the applicable Payment Date;
B. failure by the County to observe and perform any other covenant, condition or
agreement on its part to be observed or performed hereunder for a period of fifteen (15) days
after written notice of such failure shall have been delivered to the County by the Bank, unless
the Bank shall agree in writing to an extension of such time prior to its expiration;
C. the making of any warranty, representation or other statement by the County or
by an officer or agent of the County hereunder or in any instrument furnished in compliance
with or in reference to this Resolution which is false or misleading in any material adverse
D. the filing of a petition against the County under any bankruptcy, reorganization,
arrangement, insolvency, readjustment of debt, dissolution or liquidation law of any
jurisdiction, whether now or hereafter in effect, if an order for relief is entered under such
petition or such petition is not dismissed within sixty (60) days of such filing;
E. the filing by the County of a voluntary petition in bankruptcy or seeking relief
under any provision of any bankruptcy, reorganization, arrangement, insolvency, readjustment
of debt, dissolution or liquidation law of any jurisdiction, whether now or hereafter in effect, or
the consent by the County to the filing of any petition against it under such law; or
F. the admission by the County of its insolvency or bankruptcy or its inability to
pay its debts as they become due or that it is generally not paying its debts as such debts
become due, or the County's becoming insolvent or bankrupt or making an assignment for the
benefit of creditors, or the appointment by court order of a custodian (including without
limitation a receiver, liquidator or trustee) of the County or any of its property taking
possession thereof and such order remaining in effect or such possession continuing for more
than sixty (60) days.
Section 16. Remedies. The Bank may sue to protect and enforce any and all rights,
including the right to specific performance, existing under the laws of the State of Florida or of
the United States of America, or granted and contained hereunder, and to enforce and compel
the performance of all duties required hereunder or by any applicable laws to be performed by
the County, the Board or by any officer thereof, and may take all steps to enforce the covenants
set forth herein to the full extent permitted or authorized by the laws of the State of Florida or
the United States of America, including, with respect to a default under section 15 (A) hereof
only, acceleration of all amounts outstanding under the Bond.
Section 17. Governing Law. This Resolution shall be governed by and construed in
accordance with the laws of the State of Florida.
Section 18. Repeal of Inconsistent Provisions. All resolutions or parts thereof, in conflict
with this Resolution are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict.
Section 19. Severability. If any one or more of the covenants, agreements, or provisions of
this resolution should be held contrary to any express provision of law or contrary to the policy of
express law, though not expressly prohibited, or against public policy, or shall for any reason
whatsoever be held invalid, then such covenants, agreements, or provisions shall be null and void
and shall be deemed separate from the remaining covenants, agreements or provisions, and in no
way affect the validity of all other provisions of this resolution or of the Bond delivered hereunder.
Section 20. No Third Party Beneficiaries. Except as herein otherwise expressly provided,
nothing in this resolution express or implied is intended or shall be construed to confer upon any
person, firm or corporation or other entity, other than the County, the Bank or any subsequent
owner of the Bond, any benefit of this resolution or any provisions hereof, this resolution and its
provisions being intended to be and being for the sole and exclusive benefit of the County, the
Bank and any subsequent owner of the Bond.
Section 21. Amendment. This resolution may not be amended or repealed except with
the prior written consent of the Bank.
Section 22. Effective Date. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption.
Duly Passed and Adopted this
called and held.
day of September 2011, at a regular meeting duly
Chairman, Board of County
Clerk of the Circuit Court, ex-officio
Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners
County Attorney
[ %] November 1 in the Years
Shown on Schedule 1 Hereto
PRINCIl'AL AMOUNT: Million Hundred Thousand Dollars
KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that St. Lucie County, Florida (the "County"), for
value received, hereby promises to pay to the Registered Owner designated above, or registered
assigns, solely. from the special funds hereinafter mentioned, on the Maturity Dates specified
above, the portion of the principal balance as shown on Schedule 1 hereto, with the final
installment of principal and interest being payable, upon presentation and surrender hereof at the
office of the County Finance Director, as Registrar and Paying Agent, on November 1, 20_, and, to
pay solely from such funds interest on the Principal Amount outstanding from time to time from
the date of this Bond or from the most recent date to which interest has been paid, .whichever is
applicable, until payment of such Principal Amount, at the Rate of Interest set forth above, subject
to adjustment as set forth on Schedule 2 hereto, such interest being payable semi-annually on each
May 1 and November 1 commencing on May 1, 2012 (an "interest Payment Date") until maturity,
by check or draft mailed on or before the Interest Payment Date to the Registered Owner at such
Owner's address as it appears on the registration books of the County kept by the Registrar;
provided, that such payment may at the written request and expense, if any, of such Registered
Owner be by wire transfer or other medium acceptable to the County and to such Registered
Owner. The principal of and. interest on this Bond are payable in lawful money of the United
States of America.
This Bond is issued to [(1) finance the costs of the acquisition and construction of certain
capital improvements to the St. Lucie County Sports Complex including construction of a right
field terrace, acquisition of a digital scoreboard, and acquisition of County capital equipment to be
located or used at the St. Lucie County Sports Complex, together with such additions thereto,
modifications thereof, or deletions therefrom as may be approved by the Board from time to time,
and (2)] currently refund the County's outstanding (Tourist Development Tax Revenue Bond,
Series 2003, dated September 10, 2003,] [Improvement Revenue Note, Taxable Series 2003C, dated
September 17, 2003,) under the authority of and in full compliance with the Constitution and
Statutes of the State of Florida, including particularly Chapters 125 and 159, Florida Statutes, and
other applicable provisions of law, and pursuant to the terms and conditions of Resolution No.11-
151, adopted by the County Commission of the County (the "Board") on September _, 2011 (the
"Resolution"), to which reference should be made to ascertain those terms and conditions.
This Bond is payable from and secured solely by a lien upon and pledge of the proceeds of
(1) the fourth percent tourist development tax levied and collected within the County pursuant to
the provisions of Section 125.0104(3)(1) Florida Statutes and County Ordinances Nos. 02-36, No. 03-
12 and 11-028, and (2) sixty seven percent (67%) of the fifth percent tourist development tax levied
and collected within the County pursuant to the provisions of Section 125.0104(3)(n)1, Florida
Statutes, and County Ordinances No. 02-36, No. 03-12 and 11-028, and from Non Ad Valorem
Revenues to the extent Pledged Revenues are insufficient to pay principal of and interest on the
Bond in any Fiscal Year, all in the manner as to the extent provided in, and subject to the terms and
conditions of, the Resolution.
The principal of this Bond may be prepaid in whole or in part on or after November 1,
2016, without premium or penalty, at the price of par, plus interest accrued to the date of
prepayment. Prepayment prior to November 1, 2016 shall be subject to a Prepayment $reakage
Cost, the provisions of which are set forth on Schedule 3 attached hereto.
The principal of and interest on this Bond shall not constitute a general obligation or
indebtedness of the County, and the Registered Owner shall never have the right to require or
compel the levy of taxes on any property of or in the County for the payment of the principal of
and interest on this Bond. The principal of and interest on this Bond shall not be secured by a lien
upon the any property of or in the County, but shall be secured solely by a lien upon and pledge of
the Pledged Revenues, in the manner provided in the Resolution. Reference is made to the
Resolution for the provisions relating to the security for payment of this Bond and the duties and
obligations of the County hereunder.
This Bond may be transferred or assigned by the Registered Owner to any financial
institution or other accredited investor as defined in, in the manner provided in, and subject to the
limitations contained in the Resolution. Otherwise, this Bond may not be transferred or assigned
by the Registered Owner without the prior written consent of the County.
It is hereby certified and recited that all acts, conditions and things required by the
Constitution and laws of the State of Florida to be performed, to exist and to happen precedent to
and in connection with the issuance of this Bond, have been performed, exist and have happened
in regular and due form and time as so required.
[Remainder of page left intentionally blank]
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, ST. Lucie County, Florida, has caused this Bond to be executed
by its Chair or Vice-Chair, and countersigned and attested by the County Clerk, either manually or
with their facsimile signatures, and its seal or a facsimile thereof to be affixed, impressed,
imprinted, lithographed or reproduced hereon, all as of the Date of Issue.
County Clerk
Schedule 1 Amortization Schedule
Schedule 2 Adjustment to Rate of Interest
Schedule 3 Prepayment Breakage Cost
2012 $
Total $ ]
2012 $
Total $~]
[For Series 2011A Bond only] In the event a Determination of Taxability shall have
occurred, the rate of interest on this Bond shall be increased to the Taxable Rate, effective
retroactively to the date on which the interest payable on this Bond is includable for federal
income tax purposes in the gross income of the Registered Owner thereof. In addition, the
Registered Owner of this Band or any former Registered Owners of this Bond, as appropriate,
shall be paid an amount equal to any additions to tax, interest and penalties, and any arrears in
interest that are required to be paid to the United States of America by the Registered Owner or
former Registered Owners of this Bond as a result of such Determination of Taxability. All such
additional interest, additions to tax, penalties and interest shall be paid by the County within
sixty (60) days following the Determination of Taxability and demand by the Registered Owner.
A "Determination of Taxability" shall mean (i) the issuance by the Internal Revenue Service of a
statutory notice of deficiency or other written notification which holds in effect that the interest
payable on this Bond is includable for federal income tax purposes in the gross income of the
Registered Owner thereof, which notice or notification is not contested by either the County or
any Registered Owner of this Bond, or (ii) a determination by a court of competent jurisdiction
that the interest payable on this Bond is includable for federal income tax purposes in the gross
income of the Registered Owner thereof, which determination either is final and non-appealable
or is not appealed within the requisite time period for appeal, or (iii) the admission in writing
by the' County to the effect that interest on this Bond is includable for federal income tax
purposes in the gross income of the Registered Owner thereof.
(For Series 2011A Bond only] In the alternative, in the event that interest on this Bond
during any period becomes partially taxable as a result of a Determination of Taxability
applicable to less than all of this Bond, then the interest rate on this Bond shall be increased
during such period by an amount equal to: (A-B) x C where:
(A) "A" equals the Taxable Rate (expressed as a percentage);
(B) "B" equals the interest rate on this Bond (expressed as a percentage); and
(C) "C" equals the portion of this Bond the interest on which has become
taxable as the result of such tax change (expressed as a decimal).
