HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 28, 2011 Agenda PackageV BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT REVIEW: APRIL 28, 2010 File Number BA 320104046 MEMORANDUM PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT TO: Board of Adjustment THROUGH: Kara Wood, "Planning Manager I FROM: Jeffrey Johnson, Senior Planner! DATE: April 8, 2010 SUBJECT: Petition of Florida Power and Light Company for a variance from the provisions of Section 7.04. 01 (A) (Table 7-10), of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code to allow the construction of a warehouse building to exceed the maximum forty (40) foot height requirement by five and one-half (5.5) feet in the Utilities (U) zoning district. LOCATION: 6501 South Ocean Drive, Fort Pierce, FL PARCEL CONTROL NUMBER: 3508-111-0002-000-3 ZONING DISTRICT: U (Utilities) FUTURE LAND USE: T/U (Transportation/Utility) PARCEL SIZE: 591.70 acres PROPOSED USE: A 7,000 square foot warehouse/storage building at the St. Lucie Nuclear Power Plant SURROUNDING ZONING: North: RS-4 (Residential Single Family — 4 du/acre) South: HIRD (Hutchison Island Residential District) East: HIRD (Hutchinson Island Residential District) West: CPUB (Conservation -Public) TRANSPORTATION IMPACTS RIGHT-OF-WAY ADEQUACY: The existing right-of-way for South Ocean Drive is 60 feet. This proposal will not cause any undue adverse impacts to the existing right-of-way. SCHEDULED IMPROVEMENTS: None. April 8, 2010 Petition: Florida Power & Light Company Page 2 File No.: BA 320104046 STANDARDS OF REVIEW AS SET FORTH IN SECTION 10.01.02 ST. LUCIE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE In reviewing this application for a variance from the St. Lucie County Land Development Code, the Board of Adjustment shall consider and make the following determinations: 1. The variance requested arises from conditions that are unique and peculiar to the land, structures, and buildings involved; that the particular physical surroundings, the shape, or topographical condition of the specific property involved would result in unnecessary hardship for the owner, lessee, or occupant, as distinguished from a more inconvenience, if the Provisions of Chapter 7, are literally enforced; that they are conditions that are not ordinarily found in the same Zoning District, and the conditions are created by the regulations of Chapter 7, of this Code, and not by an action or actions of the property owner or the applicant. The subject property is located at 6501 South Ocean Drive, which is also known as the St. Lucie Nuclear Power Plant site. The applicant, Florida Power and Light, is proposing to construct a 7,000 square foot warehouse building to consolidate the storage of materials by utilizing a specific stackable storage system. In order to manipulate the storage system, a crane is installed within the building and its vertical clearance requirements would require the structure to be built five and one-half (5.5) feet above the forty (40) foot maximum height requirement in the Utilities (U) zoning district. Therefore, the applicant is requesting a 5.5 foot height variance in order to be allowed to build their building as designed. The Land Development Code (LDC) also limits height variances to 120% of allowed height, which in this instance is 48 feet, therefore, the requested variance would be within the limits of the LDC. The request is not the direct result of conditions that are unique and peculiar to the land, involved, but is with regard to the structures, and buildings. The buildings on the St. Lucie Power Plant site are unique in the County. A large number of the existing structures are substantially higher than the code maximum of 40 feet; this is the result of the unique requirements of a nuclear power plant and the fact that the plant was built under different regulations in the 1970's and 80's. The proposed warehouse will not be as tall as a number of buildings on the site, nor will it adversely impact any structures or views, and it can be clearly stated that these are conditions that would not be found in the same Zoning District anywhere else in the County. 