HomeMy WebLinkAboutFeb. 23, 2011 Approved Minutes1 St. Lucie County Board of Adjustment
2 St. Lucie County Administration Building Commission Chambers
3 February 23, 2011
4 9:30 a.m.
8 A compact disc recording of this meeting, in its entirety, can be obtained
9 from the Planning and Development Services Department along with these
10 Minutes. A fee is charged. In .the event of a conflict between the written
11 minutes and the compact disc, the compact disc shall control.
15 Chairman Ron Harris called the meeting to order at 9:30 A.M.
19 Ron Harris ....................................... Chairman ,
20 Diane Andrews ......................:......... Vice Chair
21 Richard Pancoast ............................ Board Member
22 Bob Bangert ..................................... Board Member
26 Buddy Emerson ............................... Board Member (Excused)
30 Katherine Barbieri ............................ Assistant County Attorney
31 Kara Wood .....................................:. Planning Manager
32 Kristen Tetsworth ............................. Senior Planner
33 Beverly Austin .................................. Executive Assistant
37 Mr. Emerson has an excused absence.
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39 Mr. Harris stated he would move Agenda Item #1-Election of Officers to the
40 end of the agenda.
42 Mrs. Andrews motioned the request to move Agenda Item #1 to the end of
43 the agenda. Mr. Pancoast 2"d the motion. The motion carried 4-0.
46 Agenda Item #2 -Minutes of December 8, 2010
47 Mrs. Andrews motioned approval of the minutes.
48 Mr. Bangert seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
51 Agenda Item #3 - BA-120114219 Paul & Laura Struve
52 Kristin Tetsworth, senior planner presented the petition:
54 The petition of Paul and Laura Struve (BA 120114219) for a Variance from
55 the Provisions of Section of the St. Lucie County Land
56 Development Code.
58 Ms. Tetsworth stated that Mr. & Mrs. Struve is requesting a variance from the
59 side yard setbacks for a shed to house pool equipment and a shade structure
60 which have already been constructed. The Future land use if RS, or Residential
61 Suburban with a density of 2 dwelling units per acre. The zoning district is RE-2
62 Residential Estate, which allows 2 dwelling units per acre. For clarification, it
63 should be noted that the property owner also owns the back half of the lot to the
64 south. The parcel was acquired by Mr. and Mrs. Struve on January 14, 2004.
65 The owners applied for a building permit to construct a swimming pool in 2006.
66 The original survey showed a CBS shed behind the single family home, and the
67 pool equipment was located behind the CBS shed. Later, the property owner
68 renovated the main house and also relocated the old CBS shed to be right on the
69 property line. The roof of the shed encroaches into the parcel to the south with a
70 roof overhang of approximately 18 inches into the neighbors' yard. The survey
71 also shows a shade structure right on the property line as well.
72 On August 9, 2010 the Building and Code Regulation Division served the
73 property owner with a Notice of Violation of 3 Sections: 1) Section 11.05.01 of the
74 LDC because the shed was not permitted; 2) Section 7.04.01(6) of the land
75 development code requires a 10 foot side-yard setback; and 3) Section 7.07.08
76 for a failure to maintain a stormwater system on their own property.
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77 Therefore the petitioner is requesting a 100% variance, to allow an after the fact
78 building permit. However, that will still not resolve the drainage issue. This is a
79 quasi-judicial proceeding, and proper notice was advertised in -the newspaper,
80 there is a sign on the property and 16 notices were mailed to the adjacent
81 property owners within 500 feet of the subject. We received 6 responses:. 4 in
82 favor and 2 opposed.
83 In the staff report, the 4 criteria were evaluated per Chapter 10 of the LDC. The
84 variance sought arises from conditions that are not unique and peculiar to the
85 land, structures, and buildings involved; nor the particular physical surroundings,
86 shape, or topographical condition of the property that would result in
87 unnecessary hardship. The need for the variance is solely the result of actions by
88 the property owner.