In addition, the Registered Owner of this Bond or any former Registered Owner of this Bond, as
appropriate, shall be paid an amount equal to any additions to tax, interest and penalties, and
any arrears in interest that are required to be paid to the United States by the Registered Owner
or former Registered Owners of this Bond as a result of such Determination of Taxability. All
such additional interest, additions to tax, penalties and interest shall be paid by the County
within sixty (60) days following the Determination of Taxability and demand by the Registered
[For Series 2011A Bond only] "Prime Rate" shall mean a rate of interest equal to the
announced prime .commercial lending rate per annum of the Registered Owner. The Prime
Rate is a reference rate for the information and use of the Registered Owner in establishing the
actual rate to be charged to the County. The Prime Rate is purely discretionary and is not
necessarily the lowest or best rate charged any customer. The Prime Rate shall be adjusted from
time to time without notice or demand as of the effective date of any. announced change thereof.
[For Series 2011A Bond only] "Taxable Rate" means a rate equal to the Prime Rate times
that percentage .which after the Determination of Taxability -will result in the. same after-tax
yield to the Registered Owner of this Bond as before said Determination of Taxability.
[For Series 2011A Bond only] In the event that the maximum effective federal corporate
tax rate (the "Maximum Corporate Tax Rate") during any period with respect to which interest
shall be accruing on this Bond on atax-exempt basis, changes from the Maximum Corporate
Tax Rate then in effect, which causes a reduction in yield on this Bond, the interest rate on this
Bond that is bearing interest on atax-exempt basis shall be adjusted to the product obtained by
multiplying the interest rate then in effect on this Bond by a fraction equal to (1-A divided by 1-
B), where A equals the Maximum Corporate Tax Rate in effect as of the date of adjustment and
B equals the Maximum Corporate Tax Rate in effect immediately prior to the date of
So long as any portion of the principal amount of this Bond or interest thereon remains
unpaid (a) if any law, rule, regulation or executive order is enacted or promulgated by any
public body or governmental agency which changes the basis of taxation of interest on this
Bond or causes a reduction in yield on this Bond (other than by reason of a change described
above) to the Registered Owner or any former Registered Owners of this Bond, including
without limitation the imposition of any excise tax or surcharge thereon or change in reserve or
capital adequacy requirements, or (b) if, as result of any action or the failure to act by any public
body or governmental agency, any payment is required to be made by, or any federal, state or
local income tax deduction is denied to, the Registered Owner or any former Registered Owners
of this Bond (other than by reason of a change described above or by reason of any action or
failure to act on the part of the Registered Owner or any formers Registered Owner of this
Bond), by reason of the ownership of this Bond, the County shall reimburse any such Registered
Owner within five (5) days after receipt by the County of written demand for such payment,
and, to the extent permitted by law, the County agrees to indemnify each such Registered
Owner against any loss, cost, charge or expense with respect to any such change. The
determination of the after-tax yield calculation shall be calculated by the Registered Owner, and
such calculation, in the absence of manifest error, shall be binding on the County and the
Registered Owner.
Solely for the purposes of the reserve or capital adequacy requirements of sub-clause (a)
above, no increased reserve or capital adequacy costs will be passed on to County if the ratings
assigned to the Lender are downgraded by one or more of the public rating agencies; provided,
however, if the Lender otherwise increases costs on the Bond due to a change in reserve or
capital adequacy requirements, the Lender will provide the County at least ninety (90) days
written notice prior to the imposition of such increased costs, and, in such event, the County
will be permitted to redeem the Bond at par, plus accrued interest to the date of redemption
upon providing the Lender at least five (5) Business Days prior written notice.
Any amount payable to the Registered Owner hereunder which is not paid when due
shall bear interest at the "Default Rate." For purposes of this Bond, the term "Default Rate"
shall mean the higher of (1) JP Morgan Chase Bank's Prime Rate plus 4% and (2) the "Adjusted.
One-Month LIBOR Rate" (as hereinafter defined) plus 4%. "Adjusted One-Month LIBOR Rate"
shall mean the sum of 2.50% plus the quotient of (a) the LIBOR Rate on the immediately
preceding business day for dollar deposits with a maturity equal to one-month, divided by (b)
one minus the "Reserve Requirement" applicable to dollar deposits in the London interbank
market with a maturity equal to one month. The Default Rate shall be determined as of the day
immediately following the date on which any amount payable to the Registered Owner
hereunder is not paid when due.
This Bond shall bear interest at the Interest Rate; provided, however, that if any
principal of or interest on this Bond is not paid when due, this Bond and any amount so in
default shall bear interest at the Default Rate until such default is cured. Anything provided
herein or in this Bond to the contrary notwithstanding, in no event shall this Bond bear interest
in excess of the Maximum Rate. In the event the Interest Rate exceeds the Maximum Rate, this
Bond shall continue to bear interest at the Maximum Rate regardless of the reduction of the
Interest Rate to a rate less than the Maximum Rate until such time as interest shall accrue on this
Bond in an amount (the "Excess Interest") that would have accrued thereon had the Interest
Rate not been limited by the Maximum Rate. Upon the Maturity Date, in consideration for the
limitation of the rate of interest otherwise .payable on this Bond, the County shall pay to the
Registered Owner of this Bond a fee equal to the amount of the unpaid amount of all unpaid
deferred Excess Interest.
"Maximum Rate" means fifteen percent (15%).
The Registered Owner shall give the County written notice at least ninety (90) days prior
to the effective date of any interest rate adjustment provided for hereunder. Notwithstanding
anything herein or in the Resolution to the contrary, upon receipt of such written notice, the
County shall have the right to call this Bond at par, without prepayment penalty or premium, at
any time prior to the effective date of the interest rate adjustment.
This Bond shall be subject to redemption prior to November 1, 201b in the event that the
County pays to the Registered Owner the following redemption premium. For purposes of the
foregoing, the term "redemption premium" shall mean the sum of the differences between (a)
each scheduled interest payment which would have been made on the redeemed amount if
such redemption had not occurred and (b) the corresponding fixed-rate interest payment which
would be received under an interest rate swap which the Registered Owner shall be deemed to
have entered into as of the date of such redemption (the "Replacement Swap") covering its
payment obligations under an interest rate swap which the Registered Owner shall be deemed
to have entered into when the redeemed amount was originally funded, with each such
difference discounted to a present value as of the date of redemption using the fixed interest
rate of the Replacement Swap as the applicable discount rate. The County acknowledges that
the Registered Owner might not fund or hedge its fixed-rate loan portfolio or any redemption
thereof on a loan-by-loan basis at all times, and agrees that the foregoing is a reasonable and
appropriate method of calculating liquidated damages for any redemption irrespective of
whether any of the foregoing hedging transactions have in fact occurred or occurred precisely
as stated with respect to the loan evidenced by this Bond. All calculations and determinations
by the Registered Owner of the amounts payable pursuant to the preceding provisions or of any
element thereof, if made in accordance with its then standard procedures for so calculating or
determining such amounts, shall be conclusive absent manifest arithmetic error.
Financial Advisor $
Expenses Not to exceed $
Bond Counsel $
Expenses Not to exceed $
Bank Counsel $
Expenses Not to exceed $
• ~
SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney
DATE: September 27, 2011
Daniel S. McIntyre
County Attorney
SUBJECT: Second Amendment to August 1, 2003 Facilities Use Agreement -
New York Mets; 2011 Expansion Program
BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum
RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommendsthattheBoardapprovetheSecondAmendment
to the August 1, 2003 Facilities Use Agreement and authorize the
Chairman to sign the Second Amendment.
Faye W. Outlaw, MPA
County Administrator
Review and Approvals
County Attorney:r/ Management & Budget Purchasing:
Daniel S. McIntyre
Originating Dept. Public Works Dir: County Eng.:,
Finance: (Check for copy only, if applicable) Eff. 5/96
TO: Board of County Commissioners
FROM: Daniel S. McIntyre, County Attorney
C.A. NO.: 11-984
DATE: September 20, 2011
SUBJECT: Second Amendment to August 1, 2003 Facilities Use Agreement -New
York Mets; 2011 Expansion Program
In 1984, the County's voters approved the levy of a two cent (2C) tourist development tax
to provide a sports stadium. In 1986, the County entered into agreements with the New York Mets
and a St. Louis developer (Thomas J. White) to build a stadium and related facilities for the Mets.
Mr. White donated 100 acres of land and built the original stadium and facilities which had an
estimated value of eleven million dollars ($11,000,000.00) at the time the facilities were built.
These facilities were eventually transferred to the County. The Mets agreed to use the facilities
(named the St. Lucie County Sports Complex) as their Major League Spring training facility for a
period offifteen (15) years from the date the facilities were complete. The first spring training game
was held in the stadium in March of 1988.
In 2003, the County and the Mets entered into a new agreement wherein the Mets agreed
to continue to use the St. Lucie County Sports Complex as the Mets Major League Spring Training
and Florida State League (minor league) facilities for a period of fifteen (15) years until 2018. As
part of this new agreement, the County and the Mets cooperated on the design and construction
of renovations and improvements to the Stadium. The Mets retained the design architect and
served as construction manager for the renovation improvements. The Mets also assisted in
funding the renovation improvements. The County agreed to levy a fourth cent (4`h C) and fifth cent
(5`h C) tourist development tax for a period of fifteen (15) years until January 31, 2018. All of the
fourth cent (4`h t) and sixty-even (67°r6) percent of the fifth cent (5`h G) revenues were pledged to
pay debt service on bonds issued to assist in funding the renovation improvements.
In 2009, the Governors Office of Tourism, Trade and Economic Development (OTTED), the
Florida Sports Foundation and the Florida Grapefruit League Association prepared a document
named "The State of Florida's Major League Baseball Spring Training Strategic P{an." A summary
of the study indicated:
- Florida's Spring Training created $753 million in annual sales with $385 million of
it from out-of-town visitors
Annual Spring Training attendance in 2010 of 1.4 million people (15 teams)
9,205 jobs directly associated with Spring Training (out of state visitors accounted
for 7,007 jobs)
Proposed 2011 Improvements; Financine
The Mets have submitted a list of proposed improvements for 2011 is as follows:
A. Rieht Field Terrace and Dieital Scoreboard -Estimated Cost - $2,500,000
Proposed construction of a right field terrace (similar to the existing left field terrace) with
a 12,000 square foot shell under the terrace for future expansion along with installation of a new
digital scoreboard.
13. Fan Shoa Expansion -Estimated Cost - $100,000 - $150,000
Expansion and renovation of the existing Fan Shop
C, Caaital Equipment Replacement -Estimated Cost - $250,000
The proposed financing program would require the County to extend the fourth cent (4`hC)
and fifth cent (5`hC) tourist development tax for a period of five years. A public hearing on an
ordinance (Ordinance No. 011-028) which, if adopted, would extend the tourist tax through
December 31, 2023 is scheduled to be heard at the Board's September 27, 2011 special meeting.