2. The granting of the variance will not impair or injure other property or improvements in the neighborhood in which the subject property is located, nor impair an adequate supply of light or air to adjacent public streets, increase the danger of fire, endanger the public safety, or substantially diminish or impair property values within the neighborhood. The granting of the requested variance is not expected to impair or injure other property or improvements in the neighborhood, nor is it expected to impair an adequate supply of light or air to adjacent public streets, increase the danger of fire, endanger the public April 8, 2010 Page 3 Petition: Florida Power & Light Company File No.: BA 320104046 safety or diminish property values. The nearest non-FPL owned property to this proposed facility if approximately 1.3 miles to the south/southwest. 3. The variance requested is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building, or structures. Operation of a Nuclear Power Plant requires storage of materials using systems regulated by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. The size and weight of the required systems mandate the use of an overhead crane to move the storage system. The clearance required for the safe operation of the overhead crane and storage units dictates the interior building height. The 5.5 foot variance is the minimum variance that will allow the proposed structure to accommodate the storage units and crane. 4. The variance desired will not be opposed to the general spirit and intent of this Code or the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan. The requested variance will not conflict with the general spirit and intent of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code or the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan. Recommendation The variance is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, structure or building, and will not have adverse impacts to other property or improvements in the neighborhood. Furthermore, staff has reviewed this petition and determined that it conforms to a strict interpretation of the standards of review as set forth in Section 10.01.02, St. Lucie County Land Development Code and is not in conflict with the goals, objectives, and policies of the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan. Staff is, therefore, recommending approval of the requested variance based on the circumstances above. Please contact this office if you have any questions on this matter. Attachments: Variance Petition Survey General Site Map Building Elevations cc: Chuck Millar, Florida Power and Light Company Katherine Smith, Asst. County Attorney File 0 SUGGESTED MOTION TO APPROVE/DENY THIS REQUESTED VARIANCE: MOTION TO APPROVE: AFTER CONSIDERING THE TESTIMONY PRESENTED DURING THE PUBLIC HEARING, INCLUDING STAFF COMMENTS, AND THE STANDARDS OF REVIEW AS SET FORTH IN SECTION 10.01.02 OF THE ST. LUCIE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, I HEREBY MOVE THAT THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT APPROVE THE PETITION OF FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY FOR A VARIANCE FROM THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 7.04.01(A)(TABLE 7-10), OF THE ST. LUCIE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE TO ALLOW A MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT OF JUST UNDER 45.5 FEET WHICH IS 5.5 FEET GREATER THAN THE 40 FEET MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT ALLOWED IN THE (U) UTILITIES ZONING DISTRICT, BECAUSE... (CITE REASON WHY - PLEASE BE SPECIFIC) MOTION TO DENY: AFTER CONSIDERING THE TESTIMONY PRESENTED DURING THE PUBLIC HEARING, INCLUDING STAFF COMMENTS, AND THE STANDARDS OF REVIEW AS SET FORTH IN SECTION 10.01.02 OF THE ST. LUCIE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, I HEREBY MOVE THAT THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT DENY THE PETITION OF FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY FOR A VARIANCE FROM THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 7.04.01(A)(TABLE 7-10), OF THE ST. LUCIE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE TO ALLOW A MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT OF JUST UNDER 45.5 FEET WHICH IS 5.5 FEET GREATER THAN THE 40 FEET MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT ALLOWED IN THE (U) UTILITIES ZONING DISTRICT, BECAUSE... (CITE REASON WHY - PLEASE BE SPECIFIC). ca 0- C � CL Jc CL LL Wet a P mdtnn •' iiT° = rn+i rc Nis v I19P�0 i al"I is WJ PH :aloof p�iw1 •B ° L4eo, -r !I Pao IN �—...,. °Ui10j"M � f I Pil uopuliop vg6 � � � �Q P"�W vM1• ? �@ . 