89 In the Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan, Objective 1.1.8
90 establishes that owners make investments in their residential property and their
91 quality of life in single family neighborhoods, and that these neighborhoods need
92 ~ to be protected from the encroachment of inappropriate land uses through
93 consistent and predictable applications of the LDC. That is the basis of the
94 Building and Code Regulations notice of violation: to protect the property rights
95 of the adjacent owner to the south through the consistent application and
96 implementation of the LDC.
97 Staff is therefore recommending denial of the requested variance. In order to
98 preserve, protect, and improve the public health, safety, comfort good order,
99 appearance, convenience and general welfare.
100 Chairman Harris opened the public hearing.
102 Mr. Paul Struve, 6909 South Indian River Drive, Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 was sworn
103 in by the recording secretary.
105 Mr. Struve stated it started five years ago when they decided to have a pool put
106 out back. They hired a company out of Vero Beach named Coral Pools which is
107 currently out of business. The company did all the permitting; and the only thing
108 they did not do is the screen enclosure. There was a shed and part of a carport
109 originally there that they wanted to turn in to a cabana at the time. But after
110 investigating, they found out the building itself is not square to the property line, it
111 is actually crooked to the property line, so that the southwest corner was 7 1/2
112 feet from the property line and the southeast corner was 10 feet from the
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113 property line which would have been ok as far as the deed restrictions require.
114 They investigated it with the building and zoning department at the time and
115 several things came up; they did not know if the slab would be acceptable for
116 block walls all the way around cause this was only partially block and partially
117 frame.
119 After several months of jockeying back and forth with different prints with the
120 architect in Vero Beach, Frank Farley, it became apparent that they were not
121 going to pass this changing it into a cabana. So they decided to take it down.
122 Unbeknownst to them, they started knocking the walls down and they suspected
123 their neighbors to the south called and complained. They did not know they
124 needed a demolition permit; they went and got the permit and paid double for the
125 fine for not having a permit. They took the building down and the slab up. When
126 .the pool was built, it appears the way it was explained to the Board that the slab
127 for all the pool equipment was put approximately where it shows on the original
128 document 15 to 20 feet from the property line which is incorrect. The pool
129 company poured that slab and they poured it next to the fence line; he had
130 nothing to do with that, it was put there five years ago. His reason for building
131 the shed was over the past five years they had to replace pumps, have electrical
132 work done because it keeps getting rained on. The neighbor complained about
133 the overhang but he did not think it was a big deal. He asked a surveyor that
134 drew this original in 2004 and he said they were not concerned with the
135 overhangs; they are concerned with the footprint of the property. Since they are
136 in violation, they reviewed moving this and they have aquote/bid and it came to
137 over $9,000 and avoid being penalized $250 a day for the shed.
139 The mistake that was made was he built a shed on top of this without getting a
140 permit without a doubt and he is prepared to pay for whatever the mistake is. If it
141 is possible to make some type of modification on the shed in order still to protect
142 the equipment and not to cost a great deal of money that they do not have at this
143 time. He is a marble and the contractor and they have no work. He has been in
144 this area for 39 years and this is the worst recession that he has ever been in.
145 They are barely surviving. He is looking to appease the home owner in question
146 south of them. The one two doors south, he does not care about, he has no say
147 in this matter directly as for as he is concerned. Except for filling out a document
148 which everybody got sent. If he has to cut the overhang off, he would be happy
149 to cut the overhang off and put a gutter on it which would be inside of the set
150 back. He said they are really one foot on one end and. 7 '/ inches on the other.
151 The documents here are slightly off. It says they are 18 inches over hung into
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152 the lady's property; the overhang on the building itself is only 14 inches, so they
153 came be 18 inches overhung. There is a little discrepancy there which may or
154 may not make a difference. If the Board would. allow him to modify the building in
155 order to appease the Board, he would be willing to do that. Obviously, he is
156 going to do whatever the Board is going to tell he to do but to save him a great
157 deal of expense at this time, he would be willing to do that. Other than that he is
158 more interested in answering questions that the Board has.