The County's financial advisor has also indicated that the County will need to provide a covenant
to budget and appropriate non ad valorem revenues as a backup pledge. The proposed financing
program for the 2011 Improvements will also be on the September 27 agenda.
Second Amendment to Facilities Use Agreement
Attached to this memorandum is a copy of a proposed Second Amendment to the August
1, 2003 Facilities Use Agreement. Under the terms of the Second Amendment, the Mets agree to
extend their use of the County's Sports Complex for an additional period of five years commencing
on January 1, 2019 and ending on December 31, 2023. The County agrees to provide funding for
the design and construction of the Right Field Terrace, Digital Scoreboard and Fan Shop Expansion
as set out above. The Mets will manage the design and construction of the 2011 Improvements.
The Amendment also includes a provision that would allow the Mets to terminate the agreement
without paying a premium and with paying the full amount of the debt service on the 2011 debt
through 2016 in the event the number of spring training teams on the east coast of Florida,
including Orlando, drop below 4 (including the Mets). In 2017 and later years, the Mets would pay
the following percentage of debt service payments through the remaining amortization period on
a semiannual basis through 2023:
2017 - 75%
2018 - 65%
2019 - 55%
2020 - 45°~
2021 - 35%
2022 - 25%
2023 - 0%
A copy of a schedule setting out the County's potential exposure for payment of debt service is
attached as prepared by the County's financial Advisor. If the Mets terminate the agreement
without cause {other than if the number of spring training teams on the east coast of Florida drops
below 4), the Mets would pay the unamortized principa{ balance of the remaining debt other than
the $500,000 used for equipment and the Fan Shop expansion.
As indicated above, the estimated cost of the right field terrace and the digital scoreboard
is approximately $2,500,OOO.Of the remaining $500,000, $250,000 would be allocated for purchase
of County capital equipment as outlined in Exhibit P and $250,000 would be allocated tot e
expansion of the Fan Shop. If the cost of constructing the Fan Shop expansion is less than $250,000,
the excess funds will be allocated to the County for purchase of additional equipment as set out in
Exhibit "P".
Staff recommends that the Board approve the Second Amendment to the August 1, 2033
Facilities Use Agreement and authorize the Chairman to sign the Second Amendment.
Daniel S. Mcl
County Attor
SFS 9/26/11 draft clean
THIS AMENDMENT ("Amendment"), made and entered into in triplicate as of .
2011, by and between ST. LUCIE COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida ("County"), and
STERLING FACILITY SERVICES, L.L.C., a New York limited liability company ("SFS").
WHEREAS, as of August 1, 2003, the County and SFS entered into a Facilities Use Agreement for
the St. Lucie County Sports Complex which Agreement was amended as of October 21, 2003 (as
amended, the "FUA"); and
WHEREAS, SFS and the County desire to renovate the Sports Complex beyond the
improvements contemplated in the FUA (the "2011 Improvements" defined below); and
WHEREAS, in consideration of the County agreeing to fund the 2011 Improvements and to grant
SFS an additional five-year extension option and the other consideration herein contained, SFS desires
to exercise its first option to extend the FUA, through December 31, 2023, with additional option
periods, in accordance with the provisions hereinafter contained;.
WHEREAS, the parties desire to enter into an amendment to the FUA on the terms herein
NOW, THEREFORE, inconsideration of the mutual covenants and promises herein contained, IT
The FUA is hereby amended by deleting Section 2(B) thereof and replacing it with the following:
"B. Option Terms: At the end of the Initial Term, SFS shall have three options (the
"Options") to extend this Agreement, each for an additional five (5) year period, (each, an "Option
Term," if exercised, together with the Initial Term, the Term ), upon the same terms as are herein set
forth. The first Option is hereby exercised by SFS, and the first Option Term shall commence on
January 1, 2019 and end on December 31, 2023. The second Option may be exercised. by SFS giving its
written notification to the County on or before June 30, 2023 and, if exercised, the second Option Term
shall commence on January 1, 2024 and end on December 31, 2028. If the second Option is exercised,
the third Option may be exercised by SFS giving its written notification to the County on or before June
30, 2028 and, if exercised, the third Option Term shall commence on January 1, 2029 and end on
December 31, 2033:'
The FUA is hereby amended by deleting the last paragraph of Section 3(A) thereof (as refieded
in the First Amendment to St. Lucie Sports Complex Facilities Use Agreement) and replacing it with the
"In addition, the County will contribute such additional amounts toward Additional
Improvements to be made in years 2005 through 2023, as provided in Section 5(K) of this Agreement."
The FUA is hereby amended by deleting the last paragraph of Section 3(C} thereof and replacing
it with the following:
"If the total consideration to be provided by the Naming Rights sponsor under the Naming
Rights Agreement exceeds $2,250,000, then any excess (the "Excess Naming Rights Revenues") shall be
added or devoted to the Additional Improvements Budget (as such term is defined below in Section
5(K-), subject to the proviso set forth in .the definition of "Additional Improvements Budget" with
respect to the years 2019-2023."
The FUA is hereby amended by deleting Section 5(K) thereof and replacing it with the following:
"K. 1. The County intends to issue its Tourist Development Tax Revenue Bond,
Series 2011A (the "Series 2011A.Bond") and its Taxable Tourist Development Tax Revenue Bond, Series
20118 (the Series 2011B -Bond and, together with the Series 2011A Bond, the "2011 Improvement
Bonds"). A portion of the proceeds of the Series 2011A Bond will be used to finance the 2011
Improvements. The County and SFS agree that the 2011 Improvement Bonds will be secured by a
pledge by the County of and first lien upon the Tourist Tax defined below, which lien shall be senior in
priority to any lien in favor of SFS arising hereunder. In addition to the Initial Term Improvements and
the 2011 Improvements, as agreed upon by the parties in good faith cooperation, County shall fund, to
the extent funds are available as set forth below, during the calendar years 2005 thru 2023 certain
additional improvements to the Sports Complex (the "Additional Improvements"). The Additional
Improvements to be constructed and the schedule. for the construction of the Additional Improvements
shall be determined so as to provide material benefit to SFS to be enjoyed by SFS during the Initial Term
and the first Option Term. The Total Cost of the Work related to the Additional Improvements shall be
paid from the. following funds (which sum is herein referred to as the "Additional Improvements
Budget"): the Additional County Contributions as herein defined, plus the .Excess Initial Term
Improvement Budget Funds, plus the Excess Naming Rights Revenues (provided that, for the years
2019-2023, the Excess Naming Rights Revenues shall only be added to the Additional Improvements
Budget to the extent the County does not need such funds to pay the debt service on the 2011
Improvement Bonds), plus the Excess 2011 Improvement. Budget Funds (each as defined in this
Agreement, as amended). The term "Additional County Contributions" means (i) funding in the
amount of $160,423.00 in each year from 2005 ,through 2011, which funding shall be added to the
Additional Improvements Budget by the County promptly following the Florida State League baseball
season in each such year, and (ii) funding in the amount of the Remaining Amount in each year from
2012 through 2023, which funding shall be added to the Additional Improvements Budget on November
1 of each such year. The County shall provide the Additional County Contributions and the other funds
for the Additional Improvements Budget, such funds to be used by SFS to pay for Additional
Improvements mutually acceptable to SFS and County, acting in good faith cooperation, and for other
purposes set forth herein. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, the provision of the
Additional County Contributions by the County to the Additional Improvements Budget is subject to the
existence of a Remaining Amount after full and timely payment of debt requirements on the 2011
Improvement Bonds from the sum set forth in clause (x) of the definition of "Remaining Amount" below,
and the County shall make full and timely payment of debt requirements on the 2011 Improvement
Bonds. Funds in the Additional Improvements Budget not expended in any given year will be rolled
over to the following year to be used toward Additional Improvements mutually acceptable to SFS and
County, acting in good faith cooperation. SFS shall have the right to request that the County provide
monies from the Additional Improvements Budget, and the County will promptly honor such requests
and deliver such funds to SFS or such other person or entity according to instructions from SFS for use as
contemplated under this Agreement (including to pay for the Total Cost of the Work related to the
Additional Improvements, and to pay for Total Cost of the Work in connection with the 2011
Improvements to the extent such Total Cost of the Work exceeds the 2011 Improvements Budget, as
addressed below in Section 11). To the extent that the Remaining Amount exceeds the Capped
Amount (prior to application of the proviso at the end of the definition of "Remaining Amount"), the
excess funding shall be used by the County solely for capital expenditures for the direct benefit of the
Sports Complex and for no other purpose. In accordance with Treasury Regulation Section
1.141-4(c)(3)(v), it is the express official intent and expectation of the County that any capital
improvement provided to the Sports Complex using Excess Naming Rights Revenues under the
Agreement during the period this Agreement is in effect shall be the result of expenditures made by the
Naming Rights sponsor out of its own funds pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement, and as such
shall be allocated to the Naming Rights sponsor's equity funds rather than funds of the County. Since
the Naming Rights sponsor is expected to make such payments from its own funds for these capital
expenditures at the time the expenditures are incurred, it is expected by the County that all such private
payments for capital expenditures for improvements and capital repairs and renovations will be made
not later than 18 months after the later of the-date the expenditure is paid or the date the
improvements are placed in service.
Additional Definitions
The "Remaining Amount" as used herein means the amount by which (x) the
sum of (a) the SFS Contributions for the year in question plus (b) the total of all consideration to be
provided by the sponsor of the Naming Rights for the year in question under the Naming Rights
Agreement plus (c) the Naming Rights Shortfall Payments for the year in question plus (d) an amount
equal to the sum of 1009'0 of the proceeds of the fourth (4th) cent and 679'0 of the proceeds of the fifth
(5"') cent of tourist development tax levied by the County (the "Tourist Tax") pursuant to Ordinances No.
02-36, No. 03-12 and No. 11-028 of St. Lucie County, Florida (the "Tourist Tax Ordinances")during the
twelve month period ending on November 1 of the year in question, exceeds (y) the amount of debt
service payments paid by the County on the 20111mprovement Bonds during the twelve month period
ending on November 1 of the year in question (excluding debt service payments to the extent
attributable to $505,000 of principal and costs of issuance in connection with the Series 2011A Bond),
provided that the Remaining Amount in any year shall not exceed the Capped Amount.
The "Capped Amount" as used herein means, (I) in 2012, $160,243.00, and (II) in
each year after 2012 when $160,243.00 exceeded the Remaining Amount in the immediately preceding
year, the Capped Amount from the immediately preceding year increased by the amount by which
$160,243.00 exceeded the Remaining Amount in the immediately preceding year, and (III) in each year
after 2012 when the Remaining Amount exceeded $160,243.00 in the immediately preceding year, the.