6 N °1IY8Ptil � a us P'PPml°N IP°PIi°°p O ..,tom$ ..,.............,. PN not o° Iwo VL9 d � I � m° orzo I f.� I I- I ---------- - ------- ----- --_---.--- ---------------- --- ------ Alunoo oogog000yo C (15 a� N w v dam' 0 0 N �. 4 v Q y- c C) U U to 110 1 `NI 10 u 1 �► _ ..!` • , M . �pt,'� ,� a� t. �. t. . 1 @� U 0.� 00 `- 0 0 p EM Doi 0 -� m E 0 co Q. Q0 E =Q m d v 1 YY11 co I O C e— CU M IL L- m O CL J �J CL U- ,cl wri 4i D O �a� 1 , , S .5 ON , m J go Oil _+P vp r �.a c W o c LL m J op CL 1 2 M 0) "C3 m N O ID c) /C� %— (V CDrr- M m � 0. .0 J 0.. LL =Q U,. c � d M a� c=90 ,cvW ♦♦• 10 ♦♦r 0140 00 EPNp�. 10 pp— � ♦ r ♦r 10 - gogoas:L goo to s� U U d s N �. N E '�E' a. 40 p.4 O � aN ♦.rI auU=) � r � "r 10 ob � �► ► , � ♦ r ~ I C ►. Q 19 J L M Co c 0. .o O cn z 1 - 4 Meetino Time: 9.30 a.m. John Doe 123 No Street Anywhere, FI 12346 Location: BOCC Chambers SLC Administration Annex, 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, FL 34982 Applicant Florida Power & Light Company File Number BA 320104046 _ Protect Location 6501 South Ocean Drive Jensen Beach, Florida 34957 Future Land Use T/U (Transportation/Utility) Zoning U (Utility) Staff's Recommendation Board adoption of variance. 0 ;i C, j yVe ilherbot R I N C N Savannah dub -^'Blvd /N, wagon Rd I\ I N Date Mailed 4/12/2010 Board of Adjustment Public Hearing Notice April 28, 2010 Florida Power & Light Company St. Lucie Power Plant— Storage Building BA 320104046 BA-320104046 FPL/St. Lucie Power Plant .'....... Warehouse Building s . Atlantic Mean a ` Indian ` Rivet �, Norenoaw Lagoon • `, uldon , , I�JJJ)J CPUB • Consatvation Public - N lCCCd Subject parcel HIRD - Hulchinson Island Residential District I • Instiluaonal N\ - s Notification area FV C. Reside naal/Consawation t duls ac U - Utilities i Public Hearing Description Consider an application from the Petition of Florida Power and Light Company for a variance from the provisions of Section 7.04.01(A) (Table 7-10), of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code to allow the construction of a warehouse building. to exceed the maximum forty (40) foot height requirement by five and one-half (5.5) feet in the Utilities (U) zoning district. The St. Lucie County Board of Ad- justment has the power to authorize variances from the dimensional re- quirements in accordance with the provisions of Section 10.01.00, of the St. Lucie County Land Develop- ment Code, Therefore, County pol- icy strongly encourages public input and comment at the public hearing. You may also mail (3 days in ad- vance) or email comments for inclu- sion in the official record regarding this proceeding. Further details on this application are available in the Growth Manage- ment Department. For more infor- mation please contact: Staff Jeff Johnson Tel 772.462.1580 Email jjohnson@stlucieco.org Mail 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, FL 34982 ST. LUCIE COUNTY VARIANCE RESPONSE FORM Please Return To: St. Lucie County Growth Management — Planning Division Attn: Dawn Milone 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, Florida 34982 Fax # 772-462-1581 PROPOSED REQUESTED VARIANCE: Petition of Florida Power & Light Company for a variance from the Provisions of Section 7.04.01(A)(Table 7-10), of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code to allow the construction of a warehouse building to exceed the maximum forty (40) foot height requirement by five and one-half (5.5) feet in the Utilities (U) zoning district. PURPOSE: to allow a 7,000 square foot warehouse/storage building at the St. Lucie Nuclear Power Plant REGARDING PROPERTY LOCATED AT: 6501 South Ocean Drive, Fort Pierce, FL If you wish to comment, please check only one of the three following statements and return no later than (DATE — SHOULD BE 3 DAYS BEFORE THE HEARING DATE). I AM IN FAVOR OF THE REQUESTED VARIANCE ............................................ I AM NOT IN FAVOR OF THE REQUESTED VARIANCE .................................... HAVE NO OPINION TO THE REQUESTED VARIANCE .................................... I certify that, as of the date shown below, I am a property owner within 500 feet of the requested variance. Name (Please Print): Address: Date: Signed: Please note that forms returned without a name and address will not be considered. Also note that all returned forms are a matter of public record and available for viewing upon request. (File No.: BA-320104046) Form 07-34 PUBLIC RECORDS St • MOBBAY. APAIL U.2019 • SCAIPPS TAEASOAE COAST IIEWSPAPERS' 55 O m m AC m P. 00 z �C C N z m O O L ') N N p Q S co U 9 z 11 C3 F� ARIUMN COUNTY CIVILACTION AdoLwNA.ILae •kMMWftW %AYYL krANWnp•roq YSaln nPLNstAmWlAc.HaavG •gttll4p.KGHlYd Palo �rMYtWltt 'TNy I�Y�P K lyi.11l Ai ilAy ry' IiY�la Wbl�laln`i V t [ SL•aa W to a ALc, I,a>Ay tAAlle Cemraa QtILIrLddl MIYMAN.Imradr4K 1ydeNlTNeswn FalYYdaerlHOal.pd Me"%notimtatl IIrJI •nF•eraEiu►»,IGW k erlAdaloAA.Wmak omdNnyaAYHAatG ildntrvlraYOrA.NYA Cxtpsusrya[ILW Oha.IMMIWnrakloMT twnmrn rAoeLAa[tkA Alva Santos xudur 'aac"tomtkma, VINIM DATED MEETINGS TAa AYalWoetdlat ttttunt>.YttAMmMnrM NLJmtM BPPfh�BAd. Jm� 61tdI.I tuA.Apeu trrulo4 aArcpl� yYW WraalLrndWnnt @m eAraL•r AF.Tan 6ituis tMalAhvSNe P+L 1I0111r. eiatanOLRJatd&adl am AeL•ApALLiLa.11T7) alrevt sLtLww►.tr..•.ActYt UdlAxlal, alerkxiGl O�eh .sro Po19�lidCt.9�im, MISO131771310. taAdtYSNAI NeYr. 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Ak'La ypd of oLu eke9gktil Fllnnav Athi:LYP. Mnbkn I;Im1 Tara Mt Md1Ib101'ast dtiedrt}w+drLIMItLIg douAy AdF YOU to WP VW arIk.V Tao talk. ?n Sly Wind IpowaY. Stole 300 StLmLAL34994 m m•SRo; or 719-20,3204 MorpnStantey SmithElamey s Treasure Coast N STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ST LUCIE BEFORE THE UNDERSIGNED AUTHORITY APPEARED L1LLI SENESAC WHO ON OATH SAYS HE/SHE IS ADV/BILLING CREDIT MANAGER OF THE ST LUCIE NEWS TRIBUNE A DAILY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED AT PORT ST LUCIE IN ST LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA, THAT THE ATTACHED COPY OF ADVERTISEMENT, BEING A -ST LUCIE CO GROWTH MNGT IN THE MATTER OF PUBLIC HEARING IN THE COURT, WAS PUBLISHED IN THE ST LUCIE NEWS TRIBUNE IN THE ISSUES OF April 12, 2010 AFFIANT FURTHER SAYS THAT THE SAID THE ST LUCIE NEWS TRIBUNE IS A NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED AT PORT ST LUCIE, IN SAID ST LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA WITH OFFICES AND PAID CIRCULATION IN MARTIN COUNTY, FLORIDA AND DISTRIBUTED IN MARTIN COUNTY, FLORIDA AND ST LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA, FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR PRECEDING THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THE ATTACHED COPY OF ADVERTISEMENT; AND AFFIANT FURTHER SAYS THAT HE/SHE HAS NEITHER PAID NOR PROMISED ANY PERSON, FIRM OR CORPORATION ANY DISCOUNT, REBATE, COMMISSION OR REFUND FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECURING THIS ADVERTISEMENT FOR PUBLICATION IN THE SAID NEWSPAPER. THE ST LUCIE NEWS TRIBUNE HAS BEEN ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER AT THE POST OFFICE IN STUART, MARTIN COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND FT PIERCE, ST LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA AND HAS BEEN FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR PRECEDING THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THE ATTACHED COPY OF ADVERTISEMENT. wcf�r d—Nx 1h C-A�ILLiNG/CREDIT MANAGER SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME THIS 14 DAY OF APRIL A.D. 2010 dprPyp Nolary Public State of Florida _ Valerie Hunter , C. My Commission DD711541 'rorr�� Expires08I1fi12011 BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT REVIEW: 04/28/2010 File Number BA-122006344 MEMORANDUM Planning and Development Services Planning Division TO: Board of Adjustment THROUGH: Kara Wood, Planning Manager FROM: Linda Pendarvis, Planner�� DATE: April 28, 2010 SUBJECT: Consider Draft Board of Adjustment Resolution No. 10-004 amending the petitioner's name contained within Board of Adjustment Resolution 07-001, adopted on January 24, 2007, for a variance approval for the petitioners, Stephen and Stephanie Neill. On January 24, 2007, this Board granted a variance to permit the construction of a single-family home which proposes a lot coverage of 3,392 square feet, thereby exceeding by 3.37 percent (388 square feet) the maximum 30 percent lot coverage allowed in the RS-4 (Residential, Single -Family — 4 du/acre) Zoning District. For your reference, attached is the staff report and resolution presented at the January 24, 2007, meeting. Following the recordation of Board of Adjustment Resolution 07-001, it was noted that the petitioner's name referenced in Section A was in error. The attached draft resolution has been prepared to correct the petitioner's name and will be recorded. Staff recommends approval of Board of Adjustment Resolution No. 10-004 amending Board of Adjustment Resolution 07-001. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT REVIEW: 01/24/2007 File Number BA-122006344 MEMORANDUM GROWTH MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT TO: Board of Adjustment THROUGH: Hank Flores, Planning Manager �Iw FROM: Linda Pendarvis, Planner DATE: January 17, 2007 SUBJECT: Petition of Stephen and Stephanie I, or a variance from the Provisions of Section 7.04.01( St. Lucie County Land Development Code to permi a nstruction of a . single-family home which proposes a lot er a by buildings of 3,392 square feet, thereby exceeding byl� percent (388 square feet) the maximum 30 percent IW'14 rage by buildings allowed in the RS-4 (Residential, Single- du/acre) Zoning District. LOCATION: 'of Dominion Court, approximately 100 feet aOA of the intersection of Majestic Way and pion Court, in the Queens Cove Subdivision on _ rth Hutchinson Island. ZONING DISTRICT: O FUTURE LAND�1Sk�: PARCEL PRO O USE: S v UNDING ZONING: TRANSPORTATION IMPACTS RIGHT-OF-WAY ADEQUACY: RS-4 (Residential, Single -Family— 4 du/acre) Zoning District RU (Residential Urban) 10,004 square feet Single-family home RS-4 (Residential, Single -Family - 4 du/acre) Zoning District. The existing right-of-way width for Dominion Court is 60 feet. January 17, 2007 Page 2 SCHEDULED IMPROVEMENTS: None. Petition: Stephen and Stephanie Neill File No.: BA-122006344 STANDARDS OF REVIEW AS SET FORTH IN SECTION 10.01.02, ST. LUCIE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE In reviewing this application for a Variance to the St. Luci o Land Development Code, the Board of Adjustment shall consider and following determinations: 1. The variance requested arises from conditions tha re ue and peculiar to the land, structures, and buildings involved; he particular physical surroundings, the shape, or topographical ' ion of the specific property involved would result in unnecesa. ardship for the owner, lessee, or occupant, as distinguished frrioYv ere inconvenience, if the Provisions of Section 7.04.01(A), ar �t enforced; that they are conditions that are not ordinarily foun a same Zoning District, and the conditions are created by the reQlatid s of Section 7.04.01(A), of this Code, and not by an action ns of the property owner or the applicant. �"' The subject property is Io op Lot B, Block 13, Unit 1, of the Queen's Cove Subdivision and zo4,,,kRR esidential, Single Family — 4 du/ac). The Neills would like to constrfamily home that would have a floor area of 3,392 square feet. The soperty is 10,014 square feet and the zoning allows a maximum lot co e3,004 square feet by buildings (30 percent). The proposed ho have a lot coverage by buildings of 33.7 percent, thereby exceeding percent (388 square feet) the maximum lot coverage permitted. Th&1opent ught arises from conditions that may be unique, but do not nefy as a hardship as defined in the St. Lucie County Land de. The need for the requested variance is created by the i1p of the Neills to construct a home on their single family lot larger than Qe itted in the RS-4 Zoning District. Z. The granting of the variance will not impair or injure other property or improvements in the neighborhood in which the subject property is located, nor impair an adequate supply of light or air to adjacent public streets, increase the danger of fire, endanger the public safety, or substantially diminish or impair property values within the neighborhood. January 17, 2007 Page 3 Petition: Stephen and Stephanie Neill File No.: BA-122006344 The granting of the requested variance is not expected to impair or injure other property or improvements in the neighborhood. 3. The variance requested is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building, or structures. The requested variance is the minimum needed to allow for the constru ' n of the proposed single-family residential home as proposed. The propose me meets all other setback requirements for the RS-4 Zoning District. 