160 Chairman Harris asked the Board if they had any questions.
162 Mr. Pancoast stated he could understand that if all the plumbing/pool equipment
163 was put over by the border against the property line that the county might pass
164 that. He finds it difficult to understand why they would because it did encroach.
165 Looking at the building, when you put the building up you had to know it was on
166 the property line; you had to know the roof encroached on your neighbor's
167 property. He is happy to hear that Mr. Struve is willing to appease his neighbor.
168 You are not appeasing your neighbor, your neighbor has rights to their property
169 and you are encroaching on their rights. Not only with the overhang but with the
170 setback.
172 Mrs. Andrew made a comment that the Board. was told in the past that financial
173 considerations are not a consideration in determining hardship. The Board is not
174 permitted to use financial consideration as hardship. She deferred to the county
175 attorney if that is correct.
177. Mrs. Barbieri stated yes, you have to use what is in the Land Development Code
178 for what the issues are and financial is not in there.
180 Mr. Pancoast stated he could put a roof over this but it's not what he wants.
181 Even with the roof it will encroach.
183 Mr. Bangert had no comment.
185 Chairman Harris stated he has two issues. One was that Mr. Struve did it without
186 a permit perhaps an. honest mistake perhaps not. But Mr. Struve does encroach
187 into his neighbor's property. Looking at the survey prepared by Mr. Bill Moody;
188 unfortunately he did not train his people to always look up when they are near a
189 property line because that is an encroachment. What that encroachment can do
190 to your neighbor is; if they decided to sell their property and it showed up on a
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191 survey; the sell stops. You could cost them hundreds of thousands of dollars.
192 This could happen; he has seen it happen before. As far as the pool company,
193 placing the equipment there, when they placed the slab and they placed the
194 equipment-no structure-no setback-no problem. When you wall it and roof
195 it, now you have a problem and Mr. Struve did that himself which he did a great
196 job.
198 Mr. Struve stated he would like to be able to keep the building there and make an
199 adjustment so that it is not on her property. That is the only comment he has.
201 Chairman Harris opened the hearing up to the public for anyone speaking for or
202 against this. Ms. Yasuko T. Richard and Carl Mareth were sworn in by the
203 recording secretary
205 Ms. Richard of 6915 South Indian River Drive stated that she would like for Mr.
206 Struve to remove the whole shed because it is over her property; she was going
207 to make atea-house there and it is ugly. She does not want to look at it. She
208 lost her grapefruit tree because of water running on her property.
210 Chairman Harris asked if he understood her correctly, she want it moved 10 feet
211 off. the property line, you want the whole shed picked up and move it with all the
212 equipment.
214 Ms. Richard stated yes.
216 Chairman Harris asked if she would entertain Mr. Struve sawing off the eve of the
217 shed to remove the encroachment.
219 Mr. Carl Mareth assisted Ms. Richard by stating that Mr. Struve was dumping his
220 water onto Ms. Richards' property. It saturated it so much that she lost her big
221 grapefruit tree. Mr. Struve was made to move the water lines, but it is still super
222 saturated in the back. According to the planners, it did not suppose to be on that
223 line; it was suppose to be 20 feet away. Whoever did the pool put it up against
224 there and he can see a drawing that it is 20 feet here, why is it on the line. And
225 according to the old drawings, that fence that he put up against is actually on her
226 property. He should not have done it; he knew better. Nobody bothers doing
227 anything in the neighbor so Mr. Struve figured he could get away with it. It is
228 wrong; it is on her property and should be removed. Do like everybody else, He
229 got permits, Ms. Richard got permits; put it where it suppose to be. No matter
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230 what it cost him, he knew it was wrong to begin with. But some people don't go
231 by the rules.
233 Ms. Richard stated that Mr. Struve. comes over to her yard and cuts her tree
234 without her consent. They are walking over her because she is old and by
235 herself.