Capped Amount from the immediately preceding year decreased by the amount by which the Remaining
Amount exceeded $160,243.00 in the immediately preceding year, provided that the Capped Amount
shall under no circumstances be less than $160,243.00."
The FUA is hereby amended by adding the following as the last sentence of Section 9 of the FUA:
"In considering whether to approve of proposed prices for New York Mets Major League Spring
Training tickets to the renovated right field seating and concessions area of the Stadium constructed as
part of the 2011 Improvements, the County may consider, among other things, whether such prices are
likely to generate less revenue than was generated from the sale of tickets to the same area of the
Stadium prior to the 2011 Improvements, based upon average revenue per game generated from such
area during the 2011 New York Mets Major League Spring Training season."
The FUA is hereby. amended by deleting Section 11 thereof (with the heading "Minimum
Games")and replacing it with the following:
"11. 2011 I MPROVEME NTS
The County shalt provide $2,750,000.00 of funding (the 2011 Improvements
Budget")for the design and construction of certain improvements to the Sports'Complex (the "2011
Improvements")which shall include the improvements described on Exhibit "K" hereto, it being
understood that not more than $250,000.00 of the 2011 Improvements Budget may be used for the
design and construction of the Fan Shop Expansion referenced on Exhibit K. (Such $250,000.00
amount, reduced by the portion (if any) of the 2011 Improvements Budget in excess of $2,500,000 that
is used for the Total Cost of the Work in connection with the 2011 Improvements other than the Fan
Shop Expansion, is referred to herein as the Fan Shop Sub-Budget .) Nothing in this Agreement shall
obligate the County to provide funding for the 2011 Improvements'in excess of the 2011 Improvements
Budget; provided, however, that to the extent the Total Cost of the Work in connection with the 2011
Improvements exceeds the 2011 Improvements Budget or the Total Cost of the Work in connection with
the Fan Shop Expansion exceeds the Fan Shop Sub-Budget, SFS may use and apply funds in the
Additional Improvements Budget (as such term is defined in Section 5(K)) to pay for the Total Cost of the
Work. The 2011 Improvements Budget shall be used to fund the 2011 Improvements only and for no
other purpose (except as provided herein).
1. SFS shall engage an architect reasonably satisfactory to County (the
"Architect" referred to in this Section 11). The Architect shall be responsible for (1) developing a
conceptual plan and general specifications (the "Conceptual Plans" referred to in this Section 11) for the
2011 Improvements; (2) developing preliminary plans and specifications for the 2011 Improvements; (3)
preparing working drawings and requests for bids; (4) obtaining all permits, other than building permits,
needed to construct the 2011 Improvements; (S) assisting SFS in evaluating the qualifications of
potential contractors; (6) providing contract administration; and (7) performing construction inspections
as needed to provide certified as-built drawings after the 2011 Improvements are constructed (the
"Architect's Work" referred to in this Section 11). Without limiting the foregoing, the County hereby
approves of Gensler as a satisfactory Architect. SFS shall enter into a contract (the "Architect's
Contract referred to in this Section 11) with the Architect which Architect's Contract shall, inter alia,
contain the terms and conditions set forth in Exhibit "L" hereto. The County shall be named as a third
party beneficiary in the Architect's Contract. The County shall, upon request, enter into a joinder to
the Architect's Contract substantially similar to the joinder entered into by the County dated October
21, 2003 in connection with the Construction Contract dated as of August 1, 2003 between SFS and
Rodda Construction, Inc. Without limiting the foregoing, the Architect's Contract shall require the
Architect to procure policies of insurance that relate to the Architect's Work, with terms, limits,
coverages and specifications at least as favorable for SFS as those reflected in Exhibit L ,and should
provide that Architect will not receive payment for any portion of the Architect's Work or any other
amounts due until the date that is at least five (5) days after County has paid the amount due to SFS as
set forth in Section 11(C)(9)(b) below. SFS shall have the right to refuse to enter into any Architect's
Contract with terms that are not commercially reasonable as determined by SFS. County agrees that
the Architect shall not be considered an agent of SFS for any purpose and that the Architect shall be
solely responsible for the Architect's Work, and that the County will look solely to the Architect, and in
no event to SFS, with respect to the performance of the Architect's Work and any damages or losses
which may arise from or out of any acts or omissions of the Architect. Within twenty (20) days
following the date of approval of this Agreement by the Board of County Commissioners, 5FS shall cause
Architect to furnish to County the Conceptual Plans for the 2011 Improvements (provided that if
Conceptual Plans for the Fan Shop Expansion are not completed at such time, such Conceptual Plans
may be provided later). To the extent practicable, SFS shall also cause the Architect to provide the
County with an estimate of the cost of each proposed capital improvement. County shall have a period
often (10) business days from delivery of the Conceptual Plans within which to review and to
disapprove of the Conceptual Plans, in writing. County shall have no right to disapprove of the
Conceptual Plans except to the extent that the improvements described therein are materially
inconsistent with the description of the 2011 Improvements set forth on Exhibit "K" hereto or to the
extent the Conceptual Plans reflect estimated costs in excess of the 2011 Improvements Budget.
Subject to the foregoing, County shall not unreasonably withhold its consent to any Conceptual Plans.
If County disapproves of the Conceptual Plans, County shall express the grounds for its disapproval in
reasonable detail. If County shall not disapprove within such ten (10) business day period, the
Conceptual Plans shall be deemed approved.
2. As soon as is reasonably practicable following the approval of the
Conceptual Plans, SFS shall cause Architect to prepare and deliver to County and SFS preliminary plans
and specifications for the 2011 Improvements in accordance with the approved Conceptual Plans (the
"Preliminary Plans" referred to in this Section 11). County and SFS shall have a period often (10) days
within which to review and to approve or disapprove of the Preliminary Plans in writing. County shall
have no right to disapprove of the Preliminary Plans except to the extent the Preliminary Plans shall be
materially inconsistent with the Conceptual Plans. If County or SFS disapprove of the Preliminary
Plans, it or they shall express the grounds for its disapprova{ in reasonable detail.. If County or SFS shall
not respond with disapproval within such ten (10) day period, the Preliminary Plans shall be deemed
3. As soon as is reasonably practicable following the approval of the
Preliminary Plans, SFS shall cause the Architect to prepare working drawings for the 2011 Improvements
(or such of the 2011 Improvements as shall be designated by SFS), in accordance with the approved
Preliminary Plans and to deliver same to County and SFS (the Final Plans referred to in this Section 11).
County and SFS. shall have a period often (10) days from receipt of the completed Final Plans to review
and approve or disapprove of the Final Plans in writing. County shall have no right to disapprove of the
Final Plans except to the extent such Final Plans shall be materially inconsistent with the Preliminary
Plans. If County or SFS shall disapprove of the Final Plans, it or they shall express the grounds for-its
disapproval in writing and in reasonable detail. If neither County nor SFS disapprove within such ten
(10) day period, the Final Plans shall be deemed approved. Once approved, the Final Plans shall be
incorporated into this Agreement as Exhibit "M".
4. SFS shall, through a competitive bidding or proposal process (consisting
of the solicitation of bids or proposals from at least three contractors), engage a contractor (the
"Contractor" referred to in this Section 11) for the construction of the 2011 Improvements in
accordance with the Final Plans (the "Work" referred to in this Section 11). SFS shall have the right to
prequalify contractors and to refuse to engage any contractor upon terms that are not commercially
reasonable as determined by SFS or who is not determined by SFS to have submitted the best qualified
bid or proposal. SFS's selection of any Contractor and the terms of the agreement between SFS and
the Contractor (the "Contract" referred to in this Section 11) shall be subject to the approval of the
County, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld.
5. The Contract shall, inter alia, include the terms and conditions set forth
in Exhibit "N" hereto and shall include each of the following requirements: (i) the furnishing of a public
construction bond in a form consistent with Section 255.05, Florida Statutes, with the County named as
co-obligee, and with terms acceptable to SFS; (ii) retainage in an amount acceptable to SFS for the Work,
until the Completion of the Work (including a retainage of 109'0 of the total value of the construction
contract); (iii) payment by the Contractor of liquidated damages equal to One Thousand Dollars
($1,000.00) for each day from and after the Required Completion Date (if and as that term or its
equivalent is defined in the Contract) until the actual date of Completion; (iv) a requirement that the
Contractor perform and achieve Completion of the Work for a fixed stipulated sum (the "Fixed Contract
Price" referred to in this Section 11), by no later than the Required Completion Date; (v) the furnishing
of an "installation floater" insurance policy or such other policy of insurance covering goods in transit
and while the Work is being performed, with terms, limits, coverages and specifications acceptable to
SFS (and the furnishing by any subcontractors of policies of insurance that relate to the Work naming
SFS, Club and the County as additional insureds, with terms, limits, coverages and specifications
acceptable to SFS); (vi) at SFS's election, the provision on behalf of SFS of an Owner's Contractor
Protective policy of insurance, including extensions for products and completed operations coverage
and similar extended coverage at least through Completion (as defined herein) of the Work, or another
policy of insurance acceptable to SFS, with SFS as a named insured; and (vii) Contractor must agree that
it will not receive payment for any portion of the Contractor's Work or any other amounts due until the
date that is at least five (5) days after County has paid the amount due to SFS asset forth in Section
11(C)(9)(c) below. The County shall be named as a third party beneficiary in the Contract between the
Contractor and SFS. The County shall, upon request, enter into a joinder to the Contract between the
Contractor and SFS substantially similar to the joinder entered into by the County dated October 21,
2003 in connection with the Construction Contract dated as of August 1, 2003 between SFS and Rodda
Construction, Inc.
6. SFS agrees to include the following provisions (or substantively
equivalent provisions) in the Contract:
(a) Punchlist Procedures. Punchlist procedures to render the
Work complete, satisfactory and acceptable are established as follows:
There shall be the development of a single checklist of items
required to render complete, satisfactory, and acceptable, the construction services. Within twenty
(20) days of Substantial Completion of the construction services purchased as defined in the Contract,
Contractor shall schedule a walkthrough with SFS ("Initial Walkthrough" a/k/a "IW"). The purpose of
the IW is to develop a checklist ("Checklist"} of items to be performed by the Contractor, based- upon
observations made between the Contractor and SFS during the IW. The IW is to occur within twenty
(20) days of Substantial Completion of the Work as defined by the Contract, again predicated upon the
Contractor's timely initiation of a request for the IW.
No later than forty (40) calendar days after reaching Substantial
Completion, Contractor shall again initiate and request a second walkthrough of the Project with SFS.