4. The variance desired will not be opposed to the general sp' ' �d intent of this Code or the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan. The requested variance is not consistent with the intent t. Lucie County Land Development Code and is in conflict wi the t. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan. Comments L Blo The subject property Is located on of B nit One of the Queen's Cove, Subdivision and zoned RS-4 (Residential, S'ngle ily - 4 du/ac). The Neilis would like to construct a single family home that d ave a floor area of 3,392 square feet. The subject property is 10,014 squar 3 d the zoning allows a maximum lot coverage of 3,004 square feet by b i (0 percent). The proposed home would have a lot coverage by buildings of cent, thereby exceeding by 3.7 percent (388 square feet) the maximum lot co a ermitted. Attached is a letter from th uu s Cove Property Owners Association, Inc. approving this requested variance. Staff has reviewed&s ition and determined that it does not conform to a strict interpretation of andards of review as set forth in Section 10.01.02, St. Lucie County Land elo ent Code and may be in conflict with the goals, objectives, and policies of St. cie County Comprehensive Plan. Staff is recommending denial of the requ- riance. this office if you have any questions on this matter. nts lap cc: Stephen and Stephanie Neill Katherine MacKenzie -Smith, Asst. County Attorney File eoaRu of auJusrMErrr 2 RESOLUTION NO.07-001 3 Fft No.: BA-1220063" 4 5 A RESOLUTION GRANTING A VARIANCE FOR 6 CERTAIN PROPERTY IN ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA 7 8 WHEREAS, the Hoard of Adjustment of St. Lucie County, Florida, based on the testimony and 9 evidence, including, but not limited to the staff report, has made the following determinations: 10 11 1. Stephen and &Rhanie NeL presented a petition for a Variance from the Provisions 12 of Section 7.04.01(A), of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code, to permit the 13 construction of a single family home, which proposes a lot coverage by buildings of 14 3,392 square feet, thereby exceeding by 3.37 percent more than the maximum 30 15 percent lot coverage by buildings allowed in the RSA (Residential, Single -Family - 4 16 du/ac) Zoning District for the property depicted on the attached maps as Exhibit W 17 and described below. 18 19 2. On January 24, 2007, this Board held a public hearing on the petition, after 20 publishing a notice of such hearing and notifying by mail all owners of property within 21 500 feet of the subject property. 22 23 3. After consideration of the testimony presented during the public hearing, including 24 staff comments and the standards of review for granting variances set out in Section 25 10.01.02, St. Lucie County Land Development Code, the Board of Adjustment has 26 made the following determination: 27 28 The requested variance has met the standards of review as set forth in Section 29 10.01.02, St. Lucie County Land Development Code and is not in conJlict with the 30 goals, objectives, and policies of the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan, 31 because: 32 33 1. The variance grunted is the minimum variance that will make possible the 34 reasonable use of the land, structure, or building. 35 36 2. The variance granted wilt not have adverse impacts to other property or 37 improvements in the neighborhood. 38 39 3. The vanancre granted meets the general spirit and intent of the St. Lucie 40 County land Development Code and the St. Lucie County Comprehensive 41 Plan. 42 43 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Adjustment of St. Lucie County, 44 Florida: 45 EDwIN M. FRY, Jr., CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT SAINT LUCIE COUNTY , Resok" No. 07-001 He No.: BA-122008344 FILED 3I)MM,02105r2007 at 0421 PM e: RESO January 24, 2007 page 1 OR BOOK 2755 PAGE 1071 . 