237 Mr. Mareth stated what Ms. Richard is saying is that Mr. Struve goes on Ms.
238 Richard's property when he wants to. Because she does not have the money to
239 put a fence up to keep him off.
241 Mr. Mareth stated Ms. Richard wants it completely removed and do like
242 everybody else and have it where the setback is 10 feet the same as he did.
244 Chairman Harris closed the public hearing.
246 Mr. Pancoast stated he is looking at the building and it does not appear to be 10
247 feet wide, is it possible to give Mr. Struve a 5 foot encroachment and he could
248 put a roof on. He does not know how much he could cover with that. He does
249 not see where the building can be saved. He may end up with the equipment
250 there with some type of cover on it if he can get enough set back. He could get 5
251 feet of setback he might approve that. That is based on the fact that his neighbor
252 is dead set against it; she is the one being violated and something has to be
253 done to look at her problem. He would possibly support something as much as a
254 5 foot encroachment. It does not matter how this Board rules, Mr. Struve has to
255 take part of the roof off. That is a legal deal.
257 Mrs. Andrews asked Mr. Struve if the shed was removed completely how far from
258 the property line is the pool equipment.
260 Mr. Struve stated the pool equipment slab is about 14 to 16 inches from the
261 property line.
263 Mrs. Andrews stated a 5 foot would not do him any good.
265 Mr. Bangert asked Mr. Struve about when he changes the water in his pool. He
266 is concerned about the water.
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268 Mr. Struve stated it is a water softener with a discharge pipe to flush the water
269 softener and apparently the hose is ran along the property line and was draining
270 some on her property. He did not know this. He stated there were 24 inches of
271 rain in one day a couple of years ago when Tropical Storm Faye came by. They
272 are up on a sand hill that is about 30 feet above sea level; there has never been
273 any standing water anywhere there. It drains through the sand. The story that
274 Mr. Mareth and Ms. Richard is coming up with that we killed their grapefruit tree
275 is a story at best.
277 Mr. Bangert asked Ms. Richard that it is not the site of the building that bothers
278 her.
280 Ms. Richard says yes.
.282 Mr. Bangert stated that it is so heavily wooded on that side; you couldn't possibly
283 see the building from the pictures.
285 Ms. Richard said she did not want to look at the shed; it supposed to be 10 feet
286 away. He should abide by the law and move the shed 10 feet. .
288 Chairman Harris asked staff if the pool equipment was there on a slab without a
289 roof, without the walls; is that a violation of any setbacks.
291 Ms. Tetsworth stated no because the pool equipment does not require a permit
292 and she was told thru the building department sometimes people put small low
293 level tiny covers over it and that does not require a building permit.
295 Chairman Harris said he wanted to be sure that it was not in violation of any
296 setbacks.
298 Ms. Tetsworth stated it would not be in violation of a setback.
300 Chairman Harris stated to Mr. Struve that he has a neighbor that does not like his
301 shed. It is a nice looking shed but you do encroach which is not good. He does
302 not believe that this Board at his time on it has granted a 100% variance. It has
303 never done that, so right now he is not in support of his petition for a variance.
304 Mr. Struve will have to remove the structure but the pool equipment can stay.
305 That will be a burden to you; however, your neighbor has rights. If your neighbor
306 was supportive, his position would be different, but they are not supportive. They
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307 are the ones directly affected. With that, with no further discussion, a motion will
308 be entertained.
310 Mrs. Andrews made a motion to deny:
311 After considering the testimony presented during the public hearing,
312 including staff comments, and the standards of review as set forth in
313 section 10.01.00 of the St. Lucie Land Development Code, I hereby move
314 that the Board of Adjustment deny the petition of Paul and Laura Struve
315 for a variance from the provisions of section 7.04.01(8), of the St. Lucie
316 Land Development Code to allow the continued use of pool equipment
317 shed to serve a swimming pool in the back yard of a single family
318 residence which will encroach a maximum of ten (10) feet into the
319 minimum side setback of 10 feet in the RE-2 (Residential Estate - 2
320 DU/AC) zoning district because this is more than a variance, it is a waiver
321 being requested. The encroachment is solely of the owner's making and
322 because there was sufficient room to correct it. A variance would not
323 correct the drainage problem and because the adjacent owner's property
324 rights are being violated; in addition, to which the Board is not permitted to
325 consider the financial hardship of the individual.