The purpose of this second walkthrough is to identify which items remain to be performed from the IW
Checklist and for the purpose of developing a single and Final Punchlist.
The intent of this section is for SFS-and the Contractor to
cooperate to develop a single Fina{ Punchlist to be completed no later than sixty (60) calendar days from
the date of reaching Substantial Completion of the construction services purchase as defined in the
Contract. .The single Final Punchlist shall be delivered no later than five (5) calendar days after the
Punchlist has been developed and reviewed in accordance with this section. If the Construction
services provided in this Contract relate to more than one building or structure, or involves a
multi-phased project, the single Final Punchlist is required to render complete, satisfactory, and
acceptable all the construction services for each building, structure, or phase of the Project and is due
within the time periods set forth in this section.
In no event may the Contractor request payment of final
retainage until the Contractor considers the Final Punchlist to be 1009'o complete.
Contractor agrees to complete the Final Punchlist items and the
Final Contract Completion Date must be thirty (30) calendar days after the delivery date of the Final
Punchlist. The failure to include any corrective work or pending items not yet completed on the list
does not alter the responsibility of the Contractor to complete all the construction services purchased
pursuant to this Contract.
Contractor acknowledges and agrees that no item contained on
the Final Punchlist shall be considered a warranty item until such time as (aj the Final Punchlist is 1009'0.
complete, and (b) SFS has been able to operate or utilize the affected Punchlist item for an additional
period of fifteen (15) days.
Contractor acknowledges and agrees that SFS may, at its option,
during performance of the Work and prior to Substantial Completion, issue lists of identified
non-conforming or corrective work for the Contractor to address. The intent of any such generated list
prior to Substantial Completion is to attempt to streamline the Punchlist process upon achieving
Substantial Completion, and to allow for the Contractor to address needed areas of corrective work as
they may be observed by SFS during performance of the Work.
Contractor acknowledges and agrees that SFS shall determine
whether an item on the Final Punchlist is completed and shall calculate the amount of payment to
withhold if an item is incomplete, with SFS having the right to withhold the greater of 1509'0 of the value
of the item on the Final Punchlist that is incomplete or the amount of the retainage under this Contract.
Contractor acknowledges and agrees that in calculating the amount of payment that may be withheld by
SFS as to any Final Punchlist item for which a good faith basis exists to determine that it is incomplete,
SFS may, in calculating the amount equal to 1509'0 of the value of the item (if SFS decides to withhold
such amount rather than the amount of the retainage under this Contract), include within such
percentage calculation its total costs for completing such item of work, including its administrative costs
as well as costs to address other services needed or areas of work which may be affected in order to
achieve full completion of the Final Punchlist item. Such percentage shall in no event relate to the
schedule of value associated with such Work activity, but rather total costs are based upon the value
(i.e. cost) of completing such Work activity based upon market conditions at the time of Final Punchlist
(b) Deduction of Retainase Procedures. Contractor may request a
reduction of retainage to from ten (109'0) percent of the total value of the Contract to five (59'0} percent
after fifty (509'0} percent completion of the Work. The term "Fifty Percent Completion" shall be defined
as follows, in lieu of any other definition:
"Fifty Percent Completion" of the Work is defined as that point in time
where 509'0 of the overall value of Work items incorporated and which
will remain in place subsequent to final completion of the Work have
been completed, based upon the schedule of values contained in the
Contract. As such, and by way of example, the value of Contractors
mobilization, general conditions, supervision or like items which do not
involve permanent incorporation of Work do not apply to the
determination of "Fifty Percent Completion" of the Work for purposes
of establishing entitlement to a reduction of retainage.
(c) Definition of Substantial Completion. For purposes of this
Contract, and for compliance of those procedures, duties and obligations, the term Substantial
Completion shall be as follows, in lieu of any other definition:
% ~ ~I
"Substantial Completion" is defined as that point where SFS is able to ~ x"1'(1
enjoy beneficial occupancy of the Work and where the Work has ~e~ ~~ ~~ ~~
achieved that level of completion such that SFS is able to utilize the r~1~~~V~
entire Project for its intended purposes, including but not limited to the
completion of all specified systems and items relating to life safety and
regulatory use, with the exception of incidental and incomplete items
except where a lack of completion of such incidental or incomplete
items of Work will adversely affect the complete operation of other
areas of the Work
(d) Subcontractors. In the event Contractor requires the services
of any contractor or professional associate in connection with the Work to be performed under this
Contract, the Contractor shall secure the written approval of SFS before engaging such contractor or
professional associate. A subcontractor who receives payment must remit undisputed payment due to
those subcontractors and suppliers within 7 days after subcontractor's receipt of payment.
7. County agrees that the Contractor shall not be considered an agent of
SFS for any purpose and shall be solely responsible for the Contractor's Work, and that the County will
look solely to the Contractor, and in no event to SFS, with respect to the performance of the
Contractor's Work and any damages or losses which may arise from or out of any acts or omissions of
the Contractor.
8. SFS shall have the right to purchase general construction liability
insurance or other construction-related insurance acceptable to SFS, with terms, coverages,
specifications and limits as determined by SFS as being reasonable in its sole discretion. The cost of
such insurance shall be included in-the Total Cost of the Work (as defined in this Section 11). County
shall bean additional insured on such insurance policy, if any is purchased by SFS.
9. The fees and costs of the Contractor, the Architect and the remainder of
the Total Cost of the Work shall be paid by the County in accordance with the procedures set forth in
Section 11(C)(9), below, out of the 2011 Improvements Budget. The term "Total Cost of the Work"
referred to in this Section 11 shall mean the sum of (i) the fees and expenses of the Architect in
connection with all stages of the Architect's Work hereunder, including without limitation the
Architect's consultants' fees and expenses, which fees and expenses shall not exceed $230,000.00, and
all fees and expenses related to the obtaining of permits needed to construct the 2011 Improvements,
plus (ii) the Fixed Contract Price, plus (iii) the fees and expenses of any consultants engaged by SFS,
[which fees and expenses shall not exceed $120,000.00,'plus (iv) any other costs, expenses or liabilities
incurred by SFS as a consequence of SFS's engagement of the Contractor, Architect or other consultants
hereunder, including but not limited to SFS's attorneys' fees in connection therewith, plus (v) the costs
of all permits required for the Work, plus (vi) the premium cost of all insurance, including without
limitation comprehensive general liability insurance, general construction liability insurance, Owner's
Contractor Protective insurance, products and completed operations or other extended insurance, or
other insurance acceptable to SFS, as SFS may elect to obtain, whether directly or through another
person or entity acting on SFS's behalf, as a consequence of SFS's engagement of the Architect and
Contractor hereunder (referred to in this Section,ll as the "Additional Exposure Liability Insurance
Coverage Insurance Premiums"). The Total Cost of the Work shall be subject to increase only as a
consequence of Authorized Change Orders (as defined in this Section 11), to the extent such Authorized
"Substantial Completion" is defined as that point where SFS is able to
enjoy beneficial occupancy of the Work and where the Work has
achieved that level of completion such that SFS is able to utilize the
entire Project for its intended purposes, including but not limited to the
completion of all specified systems and items relating to life safety and
regulatory use, with the exception of incidental and incomplete items
except where a lack of completion of such incidental or incomplete
items of Work will adversely affect the complete operation of other
areas of the Work
` (d) Subcontractors. In the event Contractor requires the services
of any contractor or professional associate in connection with the Work to be performed under this
Contract, the Contractor shall secure the written approval of SFS before engaging such contractor or
professional associate. A subcontractor who receives payment must remit undisputed payment due to
those subcontractors and suppliers within 7 days after subcontractor's receipt of payment.
7. County agrees that the Contractor shall not be considered an agent of
SFS for any purpose and shall be solely responsible for the Contractor's Work, and that the County will
look solely to the Contractor, and in no event to SFS, with respect to the performance of the
Contractor's Work and any damages or losses which may arise from or out of any acts or omissions of
the Contractor.
8. SFS shall have the right to purchase general construction liability
insurance or other construction-related insurance acceptable to SFS, with terms, coverages,
specifications and limits as determined by SFS as being reasonable in its sole discretion. The cost of
such insurance shall be included in the Total Cost of the Work (as defined in this Section 11). County
shat! be an additional insured on such insurance policy, if any is purchased by SFS.
9. The fees and costs of the Contractor, the Architect and the remainder of
the Total Cost of the Work shall be paid by the County in accordance with the procedures set forth in
Section 11(C)(9), below, out of the 2011 Improvements Budget. The term "Total Cost of the Work"
referred to in this Section 11 shall mean the sum of (i) the fees and expenses of the Architect in
connection with all stages of the Architect's Work hereunder, including without limitation the
Architect's consultants' fees and expenses, which fees and expenses shall not exceed $342,000.00, and
all fees and expenses related to the obtaining of permits needed to construct the 20111mprovements,
plus (ii) the Fixed Contract Price, plus (iii) the fees and expenses of any consultants engaged by SFS,
[which fees and expenses shall not exceed $ ,] plus (iv) any other costs, expenses or liabilities
incurred by SFS as a consequence of SFS's engagement of the Contractor, Architect or,other consultants
hereunder, including but not limited to SFS's attorneys' fees in connection therewith, plus (v) the costs
of all permits required for the Work, plus (vi) the premium cost of all insurance, including without
limitation comprehensive general liability insurance, general construction liability insurance, Owner's
Contractor Protective insurance, products and completed operations or other extended insurance, or
other insurance acceptable to SFS, as SFS may elect to obtain, whether directly or through another
person or entity acting on SFS's behalf, as a consequence of SFS's engagement of the Architect and
Contractor hereunder (referred to in this Section 11 as the "Additional Exposure liability Insurance
Coverage Insurance Premiums"). The Total Cost of the Work shall be subject to increase only as a
consequence of Authorized Change Orders (as defined in this Section 11), to the extent such Authorized
Change Orders actually increase the Total Cost of the Work, provided, however, that the County's
obligations shall be limited to the 2011 Improvements Budget and (to the extent applicable under
Sections 5(K) and 11(A)) the providing of monies from the Additional Improvements Budget. The Total
Cost of the Work shall not include any other costs or fees whatsoever, including, without limitation, fees
for construction, coordination, supervision or for review and approval of plans and specifications or
proposed Change Orders by SFS or County, except as otherwise specifically set forth in this Agreement.
1. Promptly following the execution of the Contract and the issuance of all
required approvals and permits, SFS shall cause the Contractor to commence the Work and to diligently
and continuously pursue the Work to Completion. The term "Completion" as used in this Section 11
shall mean the completion of the Work, as evidenced by the issuance of a temporary or final certificate
of occupancy or completion, as applicable, and the completion of all "punch-list" items.