1075 Doc Typ RECORDING: $44•0 1 A. Keith and Kimberly O'Brien. presented a petition for a Variants from the Provisions 2 of Section 7.04.01(A), of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code, to permit the 3 construction of a single-family home which proposes a lot coverage by buildings of 4 3,392 square feet, thereby exceeding by 3.37 percent of the maximum 30 peroent lot 5 coverage by buildings allowed in the RS-4 (Residential, Single -Family - 4 dulac) 6 Zoning District for the properly depicted on the attached maps as Exhibit °A" and 7 described as follows: 8 9 QUEEN'S COVE - UNIT 01- BLOCK 13, LOT B (Property Tax ID# 1414.701-0115-OW i) 10 11 (Location: West side of Dominion Court, approximately 108 feet south of the 12 intersection of Majestic Way and dominion Court, in the Queens Cove 13 Subdivision on North Hutchinson Island) 14 15 B. This variance shall expire twelve months from the date of adoption unless a building 16 permit is approved or an extension is granted in accordance with Section 10.01.06, 17 of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code. 18 19 After motion and second, the vote on this resolution was as follows: 20 21 Vice -Chairman Ron Harris AYE 22 23 Commissioner Robert Bangert AYE 24 25 Commissioner Buddy Emerson ABSENT 26 27 Commissioner Diane Andrews AYE 28 29 Commissioner Lary Storms AYE 30 31 PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED This 20 day of January, 2007. 32 33 BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT 34 ATTEST: ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA 35 36 37 38 Secretary Chairman 39 40 APPROVED AS TO FORM 41 AND CORRECTNESS: 42 43 44 64:2 45 Asst. Coui1WAffomey 4 6 i isp 47 j HABOARDOFADJUSTMENT\139 Dominion CourllBA-122008344 ReWuDon.doc File No.: BA-122000344 BA Resolution No. 07.001 Page 2 January24, 2007 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Exhibit A Maps • General Location Map • Area Subject to the Variance File No.: SA-122006344 Page 3 BA Resolution No. 07-M January 24, 2007 A pefflorj of Stephen and Stephanie NeM for a V64ance from the Provisions Of Sedon. 7.04,01(A) of the St. Lude County Land Development Code to -permit the cOnstructiOn Of a sifiglewfamily home, which would exceed, the maximum lot -coverage by buildings of 3.37 pertent more than the allowed 30 percent in the RS4 {residential, Single -Family - 4 du/acre) Zoning District F4 S -- /' f; FBIN"� A P :1 ' I t. a a a V M F 0 FM K E L K N pi r A r'T I Z" LA Sk to 4 0 1. C 4 F A IA 0 C T A L e GNWAY — if ri BA - 122006344 Leaend N Sublect property map prepared December 20, 2006 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT RESOLUTION 10-004 FILE NO.: BA-122006344 A BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT RESOLUTION AMENDING THE PETITIONER'S NAME WITHIN THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT RESOLUTION 07-001, ADOPTED ON JANUARY 24, 2007, FOR VARIANCE APPROVAL FOR CERTAIN PROPERTY IN ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA FOR PETITIONERS STEPHEN AND STEPHANIE NEILL. WHEREAS, the Board of Adjustment of St. Lucie County, Florida, has made the following determinations: 1. On January 24, 2007, this Board held a public hearing and voted to grant a variance through Board of Adjustment Resolution 07-001, for the petitioners, Stephen and Stephanie Neill. 2. Following the recordation of Board of Adjustment Resolution 07-001, it was determined that the petitioners' name contained within Section A of that resolution was in error. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of St. Lucie County, Florida: A. The petitioner's name contained within Section A, which this variance affects, is corrected to read as follows: Stephen and Stephanie Neill B. All the terms, findings, and conditions otherwise cited in Board of Adjustment Resolution 07-001, approved on January 24, 2007, are hereby incorporated by reference in Board of Adjustment Resolution 10-004. C. A copy of this resolution shall be retained in the petition file with the St. Lucie County Planning and Development Services Department. File No.: BA-122006344 April 28, 2010 BOA Resolution 10-004 Page 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 After motion and second, the vote on this resolution was as follows: Ron Harris, Chairman XXX Bob Bangert, Vice -Chairman XXX Buddy Emerson, Commissioner XXX Diane Andrews, Commissioner XXX Richard Pancoast, Commissioner XXX PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED this 28th day of April, 2010. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA Wil ATTEST: Secretary Chairman APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: County Attorney lap H:\BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT 2007\139. Dominion Court\BOA 07-001 Scriveners RES.docx File No.: BA-122006344 April 28, 2010 BOA Resolution 10-004 Page 2