327 Mr. Pancoast seconded the motion.
328 The roll was called:
329 Mrs. Andrews ................................... yes
330 Mr. Bangert ...................................... yes
331 Mr. Pancoast ................................... yes
332 Mr. Harris ......................................... yes
333. The motion passed 4-0.
335 Chairman Harris stated to Mr. Struve that his petition has been denied.
337 Mr. Struve asked how much time does he have to remove the shed.
339 Chairman Harris stated he did not know, he would look to staff to answer that
340 question.
342 Ms. Tetsworth stated he is under the code enforcement action currently so the
343 Board's decision will be forwarded to Code Enforcement Board.
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345 Ms. Barbieri stated at this point it has to be forwarded and code enforcement
346 staff then will set a hearing in front of the Code Enforcement Board. He will need
347 to speak to code enforcement staff as to when the hearing would be.
349 Mr. Struve asked what the hearing is for.
351 Ms. Barbieri stated it would be to determine the violation and a fine; if you
352 remove they won't do it.
354 Mr. Struve stated it will be removed;. how much time does he have to remove it.
356 Ms. Barbieri stated he has to talk to code enforcement staff for that information.
357 They do give a reasonable amount of time.
359 Mr. Bangert asked Mr. Struve did he understand his options; he could leave the
360 equipment and remove the shed.
362 Mr. Struve stated he intends to leave the equipment there so that she can look at
363 it. How much of a roof can be put over the equipment.
365 Chairman Harris stated he suggest that he get with the building department.
367 AGENDA ITEM #1 Election of Officers (which was moved to the end)
369 Mr. Pancoast stated it would be his pleasure to put his name in to continue being
370 chair of the Board of Adjustments. He appreciates Mr. Harris' leadership.
372 Mrs. Andrews seconded the nomination.
373 The roll was called:
374 Mrs. Andrew ............................................... yes
375 Mr. Bangert ................................................. yes
376 Mr. Pancoast .............................................. yes
377 Mr. Harris .................................................... yes
379 It was unanimous 4-0; Ron Harris remains. chair of the Board of Adjustments.
382 Mr. Bangert nominated Mrs. Andrews to continue as vice chair.
383 Mr. Pancoast seconded the nomination.
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384 The roll was called:
385 Mr. Bangert ................................................. yes
386 Mr. Pancoast .............................................. yes
387 Mrs. Andrews .................:........................... yes
388 Mr. Harris .................................................... yes
389 It was unanimous 4-0, Mrs. Andrews to continue as vice-chair of the Board of
390 Adjustments.
392 Chairman Harris stated the final election of a Planning and Development Service
393 executive assistant type of individual for the position of secretary.
395 Mrs. Andrews asked didn't the Board decide last year that it would be dictated by
396 the Planning and Development Services Department.
398 Chairman Harris stated they still have to nominate someone according to the
399 Code.
401 Ms. Barbieri stated you just have to designate again that you want Planning and.
402 Development Services to continue to be your secretary and you are not going to
403 nominate one of the board members to do it.
405 Mr. Pancoast motioned to have the Planning and Development Services continue
406 to provide the recording secretary for the Board meetings.
408 Mr. Bangert seconded to motion. It was passed unanimously.
412 A. Other Business at Board Members' discretion.
413 None.
415 B. Next regular Board of Adjustment meeting.
416 Ms. Wood stated as far as she knows there are no variance
417 applications pending in house. So there will likely be no meeting for
418 next month but an official notification will be sent out within the next
419 week or so.
422 Having no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:15 am.
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