2. County will cooperate in good faith to assist Architect and Contractor in
obtaining all permits required for the construction of the Work from all applicable governmental
3. There-shall be no change to the Final Plans, except pursuant to an
Authorized Change Order (as such term is defined below). SFS shall have the right to request changes
in the Work. As used in this Section 11, an "Authorized Change Order" shall mean a written instrument
initiated and prepared by SFS and signed by County if required herein (or deemed approved as set forth
herein), SFS and the Architect stating their agreement upon all of the following: (i) the agreed change in
the Work; and (ii) the extent of the adjustment in the Total Cost of the Work, if any. County shall have
a period often (10) business days following receipt of a request to approve a Change Order within which
to review same. If County fails to respond within such ten (10) business day period after the receipt of
the proposed Change Order, then such proposed Change Order shall be deemed approved provided,
however, that in no event shall the County be obligated to pay any costs associated with Change Orders
in the event such costs cause the Total Cost of the Work to exceed the 2011 Improvements Budget and
the monies available in the Additional Improvements Budget (to the extent applicable under Sections
5(K) and 11(A)) without a separate written consent from the County identifying the additional funds to
be provided. Such separate written consent shall not be deemed to have been provided by the
County's failure to object to a Change Order. County shall not unreasonably withhold its consent to
any proposed Change Order. County has the right to suggest Change Orders to SFS, and SFS agrees to
consider each County request for a Change Order in good faith, provided that any Change Order
proposed by County shall not have the effect of increasing the Total Cost of the Work, and to initiate an
Authorized Change Order as set forth in this paragraph if SFS determines that such a Change Order is
appropriate. Changes in the Total Cost of the Work due to an Authorized Change Order shall be
limited to the actual net increase in the cost included in the definition of the Total Cost of the Work.
4. SFS and the County shall have the right to monitor the construction
process of the 2011 Improvements at all times, provided that County shall not give direction, whether
verbally or in writing or otherwise, to any Contractor, Architect or consultant engaged by SFS, except in
an emergency situation. Without limiting the foregoing, the County hereby consents to the
engagement by SFS of Sterling Project Development ("SPD"- as a consultant, provided that SPD shall not
charge any fee for its services, but SPD shall be reimbursed in full from the 2011 Improvements Budget
for all of its out-of-pocket expenses in connection with the provision of such services, including but not
limited to the costs of travel, transportation, lodging and meals for SPD personnel in connection with the
project and SPD's reasonable fees, costs and expenses related to the work of outside counsel in
connection with the engagement of the Architect and the Contractor.
5. In the event of any contractual dispute between the parties hereto that
(i) occurs before Completion (as defined in this Section 11) of the 2011 Improvements, and (ii) relates to
the preparation and/or approval of the Conceptual Plans, Preliminary Plans, Final Plans or any Change
Order for any Phase of the Work, SFS and County shall attempt in good faith to agree to the resolution
of the disagreement and/'or the curative measures, if any, that are required to be undertaken, and will
submit the dispute to non-binding mediation in an effort to resolve the dispute if the parties are unable
to reach a resolution without outside intervention. If the parties are unable to resolve such dispute
through non-binding mediation, then the dispute shall promptly be resolved by arbitration pursuant to
Section 38 in the Agreement on an expedited basis at the request of either party.
6. It shall be the responsibility of Architect and Contractor, as may be
appropriate, to coordinate activities with interested governmental agencies in connection with the
construction process.
7. .The Contractor shall be responsible for the construction of the 2011
Improvements in accordance with the approved Final Plans and for obtaining all certificates of
occupancy and completion so that the improvements can be used.
(a) The 2011 Improvement Schedule, which shall be Exhibit "O"
hereto, shall show:
(i) The anticipated time of commencement and
completion of each of the various operations to be performed under this contract; and,
(ii) The sequence and inter-relationship of each of these
operations with the others and with those of other related contracts; and,
(iii) The estimated time required for fabrication or delivery,
or both, of all materials and equipment for the Work.
(b) SFS shall not be responsible for the funding of the Work, nor
shall it be obligated to pay for any cost overruns related to the planning, design or construction of the
2011 Improvements, whether due to hidden or unforeseen conditions or otherwise. County shall. not
be responsible for such cost overruns, except for providing monies from the Additional Improvements
Budget to the extent applicable under Sections 5(K) and 11(A), without a separate written consent from
the County identifying the additional funds to be provided.
(c) The 2011 Improvement Schedule shall be revised. by SFS as and
when needed. SFS shall provide the County with written notice in the event that any revision as to the
2011 Improvement Schedule changes the Required Completion Date (if and as that term or its
equivalent is defined in the Contract).
8. The County shall issue the 2011 Improvement Bonds such that the
portion of the proceeds of the 2011 Improvement Bonds that is not used to pay off the County's Tourist
Development Tax Revenue Bond, Series 2003 and the County's Tourist Development Tax Taxable
Revenue Bond, Series 2003C or to pay the .costs of issuance of the 2011 Improvement Bonds equals
$3,000,000. Such $3,000,000 in proceeds shall initially be distributed as follows: {a) $2,750,000 to the
2011 Improvements Budget, and (b) $250,000 to the County (the "County Share of Proceeds", together
with the additional amounts added thereto pursuant to Section 11(C)(9)(e)(ii)). The County Share of
Proceeds shall be used by the County for the following purposes, in each case so as to provide material
benefit to SFS to be enjoyed by SFS during the Initial Term and the first Option Term and for no other
purpose: (i) to purchase certain equipment, as described on Exhibit "P" hereto (the "2011 Equipment"),
to be used solely in connection with and for the direct benefit of the Sports Complex, and (ii) to pay for
improvements to the Sports Complex. Promptly after execution of the Second Amendment to St. Lucie
Sports Complex Facilities Use Agreement, but in any event not later than October 1, 2011, the County
shall deposit the entire amount of the funds that comprise the 2011 Improvements Budget in an interest
bearing account, in the name of the County, designated (and referred to in this Section 11} as the "2011
Improvement Account," and all interest thereon shall be added to the 2011 Improvements Budget.
The County will issue bonds in an amount sufficient to generate $2,750,000 of funding for the 2011
Improvements Budget, as provided for in this Section 11. Notwithstanding any provision in the Second
Amendment to the contrary, the County shall have no obligation to provide funds for the 2011
Improvements Budget in excess of the $2,750,000 provided with the proceeds of the County's 2011
Improvement Bonds without the express written consent of the County identifying the additional funds
provided, provided that the foregoing shall not be construed to limit the use of monies from the
Additional Improvements Budget toward the 2011 Improvements in accordance with Sections 5(K) and
11(A) to the extent applicable.
9. County shall disburse funds from the 2011 Improvement Account, as
follows, provided that in no event shall County be responsible for disbursing funds in excess of the 2011
Improvements Budget #or the Total Cost of the Work (except for funds from the Additional
Improvements Budget, to the extent the Total Cost of the Work in connection with the 2011
Improvements exceeds the 2011 Improvements Budget):
(a) Within twenty (20) business days following SFS's delivery to
County of an invoice for the Additional Exposure Liability Coverage Insurance Premiums, County shall
pay to SFS the entire amount of such invoice;
(b) Within twenty (20) business days following SFS's delivery to
County of an invoice from the Architect with respect to the Architect's Work, County shall pay to SFS the
full amount of such invoice, which payment SFS will then forward to Architect within five (5) days of
SFS's receipt thereof from County;
(c) Within twenty (20) business days following SFS's delivery to
County of an invoice from the Contractor (which invoice shall reflect the applicable retainage),
accompanied by the Required Documents (as such term is defined below), County shall pay to SFS the
full amount of such invoice, which payment SFS will then forward to Contractor within five (5) days of
SFS's receipt thereof from County. The term "Required Documents" referred to in this Section 11
means: (i) an affidavit from the Contractor certifying that the invoice is true and correct; (ii) a partial lien
waiver from the Contractor for the full amount of the current invoice and partial lien waivers from all
subcontractors, materialmen and others who have filed Notices to Owner with respect to all Work
through the date of the prior invoice; (iii) a certificate from Architect stating that the portion of the
Work described in such invoice has been completed in accordance with the Final Plans; and (iv) in
connection with the final disbursement to the Contractor (A) a final lien waiver from the Contractor and
from all subcontractors, materialmen and others who have filed Notices to Owner and (B) a final
certificate of occupancy or a certificate of completion, as may be applicable;
(d) Within twenty (20) business days following SFS's delivery to
County of any invoices from any consultants engaged by SFS and/or with respect to any other costs,
expenses or liabilities incurred by SFS pursuant to or as described in Section 11(8)(9) of this Agreement,
County shall pay to SFS the full amount of such. invoices; and
(e) Upon Completion:
(i) to the extent that $2,500,000.00 exceeds the Total Cost of
the Work in connection with the 2011 Improvements other than the Fan Shop Expansion (with the
amount of such excess hereafter referred to as the "Excess 2011 Improvement Budget Funds"), the
Excess 20111mprovement Budget Funds shall be added or devoted to the Additional Improvements
Budget (as such term is defined in Section 5(K)); and
(ii) to the extent that the Fan Shop Sub-Budget portion of the
2011 Improvements Budget exceeds the Total Cost of the Work in connection with the Fan Shop
Expansion, the excess shall be added to the County Share of Proceeds described above in Section
The FUA is hereby amended by deleting the chart that appears in Section 15(8)(1) thereof and
replacing it with the following:
First Six ((i) years $50,000.00
Next Five (5) years $55,000.00
Final Five (5) years $60,000.00
First Option Term $65,000.00
Second Option Term (if any) $70,000.00
Third Option Term (if any) $75,000.00"
The FUA is hereby amended by deleting paragraph (a) and subparagraph (b)(i) within the second
paragraph of Section 19 of the FUA and replacing it with the following:
"(a) A series of semi-annual payments tied to the County's schedule of debt service
payments in connection with the 2011 Improvement Bonds (excluding $505,000 of principal and costs of
issuance in connection with the Series 2011A Bond), as reflected on the 2011 Debt Service Schedule
attached as Exhibit "J" hereto. Such payments, referred to herein as the "Debt Service Payments,"
shall be made by SFS to the County on each "Period Ending" date referenced in the first column of
Exhibit "J" hereto that follows the effective date of the termination of this Agreement. The amount of
the Debt Service Payment due on each such post-termination."Period Ending" date shall be an amount
equal to (x) the. "Total Debt Service Payment" in the last column of Exhibit "J" hereto corresponding to
the "Period Ending" date in question, multiplied by (y) the Debt Service Percentage. The "Debt Service
Percentage" as used in this Section 19 or Section 2S, as applicable, shall be 1009'0, provided that if the
number of the Major league Baseball Clubs who play spring training home games within the Florida East
Coast (as defined below) or in the city of Orlando, Florida drops below-four (4) clubs (including the New
York Mets Major League Baseball Club) through no fault of SFS,-then instead the "Debt Service
Percentage" shall be: (i)1009'o if the Agreement is terminated effective as of December 31 of any year
from 2012 through 2016 (or, for purposes of Section 25, assigned on or before December 31, 2016); (ii)
759'o if the Agreement is terminated effective as of December 31, 2017 (or, for purposes of Section 25,
assigned during the 2017 calendar year); (iii) 659'o if the Agreement is terminated effective as of
December 31, 2018 (or, for purposes of Section 25, assigned during the 2018 calendar year); (iv) 559'o if
the Agreement is terminated effective as of December 31, 2019 (or, for purposes of Section 25, assigned
during the 2019 calendar year); (v) 45% if the Agreement is terminated effective as of December 31,
2020 (or, for purposes of Section 25, assigned during the 2020 calendar year); (vi) 359'o if the Agreement
is terminated effective as of December 31, 2021(or, for purposes of Section 25, assigned during the
2021 calendar year); or (vii) 259'o if the Agreement is terminated effective as of December 31, 2022 (or,
for purposes of Section 25, assigned during the 2022 calendar year); and in any event there shall be no
Debt Service Payments due if this Agreement is terminated under this second paragraph of Section 19
(or assigned under Section 25) after December 31, 2022. As used herein, "Florida East Coast" means
the following counties in the State of Florida: Brevard, Indian River, St. Lucie, Martin, Palm Beach and
Broward; and
(b) (i) Subject to subparagraph (b)(ii) below and the last sentence of this Section
19(b)(i), one lump-sum payment equal to the full amount of the Premium (as defined below), which
payment shall be paid not later than five (5) business days following the effective date of the
termination of the Agreement. The "Premium" as used herein shall be (i) one million dollars
($1,000,000) if such termination occurs as of or before December 31, 2007, (ii) nine hundred thousand
dollars ($900,000) if such termination occurs as of December 31, 2008, (iii) eight hundred thousand
dollars ($800,000) if such termination occurs as of December 31, 2009, (iv) seven hundred thousand
dollars ($700,000) if such termination occurs as of December 31, 2010, (v) six hundred thousand dollars
($600,000) if such termination occurs as of December 31, 2011, (vi) five hundred thousand dollars
($500,000) if such termination occurs as of December 31, 2019, (vii) four hundred thousand dollars
($400,000) if such termination occurs as of December 31, 2020, (viii) one hundred thousand dollars
($100,000) if such termination occurs as of December 31, 2021, and (ix) zero dollars ($0) if such
termination occurs after December 31, 2021. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the number of the
Major League Baseball Clubs who play spring training home games within the Florida East Coast (as
defined above) or in the city of Orlando, Florida drops below four (4) clubs (including the New York Mets
Major league Baseball Club) through no fault of SFS, the. "Premium" shall be zero dollars ($0), regardless
of the date of termination of this Agreement."
The FUA is hereby amended by deleting the third and fourth sentences of Section 25 of the FUA
and replacing them with the following four sentences:
"Subject to the approval of the County, which approval may not be unreasonably withheld,
conditioned or delayed, SFS may assign all of its rights and obligations pursuant to this Agreement to an
owner or operator of another Major League Baseball club, provided that SFS shall pay to County a series
of semi-annual payments tied to the County's schedule of debt service payments in connection with the
2011 Improvement Bonds (excluding $505,000 of principal and costs of issuance in connection with the
Series 2011A Bond), as reflected on the 2011 Debt Service Schedule attached as Exhibit "J" hereto.
Such payments, referred to herein as the "Debt Service Payments," shall be made by SFS to the County
on each "Period Ending" date referenced in the first column of Exhibit "J" hereto that follows the
effective date of the assignment of this Agreement pursuant to the immediately preceding sentence of
this Section 25. The amount of the Debt Service Payment due on each such post-assignment "Period
Ending" date shall be an amount equal to (x) the "Total Debt Service Payment" in the last column of
Exhibit "1" hereto corresponding to the "Period Ending" date in question, mu{tiplied by (y) the Debt
Service Percentage (as defined in Section 19 above). Upon SFS's assignment of this Agreement and all
of its rights and obligations hereunder, all of SFS's duties and obligations under this Agreement shall
terminate and cease to be of any further force or effect as of the effective date of the assignment and
the County shall look solely to the assignee for performance of the duties and obligations under this
Agreement thereafter (provided that the Debt Service Payments and Premium due under Section 19 of
this Agreement and the Debt Service Payments due under Section 25 of this Agreement shall be $0 in
the event of any subsequenttermination or assignment of this Agreement)."
The FUA is hereby amended by deleting Section 27 thereof and replacing it with the following:
" 27.
The provisions of this Agreement may not be amended, supplemented, waived or changed orally,
but only in a writing signed by the parties hereto and making specific reference to this Agreement. In
addition, this Agreement may not be amended without MLB Approval (as that term is defined in Section
39 of this Agreement):'
The FUA is hereby amended by deleting Section 39 thereof and replacing it with the following:
A. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, this Agreement and any rights
or exclusivities granted by SFS hereunder shall in all respects be subordinate to the MLB Rules and
Regulations and the Minor League Rules and Regulations. The issuance, entering into, amendment or
implementation of any of the MLB Rules and Regulations or the Minor League Rules and Regulations
shall be at no cost or liability to any MLB Entity or to any individual or entity related thereto. The
territory within which County is granted rights is limited to, and nothing herein shall be construed as
conferring on County rights in areas outside of, the Spring Training territory of the New York Mets as
established and amended from time to time. No rights, exclusivities or obligations involving the
Internet or any interactive or on-line media (as defined by the applicable MLB Entities) are conferred by
this Agreement, except as are specifically approved in writing by the applicable MLB Entities.
B. The following defined terms apply to this Section 39:
"Major League Baseball" or "MLB" means, depending on the context, any or all of (a) the BOC,
each other MLB Entity and/or all boards and committees thereof, including, without limitation,
Executive Council and the Ownership Committee, and/or (b) the Major League Clubs acting collectively.
"Major League Baseball Club" or "Major League Club" means any professional baseball club that
is entitled to the benefits, and bound by the terms, of the Major League Constitution.
"Major League Constitution" means the Major league Constitution adopted by the Major
league Clubs (which amended and superseded the Major League Agreement dated January 1, 1975, the
Agreement in re Major Leagues Central Fund dated as of December 8,1983, as amended, and the
respective constitutions of the former American and National Leagues of Professional Baseball Clubs) as
the same may be amended, supplemented or otherwise modified from time to time in the manner
provided therein and all replacement or successor agreements that may in the future be entered into by
the Major League Clubs.
"MLB Approval" means, with respect to the Major League Baseball Clubs, the Commissioner, the
BOC or any other MLB Entity, any approval, consent or no-objection letter required to be obtained from
such Person(s) pursuant to the MLB Rules and Regulations (as exercised in the sole and absolute
discretion of such Person(s)).
"MLB Entity" means each of the BOC, Major League Baseball Enterprises, Inc., Major League
Baseball Properties, Inc., The MLB Network, LLC, MLB Advanced Media, L.P., and/or any of their
respective present or future affiliates, assigns or successors.
"MLB Governing Documents" means the following documents as in effect from time to time and
any amendments, supplements or other modifications thereto and all replacement or successor
documents thereto that may in the future be entered into: (a) the Major League Constitution, (b) the
Basic Agreement between the Major League Baseball Clubs and the Major League Baseball Players
Association, (c) the Professional Baseball Agreement between the BOC, on behalf of itself and the Major
League Baseball Clubs, and the National Association of Professional Baseball Leagues, on behalf of the
National Association (the "Professional Baseball Agreement"), (d) the Major league Rules (and all
attachments thereto), (e) the Interactive Media Rights Agreement, effective as of January 20, 2000, by
and among the BOC, the various Major League Baseball Clubs, MLB Advanced Media, L.P. and various
other MLB Entities and (f).each agency agreement and operating guidelines among the Major League
Baseball Clubs and any MLB Entity, including, without limitation, the Amended and Restated Agency
Agreement, effective as of November 1, 2006, by and among Major League Baseball Properties, Inc., the
various Major League Baseball Clubs and the BOC (and the Operating Guidelines related thereto).
"MLB Rules and Regulations" means (a) the MLB Governing Documents, (b) any present or
future agreements or arrangements entered into by, or on behalf of, the BOC, any other MLB Entity or
the Major League Baseball Clubs acting collectively, including, without limitation, agreements or
arrangements entered into pursuant to the MLB Governing Documents, and (c) the present and future
mandates, rules, regulations, policies, practices, bulletins, by-laws, directives or guidelines issued or
.adopted by, or behalf of, the Commissioner, the BOC or any other MLB Entity as in effect from time to
"BOC" means the Office of the Commissioner of Baseball, an unincorporated association
comprised. of the Major League Clubs who are party to the Major League Constitution, and any
successor organization thereto.
"Commissioner" means the Commissioner of Baseball as elected -under the Major League
Constitution or, in the absence. of a Commissioner, any Person succeeding to the powers and duties of
the Commissioner pursuant to the Major League Constitution.
"Minor League Rules and Regulations" means (a) the National Association Agreement and the
Constitution and Bylaws of each Minor League as in effect from time to time and any amendments,
supplements or other modifications thereto and all replacement or successor documents thereto that
may in the future be entered into, and (b) the present and future mandates, rules, regulations, policies,
practices, bulletins, by-laws, directives orguidelines issued or adopted by, or behalf of, each Minor
League or the National Association as in effect from time to time.
"National Association" shall have the meaning ascribed to it in the Professional Baseball
"National Association Agreement" means the Constitution and By-Laws of the National
"Minor League" shall mean each Minor League (as that term is defined in the Major League
Rules) of which a Minor league Club (as that term is defined in the Major League Rules) that plays its
home games at the Sports Complex is a member or to which such a Minor League Club otherwise
"Person" means any individual, corporation, partnership, association, limited liability company,
joint venture, trust, estate, joint stock company or other similar organization, government or political
subdivision thereof, or any other person or entity, including, without limitation, the Major league
Baseball Clubs, the Commissioner, the BOC, and each other ML8 Entity."
Exhibit J to the FUA shall be deleted and replaced with Exhibit J attached to this Amendment.
Exhibits K through P attached to this Amendment shall be added to the FUA as Exhibits K through P
13. Except as amended herein, the remaining terms and conditions of the FUA shall remain in full
force and effect.
If County does not fully and timely fund the 20111mprovements Budget as contemplated in
Section 6 of this Amendment (amending Section 11 of the FUA), then SFS shall have the right, by the
giving of written notice, to void and nullify this Amendment (except as it amends Sections 27 and 39 of
the FUA, asset forth in Sections 10 and 11 of this Amendment, and except for this Section 14 of this
Amendment) and to restore the FUA to the terms that existed in the absence of this Amendment
immediately prior to the execution and delivery hereof. (except that the amendments to Sections 27 and
39 of the FUA, asset forth in Sections 10 and 11 of this Amendment, and this Section 14 of this
Amendment, shall remain in full force and effect).
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed and delivered this Amendment as of the date
first set forth above, as follows:
Deputy Clerk
Date signed:
County Attorney
a New York limited liability company
Date signed•
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2011, by
. as of the St. Lucie County Board of
County Commissioners.
Notary Public, State of Florida
My Commission Expires:
Personally known OR Produced
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2011
by as
a New York limited liability company.
Notary Public, State of Florida
My Commission Expires:
Personally known OR Produced
Exhibit J 2011 Debt Service Schedule
Exhibit K List of 2011 Improvements
Exhibit L Architect's Contract Requirements (2011 Improvements)
Exhibit M Final Plans and Specifications (2011 Improvements)
Exhibit N Contractor's Contract Requirements (20111mprovements)
Exhibit O 2011 Improvement Schedule
Exhibit P List of 2011 Equipment
Print Name:
Print Name:
Period Series 20118 Debt Series 2011A Debt Series 2011A Debt Total Debt
Ending Service (refinanced 2003C) Service (refinanced 20031 Service ("New Money") Service Payment
5/1/2012 $30,378.14 $47,713.55 $31,940.50 $!10,032.19
11/1/2012 $120,915.00 $265,703.50 $216,940.50 $603,559.00
5/1/2013 $24,228.75 $37,846.00 $29,591.00 $91,665.75
11/1/2013 $129,228.75 $277,846.00 $214,591.00 $621,665.75
5/1/2014 $22,365.00 $34,798.00 $27,241.50 $84,404.50
11/1/2014 $127,365.00 $279,748.00 $217,241.50 $624,404.50
5/1/2015 $20,501.25 $31,686.50 $24,828.50 $77,016.25
11/1/2015 $130,501.25 $281,686.50 $219,828.50 $632,016.25
5/1/2016 $18,548.75 $28,511.50 $22,352.00 $69,412.25
11/1/2016 $133,548.75 $283,511.50 $222,352.00 $639,412.25
5/1/2017 $16,507.50 $25,273.00 $19,812.00 $61,592.50
11/1/2017 $136,507.50 $290,273.00 $224,812.00 $651,592.50
5/1/2018 $14,377.50 $21,907.50 $17,208.50 $53,493.50
11/1/2018 $139,377.50 $291,907.50 $227,208.50 $658,493.50
5/1/2019 $12,158.75 $18,478.50 $14,541.50 $45,178.75
11/1/2019 $142,158.75 $293,478.50 $229,541.50 $665,178.75
5/1/2020 $9,851.25 $14,986.00 $11,811.00 $36,648.25
12/1/2020 $144,851.25 $299,986.00 $236,811.00 $681,648.25
5/1/2021 $7,455.00 $11,366.50 $8,953.50 $27,775.00
11/1/2021 $142,455.00 $301,366.50 $238,953.50 $682,775.00
5/1/2022 $5,058.75 $7,683.50 $6,032.50 $18,774.75
11/1/2022 $145,058.75 $307,683.50 $241,032.50 $693,774.75
5/1/2023 $2,573.75 $3,873.50 $3,048.00 $9,495.25
11/1/2023 $147,573.75 $308,873.50 $243,048.00 $699,495.25
The column above headed "Series 2011A Debt Service ("New Money"-" intentionally shows the
debt service payments for only $2,515,000.00 of the principal of the Series 2011A Bond. The balance
of the debt service payments for the Series 2011A Bond, corresponding to an additional $500,000 of
"New Money" and $5,000 of costs of issuance related thereto, is intentionally omitted from this Exhibit
County acknowledges that SFS is relying upon preliminary debt service schedules provided by
the County in the creation of this Exhibit J, and that such reliance is reasonable. If the final debt
service schedules for the 2011 Improvement Bonds (which the County shall provide to SFS promptly
upon their creation) differ from the preliminary debt service schedules, then, at the election of SFS, this
Exhibit J shall be revised to reflect the final debt service schedules for the 2011 Improvement Bonds
(subject to the first paragraph below the table in this Exhibit J), utilizing the same approach as was used
to create this Exhibit J based upon the preliminary debt service schedules.
Print Name:
Print Name:
Title: Title:
Additional Seating
Party Deck w/Concession Area
Restroom Facilities
Storage Facilities
LED Video Display
Note: To the extent that any portion of the 2011 improvements Budget is not spent on the
above-listed 2011 Improvements, such unspent portion shall be distributed to the Additional
Improvements Budget and/or the County Share of Proceeds in accordance with Section 11(C)(9)(e) of
this Agreement.
Print Name:
Print Name:
The Architect's Contract shall, inter alia, contain terms and conditions with generally the same
substance as the following two paragraphs:
Periodically during the construction process, at such times as reasonably determined by
SFS and County, the Architect will observe the conduct of construction of the Initial Term
Improvements and notify County and SFS in writing of observed deficiencies in the Work being
deemed completed (including del=tciencies which preclude the Work being deemed completed),
notify the County and SFS of any item not in strict accordance with the final p{ans, and
otherwise create a punchlist of minor finishing and adjustment in any other items which the
Contractor has not finally completed in strict accordance with the final plans. Failure to
include an item on the punchlist will not diminish the responsibility of the Contractor to
complete the work in accordance with the final plans.
The Architect will use commercially reasonable efforts based upon prudent standards in
the architecture industry to monitor and observe the construction of the Work in order to
ensure that the Work is constructed in accordance with the final plans and on schedule. The
Architect will, to the extent requested by SFS, conduct regular meetings with SFS and with the
County or its designee and other appropriate parties to assist SFS in verifying that all Work is
being performed according to the Final Plans and any authorized change orders. The Architect
will prepare meeting minutes after such meeting and submit same to the County and SFS,
regarding the status of construction, including any material variance from the Final Plans and/or
schedule of which Architect is aware.
The Architect's Contract shall also require the Architect to procure a polity or policies of
insurance that relate to the Work at least as favorable to SFS as the following (subject to applicable
policy exclusions, conditions and terms such as aggregates and deductibles, among others):
a. liability Insurance. Commercial general liability insurance with limits of not less than
$1,000,000 per occurrence/$2,000,000 aggregate. The policy shall be written on a per occurrence
b. Workers' Comoensation and Emotovers liability Insurance. Workers' Compensation
and Employers liability insurance in accordance with New York statutory requirements.
c. Umbrella Liability Insurance. Umbrella or excess liability coverage at not less than a
$1,000,000 limit.
d. Architects Professional Liability Insurance. Architects Professional Liability Insurance at
not less than a $2,000,000 limit.
Print Name: Print Name:
Title: Title:
The following is the Table of Contents for the Final Plans for the 2011 Improvements, including a
list of the applicable drawings and specifications. The Final Plans are in the possession of St. Lucie
County. bates indicated are the dates printed on each document submitted to the County by the
Print Name:
Print Name:
Title: Title:
The Contract between SFS and the Contractor shall, inter olio, contain terms and conditions with
generally the same substance as the following two paragraphs:
The Work will, as of the completion of same, be constructed and installed in a good and
workmanlike manner, in material conformity with the final plans and in accordance with
applicable federal, state and local laws, ordinances and building and zoning codes and
requirements of all public authorities. In addition, the Work will be constructed under the
supervision and control of a certified general contractor; the Contractor shall achieve
completion of the Work on or before the required completion date, subject to force majeure
events and SFS delay; and the Contractor will cause the Work to be completed for a cost that
shall not exceed the fixed contract price, subject only to increases due to authorized change
SFS will be entitled to enforce all warranties from all contractors and manufacturers on
behalf of SFS to the extent such warranties are not fully in favor of the County. Without cost
to SFS, the Contractor will repair, replace, restore or rebuild any work included in the Work to
the extent that such Work contains defects in materials or workmanship or to which damage
has occurred because of such defects.
The Contract between SFS and the Contractor shall also require the Contractor to procure a
policy or policies of insurance that relate to the Work at least as favorable to SFS as the following
(subject to applicable policy exclusions, conditions and terms such as aggregates and deductibles,
among others):
a. Liability Insurance. Commercial general liability insurance with limits of not less than
$1,000,000 per occurrence/$2,000,000 aggregate. The policy shall be written on a per occurrence
b. Workers' Compensation and Employers Liability Insurance. Workers' Compensation
and Employers Liability insurance in accordance with Florida statutory requirements.
c. Automobile Liability Insurance. Automobile liability coverage with Limits of not less
than $1,000,000 each accident, combined single limit for bodily injury or death and property damage.
d. Umbrella Liability Insurance. Umbrella or excess liability coverage at not less than a
$10,000,000 limit.
By: By:
Print Name: Print Name:
Title: Title:
See attached document dated as being issued July 14, 2011, entitled:
St. Lucie Mets Stadium Expansion, Port St. Lucie, Florida, Overall Project Schedule
See attached document dated September 16, 2011, entitled:
Project: St. Lucie Mets Preliminary Sch
Note: The 2011 Improvement Schedule is subject to change as preliminary schedules are finalized, as
schedules are developed for the 2011 Improvements to the extent not reflected on the attached
documents, and as the result of Change Orders.
Print Name:
Print Name:
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uantit Equipment Estimated Cost
1 Mower-Toro walk-behind $6,500
1 Top Dresser -Spinner Type $11,700
1 Aerator-tow behind $8,000
1 Roller $12,750
1 Field Conditioner-Dragger. $15,800
1 Fertilizer Spreader $3,500
1 Mower-Greenmaster $7,500
1 Utility Cart $17,500
4 Ice Machines $22,000
1 Sod Cutter $4,200
1 Public Address System $9,000
4 Food Warmer $13,200
2 Convection Steamer $10,600
1 Scoreboard Computer System $9,500
1 Reel Master Mower $38,500
2 Hydroworx Liner $20,000
1 Draft Beer System $37,500
2 Walk-in Freezers $50,000
Musco Green Stadium Sports
Lighting w/control link $450,000
Print Name:
Print Name: